* D'PHELPS , franco , KapuMfrimalley. 4 mllcn ewt of McCooV nth hide of ItfjiublicnS'rH'Cr ; Slfitklrandetl IC1 J-l . P O AcMr * McCoor. NEB. VOi : .SALE. My rnnjp ; of iimi acrw of deeded .nl In oim tHxJy , tDCBdlwitbe illack nd Hjliflil liny . ! < ! ; timber umlvntervtth two yowl fann lieu ui c.i oilitir liuiiriAuuu-utH. Cvmfck-nt to Xo. ntie li.MilprlUh-Kcs. hltuntwl lu the lU-publlcan valley MI ( ) f Uod Willow creek. CaU on or address. J. F. BLACK , ICcillVIIlow. STATE BANK OF 31'COOK. " nxik. Nrb. ItaHge. Brush rrcck and near the Iln in tht ; Krtnclimanrlvvr Branded on left side ; w belonitlnKto L I. Mr enc branded on right . ) \\lth same brand J. 11 MESI-'ISVK. President. HENRYT. CUUKCH. O.-liorneb. Itungc : He < l Willow creek In corner of r rentier Co. , cattle braud- ii ( L O" on right sido. Alttn. un over crop on ( lulitttiruuduudercipponlclt. Hoi > o = 'irana- i "i" on ripht elioulder. --4yl. AV. J. WILSON ' oi-klinind circle on tt-ft sluiuldcr ? aNoitwh r 11 r < > ji mid utidtT half crop on left car , and a Crop > - ! us J' r Ml In the right. Itauirli on the Itupubllcan e. Max Iuudy coumy. iJebra ku. 4 0 } Joliu Half eld & Son f t' 'Olc. Xel ) . , Itnnch4 miles south-f n't on ; tibli n liver. Stockbnmdcd with u bur ' li/y s on left bip. - - " W.N.PBQCTOK. : Trook.Neb. , ranso : Bed Willow creek in corntr of Frontier county. Also , E ri ht hiputid side and bwnllowfork pHocseh branded E P on ri. ht hip. . > bnuidvd "A. ouright hip. The Turnip Brand. "inch 2 piilcs north of Mcrook. Stock brnnd ton Isit hijs acd a few double cn > ss on left i i ; yly. C. D. EltCAMiU vCK. WOOD ! WOODIL- a few loads of IS Inch stove ou bdU ripiioQ at oncc , J. I * > READ THE eHiCAGO LEDGER ! Sf eitdP t and most rclIaMc ory paper published tn f T "rt. It 1 n Jnrp ! * lKbt-p Mre patr , full of In- t > ri J-itcnoR. N > clrtv npwsnnd hnmnr. GITIZENS' BANK OF McGOOK. DOKS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly ont he principal cities of Europe. Tuxes pajd for Non-Resident . Money to loan on Fanning Lands , Village and puraonal _ _ _ ProlCrty- I5Iiisuraiico a specialty. Tlctcta fo-Sulc to wl from Europe.- -0- N President. rut XJitlonal U nk. Lincoln , Kcb. V. I'UAM LI.S , Vice President. Cliat-c National Honk , Kewr Vorfc W.F * V.iLL\i-E ; Cat-Titer. Great Western Furniture Emporium Bed Steads , Sofas , Chairs , Looking Glasses , Bureaus and Carpets , What-nots , Coffins , Burial Cases and Coffin Tiimmingss. ° J E. BERGERt : Proprietor , McCO.K NEB. FREES X ' HOCKNELL -PUOI'Kir.TOUS OF THE- 11 if i\p n I HM .ilUlill DEALERS IN : " : : : : : LUMBER LIME CEMENT SASH DOORS BLINDS & COAL TARDs AT : McCook , ladiaola , Cambridge , ArapaliQ3 , and 0-xford. K.\ST\v.\un ,1 , AVir-nv.vit ! ) .ily ! cxpri-ssii.tlns for Omalic Clicn n. Knn-n j1 > nl | } oiirt trains fo-len\ . cimnfctlCK 2i Union Cll > . > : Louis , .uid . .litpoJit"ast 1 l.roosh o - ' i-pot for nil points in Culor.ulo. Utah. C.itI. T toiind \T-i IVnrti to tmlLuiapolN. KIiv nt rtilllmnn SnHt | > ii * Mitfec Vrut. Tlu .uhcnt of tlifs llucjrtvwtlie accCarh and D.iy ctmihcs on nil tlirotifih trains , nndltravi'Ici a New Koutr-tn tin1 Wt .with setncrj- and dlnuxr eai i > fct of MNsjnrl ISh er | ad\antacvrf mto.n.lllsd L-lse lieic. 'llninu'u tleki'tit I.oni-st atl's re on nlc at rJI thf Important statlimrf , and bnaraxc Iirbe > cHcckcd to ( ! c < tia\tl.in An * jnfi.nnatlon.as to nu s , roiui-H o- liiutabJiM ! w il' > ; chterfiiilv # nmlche l uixm up. plication to iiiyr atrcnt , or TO 1' . S. . Kt > nticnerui Ticket Agont. Oiualin , Xub' , HERE WE ARE ! P3SPAEED TO DO AI.U KINDS OF JOB PRINTINGSTTCH AS etier Hds , Statements , „ , Note Heads , Envelopes , Bill Heads , , Cards * Posters , Dodgers , Notes , Checks and Receipts , and \TeddiHK Stationery , OUR JOB OFFfGE IS ENTIRELY NEW Aiurwft ari able to do as fine work as Lincolu or Omaha and at prices ts > auit all TRIBUNE JOB OFFICE. The BCTERS * * rFall and Winter , 18S3 , giv v holesale prices direct to. otatsunera on everything you uie eat , drink , wear , or have fun with. Telbs how toorder wiA 3tactcbbt , 216 pages Jargc onC8 3,3OO illustrations a whole picture gallery. Contains , information gleaned from the markets of the n-orld. No other price-bookm existence wntains as much information. Sentfrcetoanyad- dreesnpoarcccipt of postage (7 cts ) . Lctua hear from youvor-vii.it us whcninourcity. KearExponiironBuildingH. Kespcctfully MONT80MERYWARD&CO. , pT dr S3 ? M'absaJs.A\ , CUcago , JU McCOOK HOTEL. 1JE5T HOTEL IN" TOWN.GOOD ACCOMSIODA- TIONS. Board by Day or Week GOOD SAMPLE ROOMS. LIVERY IX C02sKEGTTOy r Hay den. & McCartneys' Wholesafe ami Rotai ! Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE , Dry Goods , Boots and Shoes , Clothing Hats and Caps , - C B HIE Hams , Bacon , Lard Flour Corn Meal Fine Tobacco and Cigars. Next door to Post-Otfrce. . g-yrly. LUMBER , \Ve keep coiibtantly on hand : i complete si : k of L ill ; ] ' 'ffl ' CALL AXI > AXIT EXAMINE OLT And CrET P1UPES before pnrchxsing , : mrl besuin mind tiirfc to tliOhe who arc pjrCpurcd to pay CJ > - caa affonl to uiakc tlie I'erst McCook , Nebraska. 17 ARAP Warraaited tke best in ike Harden. & McCartneys' Agents : 1 ? L ill In the far WEST , and offer RARE CHANGES FOI THE ARTISAN . TRADESMAN&SF'SGULAT'QR , Tite town of McC [ n Ked Willow County , Nebraska , Ms been surveyed , and lets in the marKtjtTf0r jiist oneyear andlia&no'w a popula tion of 1000 people. , TMsr point Jas been designated by the C. R. & Q. as the DIVISION" STATION ' 'between the MISSOURI RIVER &DE1STVER. wliere the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the- A complete system of water work& costing oaipleied giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of olid citSes. .otswill range in price from $ -150 to$500 forbnsfness lots. ancLtjJQ to 200 for residence lots. The history of points like MeCook show Jin increase- more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this 3wn promises to be an exceptional ehance for investments 'orfurtner particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , Secretary , Lincoln , . Nelv. or W. R WALLACE ,