The Tribune. A , B , COFFROTH , EDITOR , Call For Judicial Convention , 8th Judicial District. The Republican Elector * of the Eighth Judicial District of Nebraska arc hereby called to send delegates from the several counties of said dis trict to meet in district convention at .Alma , Ilarlan county Nebraska , Scp- timber 15th , 1883 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , ior the purpose of placing in nomina tion a Candidate for District Judge for .siid Eighth Judicial .District. The several counties are entitled to representation in said convention as follows : Apportionment same vas by State committee for state convention. "unties * , 4 Delegates. " " 1 1'iin'ly , 1 4 J'ruirlor , 3 J'Mnias. < Jo- < per , 5 Tf.irlnn , . . . . i 1 - - - , - - .J'ittMlOock , i Willow , " \Vtbstor , Totill 39 Ewvix 0. District Committee. . Call For Republican County Conven- - tion. * The Republican Electors of Red Wil low county are herebv called to send delegates from the several precincts to meet in Indianola , Nebraska , on Saturday , September 22 , 1883 , at 1 n'lrlouk p. in. , at the Court House , for the purpose of placing in nomination One Camlidiito for County Clerk : " " " " Treasurer ; ' " " " PherliT : . < 44 44 44 Coroner ; " ' " " inut Supt pub " " , " " Surveyor ; " " " " OiminlMsli . > iicr. to elect i delegates tojtliu state convention. And to transact such other business as inay'c-ome before the convention. The { evcral precincts are entitled to repre sentation in the convention as follows : based upon the vote east for lion. J. W. J'awcs for Governor , at the list general flection , giving one delegrate at large to uach precinct and one for every fif teen votes und one for the fraction of iive or more. T-vlinlol i prcci Willow Grove K"d Willow I" rift wood iXinhurj- Ji ! iver Knst Vnllcy Ut-rver Total No proxies will be allowed unless held 1)3 * a person or persons residing in the precinct proposed to be represented. J'RKCIXCT R1UMARIKS. Tndianola , from 1 to 5 p. in. , at Col. office. Red Willow , from 2 to 5 p.m. . at Buck's school house. Willow Grove , from 4 to 7 p. m. , at Starbuck's office. Driftwood , from 2 to 5 p. in. , at School house district No. 8. Gerver , from Itp 3p.m. , at A. Good- vnberger's. Danbury from 3 to G p. m. , at Gra-'s school house. Beaver. from 1 to 4 p. m. , at usual voting place. Mast Valley , from 3 to 5 p. in. at School house district 14. For the purpose of electing delegates t-Jthc county convention. By order of the Republican county central commStte. RoVAL Birjc. ( Jr. S. BISHOP , Chairman. Secret : ! rv. Republican Primary. The Republican Primary of Willow < in vc precinct , for the purpose of electing ten delegates to the Republican county convention at Indi.uiola , Sept. 1'188S , and for nominating ] reeinet "fficors , will be held at the office of L J. Starbuck ? McCook , on Saturday , September 15th , 1883. i" < in 4 o'clock , until 7 o'clock P. 31. This is a very important meeting and it is hoped that every Kepubliean voter in the precinct will attend. C. L. NKTTLKTOX , Central Cum. for W. G. Precinct. JUDICIAL CONVENTION. The cpnb'can CVntriU Coramlttco at tfce trluh .It.ilc'al It trcc of Kebnuka ig ttvrelijcmlltil to ctcct In the town of IlloomioRtOn , Ncbrnskn on Thursday , the 6th Day of September , 83 i. 2 o'plock r. M. of i Id Uiy for Uie purpow of piv v ! L'c - for holding a ISrpiibliesu Judids ! onnvcntlon ilt-trlct ! or for Uklng such action tn relation proper to salil cominlttc * . E. ti. CUADvnCK , CliUnnan. In amiuining the duties df editor RJK publisher of TUB TRiBUNKwe. are fullj aware of the reriponsibilitioH that wil devolve upon UF , and we shall laboi earnestly to perform them to the satis faction of our patrons and readers. Th object of our labors will be to publish : . good , newsy , local paper , one that will chronicle the events of the neighbor hood and that will be an advertisement of the town of McCook , and Red Wil low and adjoining counties. We shall always 'approve the good aetions of men in political and other positions of trust , and we shall not hesitate at. any time to condemn and expose the wrong doer. We shall keep our columns clear from all objectionable language , and hope to make it , as it .should be , an ed ucator in the family. To our fcllow- journaiists in the valley we extend a friendly hand , and if they will meet us half way our column * will not be filled up with personal bickerings. To the people of McCook and vicinity we only ask a patronage worthy of our merits , nnd add that if the patronage be lib eral , it will only be a greater incentive For us to work the harder for their interests. THE corner stone of the new capitol > f Dakota was laid at Bismarck , on Wednesday. RKPOUTS from Java indicate that the ntimated loss of reported has been ex- iggerated. It will take some time be- bre the actual facts become known. THE New Orleans Picayune advises hat politicians who have become too imminent be put on the police force , nd then they will not be seen around iiuch. Donah CITY , Kansas , has redeemed icrselt at last. List : Sunday , for the irst time in her existence , not a saloon , ance house or gambling hell was open. ramblers and prostitutes are very in- fcnant , and arc shaking off the dust { f their sandals as a judgment against lie city. TIIK Portland Board of Trade have nthori/cd the finance committee to lisethe sum of $ : ( ) , OUU to del'rav tin- ecessary expenses of giving a grand ilcbration on the completion of the orthern Pacific niiln--.d , and a reeep- 011 to Henry Villard and his distin- nished party. A NHV building at Cambridge , a theatre and church combined. here is a stage , with scenery and foot- jjhts for dramatic use , and in the cen- r is a large trap , out of which an altai raised on Sundays and other holy lys for lloman Catholic services. The ; terior is made church-like by a stec- c. DCRIXO the last fiscal year 01,000 ) plications for pensions have been dis- iscd of by tin ; Pension Buieau. Com- issioner Dudly says that the office has indled every case brought before it. il applications were passed , rejected , additional evidence required , so no se is left untouched. THE "first coin of the United States > rc struck with a portrait of Martha ashington. When George saw them was provoked and ordered the mc- iliion changed. The features were ghtly altered , a cap was put on the ad and thus 3Irs. Washington's por- iit was converted into the present e. Kx. THE famous packet liner. Great Wcst- n , now sailing between San Francisco d other Pacific ports , is already twice old ae ship ? usually get to be. She st sailed from New York to Liverpool rty years ago , and remained in the lantic fleet twenty-nine years * . She issed the Atlantic 116 tinwg , brought .000 passengers to New York , has il 1,500 births and 200 marriages on ird , and in all her experience never t one of her ercw or eo much as a IT in c. gale of wind , TIIK Supreme Court him decided against granting the mandamus to Sil ver , aud the contract \ra awarded" t < Stout. TIIK editors of two Fall City paper * arc anxiouH to put their characters on a nubstantial foundation before" tlie.j reach metropolitan proportions. The News chief has sued the mud geyser of the Observer for $10,000 to put a po- 'ns plaster on his lacerated morals. ; Bee. TIIK change in the law "regarding the , -'iie.y order 5yst"in which went into effect September , has-the. following effect : It enlarges the amount that may be covered by a single money ordc T ro $ J)0 ( ) , but makes little changes in the present lates. On the same day we will have the use of the new postal i-'tesa device invented for the sa'e sending of small sums by mail , and which fills a void which habeen fVlt i ce the dis appearance of the convenient but shab by fractional currency. The postal notes will resemble' somewhat a con ductor's check , the dollars , dimes and cents called for by punching correspond ing figures printed on the card. It is made payable to Learer and will be is sued only for a sum under five dollars. I : is assiimed that these postal notes will be used largely as currency , but the fact that they will become invalid upon the expiration of the three calen dar months from the last day of the month of issue will prevent them beincr held back for use as currency to any sjrnnte'tent. Additional Locals. Prohibition in Kansas. Kansas , it will be remembered , idnptcd a constitutional prohibitory iinciiflinciit on the liquor question and passed a law to enforce this temper- nice principle. Those of our people ivho wi > h to have an intelligent idea of : his struggle in Kansas , can secure i'cry full information upon the j ubjeci , } \ sending for the Weekly Capital , of Copeka , Kansas. The Capital is eight lages in size , carefully edited , the Official State Paper , end a stahvar : ad- rocate of prohibition , giving much in- 'ormation upon the temperance issue in hat State. It is sent postage paid : to my address one year , for One Dollar , simple eopy free to all applicants , send money by registered letter or post- 'fficc ' order , to J. K. HIDSO.\ , Editor and Proprietor , Topeka , Kansas. Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that there ; ill be held at the office of I. J. Star- uck in McCook on the 24th day of September 388 ; } , at 4 o'clock p. m. . a lecting of TIIK McCooic CKMKTKY issociATiox for the purpose of * com- leteing the organization of this asso- iatiou by the election of officers and ic transaction of such other business s may be legally transacted at said iceting. Published by order of association uted McCook , Neb. , Aug. . 20th 1883. COMING EVENTS. State Fair , at Omaha , commences opt. 10th and continues to the liith in- usive. Lancaster county Fair at Lincoln , apt. 4 , 5 , t > and 7th. Eighth Judicial convention meets at lina on Sept. 12th. lied Willow CountyHepublican con dition meets atlndianola , on Saturday iptember 22d , 1SS3. CATTLE FOR SALE A one half , one third or the whole of fine lot of cattle and stock ranch on e Frenchman not far from Culbertson. good bargain. For information call 1 i 3. P. ISRAV.L , 3IcCook. Neb. 9 For Sale. The No. 8 Washington hand prei < s for column paper , now uscdjn the Tur- ? NK office. Will be sold cheap for ah. . WANTED. At thia office , two numbers of last ? ek'e issue of the TRIBUVK , under te of Aug. IGth 1SS3. A PASTORAL LETTER To the Mentors and Friends of thu 1'rot. Episcopal Church. DKAIU.V BKI.OVKH ix THK.LORD : i You have all learned by this time tlmt the Bi hop has appointed me to take Charge of the missions in the Republi can Valley. I have made/ several mis sionary tours through this extensive field , which I hope will -profitable to the church and myself. I have made a thorough investigation int < the state of religion in this large missionan district , and I csin realize the need of the" Church the Bride of Christ and vital Chris tianity in this section of the Diocese. L have come here a perfect stranger to you all and I am glad to say that every person has treated me with utmobt kindness and respect and I hope that my visits through the Valley will be the means of doing good to my feilow- uieti. I know that this portion of our dear-Lord's vim-yard Jias. had many llia- eouragemeiits and disadvantages since Ili.s Mystical Body , "the Church which he purchased with His own blood , * ' was first presented in your midst ; but now , my beloved brethren , T ask you in the name ofliod for your co-operation in the work . ( if establishing the historic church of-qnr blessed Redeemer in this beauti ful town. If I do not get your sympa thy and love at all times 1 need never begin ifiy work amongyou as a minister of Jesus- Christ , "but [ am persuaded better things of ion. my beloved biothrou. even thu things which accom pany your salvation. ' ' I havu every reason to believe that if we all work together "intlie-unity of the Spirit , in the bond of peace and in rinht- ! OiiMie.'S of life , " a good church can tie stabiHied here at no distant day. Let is , then , show to the world the power uf the blessed Spirit who dwelleth in us. > y earnest , united effort , that no part if tiod's work may suffer IONS at this icriod of transition. Let us stand fast n one Spirit , with one mind striving to gether for ' -'the faith which was once Icliverfd nnto the saints " " As T am ordained a minister of Jesus Christ for the carts of souls , T desire to ay to you and to all people , thatwhen- ver any person is in ' 'trouble , need , ickncss. or in any other adversity. " T hall be ready to minister to their rants , or in whatever way T can make ivsclf useful to the Church of God and he temporal and eternal welfare of His eople. For this part of our dear Lord's ineyard I shall ever pray that it may e watered with the Divine blessing , ud continue to bear fruit to the praise nd glory of the Church's cxhaltcd and i loshed head. And may the ' -God of I eacc , who brought again from the Liad our Lord Jesus Christ , the great icpherd of all sheep , through the i lood of the everlasting covenant , make ; > u perfect in every good work , to do iis will , working in you that which is ell pleasing in His sight through esus Christ , to whom be glory for t'er and ever. Amen. " 1 am , your faithful servant , STL-AKT CIIOCKETT. S ept. 4 , 1883. As Others See Us. Last Saturday , 3-0 junior editor eppcd aboard the ' 'Cannon Ball" and ado a hasty business trip to the fa- ous city of iMcGook. Passing up the alley at the rate of 45 miles per hour. | 2 noticed many marks of improvement ice we were up the Valley , several i ars ago. At Rep. City they are I lilding a fine church , and at Oxford j noticed man- new buildings in the ursc of construction. " and at Cara- idgc many fine brick buildings , while cCook. a division station , with her rge eating house , round house and pot , the magic city of the far west , is ing her best to put on metropolitan rs. We called on G. L. Laws and F. Babcock. the gentlemanly officials . the new land office , and found them awded with work ; we also dropped in the TRIBUNE man and chatted until p train came thundering along on lich w htarted for home , and as the lin doert not stop at Franklin going st wi ; tried to get the conductor to w tip and let us jump off , .but the n'n rui hed by at the rate of GO miles r hour. Republican Valley Echo. TO ALL. One Thousand Bottles of Karsh'i Golden den Balsam to be Given Away. Krery person in McCook , vrhoi. s uf- t fcring With Coii : uption. Weak Lung ? , ttrocliitift , a Cough or Cold. Sere , Hoarseness , C-onp. Whoopinir Cough , Asthma , or any disease of tin1 Throat or Lung * , can obtain a trial bottle of M.VKSH'S GOI.UK.N UAI.SAM , the great cough remedy , free of charge. . f hv calling at S. L. Green's drug store , r McCook- Pers"0ns who have tried this valnabl'j , medicine can procure the large bottles -T. at 50 cents and 1. Thousands of Jetties - ' I ties have been given away to prove 5t < extraordinary merit. Two doses AVI 11 benefit For all Blood disorders and Liver complaints use MAKSII'S Goi.nsx TJr.oou & L"iVKU Toxic. It pnrifie.s I he Blood , invigorates the Liver , Stomach and Bowles , regulates the Kidneys and strengthens the system. Sample bottles tles free. CONTINENT T HOOF OINTMENT * U'HKS 3RACKE. . H 0 S , SPRAINS. SCRATCHES and bORES IX HORSES , CATTuE and SHEEP. Ask your storekeeper for it. or write direct to the manufacturers. \MERiCAN LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY , Cleveland , . - - Ohio. D. KendalFs" III AXH -jf Js the place for ce Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars. Candy. Nuts. Etc. iilliard&Pooi Table AU and ENJOY YOCKSELYUS Standard .AUN DRY WAX ( Preserves Linen , gives . . ' satttiful finish , prevents the 'on from slicking , save. : ibor. 5 Cents a Cake. Ask your Storekeeper for it. Mude by Standard Oil Co. , LEVEL AND , - - - OHIO. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TRIBUNE f F.roui"'now"until ; ; Vlf anuary. 1st 133 $ M * POE 50 Cents.