A Protection Against the Heat. When you begin to think It's a per * connl matter between you and the turn , to BCO which Is the hotter'buy your- cclf a glass or n bottle of Coca-Cola. It Is cooling relieves fntlguo . and quenches the thirst. Wholesome as the purest water and lots nicer to drink. At coda fountains and car bonated In bottlcB 5c everywhere. Send 2c stamp for booklet "Tho Truth About Coca-Cola" and the Coca-Cola Dascball Record Book for 1910. The latter contains the famous poem "Casey At The 13at , " records , schedules for both leagues , and other valuable baseball information compiled by au thorities. Address The Coca-Cola Co. , rUlanta , Ga. Carrying His Audience With Him. Nobody was moro witty or moro bit ter than Lord Ellenborough. A young lawyer , trembling with fear , rose to iimko his first speech , and began : "My lord , my unfortunate client My lord , my unfortunate client My lord " "Go onsirgo on ! " said Lord Ellenborough , "as far as you have proceeded hitherto Uio court Is entire ly with you. " Important to Mothers Examine carelully every bottle of CASTORIA , n safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and see that It Bears the Signature of 4 In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Not His Fault. "Oratory Is a gift , not nn acquire ment , " said the proud politician , as he eat down after an hour's harangue. "I understand , " said the matter-of- fact chairman. "Wo'ro not blamin * you. You done the best you could. " fl. TVInslow's Booming Syrnp. For children tnctlitnir. softens the Hums , reduces In- ln.cures Ttlud colic. 25ca boVUa. Ono often wonders why the woman members of a burlesque show require dressing rooms. Dr. noroo'3 Pellets , mnall. mgar-contod , rniij1 to take as randy , regulate ana Invigorate stomach , llTorand bowels. Uorratgrlpo. Many a budding genius has devel oped into a blooming idiot. Lewis' SiiiRlo Binder cigar is never doped only tobacco in its natural state. No other man appreciates a helping hand Hko a man in trouble. / Nebraska Directory \ Are tbo Beat. Ash your local dealer or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. , Omaha ; Neb. MIIFI r&BEWIfi < AUTO OENOUS ) By W W E. Stm IL B BB3 iliis process all broken parts of machinery made rood as new. Welil * cast iron , cast steel , aluminum , copper , brass or uny other metal. Expert automobile repairing. BERTSCHY MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffo. M. Spiesberger & Son Co. i E * The Dest In the West OMAHA , NEB. AUTOMOBILETIRESSS ? CENTRAL TIRE & RUBBER CO. Ola lllbncr , President Both Phones. " 127 Farnnm St. , Omaha , 'ffS = - ' Thn bert In a ICoramiTclal Courses. IT ? " cnmloeim explains all. Address AV. M. IJHYANT , President Jfo. 11 Llull UuUilliig .Lincoln , Nob. I. f HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS drain , Provisions , Stocks , Cotton Main Office. 204-205 Fraternity Bide. Lincoln , Nebraika. Bel ! Phone 512 Auto Phone 2C59 I < urie t House In State. Pays the highest price for General Machinists , Model Makers , Anlo Repairing , Drat. * Caatliiga. Rutibor btninns , Rlcn- ells. Heals , Trade Check , JUdgc * . Kte. 1028 M Street , Lincoln YORK , NEBRASKA College , Academy , Normal , Pharmacy , BUH- ! nrss. Music , Oratory and Art. Wo issue state certificates. Beet Advantages. Lowest Ratca. Year opens September 12. Ask for Catalogue. WIYI. E. SCHELL , President Gall Cure Horse Collars Are made over Curled Hair Pads and will not gall the horse. Write us for free sample of. tbe Pad. Give the name of your harness dealer. Sold by best dealers every where. HARFHAM BROS. CO. , Lincoln , Neb. Get the best. Your dealer can supply jou with our brand. Your loss of hay will more than pay OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. N. W. Cor. llth & Harney Cls. Omaha , Neb. HFIT 1H Brilliant Climax of Templars' Conclave in Chicago. TRIENNIAL A BIG SUCCESS. Acting Grand Master Mellsh in Com mand and Noted Masons From Different Parts of the World Present. Chicago. Fifty thousand Knights Templar , garhcd In the handsome uni form of the order , wearing Its glitter ing jewels and carrying drawn swords , marched through elaborately decor ated streets of Chicago Tuesday , Aug. 9 , passing beneath great arches and before a reviewing stand four blocks long , crowded with the lending offi cials of the order and the wives and families of the sir knights. Forty-two brass bands made music for the marchers , and all along tlio route they were cheered by the thousands of people who had assembled to witness the spectacle. This magnificent parade was the climax , in a spectacular way , of the thirty-first triennial conclave of Knights Templar , which opened here on Sunday , Aug. 7. In accordance with the time honored custom of the grand encampment , the doings of the week began with divine service. Begin With Divine Service. The sir knights selected Orchestra hall for this purpose and entirely filled the body of that hall to listen to u lengtn , and this needed no decora tions , for it was filled to its capacity mainly with Indies whose beautiful summer costumes made It like a vast garden. About 50,000 persons were In this Immense stand , as at Its center was a gorgeous throne on which sat the acting grand master , William llromwcll Mellsh of Cincinnati , who became head of the order on the re cent death of Grand Master Henry W. Rugg of Providence , R. I. Mr. Mcllsh will bo regularly elected grand master before the close of the conclave. Just north of the Art Institute ) the parade passed before another review ing stand in which were Mayor Uussc , the city council and the park commis sioners. Beautiful "Templar Way. " At Washington street the marchers turned west to State , where they en tered on the "Templar Way. " This stretch extended from Randolph to Van Huron street and was made beau tiful by a handsome arch and massive Corinthian columns of p\iro white erected thlrty-thrco feet apart on both sides of the street. Festoons of natur al laurel connected the columns , and the bright red cross and the shield and coat of arms of the order wcro prominent in the scheme of decora tion. Moving south to Jackson boulevard , the knights again turned west , ami near the federal building passed be fore yet another reviewing stand which accommodated Governor Donecn and his staff. Marching north on Ln- Salle street , the parade passed be neath the grand commander ? arch of pure white which spanned the street at the La Salle hotel , the headquarters of the grand commandcry of Illinois. This was a beautiful structure de signed by one of Chicago's most fa mous sculptors' . Upon Its top ntood the figures of mounted knights four teen feet high. At the new city hall on Washington street the parade was WILLIAM D. MELISH , ACTING GRAND MASTER. sermon on "Tcmplarlsm" delivered by Rev. Dr. George II. MacAdam of Madi son , Wis. , in the absence of Sir Knight George C. Rafter of Cheyenne , Wyo. , very eminent grand prelate of the grand encampment. The music was in charge of the grand organist of the grand commandery of Illinois , the rhoir consisting of several male quar tets belonging to the order in this state. Monday was devoted mainly to the receiving of the grand and subordinate commanderles and Escorting them to their hotels. It Is estimated that fully 100,000 visitors came with the knights and that about 300,000 other excur sionists have flocked to the city this week in consequence of the conclave. Of course every hotel was thronged and thousands of the visitors found quarters in private residences. On Monday evening all the local and visiting commandcries kept open house at their respective headquar ters , and many of the visitors found their way to the various amusement parks and the theaters. Parade of The Knights. The "grand parade" of Tuesday was the largest parade of Knights Templar ever held. The preparations were elaborate and Michigan boulevard was most elaborately decorated. The sir knights formed In line of march on the boulevard south of Thirty-first street , and signal to move was given by the guns of Dattory n , I. N. G. , the detachment for the purpose being composed of Knights Templar all of whom arc members of the battery. The same detachment fired the salute to the grand master. Marching northward in Michigan boulevard , the parade passed , near Hubbard court , beneath an entrance arch built In the form of an ancient battlement with Jts towers and tur rets. This wns intended to represent the entrance to ( ho city , and as tht column passed under it , buglers sta tioned on Its heights heralded the approach preach of each grand division. Nest the knights came abreast of the first grand stand , one-half mlle In dismissed , after marching Jforty-threo blocks. Entrancing Sqenes at Night. The scene in the streets at night was especially beautiful , for all the arches , festoons and columns of the decorative scheme were brilliantly il luminated , and on State utreet , In ad dition to the "Templar Way , " the mer chants bad put up decorations that transformed the great shopping dis trict Into a veritable fairy land. Undoubtedly the most spectacular feature of the night display was the wonderful electric set pleco erected in Grant park on the lake front , re producing in colossal size the oflicinl emblem or badge of the conclave. It was 150 feet high and its D.OOO power ful electric lights of varied colors brilliantly illuminated all that part of the city. To provide added amusement for tbo visitors , a big aeroplane meeting was started on Monday under Uio auspices of the Aero Club of Illinois , and the Illinois Athletic club's Marathon swim ming race In the Chicago river was sot for Aug. 13 , the closing day of tbo conclave. Much of the success of the conclave must bo attributed to the efforts of John D. Cleveland , grand commander of Illinois and president of the tri ennial executive committee. Arthur MacArthur of Troy , N. Y. , is the very eminent grand generalissimo of tbe grand encampment and W. Frank Pierce of San Francisco the grand captain general. Among the most noted of the visit ing masons from other lands are : The Right Hon. the Earl of Euston , pro grand master of the great priory of England and Wales ; the Lord Athlum- ncy , past great constable ; TbomaB Fraser , great marshal ; R. Newton Crane , past great herald : F. C. Van Duzer , pnst great standard bearer ; II. J. Homer , acting grand master ban ner bearer ; John Fergueson , past pre ceptor of England and Wales , and the Right Hon. Luther H. Archibald , most eminent grand master of the great 1/riory of Canada , and official staff. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. News Notes of Interest From Various Sections. E. R. F. Starr has sold a quarter section of land near Dlllor to Peter Kcntcn for $20,000. Ed Williams , the man in whoso pos session were found several pairs of klpp shoes which he was trying to dispose of during the carnival at Plattmouth , has , It Is said , confessed that he was a car robber. A Scotts Bluff dispatch says the hcadgatcs of all the canals In the val ley are now open again and the dit ches are carrying a full head of water. Farmers from over the valley who are attending tbo Chautauqua say Unit rropn are looking fine ngivin , and while no bumper crop Is expected , tbo Held will give better than the average " yield. * Arthur Xclson of Falrbury , the Rock Island fireman , who was prostrated by heat July 1C , near Clatonla , is able to bo around again. Mr. Xclson was firing n largo SOO-ton typo passenger locomotive on a passenger train when bo was overcome. Engineer John A. Cuykendall got a negro porter from the train to flro the locomotive to Falrbury , thereby overcoming tbo delay. A young woman alighted from ono of the trains at Wisner and was tryIng - Ing to find some place to stay for the night when she 'Was reported to the city marshal and placed In the city jail. Her cries for water wcro heard for blocks until after midnight. The next morning she was found dead on tlio floor of the cell. Tbo coroner's verdict was-'dcath by nn overdose of cocaine. The big steam derrick used In the construction of tbo addition to tbe government building in Beatrice , col lapsed and came very near killing a number of workmen. Ono thousand pounds of stone were being hoisted at the time of the accident , and tbo first intimation the workmen had of a break in tbo structure was tbo snap ping of a cable which supported t..o "stiff legs. " Mrs. David Ireland of Falrbury re cently received word from her brother , John II. Mltcham of Spokane , Wash. , that hla homo and' Its house hold goods were destroyed by flro July 10. It is said that the family escaped with their night clothing and their 4-months-old baby was rescued only by the heroic efforts of Its mother. The value of tbo property amounted to about $ -1,000. The office of the Tccumsch Milling company" was broken into ns was also'the office at L. S. Crittotidou's grain elevator. At the mill ofllco the intruder or intruders got $1.75 in money from the safe and took a few little articles sucn as a pockctknlfo , etc. Tbo burglar , or burglars , wcro evidently not satisfied with the ImtSl for they took t\yo bottles of writing ink , ono black and ono red , and smeared them over tbo walls and desks. Peter Adam Young , aged 30 years , and the son of John Young , ono of tbo wealthiest of North Nebraska farmers , was arrested in Madison county on a warrant issued by his father , charging tbe theft of $5.000 in $00 gold pieces , from a metal pot , which the elder Young kept in bis homo. Tbo son recently bought an automobile , arousing the family's suspicions , and when they missed tbo $5,000 In gold , bo was searched and a quantity of gold found In bis pocket. W. II. AVlieeler's now touring car , stolen from bis barn In Stella was found in a corn field owned by Arthur McGiunis , four miles from Stella. Mo Glnnis was cutting weeds and was at tracted by a white object , and , as bo approached , found it to bo an open newspaper , and then found an auto mobile , whoso presence was shielded by being covered over by freshly cut corn stalks. There wns a man with the machine , but be made his escape , afterward stealing a horse and buggy to make a quick and successful get away. The Bridgeport Electric Light and Power company was organized with a capital of $50,000 , all of which has been subscribed by homo people. An up-to-date plant will bo Installed at once and the city will vote on a pro position to Issue bonds for putting in a water system. Jerry McGan , bettor known as "Wild Horse Jerry" and a fourteen year old girl named Thompson were killed by some ono from ambush in Colorado south of Klmball , this state. The Thompson girl who was riding with McGan , was killed accidentally. Walt Rising , who was suspected of tbo killing , gave himself up to the authorities at Greoloy , Colo. News has readied Alliance of the suicide of a well known resident. Ed Elter , a young man , who is a favor ably known there , committed suicide at Denver by shooting himself in tbo bead with a rifle. Extensive prepara tions were being made for his mar riage to a popular and wealthy young woman of Denver. EHor was very popular in Alliance , and nobody seems to bo able to conjecture the cause of his suicide. Christian Nuss of Clay county , while stacking hay on his farm , re ceived an injury which may provo fatal. The stacker turned over strik ing Mr. Nuss across the chest. No bones were broken but ho received Internal Injuries. News has been received by friends that two Fremont boys were the losers by the failure of the First Na tional bank at Billings , Mont. Ed Scolns hud $850 deposited In the bank and Will Smith , a son of Frank Smith bad $200 deposited In It. The boy went to Billings four years ago ti work In a suar factory. A Bolt of lightning Instantly killed WHERE HE SAW RESEMBLANCE Apt Remark of Small Boy Embar rassed Toper and Filled Car With Merriment. ' Jlmmie , who Is a very small , boy living in the East end , accompanied his mother downtown several days ago. Nearly everything ho flaw was qulto now to him , no ho was not spar ing in his comments and opinions and quest Ions. Seated opposite Jlmmlo and his mother on the car homobuund was an Individual who , Judging by the "blos som" on his nose , had partaken freely of Joy water. Nona of Jlmmio's neigh bors possessed un appendage that could compare with the ono. across the aisle. In uilenco .llmnilo took in the situ ation imd the "blossom. " His thoughts must have grown so ourloun that they rould not bo withhold liny longer and ho finally blurted out in u loud voice : "Mamma , is that Santa Claus ? " pointing to the man with the rod nose. Embarrassed , Jlmmio's mother tried to lillcnco her son , but It wan no use. In an audible whisper the connection between the man and Santa Cltuis was disclosed much to the discomfiture of the man. "Why , mamma , didn't It say In that story about Santa Glaus that Santa had a 'noso Ilka n cherry , ' " ho asked , and the car was in an uproar. Pitts- burg Times-Gazette. SCRATCHED SO SHE COULD NOT SLEEP "I wrlto to toll you how thankful I nm for the wonderful Cttticura Rem edies. My little nicco had eczema for flvo years and when her mother died I took care of tbo child. It was all over her face and body , also on her head. She scratched so that she could not sleep nights. I used Cutlcnra Soap to wash her with and then ap plied Cuticura Ointment I did not use qulto half the Cuticura Soap and Ointment , together with Cuticura Re solvent , when you could see a change and they cured her nicely. Now she Is eleven years old and has never been bothered with eczema since. My friends think it is Just great the way Uio baby was cured by CuUcura. I send you a picture taken when she was about 18 months old. "Sho was taken with tbo eczema when two years old. She was covered with big sores and her mother had all the best doctors and tried all kinds of salves and medicines without effect until wo used Cuticura Remedies. Mrs. II. Klernan , COS Qulncy St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. , Sept. 27 , 1900. " Hc'Knevi the Kind. Lltlln Edward , aged four , was an only child. Ho was anxious for a baby sister , and was talking of it ono day with a friend of the family. In the friend's family was a baby girl of ono year. The lady said : Edward , you may have iny baby ; she Is pretty and sweet. " "Oh , " said Edward , "I don't want an old baby. I want , a bran now ono wif nollln on but tacum powder. " Red Hen. Taking Father's Job. "Why should you beg ? You are both young and strong. " "That is right , but my father Is old and weak and can no longer support me. " Meggendorfer Blactter. LcwiV Sinslo Hinder fie cigar equals in quality most lOo cigars. Tips you get are almost as worth less as tboso you give. WANTS HER LETTER For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis , Minn. "I wis a great Bnffcror from fcmalo troubles which caused ft weakness nnil broken down condition of the system. I read no much ofvrliatLydla 13. Plnkham'a VCff- ctr.blo Oompoimil Imd done for other Buffering women I felt sure it would help mo , nmll must cay it did help ma wonderfully. My pains all Iclt ie.i TOW stronger , and within thrco mouths . was a perfectly \voll woman. "I want this letter inado public to chow the benefit women may doriva from Lyilia E. Finkham's "Vegetable Compound. " Mrs. JOHN G. MQLDAJT. 2115 Second St. , North , Minneapolis , Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials lilco the above prova tlio cfllcioncy of Lydla E. Piufcham'a Vegetable Compound , which Is made exclusively from roots and herbs. AVomon who Buffer from Ihoqo dis tressing ilia peculiar to their sax should not lose sight of thcso facts or doubb the ability of Lydia E. PJnkIiam.'a Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you want npcclnl advice \vrtto to Mrs. IMiilclmm , at Lynn , Mass * Showllltrcntyourlcttorasstrlctly confidential. For 12O years she lias been helping side women In this -vvay , frco of charge * Don't ! licsltatovrlto at onco. Make the Liver Do its Duty I Nine times in ten when the liver u rigjit thai ctom&ch and bowels arc right , CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but Ermlyc pel a lazy liver to. CARTED do it * duly. I Cures Con' ITTLE IV ER lioadncho , and DUtreot after Eating. Sm.U Pill. Small Doio , Smull P.lco Genuine must but Signature DAISY FLY KILLER ftSXKftTA w Y fe PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cl n iml Ltiutirwi tbt lair. ' - Ci. 1'romutci larurlint poCi. never F lli to He.tcro Uray Italr to Us YouihlVl Color. Cuici tcalp illKiKi * bait ttlUaf , 40c.inU4l.OOM T * - - BETOCE Gold Water Starch makes laundry vrorU a pleasure. 10 oz. i ltc. IQa. W. N. U.F LINCOLN , NO. 32-1910. The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach A man who has a weak and impaired stomach and who docs not properly digest his food will soon find that his blood has become ) weak and impoverished , and that his whole body is improperly and insufficiently nourished. Or. PIERGE'S GOLDEN ! MEDIBTIL DISCOVERY malccs the alomach strong , promotes tlio flow of til&cstlvo luiccu , restores tlio lost appetite , makes assimilation perfect , Invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It Is the dfcat blootjntatfcrf flesh-builder and restorative ncrvo tonic , it makes men , efroaj } la body , actlvo ia tnlnd and cool In Judgement , IK I This "Discovery" is a pure , glyceric extract of American medical root 7 absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious , habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients are printed on its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret nostrums. Its every ingredient is cndorced by the leaders in all tlio schools of medicine. Don't accept n secret nostrum as a substitute for this timc-provco remedy on KNOWN COMPOSITION. ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS. They must knovr of many cures made by it during past 40 years , right in your own neighborhood. World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R.V. Pierce , Pres. , Buffalo , N. Y. The Rnyo Lamp ! a high grade lamp , sold at a low price. Thuro am lamps tfiatcoU more , but therels no betterntnnmailn ) tanr jirlco. Committed ot solid brass ; nickel plated eatllr kpptelrann ornament lc > any room In nny houwi. TlicrolHnothlna known to Ihn urn ot lump-making that can add to tlio valro ot the It A YO lamp a * ft llgtit- ( rlvlnir dnTlvn , Kvery dealtir OTurjrwIiere. If not at } oau. writs tot debcrlpllvo circular to Uio ncarcht agency o. tbo STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Incorporated )