TJUJE CDSTlStt COUNTS lUfil'UJBLlOAN NEWS OF THE COUNTY New IlcLna Scribe. / A fiuc rain visited this locality Sunday evening- . Mr. and Mrs , John Porsyth spent the past week visiting1 relatives here. They were on their return liomc after zn ex * tended trip cast. John is e"gag cd in real estate business in Great Falls , Mont. A large crowd attended the dance at the bottling house Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Siuiuis are the proud parents of a ten Ib. boy born July 29. Mrs. Jennie Simms is on the sick list. Geo. Chandler returned from Iowa Saturday where 'he has spent the past month visiting. Walter Smith of Anselmo spent Sunday here. Mrs. Jake Johnson of Broken Bow and Mrs. H. Kelly of Ansel- mo visited in the neighborhood Sunday. Mr. and , Mrs. C. M. Porsyth enjoyed a visit Sunday with their friends , Mr. and Mrs. Mott Brandenburg , Mr. and Mrs. Win Miller , Mrs. David Miller , Mrs. Call , Frevor Miller and Claude Call of Merna , Mrs. Lewis Chris topher of Jacksonville , Fla. and Mrs. Gladys Bryson of New- York. Mrs. R. G. Moore of Broken Bow spent the past week visiting relatives in this neighborhood. Ourska NMVC. Will Powers and Domnic Foran marketed hogs in Anselmo Sat urday. Mrs. Foran went to Broken Bow Monday for medical treat ment. Raleigh Foster of Broken Bow was a basinets visitor in this burg Tuesday. Senator of U. S. A. Robert L. Taylor of Tennessee P Senator Taylor Is , without question , the most popular lecturer In America , and he is coming tp our platform for the forthcoming assem bly. "THE OLD MAN ELOQUENT OF THE SOUTHLAND " 35 3 Mrs. Sarah Wathena Drown. 1 Harpleto of national reputation , UBCS the most expensive Instrument pver built In each per/ormanco. Mrs. Brown with her flvo musical boya will appear at Will Powers had the uiisfor- fortune to lose two fiat hogs from aeat Monday. Misses Florence and Kate Powers spent Sunday at Jim Gorans on the lablo. The guests of Mr. and Mrs , Jerry Hickey Sund.iy were : Mrs. Jcsseu , Mrs. ' 1'cin Forati the Misses Rosella Ilickev and Rose Powers and JanusIlickcy and Mike Condon. John Maroney had a narrow escape Monday while trying to catch a broncho his "foot getting caught in a lasso but from good management of the horse he was ridingescaped from being draggd. Ortello News. Allie Harrington and wife were callers in the valley Sunday. Ida Ingram and Blanche Milli- gan returned home from Broken Bow Wednesday. Alf Graham is working for M. Ingram , Mr , and Mrs. Bryad Morgan are the proud parents of a son born , Sunday. C. H. Lutes and family , Misses Jesse and Edna Lutes , Earl and E-l Myers , Peul Waters and Alvie Cautrell we'e ' Sunday visit ors at J. M. Ingram's. Frank Edwards and family were Sunday callers at Win Win ston's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs C. II. Hall airc son of Ceder Grove vished at M. Ingram's Friday. Ray Cantrell and wife are visiting at Mr. Cantrell. Prairie Hill. * The thrashing machine is at work. W. Thoinos and family .spent Sunday at Kred Fosters in Custer Center. Mrs. E'gin ' Beal and Mrs. John L/ongfellow are en the siclt list. Mrs. D.ivid Weesner from Dm- lingis visiting at W. Thomas's. For The Complexion we have everything worth keep ing , There are so many worth- It-bS nnd cvrn harmful | > roar.i- tions on the market ihat it will be well for you to buy whtre is kept ouly Reliable Toilet Goods We invite ) onto pay us a visit and inspect what we lm\e in that line. If you 1 row the best p'cpmation , you'll recognize them here. J. G. HAEBERLtE Druggist. Micppard & Burk Would like to have you try some of their high gin.le . goods. Such as Little Neck Clams llarataria Shrimp Prime Caviar Star Lobsters Mushroons Pimientos Morrones Maraschino Cherrie In 35c and 50c Dottles. Sheppard & Burk Phone 125 South Side Square fa Anyone , anywhere , 'can star ! a mail order business at home No canvassing1. Be your nwt : b"ss. Send for free booklet , Tells how. TIeacock , A4582 , Lockport , N. Y. 45 tf We arc glad to report that Mr. Gibbs is souic better at thia writing , Ula Jones and famUy of Over- ton is visiting Mrs. Junes father Mr. Gibbs. Joe Booth and wife of Custcr Cannon spent Sunday evening1 in this vicinity. Mr. Martin took some cattle to Anschm last week to pasture. John Longfellow and daugh ters Alice and Esther spent Mon day at Melvin Gibbs at Ortusby. Mr. and Mrs. George Ktndncs * Mrs. Chas. Wecsner and Art hut Gibbs spent Sunday ut Broken Bow. Melvin Gibb ° and family o < Oruisby , Mr. Jones and family ol Overtop , C. B. Gibbs and J. J. Philipsen of Broken Bow upon' ' Sunday at John Lonfellow'a. Program of Th < - Ctis cr Raplist Associ ation to 1)2 held in Arnold on Aug. 19-20-21. 1'KIDAV UVItNliNO. 8no : Praise Service , led by W. C. ISIiolt Mason CiU 8:15 : Call to order by the Moderator Preliminary Busitiftt ; and Appointment - ment of ComtnuU'cs. 8:30 : Rending cf the letter from tlu Arnold Church. 8:45 : Annhal Sennou Rev. A. T. Norwood , Urokcn Ho\\ SATUUDAY 1'ORENOON. 9:00 : Devotional Moments , led by Hurry Wiighl , Urokcn How y-3 Ri. uli. . of letters from the Churches. 9:45 : Report of Northern Baptist Con vention Rev. W. 1 } Stcv art , Mason Cit\ 10:15 : Missionary Conference i. How shall we make the bud- pet plan reach 'its highest ef ficiency with the Ccuutrj Church ? Rev II. II. Ferry 2 Wlml mav < ur churches rte to nppro ui,11.'live impetus of the L ymn'.i Misst > nary Rev W. II. Iloge 3. Our own field as V.issionan Territory. Rev. Wilson Mills , D. D. Omnhd Indian SeliooS at Ghaut&uqua Every hr > y and ptlrl between trig ngcs of O'n'ud 1-4 jq.tys ptay Jiijn the savage li.auil pro.vii\cd bo or elio baa a chlldfB Benson tlclsot. A kind and sweet voiced tcadicr v/ill bo in charge. Head what Manager Ilcrner sava to the children In the catalogs. 41 The walla of JerofeM ! , nt the blast of the rtxin's horn. EJWnh P.Drown * founded a paper cillVeci ' 'Ham's Hocn. " Mr. Brawn IB $ p rjulflr nad Intereut- ng lecturer and Is to bB wJUi'tis at 1 SATUUDAY AI'TltKNOO.V Women's Session 2:00 : Address Home Mission Mrs. D. M. Amsburry , Itrokcn How Itusiness 3:00 : Address , Korcigu Mission , Mrs A. H. Cornish , I/odi Rcport.Womnn'a Iforeiyii ftllssion in N ! braskn Main Secy. , Mrs J. II. Kerr , Anslcy ' t > 4:00 : Round Table on l. cnl Church Problems , 1. Iviti mco , led by 1) . M ! . Amshcrry 2. Uvaugelitm , led by Rev. R. Rich rds 3. Results of Teaching Uaptist Doctrine , led by Rev A. T. Norwood Address Rev L A. Garrison , D D. , Viee-Pieudent G. I. College j 30 Ai"j'urnment " 'SATURDAY UVU.NMNO. 3.00 Praise Service , led by Hej j \4 Nicholas , Mason City Si5 : Address Rev. J. P. Jacobs , Kansas City Mo 8 : 5 Address , "The College as an In vestment , " by Ptis. Gee Sutherland D.D. 9:45 : Adjournment w SUNDAY I'OUIJNOON 10:00 : Bible Reading conducted by Rev. W. II. Iloge , Arnold 10:30 : Sunday School Conference led by Prof. J. A. Ilrirbtr .15 S nnon by Rev. Wilson MilbD. . D , Omaha SUNDAY Al'THKXOON 2:30 : Praise Service led by Rev W. U. Stewart , Mason City 300 Sermon by Rtv. Richards SUNDAY 1.VEN1NO Young People's Session 8:00 : Devotional Moments 8.15 U. Y. P U. Conference led by O. II. Moomey , Ausley 8:45 : Sermon to Young People Rev. W. Iy Gabton , Merna fo.oo Final Tusiness and Adjournment. Viuiting brethcrn whose UNVIICB appear nn ptogriun will b met at Morna and' i llftway An.u t iglh and aoth. Please notify pastor c f church in Arnold when ' you wi.'l be at i'i n''ove named places. ICe : : . ! Loca's E hcr If. ' : Is aisd her sister Cora vi' " ( > heir home near .VIcrn ; ' . < iy ivjr.irg to spend Sunday. Mi. F M. Ciiriit1 relumed Sat urday frrm an extended business trip in M'.xico. Miss Clitra Slo.ikutu returned to Ansley Saturday evening. Mr. VViltnouth of Mcrua was a business visitor in Broken Uow aturday. Claude Currie went to Omaha unday evening1. * MM B MWW MrMBM * nMM > > MMMin MBBB ' * * MHMiaMMU There is ' NO BETTER PLACE to buy past ry than the The City Bakery JI't v e 3r o 11 ti led them. TWO HUNDRED 4ND F1PTY DOLLARS REWARD. The above reward will be pjid for testimony that will convict in court any OLC for stealing calves , cat lc. or horses belongirg to ei'hor of the. undersigned. AJ1 information kept strictly pti- vite until after arrest is made. JOHN B Coi/roN , Brand 306 on Itftt hip. DlAII WOQDKUl'lf , Brand Z on right hip and on rifjht bide. U. S HOKW , ; C Brand ? on left kip. TJOWKKY & ? "ON , Brand M with n over i > , on left hip. E. D. Goui.n , Two bars on left hip , thus also bar one on left hip , thus T also seventy six on J1 the left hip thus 3 If you should investigate the inside anatomy of a gasoline barrel with the aid of a match what would occur wou'd ( he barrel or y < u stand the lea * . ' 1 he While btermer did. Roam Hi os. J. B. SCHROCK , D.O.M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGI10N Onicc hi Dior s block. Calls answered at all hours In city or country I'hones Onicc ualtv.sliU'nceViittc3Jl ALWAYS Good Crcntii on hand nt WILLIS & SON South Side of the Square. No Dirt. No Ciinkors-All Coal The Good Kind. 0 0O For Snlo. Both Wholesale nnd Rotrvll. Illifhost Market Price for All Kinds of Grnin f88i Elevator P. J. BAIIR , Prop. Phone 62 IN TIT13 DISTRICT COUUT OF OUST Kit COUNTY TWKUPTH .JUDICIAL , DIST RICT OP NUHUASKA. J. 0. itrcnlzcr , Plaintiff , jotce , of Charles II. wrlRhi. vs ct al , Publication. Defendants To the defendants Charles II. Wright ami Jennie I' . Wright : You and each ot you aru hereby notified the plalnlirr on thu lltli day < > f Juiy HHO , hog.tu an action null Hleil liU petition aKniiiHtjou In the ills rlct court of Ouster county. I2ili Ju' District of Nebraska , the object , ami pravcr of which are to quiet title In the plaintiff In and t < > th following dcarrtbetl premises to wit : The West half of the Northwest ( UUii'icr and the West half of the Southwest quarter of Serton 25 , Township 10. North UatiKeyi. West Oth r. M. , In Ouster county , Nebraska ami to enjoin anil debar you uiul each of y , u.defend' ants therein , from having , claiming or assert Ing any right , title. Interest or estate la ami to said above described premises. You are icqiilicd to answer saltl petition on or before Monday the Wild day of August V'lO. Willis Cailwe 1 and J. 0. Hrenlzer , Silas A. Holcomb Plaintiff , Attys lor Plaintiff. ATTEST : Gee U. Malr. Clerk Dial , Court. [ HUAI < ] WOAIEN'S wons. Ilroken Bow Women Arc Finding Re lief at Last. It docs seem thnt women have marc than n fnir share of the aches nnd pains that afflict humanity , they must ' -keef up. " must attend to duties in spite o ! constantly aching backs , or headaches , di/.7v spe'ls ' , hearing down pains ; they must s oop over , when to to stoop mean ! torture. They must walk and bend am work with'racking pains and many aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause more sulTeiing than anv other or an of thu 1) > dy. Keep the kidneys well and healtl is i asily nmintiined. Read of n reined ) for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidn > 8 and is endorsed by people ii this lo-nlity. Mi > A lloople ; 203 IJ. ig'h St , Kear ney , Nibr , SHJS : "I suffered acutely from a constant , dull pain in the snial of my buck. My kidnejs were very weak and I was annoyed by a too fre rpient dehire to pass the kidney sccre lions. IIcadnclus were added to nn misery and I lelt weary ml languid al the time When I was living in Denver Dean's Kidney I'ills were brought to my attention and upon using them I wa ( liven prompt relief. Since moving to Kearney , I luive taken this rctnedv uni it 1ms always proven us beneficial a before. " Kor sale hv nil denlcrs Price " ? o rent I'oster-Milbtun Co , fit ffalo , New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's am tale no other. Wales Egcry Company Jjjlfo „ Flies. Flics arc her in ern es t and pestering stock nearly to death. If yon will use Giteafc Western F 1 y Chaser your stock will get the be iefit of the food they eat , in other wosds it is a stock food. Gallons $1,00 Half Gal. .OOc Quarts ,35c Try a can and Be Convinced. S. R. LEE. The Busy Druggist. A New Clean Stack of LUMBER 7reah IOLA Portland Cement. Frcsli Gar of ACMA Plaster. A Splendid Line or Fence Posts , r you contemplate using any of lie above this Sprimg1 or if you need a nice load of COAL CALI/W SEE H. T. Bruce ' Co. Broken Bow , Ncbr. Phone 234. FEiANK KELSEY ALL KINDS OF WELLS Consult Him If You Want Water. Urokcn Uow. Nebraska. N. T. GADD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Onicc over Holcomb's book store. Ofllce phone 203 i Residence 20 Urokcn Dow , Nebraska. J. A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices In all the courts. Convayanclng and notorlal work. Olllcc up stairs over State Uank of nroken llow. Ilroken HOW , Nebraska , BANGS' STUDIO WE AlAKE GOOD PHOTOS Bast Side of Square Hrokoa How , Nebraska. HARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND E 8\l.nE ( Licensed ) Uustncss phone , 301 Residencepoto liroken Uow , Nebraska. L. E. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'L DIRECTOR ( Licensed ) Ualon'Ulock Husluesa phone 85 , Rcsldeuce.322 liroken llow , Nebraska. DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW PHYSICIAN AND OCULIST Glasses Pitted. All calls promptly attended day or night. Phone 01 , J. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Heal Kstatc , Insurance , Ranches and Farms for Uent , Legal Papers Drawn , Sur veying and Platting , Urokcn How , Nebraska. For E. M. F. Stutlebaker , Buick and New International Automobiles See O. II. CONRAD. rou SAUJ A. fine resident block ouc t > lock south of. ball ground. Will sell by quarters if preferred.--B. W. Blair. 42-tf | An intelligent person can earn $100 monthly corresponding1 for newspapers. No canvassing- . , Send for particulars. Press Syndicate , E4683 , Lock'port , N , Y. 45 tf