THE OUSTER COUNT" * REPUBLICAN I CUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN $1.00 For Yoixr. All subscribers arc considered permanent unit If they wish to discontinue arc expected t-1- ) to pay all arrearages ami notify publisher , Enterrtl at Ilrokcn How , NcbraRki , ( or tratiir mission lu the United Slates mails at second claim rates , I ) . M. AMSHliKKY , Editor and Puhlislicr KATKS. Whcrn matter Is not on wood II.IHO electrotype n Hat iirlcuof twenty CUMIN | ior Inch , Blnulc col * timti , forracli limurtloit , tuuormnru Insertions ISccntn per Inch. Special iioftltloit , nliiirla In , Nprtlon 20 cent * tier inch , Metal bntOi electron- two or mori ! tlnius , 15 cuiltH per Inch , Payment lirstof cacli month. uihcrtlsinif llvuceuts nrr line each lit . Nollcu of clinrch church fairs , Hoclablrs and ciitcrtalnmeiitH where money Is chanted , ouu Jialf ratus , Death notices frcr , half rrlce for piibllshlitir obituaries , Card of Thanks , 0 ceiiu. I.cKal notices at rates provided statutes of Nebraska , Society notlccsand resolutions , one-lia'lr.tten WciHllnif notices free , half price for IIHI of presents , It now looks as if congress will adjourn not later than the 25th of this month. Democrats arc always hopeful over the outlook , even if they usually arc disappointed with the look-in. St. lDaul Pioneer Press. Missouri republicans are wisely nominating full tickets in the strongest democratic counties. One of the political certainties , in this state is the decadence of Bottrbonism. St. Louis Globe- Democrat. To those who are fond of mak ing the statement that Congress man Longworth is simply a son- in-law of a certain prominent person , a careful perusal of his latest speech in congress is sug gested. Cincinnati Commercial 'Tribune , On election day the Payne law will have had over a year of trial. Its friends reply to criticisms by performances. Revenue is com ing in , and business is brisk , They quote the old saw with as surance. The proof of the pud- cling is in the eating1 , Washing ton Star. In passing of the railroad bill and the Postal Saving bank bill the , republican members of con- 'gress have jagain proven to the public that the interest of the public is safe in their hands. Both bills were supported' by a 1 number of democrats in their passage. * The future of the republican party is assured if it is controlled and led by loyal , patriotic men , 'who stand for progress and hu manity. It will live'and flourish if it manifests its ability and willingness to serve the common welfare. All it has to do is to keep in the middle of the road under noble leadership to an abiding place in the affections of the people. Manchester Mirror. Governor Harmon may not be i presidential sisse , but at least he is too big a man to be spanked in public by Mr. Bryan. The "titu lar leader" of the democratic party appeals to possessed with the idea that a man wear his , brand in order to be eligible to the democratic nomination for president. The delusion does not tend to promote party har mony. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Thai Comet's a Democrat , The 40,000,000-mile tail of Ilalley's comet could be rolled up and put into an ordinary suitcase so little solidity has it. It seems to be very similar to the demo cratic party very thin , very light , very long drawn out , very unsubstantial , and coming from anywhere or nowhere and bound for anywhere , everywhere and no where. It is bulk and bluff and babble and blubber and blather , It threatens destruction and dis sipates into obscurity. Piqua Daily Call. Were it a matter of carrying the presidential election in 1912 and of nothing more , the republi cans could afford to let the demo crats obtain control of the next house. A democratic house next year would insure republican success the year following. But there are legimatc problems to solve. The country does not want a deadlock upon congres sional action. Its interests lie in the republican success at the polls next November. Hence , the prospect of a dctnocratic victory will grow fainter as elec tion day draws near. The people ple will not throw away the opportunity to rccure from the next congress the legislation they need. They will not let the democrats get control of the house. Denver Republican , Kinkaid voted lor Joe Cannon for speaker of the house and voted for the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill. He gave the poor homesteader a sand claim and took a coal claim for himself. Ucacon. Yes Congressman Kinkaid voted for Cannou for Speaker after he was made the caucus nominee. Any loyal republi can would haic done the same. The only thing then to be done was to vote for Cannon or a dem ocrat. He was not elected by the democrat party and to have voted against his party nominee would have been disloyal. Yes he voted for the Payne- Aldrich bill as a party measure , the best that could be secured and a measure immensely better than anything of the kind the democratic congress ever passed , lie gave the homesteader 640 acres of the best government land in'.Nebraska , when the bill was passed. Land on which many a poor man now has pros pered in the past five years. A claim which they took in preference - ence to a coal claim in Alaska. Any man has a right to file on a coal claim in Alaska or anywhere else if he is icady to comply with the requirmeuta of the klaw. Glavis in his testimony said Congressman Kinkaid violated no requirements of the law in filing on a coal claim. At that time Balliuger was not secretary of the interior and had a right to act as agent for any one that cared to employ him. Tree Trade and Emigration. Heavy emigration from the United Kingdom is a strong argu ment against free trade , and it is one that is being used frequently by students of economics and government. The United States has grown tremenduously under the protective tariff , and at the present time free trade is the blogal that no political party in in this country , and democracy long ago saw the fallacy of it. For years labor in England has been in a wretched condition , and things are going from bad to worse. There may be foices at work other than free trade to ac count for it , but yet there can be no doubt but that the continu ance of free trade is the real cause of the alarming extent of emigration from the British Isles. Workmen are seeking countries where employment is assured them. Where do they go to ? Investigate and you will find that they are going to such nations as are unfriendly to free trade , and that accounts for the thous. auds that come to American shores. Standard of Empire , a British newspaper , states that "present indications from ship- pine ; offices and other agencices show that the total for the year is likely to be over 300,000. Sir Gilbert Parker , a member of the British Parliament , speaking on this subject , said : "There is de pression in every department of our industrial life. Men shake the dust of England off their feet and say , 'Thank God ! ' as they go because they go to countries where there is work to get and permanent work to be had where they can increase their standard of living and claim a higher wage ; where the work man and the manufacturer com bine to defeat the unfair competi tion of foreign nations. ' No workman in any of our colonies or in the United States wants to BREAKFAST FOODS , This is the season when appetiz ing1 Breakfasts are made a special ity. Try the following : Wlient Hood , n new cereal , to be Shredded Wheat Biscuit per cooked zipkg. for 250 pkg I2 c Qtinker Puffed Wheat very popular K-0 Corn Flakes , a new supply per package loc 3 pkg for 250 Grape Nut always the same in Quaker Oatmeal large sfae 300 price and quality , 2 pkg for. .250 Luxor Oats a small pkg for. . 150 Lard Pails Wanted. FOR SALE FOR SALE I Second Hand 2 Delivery Harness Wagons WE BUY , TEST and PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. The Eagle Grocery Store. The Square Donl Store Phone 53 come back to free trade ; they had it and they bad enough of it. That there should be exultation on the part of thousands of our fellow countrymen leaving these shores for want of opportunity to qaru a decent living , is a queer interpretation of the facts. No other country shows such an exodus ; no other country wants to show it. " When England protect her industries and assures them of perpetual prosperity , then her laborers will have work atd she will have to give atten tion to imigration and not dis agreeable emigration. N e w Haven Palladium. GOV. SIIALLENBERGER'S SPEECH As Viewed By One Who Heard It. The great democratic feast day has come and gone. The governor has come , received the felicitations of all our people and the homage of the great faithful unwashed democarcy including- Ross Moore and Charley Orr. He has delived his speeches to an admiring populace and has gone his way We were glad to see the governor and hear him talk. He is the governor of all our people and because he is our governor we are always glad to see him. He is a pleasing and clever talker without being elo- quentjhe is entertaining , without being frank in his public utter- anceshewas ; | fairly honest , with * out meaning to do so , he brought comfort , consolation and pride to many a republican heart. He said such prosperity as we now enjoy had seldom been known in the history of the world. We agreed with him. It occurred to me also , governor , that the fact that this debt hav ing been all discharged by the republicans might explain the reason why your levy for your own democratic bieunium could be made so much less as you claimed it has been. Of course you did not tell us that the debt having been paid by your prede cessors two years agoyou did not require so great a levy , of course not , you are arguing only one side of the case and as I said in the be ginning you were fairly honest without being1 frank. Come again governor we shall always be glad to see you , and if Jim Dalhman does not get your scalp at the primares and if you can succeed in making a combin ation of the Brewery vote , the church vote , the labor vote and the railroad vote as you did two years ago you may be elected such speeches as you made here have a tendency to arrouse recolections of a past which has not been over creditable to your party. Even such a black republican as Jules Haumont approved of this statement though it came from a democratic governor , he ap proved it. We know he did be cause we saw him nod his head in pleasing ascent. We could Custer County Land Man If you have a snap in a iarm , or ranch for sale list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a farm or ranch , come and see me. Phones , office 42 , resi dence 129. CHAS. W. BOWM\N BROKEN Bow , NEB. Try tint White Satin flour at 1 W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store There is none better. Phone 409. not banish the thought however that we are living under a repub lican admistration , governed by repuplican laws and if the law and its adjudication and admin istration has any influence on conditions the credit is certainly due the republican party. Be cause as the governor truly said the democrats had only been in control of national affairs once since the civil war and even Judge Boblits would be glad to expunge from the records every thing they did during their short lease"of power. You all remember the Wilson Bill , it comes to all of us like a night mare even yet over the lapse of thirteen years since it was replaced by the Dingley Bill , passed by a republican congress. Yes for all these kind sugges tion governor , we most earnestly thank you. It is a kind pro vision of our nature which leads us to forget the bad and remem ber the good and reveling in the prosperity of the past twelve or fourteen years. We had almost forgotten , the calamity of 1892-96 "Speaker Crisp , the Wilson Bill and all the calamitous con ditions which attended the only democratic regime whic h it has been our misfortune to have since the civil war. We were glad to hear you say too that the state is now out of debt and loaning money instead of borrowing money for the first time in its history. Our memory is not very good but we can re member a time when our floating debt was nearly $2,000,000 and all our state expenses were paid in interest bearing warrants. We remember too that one George Sheldon came up to the state senate from Cass county and in troduced a bill providing for a special levy to pay off this debt. We are gratified to know that the bill passed , became a law through the good offices of a republican house and senate and a icpubli- can governor. In due time the debt was all wiptd out and the felicitous conditions which you described in your own inimicable style were the result. Of course Send Your Abstract Orders to J. fl. Leonard , Bonded Abstractor Office in Security State Bank Building FLIES BREED DISEASE Screens Keep 'Em oijt We Sell Screens Good Ones Too Sod" Phone 79 G. L. Turner Lbr. Co , KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE Burlington's New Main Line Through Central Wyoming the richest undeveloped country in the west. Farmers here have no fear of drouth , wind storms or hail storms. THE BIG HORN BASIN is now so well started on its great wealth producing era that it not only ap peals to farmers looking for new land upon which to establish new homes under most favorable conditions , but appeals as well to the investor , who wants to turn his money quickly , and to the Business Man , Professional Man , Mine Operator and Manufacturer in towns that are springing np like magic and where raw material in plenty can be handled at a profit. The new line will reach Thermopolis about July I , connecting the outside world with one of the greatest health resorts in America. CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS first an Third Tues days. Send right away for our new booklet just off the press , then go with me on one of our personally conducted excursions. D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agt. Iiilflpifj Land Seekers Information Bureau 1004 Farnum St. , Omaha Nebr. How to Get Rid of The Flies ! If you will call upon us in Broken Bow we will show you how this is done. "We have the largest stock of SCREEN -/I DOORS AND SCREEN WINDOWS in Broken Bow. * " " We can furnish 'you in any standard size screen door or screen window. , DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Phone 23. J. S. Alolyneux , Manager. Have You Deeds Insurance Policies , or other valuable papers ? If so you need a Safe Place to keep them. One of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES is an Ideal place for suck , and cost is only nominal. Come in and let us show them to you. ( Strictly a Homo Institution ) W. A. GEOROK , president JULES HAUMONT , Vice President t , . W. JKWHTT , Cashier U. D. PICKETTAsst. Cashier you did not explain this when you spoke here , but I thank you again for the suggestion and I think quite a number of your beloved hearers will remember the facts. But really governor I can not see a single crumb of comfort in it for the democratic party. Washington Letter. Washington D. C. Senator Dolhver , just before the passage of the Railroad bill , said : "I re gard the session of Congress , which , for three months or more has given an uninterrupted atten tion to these questions , as one of the most remarkable and most instructive in the whole history of our Government. " Not a single republican senator voted against the bill. It was a most prounced Administration victory. It is as yet too early to analyze the bill , for is may be changed somewhat before its final passage , but it will be a long step in advance , and the fulfillment of , one of the most important republican pledges. It was a. matter of comment , of course that Senator Cumminga who took such an active part in delaying the passage of the bill should , on the day of its passage , have been in Iowa making speeches not particularly conductive - > ductive to republican harmony. X. " In fact , he was engaged in an * " effort to defeat one of the strong- ' esl and ablest republican members of Congress. Had he been present , he would have voted for the bill , but his absence on such an errand at such a time , is signified.