McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 13, 1883, Image 7

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* > . * * . * * " < r
-A 2eply to Some ClmrgeH Mode Against1
' That Itocljr.
WASHINGTON , September 4. The fol-
lowing.commuulcatignwas received to-d < w
" ' " "
at Uac interior department : ' "N
aALTXiAKK Gixy/August 30. SIB"
In the absence of my associates of the Utah
commission , who are on a few weeks vaca
tion , I take the liberty of addressing you in
their behalf us well OH my o vn. Hitherto
we have paid but little attention to many
false statements of the press emanating from
this city , but I find in the newspapers what'
purports to be a statement made by Hon
Edwards 1'ierropont to President Arthur
at the National park which ought not to go
unnoticed. These statements I find in a ,
telegram from Chicago , dated August S4 ,
* \3dch I enclose herein. If the honorable
gentleman made these statements he has
certainly gathered an immense crop of mis
information during his brief slay in this city1.
The source o ! his false Information is well
known to us , and is plainly indicated in
conversations. The commission will some
time before t e meeting of congress make a
full and detailed report of all our proceed
ings since wo entered upon the discharge of
our duties In this territory , from which
Plerrcpont will fee he has been badly im
posed upon. Without taking time to notice
the numerous errors contained in this con
versation , E only wish to say now in.bohalf
of the commission that every charge or in
nuendo that the gentlemen composing this
lyfeard have been improperly influenced , or
have failed to discharge their whole duty
under the law , to the best of their ability
and judgment , IK based upon information
% vilfully and wickedly false. This board is
charged under the law with the duty of ex
cluding al ! polygamibts from voting and from
eligibility to office. This is the full extent
of our authority under the law , and in this
our work lias been completely successful.
We have excluded some 12,000 polygamista
from the polls , and at the November election
of 18S2 and many municipal elections since
that time and at the general election in Au-
jnibt , 1883 , embracing about 800 officers who
were elected. We have excluded all polygamists -
amists from eligibility. In short that com-
Slission has strictly and htringently executed
the law of congress , and has stretched the
legal tether to its utmost tension in order to
make it as perfect as possible , Inasmuch
that the Mormons have sued members of the
board in ton several cases for what they
allege to bo excess of authority against
them. I wish you to consider this as an
officia "miimmication , and bring it to the
attention of the president as early as prac
( Signed ) A. B. CAIU.TOX ,
Of Utah Commission.
Secretary of ihe Interior. '
The President in Chicago.
CHICAGO , September 5. President
Arthur passed the forenoon quietly at his
hotel , receiving a few callers. At 2:30 ,
accompanied by several members of the re
ception committee , he appeared on the
trading floor of the chamber of commerce ,
where he met with a splendid ovation.
Fully four thousand were on the floor , and
in the galleries , and the appearance of Mr.
Arthur was the signal for a roll of continu
ous checrins' of several minutea.Ho was
introduced by Vice President French as
chief magistrate of a Union enjoying the
areatest prosperity ever known in the his
tory of the world. President Arthur spoke
as follows :
SI < * GENTLKMINI thank you for the
V-armth of this greeting. I am glad to have
the opportunity of greeting so many of the
representative business men of this magnm-
cent city. I shall always recall with pleas
ure the'warmth ind cordiality with which I
have been welcomed , and leave you with my
best wished for your prosperity and wel
fare. "
Secretary Lincoln said he bad been trying
for two years to convince the president that
Chicago was the center of the nation , but
this magnificent reception was an argument
he could not withstand.
At 1 o'clock the president held a reception
at the Union League club , and at 2 o'clock
eat down to dinner at the Calamet club , ten
dered by the Illinois commandery of the
Loyal League.
Between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock the
president held a reception at the Grand
Pacific , to which the general public was in
vited. The invitation was largely accepted.
The president and members of his party
occupied a position In the general parlors of I
the hotel. The crowd , which momentarily
increased from the hour of the opening of
the reception till 9 o'clock , marshalled into I
line by the police and military , kept moving
steadily past him. The movement was so
rapid as to render impossible the barbarism
of two hours' haud-fehaking , and the chief
executive was , therefore , spared that inflic
tion , except in special cases of friends and
acquaintances , or of those personally pre j
sented to him. In epite the steady stream ,
passing , there was no diminution In the vast
crowd , and when the chief executive was
. ftompelled to end the reception ani prepare
for his journey , hundreds utill thronged the
corridors and stairways leading to the parlor
At the close of the reception the president
stepped out upon the balcony , In response j
to calls from the large gathering of people i
outside , and addressed a few words to them , !
saying that he was very tired from exertions |
of the day and evening , and that he was
obliged to a > k them to excuse I im from any
carded remrrks , as he was obliged to pre
pare for the coming journey.
Secretary Lincoln wan then called for. As-
he appeared boine one shouted"Three
cheers for the next president. " Mr. Lin
coln said he hoped he would never be as
wide of the mark aa the man who proposed
Bteutimont. He thanked them for the ,
hearty reception accorded'ttfe president. *
' "Senator Cullom resp onded'tocalfsu > and-
Hpoke of the patriotism shown in the attend
ance oMbe people-tfat the reception , espa-
cially the large representation of the labor
ing-clement. This cnded-thoxeccption. , Jt
Is estimated 10,000 passed before thdifpres'i- *
dent during the two hours. ' Secretary Lln-P
coin did not accompany the president cast.
He goes to Mt. Pleasant , Iowa , to-morrow
o join Ids family.
i Jay Gould's Testimony.
NEW YORK , September 5. Senators
Blair and Call walled patiently for Jay Gould
to appear before them this morning to tes
tify as to the relatlon of capital and labor.
There was a large audience in attendance.
AB Gould delayed his appearince , the com
mittee heard statements 'from George W.
Weston , u lawyer of this city , who ap-
pearcd in opposition to the theory of Henry
George and Moody. Just us the witness
was beginning Ills testimony Gould entered.
Weston merely state * ! that the tendency to
monopolize land was- not HO great as it was
fifteen years agd in this country.
Gould then took the htand , and being
sworn , Senator Blair requested him to clve
a history of his early life and first business
adventures and then go on and give the
story of his progress to the present time.
Gould Feemed to be. somewhat staggered at
this request , but turning- with a smile to
wards the reporters began In a low voice by
baying :
I'was born at Roxbury , Delaware county ,
this state , May 27th , 183G. My parents had
a small farm and kept twenty cows , which
I assisted in tending. I attended school
about fifteen miles distant , and when I was
about 14 years old obtained a situation ; in. a
neighboring village. 1 was much interested
in mathematics , and would get up at 3
o'clock in the morning to study to G , when
the store was opened. I remained in the
state for two years , when I made the
acquaintance of a surveyor who was mak
ing a survey of Ulster county. He took me
into his sen-ice at a salary of $20 a month. I
learned my employer's credit was not very
good , and I was to obtain no money for my
work until it was complete , BO I made sun
dials for farmers at § 1 apiece to pay my
running expenses. I .made surveys after
wards in Delaware and Albany counties ,
and made in these contracts about $500. I
then went into tanning with a Mr. Pratt , of
Prattville , and finally entered into partner-
shipwithjChas. M. Luff , who committed
The first railroad with which I had any
connection was what is now a portion of the
Rensalaer and Saratoga. During the panic
of 1859 the stock was down very low , and I
was able to buy a large amount of the stock ,
which afterwards rose in value and made a
handsome profit. The next road in which
Gould was Interested was the Cleveland &
Pittsburg , which he afterwards leased to the
Pennsylvania road. Gould then rehearsed
his connection with the Union Pacific road.
As he had interested himself in it and stock
was falling , he made up his mind to carry it
through at any cost. It was on the point of
being placed in the hands of a receiver.
Afterwards , when the road became a
paying < 5he and dividends were declared
regularly , there was a great cry that
this was Juy Gould's road , as if this was
a dangerous thing. He said , however , he
was then engaged in selling out his. stock ,
which was soon in the hands of more than
seven thousand investors , representing the
earnings of many widows and orphans. This ,
ended his connection with the Union Pacific ,
and the stock is now higher than he sold it.
The next venture was the building of the
Gould railroad system in the south and west.
It began with the purchase of the Missouri
Pacific from Commodore Garrison. Other
roads were purchased and connections made
to different points. Gould said he had at
this time passed the point where moneymaking -
making was an object , and his only idea was
in carrying out the system , to merely see
what could be done by a combination of lines
now spread through Ohio , Illinois , Indiana ,
Michigan , Missouri , Arkansas , Indian Ter
ritory , Texas , Louisiana and Mexico.
There are central connections at Cincinnati ,
St. Louis , Chicago and New Orleans. All
the construction of this system of roads was
completed last year and represented about
10,000 miles of road. The earnings of the
lines , when he took posseseion of them , was
about $70,000 a month.
In building up this ( system the southwest
was opened up and thrown open to Civiliza
tion. Mr. Gould said he had started the
American Union as a rival to" the Western
Union , but found it could not be done , ow
ing to the latter's connections. He then
bought a controlling interest * In Western
Union. Regarding the prospects of the
government Instituting a postal telegraph
system , witness said the idea was opposed
to American Institutions. He said the telegraph -
graph business , more than any other , had
to bo managed by experts , and the Western
Union only succeeded in earning dividends
by doing business well. Under government
system the management would bo subject to
great changes.
Mr. Gould said Western Union paid Its
employes better than any other company , in
his opinion. The < strike was the result of a
feeling of dissatisfaction among the poorer
class of employes. The better class of work-
men did not as a general rule care so much
how many hours they worked , as they were
continually hoping for a higher position and
wages. Labor and capital , if left to them
selves , would bring about satisfactory ad-
Mr. Gould said the value of Htockthe In
corporation depended -upon its earning
'povvers. There might''be water In' the
Western Union , but the same could be said
.of all kinds of property which had increased
in value. He thought the government had
no right to fix a limit beyond profits that a
- ov , I.1 < r
.cpjnpany couldgo sojong as , the rates were
ndt unreasonable , butj hid no right to take
away private .prope/tyjr gut Juat compen
Mr. Gould also thought the mail service
would-be b'ctter'TraiodlpJIahpd by- private
enterprise He wcfnld nolt Bbject to the
government taking hold of 4h6' * telegraph
system of the Western jUnion , provided It
would pay what It is worth. In his opinion
It would not bo a success. Uniform traffic
could be secured under private enterprise as
well as under the supervision of the government -
, ment , and the Western Union policy tended
to accomplish this.
Senator Blair inquired ( of Mr. Gould
whether he could give an approximate esti
mate value of the Wedtern Union company.
Gould replied that he was not In position to
give buch an estimate. He did not trouble
hiinself with details , but * judged of the
value of property on a broader basis that
being it earning power. The value of the
franchises possessed ' by the company at
present could not be estimated by any
known means. He thought sevqu per cent
was a fair.o.stimate of the earning power of
the Western Union. If thejpeoplo thought
they were getting too much they could buy
the stock. The stock of all safe paying en
terprises was being distributed all over the
country. This class of investors held about
sixty million dollars of Western Union
stock , which was continually becoming
bcarce In the market. Within two years
Gould thought the remaining shares now.
upon the market would be absorbed by in-
vistors. He did not think there was as
much water in the stock of Western Union
as in many other companies.
A Negress * Romance.
Kansas City Times.
"I was born at Nashville , Tonn. "
said Mattie Young , "and , though I am
unable to count or to reckon time , I
think I must be about sixteen years old.
When I was something more than a
year old I was stolen by Robinson's
circus. They made ' a dancing girl of
me , and I got so' I was a good per
former. We went to Cuba , finally , and
after I had been with them about seven
years , I should think , I was put up for
sale on the block at Havana. Henry
Grannison , who owns a coffee planta
tion about eight miles from Havanav
lipught-me , and I went to his place as
his slave. They have no mercy on
their slaves in Cuba , and I was treated
like a brute. When I first went there
I was branded on the back with eigh
teen names , and as often as the scira
would dim 1 was branded again. The
names were Spanish , and included the
name of my master and his slaves.
"I was made to plow , like a horse.
They would hitch three women in har
ness , and make us 'drag the plow along ,
one of us carrying a regular bit in the
mouth. The food they gave us con
sisted of cats , dogs and grasshoppers ,
and they made us pick tobacco worms
and eat them , too. We were some
times whipped as often as three times a
day , and we never knew what Sunday
was."Two months ago while I was at the
house of my master , one of the little
children got mad and declared I had
beaten her. They wouldn't hear any
thing I said , and told me the queen had
ordered my throat to be cut. I begged
ior time to pi ay , and they gave mo till
the next morning. In Cuba our god is
a big snake we call Sarah , and wo pray
to it for mercy. I believed I would bo
killed , for 1 had heard of slaves having
their throats cut , and I had been struck
on the head with knives before. So
that evening I planned to run away. I
got a life-preserver from a ship where I
was sent to carry coal. WThen night
came I put the life-preserver around
me , climbed over the wall , and jumped
into the ocean. I was a good swimmer ,
and wasn't afraid. But the Cuban sol
diers heard me splashing in the water ,
and they began firing at me. The first
ball struck me in the thigh , the next
hit my foot , and before they quit shoot
ing they hit me seven times. My arms
were not hurt though , and I kept on
swimming. Finally 1 reached an island
and I stayed there five weeks , living on
whatever I could. My wounds hurt me
terribly , but as they hurt mo worse on
land than in the salt water I kept my
life preserver on , and swam along the
shore of the island most of the time.
At the end of five weeks a ship carne
along bound for Galveston , and I was
taken aboard. When we reached Gal
veston I was put in the hands of some
colored church people , and , as " I had
heard that my mother lived "in Nash
ville , I was sent there. At Nashville I
found that my mother had gone , they
said , to Kansas City , and BO I got help
to come here. "
. -
The Consul and His "Wife.
A Protestant -Bishop who had just
been appointed to a missionary see in
China wished to pay a visit of ceremony
to the Tao-tai , or Chinese official who
was in charge of the city which was in
trusted to the bishop's spiritual care.
As the British consul , who was to ac
company him , would be in uniform , the
happy thought struck the bishop that it
would be well for him to apppar in his
"episcopal robes and lawn sleeves. This
was carried out , to the great bewilder
ment of the Tao-tai , , who hadof course ,
never beheld anything similar. He
treated his visitors with the usual Chi
nese politeness , and talked to the con
sul about the weather , but could not
avoid glances of curiosity at the strange
ly-dressed being at his side. .Next day
an Englishman who had business with j
the Tuo-tai made his call , and was thus
" * *
addressed : "The1corisul was very
polite -and' amiable during the visit he I
paid yesterday ; but tell me , why did ho
bring his wife ? AVhy did he bring his
wife ? " *
What fate imposes men must needs
, THE t- * . 9 LAST , SPIKE. - , 4 ,
* - * - ft 4 * ' f I j' v
Completion of Track. Laying ; on thuXortli-
3 $ * J * , . * * * *
crn 1'nclOe.
JElKLENA , iLT. , , September 8. It is
eight miles from Helena to the point where
the steep grade of the KockjrMountains be
gins , and twelve from there to the mouth of
Mullen tunnel. As the tunnel Is not com
pleted , Mullen pai-s Is crossed by running
In curyes at a distance of about four miles.
The grade is the same as at Bozeman. The
sections were safely lifted over the height
and the descent made to this point , where
the ceremony of driving the last spike has
just been concluded. The distance from
this point to Helena in fifty-live miles.
The train arrived in good shape. From
Portland there came a splendid train , bear
ing prominent citizens to participate in the
ceremonies. *
The occasion was regarded aH a remarkable
one , and as promising a prosperous future.
All were surprised at what they beheld.
Instead of a wilderness there was a magnifi
cent pavillion capable of seating more than
one thousand people. In front there was
an extensive promenade. The Fifth U. S.
Infantry band entertained the company with
music. Hundreds of hardy mountaineers
had gathered to welcome the party. The
ceremonies were opened by President VII-
lard , who divided the attention of the
enthusiastic multitude with Gen , Grant ,
seated on the platform. VSllard concluded
amid tremendous applause. He then intro
duced the orator of the occasion , Hon.Wm.
M Evarts.
The orator was very heartily applauded.
After music Villard introduced Secretary
Teller , who spoke of the great energy and
capital required to complete the various
transcontinental lines and the prospective
benefits to the nation. This enterprise of
the Northern Pacific railway , along whose
lines there would be In a few years nine
million people , could not be called local in
character. It was more than national. It
concerned the welfare of other peoples. It
now remains for the managers to justify in
the future the wisdom of the government in
what it had done and that they will if the
policy announced by Villard is carried out.
Secretary Teller was followed by ex-Pres
ident Billings.
Villard then introduced Minibter Sackville
West , of England , who in turn introduced
Sir James Henneu as the Englibh represen
tative for the occasion. Sir James said the
English guests were filled with wonder at
the magnificent country. The German minister -
ister , Von Eisendecker , was then presented
and expressed the hearty good wishes of his
countrymen forthis enterprise. Dr. Kreip ,
of Berlin university , then spoke at length in
behalf of the German visitors. Dr. Hof-
inaun , the greatest microscopist of the age ,
said the construction of the Northern Paci
fic was a modern miracle , and unlike recent
miracles was performed in compliance with
the laws of nature. The governors of Wis
consin , Minnesota , Dakota , Montana , Oregon
gen and Washington Territory were sever
ally introduced and made , appropriate re
There were loud cries for Gen. Grant ,
and as the general came forward the air was
rent with cheers. He made a few remarks
suitable to the occasion. He sid he was
reminded by the speeches to which he lis
tened of the fact that he had bad something
to do with the great Northern Pacific enter
prise. When Gov. Stevens , thirty years
ago , organized his surveying party , he was
a lieutenant acting as quartermaster on the
Columbia , and he issued the supplies for
the expedition , a Was he not , then , entitled
to some credit which Billings had appor
tioned outfto others ? It was true , while
Billings had contributed of his own money ,
he paid out Uncle Sam's.
The many veterans present became per
fectly wild when he said that these inter
colonial railroads would have amounted to
but little hut for the men who after the war
sought the territ jries as fields of enterprise.
At the conclusion three cheers were given.
A photograph was then taken of the foreiirn
guests and Villaid family. After that a her e
that had helped build the road from its in
ception was brought upon the platform.
Then 300 men quickly laid the iron and
drove the spikes on the thousand feet of
uncompleted track , except the last spike.
During the progress of the work , which
amazed the foreigners , the band played
and the peop'e shouted. When nearly
completed a cannon salute was fired. The
last spike was finally driven home by H. C.
Davis , assistant general passenger agent of
the road , who drove the first spike on the
opening of the road , and ihis spike was the
same one first driven by him. The end was
reached as the sun was setting. The enthu
siasm of the five thousand people was inde
scribable. This brought to a happy termi
nus one of the greatest events of Ameiican
history. The trains reformed and the guests
departed , a few for the east and the balance
Spanish Belles.
Saratoga Letter.
I almost think that the finest beauty
in Saratoga this summer is Cuban or
Spanish , and there arc. many of them.
They are worth watching in social m-
tercouse , having a slight fire and more
affection. They roll off the Caslillian
language like n battle going on in a [
sea-shell ; it comes from such lips , too ,
and such lashes release the ambci eye
to do its flashing , and the nostrils swell
as if they also ought to have eyelashes ,
to modify the translucence of their |
sensibility. I bear that their beauty |
does not wear. It wears on me from
year to year. Some of these maids are '
white as snow. You think they are
going to talk to you in the Vermont or
the Jowa tongue , till suddenly they
shoot out : i senfence which sounds like
"O hoto pete , cas uda tornado , bung ! " §
Sundayism in England.
C-UboMc World.
In the United States there has been a
tightening of legislation in. regard , to
certain observances-of the Sunoayybut
in England wo seem inclined towards a
loosening of the bonds which still unite
the Sunday with Christian sentiment.
It is true that the proposed changes are
but apologetic ; they are regretful even
more than they are concessive ; nor
would they appear to the ordinary
American to make more demand on the
conscience than they do on the purses
of the Britisher. The American wag
who said that "Sunday in New York
used to be kept like any other day iu
the week , and rather more so , " might
see nothing to be complained of in the
very mild propositions in regard to the
museums and the picture-galleries.
Looking at the question from the social
point of view , it is not impossible that
we might be gainers by the change.
From the religious point of view
we should have to argue upon first
principles ; and these I will not allude
to at the present time. Socially the
English Sunday has become so deterior
ated into a mere lonuging-day , among
the masses of our countrymen and
countrywomen , that not even th'e Sal
vation Army can do more than tickle
the humor of the thousands of strollers
who won't be bored by religion. And ,
socially , the upper classes are to blame ,
for a decadence which their good ex
ample , their self-denial , might have
prevented. The selfishness of the up
per classes,55n thinking chiely of their
own comforts and caring little for the
reasonable rest of their servants , has
bred a popular conviction that Sunday-
ism , like respectability , is designed
chiefly for those who can afford both.
And , * further than this , the vulgar
worldiness which has led the rich
classes to oust the poor
classes from all the best seats
in all the churches leaving the poor
classes to sit , like alms-people , on back
benches , from which they may contem
plate the bright toilets in the best seats
has led the uoor classes to look on
churches as the Sunday show-places of
rich people , who cannot even on one
day give up their good things to the
poor , nor , in God's house , put them
selves in the back seats. There is some
ground for such an irritable mood of
inference. The silk dresses and the
velvet jackets are swept majestically up
the nave , graciously touching , perhaps ,
the cotton garments of the plebeian ;
and from the ivory purses are taken the
shillings or the half-crowns for the
front seats which should be devoted to
the poor. Has this Scandal had no so
cial fruit or complement , no ethical or
political results worth the naming ? It
has made radicalism to come out of the
churches , from the observation of the
worldly selfishness which has walked
into them.
The TTnreturned Soldier.
Correspondence Boston Transcript.
I saw some of the G. A. R. men mak
ing a small mound of flowers in ono fir
corner of the yardand on inquiry found i
it was in honor of the unreturned sol
diers. And now comes the most solemn * l
part of all. They soon gathered around
the mound of flowers , the men all with
uncovered heads. The minister made
a quiet , touching prayer , then a women r f"
and daughter came to the side of the
mound and the daughter sang so sweet
ly "The Faded Coat of Blue. " The
woman was the widow of one of the
brave men who went to war early in
1862leaving his wife and this daughter ,
a wee little babe , in her arms. The
man never came back and never , was
found. Everybody was deeply affected
as that daughter , now a woman , stood
by the mound of flowers and sang to her
father's memory. As they all stood
there in that quiet place , with reverent
hearts and uncovered heads , and as she
sang the last
"I'll find you and know you among the
good and true ,
When a robe of white Is given for your faded
coat of blue"
I think it safe to say there were few dry
eyes among them ; perhaps it was be
cause my own eyes were so blurred , but
I am sure I saw an old , rough farmer
draw the back of his hard , rough hand
across his eyes. As she sanir the last ,
her voice had hardly died away and the
band struck in oh , so softly ! just the
chorus of "Sweet By-aml-by. " It was
so soft and minus the drum that the
horse didn't start , and there , in that
deathlike stillness , it was simply
heavenly. But it brought too much of
sadness to me : I turned my horse and
quietly rode away. Do 3011 smile at
the simplicity of it all ? Methinks our
own loving hearts could not have ex
pressed a finer sentiment.
Withers Obeyed Orders.
Vfath npton .Letter.
"There goes General Withers , " said
the Virginia colonel. "He commanded
the Confederate artillery at Vicksburg.
He kept on firing hours after Pemberton
had surrendered. Finally he stopped.
Presently he found himself in General
Grant's tent. Grant was complaining
to Temberton that his artillery had not
ceased at the moment of capitulation.
'Here's the man who is respoiiMble for
that , ' said Pemberton , as " \ \ ithers en
tered. And then he began to scold him
for blundering in that way. 'Gt-ueral,1
said Withers , somewhat heated , ll
didn't know you had surrendered.1 'I
thought everybody heard of 11mt us soon
as it occurred , ' said Pemburtun. 'Oh ,
1 heard rumors , ' replied Withers ; 'but
I light on orders , not on lumors. '
'General Withers is right , ' said General
Grant , for the first time since Withers
entered ; 'good soldiers obey 01 ders re
gardless of rumors. You ought to have
notified him at once , Guiiuml Pember
ton. ' General Withers is now a , rich
mik. He has a farm a stock farm , I
thin n in Kentucky. "