QUJ3TER THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters Three city properties for sale cheap , H. A. Watts. SO W , D , Tlall of Sargent was in the city yesterday on business , Rev. W. L. Gaston of Ausclmo is is the city today on business. I have money to loan on well improved farms at 6 per cent , E. C. House 51 t-f E. E. Brega and Virglc Allen of Callaway of Sargent were city visitors Tuesday. Andrew Sherbeck of Wcster- ville was looking- after business in Broken Bow Tuesday. Frank Davis the rcalcstate man ot Anseluio was transacting business in the city last week. Chas. Wesson of Aurora is working for II. B. Drake in the gents furnishing department. Robert Mortensen of Elk Creek township was in the city Tues day with his returns as assessor of his township. The G. A. R , wishes that all business places be decorated with flags or other buntings suitable for Decoration day. Rev. A. T. Norwood will de liver the baccalaurate sermon of the Ouster College next Sunday evening at the opera house. I'OR ' SALK. A fine resident block one block south of ball ground. Will sell by quarters if preferred B. W. Blair. 42-tf Rev. J. E. Aubrey has been selected to preach the Memorial sermon for the G. A. R. next Sunday. His subject is "The True Soldier. " I will deliver flour and all kind of grain feed any hours between 7 a. in , and 7 p. m. to any part of the town phone 409 bring me your cream and eggs. W. H. O'Rorke , The total eclipse of the moon and the appearance of Halley's Cornet in the western sky at the same time Monday night was witnessed by a large number of people in Broken Bow. Mrs. W. II. Xanders of Colum bus arrived in the city Monday to attend the Myers-Beck wedding and is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. House. Mrs. Xanders was formerly on of the RWPUBUCAN staff. staff.At At the State G. A. JR. Encamp ment at Fairbury last week J. M. Fodge was elected member of the Executive council. As Mr. Fodge did not attend the en campment it is plain the honor came to him unsought. Some of H. E. Myers' former associates gave him a highlarious time Monday night. In parad ing the streets they ran over an old gentleman by the name of Fuller who was knocked to the side walk and severely injured. The citizens of Cliff will deco rate May 30 at the Cliff Cemetery the exercises will be held at the Cliff Union church commencing at 1 p. m. All are requested to lend their presence and help to make-the day one to be long re membered. Rev. Chas. Cobbey of Chester , Neb. , is recognized by Endeavor- ers of the state as one of our leading Christian citizens , His address on "True Patriotism" will be an inspiration to those who are so fortunate as to attend the Seventh District Christian Endeavor convention , Grand Is land , June 29 and 30. Wanted 300 children from six to fifteen years old to meet Miss Fulton and Miss Crumbly at the south side school house at 4 p. m. on Friday of the week to get a flag each for Decoration day. These children are wanted to march in the parade to the ceme- rery next Monday and to help in decorating the graves of the old soldiers. Will the parents see that their children come to this meeting. G. A. R. Committee , Pianos at factory cost for 30 days II , A , Watts , SO James Dare of Walworth was in the ciy last week. U. S. LAND OFFICE NOTES Broken Bow , Ncbr. Roy Lowe came down from Deadwood S. D. Tuesday morn ing of last week to file on 320 acres in the vicinity of Pine Canyon which he secured by con test. . He states when he left Deadwood Monday the snow was eight inches deep and that it was still snowing. Marvin Weesner of Seneca was in the city last week to furnish supplemental proof on his hotne- stcail required by the commission er of the general land office. Daniel O. Cooley < < f Milburn , was in the city last week to con test against W. E Batterson. John F. Tierney of Wagner , was in the city last week to make application for an isolated tract of land. Chas H. Eatinger of Thcdford was in the city last week looking after government land business. Woodford C. Stewart of Brew- ster was in the city Monday of last , week to file on section 1-1-25- 24 of which he secured the cancel- ation by contest. Mrs. Josephine Gross of LTy- aunis was transacting business in the city last week. She was accompanied by her husband , George F. Gross. C. U. Richardson of Arnold , made proof on his homestead last week. Earnest A. Thotnpson of Ar nold submitted proof on his homestead last week , Thomas Hall of Loyal was in the city the first of last week making proof on his homestead. Judge Reese , went to Fair- bury the first of last week to at tend the G. A. R. reunion. He returnd Monday , Joe Featherton of Dunning was in the city Saturdny looking after business in the U. S. land office. While in the city he was married to Miss Sophia Fischet of Dun ning. The ceremony was pre formed by Father Moser the Catholic Priest. Fred A. Dunn of Brewster made application Thursday for a second homestead entry on the grounds of abandoning his for mer entry , without receiving con- sidertion therefor. Dr. Reynolds of Yucahill was in the city Thursday looking after business before the land office. He cauie down in his auto. Per Sale. Registered Angus Bulls from the best families for sale. 1 to S years old. Prices $50 to $100. Addess The Buzzard Roost Ranch Co. , Eddyville , Nebr. 50-1 Callaway is to have a base ball tournament June 8-9. For particulars write Roy R. Barnard of Callaway. NEWS OF THE COUNTY Mcrna News. Onlast Friday evening occured the first social event of cou meneement week , when the juniors tendered a most enjoy able reception to the Seniors of the High School at the Hotel de Ortello. At 8:30 : the guests assembled in the parlor and almost immediately were ushered into the , capacious dining room , where a long table , which served as the scene of action for about two hours , was beautifully do orated with ferns and' silver tinsel and pink and white car nations. The guests found their places by aid of place-cards portraying a typical banquet scene ; and at each place white find pnnk carnations the seniors , class flowers , were laid as favors. / > /our coursed supper was served , to which the party did ample justice and in which the prevalent colors were green and and sDver , senior class colors. At the conclusion of this the following progratnm was render ed. Instrumental solo Laura Kellenbarger Toast , Warning Nina Francis Toast , Response Vera Eddy Toast , Recitation Norah Sharpe Toast , Medley Francis Neavill Vocal duet Merle Gordon and Laura Kel- leubarger Toast , School Spirit Miss Colson Toast , Prophecy Lizzie Somtncrs Toast , Kesponse Seniors Toast , Sixteen to One Ben Sorntilers Toast , That reminds me Margaret Walsh Those present besides mention ed in the program were , Misses Eula Black , Mabel Lucas , Mary Read , Alice Kelley , Birdye Dodge , and Prof , and Mrs. Mot- linger. On Sunday evening , May 22tb. the Baccalaureate sermon was delivered to the Seniors of the High School. At an early hour the opera house was filled to its fullest capacity. A chorus choir under the leadership of Rev. J. W. Thompson , rendered two anthems which were greatly appreciated. The sermon was delivered by Rev. W. L. Gaston. Mr. Floyd Waggoner , of Brok en Bow was a Merna visitor over Sunday. Final examinations are being given in the school this week. An exhibit of school work will be held in school this week. ' A ball game was played between Merna and Dunning , last Friday , the score was 10-2 in favor Merna. Next Sunday morning there will be union services in the M. E. church it being memmorial Sunday. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. J. West Thomp son. New llcLna Scribe. Mrs. Laura Jacobs is on the sick list. Ray Doman had his foot smash ed Tuesday by a wagon running over it. Mrs. John Bell went to Broken Bow Wednesday to attend the "Crisis" . Also to take her son Rex for medical treatment. A band of Gypsies passed through here on Wednesday. Mrs. Haael Williams is quite sick at this writing. Miss Lulu Williams who holds a position in H. B. Drake's store at Broken Bow was called home on Wednesday by the serious illness of her mother. A. Moody's team ran awa1 Friday throwing him out of the buggy he was unconsious fo some time. Dr. Wills was called and found he had a few rib broken and was badly bruiset about the head he will be confined to the house for some time. Mrs. Tim Roberts is spending the week with her daughter Mrs Chas. Williams at Gates. Claude Hell and Miss Lucy Springstube catnu home from Broken Bow where they have been attending school the pas year. N Rev. Eubank , pastor of th Christian church at Lillian held church at I. P , Bells Sunday afternoon and baptized four in the creek , JohnMcGraw , J. C , Bowen Alpha Morgan and J , S. Moly ueaux passed through here in an . T. GADD'S ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. Having lilcd with the proper onicer , I ow announce myself a candidate for the onice of county Attorney subject to the ap proval of the republican party at the 1'rlmary lection to te held August 10th , 191p. It Is perhaps needless for me to sav : I in unutterably atfalnst the Liquor Informs ms , I am for county option , lor state and atlun wide prohibition , I am a republican , but am most cniphat- callv for the revision of theTar'lf downward nil lor the removal of tariff upon things sscntlally ueceisary to the comfort , health , applncss.ind prosperity of the cltly.cn. My present term of ofllce does not expire ntll January 1V11 , my time and ability there- ore IB the property of the citizens of the ounty , of all political complexion ; that be. ngtruel AV1LL NOT MAKE A CANVASS , have nol been absent from any meeting of he board of supervisors have been on hand it all times when called upon by county niccrs from the least to the nluhest. Inclini ng Township ana School district omccrst Vhen needed by the private cltl7.cn , either over t'le Phone , or In person t have been on land by day or night , and this I will have to ay at the end of my term of onice regardless > f the results of the primary election ; If you need the county attorney , you will llud film ot his onice , not out In campaign , using your imc to further his personal interests. If absent , it will be because of business , and In hat event , there will be a competent lawyer1 n charge of the onice. I am human , anil no doubt have made nlstakc.s during my term of oiiicc , but I have 10 excuses to offer neither any appologlcs to make ; I have sought to discharge duty to he best of my ability from mv view point , ills I will continue to do ; t will thank vou or your consideration and will appreciate our support. Kespcctfully Yours , N. T. QADD. The City Bakery We have all the Goodies : hat can be found in any up- : o-date Bakery and at prices : hat are pleasing to all. We also receive and fill orders for special occasions Right on Time. NOTICE ov PUIJUCATION. U. S. Land Onice at Broken Bow , Nebraska May 1M , I9K ) Notice is hereby given that Peter "W. Uool- ey , of Broken uo\v , Nebraska , who , on April 29. 1005 , made Homestead Kntry No. 5479 erl.il No. 05400 , forbeH of nwjf of section 32 , ownship 18 n , range 20 w , Oth P. M. . has llled lotlce of Intention to make Final live year > roof. to establish claim to the land above described , before Register and Receiver U. S. Land ofllce , at Broken Bow , Nebraska , on the 10th day of July , 1010. Claimant natues as witnessesTliomas : ROSS , Frank Mohat , KlchaVd Mohat , Uus Arthur , all of Broken Bow , Nebraska JOHN REESE , 61-5 Register. auto Wednosday. Rev. Gift preached at New Helena Sunday in Rev. Sea brooks' place. Zumbrota Zephyrs. School closed Friday a number of the patrons came at noon brimriner with them well filled dinner baskets. It is needless to say that a good .dinner was served and enjoyed. A program was rendered in the after noon which was entertaining. Miss "Verna Sands who has been on the sick list , is a great deal better , * but it prevented her from taking an active part in the schoolroom , M. D. Callen marketed hogs in the Bow last Friday. Mrs. Luce , Miss Luce , Mrs. Chas. Luce and Miss Myrtle Keneval of the Bow attended the program Friday. The EighthGnde pupils of the Bow held a picnic in "The Devils Gap" last Friday after noon. Some men have been in this vicinity , fixing up the telephone line. Mrs. Springtube of New Helena daughter Lucy who at tended school in the Bow , spent Thursday , night with Mrs. Roy Routh. Gallington Bros , came out to the Anderson ranch Monday , to get the horses that were in the pasture. M. D. Calleii has purchased 200 bu. of corn from Mr. Myers in Swiss Valley. TIME TABLE OF C. B. & Q. R. R. Broken Bow Nebraska. East West 40-6:20 : a m 39-6:25 : p m 42-9:50 : am 41-11:25 : p m 44-7:15 : p rn 43-6:55 : am 39 and 40 local between Seneca and Lincoln. "X'JtJLJtLi CUNTRY SQUIRE ; * ; ? f 'K 1 Comedy Drama i Given by 20 Ouster College Students A."F "THE. OPERA HOUSE JUNE 2 Mrs. Hattie Speake , Director. It's the Best Home Talent Play , Yet. SHE NEEDS IT ! She needs a guest bed. She needs a davenport. This matches her other furniture. It's lines are graceful. It's design is neat and effective. Goes through a door. It is substantial and elegant. The bed is always made up. The mattress fits. .No one can tell its a bed. It is easily operated. It has no ridge in the center. Also 150 Other Reasons. Ask KONKEL | The Furniture Man , About It. s MMOUYfc , > a - " T. _ _ ' * - t y * > Have Your Natural Complexion tfl Y & Nature intended everyone to have a perfect complexion. s Palmolive is Nature's own aid to the skin. The soothing , healing palm and olive oils of which it is composed bring back delicacy , softness , beauty to face and hands. Baby , mother , father every member of the family will appreciate it. ' / wn * 9 It's the one perfect soap for all the wnU u\ \ i * / * . U uses of the toilet. A single cake will prove it to you. At the Eagle Grocery Store. ESTIMATE OP EXPENSES FOR THE CITY OV UROKEN HOW POH THE FISCAL YEAU 1810. Be it resolved that the following estimate of expenses be made by the Mayor and city Council tor the city of broken How , Nebraska for the llscai year of 1910. I For streets and alleys and bridges $ 3000 For lighting purpose 1500 For ofllcers Nalerles 1TOU For waterworks expenses 15000 yc general purposes including ex- penscof litigation 1800 Forpaymenton city property 800 For Imlldlnc purposes 1SOOU For cletrlc lighting 2000 Untorscen expenses , rents , repair ing and such other expense that of necessity may be and suould bo Incurred 500 For improvements of public parks . . . . 1200 For purchase of property both per- sonaland real lOOo Dated May 11 , 1910. U. U. I'Ickett , Clerk. D. R. KOcKWKLk , 50-2 Mayor. LEG At. NOTICE. To George Wilson , efendant- : You will take notice that on the 10th day of May , 1910 , Harry Durham , plaintiff herein tiled his petition In the district court of Ouster county. Nebraska , against said de fendant , the object and prayer of which are to quiet the title In plaintiff to the north half of the soiitti east quarter of section six , and the north half of the south west quarter of section live all In township eighteen north of range seventeen west of the u i > . M. in Ouster county. Nebraska , from a cloud arising by reason of the record of a certain mortgage on said land , said mortgage having been made by Alexander Durham and wife to the said George Wilson , for the sum of $ anoou dated May , 15 , 1888 , and being recorded in mortgage record S3 at page 278 of the records In the orllce of the county clerk of said Ouster county and not released of record. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 4th day ot July,1910 Dated this 19th day of May. 1910. HAURY DU11HAM. Plaintiff 61-3 UyT. T. IJeU.lJlsAtty. 1 'Jo The Housewife Don't think as we do not call you up every morning as many others do that -we do not appreciate your order. Call us up in your leasure mo ments or just when you think of what you wont. We figure that you will appreci ate us more by doing so , than to call you tip when you are busy with your morning work. Please cansider this and phone your order to us. We are receiving dally Fruits and Vegetables Fresh and Crisp. Sheppard & Burk Phone 125 South Side Square