\ Hoods Sarsaparilla Cures all blood humors , all eruptions , clears the complex ion , creates an appetite , aids digestion , relieves that tired feeling , gives vigor and vim. Get It today. In usual liquid form or tablets called Saraatubs. 100 Dose * | t Don't Persecute your Bowels CalfmtftWn'csaat ) rare * nanh onnecoury. Try CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS l aly ) en Ao Kv , ' wuninsU bdt , and MothttrMiMicala nanbruMcf sltK bawcL CroCa- * Si * _ _ - - - " ' click „ , rf lick Hca JuU uj IsJitMbM. as mnEon , know. Small PilL Small Dote. Small Prk GENUINEmtut bear tignature : WB L. DOUGLAS - SHOES , S3.5GS3$2.5O&s THE STANDARD FOR 3O YEARS. Million * of men wear W. L. Duugla * shoe * bo- cmuie they are the lowe - e t price * , quality con sidered , In the world. Mode upon honor.of the belt leather * , by the molt ( killed workmen , In 11 the Inteat fashions. W. L. DOUKIB * $5.00 and $4.00 ihoe * equal Cuitorn Bench Work coiling $0.00 to $8.00. W. L.Donglas Knirar.toM their TOlnT by till nam and nrtee on the bottnm. Lee * fur It , 'I'uUc NH Siilmtlliittfait Color t'l/flitl. A ill ToiirilralerforW. I * . nonplus niiors. Ifiiot fornalefnyonrtownvrlterorMallQnivrCalnloK.iiliow - ing how to order by mall. Htioes onle reil rtlrect from Uctory dellvorcd free. W.L.Iouulat , lirockton , TO GANADA Many n VOUDR man has paid for Ills farm In Can ada from the flrst crop. , You can do the Raine. The opportunity IB yours If you will only grasp It. We have thousands of acres of rich prairie land In Southeast- * ra Saskatchewan , clone to market , for tale att2M ear acre and up. Fonrneiv lines of railroad arobo- iKbnllt this year. All eyes are turned toward the i cyburn.Manor district. Write for oar free book , A Call to the Weit , " telling all about the nonder- fm wheat-Browing district , Uoprcscntatlvos wanted In arery localltr. roitTKiiMMCo. , Uoa K , n.l.w < i , i * . 'Dollar for a Dime Why spend a dollar when lOo buys a box of CASCARETS at any drugstore ? Use i directed get the natural , easy result. Saves many dollars watted on modi incs that do not cure. Millions regulatly use CASCARETS. Buy a box now lOo week's treatment proof in the morn * lutf. 906 CASCARItTS loc a box for a week's treatment , all drucclsts. UiRgcst seller In the world. Million bozea a mouth. ixicomotor Ataxia Nerve Tablets dors It. Write for Proof. Advice Free. Ur. CHASE. 224 North 10th St. . 1'lilladclpula. I'a. Nebraska Directory ARE THE BEST ASK YOUIl DICALIIR OH JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY , Omaha. KODAKS and KODAK FINISHING Mall orders Riven sppclnl attention. All klndl amateur luppllus strictly fresh , bend for catuloir. UNCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. , Lincoln TYPEWRITERS rikOOandup. All WUndurd > lakei. laid or runtud. Ut-nt North Street Lincoln , Nob. ItAUTO CENOUS ) Bj J this process all broken parti of machinery raado good aa new. Weldi lait iron , cait iteel , aluminum , copper , brats or any other metal. Expert automobile repalrlns SEITrsCHY MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffif. LINCOLN SANITARIUM The only Sanitarium In the state nelnif Natural lllnrrnl W'lter Ilatbu Unsur passed lo the treatment of Acute nud Chronic ItllKl'SIATlSil. Moderate Charges. Address : DR. 0. W. EVERETT , Ulhand M. Sis. Young men from 18 to 20 years old , to learn the Harness Trade. Write to HARPHAM BROTHERS CO. LINCOLN , NEBRASKA Pays tba highest price for POULTRY NOTES. The average weight of geese eggs lo nbout 5 % ounces each. Charcoal In n granulated form should always bo kept before fowls of all ages. In an egg of 1,000 grains , 600 belong to the white. 300 to the yolk , and 100 o the shell. To break n hen of her desire to set put her in n email coop and feed her .ilcnty of fattening food. Do not forget that It requires four weeks to Incubate duck eggs. Ono week more than Is required for hens. Pigeons will not thrive unless they nro kept in comfortable , dry , clean quarters , and are given plenty of room to work and exerclBo. Goslings and ducklings should bo fed damp mashes only , for the flrst few weeks. They do not seem to be tiblo to do well on dry grains. A mixture of lard and sulphur ap plied once a week Is n good remedy for scaly legs. The fowls' legs should be scrubbed before applying It The eggs from pullets are seldom satisfactory for setting purposes. They arc often Infertile , and If they do hatch the chicks are small and sickly. In 100 parts of the egg yolk , 52 per cent , is water , 45 per cent , is oil and fat , and one per cent , each of albu minoids , coloring and mineral matter. In 100 parts of the white of an egg , about eighty-four per cent , is water , J-M : pere cent , is albumen , ono per cent mineral , and 2JA per cent , sugar , etc. After killing the insects with any strong solution , whitewashing will sweeten the room and stop up the cracks so that they will not have so many hiding places. Select hens n little ever size for the cockerels that are up to standard weight , and for Ihc old males select largo , well-developed pullets. This gives strength and vigor. CLASSIFY THE YOUNG CHICKS Most Successful and Satisfactory Method Is to Bring Them up In Batches , According to Age. my W. n. GILBERT. ) In nearly every instance of chicken roaring there are birds of different ages. There will be weeks and some times months between them , and to bring them up In mixed lots Is not the best treatment they can receive. It is a kind of process of the sur vival of the fittest , as the older chicks dominate the younger , and the latter generally come off badly They have to take a back position In all things , as the large and stronger select the choicest and most of the foods and the most favorable' positions In the runs and houses. We often hear of early chicks doIng - Ing well and late ones not succeeding so completely. This is wondered at , and few may attribute it to the cause I have pointed out , but It is very often the case. It is n good plan to classify all chickens as far as possible according to size and age , and bring them up In batches. This is a most successful .arrangement , and far more satisfac tory than mixed rearing. The smaller chickens should al ways have the best attentions in se lection of the purest ground , the most sheltered positions , and the sunny spots. Their food should be more adapted for juvenile requirements than that required for the larger specimens , and when all are about the same size , none experience those aggressions which often occur In the poultry yard , and always to the disadvantage of the young and weak. In small yards each lot may bo kept In wired runs , but on the farm all re quirements are met admirably by placing the coops or houses hero and there in different fields and positions some distance apart How much better they all do by this arrangement than any other , will , very soon , be gratifylngly apparent. DRY FEEDING METHOD GAINS Kansas Experiment Station Arranges Hopper So That Fowl Cannot Get Into Feed Box. The Kansas experiment station , In n bulletin on poultry , prints the picture Bhown In cut below. This box or hop per Is Intended for feeding n dry innsu. ultalfa meal or shells. As will be seen , the slats prevent the hen from get- Dry Feed Hopper. ting Into the box , while the cover , plnccd as It Is keeps her from walking over It or roosting on It. There seems no doubt that the dry method of feedIng - Ing hens Is gaining. Protection for Turkeys. In the damp spring weather tnrkoys must bo well protecled from the weather. A good house Is an open- front ehed with a n est In the rear. WATER FOR THE DUCKLINGS Nothing of Greater Value Than Clean Supply Concrete Pool IB Easy of Construction. Thcro Is nothing of greater value to thu young ducks than n clean supply of water ; which Is large enough so they can thoroughly enjoy their natu ral clement. The pool of concrete shown In Illustration may be easily constructed by excavating to the depth desired and Inside this setting n square form , of the size the Inside of pool Is to bo ; this Is made by nailing four boards together ; the concrete may bo easily filled ground this form making a substantial tank of conve nient shape and size , says Homestead A supply of fresh water may bo arranged for In building , by Insert- ng n small gas pipe Into one side at tank and with sufficient length to reach outsldo the poultry yard , as an outlet ; the Inlet pipe from water works or storage tank ( this may be a jarrel set bcsldo pool ) should bo one- third larger than outlet pipe , which will keep pool level full at all times. Concrete Pool for Ducklings. With both pipes fitted with a gate or valve you can allow the water to run once a day to clean out pool and then ( shut off , If supply will not permit run ning water all day long. The slight expense of constructing such a pool will bo fully repaid in the decreased loss of ducklings , for they will be In no danger from vermin as when swim mlng In creeks and ponds. COVERED RUN FOR CHICKENS ' Protects Them From Hawks and Sud den Showers Also Tends to Increase Size of Fowl. Chickens will thrive hotter when they have access to plenty of green food and are allowed a certain amount of freedom Out when email , too wide a range may be harmful , writes Kathleen Abhot in Orange Judd Farm er. While it promotes a hardy , vigor ous growth , the chicken does not at tain as great a size nor when mature lay as large nn egg. There Is the dan- Handy Chicken Run. ger , too , from hawks and sudden showers , particularly when there Is no mother hen to call them. The cov ered chicken run Illustrated restricts their freedom and also protects them from danger. Wlro netting is stretched nround the sides and one end. The roof is hinged BO it can easily be raised if desired. The open end Is placed close to the door of the brooder so-tho chicks can go from one to the other. When the grass In that particular section has disappeared the position of both brooder and run can bo changed for a fresh green spot When Eggs Are Good. According to the secretary of the National Poultry Organization of Lon don , England , an egg should be cither at least three or four years old or not moro than three or four days. Ho says : "I have eggs from China which are 'excellent. The Chinese wrap them In clay , put them away for three years and then bnko them. "Tho clay pulls off the shell and the Interior resembles a plover's egg In appearance. They are much nicer than a stale English egg , because the chemical process of change Is com plete. "The abomination Is the month-old egg. which the co-operatlvo depots wo are establishing are designed to abel ish. " Value of Eggs. In a paper read before the French Academy of Science , Prof. Halland showed by now and exhaustive an alysis , the value of eggs as food and the enormous consumption of this product of the domestic hen. Ho showed that 25 per cent , of the egg has a nutritive value ; ( he rest Is water. Ten eggs without the shells equals Just about one pound avoirdu pois of meat. During one year Paris consumed 538,000,000 fggs , or some thing near 125.000 dozens every day. On the basis mentioned these eggs nro equivalent to the meat from 108,000 steers per annum , figures that are al most staggering , but true If science Is true. Duck Raising. When ducks are ten weeks old they are ready for market and should weigh from five to six pounds They cost to raise about five cents per pound , and bring 20 to 30 cents , which means a profit of about $1 each 1 raise ducks for market as well ns sell stock and eggs for show and breeding purposes and in this way av erage $300 per year from a pen of five or six line ducks. The work , more over , is easy and pleasant and does not Interfere with my houuework. Religious , Social , Agricultural , Pollt leal and Other'Matters Qlven Due Consideration. ALL SUBJECTS TOUGHED UPON NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. The now water works plant at Nol- Bon Is being hurried with all possible speed. Mrs. H. s. Ashby of Beaver City died recently In Colorado , where she wan visiting. Arrangements are being perfected to open the now bank In Sutherland. It will bo called the Farmers brink. The large peach orchard on .1. T. Swain's fnrni In Mmm hn rnnnfvvn i winter-killed and the trees were cut down and cut Into wood. An organization of the 1. O. 0. P. ledge was effected at Bancroft , adopt ing tlilrty-flvo now members as well as assembling a number of old mem bers residing there. > A city baseball league has been organized at Wymoro and a schedule mapped out for the coming season , when games will bo played with sur rounding towns. Ono of the big Improvements that Is being made In Duvld City Is the erection of a church building by St. Mary's parish of the Catholc church. . It will cost , when finished and fur nished , about $40,000. C. 13. French , a stranger forty-llvo years of ago or more , who has been confined In a Fremont hospital for a week , died without being able to tell his attendants anything about him self. Sheriff Dunkel of Hall county han returned from Denver with Mrs. Rosu "Wllcox and Paul .lesson , both of Cairo , nineteen miles west of Grand Island in his custody. They were nccom- panied by Mr. Wllcox , husband of the erring woman. Wllcox IB a prominent and wealthy farmer. .Tcsscn Is a cattle - tlo buyer and has had many dealings with Wilcox , often being t his homo , thus being given opportunity to alien ate the affections of his wife. A wireless station Is to bo located at Sidney and another at Chcycnno by the Union Pacific for wireless messages sages on railway business. These ave the first two stations west of Omaha. Clarence Walte , a Fremont boy who has been arrested at Cedar Rapids , la. , is wanted on the charge of dlspos mg of $170 worth of household goods which belonged to his brother. Ho will bo brought back to answer for bis transgression. At Beaver City , Earl Roberts , an imateur chauffeur , overturned n new par which ho was running at a speed of fifty miles an hour and he and a compnlon escaped with slight Injuries. The machine was being tried out for the first time and Roberts lost con trol of the same. The Missouri Pacific has unloaded twenty cars of material for Its now Bteel bridge across the Platte south of Springfield. The present wooden strtic turo will be replaced by steel across the channel , or north half of the river , a distance of 1,300 feet. Some excitement was caused at Broken Bow , when C. H. Wilson , a chiropractic adjuster who has been conducting operations there for some tlmo past , was arrested on a com plaint Issued from the county attor ney's office , charging him with ille gal practice of medicine. Ills CUHO will be heard by the courts. Governor and Mrs. Shallenbcrgor will co'.cbratc the twenty-fifth anniver sary of their marriage on the evening of May 2-1 , by a public reception to which no cards will bo necessary. They will keep open house at the ex ecutive mansion all evening , begin ning at 8 o'clock. Rev. Chas. G. Williams of Denver has notified the board of the Presby terian church at Central City that ho will accept the call to their pas torate extended to him by the con gregation and that ho will bo ready to take up his residence and duties about the first of Juno. Adjutant General Hartlgan has Is sued an order approved by the gov ernor permitting the automobile gun detachment of the Illinois National Guard to proceed through Nebraska fully armed and equipped for war be tween Juno 15 and August 1. The Na tional Guard IB experimenting with guns mounted on automobiles and the trip will extend down into Texas , young man , 24 years of ago , was acci dentally killed. Seeing some wolves near his barn ho rusheJ to the house- to get a gun to shoot them. Whllo passing outdoors again ho stumbled and fell from the high sidewalk sur rounding the porch , striking the butt of the giln on the ground , discharg ing the heavy load of buckshot Into his face , killing him Instantly. In the presence of Judge L. C. Barr , who laid It October 10 , 1884 , the cornerstone of the old Phclps county court house was taken out and the contents given to County Clerk Hod- lund , to later bo placed In the cor nerstone of the new $100,000 court house , on which work will begin shortly. l The now $25,000 Union Pacific depot - pot at Central City Is now completed and Is ready to bo turned over to the company by the contractors , and In celebration of that event the local Commercial club held a big public reception in the depot. 1 Fortune Telling Does not take Into consideration the ono eticntmt to worn * an' happiness -womanly health. The woman who neglects her health Is neglecting the very foundation of nil good fortune. For without health love loses its lustro and gold in but dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally ba regained by the use ol Dr. Picrco's Favorite Prescription , Tlila Prescription has , for over GO years , been curing ticllcato , wcott , palnwrackcd * women , by the hundreds of thousand * and this too In the privacy of their homes without their having to submit to Indell * cato questionings and offensively repuii * cant examinations , Biok women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frit , All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Ditpeiuir ? Medical Association , K. V. Pierce , M. D. , President , Buffalo , N. Y. DR. Ptnncn's GROAT FAMILY DOCTOR BOOK , The People's Gomroon Seni Medical Adviser , newly revised ttp-to-dato edition 1000 pages , answers in Flam English hosts of delicate questions which every woman , single or inttried , ought to know about. Sent free , in plain wrapper to any address on receipt ol 21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only , or in cloth binding for 31 sumps. A Storekeeper Says : "A lady came into my store lately and said : I ' "I have been using a New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove all winter in my apartment. I want one now for my summer home. I think these oil stoves are wonderful. If only women knew what ft comfort they are , they would all hava one. I spoke about my etovo to a lot of my friends , find they were aston ished. They thought that thcro waa smell and smoke from , an oil stove , and that it heated urooin just like nny oilier stove. I told them of my experience , and one after another they got one , and now , not one of them would glvo hers up for five timca its cost. ' " The lady who said this had thought an oil ctovo was all right for quickly heating milk for a baby , or boiling a kettle of water , or to make coflea quickly in the morning , but she never dreamed of using it for difficult or heavy cooking. Now she knowo. Da you really appreciate what a New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove means to you ? No more coal to carry , no moro coming to the dinner table BO tired out that you can't cat. lust light n Perfection Stove anil Immediately the heat from an Intense blue flame shoots up to the bottom of pot , kettle or oven. But the room Isn't heated. There la no smote , no imell , no outside heat , no drudgery In the rcado "New Perfection. " kitchen where one of these stoves la used. It has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot. The nickel finish , with the bright blue of the chimneys , makea the clove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1 , 2 and 3 burners ; the 2 and 3-burner atovei can bo had with or without Cabinet. Every dealer everywhere ; If not at yours , write for Descriptive Circular to the nearest nccncy of the Stamdard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) THE VOICE OF CONSCIENCE Mlchnol Keenly Surmised Possibilities of Action Under the Circum stances. Late ono afternoon Michael Flnnnl- gan and Dennis O'Rourko met upon the avenue. Mike was considerably under the weather. "Molko , " asked O'Rourke , "why don't yoz brace up , and lave the dhrlnk alone ? " "Oi'vo thrlcd , Dlnnlo , but the Job's too big for mo. " "Thry this once more , Molke. Hero's a church forninst us. Go In there , old man , and conflssnnd take a frlsh start. I'll wait outsldo. " He waited until ho was tired , then , peering Into the darkened building , said in a hearse whisper : "Molko ! " "Phwhat ? " "Ilavt' yez conflssod ? " "Ol buvo that ! " "Where's the prast ? " " 'L'gorrah , Dlnnle , and Ol think he's gone out to call a cop. " Success Mag azine. New Fly Trap. A California ! ) has taken advantage of the fact that flics always walk up a window by inventing n trap to bo fastened to a pane in such a manner that a fly will enter It without being aware that It has left the surface of the glass. Pnr IltMl , Itcliliie Eyollil * , Cr < , Stye * FalllnR Eyolnshcfl nnd All Eyes That Need Core Try Murlno Kyo Salvo. Asep tic Tubes Trial Size 25c. AaU Your Druir- Klst or Wrlto Murlno Eye Ilemody Co. , Chicago. No man can love evil for evil's sake as ho can love goodness for goodness' sake. Schiller. It Is the aim of the man behind the gun to make his mark. or Morphine llabltTreoted. r'ree mil ( Utci where other remedial li * ( tiled , specially de&irrd ( tlvc pinicul'r * Dr.U O , COHT&CLL.BilU tt. iOIW 134 * t..N.wYork Cause of the Rush. "Sad , sad , to see humanity ever en gaged In n mad rush for wealth. " "Forgot , It. Them fellero la on. tholtf way to the ball park. " Important to Mothora Examine careiully every bottle of CASTOIUA , a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and BOO that It Bcara the Signature In Use For Over J1O Yoaro. The Kind You Have Alwaya Bought Don't criticise a fool ; fooli can11 help being foolish. WESTERN GANADA Senator Dolllver. of Iowa , aayai The stream of emlirrants from th Caltod BtatM ids nlll oontlnne. " Honulor Uolllner weently alq a vlilt to Weitcrn Canada , and sarii "Ihsro is a Und hunger In thdhtirtJ of Knill : > h tpoaklna pea- rlo ; tuls llacoountfor | llii romoral of to map Iowa ( armors to Oanads , Our roople ara pl ai a with It ) Oor rnmimi and the eiMllont adminis tration of law. and tb y are oomlna to ran In ton * ot thmuanda , and thbjr nro itlll coming. " lowfl contributed laroe- ly to the 70.01)0 Ameri- rnn formers nlio mudo Canada tliolr home durlnir 1OOU. I'Molil crop return * aloiia iltirlncycnrnddod totlinweaUh of thocouiitry upward * of $17O,000OOO.OO Clruln crinvlngr , mlxcxt fnrrn- Ini : , ratlin rnlilrig and dnlryln * nru nil prof Itnblo. t'reo liomo- Ntrrulu of 10O ( icrtw are to b liinl In the very l > et districts. 1UU acre iirn-eniptlon * at * U.OU i > rr nrro within certain areas , bclinols mid churches In every settlement , ellmatn unexcelled , neil the richestwood , xvnlerauu Lmlldlnir material plentiful. For particulars as tolocatlon , low ettleiV rnllwuT rates and deicrlp- tlvo liiuitrntCHl pamphlet. "Lut lloit \ > Mt , " and other informa tion , write to Bup'l of Icimlirra. t on , Ottawa , dm. , or to Canadian Uovoiunient Aeent. W. V. BENNETT Room 4 BM Bld { . Omihi , lib. ( tlieadjMiinearsityou. ) ( I ) Homestead 100 acres of land with rich soil , pure water and fine climate , on tfoflat Ron I ( Jonver , Northwentc-rii < Ji Paclflu Ry. ) In Rou I Uuiiuty , Colo. We have no land to sell lt' &Lr > fcolulely free from the Government and no tvopea for settlement. Law allowuyoa to return horn * fnrOmontliH after filing. OataOO btiBbeUto acr wheat 4IS , barley 70. Act now and get a { rood farm. Write for free book , maps and full < n > fuiui.ttlon that tells how to get tlals laud fret. W. F. JONES , General Trnfilc Mannfter Xtuuui 700 Jlujostlo llliltr.i Denver , Coloruilo I.ADIKS'SOI.ID ( JOI.I ) WATCH - O1U.O I 1.miles.Solid SIHorVntuh . . . . S.tid ( iuiilit'tiolil KllleilVutt > h . . . . 1OOO < : < HilH'ill Klllml Uutvli . . . . . K 00 < iuillVulil I'llleil AVutcli . . . . li.OU ( l < illtn'Jill 1' lltud Wutcll . . . . 400 ( luiilH * Mrliul Cune AVutrli . . . . K 00 All Kimranti'ed , bent poitpalit anvwhere. I'redurlok's KiiiixirlinnICI. < ilNILL Uopt.C W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 21-1910. is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer , everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. Uiioorporn tU )