V GIVHi SBBVTCB. i _ _ I The Commlnlonen Dorng All Possllile to . Make n Good Showing for the Law. A Washington special of the 14th says : Tbo civil service law wont into opera tion on the ICth of July. Since which date all the appointments to clerkships in the several departments have been made in Btrlct conformity to the rules prescribed by the civil service commission. The commis slonershave done everything possible to make a good showing for the workings of the law , and have been not only exacting In the examination of applicants , but in re quiring the heads of the departments to concede every demand made in the name of civil service reform. The law having been rigidly enforced for about four months , a , correspondent has made inquiries in the several departments as to its practical effect upon the civil service , and whether It was giving to the govern ment the services of a better class of clerks one or more' adapted to the needs of the offices in which they are appointed than would have been the case had the form er system remained In vogue. In the treas ury department there have been nine males and three females appointed in conformity with the law , having been successful in the competitive examinations. These are all pronounced by their superior officers to be good clerks two or three of them superior clerks , but this is regarded as largely due to the fact that nearly every one has previously been In the government service , and there fore familiar , to a great extent , with the du ties required of them. So far as the treas ury department is concerned , the officials do not feel justified as yet in saying that this clerks to be appointed under the civil ser vice rules will bo an "improvement upon those who would have received appoint ments under the former system , because the lull effect of the new law will not be felt until a number of clerks who previously had no experience in the government eefvice are appointed and tried in a practical way. In the interior department between thirty and thirty-five vacancies have occurred since the existence of the civil service commis sion , but these have all Jjeen filled by the transfer of clerks from the census office , where the work is rapidly being drawn to a close. This has obviated the necessity of making new appointments , and although the civil service commissioners do not alto gether relish It , yet the as department se cures experienced and competent clerks , they have to bear it. AJGood Friend to the Chinese. SAN FRANCISCO. Consul A. F. Bee , of the Chinese Consulate Office , ex presses himself clearly in saying that he , as well as his family , have siiffered severely from rheumatism and neural gia , and that medicines were used in vain. At last St. Jacobs Oil was tried , which effected immediate cures in every ease. The Consul regards the Oil as the greatest pain curing remedy in exist ence. What a Woman.Can Do. Philadelphia Call. She can say "No" and stick to it for all time. She can also say "No" in such a low , soft voice that it means "Yes " She can sharpen a lead-pencil if you give her plenty of time and plenty of pencils. , She can dance all night in a * pair of shoes two sizes too small for her and enjoy every minute of the time. She can pass a display window of a dry-goods store without stopping if she is running to catch a train. She can walk half the. night with a colicky baby in her arms without once expressing a desire to murder the in fant. fant.She can appreciate a kiss from her husband sBventy-five years after the marriage ceremony has taken place. She can suffer abuse and neglect for years , which one touch o kindness or consideration will drive from her recol lection. She can go to the theatre every even ing and the matinee on Wednesday and Saturday * and still possess sufficient strength'to attend aSuaday nightsacred concert. She can go to church and afterward , tell you what every woman in the con gregation had on , and in some rare in stances can give a faint idea of what the text was. She can look her husband square in the eye when he tells her some cock- and-bull story about being "detained .at the office , " without betraying in the least that she knows- him to be a colosr sal liar. She can rumple up $17,000 worth of dress goods and buy a spool of thread , with an order to have it delivered four miles away , in a style that will transfix the proprietor of the establishment with admiration. She can but what's-the usep A woman can , do anything or every thing- and do it well. She can do more in a minute than a man can do in an hour , and do it better. She can make the al leged lords of creation bow down to her own sweet will , and they will never know it. Yes , a woman can do every thing , with but one exception ; she can not climb a tree. * * PJSO'S CUBE Trill cure Oouchs , Asthma , Bronchi Us and Consumption. 2 > cents. Fall hats for children are trimmed - with Maltese kittens1 heads , which look . - very natural" * They are jnourited sim- ilarlyto the owls' heads solongused. | If seeds are buried too deeplyjmany - n orprmlnSter TlSS'HTHS * most common'cause of thin seeding. With the greatest care to deeply pulverizA the soil the seed is buried correspond- ' iagly deep. New dinner plates are square. Cashjjhear the coupon scissors. f Eighty Times Convicted. Fall Moil Gazette. A woman named Mary Pullen , aged 32 years , was charged with being drunk an'd * disorderly and "assaulting the police. The prisoner was in Endell street on Saturday night , and was de scribed by a constable "as being "mad by drink. " A constable made an at tempt to remove her to the station. The officer had no sooner placed his hands on her than ho received a violent blow in the eye , which cut his cheek ; a second end blow , dealt by the prisoner with great violence , inflicted.a wound on his ear. It became necessary to throw her to the ground to secure her , and while in this position she bit the constable's finger very severely. It was with the greatest difficulty that two policemen carried her to the station. On removal to the cells she made a desperate at tempt to kick the jailer , and struck him with great force pn the face. It was stated that the prisoner had been upward of eighty times convicted for drunkenness and assaults , and on the last occasionwas [ sentenced to a month's imprisonment. . Mr. Flowers now sen tenced'her to'four months' imprison ment. I am a merchant and planter' writes Mr. T. N. Humphrey , of Tonn. , and it gives me great pleasure to say , that for severe Coughs and Colds Allen's Lung Balsam is the best remedy now offered for sale. I have induced many to try it with the best of results. "The slugger , Sullivan , never goes armed,1 , says a sporting journal. % 5tOTT6UOlV RA.TH. " Clean oat rat * , mice , die * . ches.bed-btw.nnta.vermln , chipmunks. 15c. The fashionable Susan now writeth her niuh-name . "Sioux. " JOPLIN. Mo. Dr. J. B. Morgan says : "I find that .Brown's Iron Bitters gives entire satisfaction to all who use it. " Never run into debt if you can find anything else to run into. Tlie Country flooded With Counterfeits. Look out for frauds , see that you get the , genuine. Take no other. The label on every bottle of the old , original and genuine Allen's "IronTonic " Bitters-which have proved such grand success , bears tbe signa ture of J. P. Allen , St. P ul , Minn. Look out. The country ia flooded with imitations. Be honest if you can ; if you can't be honest , pray for help. Faro Cod 1.1 ver OH , made from selected livers on the Bea tsliore by < ; SWELL , HAZARD & Co. , New York : It la absolutely pure end. sweet. Patients who bare once taken It prefer it to all others. Phy sicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in market. Chapped Hand * , Focr , Pimple * , and Skin , curec by using ; JUNIPBU TAH SOAP , made by OASITKLL , HAZARD & Co. . New York. Singular that electric light compa nies should be composed of heavy men. FJLEE8 , roaches , ante , bed-bugs- to , mice , crows chipmunks , cleared out by "Bouxh on Hats. " 15c. Placard at the entrance of the Reno jail : "Standing room only. " It Will Fay You to Send Six Cents for Postage For the magnificently .illustrated catalogue ( Fifteen Hundred Illustrations ) of the MERMOD & JACCARD JKWELRY CO. , Fourth and Locust Sis. , St. Louis , Mo. It contain- illustrations and complete de scriptions of everything in the Jewelry Line. If you have never patronized this establish ment DO SO , and you will never-regret it , and will always continue thereafter to buy from them , whatever you may wish to purchase of WATCUES , DIAMONDS , SOLID SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE , JEWELRY , CLOCKS , BRONZES , VASES , Music BOXES , CUTLERY , SPECTACLES , ALBUMS , LAMPS AND SILK UMBRELLAS. When in St. Louis call and see us. Marry young , and if you make a hit , , keep cool and doa't brag about it. Coughs , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , etc : , quickly relieved by BROWN'S BRON CHIAL TROCHES. A simple and effectual remedy , superior to all other articles for tHe same purpose. Sold ftnly in boxes. Bathe thoroly once a .week in soft wafer and avoid tite butes. Carboline the deodorized petroleum hair renewer and restorer , as improved and per fected , challenges the world and stands without a rival among the hair dressings , and Js a univcra.il favorite with the ladies. Exercise in cen air , but don't saw wood mntil you are obliged to. GOOD FOR"MAN OR BEAST. The army and Navy Liniment cures Colic , Scratches and others. For particulars s ee advertise ment. . A Chicago detective has partially re formed , becoming a bank robber. "Mother S\van' Worm Syrip , " for foreriKh- neiB.rcstlessneaswormsconsUpationtasteless. 25c. A sign of an early fall a bar of soap on the cellar steps. Catarrh and Hay Fever.--Fortwenty years I was a sufferer from Catarrh of the head and throat in a very aggravated'form , and during the summer with Hay Fever. I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and after a few applications received decided benefit was cured by one bottle. Have had no return of the complaint. CHARLOTTE PARKER , Wnverly , K. Y. ( Price 50 cents per bottle. ) A Texas murderer recently received a sentence of ninety-nine years. THE MARVELLOUS SINGING DOLL. This charming novelty is advertised in this issue , " and certainly nothing will appeal more quickly to the children than a Doll that will sing a song. The price is very reason able , the Doll IB a beautiful affair , and the ingenious singing attachment will delight the'younc and amuse the old ; The little Kirl.who finds a Webber Doll' 'In her stock- Ing" at Christmas time will be the envy of all. DEAR SIR : The , beautiful Singing Doll came safely , and far exceeded my expecta tion of what a Singing Doll could be. " Our little folk were charmed with its beauty , but when it sang , their delight was unbounded. It will be to them a thing of beauty and a constant joy. Sincerely yours , REV. J. B. ABBOTT. ( Medford , Maes. , Aug. 13,1883. Ada Richmond's new piece is entitled "Tally Ho. " When yon vteit or leave New YorkiClty , aye Baggage , Erpressage and Carriage Hire , and stop atQltANDUNION HOTEL , opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million del lars , reduced o $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Fami lies can "lite better for less money at the Graud Union Hotel than at any other first- class hotel in tbe city. _ When yon come to Omaha , take the Street Cars orfas for the Metropolitan ' Hotel. § 2.0'0 per day. Tables as good any § 3.00 per day house. The riches which always take to themselves wings ost-riches. First a Gold , then Bronchitis. Check , the first with Hale's Honey of Horehonnd and Tar. Of druggists. Pike's Toothache Props curo-in l minute. Hard workers are usually honest. In dustry lifts them above temptation. Prevent crooked boots and blistered heels l > y wearing Lynn's Pnti n't Reel Stiffenera. Men of note are at a discount with the bankers. . . . Quick , complete euro all annoy InxKldnet and Urinary Diseases. tl. The age at which many marry The parsonage. Rheumatism , Disordered blood , general debility , and many chronic diseases pro nounced incurable are often cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. _ The son of an Indian chief is learn ing to be a plumber. _ The Testimony of a Physician. James Beecher , M. D. , of Sigourney , Iowa , says for several years I h-ive been using a Cough Balsam called DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS , and hi almost every case I have had "entire suc cess. I have used and prescribed hundred * of bottles ever since the days of my armv practice (1863) ( ) , when I was surgeon of Hoa"- pital No. 7 , Louisville. Ky. _ A new sjyle of writing paper ia called "Dude. " _ _ Henry's Carbolic Salve. It is the Best Salve for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , SaltRheum , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions , and Freckles. The immense new- organ for the cathedral at Riga has 124 stops. Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day house in the west. Tables as good as any § 3.00 per day house. Restless , fretful , crying children are suffering - fering , and need for their relief DR. WIN- CHELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is useful not only for all the disorders of teething infants , aut cures coughs , colds , croup , sore throat , colic and cramps of older children , and should be kept in every house for emergencies : Try it ; only 25 cts. Sold by all druggists. A farmer's wealth depend on the condi tion of his stock. When scraggy and feeble they are especially liable to distempers , fevers , colds , and all diseases which destroy animals. Thousands of dollars are saved annually by that valuable old standby. UN CLE SAM/S CONDITION POWDER. One-third of all wno die in active middle- life are carried off by , consumption. The most frequent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which may be permanently cured by EILERT'S EXTRACT OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY. Sold by druggists. An economical man will keep the leather of his harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He always uses UNCLE SAM'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all harnessmakers. Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul sions and frequently death. A pleasant safe and certain remedv is DR. J AGUE'S GERMAN WORM CAtES. Sold by al druggists. _ Headache , constipation , liver complaint , biliousness are cured by that mild , cleansing remedy , which never produces pain , EIL ERT'S DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS ; only 25 cts. Sold by all druggists. Sprains , bruises , stiff Joints , burns , scalds and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam' Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by all druggists. druggists.WILSON'S THE BEST. WILSON'S LIGHTNING SEWER ! Two thounand ntltcbes n. ralnnte. The only absolutely firt-cta fl Sewing aiachlne In the world. Henton trlitl. Warrant- years. Send Tor Illustrated Ontnlone nnd Circular K. Axentfl Wantrd. THE WH.SON 8EW- IXCt MACHINE CO. , Chicago or Ken-York. Ir n LererS. Steel Brni8. . Hs TABS BEAM. OOXES. nE PA-VS xiiii pnuiuur. So ! Jon trial. W rr nts 5 yean. JUltlzeaaalow. For frta book , address JOHES OF BINGHAMTOH , EIZCIIA21TOS , H. T. ' rrfurn tnaii. Full Dr oody' New Tailor S.y tm of Cutting KOUIYCOClaeliuutlO. ICUWPC WANTED. Fastest Belling boots. AtTljll 1D Larp Rtprontsto canvassers. Circulm tree ! COBURN &KEWMAy.PullteirtCo..CmCAOO. CO AN HOUR for all who will make spnro time * * profitable ; agoodDaylnfbnslnes' lf -ucande- - TOtoyourtl ne to it. MtnittAV HILL , BoxTSS N. Y. UfA.'NTEp experienced Hook and Blbie Agents la " every Conntr ; Liberal salaries f aid. Address , tting exptrience , P. O. B x g. R. , St. LonU , Mo. WJLXTED tor the best and faslesv- AOEKTS selllna Pictorial Books anu Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. NATIONAL , Ptm " 'o , 9t-Louis. Mo. C fn COD Per day at home. Samples worth $5 free. $3 Iw $ ZU A ddres HtltiBon It r-o. . nrti-nd.Malne. a week In your own town. Terms and 15 outfit free. Address H. Hnllet &Co. . Portlsnd.Malne. C79aweek ; ilZadayathomeenellymade. Costly fcr jitfHfrp . AdrtrnmTurrr ' 'n , . Angn t.He. St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. St. Paul , Minn. Assetis , $1,061,763,90 , Good soliciting : agents for tarm insurance wanted. Address to R. Dony. General Agent , Farm Ddpartment ) Omaha , .Neb. CURES . . . Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , SoreTIiront.SwellIne . * IP 'nln .BraUe , ntiriin. Nrolil * . Fro t Ulte * , 15D ALL OT1IK11 80IIILT PAWS AHD A11IIS. BoldbT DrujgliU n.l Ic l rie or wh re. Fifty Cratm bcttia. Direction , la 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A. VOCELCK OO. CATARRH Epstein Balm when applied by the finger Into the nostrils , will beab- sorbed , effectually cleansing the head of catarrhal virus , causing healthy se- ere lions. It allays inflammation , pro- tectsthemembrano of the nasal passages - ages from addition al colds , completely heals the sores and restores taste and smell. A few applications - plications relievo. A thorough treatment will positively cure. Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price 50 cents by mail or at druggists. K1YY BROTHERS , Owezo , N. Y. Though ahaitm In erery Joint and fiber with fever and agne , or bilious remittent , tbe wiata may yet bo freed from the malignant vlrun with UostotiorV Htomach Bittern Protect the * yst m against tt with thlii noflcont ami s' spasm * die , which ia fur npnnoio a * u- pieme remedy f r liver c mp nlm.onn ntlpaHi n.dypeps a , debility , rbeuma- il m , kidney troub les and otner nll- nenta. For sale br nil nruKslst and Deal- Teacte , Cloir Leate ! School Teachers ! . . _ BKLL8. Wo. Ej For Common _ . i. Emerson. GOLD- _ _ _ _ _ -N BbBIN. BOO. W. O. STPp ottwiiL Me. ; MESRY OHIMKS. We. ; S"ONG Erne 75c. All are Rood , cheerful , gen ial collections if scnool music. OnVinnlnl WKLOOMH OHORDBL By NfinnQ Slnldon. LAOTIKL WREATH. MUllUUiOlnoo R Perklng. VOCAL BCHOE8tTTtu3aT iilces ; WELI.158LBY GOI-LEOK COLLECTION. H ; Uisn SCHOOL Onout , 11 ; Hoiru OF SINGING , (1. All aio excellent books by the best compilers. For MIC Classes is . . _ " " ByW.C. Perkins. THE WE .L , 75c. Classes with oithtr of those are sure to be aucceasea. * ell wortn practicing. igo the easy BOTH and noAZ , < > . . and the fine centc antatn. JosBpn'o BONDAGE , fl. AISO all tbe Oratorios , Masses , and a large number of sacred and Secular Cantatas. Bender ( or lists. T > nM flhninol SnEPiiERD cnnucn tUl lillUllaplJ5 : ANTUEJ1HAUP.J1.25 ; Book OF ASTCKMHlii ; Ciitmcn < GKMG EAKKR , II : and tniuiy otbora. Send t'ordn- Bcrlptivolluta. Any bout mailed for the ret&U price. Iilata free. Inquiries cheerfully anSTrerod A HEAJ Y , ChleuKo. IiU OM VE K OITgOV ite CO. . Ttoatoo. S.-8. CHRISTMAS SnczestlcnsforDccoratloni , Enter tainment * end Glfla. A collection of iasgesllons fron l dln ; ? Sundaysc&ool workers in T&rloas part3 of tbo country , containing somcthloc of inter- fit to every Sundaj-school inpcrlatenilest. Ncthiac I'ko i' crcr issued before. Prior , rcn S5e. Will ccil frM to any one icndla ; us DECOBATIOX3. a lilt ofall tbe Sunilar-ichool Knperlntecd- EKTEHTAKMH5T cnt ia the pliux. DAVID C. COOK , 48 > ? eins. Adua > street. Chicago , III. $25.00 REWARD ! We will pay the above reward for any caw o' Rheumatism or Nnnralcla we cannot cure. It will relieve any ca e of Diphtheria or Croup Instantly. Army and Navy Liniment will rel-eve pa-n an < l sore ness and remove any unnatural growth of bone or musc'e on man or bca t. Price per bottle : lj < rge , II : small , 60c. Will rotund tbo money for any fail ure. ArmynndNavy J > ln menti o. , 51 VVabmh Ate , yhknjro. Klcbardsnn & Co. . WholesaleDrug- glstfl. Ht. Loula. Mo. . Western agantfl. I CURE FTS § ! When 1 eav euro i u nut mean merely to htop ttoom lor a time and then hnvo thorn retcrn apaln. I menn a radi cal euro. I have mailo the cliscaso of FITS. EPILKPST or FALLING SICKSUSS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cnre the worst casei. Becaneo others have .failed is no reason for not novr receiving a eoro. Send at once for a treatise nnd a Frco Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Give Express and Port Olilce. It costs you nothing for a trial , nrt I will rnro yon. Addrc 8lII r. . KQOT. 183 Pearl St. , Hew Tort. An Open Secret. The fact is well understood that the MEXICAN HU& TANG LINIMENT Is by far the best external known for man or beast. " The reason why'becomes an * 'opon secret" when we explain that " " skin "Mustang" penetrates , flesh and mnsele to the very bone , removing all disease and soreness. No other lini ment docs this , hence none other is so largely used oz does such worlds of good Loss and Gain. CUAPTKU I. "I was tjikcri slckayearfiffo , With blllouB fever7 . "My doctor pronounced me cured , but got sick again , tvlth terrible pains in my lack and slilse , and I got BO bad 1 Could not move 1 I shrunk ! From 228 Ibs. to 120 ! I had been doctor- for my liver , but it did me no good. I not expect to live more than three months. I began to use Hop Bitters. Di rectly my appetite returned , my palnn left ne , my entire system seemed renewed as if > y magic , and after using several bottles I am not only as sound as a sovereign but velgh more than I ever did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my life. " Dublin , June C , ' 81. R. FITZPATRICK. CIIAPTEU II. "Maiden , Mass. , Feb. 1 , IJtSO. Gentlemen I suffered with attacks of Hick headache. " Neuralgia , female trouble , for yearn in th most terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give mo re- ief nr cure until I used Hop Bitters. "The first bottle Nearly cured me ; " The second made me as well and strong ai when a child. ' 'And I have been so to this day. ' ' My husband was an Invalid for twcnjjr years with a serious "Kidney , liver and urinary complaint. "Pronounced "by Boston's bes > t physi cians "Incurable ! " Sevnn bottles of your bitters cured him and I know of the "Lives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. And many more are ui-ingtheiu with great benefit. "They almost Do miracle * I" Una. E. D. SLACK. How TO GKT SICK. Expose yourself day and night ; eat too much without exer cise : work too hard without rest ; doctor all ; hc time ; take all the vile nostrums adver tised , and then you will want to know hovr to get well , which is answered in three Take Hop Bittern. THE BKST HORSE REMEDIES Are thoie made by THE ELLIS SPA YIN CURE CO Every owner of one or more horses can save a large amount of time and money by having on hand a good supply of Ellis' Horeo i Remedies , and to supply a peneral demand wo would announce- that we will send the follow ing by express ( on receipt of the money , or G. 0. 1) . and return charges ) : 8O.OO Tor 95.OO. 1 Box , 12 Pound * Medicated Food. Sl.OO- JB Bottle * Spavin Cur * - - - - ? * * * 2 Buxe < l4arge Condition Powder * - 1-JJO Z B-xen Worm f owder * - l.OO 1 KoxHenv * * Powtier * . . . . K9 . . . . X Bo c Colic Powder So 1 Box Hoof Ointment - OO J.H.Whitaon&Son.SithSt. , N. T. , says : "We have used Ellis's Spavin Cure In our stables - blos for two years and have tried it on the foi ; f lowing with perfect success : Splints , curbs , ring bones , bunchea on the neck , swelled ank les , also quincy Bore throat , and for general stable liniment it Is the best article we have. ever used. " For further particulars , free bookH , etc. , write to ELI.IS SPAVIN CURE CO. , CO Sndbury Street , Boston , Mass. ; or 276 Fourth Avenue , New York. A Spoclflc for5 BPABilS , COX. \1TL15IOXS , FAT.LIKO SICK. DAXCE.AI.CO- HOLISM , OPIUil EATJ2fft > . KINGS SUROFVIiAV ETli , . Si UGLT BLOO DISEASES , DTSPEP8IA , . XEKVOUSNESB , SICK HEADACHE HERVE JUIETOIATISM , NERVOUS WEAKNESS , rcOHQUERUS ] PROSTRATION NERVOUS , BLOOD SORES , BILIOUSNESS , CO8TIVENES8 , KIDNES. TROUBLES nndollXRREGULARITIES. Vff"L&o PIS BOTTLE AT Dstccasra. ss Tie Dr. S. A. EiclHOEi Eed. Co. , Prop. , St. losepi , Uorrpitnondence freeiv answered by Fhyrfcians. C SECURE HEALTHY AGTIOH 0 ? THE By takinff Wright's Indian Veertra Pills , -which clcanno tht3 Bowels , pur ' . " 7 the Blood , nnd by rarryiiifr eST nil obstruct ! nas eoctiro he.ilthj-irn l vigorous action to Livor. E. FERRETT , Agent , 372 Pearl St. , TVew York. F' lks should send n three-cent stamp for a. free book of nearly I'D ' large octavo pcges.nil of valuable notes by Dr. E. B. Foote. tne autnor of Qonco * Plain Tallr nn M unUJSG d i IdUl idUL on Scrofula Diseases or Men and Women , and all chronic ail ments , witn the evidences of their curability. Ad"res Mur- jay Hill rub. Co. . Box 788. New York ( 'Ity. MUSIC9 PAGES ( ? OIOE MUSIO SaniDle Musical _ _ _ Journal , L , n ZT L , I , Hailed free to any address / 11 L. L I .It.GTJILn.T peka.K.UJ . PI .isa H s sw I hETO a poiitlro rcme Jy fur the abore JLsoage ; by 1 UJO thousands of cases cf the vcm tlnd and of Ion ? etindlarhavo been carrd. ladecil. f o strone 1 or falUa la Its eOlcary , U.at I will rend TWO BOTTLUS FUEE. to gether witu a VALUABLB TBEATISB on tbu diyaie , t cnycoCerer. Give Ezpreca and F. O. ortdreis. PR.T.A. aLOCUM , J81 rcarlS . , SawTork. P ISO'S CURE FOR CORES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. BestConghSyrup. Tantfsgood. Use In time. SoldbydrUKKista. gy CONSUMPTION ! . W N U Omaha. 181 47 WEES WTUTUNO TO please say yea saw tbe advertismen I this paper. ' I L'f