Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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    < t
btate Historical Society
" A Sl& A * JJ" % Y f '
uster ( Eountp IRepubltcan
E man or boy with n few
JL dollars to put into a real
watch wants to learn about the
EXCELSIOR how it is a fine
watcli at a popular price. EXCELSIOR
ii-aizc extra-thin is the only practical
thin model at anything'like the price.
$4.50 tO $11.DO.
Ask us for the EXCELSIOR WATCH.
Correct Facts Concerning Omar Glen
Mcckcrs Death.
On account of the erroneous
publications which have appear
ed in various papers it has been
though best to publish the facts
of this sad affair as it really was.
On Monday morning1 July 25 ,
1910 , several of the boys who
had been at work with the thrash
ing outfit were amusing them
selves at riding and various other
sports , when some one of the
number suggested going swim
ming ; the rest of the boys assent
ed and the group were soon on
their way to the swimming pool.
. Omar Glen Meeker was a
, young man 19 years of age and
-weighed about 170 Ibs. He had
perfect physique and was an athlete -
lete of rare ability but could not
swim at all.
On arrival at the swimming
place on the Ross Taylor farm
two miles north west of Berwyn ,
the boys immediatly prepared to
go in swimming. Glen put on a
life preserver and went out into
deep water. He found it very
easy to swim with the preserver
to aid him and after practising
for a while took off the preserver
to let some of the other boys take
it. He thinking that the prac
tise , which he had with the life
preserver had shown him how
to swim tried to do so and went
out where the water was too
- - deep and went down. He came
I up atrangled and went down
again , as he came up again only
the top of his head came aboie
the water and the boys using all
their efforts could not save him.
.There were only two of the boys
who could swim and only one of
them could dive and he could not
dive deep enough to reach Glen.
He went down .a few minutes
before one o'clock and it was
after two before he was brought
out. lie was in the water about
one hour and twenty miutes.
Soon after he went down Dr.
Willis Talbot was summoned
Broken Bow and was at the water
r -
some titne before the body was
recovered he worked faithfully
for something over an hour
before he gave out that there
was no hope.
The body was removed to the
Meeker home two and one half
miles north east of Bervvyu ,
where it was prepared for burial
by Undertaker L. E. Cole of
this city.
The funeral services conducted
by Rev. R. Bellis of Berwyu was
held at the Meeker home and
was largely attended by neigh
bors and friends from miles
around. Berwyn Camp No. 6314
Modern Woodman of America , of
which he was a member , attend
ed the services in. a body. Inter
ment was made at Lee Park
The community will feel for
sometime to come the loss of this
valuable young man and we join
in extending our sympathy to
Mr. and Mrs. Meeker and their
bereavement and 'the sad loss of
their son and brother.
Card of Thanks
We wish in this way to express
our heartfelt thanks to our neigh
bors and tricnds and to Berwyn
Camp 314 , M. W. of A. for their
sympathy and many kindnesses
shown us in the death and burul
of our beloved sou and brother
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Meeker ,
and family.
Barn Blown Down.
The new barn of C. S. Martin
which he was building on his
farm three miles south of the
city was blown down during the
rain and wind storm Tuesday
evening. - <
Jaw Bom * ' Broken.
George Scott sustained a se
vere injury of the right side of
his face last Thursday afternoon
by being kicked by a horse. His
His jaw bone was broken , the
fracture extending nearly the
entire length of his Jaw. The
fracture being irregular made it
difficult to set. At this writing
the injury is doing as well as
possible under the circumstances
and indications are favorable for
a speedy recovery.
Mr. Rudie Ilosek of Ravnuna
was the city Sunday visiting a
Dr. Barnes , the eyesight spe
cialist of Omaha will again visit
Broken Bow and will be at the
Grand Central Hotel on Friday
August 19th. All patients will
be examined free. Regular visits
have been made for the last ten
or twelve years. Call as early as
convenient and don't forget the
! f i ! is in k grocery Line
The Best Flour.
English and Holland Wafers.
The Advo , Holiday J. M. and
Nebra brands of cannded goods
Barrington Hall , Vigora , Ak-
Sar-Ben , Blue Ribbon , Ah-Ha-
Mo , J. M. 1846 , Crown and
Breakfast Delight Coffees.
Phone 161 THE GROCER Pl.on = 180
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
Communication from tnc Alayor. !
I want to call the attention of
every citizens of Broken Bow to
he election next Tuesday.
There seems to be some misunder
standing in regard to the-City j
lall Bonds , Some people think j
we contemplate building a fif-1
ecu thormml dollar City Hal' ' , I
while the faus ar - that if tin. '
3ouds carry we contemplate
building a City Jail and a fire (
lepartuient and equip them
which will cost two thirds of the- ,
fifteen thousand , As you know *
we have no jail now either City !
or County and we will have to
build one independent if thej
3omls fail to carry , and v/e havef
au up to date ( ire department or i
equipment. If we should have a.
fire of any consequence , as you
will notice in the past , it is hard
for the boys to cope with it , as
they hayc no up to date equip
ment to fight with , and it seems
to me that a question that should
interest every citizen is a good
fire equipment. Right here , 1
hejir some one say it will increase !
niv taxes. Let any man who has
i iVIU schedule , sit down and
figure two mills on the dollar and
you won't miss it far. We will
suppose your assessed valuation
is one thousand dollars , there arc
more that will go below that
than there are above , and two
mills on the dollar would make
your taxes two dollars more and
and I would like to see the mar
in Broken" Bow , who would not
be willing to pay $2 a year to see
a good building in place of the old
City Hall on the corner ,
I also want to call your atten
tion to the eight thousand dollar
bonds for the extension of the
water mains in all parts of the
City where they havey * good fire
protection and to the outskirts of
the city limits so we can inviti
tUe people to come in who are on
the outside and getting the
benefit of the city without help
ing to pay the city taxes and who
are willing to come in as soon as-
wc show them we can take care ot
them , and give them water ami
fire protection.
Now let every man who the
interest of a better Broken Bov.
at heart make a special cffor'
next Tuesday , and get out anc'
vote for City Hall , Fire Depart
nient and equipment , City Jaii
and Water Main extension ami
with the thirty five thousand
dollar school building DOW uude
construction we will have a Citj
to be'proud of.
D. R. Rockwell ,
Old Settlers .Meet. .
The meeting of the old settlers
Wednesday in this city was
largely attend and good times
It was a pleasure to the pioneers
neers of 2o to 30 years ago to
meet "on a common level and re
count the days of yore.
The friendly hand shaking and
pleaseut smiles with which they
greeted told of the occassiou.
The program as printed was
practically carried out.
The only omission we observed
was the recitation by Miss Larson
who failed to respond to the call
of her name. The place was
admirably filled with a poem by
Mrs. C. L. Guttcrson ,
The address of Judge Grimes
of North Platte , who was a prac-
tonecr at the bar in the early
days of Custer county was both
able and interesting. It not only
commanded the attention o.f the
audience but was frequently
The officers elected for the
cusumingyear are :
; President C. H. Jeffords , 1st.
vice president , W. II , Comstock ,
2nd. , vice president II. B. Schner-
inger , secretary E. R. Purccll ,
Treasurer I. A. Rcueau , His
torian Mrs. C. I. . Gutterson.
| The foot races , by the boys
aiid girls , the "tug of war" and
penny shower furnished amuse
ment for the little folks that a
host of them enjoyed.
' The winners of the prizes were :
Foot races.
For girls under 12 Helen
Bishop first and Mary McCand-
less and Bernice Rush tied for
For boys under 12 Paul Marks
first Clifford McCortnack second.
For scttl. r * of the 80's J.
Mattox fu-s Joseph Haefelc
For snlMiT of 90-3 W. Guthrie
first , V , . ' .V Polls second.
Boys under 6 Warren Clay first ,
Harry Preston second.
Girls under 6 Thelma Kiuiball
first , Ruth Kennedy second.
In the tug of war between
settlers of 80's and 90's the latter
, won.
I Upon ihe whole the occasion
was a success , The unfavorable
feature was the lack of a com
fortable place of meeting. It
V.MS held in the old court house
yard which did not furnish space
enough to accomadate the crowd.
It is to be hoped that before an
other similiar meeting is had the
city park will be in condition to
1 Edna Wright entertained
visitors from Ravenna Sunday.
Chaut auqua.
You nre cordially invited to make tliis store your headquarters while nt-
temling Chautairiun. You may lea\ > your parcels or wraps with us for
safekeeping. Remember we are ah > ays on haud with dainties for a cold
I lunch.
Cooked Corn Heef in bulk 250
per pound
Veal Loaf I5C per can
Ham Lonf 150 per can
VanCamp's Pork and Beans in
all si/.es loc , 150 and aoc
Mustard Sardines in loc and
150 cans
Sugar Butler 300 per pail
Imperial Peanut Butter 150 and
300 per bottle
Barrel of Ginger Snaps 250 each
Lemon Crackers in loc packages
A fine line of cookies
Call on us for all kinds of Bakery Goods.
Ice For Sale in Small Quantities at
The Eagle Grocery Store.
The Square Doat Store Phone 58
Special Report.
South Omaha , Nebr. , Aug. 3.
Cattle 19,900 for three days
with a good brisk market. No
corn feds Monday but quite a few
yesterday and today , top $7.45
with good grades higher ( $ $6.00
to $6.75 but common wanned up
cattle slow at $4.75 to $5.75.
Grass cowu in good demand at
$3.25 to $4,00. Choice will bring
more. Wet cows thin , that have
uckled calves numerous at ? 2.60
o $300. General run of calves
$4.50 to $6 50 with a real good
veal 50c higher , With present
uu of cattle , prices should re
main strong.
Demand for feeders continues ;
S5 65 , $5.60 and $5.50 having been
paid for fleshy cattle of 1200 to
1250 Ibs. 1000 to 1100 Ibs. steers
arc bringing $4 75 to $5.00 and
'earlings and two year olds of
550 to 850 Ibs. , 13.60 to $4,25.
Packers arc active bidders on all
leshy feeder cattle so that this
class can be expected to continue
quite prominent , '
Hogs 24,200 and in three days.
After breaking 80c they streng
thened a little yesterday and are
15c higher today , bulk $7.55 to
$8 00 , top 18.20. Looks like the
accumulated surplus has been
cleaned up and a little further
improvement should be in order ,
still general opinion is that it
will only be temporary and the
market eventually work lower.
Sheep 44,000 in three days ,
Market active with some sales in
Feeders looking a little lower.
Fat lambs broke 50c last week
but since held steady at the
decline. Other prices about the
same as given in last week's
letter. Look for a continued
liberal run and little change for
a while at least ,
Yours very truly ,
National Live Stock Com , , Co ,
Mrs. W. O. Chapman who has
been visiting Judge Reese her
father , and her two sisters Mrs.
Robertson and Mrs. McCornas
left for her home in Chicago Fri
Miss Pearl Ilolcomb returned
to her home near Milburu Friday
evening. She was accompanied
by Miss Nclla Ilolcomb who will
visit at their place for a short
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wagoner
accotnpamied by Mr. and Mrs.
I. J. ilolby went to Merna Satur
day evening and Sunday evening
they went to the ranch of W. L.
Gaston near Anseltno.
Sweet and sour I'lckles per dox.u.lOc
Hottle IMcklus each 35c
llottle Olives each loc , I5c , 35c and 45c
Stuffed Olives each 33c
Ulpe Olives each Me
VanCamp's I'ork and lieana 10,15,20c
Vancamps Prepared Spaghetti
a for 2Sc
* Kamo Salmon Lunch size ilic
1'otted Chicken 20c
I'ottcd Ham Sc and i5c
Cove oysters lOc and SOc
Summer SAUsagc per pound SOc
Minced Ham per pound ISc
/ llcrlln Special . ' SOc
naked Veal I < oaf per pound SOc
t .
A Young Man With a Big Reputation ,
Burton Thatcher is a younjr man , a
very young man. Ho irfta born some
thing over twenty years ago In Ten
nessee and bcforo ho or his parents
realized'It ho was studying music. At
the ago of seventeen ho went to Ohl-
cntro and devoted h'lmaolf to special
volco training under the masters of
two continents ,
Ho has suns loading bnrltono parts
In grand opera companies , has helped
the Kathorlno Hldgrwny company to
aclitovo Its deserved reputation , and
during eight months of last year ho
filled solo engagements and gave re
citals In thirty-threo states , The
greatest critics pronounce him a prod-
Jgy. His fRtnd Is growing and this
season ho IB traveling Independent ( or
the first tlmo.
Mr. Thatcher gives a' Chautauqua
audience a delightful hour's entertain'
nient. It Is a lecture-recital , but this
should not ho Interpreted to mean n
dull dcsertatlon on the theory of vocal
music. The classics are discussed and
snatches arc sung from the celebrated
operas. Folk songs are explained as
to birth and history , and no ono can
sing thorn bettor than Thatcher. Un-
llko many master musicians , he enJoys -
Joys , the catchy , rollicking popular
airs of the day , and ho has a ropor-
tolr that is almost beyond conception.
The nmnagamont llkos Thatcher ;
everybody who knows him llkoo
Thatcher , anff you will llko Thatcher.
Just bocaueo lie is a mualoal genius it
docs not argue that ho Is not a clever
follow to moot and a whole soulod
Miss Mary Wilson Cook Is the ac-
cQmpllBhed accompanist with the
Thatcher company and you will llko
her too.
Wo nro to have the real plcturo
plays produced by Mr. Alb'ert Arm
strong. These are new to the Ctoau-
tauqua world. Armstrong got his pic-
turca for "Lorna Doon" in tfio Doono
valley wlraro the original drama was
enacted. His programs are marrel *
at beauty. _ _ j
Mrs. E. Skinner and children
who have been in Lincoln with
Mrs. skinner's sister for the past
week returned home this morn
ing1. Mrs. Skinner reports that
her sister is much better and is
improving- rapidly since her
recent operation for appendicitis.
While Miss Helen Holcomb
was assisting- with the prepar
ation for dinner last Tuesday she
accidcntly dropped the tea kettle
splashing the boiling water on
her left side and also on her arm
and face. The burns while very
painful at the time are not deep.
She is alright again only a few
blisters remaining.
< l-Jlllll'l. ! ! ! Mlllfllli ,
. .
Golden Ornngondo 35c Per Gallon.
Pure and Healthy Food Products
A Few Warm Weather Suggestions.
. . . IS.
Maple sugar uutter aoc if
Kamo preserves . .SOc
Heinz Preserves 2Se " '
Heinz Apple Huttef 4fc
I tens fresh crisp crackers nothing u ,
better , packages 5c , lOc , I5c and..2Sc
Graham wafcrupcr box lOc
Oatmeal Wafers per box lOc
Afternoon Tea Dlscult per bos loc
perfctto Sugar wafers per box
,10c and 2Sc
Vcronliiuc per box lOc and 25c &
Phlloplna 23c & . '
Clover r eaf sugar wafers pert In
box i 15C
Itulk Cookies per pound l5c and.20c fiU
Fresli Fruits and Vegetables Arrive Daily
Leave Your Orders With Us.
I <
l i i "yJKp" " ' " l ' " " ' ! SVJ'l'pll ' ! Pl' ' ! ] l'l ' luvi' '