It rt s _ t' [ > i Iff ' C. . PHELPS , . ' .msr , Republican valley. 4 miles rant of MrCool. uu nlde of Keiiubllcnn. river. Stock branded 161 M P. O. Aildrcs * McCooK. Nun. 1'OU SALE. My range of 100H acres of oVerted S-iniJ In out : body , iiiumllng the Black and By field hay l.iniln : timber and wnter with two good farm houses : uid other Improvements. Convenient to No. one -rhool prUru rs. Situated in the Republican valley rut of 15t-d Willow creel. Call on or address. J. F. KLACK. K l Willow. Nell STATE BANK OF M'COOK. Mi-rook. Jfeb. Range , IJrush creek and near the f.ill on tilt" Frenchman river Branded on left side ; a irw lieloiiKlni ; to L. I. Mercrve branded on right -lilc with biune brand. J. B. MESFHVE. rre.'Went. HEN11YT. CHTJKCH. n-sbornKeh. Range : lied AVillow creek in MMithwent cornerof Frontier Co. , cattle brund- I "OLO" on right side. Also , an over crop on i-iKUt cur and under crop on left. Horsi-sbrand- f < l "S" on right shoulder. 24yl. W-J. WILSON. Mock brand circleon left shoulder ; also dewlar ami a crop anil tinder half crop on left ear , and a crop and under bit lu the rlgfct. Kauch on the Republican J'oitortlce , Max.Duudy coeaty , Hebniskii. 4i-Jj John Hatficld & Sou McCookNeb. , Knnch4 miles south-east , on 11 ( 'publican river. Stock branded with ti bar mid lazy S on left hip. 2-3 W-N. PROCTOR- MeCook.Neb. , ran > re : Hod Willow creek in onthwost corner of Frontier county. Also , E "brand on rlpht hip sind side and bwallow-fork in rijrht ear. Horsesbranded E P on right Iii ) . A fou-branded on right hip. 4 The Tnntip Brand. Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock brnnd- (1 ou left hip , ard a few doublecroiS on left side- 12-yly. . WOOD ! WOOD ! ! I want a few loads of 18 inch stove wood on subscription at once. J. P. ISRAEL. READ THE CHICAGO LEDGER ! The oldest an.l mo't rellaMfr story paper published In tli * West. It K a large elxhtpagepaper , full of In- itrri-itlcK etorles , oocletv news and humor. Every at".v gub > crtbfrreceiref a book a.H a premium. Price JUJO per year , tjatnplo copU. * f ree. Jddrcts , C11I- CA < ; < > LKDHKK , Ciilcapo , ill. CITIZENS' BANK OF McGOOK , DOKS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. l > rafts tlrawn directly ont he principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Hesidents. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village atid personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets ft/ . * Sale to and from Europe. O . CCEEESP01TBE1ITS1 J. w. POI.AX President. r t Vnttnnnl B ik. Lincoln. Nob. V. FIIAXKLIS , Vice Presfdrat. Chase National Bank , New York ; iV. F TV'ALMCK. Cofhler. Great Western Fumltoro Emporium , Bed Steads , Sofas. Chairs , Looking Glasses , Bureaus and Carpets , Wh at-nots , Coffins , Burial Cases and Coffin Trimmings. J. E. BERGER , : Proprietor , McCOOK NEB. FREES > D HOCKNELL -PROPRIETORS OF THE- JlllUHUU U ' . : : : : : : : : : : : DEALERS IN ; ; : ; ; : : : : : : : LUMBER LIMEGEMEMT SASH DOORS BUNDS & COAL , YARDs AT : McCook , Zhdiaola , Cambridge , Arapahoe , and. Oxford. 37 EAS-nVAKD. | ! WESTWARD. Dally express trains for Omnlic Oxraso , Knnsa I'Daliy ' express trains to * Denver , connecting In Union City , St. Louis , and all points Kat Tlironph carJDei-ot for all potato lu Colorado Utah , Callfornld and via Peorla to Indlnnapolls , ElegMt Pulliinan Pal-ntlic entire West. The advent of this line Rives the aceCars and Day coaches on all through trains , and 'traveler ' a New Koute to the West , with scenery and dining oars east of Missouri River. Udvantapes unequalled elsewhere. Through tickets at Lowest Hates nru on sale at all the Important stations , and l pKase will be checked to destination. Any Information as to rates , rentes or times tables will be cheerfully furnNhed u ; > on ap. plication to any agvnt , or to P. S. ECSTIS , General Ticket Agent , Omaha , Xtb. HERE WE ARE ! PBEBAEED TO DO ALL KINDS OF JOB PEINTOTG SUCH AS etter Heds , Statements , Note Heads , Envelopes , Bill Heads , Cards Posters , Dodgers , Notes Checks and Receipts , Ball and Wedding Stationery , Etc. , Etc. And we are able to do as fine work as Lincoln or Omaha and at prices to suit all. TRIBUNE JOB OFFICE. THE : PHARMACY. A COMPLETE LINE OF Pure Wines and Liquors Strictly for Medicinal Purposes. ESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED , EITHIR DAT OR 1TIGHT. FansilPs Punch , America's Finest 5c. Cigar. Drs. WILLEY & JOHNSON , McCOOK , NEB , Hayden < fc McCartney ; r Who'esa'e ' and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISED Goods Boots and Shoes Dry , , Clothing , Hats and Caps , TP mnfl * ID I ' -v Hams , Bacon , Larc Flour Corn Meal Fine Tobacco and Next door to Post-Office. LU We keep constantly on hand u complete stock of II sAnd -CALL AND- EXAMINE OUR And GET PRIPES before purchasing , and bear in mind that to those who are prepared to pay We can afford to make the best figures. McCook , Nebraska , xj BABCOCK BROS. best in the Hayden & McCartneys , Agents. In the far WEST , and offer * FOR THE ARTISAN TRADESMAN & SPECULATOR. . Tiie fowo of In Ked Willow County , Nebraska , lias been surveyed , an < t lets in the marKet , for just one year and has new a popula tion of 1000 people. This point has been designated by the C. B. & Q : as the DIVISION STATION "between the MISSOURI RIVEE & DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing § 25,000 is just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots will range in price from $150 to $500 for business lots , and § 50 to 200 for residencelots. . The history of points like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this town promises to be an exceptional chance for investments- For further particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb J < or W. F. WALLACE , McCook ? Neb.