THE OUSTIflll OOUxNTi ! BM'UJBLiOAN THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters Ono sure thing nn Oakland Cnr. " " " " llcam DroH. Thcso frosty nights will rutnlnd you that you need an extra comfort. Get Jt at Konkol the Furniture man. The Square Deal Suit and Sldrt Bale comes off at Movls & CO.'B Oct. 10th. Sale one day only. Always working , always soniothltu to do. Give Ream IJro.s. a chance tc do soomothlng for you. Miss Ida Johnson of nlshop Hill , 111. , after a weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris , left Tuesday for Mlnden , Nohr. The Square Deal Suit and Skirt sale comes off at Movls & Co.'s Oct. 10th. Sale one day only. Memorial services were , held last Sunday night at Sargent under the auspices of the G. A. II. for Hev. W. D. Hall who died Sept. 25 , 1910 , at Buffalo , Now York of pneumonia. The Square Deal Suit and Skirt sale comes off at Movls & Co.'s Oct. 10th. Sale one day only. Did you see thatllnoof J.1 CUNT at Strong's Variety Store ? Good goods for the money. Just received o lot of handkerchiefs and towels which are offered at bargain prices. Hon. W. II. Thompson of Grand Island , has been secured by A . H , Tnlbot , Head Council for Iho M. W. A. , to make the Woodman address on next Wednesday , Oct. 12 , at the second annual Log Rolling In Brok en Bow. Thcro will be a big parade at 11 a. m. and In the afternoon wll bo the speaking , band concerts , com- petatlvo drill work and uports of all kinds. Take a day off and come out. A lot of cool hods came this week to STKONO'S VAKIKTY HTOItK Prices 35c to GOc ; also a lot of fine shovels , pokers , cover Utters and a hundred other articles useful In the kitchen. "Arm Drokcn. Austin Lawson , a boy about twclv years old , in attempting to jump fro a byciclo to a horse's back Sunday evening In front of the Christian church fell and broke his arm. Sunday School Itally. I Next Sunday will bo rally day in the U. B. Sunday School. A specla musical program is being arranged Supt. Elliott and Attorney A. P. Joh son will make addresses. Every member Is urged to be present. Ev body invited. LATI3 Tlie JCepubllcan Is two days late tblsvoek which was cnuscd by bi caking our Kasollno engine. U took two days before we could get another Installed and us we had an unusual amount , of contract work \ve had to got out in addition to our regular amount. Wchad to run day and night to get it done. PUBLIC SALE. The Board of Education of the city of Broken Bow will offer at public auction on Monday , October 17 , 1910 at the high school grounds In Broken Bow , the dwelling house and barn , located on said grounds , also the outbuildings on the north and south side school grounds. Announcement. I wlnh to announce to the people 01 Citster county and vicinity that I have taken over the optical practice and recordo of the late Dr. C. .1. ChrlfUeiisen and am prepared to dup llcate any glasses or replace any broken lens lilted by him. My prac tice In the future will bo directed along the same general line as form erly pursued by Dr. Chrlstonsen giv ing special attention to chronlo dis eases and diseases of the eye , throat nose and fitting glasses. J. 13. Schrock , D. O. , M.D. llronht ; ; t'efore Insanity Hoard. On a complaint Ipsucd from the county attorneys office Sheriff Ken nedy went down In the nelghborhoot of Westorvlllo last Friday and broug Sam Wills , a fifty year old farmer , Into town and took him before the jourd of Inxanlty to be examined as to his incatnl condition. George Mair and Dr. Willis Talbot now con- itltute the board and the man'r. con- Iltlon was given thorough attention. It appears that Willis has been very lespondcnt of late over business af fairs , their financial difficulties , and these coupled with poor health and a run down constitution generally , have made him act In an exceeding ly erratic manner. Ills threats to kill himself so alarmed the family that legal measures were resorted to for his own protection. The mem bers of the board seemed to think that good medical treatment was wh the man needed and suggested If ho would go to the asylum ho could ha the full advantage of this without cost , but Wills strongly objected to the plan , asserting that It would bo a disgrace to bo sent to an Institu tion for the insane , and made such a plea for himself that the case was finally taken under advisement. Wills was allowed to return to his homo ; but If his condition and healt do not Improve the board will take action and devise some means wher by ho will receive proper treatment. 'To Mandamus The Board. Joseph Pieman , on behalf of Caster county , has applied to the district court for a writ of mandamus to com pel the hoard of supervisors to as semble and set aside the order made by them for a division of Custer county , on the ground that a majority of the voters of the proposed new counties of Corn and Rose have not petitioned for the question to be sub mitted. Those who have followed the pn - ceedinus of the board of supervisors will remember that when the petitions for the erection of the above namer counties were filed with the board , Mr. I'itmu'M asked that the matter be laid over for .50 days for investittatioi but by a close vote , his request was over ruled and an election ordered. Anti-divisionists claim that the peti tions for both these new counties are illeual for want of the necessary ma jority of signatures and when the matter comes up before Judge I los- tetler , are confident that the evidence will sustain the allegations. They say , among other things , that names of men on these petitions occur sometimes twice and three times. If this be true it is better that the question be not voted on , as the elec tion \\ill entail much expense. As Swift , As Silent and Ai Certain As the Coming of the Dawn. THE OAKLAND AUTOMOBILES / A Combination Always w'M&t Fztvf * of The Latest A Little Font tires in Bettor Than Motor Cnr The Others Construction OAKLAND " 40" $1550 SPOTZOFF' THE BUSY SHOP BEAM BROS. LIKE AN EARTHLY PARADISE Many Delijhtfi'l Things Happening to Hfnry , Hut It Was All In j a Dream. I The tran na nn'onlliod. ' IIo won- dureil If IIP wore dentl and this clAnge of thin ; , * one bain of a her after. Ho WHS fiwiikcriwl by his wlfo ap pealing tit'Cslilc with n tray of lirenltfiist oil , t > uch a breakfast. "Herd's > our bieakfast , dour , " she said , and he sat up In bed and enJoy - Joy ud It. 'Take' jour time. " said his wife , "It's curly j t. " So the mini leisurely at tired ihinti'K for iho day and as lela- uioly rinde his \vay to the olllco. At t. o olBco the "boas" was all smiles. "Con e Into iny , office a minute. Henry , ' by iinld ; 'I want to talk with you. " Once Inside ho told him that there would soon be .1 vacancy to bo lllletf 1 'slier up , and hat he Ind been keepln ; , an ( ye on hia work for sonic time. "I'm glad you'ro to get It , Henry. " aaid th boss ; "yon deserve that raise , if anyb ; dy ever did. " Thei. . happily whistling under his breath , the man took a seat at his desk , fhe first letter he opened was one fn iii a man bo had almost , for gotten It couuuned a check tor $ li : hat ho had almost furgoltuuuisowed him. him.Thci1 Thci1 some one shook him by , the "Get up , Henry. " said bin wife ; "I've v tKcd > ou tv ice already. If yon want n iy brcakfon you'll hiivo to got it dotown. . Thui' : I've nothing to do but cook breakfast at all hours ? You'd tictter huriy if you don't want to bo ! ute at th .otllco. " It w. s alt a drclm , and the 39-cent clock i-Siowed thnt , however ho might hurry , ' 10 waj cure to bo late. Galves ton Ntwa. SPENSER'S GREAT INTELLECT Philosopher Lslcl Broad and Deep ths Foundations of the Theory of l.volutlon. It Id a matter of regret , a writer enya , t < at Spencer prefaced hla bcien- tiflc I iillosophy o' the Cosmos with his fai. oua theory of the unknowable. In UK recognition of an unknown power 'nscrutablo ' to the human Intel- tolled Spencer fancied ho had found the b , i\a \ of icconclllatlon between Bclenc' and religion. Science was to take ns Its province the known , and rellgio.i the piovlnco of the unknow able. The proposed tcrmp resembled those of a husband with his wife as this b. sis of domestic harmony , that he she ild take the Inside of the house and si o the outside. Had Spencer been l- > closer toir , h with the religious Bentlu'"iit ha wii Id have rci-ngnlzcd that B 4i-h a theory of reconciliation would olmply distinct public attention from 1 is attempt to apply thu key of evolution to the secrets of the mate rial ir Iverne. In this later days ho felt that his ! tyst''in had been preju diced 'iy hid theory of the unl now- able , i nil in convsrautlon ho usrd to emphasize the vli w that his philoso phy ol the Cosmos was quite dlbtinct from Mr ontolug cal opinions , and BhoulO bo judged on its own merits. Makin ; duo allowance for ( U-fects rising out of the personal equation , the fa-1 remains that Herbert Spencer was ( ie of the great creative intel lects of the nineteenth century. In many particulars his generalisations will bo modified by advancing knowl edge , ' -ut tins at least must be ebilmed for hiiii , that ho laid broad tint ! deep the foundation ! ) ol the theory ol evolu tion. Among the sceptered Immortals Horbcit Spencer holds high lank. Mnrjnet for Urloadlng Pig Iron. Pig iron Is pret'y heavy stuff and It takes a lot of tedious , back-aching la bor ti > unload a car of It In the old way , by hand. The modern method Is by the UMO of the electro-magnet at tached to a crane , which will pick up a ton of the heavy pieces as easily as a man could one. ' " It In r.ald that the ordinary cost of hamlh.ig a ton of pig Iron by hand la bor Is rrom five to eight cents , depend ing upon the "carry. " The lifting magiu t will do the work for half a cent i or ton iin.l Isn't half as apt to go on a fstrlke. Win t ) current is turned on the mag net literally grabs a mouthful of the Iron chunks. The Instant the cur rent Is switched off the magnetism de parts and the magnet drops its load. Dig Electrical Investment. There are In use In the United States 5,500,000 telephones , represent ing $5oO.OOO,000 capital , or about $100 for each telephone. There are In this country 40,247 miles of electric rail ways using 89,210 cars and capitalized at $4.Gr.7,000,000. There are G.OOO cen tral stations , costing $1,250,000.000 earning $250.000,000 a year and developing oping 2.500,00 horse power. In all about SG.000,000,000. an authority says is invented In the electrical business iu the United States. This Is equate to about $75 for every man , woman and child In the Country and all lu 80 years. The Straw Itch. Handlers of htraw and those who sloop on straw mattresses run a new danger , which Is pointed out to the public In the federal government's health bulletin. The "straw itch' which may attack them Is duo to a Email straw Infesting mile. While the nilto devours the parasites which or dinarily would damage grain , It may attack the l.nmUor. Within twelve hours after exposure , itching appears , followed Bhoitly by au eruption. The Cheapest Seat. Hero la Hit. ' latv ri lol'o from the 'rltltih ' metropolis : "Tlio country vis- tor WIH doing London and went to u Af'll known concert hall. Ui1 was par ticular to Inquire the prlco of seats ind the obliging attendant sr Id : 'Front stats , two shillings ; buck , ona shilling ; ? rngrntu , a penny' 'Oh , well , then , ' blandly leplled the countryman , 'I'll sit on a program. ' " flceso a Martin's Custer Canyon Herd of Ouroc-Jersey Swine Capt ures Leaning Awards. PROGRESSIVE BREEDING WINS. Reese & Martin , successors to John Reese , proprietors of Custer Canyon Henf of Duroc-Jersy Swine , for tlie third successive year have capture : ! the leading awards in the Swine depat tment of the Custer coun ty fair and for the third year their ril is the sweepstakes herd of the county. The supremacy of their Duroc-Jnseys over hogs of the same breed and all other breeds was main tained this year over an excellent showing and strong competition in , u ine department. Their Duroc- Jerseys received the following awards : v First on boar of one year and over. First and second on boar under one year and over six months. First and second on sow one year md over. First and second on sow under one ear and over six months. First on sow six months and under. Sweestakes on boar , any tige or M'ccd. Sweepstakes on sow , any age or irced. Sweepstakes on sow and eleven suckling pigs. The awards numbered exactly the same as those received last year. To win these awards year after year ndicates that the Custer Canyon herd s being developed along progressive ines. This j ear , as usual , the pro prietors attended the leading hog sales and \isited the best breeders , Buying stock to keep the herd up to the same "high standard of excellence Heretofore enjoyed. Custer county fanners and hog raisers , as well as others over the state , have learned to know that the best blood and Breeding are to be found in the Custer Canyon herd , and the stock from it is in demand .and Custer Canyon Duroc-Jerseys arc found on many farms , helping breed the better class of hogs and making the profit a little larger , a little quicker , " a little surer. It pays to breed good stock , and anyone interested in developing their herd u ill find it profitable to get in touch with Reese Sc Aim tin and see or learn more of their herd of Duroc- Jen-cys. Prairie Hill. The threshing machine is again in the neighborhood. Mr. Charley Jefford "shipped a car load of cattle to Omaha last week. Mr. Frank Myres of Omaha is cook at the Reese and Martin ranch. Reese and Martin has got one thousand head of sheep from the eastt. i Mrs. Herman Martin started last week to Petersburg , III. , to visit relatives. J. J. Philipsen , of Dunning , Nebr. is visiting with his daughter M- . Albert Brown. Mr. Hmtaie , of Wavcrly , Nebr. , visited at his cousins , Mrs. Otis Weesncr , Sunday. While the Jewel thrashing machine was on the West table theyaccidently burned 3 stacks of grain for Mr. Welsh. Mrs. L. T. Martin starts Thurs day for Prairie City , 111. , where she will spend a few weeks with her parents. Mr. Kud Gracey who has been working at the Reese and Martin Ranch .started Thursd.i ) morning for Oceola , lo\\a. ' THE NEAL INSTITUTE CO. OP- GRAND ISLAND , NEBR. Itul. Phone. 187. Hell Phone , 295 , < t 205 WK CURE THE DRINK HABIT. We issue a contract and guarantee to cure the drink habit in THREE DAYS. We employ no hypoderinict or other larsh or impossible forms of treatment , We not only guarantee the results of the treatment , but the PATIENT is the sole judge as to the cure. In event of hia not having lost nil desires for alcoholic liqu ors at the end of the THIRD DY8 TREATMENT ALL MON'EY EXPEND ED INCLUDING CARFARE WILL HE REFUNDED. If you ) oursslf are addicted to dtiakor if you have any relative 01 frieud who is , do yourself or him the kindness of writ ing to us for testimonials , a c6pof our contract will nccDinp-inx them Afford us tile opportunity of serving you , by dispeiliug the doubt yon mav possesu iu reference to our ability to cure the curse of drink. All correspondence in plain wrapper and everything confidential. Inquire about our DRUG ami TOBACCO cure. Address all communications to NEAT , I.NS'muTu Co , Grand Island , Nebr. NOTICE OF SALE. In tbe matter of the estate of Christ Cbristensen , deceased. Notice is hereby given , that in persu- auce of an order of the Hon. James R. Ilflima , Judge of the Disirict Court of Orceley county , Nebnskn , made on the 2Olb driy of September , 1910 , for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described , there will be sold at liioken How at tl'e Iront door of the court in Custer Count } , Nebraiku , on the 25th day of October , A D. 1910 , nt the hour of one o'clock p. in nt public vcndtie to the highest bidder for $4500.00 cash in hand , the purchaser to assume aud ngrie to pay a mortgage frr 7746 oo now nyninst the land , and execute nnd deliver t" the executors of said estate n second mor'- gHge for the remainder of the purcha e price , the following described real estate to-vvit : The snutbeast quarter of tbe northwest quarter and the south half f the noitheast quarter and the iiorlbt-a t quarter of the northeast quarter nnd tl-e north half of the southwest quarter ot section twenty (20) ( ) nml the northeu-t quarter of section twentj-nine (29) ( ) in township eighteen (18) ( ) north of raniie twenty-three (23) ( ) west of the 6lh P.M. in ( . tidier County and State of Nebraska. Dated this 3rd day of October , A. I ) . 1910. John J. Christensen , Thomas Christensen , Executors of the estate of Chiist Clui1'- )8-2o ) enseu , tlecea id Iff r r r rrttffl * _ . . _ tL * " " " ' " r r r r tv r r r r M ' ' * i " < > THE ; BREAD MAN is the man that is most popu lar and most needed iri the home. We have started mak ing1 a new home made bread for those who tire of Baker's Bread. This is for the retail trade and if once tried will be used always. Sf I If \ & > lAV B& BS JvO Cf * t& m t&P 5S $ * s gfr B& That delayed shipment of of5T At Is now here. This Ware is handsome , the quality * $ good and the prices are very low p ? lOc to 25c & . . . fee * i / * a A VJ A & 7 V Jti.4 XX At ff ftf. lias been placed on our shelves. We invite your inspection - $ ? spection of these dainty goods and also call your L& attention to that brown % jj ? CAMEO ENAMEL WARE I The highest grade and the prettiest Enamelware you ever saw Set of 6 Pieces for $4.50 I Our Bargain Counters Are Always loaded I Ti STflHt IP % w m 5 a n x-av g FLOl Now is the time to lay iu a supply of Winter Wheat Flour. When the paesent stocks are exhausted there will be uo more. We have handled one grade of Flour for six years. It is uniform aud we guarantee it to give satisfaction. We make special rates on large quantities. We | j will trade Hour for wheat. The following are our cash prices : Ravenna Peerless $1.70. Tip Top Second Grade $1.00 Callaway High Patent $1.70. About the first of October we will have a stock of Callaway Fancy Baker at the lowest market price. We Have New Baled Hay For Sale \ WE BUY , TEST aud PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. We Handle all Kinds of Food The Eagle Grocery Slore The Square Deal Store Phone 58