Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 29, 1910, Image 8

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I'l'l I ' < t *
Also Rolls and Muffin
Crusts and Cakes
Send for Royal 135 William St.
Cook Book Now York
All kluilB of repairing at Ream
E. K. Llchtenborger visited In
Callaway ChrlBtinnB.
. J. M. Klmberllng wont to Raven
na on busluccs Monday.
Mies Lucy Jeffords was a Mullen
passenger Saturday.
Auk to BOO our gun metal button
school ahoufl. Sndyer Bros.
W. A. George made a business trl
to Borwyn Tuesday. *
Myron Miller of Herwyn was among -
mong this week's visitors.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pig-
man , Monday Dec. 20 , a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Iowa are
visiting their daughter , Mrs. Hutton.
Mlsa Millie Jollnok spent Xmas
with her parents near Mason City.
" - If you got Into mechanical trouble
let Roam Bros , help you out.
. 'Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Uolcomb are
the pro\id parents of a new boy.
Automobllo , Gas Engine and gen
eral machine work. Roam Bros.
Krnost Uolcomb of Mllburn spent
Christmas with relatives here.
Some choice resident lots for sale
call and get prices. 13. C. House.
C. G. Hotrlck went to Lincoln
laijt Friday.
For Sale Horse , buggy and har
ness , cheap , inquire of 11. McBurnio.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Darnell wont
to Chndron Saturday to spend Christ
Found A double tree. Finder
may have same by calling at gas
plant. <
Misses Helen and Elsie Osbourn
are spending the holiday vacation
at home.
AVe still have a good assortment
of drawn work In all sized pieces.
Snyder Bros. & Co.
H. E. Don-Is Hugh Wells and Carl
Dewey returned from Texas last
1'ure bred Rhode Island Red Cook
rels for sale. Mrs. C. S. Tooley ,
Phone 2K < .
Besule and Alice Johnson are
spending this week with relatives
at Anselmo.
Miss Avis Armour went to Grand
Island Wednesday to visit relatives
for a few days.
A. Lanphear returned from Texas
last Monday where ho had been to
attend the land drawing.
Miss Pearl Ilolcomb who Is at
tending college hero spent Christmas
with her parents near Mllburn.
Chas. Martin of Mason City visit
ed his parents , Mr , and Mrs. R. It.
Martin the fore part of this week.
J. M. Amsbcrry one of Mason's
real estate and Insurance men was
a caller at this office Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Lamb of Ma
son City spent Xmas with their
daughter , Mrs. Jas. W. Thompson.
A new shipment of . Ladles Kl-
inonns In Duckling fleece. They are
pretty as well as serviceable. Sny
der Bros. & . Co.
Como and see mo or write mo
about that sale. W. II. O'Rorko ,
general auctioneer. Phone 409.
Broken Bow , Nob.
Special Furnace Coal , the kinA
that pleases the customer. When
the price Is right and the coal Is
right wo'ro all right. F. J. Bahr
Phone 62.
Earl Molyneaux Mgr for Dlorks
Lbr Co. at Lltchflold , spent Xmas
at the family homo In this city returning
turning homo Tuesday.
The ultimate ohoice of the man who cares
Service Satisfaction Certainty ]
Palarine , French Auto and llylo Oils
' Tire Sunries and Supplies
High grnde Automobile and Alachine .Repairing ]
The home of the Shining Pair j $ ffl
Keep your Hands clean with "Ore-Solvent1'
Another B ; eak in Prices of Furniture
The Svvellest Iron Bed in
Town at $10.99 , this price
is as close as the next miu-
ute. We have a few good
solid Rocking chairs at
$1.50 and up , dining room
chairs at Goc and up and
many other similar bargains
We are making a price on
furniture that will move
the goods.
Exhibits from every western state , fallowing
\viiui. is grim n nun now to grow it. Exhibits
JiTigiitioii iiiul dry farming methods. Exnibits
showing how to raise more corn wheat
oats alfalfa and potatoes. Good roads ex
hibit and lectures how to prevent
hog ehol-
era. Moving pictures and illustrated lectures
--good music
and clean entertainment Admission -
mission 25 cents.
Come to the Omaha Land
A nice line of Panamas , Voiles , I
mil Fancy Serges In ladles dresses , j
Wo are closing them out at 25 per '
cenU dlcousnt. Snyder Bros & Co.
Mary Mullins who Is attending
school at York is spending the holl-
lays with her mother Mrs. Kate Mul
A nice line of small rugs , from
IS to 30 Inches wide , 1 to 2 yards
long , prices from ? 1.50to , $4.50.
Snyder Hros. & Co.
Poultry Show.
The Central Nebraska Poultry
Association will meet ' in Broken
Bow , Feb. 1st to 4th inclusive , ar
rangements arc being niado for one
of the best exhibitions of poultry
and pot stock over hold In this part
of the state.
Miss Mary Maylan , of the Globe
Hotel , will spend Now Years with
her mother near Wymore , this sti > , to.
She expects to return about the last
of next week.
If yon want to "keep a few hogs"
on your farm a day with the swine
brecdeis of Nebraska iijny bo tlmo
well spent. Meeting January 18 ,
1911 , all day at the University Farm
Tom McMillan of Thedford who
is attending Doan college at Crcto
stopped of In the city Saturday for
a few days visit with his uncle , Wall
Rankln ,
Lovl King of Mason City made a
business trip to the county scat last
Fred O. Holkom and \ylfo of Iowa
were among the strangers In town
last Monday.
J C. Chrlstenseii came from Calla
way one day this week and spent
the day here.
Sales cried in Custer and
adjoining counties. 25 years
experience. satisfac tlon
guaranteed. Stock Sales a
specialty. Write or Phone
me for dates and terms.
x now , \Kirn.
Phone , City 200 , Farm 2331.
Every body Is happy when they
cat the good things sold at the
City Bakery. Como In and bo ono
of the many now customers and enJoy -
| Joy a happy now year.
A few more sacks of rye chops at
$1.25 per cwt. Its the very best for
the cow or horso. City Mill Co.
Phone 320.
Nine McComas was shaking hands
with Urokon How friends this week.
Ho reports conditions prosperous
on his Texas farm.
II. E. Hall came up Friday even
ing tO'-Bpcnd .Xmas-wlth hla family.
Mr. Hall Is employed as cigar makwr
with an Aurora cigar factory.
We wish to thank the people of Broken
Bow and vicinity for their liberal patronage -
age during the holiday season.
- . ! l
far exceeded our expectations and our
shelves are looking rather bare.
More goods are ordered and we shall
soon hiive our shelves filled with new and
up-to-date wares which will be sold at
Bargain Prices
Next Saturday we shall place on sale
at special prices the balance of our
Cameo Enamel Ware
This is a high grade white lined ware
and is the yrettiest goods we ever
ottered for saleIt consists of
Windsor Kettles , Stew 'Paus , Coll'ee
Pots , Tea Pots , Bake Pans snd a few
Large-Pails and Dish Pans that form
erly sold for 1.00 each. Your choice
Next Saturday at
! > Broken Bow Nebraska
tana *
JANUARY 3 , 1911.
Gaskell-MacVetty-Carpenter To. [ ino ]
Present the prettiest play in years ,
Dramatized by Geo. Middlpfon from
Meredith .Nicholson's N o v e 1 .
Positively the Finest A ttraction that
has ever appeared in this city. It is
Strictly a city attraction. The
same Players and Scenic Pro-
ducion that played Chicago ,
< < > i Omaha , Lincoln etc. - : -
< "
< < > ( ' < 'T ' MISS THIS ONE
PRICES 35 , 50 , 75 , 1,00 * >
I A Joy Ride. Wkere ?
TKc Roller Skating Palace
This place is new , up-to-
date and full of fun and mu
sic. Come and enjoy your
self. Ladies free this week
JACKSON & > GRAY , Prop „ .