Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 06, 1910, Image 5

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Answer Onu Written Question Each
Week For Flity-Two Weeks
And Win A Prl/c.
The Prices. ,
First Series A gold medal to
each of the i'list five contestants.
Second Serk" A silver medal to
each of the next five contestants.
Third Series A Teacher's lllble ,
price .V < .G < ) , to each of tlio next five
Fourth Series The boolc/'Tlio
Heart of Christianity , " price $1.50
to each of the next thirty-five con
Fifth Series A developed mind ,
an e.vpandcdinmgiimtion , a higher ex
pei'iencc and a more profound know
ledge of the lllble and of life to all
who take this course whether win
ning any other prim or not.
Each medal uill be suitably en
graved , giving the name of the win
ner , and for what It Is awarded , and
in like manner each Bible and book
Avlll be Inscribed.
( Copyright , Rev. T.S.Linscott , DD )
Lsson for Oct. Oth , 1010
The Parable of the Talents. Matt
xxv : 14-uO.
Golden Text. Ills Lord said unto
him , "Well done.thou good and falt-
ful servant : thuo hast been faltful
over a few things , I will make thco
ruler over many things ; enter thou
into the joy of thy Lord. " Matt , xxv
Verse 1-1 Who dot-3 the man travel
ing Into a far country represent ?
Who do the "servants" stand for ?
What do the "goods" here repre-
Bent ?
Verse 15 What Is It which God
divides among his servants represent
ed by "talents ? "
What rule ( lees Oed adopt in giv
ing < > "t His talents ? ( This question
must be answered in writing by men
tiers of the clnb. : )
What Is the evidence which shows
that God gives one or more talents
to everybody
Does God give an ytwo men pre
f cisely the same gifts , either In kinder
or quality ? Give yonr reasons.
How many things are there in na
ture , mind or matter , precisely alike
What rule and method does God
adopt in giving men different abili
ties ?
The man in the parable went on a
journey and left his servants , all a-
ione , each to be his own master : to
what extent does God treat men
that way ?
Verses 1G-17 What do Christains
have to do to be equivalent to a ma1
trading with his money ?
About what per cent of new oppor
Utilities are developed , when we are
faithful to the original opportunities
which God places right before us ?
Verse 18 If a man with one talent
representing limited opportunities ,
had used It , what Is the reason for
believing that he would have double
lus original capital as did the others
What sin was this man guilty of ?
Why do men with one talent , so
, * often bury It as this man did ?
uf i
Which class of men as a rule , are
the more faithful , those with two , or
five talents , or those with only one ?
Give your reasons.
Verse 19 What evidence is there
that there will be a reckoning day
lor every one of us ?
How long before or when , will the
reckoning day be ?
Verses 20-23 What percentage
of profit had they made , and which
of the two men were deserving ol
the more praise ?
Verses2-l-27 How do you account
for the fact that _ those who are un
faithful generally put the blame upo
God , that is their "chances , " their
opportunities , and their lack of a-
billty , etc. ?
In what way docs this man add
Insult to Injury ?
Verses 28-29 Why did God creat
the law that those that have got
more , and those that have "liot generally
ally lose even that which they have7
Verso 30 What is the nturl pun
ishment which comes to men who
live neglected their opportunities ?
Lesson for Sundy , Oct. 17th , 1910
The 1st judgment. Matt : xxv:31-4G :
imoKUN now
Famous Specialists AVill I5o at
Grand Ontral Hotel on Fri
day , Oct. Mth.
Many people will bo Interested to
know of the return of the Uiiitet
Doctors of Omaha whoso success wa
BO marked on their former visit to
our city. They have been Inducec
by their friends In and near IJrokoi
Bow to come again , In order that
many who were unable to consult
them when they were here before
may have another opportunity to do
It is very difficult for the United
Doctors to leave their busy offices
which are permanently located oh
the second floor of the Neville Blk. ,
corner 10th and Harnoy sts. , to vis-
t other cities In the state , so the op
lortunity again presented to secure
.heir examination and dlngnosis with
out a trip to the hoi.-.o offices is a
rare one and should not bo neglect
ed by any one needing the counsel
and advice of these skilled special
ists. The wonderful results of the
United Doctors In obscure and stub-
jorn diseases of the stomach , llvor ,
ddneys and blood rheumatism , gall
Jloncs , goitre , epilepsy and chronic
Hsoascs of men and women , have
been so thoroughly demonstrated
throughout Nebraska and adjoining
states that It is unnecessary to men
tion it here.
Hundreds of Nebraska people
lave been cured since the former
visit of the United Doctors to Urok-
c'li How. Every day adds to the list
of cured patients , every mail brings
letters of gratitude.
Mrs. W. A. Daniels , Box 321 , Val
entine , Nebr. , writes In part : "Am
mppy to say that 1 am getting alon
fine. My breathing is a great deal
er.sler than it was three months ago.
Tlio comments of my friends who do
not see me often are "how well you
luok , " "you are looking so much
better than when 1 saw you last. "
I can truthfully say that 1 am won
derfully Improved. "
Mrs. Gco. Beaver , Tekamah , Nebr.
writes : 'I just want to state today
for the benefit of all sick people
that after having two operations In
the Omaha General Hospital without
the least benefit , the United Doctors
cured me , and did it so easily that
I can scarcely realize how it was
done. I have taken no treatment of
any kind for three months and am
feeling fine in every way. Tlio Unit
cd Doctors certainly do just what
they say they will do. "
Mary llambsch , Malvern , Iowa ,
writes : "After suffering for thir
teen years with goitreml trying
everything , the United Doctors have
cured me. My neck is now of natur
ol size. "
"The United Doctors cured me of
rheumatism and stomach trouble , "
writes Anna Toensfeldt of Benson ,
Nebraska , "and I want everyone to
know about it. "
These are a few letters picked at
random from our daily mall. Ask
the Doctor to show you hundreds of
others. The offices of the United
Doctors are always crowded with
patient and the number ofthoir cures
are daily increasing.
The United Doctors are obliged testate
state that their consulting physician
will be able to remain one day only ,
ia Broken Bow during this visit , on
Friday , Oct. 14th , they will receive
patients at the Grand Central Hotel
Consultation and examination free
and the same careful and scientific
diagnosis will be given as you would
obtain at their Omaha offices , which
are located on the second floor of
the Neville Block , corner ICth and
Ilarney Sts. A full complement of
the latest Instructions for the diag
nosis and research work into the
cause of disease , as used by the United -
nited doctors in the leading cities
of t he different states , will be
brought and used during this visit
here by the Examining Specialist , so
we are sure of a deep and careful
study into your trouble. Upon this
examination is based the advice the
Doctor will glveyou.
If you are cureable , the best mean
of removing the cause of your disease
and effecting a permanent cure of
it will be carefully explained and
the treatment will bo placed within
your roach. If you are incurable
yon will be kindly and frankly tolr
the truth , and none of your money
These Specialists will be In Brok
en Bow but one day , and while thor
they will receive patients at the
Grand Central Hotel Parlors.
Much Sickness Duo to Jiowol Dis
A doctor's first question when
consulted by a patient is , " Are your
bowels regular ? " Ho knows tha
98 per cent of the illness Is attend
ed with inactive bowels and torpid
liver , and that this condition must
be removed gently and thoroughly
before health can bo restored.
Rexall Orderlies are a positive
pleasant and safe remedy for con
stipation and bowel disorders In gen
oral. Wo are so certain of their
great curative value that wo prom
ise to return the purchaser's money
in every case when they fail to pro
duce entire satisfaction.
Hexall Orderlies are eaten like candj
they act quickly , and have a sooth
ing , strengthening , healing influence
on the entire intestinal tract. They
do not purge , gripe , cause nausea
flatulence , excessive looseness , diar
rhoea or other annoying effect. The }
are especially good for children , wea
persons or old folks. Two sizes ,
25c. and lOc. Sold only at our stor
The Rexall Store. Albert II. Sou-
There la more Catarrh In thli section ot tlic coubt-y
ttmn nil other UK-aics put together nti'l until the I n
few years MH ; rupposeu to lie Incurable , For u Kt nt
lOMijr ic.i s doctors pronounced It a lorn ) < lbeasc i > id
pit-scribed local remedies , nnd by constantly fAlllng
In euro wl'li treatment , pronounced It Incurable ,
Science Imt proven Catarrh to be a constitutional ( ! l -
taw , nd therefore requires constitutional trcatmf - , .
H ll' Catarrh Cure , manufactured by r J. Clictvy
A Co. , Toledo. Ohio , Is the only Constitutional cure on
the market , H h taken Internally In dosca from ID
drop * to a tcaipoonful. It nets directly on the blood
ml mucotu surfaces of thn system. They offer Die
hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Bent ]
( or circulars and testimonial * .
Address r. J. ( MlttNUY A CO. , Toledo. Onto.
Bold by DrucKlits , 7te.
Take Hall's rurally rills for constipation.
One male pig , Poland China , pure
jrcd and eligible to registration.
Konkel the Furniture Ma
Notice To Contractors.
Scaled bids will be received on or
jcfore 7 p. m. October 15 , 1910 by
I. D. Pickctt , City Clerk Broken
3o\v , Nebraska for the erection of a
City Hall and Fire Department Huild-
MK for the city of llmk'cn How , Ni >
) raska in accordance with plans and
pacifications now on file with the
I ity Clerk and also on file with the
architect , Lloyd D. Willis , Omaha ,
Nebraska. Building to be commenc
ed not later than November 15 , 1910
nnd to be completed not later than
Inly 1st , 1911. Each bid to be ac
companied by a certified check in the
um of $1,000.00 as a guarantee of
good faith. The right to reject any
uul all bids is reserved.
R. D. Pickett ,
City Clerk.
Ministers Aoocal.
At this moment the situation in
Nebraska in its struggle for victory
over the powers of darkness , is a ser
ous one , and demands the attention ,
sympathy and support of every law
T biding citizen in the land.
The pouers of darkness , repre
sented by the Brewers and Distillers
are marshalling their forces and every
thing money and devilish ingen
uity can do to defeat the cause of
temperance is being done.
The fight is on , and it is not a
question of party politics merely , but
one more significant , and farreachin > , r
than that ; the question is whether the
Distillery , Brewery , Brothel , ai.d
Saloon ; or the Church , the School ,
anoTthc Home , shall dictate and dom
inate in the affairs of our fair State.
Then-fore , we the Ministers of
the various churches of Broken Bow ,
in conference together do herein ar-
peal to every God fearing , law abide-
ing , home protecting , voter in Brok
en Bow and Custer County , regard
less of party to stand as a unit against
those things which would invade the
sacred i recincts of your home , and
take the color out of mother's cheek ,
the light out of her eye , the joy 011
of her heart , the happiness out of hir
life , the- hope out of her soul , as she
sees husband , or son dragged dou ; i
to a drrnkerd's grave where despair
takes pity by the hand and leads hi r
awayu'icre darkness deep and deru. '
skirts eternal dcseits.
We wish it distinctly understood ,
that we do not make any personal at
tacks , nor do we encourage it in
others , it is the sin we condemn , net
the sinner ; the sin we would slaj ,
but spare the poor sinner : it is rui.i
making and rum selling we woul. '
destroy , not the maker or seller , In t
rather the nefarious bus'mcss itself , tlu-
cursed liquor traflic that we would
relegate to the bottomless pit from
whence it came , for it bears upon it- ,
face the curse of God , and the blood
of men.
Therefore , we implore you hus
bands , brothers , sons , come forth
and stand only for those candidate. ,
who will support County Option in
the Legislature , and oppose the repeal
of the 8 o'clock closing law.
Ministerial Association.
A most delightful social function
was participated in at Mrs. W. H.
Tennanta by the contesting factlonb
of the Fairview Sunday School Sat
urday night in the way of an oyster
supper. Many topics of the d.ij
were discussed. Dahlnmnlsm rocelv
ing a very black eye. Vocal and in
strumental music being furnished b >
the school. A glorious time was en
joyed during refreshments. Crnckb
and jokes being served with raw oy
sters. Thirty members of the schoo
were present and all expressed a du-
lightful time with good wishes foi
the success oY the Sunday School.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pickett of St
Paul came up last Friday evening
on account of the serious Illness of
their sister-in-law , Mrs. ttoss Pickett
who is very low with typhoid fever.
Her symptoms turned for the bettei
the first of the wcekand at this writ
ins hopes for her recoveryls enter
I have money to loan c-i well Im
proved farms at 0 pur co it. 15. C.
House. Gl-tf
Uomomher that KonXel the Furni
ture man sells best ma tresses at
light prices and we have a line of
splendid felts. Try one.
NOTICIt ! 11V rUllLU'ATlO.V.
Charles llowcn dofontuuit will
ake notice , that on the \ th day of
Sept. 1U10 , 10 , Oschwlnd u Justice of
he peace of Custer conn y , Nebra-
ka issucMl an order of ritachmont
or the sum of $ ill.05 In an action
lending before him , whtvoln Hello
Jarrctt Is plaintiff and Cli tries Uow
MI Is defendant that said order was
oturncd "no property foi nil" and
hat the Security State 'Junk of
Jroken How was garnlslic.l and an-
wered that there was pioporty In
ts hands belonging to tl o dcfend-
int to-wlt : a note secured by mort
gage said bank has been ordered to
lold whatever of the same belong-
i\K \ to the defendant subject to the
'urther order of the court ami that
ho case is continued to tl.e 7th day
of Nov 1910 at 10 o'clocl' a. m.
September M , 1910. HoUe Harrott
Sheppard & B irk ,
Have the
in town and they M ish to
have everybody cr1 1 and
see what they hrve in
this line and as it i - > the
canning1 season the y can
furnish you vith very
tiling1 in this line.
Sheppard & Burk
Phone 125 South Side Square
Lots of it in Urokon 15o\v but Daily
Growing Less
The kidneys cry for lie p.
Not anorgan In the whc o body so
delicately constructed.
Not one so important to health.
The kidneys are the flllors of tch
When they fail the bloo.l becomes
foul and posonous.
There can bo no health /hero the
s poisoned blood.
Backache is one of the 'Irst indi
cations of kidney troubles
It is the kidney's cry for help.
Heed it.
Deans Kidney pills ai j what Is
Are just what overwork d kidneys
need. 0
They strengthen and ivigorato
the kidneys ; help them t do their
work ; never fail to euro a y case of
kidney disease.
Read the proof from a Broken B
Mrs. O. II. Conrad , " ' " .roadway ,
Broken How says : "I can t 111 vouch
for the claims made for L jans Kid ,
ney pills. Their value as , i specific
for kidney trouble and bac ache was
amply proven to me three /ears ago
and since then , 1 have jersonally
advised their use on many occasions
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
.seiitH. Foster-MilUirn Co Buffalo ,
. \'e\v York , sole apci'ls for 'lie I'm
3d States. Remember the lame.Do ,
and take no other.
The above reward wil' be paid
for testimony that will convict
in court any one for stealing
calves , cattle or herses b ( longing
to either of the unde'signed.
All information kept strhtly pri
vate until after arrest is aiade.
Brand 306 on lefc hip.
Brand 3 on right kipjand
on right side.
Brand on left hip.
Brand IV ! with " over it ,
on left hip.
Two bars on left hip , thus
Z also bar one on lift hip ,
thus T also seventy six on
the left hip thus Z ,
J. B , SCHROOK , D. O..M.D.
Oniuc In Dicrks block.
Special attention given to chronic
diseases , diseases of the eye , thnrat,1
I'honi'S-Olllce 433-UeslUcncc , White Ml
No Dirt. No Cllnkors-All
Cotvl--Tho Good Kind.
i $ _ _ .
S For Snlo. Doth Wholosnlo
v nnd Rotnil. Highest Mtvrkot
0 Price for All Kinds of Gnvln
West Elevator
F. J. BAIIR , Prop. Phone 62
ooooe > ocoooooooooooooro
To Louisa Oiseubrink formerly Louls.i
inisclmuuin soiiicstlincs spelled Louise
llusclnnaniii llonrlch Osseiibdnk , Herman
lUisehmiimijTlie Unknown hclrsof cnthrinc
Pruessner , deccnscil , sometimes spelled
Chatrleiif I'ruussnernnd.sometimes ilcHlKiiat-
cd aschatrlene I'rusltnrr ; Osiiabburk Itusch-
iiiiinn , Iliibciiinami , name un-
iiiio\\ . wife of said Osnabbuck lUisclunan ,
You and oacli of you arc hereby notified
that the State of Nebraska oil relation of
N. T. ( ladd , CountyAttorncy ot tbe Uounty ol
CiiHtcrln tliu state of Nebraska , on live nth
day of August , 1910. llled In tbe District Court
of Caster [ County , Nebr.iHke. Its petition
against you Impleadrd with others , the
object anil ipraver ol which are to declare
a torfelture and to escheat to the State of
Nebraska the undivided four-llftb inter ,
est in and to the following ile.scrlbcd premises ,
tow It ; The southeast quarter ( seJO of sec
tion eleven ( II ) , township fourteen (14) ( ) ,
north of range nineteen (19) ( ) west of the ( Hit
1 * . M. In Custer County. Nebraska , to declare
that you have no Interest therein to provide
! or an appraisement of said property and
for equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before ; tlie loth day of October I'UO ,
or the same will be taken as true ac.ilnst
you and judgment rendered accordingly-
13 10 The State of Nebraska
by N. T. < ; add , County Attorney
of Cutser County , Nebraska.
Notice to Delinquents.
Notice is hereby given that the
rentals upon tlio lease contracts
to the following described school
lands in Custer county , Nebraska
as set opposite the names o the
holders thereof , is delinquent and
if the amount which isdue is not
paid within ( JOdays from the date
of this notice , said contracts will
be declared i'orl'cite by the Board
of Educational Lands and Funds
and said forfeiture will be enter
ed of record in the manner provided -
vided by law.
All sec. 1C , tp. 15 , r. 20 Mary
L. Hammond.
So'/i sec. J(5 ( , tp.lS , r. 25 Dav
id II. Chilcotc.
August 23 , 1910. TC. B. Cowles
Commissio.iicr Public Lands and
AL E. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning1 sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epwortb
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening1 sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
CoiL'e sj.i worship with us you
w"5 V' , ' ( . .itrz.nger in the church
but once.
Baptist Uiurcli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P , U. 7:00 :
p. m ; preaching1 8:00 : p. m ;
techers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
8:00 : p. m ; Amotna class first and
third Tuesday of each month
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Church Z. 0. Uoward , Pastor
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preach
ing services at 11:00 : a. m ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00 :
p. m. ; Special music by the choir
and others. There will several
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. m.
Episcopal Church Will S. J. Dumvill.
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
sharp morning prayer and sermon
11:00 : ; evening song and address
at 8:00 : p. m.
An Intelligent person can earn
? 100 monthly corresponding for big
newspapers. No canvassing. Send
for particulars. Press Syndicate , B-
4G83 , Lockport N. Y. 45-tf
If you Will stop to con
sider the excellence of the
drugs that/ you get here
you will readily see why so
many people trade here.
We are more than careful
in the selection of our stock
and in the compounding1 of
our prescriptions. That's
why satisfactory results
afways follow the use of
our medicine. The doctor
knows this and is never
disappointed when his pre
scriptions are prepared by
A complete line of Cameras
and Supplies
S. R. LEE.
The Busy Druggist ,
A New Clean Stack of
* &
? rcali IOLA Portland Cement.
Freah Car of ACM A Plaster.
A Splendid Line of Fence Posts ,
if you contemplate using any of
the above tins Sprimgor if
you need a nice load of
H. T. Bruce
Broken Bow , Ncbr. Phone 234
Consult Him if You Want Water.
1) token How , Nebraska.
Onicc over Ilnlcomb's book store.
Onicc phone 20S Kcsldence 20
Ilrokcn Uow , Nebraska.
Practices In all the courts. Convayanclng
ana notarial work. Onice up atalra over
State liauk of Jlroken How.
Urokcn HOW , Nebraska.
East Side of Square
Itrokcti How , Nebraska ,
( Licensed )
lluslness phone , 301 Uesldence OJB
Urokcn Uow , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
UulouiUIoclc Unalaesa pbone'.SS , ResldcucelSZl
Jlroken Uow , Nebraska.
Cllasics pitted.
All calls promptly attended dayjor night.
Phone 61.
Real Estate , Insurance , Ranches and
Farms for llent , 1'apera Drawn , Sur
veying and flatting.
Hroken now.jtfebraska.
E. . F. Studebaker , Buick and
New International Automobile *
See 0. H. CONRAD.
Anyone , anywhere , can start a
mail order business at homo. No
canvassing. Bo your own boss.sond
for free booklet , tolls how. Heacocl-
A4C82 , Lockport , N. Y. 45-tf
For Sale. A fine resident block
' one block south of ball groundu.will
'sell by quarter If profered. B. W.
i Blair. 42-tf