Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 29, 1910, Image 4

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    I * * * ij ' ' TO'sat ' *
A ; DO Per Yoru
AU iaf > crltvt i ate lutimnured pnrmnnuu
. i-Mit-ctid
una it ttlry wnn to discontinue .ire
to pay * H arrearagesand ; notify t jonmicr
B no M llrr.i in Him. Nebrnak * . tor Irani"
, . nliil > i a the Ualtml State * mail *
RAConrl clans rntn
I ) M AMSRIHRY : , lldllor and I'uhlislii-r
We have been hearing a. noise
like free delivery of U. S. mall. In
Broken How. Wont that bo great ?
The longer some of the "plums"
hang on the buuh the more they
arc "squashed" when they arc
"landed. "
Somebody should have told Santa
Glaus to bring Nubrnultn offlclala anew
now kulfo for the pic cutting , judg
ing from the big rush at the poll-
tknl pie counter.
If yon think yon are a good ,
bright , huHtllng fellow , don't Hay n
word about It , fo.r ltn Just llko any
other gossip , "people will talk , " and
you'll got "found out. "
The political plum trees have
been so severely shaken this year
that much fear In entertained re
garding their "ground setting. "
Might bo some scheme hatched up
to start a new "nursery. "
Gee , II. White , a ( llonnwood , la. ,
cattle fancier , I.HH sued Governor
Shullonborgcr f < r $037.00 claiming
the governor sold him an animal
su'illclcd with tuberculosis. Wo say
treat 'om all alike. Make 'cm play
Nebraska corn yield for 1910 was
178,923,128 bushels. If Nebraska's
corn was ground to meal and made
Into the " 30 years ago" corn dodger
wo could give every pap , mother and
kid in the United States a whole
some lunch.
"A New York couple aged 90 and
' 09 eloped and were married before
any ono could Interpose objections. "
Says the Omaha Hoe. It would
seem that people of ouch tender
years should bo watched a little
.more closely.
G. P. Browning , a private detect
ive at DCS Molnos , was sentenced to
two years hi the state penitentiary
at. Port Madison for malicious threat
to extort. This proves that a spot
ter la Just as liable to be crooked
as' a cork screw.
At last some of the leading city
hotels are taking notice to the fact
that public sentiment is strongly
ugalnst the society boo/.o party and
other'stunts pulled off by some of
the thin skinned aristocratic dames ,
using the words of a well known
preacher , "society life Is hell , "
The Enterprise ( Ansolmo ) has a
creditable wrlteup on the court
house question , in fact Its the best
yet. 'Its a pleasure to read an ar
ticle based on facts , especially when
mich an Important matter Is up for
consideration. Vote for the levy
and bo assured of u safe place for
the county records.
Representative Gandy has already
assumed the dignified air of ono
who Is about to enter the law fact
ory , only a few more days and our
friend Jesse will depart for the
capital city whore his stay during
the session of the legislature will
insure him a number of now friends
lie's a good fellow and won't stand
lor any monkey bnelnesa when It
comes to new laws.
Less than two weeks to settle the
court houbo question. We need the
court house and have reason to be
lieve every thinking man will vote
.for the levy. Don't bo mislead by
the statements of those who are
putting up the talk of their lives fo
liersonnl gain , a court house for
Custer county Is a necessity to the
taxpayers af the county and not ar
ornament to beautify Broken Bow
as the county Beat fighters would
liavo you believe.
3ts n hard matter for the county
tllvislonlhtB to keep from mixing di
vision with court house building , es
tablishing county seats and the real
estate interests of a few speculators
3t Is very apparent to the close ob
server that a poor excuse boats
none. Now they say our county
jjourd said one thing and meant an
other. Taxpayers , especially people
ple who have taken the trouble to
investigate will vote for the levy
and a court house will bo built.
Few people will find fault with
the proposal to establish a Foods
Standards Commission , which IB mil .
/mother / step toward the socuremont ,
of uniformity ; but It Is to bo ex-1
pcctcd that , when the commission
Is created , IIti rulings will bo at
tacked at times , even by some of
those who now advocate its cre
ation. As for the demand that t >
enforcement of food laws bo ill
vorced from politics , It Is unassail
able In theory and everyone knows
that Us adoption would result In a
fairer and more efficient enforce
ment than wo arc likely to get un
der the political system. Its uni
versal acceptance , unfortunately ,
seems yet a great way off , for rea
sons readily supplied by every man
who has acquaintance of "practical
politics. "
Custci1 County .
In 1910 Custer county rank first
In the production of corn , fourth In
potatoes and fourth In alfalfa. Fol
lowing Is the yield. Corn 6,151,850
bushels , potatoes 187,450 bushels ,
alfalfa 72,028 tons. This Is a won-1
derful showing when we look back
twenty years and think of Custer
county farmers driving a binder in
the grain fields and the yield hard
ly sufficient to return the seed , and
alfalfa at that time not known here.
We are on the way to first place
In all lines of agriculture. i
It might bo _ of Interest to our
readers to know that other cereals
are of some consequence in the
county so wo will give you the ta
ble In full as shown by crop sta
tistics bulletlnNo. 21 issued in De
cember 1910 : winter wheat 000-
600 bushels , spring wheat 31,004
bushels , oats 1,420,463 bushels ,
barley 80,507 bushels , rye 35,807
buhsels , wild hay 9,009 tons , millet
10,081 tens.
Custer County AVill
R\Iill > ! t at Jjiind Show.
Iloy U. Barnard of Callaway , Cus
ter county , while In Omaha on busl-1
ness , expressed surprise that some
people still persist In alluding to
his county as being In the sand
hill section.
"If they will look at the state and
government reports concerning the
crop production they will change' '
their notion , " said Mr. Barnard.
"Not only In the live stock line but
In grains and grasses and alfalfa
Custer county docs not take a back i
seat from any county In the state ,
all things considered. At the coming
land show we will have some ex
hibits unless present plans fall that i i
will prove the fertility of Ouster
county soil and the opportunity for
diversified farming by modern meth
ods. "
Mr. Barnard was for five years
the editor of the Callaway Queen ,
but recently sold out to enter other
business. Kx.
Did wo hear some one say Brok
en Bow was in on this ?
Messrs. and Mcsdames A. Snyder , '
Jim Foran , T. Foran , C. Hlckoy !
spent Sunday at Deacon Foran't.
Leo Lynch wont to Oconto Friday
to spend Christmas. There will bo
one week vacatioh.
Miss Llzcnnn Reed is staying
with Mrs. Sliver 'Christ in Anselmo.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Reed spent' '
Tuesday night at Fay White's on
the table. |
Mecsrs. and Mcsdames Asmus
Jessen , Tom Foran , and Charley
McClure spent Wednesday at Jim
Mrs. Amsus Jcsscn and Mrs.
Charley McClure spent Monday at
Charley Illckeys.
Mrs. Fornn and Susan and Dea
con Foran wore Wednesday visitors
at Will Powers.
Mrs , McDcrmott and John spent
Sunday night in Ansolmo.
James and Rosclla lllckcy spent
Sunday at C. Leonards ,
Miss Llzonna Reed spent Sunday
night at Jcssens.
Mr. and Mrs. Allehellegan were
up from Grand Island spent Xmas
with Mrs. Patterson and her son ,
Johnny Tillman.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Anderson
wore down from Broken Bow and
spent Xmas with friends and rela
A mall blaze In Dr. Rumery'B
house on Xmau day caused consid
erable commotion but very little
damage. The fire was council by
droppliij , ii Hihied match in a closet
where nothing was bt-lng stored j
A Xmiis party wau given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea MnAl-1
Hater Monday night. The guests
report a fine time. |
MI.H8 Mury Wiseman was a Lltch-
fleld panuMiger on 40 Sunday morn
ing to enl XmiiH dinner with home
I. Denrdorf came up from Grand
Island to upcnt Xmas with his fam
Walter Hnrbort Is down from Ans
ley this week working an Mr. Pat
rick's house.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith and
family are visiting In Cairo this
j C. 13. Harrison came up from
Grand Inland to spend Ximia with
his family.
iJuimc-ll and Rusmlsell shipped a
car of hogs to' South Omaha Sun
.1. M. Amsborry was an Ansley
passenger Tuesday evening.
The Xmas entertainment nt the
school house Dlst. 98 was a very
enjoyable affair.
J. II. Uunlap returned from Texas
a few days ago Inning drawn an 80
aero tract of Texas land. Mr. Dun-
lap is an old timer In the county
having located on a homestead near
Westervlllo March 28 , 1882.
Miss Ida Ingram came home Fri
day for a wt > oks vacation.
B. F. Edwards and family spent
Sunday with Budd Dalley.
A. D. Hunt and family spent
Christmas in Merna.
Earl Myers was a Sunday visitor
In the valley.
Mrs. Dyke \lsltcd her parents In
Broken Bow Sunday.
1 Miss Blanche Mllligan Is homo
from her school.
Jcnnlo Edwards Is home from
school. ,
The Christmas program at Sun
shine was well attended.
Everything very quiet on the Ta
ble. There was some talk of a wed
ding but as yet no authentic par
ticulars are ncccssablc and our read
ers must bo content till the facts
are obtained.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henderson
were Broken Bow shoppers Satur
Jr.y Ferguson is home for the
Ccin gathering has been stopped
this time by an eight inch snow fall
If any one wants the Republican
sent to their address they can have
their names enrolled by calling on
Wo presume the auto Is now out
of commission as many spring wog-
ons , buggies etc. are now being
Wo hear some talk about the corn
stalk disease. Its nothing more nor
less than its always been. The stock
filling thoniFClvcs with dry stalks
till their stomachs became so pack
ed that digestion becomes Impos
slble and death inevitably results
In order to avoid thces troubles fee I
corn and alfalfa with plenty of salt
and water and the stalk disease will
become a back number and a thing
of the past.
A sale of corn was made on the
table at 45 cents per bushel. 50
cents Is what Is asked by those
having the cereal for sale on the
A Little CKI-O Will Save Many Krok-
Bo\v Headers Future Trouble.
Watch the kidney secretions.
See that they have the amber hue
of health ;
The discharges not excessive or
Infrequent ;
Contain no "brick-dust like" sedi
Dean's Kidney Pills will do this
for you.
They watch the kidneys and cure
them when they're sick.
C. S. Boots , of Broken Bow , Neb. ,
says : "I have taken Doan's Kidney
Pills with success and other mem-
I hers of my family have received
great benefit from their use. About
i three years ago I was troubled by
pains in my back and kidneys and
in the morning when I got up , I we. )
I very lame and sore. Sometimes the
kidney secretions passed too fre
quently , then again there was a dis
tressing retention and the passages
were accompanied by a burning sen
sation. Doan's Kidney Pills acted
promptly and thoroughly and the
cure they effected has been perma
nent. My. experience with this rein
I cdy as well as that of many others
of my family leads mo to give this
public statement. "
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo ,
New York , solo agents for the U-
nltcd states.
Rpmember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Rosalind nt
Although the mystery In the new
play , "Rosalind at Redgatc , " Is a
distracting affair , and the love ele
ment proportionately strong , all but
the casual observer will realize that
the feature In which Iks its great
est merit is its character delineation
Here Is a decent plot , unusual but
passible , and expeiionced workman
ship , two qualities that go far to
wards a play's popularity. Chief
In the character studies are Rosalin
; i mystery troublesome and tantal-
zlng that will keep the spectator
In doul t iiliicri ! . io the end of the
playPatricia ; Holbrook , "Aunt Pat , "
a delightful woman of middle age ,
who holds In trust a large sum of
money for her brother , Henry Hol
brook , father of her niece and ward
Helen , Larry Donovan , an Inter
esting and romantic young Irishnutr ,
is the hero who is appointed guardIan -
Ian of the affairs of the ladies , and
In that position gets himself into a
heap of trouble. He proves himself
staunch and true , however , and is
ably seconded by one "Reginald
Gillesple , President of the Button
Trust. " The character of Glllespie
is no small aid to the brightness
of the play. He is a frivolous chap ,
cccentiic and funny. How these ri
vals , aloTig with a number of other
people , were the actors in some very
dramatic episodes will be entertain
ingly pu tforward at the opera hous
Tuesday , Jan. 3d.
A I'Y.mily Reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Zack Thostenscn
had a family reunion on Christmas.
All their children came home ex
cept Mr. and Mrs. P. Ilartevigson ,
who reside at Elkhorn , Montana.
A very pleasant time was had , it
was the first time the children were
home together for many years. A
beautiful Xmas tree was put up in
he parlor for their grandchildren ,
'tiled with pretty presents.
Mrs. Thostonsen prepared an
elaborate Xmas dinner. Those pres
ent were : Mr. and Mrs. Qve Thos
tonsen and four children from Brldg
port , Nobr. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Myers and five children from the
West Table ; Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Thostensen and child from Alaska ;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cram and child
from Sargent , Ncbr. ; Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Tenlmore and six children from
Merna ; Mr. and Mrs. II. Rcedor ,
John S. Thostensen from Bridgeport
Nobr. ; Mr. and Mrs. Shepherdson ,
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Thostenscn.
The Dairy.
W/E. Spencer , L. J. Schill and J.
W. Griffiths went to Belmont Mon
day to purchase some thoroughbred
Ilolstcln cows and heifers to add to
their dairy herds , the purchases of
the three amounting to thirteen
head. These cows and heifers nro
from C. L. Phelps far-famed High
land Dairy Herd , and wo congatu-
late the purchasers on securing the <
They paid ono hundred dollars per |
head for the cows. For 12 years past
Mr. Phelps has furnished cream to
the dining cars of the C. B. & Q.
railroad , and enterprising dairymen
who know of his success as a dairy
man are glad to Improve their herds
by getting some of A is stock. Al
liance Herald.
Wo would bo glad to write up a
Rlmlwr Item for Broken Bow , Wo
have the corn and alfalfa , but don't
si-em to have the right follow Inter
ested.Vo should bo able to compote
pete with other towns who support
nlco dairies with blooded stock and
nobby delivery wagons.
Post Otfii'o Rush.
Postmaster Haumont and his fore
of clerks have been about the bus-
r '
Send Your Abstract Orders to \
J. & Leonard , Bonded Abstracto i M
Office in Security State Bank Building
Create A Bank Account , How ?
Ilv building ample protection for ymir HOGS mid CATTI.U
Save thevunig pigs mid cnlves from freezing
Our shea iiiatLrials nrc free from knot holed and are cheap.
Phone 79
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co *
Don't Be Peeled All The Time :
Let us furnish you the next load of Coal , we have the *
la veiy best that money can buy and we carry the best $
j , Colorado Red Nut , Lump Sheridan Kgy , Coke , Eastern 1
1 Hard all sixes uncl Coking Pea Coal for your furnace , n
o /
v j j
Prices right at all times.
Phone 23. , J. S. Alolyneux , Manager.
IN THE SUNNY SOUTH : Every first and third Tuesday very low
lionipscckors' excursion rates arc in effect to the south with
25 day limits , and every day the winter tourist rates are in
effect with all winter limits.
TO CALIFORNIA : Daily excursion rates with attractive con
ditions , limits , stop-over privileges , side trips , etc. , are in ef
fect. The annual winter movement to Southern California
by thousands of Americans who desire toescape the rigors
of the north is now under way.
COLORADO : A two or three weeks sojourn in the winter cli
mate of Colorado is recommended by physicians as one of
the best up-building tonics available. The Great National
" \Yeseru Stock Show is held at Denver January , 16-21.
The Burlington takes excellent care of you to California
eithtr in through standard or through tourist sleepers with
conductors in charge ; via Denver , Scenic Colorado and Salt
Lake City.
ha , January 18 to 26th. All new western localities should be
represented ; all farmeis and prospective faimers should see
this instructive exhibit.
H. L OR MS BY , Local Ticket Agent.
Broken Bow , Neb.
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Neb
rr fAT - .
; f - iisjgnarrt
Men's Clothing cheaper than ever
sold in Broken Bow. : : :
We will also give 10 per cent dis
count on Ohinaware , Glassware and
Toys Sale , which will continue up
lest bunch in town the pusttcndays
handling the Christmas package rusl
It Is indeed amusing to note thoj
manner In which people crowd to
the postofflco windows to buy
stumps , register packages tind to
buy money orders. The crowd Is
usually held back liy some person
who cither cares nothing for other
peoples wants , or has failed to sco
the importance of getting out of the
way to accomodnto the next patron.
The thoughtless person will stnnil
before the busy stamp window
where a dozen or more people arc
waiting , and leisurely place a num
ber of stamps on lottorH , meanwhile
telling some joke to the clerk who
la too modest to say -you're through
pass on.
Post Office Hours.
General Delivery opens 8 a. m.
clscs 7:30 : p. m. Mall ocloscs cast ,
12 , 0:42 : a. m. ; 40 , 8:29 : a. m. ; 44 ,
C:25 : p. m. West 43 , 0:30 : a. m. ;
39 , 5:55 : p. m. 41 , 7:30 : p. m.
Jules Haumont , P. M.
There is more CMarrli In Dili section < il the country
ilian nil oilier illwason put together , niul until the bat
tew jiurs was uuiiposal to lie lucurutili' . 1'or a criat
many ir.irs doctors pronounced It a local dUieaso and
prrscrluitl locnl rrmrcllcn , ami by constantly falling
to curu with local trnumciit , pronounced It Incurable.
Kcleiica him proven Catarrh to ho a constitutional UH >
raw , nnil tlureforo required constitutional trratme. t ,
Hiill'i Catarrh Cure , manufactured liy r. j. Cheney
A Co. . 'Inledo , Ohio , U thu only Constitutional cure on
the nmkrt. It U tnkiu Internally In doses from 10
droiw to A tKKpoondil It ad * directly on the blood
mill iniicoii < 4 mufiMrN n ( llio i ) lein Tlioy oner ona
hundred dollar. lor any iaut It Ititla to cure. Bend
lor ilrcular. ami trallmonlal *
Aililnw V i I III NI.V A CO. , Toledo. Ohio.
Hiiht liy DlllCtfUU. Hn.
IUII1. Uiitlly I'llU tor comiii tlou.