Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 29, 1910, Image 7

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Makes a Total of $35,000,000 From
Him , and Willing Now That
Others Shall Contribute
Of Savings.
Chicago. John D. Rockefeller has
completed the task ho set for himself
in the founding of the University of
Chicago. Public announcement Is
made of a "single and tlnal" gift of
? 10,000,000 , which Includes all the con
tributions Mr. Rockefeller hail plan
ned. This sum , to bo paid In ten an
nual installments beginning January 1 ,
will make approximately $35,000,000
ho has donated to the university.
Mr. Rockefeller says he now
believes the school should be sup
ported and enlarged by the gifts of
many rather than these of : i single
donor. This , he believes , will be hotter
tor accomplished if the public under
stands the limit of his contemplated
assistance. The founding of new de
partments ho leaves to the trustees ,
as ho says funds may bo furnished by
other friends of the university. Up
to now nearly $7,000,000 has been
donated to the university in addition
to Mr. Rockefeller's gifts.
Seizure of Tomato Paste.
San Francisco. Acting on an order
from the federal court , the United
States marshal has seized a large ship
ment of tomato paste which arrived
hero from New York. According to
the complaint filed by the federal pure
food inspectors , the pasta contains de
composed vegetable substances.
Plan * are already made to seize a
carload of oysters due to arrive hero
December 22 from Hoboken , N. .T. Ex
traordinary precautions will be taken
by the officials to prevent the ship
pers from dumping the cargo into the
Fatality in a Joy Ride. '
Xow Orleans. As a sequel to a fa
tal joy ride Ivan Cox , chauffeur and
Fred Goodyear were arrested , charged
with the murder of Tessie Smith who
lost her life when the automobile
dashed into the old basin canal. Good
year , himself a chauffeur , was .placed .
under a $2,000 bond six weeks ago on
a charge ot murder preferred against
him and Frank Hoffman when the
machine in which he and Hoffman ,
with two girls were riding , killed a
To Restore Ransom Money.
Washington. The committee on
claims have instructed Representative
Prince of Illinois , the chairman of
the committee to make a favorable re
port with two slight amendments on
the bill passed at the last session of
the senate for the restoration of the
money contributed for the ransom sev
eral years ago of Miss Ellen M. Stone ,
an American missionary.
She was captured and held bj brig
ands In Bulgaria. There were 215,000
contributors to the fund.
In the Grip of Hurricane.
St. Johns , N. F. Newfoundland Is
in the grip of a hurricane , said to be
the worst that has been known here
for many years. The storm has been
raging for forty-eight hours and shows
no signs of cessation.
Fear is expressed that many ship
ping disasters will be recorded before
the storm blows itself out.
Bonus for Steel Employes.
Now York. The United States
Steel corporation has announced its
plan for distributing a bonus to the
olllcers and employes of the corpora
tion and subsidiary corporations. The
sum to be distributed for 1910
amounts to approximately $2,700,000.
Dedicates State House.
Augusta , Me. Maine's state house ,
which has been remodeled ami en
larged at a cost of $330,000 , was for
mally dedicated Monday with inter
esting ceremonies.
Cook Returns Thursday.
New York. Dr. Frederick A. Cook
of Brooklyn , N. Y. . will return to this
city on the steamship George Wash
ington , which lu due to arrive ThurS'
day evening.
Bedouins Capture Town.
Constantinople. It is reported that
a force of Bedouin rebels , 12.000
strong , have taken Mnan , In the Korab
district , Syria.
Seizure of Opium Made.
Buffalo , N. Y. In a raid by federal
officers here $5,000 worth of opium
was Eclzcd , ten Chinamen wcro placed
under arrest and as a result one oplun
ring alleged to have been operated on
a largo scale broken up.
Grave Danger of a Strike.
Chicago. Ixxbor Commissioner Noll'
has admitted that relations bctwcet
western railroad managers and th <
brt iherhotd of locomotive engineer
are becoming so strained that an opet
rupture ma > tuko place soon.
New Year's Day at White House
President Taft. Mrs. Taft
The "social season" In Washington
opens nominally with the assembling
of congress. In reality , it blooms fully
only with the White House reception
on New Year's day. This is always
ono of the most beautiful functions of
the winter. The great conservatories ,
into which ono enters from a back
door ol the Executive Mansion , are
rifled for choicest flowers with which
to decorate every room. Palms and
ferns add their touch of summer green
hero and there , and the ladies appear
Jn their freshest toilettes.
It is truly the president's reception.
He and his wife are supposed to be
receiving alone , though , in point of
fact , the wives of cabinet ministers
and other ladles assist. They stand In
line in the " "
oval-shaped "Blue Room ,
perhaps the most beautiful of the
White House parlors , in its furnishings
of polo blue and gold.
From eleven In the morning until
half-past one , or later , the procession
of guests flies by. First comes the
supreme court in a body , headed by
the chief Justice. Then approach the
members of the diplomatic corps , most
of them far moro stately and distin
guished in manner than our plain cltl-
The Old Man
With the Scythe
HE wonderful new year
has a way of coming
round once In twelve
months , seeming so much
the same when It dawns
upon us as the ono Just
passed that wo hardly realize another
ono has been added to these who an
swer to the roll call of Time.
When wo do realize it , there Is al
ways a bit of silence , qxcept with the
children with them everything is
new , ns we think of the fresh book of
three hundred and sixty-five leaves
that opens in its whiteness for us to
fill the pages. And wo hope that the
record will bo better than any pre
vious one , whether good or ill. And
wo put up a little prayer that we may
"make good" our nobler resolves and
"measure up" toward our high Ideals ,
so that the world shall bo better for
our having lived this year.
It Is a good time to * bo optimistic ,
to believe , with Browning , that
"God's in His Heaven ! All's well
wltli the world" when time begins
throwing his white roses' at us , and
every passing year puts Into his laden
wallet a little light from the eyes ,
a little bloom and softness from the
cheeks , a little gloss and color from
the hair , a llttlo lightness from the
step , and bestows upon us , in their
stead , a varied assortment of odds
and ends , which are , as to value , ex
actly what wo choose to make them.
It needs a llttlo moral alchemy to
turn them Into gold and diamonds ,
pearls and opals ; but with this trans
forming touch , Time's gifts are a
growing patience which brings sweet
ness and gentleness in the train. And
all of these things write them
selves clearly enough on ageing
faces , aometlmes beautifying what
was once almost destitute of charm ;
nnd sometimes spiritualizing what
once was beautiful In form and color ,
hut lacked the loveliness that results
from an equal balance of mind and
zens , and dazzling In their uniforms ,
decorations and orders.
The officers of the army and navy
rival them , however , In their gay , full-
dress uniforms , ns they como next in
the lino.
More soberly clad , senators and rep
resentatives and other officials follow
them , and then comes the motley crowd
of the "general public , " rich and poor ,
small and great. Every ono enjoys a
handshake with the president and his
wife , then passes on into the Red
Room nnd beyond. Occasionally ona
hears a stranger say : "My father
went to school with your father , " or "I
know you when you were a baby. Did
you over hear your mother speak ol
Miss Sally Sparks ? " and other qunlnl
and intimate speeches. Sometimes upon
hearing one , the face of the presidenl
lights up and his set , conventional
smllo falls like a mask. It Is a sight
worth , seeing.
Never have a moro cordial nnd so
cially accomplished host and hostess
presided over the White House than
President and Mrs. Taft. The com
ing Now Year's reception there may
confidently bo expected to prove ono
of the most successful in its history.
Time's New Lucky Bag
Master Nlnelecn-Eleven Oilers a
Bag of Mystery
So may ( ho Now Year bo a
happy ono to you , happy to many
moro whoso happiness depends
on you ! So may each year he
happier than the last , and not
the meanest of our brethren or
sisterhood debarred their right
ful share In what they were
formed to enjoy. Dickens.
Hail and Farewell !
A New Year's Wish.
I wish you happiness throughout
the coming year , and tho' I may not
always toll you BO , the thought and
the wish will bo yours just the same.
Whatever Joy or success cornea to
you , it will moke mo glad.
After a Visit to the Holy Land Even
a Skeptlo Must Be Con
Ono thing cannot fall to Impress
every visitor to Hatlilcheui , ami , In
deed , to the Holy Lund Rcnonilly , who
Is Imbued with true Christian fnlth
and a proper Bonso of the sanctity
of the location and of the events that
have transpired there , and that Is
the more than romarkahlo correspond
ence between th6 things nnd places
shown us today as having heon asso
ciated w-lth the llfo and work of the
Saviour and other events that enter
Into the structure of our religious
faith and the descriptions and ac
counts of them , as furnished us In
the pages of the Holy Scriptures.
They agree with them In every re
spect and It Is Impossible , after care
fully considering and comparing thorn ,
to doubt their Identity , no exactly
nro they In accord with the Illblo
The work In the fields , the arrange-
mentof the buildings , the very articles
of diet and clothing of ancient days
are plainly recognizable in the doings
and surroundings of today. Indeed ,
where modern methods have not be
come obtrusive the manners and cus
toms of the pcoplo remain much the
same as in the days of the presence
on earth of the Saviour. Dotween the
descriptions given in the Illblo of
localities , climatic and geographical
conditions , distances , etc. , of these
times and these of today there Is
hardly any discrepancy. oven .a
skeptic , considering this remarkable
accord of circumstances with the
Biblical narrative , cannot but bo con
vinced of Its veracity ; to the believer
it comes as a wonderful conviction ,
a satisfactory corroboratlon or en
couragement to sco things as these
who described thotn so graphically
saw them so long ago. Columbian
! n the treatment of affections of the
skin and scalp which torture , dlsflg
ure , itch , burn , scale and destroy the
hair , as well as for preserving , purl
fying nnd beautifying the complexion ,
fallible. Millions of women through
out the world rely on these pure , sweet
nnd gentle emollients for all pur
poses of the toilet , bath and nursery ,
nnd for the sanative , antiseptic cleans
ing of ulcerated , inflamed mucous sur
faces. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp , Bos
ton , Mass. , solo Proprietors of the Cu-
tlcura Remedies , will mail free , on re
quest , their latest 32-pago Cuticura
Book on the skin and hair.
The Way of Life.
It is being said of an elderly man In
business in Atchlson : "Ho can't stand
.punishment . as ho formerly could. "
And there is punishment to bo en
dured in making a living ; don't forgot
it. Look over your own experience ,
nnd you will detect punishment every
hour of the day. If it isn't at home , It
is on the street car or on the road.
How many ways there are to punish
n man who tries his best to get along
and behave himself. And after n man
gets old it Is moro evident every year
that the poor fellow can't stand pun
ishmcnt as ho could when ho was
younger. Atchlson Globe.
Doling Out Knowledge.
Mrs. Chugwater Joslah , what Is the
origin of the name- Milwaukee and
what does It mean ?
Mr. Chugwater It comes from the
Latin word millo , meaning a thousand ,
and Wan Kee , a Chinaman ; Milwau
kee , a thousand Chinamen. Think you
can remember that ?
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every hottlo of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children , and sco that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Its Office.
"This cork Is very tight In your
brandy bottle. I can't hudgo It. "
"Yes , that's the nature of cork. It
was put there to keep the bottle's
spirits from going down. "
Moro reforms have been prevented
by friends who demanded them Imme
diate and complete , than by foes who
did not want them at all.
Worth Its Weight In Gold.
PE'J TIT'S , KYE SALV10 btrcnKUions < , ] , !
ryes , t' lie for cyo strain , weal : nnd wntrrj
PVCS. Druggists or Howard liros. , Buffalo ,
N , X ,
The Happy Man.
"I hear she Is to bo married. Who
is the happy man ? "
"Her father. " Llpplncott'a.
In capo of pnin on the IIIIIRH Ilatnlini
Wizard Oil nets like a mustard i > Ia ter ,
pxcrpt that it IH moio ofToctivo and is BO
much nicer nnd cleaner to use.
There's nn irony In nature that Is
almost sure to bring these who pre
scribe for the race around to taking
their own medicine.
Mr * . AVInnlow' * Kootlilni ; Hyrup.
rorctillclrrn irnUilnK. aoftonitiiu VIIIUK , riilucpulii-
tUuiiu.illoii.alUyatMlu.curcbnliulrullu. liica IxjUle.
The difference between a states
man nnd n politician Is that the
statesman is dead.
Manv who ii > cil to cinnkc ] < V
now buy Lewis' Single Hinder ktraight 5y.
Why IB It that n largo woman al
ways takes a small man seriously.
Professor Jfunyon has engaged a staff of specialists that nro
renowned lenders in their lino.
Thcro is no question about their ability , they are Iho finest phy-
Bicinns that collcgco and hospitals have turned out and rcccivo the highest '
Ifo offers their service to you absolutely frco of cost. No matter (
\vliat your disease , or how ninny doctors you have tried , write to Profcs-
eor Munyon's physicians and they will give your case careful nnd prompt ,
attention and ndviso you what to do. You are under no obligations to
them. It will not cost you a penny , only the postngo stamp you put oa
your letter.
All consultations are hold strictly confidential. '
Address Munyon's Doctors , Munyon's Laboratories , 53d & Jefferson
Streets , Philadelphia , Pa.
Fresh Air in Winter
In winter , it is hard to get fresh air
In certain rooms. Some rooms in a
house are usually colder than others ,
and if you open the windows it is
hard again to heat the room properly.
If you keep the windows closed
you don't get fresh air ; if you keep
them open you cannot quickly reheat
the room. The
Absolutely smokeless and odorless
solves the difficulty. You can leave
the windows in a room open , all day
in winter , and when you close them
apply a match to a Perfection Oil
Heater and heat the room to any tem
perature you desire In a few minutes.
The Perfection OH Heater Is finished In japan or nickel. It burns for
nine hours. It has a cool handle and a damper top. It has an automatic-
locking Home spreader , which prevents the wick from being turned high
enough to smoke , and is easy to remove and drop back so that the wick can bo-
quickly clcnacd. An indicator always shows amount of oil In the font.
The filler-cap docs not need to be screwed down. It Is put in like a cork
in a bottle , and is atV.hcd ( to the font by a chain.
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged , because of n new
device in construction , nnd consequently , It can always be easily unscrewed In
an Instant for rewlcking. The Perfection Oil Heater is strong , durable , well
made , built for service , yet light and ornamental.
Dtalirs Evtryulitrt. If net at yours , unit /of dtscriptii * circular
to the ntareit cftncy of the
Standard Oil Company
( Incorporated )
EUREKA Harness Keep Your
soft as a glove
HARNESS tough as a wire
black as a coal
Sold by Dealers Everywhere
Household Lubricant
Es specially selected for any the
home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can
not break. Does not gum or become rancid.
Dealers Everywheio ( LSUOIU'OltAlUU )
Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
( Incorporated )
Why wait for the old farm tn bncomo
yourluliorlumcolirnlmmw to
pruparo for your fuluru
prosperity uriU Imlrpcn-
Idcnco. A itrrat oppor
tunity avjulln you In
I ManitobaKaikRtcliewin
lor Allicrtn , niiarn yen
I can Kucuro a Krri'l lumo-
I stead or In : j-land utrca-
| BonubloprlciS. !
How's theTime
not a year from now ,
wlicn land ullt bo lileh *
or. Tim protllH u-ciircJ
from the aliuiuliiMt crop * of
\\lnmt , OutH mid Hurlny ,
as well as cattle raining , nro
causing a steady actrunco In
prlio. ( lovemincnt returns show
lliut tlio numiMtr of Hottlurii
In AVosttiru Camilla from
tlio U. N. ivnH ( ) ( ) | > cir ooiit
lurRor In 1U1O than tlio
I rex Ions year.
Many fimnurn Imvc imld
for tlitilr laud out of tlio
proceed * of ono rrop.
I'rnu IlomuHtuiidft of KID
nrruH uiul i > ruiiii > tli > iis of
Hl < > urrca lit S3.OO an urro.
l > 'lno cllnmto. Rood < liooU ,
uxrullc-nt railway fucllltluit ,
low freight rut m [ wood , wu-
tiir uiul luiulxjr easily oh-
" '
oYp.i'mphlot"Last Host West , "
pnrtlciilurbiis to euliublo location
unrl low H'tlliiM' rnto , apply to
Hup't of Immigration , Ottawa ,
Can.ortoCauaalun Uov't Atfcnt.
Bee Dulldina Omaha , Neb.
( U o address nearest you ) 87
rinncl and ( raulinc ) tb hair.
I'rjiniilci lamrmnt growth
I . ' -TOT Falls to Ilritore Or ay
Hair to lu Youthful Color.
L.'Jf4 'ilp detirt & lulr ti.iui/ .
iOramlt ! IIU llrucglrtl
j from over-eating , drinking
' bad liver and constipation get
| many a one , but there's a way out
Cnscarcts relieve and cure
quickly. Take one to-night and
feel ever so much better in the
morning. ,
Cascnrcts lOo box week's treat
ment. All drutrclsts. lilgccst seller j
in tlio world million boxea a month.
Self-reliant men shave with the
I have discovered a great secret
how to make 100 hens lay 80 ece
a day In winter ; failure impossible ;
' I proro it by sending my successful method on
FHKE TRIAL ; you don't liavo to pay tilt
I your lions lay. Bend ( or it TODAY to
! Mrs. L. Alley , Depl. 9 , Now Madrid , Mo.
other ttarcliH4 only U ounce * mo price
W. N U . LINCOLN , NO. 52-1910.
Color mere oood brighter and latter color * thin an > r'h"r < ? > Ontor oactage colon all Rb ri. Thei die In cold water bstler than any other die. You can di
anjcument without ilcrinaep.arL Vmie lor l ( u twoutlHoteUK , bleach and MuCelon. MONROE DRUO GO , , Qulnoy , Illinois'-