Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 19, 1910, Image 8

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Gleaned for Your Perntal by Our Rutlling Reporters
Three city properties for sale
cheap. H. A , Watts. SO
Mrs , L , M. Davis postmistiess
of Yucahill is a city visitor today.
Pianos at factory cost for 30 i
days H , A , Watls. SO
FOR SALH Some good prairie
hay , six miles south east of the
city , C , O. Porter. 49-tf
S , P Great & Co , has again
taken charge of fhc stock of
goods he formerly owned.
George T. Davis and W , D ,
Great of Yucahill were in the
city today on land business.
Mrs , F , A. Wagoner left on
the train Tuesday evening for
Creston , Iowa on a visit with her
Miss Mary Phifcr and Leonard
M. Davis of Yucahill are in the
city today making proof on their
Chas. M. Street of Hoosicr is
in the city today as witness on
final proofs for Miso Phifer and
Leonard Davis.
i'OR SALK A fine resident
block one block south of ball
ground. Will sell by quarters
if preferred B. W. Blair. 42-tf
Nels Anderson of Mason City
came up Friday and remained
over Sunday as the guest of his
son Carl , who is deputy register
of deeds ,
R. P. Starr of Loup City made
Broken Bow a business visit
Tuesday returning Wednesday.
The REPUBLICAN acknowledges a
friendly call.
Fen RENT A 4 room house in
southeast part of town about 4
blocks from square , good well ,
Small family desired. . Emma
Maupin east side square. SO
G , JGJ , Bendey of Ellsworth
Green Houses will be in Broken
Bow Monday and Tuesday with
a fine line of house plants and
cut flowers for Decoration Day.
I will deliver flour and all kind
of grain feed any hours between
7 a. in , and 7 p. m. to any part of
the town phone 409 bring me your
cream and eggs. W. H , O'Rorke.
President E , A. Turner , of
Hastings College will speak at
the Presbyterian church next
Sunday 8 p. m. on 'Christian
Education. " Dr. Turner is a
ripe scholar and an excellant
speaker andbrings a live message.
C , U. Richardson of Arnold
who had been to Excelsior Springs
for several weeks for medical
treatment returned home last
Friday to make proof on his land
and returned Monday evening.
A number of Broken Bow
.citizens went to Arkansas Tues
day morning to investigate some
real estate propositions offered
in the northwestern part of the
state. Among the number were
A. 11. Humphrey , George Will
ing , C. L. Gutterson , C , S. Mar
The Country Squire.
On Thursday evening June 2d ,
the Students of Custer College
will present a four act comedy
drama , entitled "The Village
Squire. " This is a fine down-
east , moral play with hutnor ,
pathos , sentiment and with most
ingeniously inter-woven.
The production is under the
direction of Mrs , Ilattie bpeake ,
whose work along this line is
too well known to the people of
Broken Bow to need any cotnraet.
For Sale.
Registered Angus Bulls from
the best families for sale. 1 to
5 years old. Prices $50 to $100.
Addess The Buzzard Roost Ranch
Co. , Eddyville , Nebr. 50-1
Remember the Closing
Out Sale continues till
the 1st of June at the
I New York Store.
The Walk lo the Ccmelcy is Assured.
The committee on the walk to
the cemetery has secured sufficient
pledges to put in the walk and
have the grade about completed
for laying the cement.
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Edward Hughes of Dunning
who has a homestead in the
vicinity of the Wagner ranch was
in the city Monday to make
David O. O'Sullivan of Erik ,
Nebr. was in the city last week
looking after U. S. land. Mr.
O'Sullivan states that the pas
tures is the best he ever saw in
the sand hill country at this sea
son of the year. He has been
there nine years ,
Lee Handy of Loyal was in the
city last week looking up land
matters in connection with his
father's homestead who died
The Misses Fleming who re
cently located homesteads near
Thedford were in the city last
week looking up lands in their vi
cinity subject to contest.
Charles Darnell of Schyler was
in the city last week , He filed
on a Kinkaid homestead in T. 26 ,
R. 29 ,
Charles F. Myers of Huntley
Nebraska was in the city Tues
day to file on a homestead in R.
40 west of Hyannis.
Robern W , Fakler of Whitman
made a homestead entry last week
on three quarters of section of
land near Whitman of which he
had secured the relinquishmcnt
from another party.
Clarance A. Allen of Milburn
was in the city last week making
proof on bis homestead. Hob.
Farley and G. W. Butcher were
his witnesses ,
Fred Weesner of Seneca was in
the city last Wednesday looking
after his homesteadproof , near
Dunning. He with scverel others
who proofs were suspended by
special inspector have been grant
ed the right to turnish supple
mental evidence within 60 days
as to having sufficient amount of
Grant Turnbull and F. M.
Sharp of Dunning were city
visitors Friday. Mr. Sharp has
recently moved his stock of goods
from Kevenua and opened up a
store in the east side of the build
ing recently vacated by F. M.
Fred C. Tobcy of Dunning was
in the city Wednesday of last
week to file on a section of land
in the south east part Blaine
county he secured by contest.
Albert M. Smith of Dewitt ,
Nebr. was in the city Thursday
on a contest he had against
John W. Yeliuk.
Allen M. Smith oi Lexington
was in the city Friday to file on
a homestead.
Remember the Closing-
Out Sale continues till
the 1st of June at the
New York Store.
We are having very interesting
Sunday School at the Dunlap
school house. And we are
pleased with a large attendeuce.
District school No , 98.
Merna News.
Dr. C , A , Beatle of Creston ,
Iowa was in Merna the first of
the week on business.
Mr. and'Mrs7"lrlo yd Waggoner
of Hroken Bow were Merna visit
ors Sunday.
A number of the Merna High
school students were in Broken
Bow Saturday to attend the
"Field Meet , "
Sam Lyons bad the misfortune
to get his leg broken , Saturday
while at the Ball game at the
Bow ,
A week ago last Saturday the
funeral of Mrs , Jos. Smith was
held in the Baptist church , The
services were conducted by Rev.
Gastou. The churoh was filled
to its fullest capacity with friends
who had come to pay their last
respects to a friend who had
always been willing to help and
comfort those in sorrow. Mrs.
Smith has been a resident of
Merna and an active church
member for a number years and
her loss will be greatly felt. She
leaves a husband , Mr. Jos. Smith ,
a daughter , Mrs. Miles Dodge
and five grand children.
New IleLna Scribe.
Mrs. C , E. Koss has been quite
sick with the gripp.
Master Floyd Roberts of An-
selmo spent the past week with
his grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Tim Roberts.
Miss Jessie Jacobs is visiting
in Broken Bow this week , May
Jacobs is looking after the store
and post office.
Miss Lillie Andrews of Ansel-
nio visited in the neighborhood
the past week.
Pius Christen shipped a car
load of cattle to Chicago last
Sunday , Mrs. Christen joined him
on Wednesday and from there
they go to Mincasota for a short
visit with relatives.
C. E. Ross is hauling lumber
tor a new barn.
George Martin shelled corn for
George Simins Friday.
John Amack and family visited
at Mr. Vinnedges Sunday.
Carpenters began work'on * C.
M. Forcyths' new barn the first
of the week.
Mrs. Hazil Williams has a new
incubator , which makes eight
now , in the neighborhood.
The many friends of Dr. Ward ,
in this neighborhood are sorry he
is going to leave Anselmo.
Carl Bowman was a Broken Bow
visitor on Monday.
Ortello News.
Dr. Sabinof Omaha was visit
ing patients in the valley Mon
Misses Maude Moore and Vera
Pierce spent Saturdayand Sunday
at J. AMoore's. .
Ed Foley and family of Ansel-
mo at N. Jacquo's Sunday.
M. Hill , M. Ingram , Frank
Edwards , Ed Purcell and M. L.
Knapp and families spent Sun
day at J. S. Dyke's , in honor of
Mr. Dyke's birthday.
Frank Smith and family visited
at Mr , Hyatt's Sunday.
Bubb Daily and family were
Sunday visitors at Chas Bom-
B. M. Morgan's entertained
several friends Sunday ,
Mrs. Widdiman visited her
grand-daughter Mrs. Hcmstead
several days last week.
Dick Hemstead and family
were Sunday visitors , at Dan
Mrs. Purcell is spending this
week in Omaha.
Miss Ida and Ollie Ingram
visited at C. Winchester's near
Merna Tuesday.
Eureka News.
Tom and Deacon Foran made
a trip to the Loup Thursday , for
Claude Holliday of Arnold is
visiting his stater Mrs. H Leon
ard Jr.
' The MUldale and Eureka * -base ,
ball tea ms pTayedoiti ! the. . Eureka ?
diamond Sunday. The victory
was won by Milldale.
Miss Fannie Powers of Dale
visited with her folks Sunday ,
Mrs. Forau who has bronchitis
is slowing recovering.
Mr. Johnson is painting the
wood work of John Leonards
new house.
Miss Tilda Mortcnsen has
begun school again as she has
had tonsilitis.
J. S. Hickey and wife , Miss
Rosa Powers , Mrs , Astnus Jessen
and James Hickey attended M.
B. A. lodge in Anselmo Thurs
day night ,
Zumbrola Zephyrs.
M. D. Gallon's and Ed White's
were callers on Mr. Evans , Sun
day p. m.
School closes in this district
this week. They are preparing
a program to render on Friday.
Misses Jessie Apple , Lucile
Derris and Ruth Eggleston of
the Bow , visited the school Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs , Callen is able to be about
her work again.
Verna Sands has been quite
sick , but is better at this writ
The m tny friends and acquain
tances of Walter Cole are glad to
know he is home again after an
absence of about three months.
He can walk with the aid of two
canes ana is icenng quite wen.
It is hoped the trip has brcught
permanent relief.
Chas Sands is listing corn for
Will McCutlough.
L. L. Sharp has been listing
for Mr. Evans.
Mrs , Huffman's sister and
family of Wisconsin arrived here
the latter part , of last week.
They left here this spring but
owing to some of the family
having poor health they returned
to Custer county where it agreed
with all of them. On Friday
night the doctor was called three
times to administer medicine to
Mrs. Huffman's sister. She is
recovering at present.
B. B. Sands and family , Oscar
Tappan and family Sundayed
with J. L. Koozer's ,
Mr. Huffman's enjoyed a visit
from their married son and
daugther , on Sunday. Both re
side in different localities.
Chas Koozer has finished his
course in Custer College and is
home again.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer of
Ormsby visited A. I. Routh Sun
day afternoon.
Elton News.
A new boy arrived at the home
of Earl Pirnies Wednesday ,
Rev. Barrett preached at
Weissert Sunday morning.
Dave Pirnie and wife visited
with Mr. and Mrs , Roy Leek
Sadie and George Cooksley
spent Sunday at their brother
Art in Swiss vally.
Mrs. Mottinger expects to move
to her new home in Broken Bow ,
the first of next week.
Emma Kleeb came over to
Elton with the mail , Saturday
to visit at her brother Albert
Last Tuesday evening about
twenty five of Club and Joe
Spencers friends , gave them a
pleasant surprise party.
New Helena Items.
Albert Roberts had what might
'have been a serious run away
Tuesday. While getting ready
to go to Anselmo his team be
came frightened and ran into a
barb wire fence breaking the
buggy quite badly.
Leona Ross , MenervaWilliams ,
Ruth Roberts and Oscar Will
iams were a bunch of eighth
graders who went to Broken Bow
Thursday. . „ . - . . - . . . - - „
' .W ; L. 'Gascon was in this
"locality the last of the week
taking census.
I , D
Given by 20 Custer College Students
Mrs. Hattie Speake , Director.
It's the Best Home Talent Play , Yet.
of uroken Uow , Nebr. , Charter No. 510
Incorporated in the State of Nebraska ) at
the close of business May 11,1910.
Loans and discounts 1209,574.17
Overdrafts , secured and unsecured 133.10
Due from nat'l , state and
private banks and
bankers $28,217.09
Checks and Items ot exchange - <
change 3,431.51
Currency 10,9 0.00
Gold coin 3,195.00
Silver , nickels and cents 1,750.42 47,550.02
Total J257.S52.29
Capital stock paid In 8 30,000 00
Surplus funds 10,000.00
Undivided profits ( net ) ' . . . 2,745.28
Individual deposits sub
ject to check $171,435.79
Demand certificates of
deposit. . . . . 35,447.80
Due to nat'l , state and
private banks 7,023.42 211,507.01
Total 3257,552.29
State of Nebraska , County of Custer , ss.
I , J. M. Klmberllng , Vice President of the
above named bank , do hereby swear that
the above statement IB a correct and true
copy of the report made to the State Bank
ing Doard.
Attest. J. M. KlMllKULING.
S. K. WAUUICK , Director ,
J. M. KiMnituuNo , Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
10th day of May , 1910.
( Seal ) Notary Public.
Mr. Burris is improving slow
Mrs. E. Knoll fell over a wire
and hurt herself quite severely ;
the doctor was called and attend
ed her bruises.
Missea-Cennie Chiisten , Emma
"V innedge and Mrs. Frank Knoll
were initiataed into the M. B.
A. lodge at Anselmo Thursday
Airs. Bert Cozad was shopping
in Broken Bow Saturday.
John McGraw of Broken Bow
passed through here in his auto
Mrs. Athey of Broken Bow at
tended church at New Helena
There was a large crowd at
chruch both morning and aiter-
noon several coming from Gates
and Anselmo.
Ilillsdalc Items.
Rev. Racey preached last Sun-
to a large crowd at the school
house , glad they are coming out
to church again.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McQuisten
spent Sunday evening at Mr.
Mr. Sloggett and family spent
Sunday at Mr. Loyds and all
went to church.
Mr. Sam Casons spent Sunday
after church with Loyds.
Mr. and&Irs. D.v J. Coulter was
in Broken Bow Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Bishop is staying
with her sister Mrs. McQuisten.
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Robert
son visited Friday and Saturday
at Mr. Casons.
Mrs. D. J. Coulter and Mrs.
W. M. Bisop went to Broken Bow
Mr. and Mrs. Mooney from
Broken Bow attended the party
at Warrings Saturday night.
Leo McMurty from the -West
.Table drives buggy over
this way now days.
Wish it would rain hard and
get warmer and not stay so cold.
Cortflolate of Publication. ,
onicc of
Auditor of public Accounts.
Lincoln. Feb. lot 1610.
It Is Hereby Ccrtlilcd , That the La Payette
Life Insurance Company of La Fayette , In
the State of Indiana , has complied with the
Insurance Laws of this State , applicable to
such companies , and Is therefore authorized
to continue the business of Life Insurance In
this State for the current year ending Janu-
aary. 31st , 1911.
Summary of Report Filed for the Year
Ending December 31st , 1909.
premiums $ -230 275 44
All other sources 2551975
Total $ 255795 19
, Disbursements.
Paid policy holders $ 92 58C 00
All other payments 8345921
Total $ 170 045 81
Admitted Assets. . . . S 302 662 II
Net reserve $ 300,408 , 30
Net policy claims 500000 *
All other liabilities 30 792 10 $312 200 10
Surplus beyond capital
Stock and other liabil
ities 20 402 01 $ 20 402 01
Total 302 COS 41
Witness my hand and the seal of the
Auditor of public Accounts the day and year
first above written.
Auditor of public Accounts.
C. E. PIERCE , Deputy.
Having filed with the proper ofllcer , I
now announce myself a candidate for the
omce of county Attorney subject to the ap
proval of the republican party at the Primary
election to be held Angust 16th , 1910.
It Is perhaps needless for me to say : I
am unalterably against the Liquor Inter ,
osts , I am for county option , for state and
nation wide prohibition.
I am a republican , but am most emphat
ically for the revision of theTarff downward
and lor the removal of tariff upon things
essentially necessary to the comfort , health ,
happiness and prosperity of the citizen.
My present term of olllce does not expire
until January 1911 , my tlmcand ability there
fore Is the property of the citizens of the
county , of all political complexion ; that be.
I havenol been absent from any meeting of
the board of supervisors have been on hand
at ah times when called upon by county
officers from the least to the highest , Includ
ing Township ana School district officers ;
When needed by the private citizen , either
over the Phone , or in person I have been on
hand by day or night , and this I will have to
say at the end of my term of ofllce regardless
of the results of the primary election ; if you
need the county attorney , you will llncl him
ot his office , not out In campaign , using your
time to further his personal interests. If
absent , it will be because of business , and in
that event , there will be a competent lawyer
in charge ot the office.
I am human , and no doubt have made
mistakes during my term of olllce. but I have
no excuses to offer neither any appologles to
make ; I have sought to discharge duty to
the best of my ability from mv view point ,
this I will continue to do ; I will thank you
for your consideration end will appreciate
your support.
Respectfully Yodrs ,
Ordinance No. 72.
Time of Meeting at council.
An ordinance to fix time of holding regular
meeting and to call special meetings of the
city council of the city of Broken BOW , Ne
Section 1. Be it ordained by the Maynr
and city council of the city of Broken Bow ,
Nebraska that the time for holding thi ;
regular meetings of the city council of the
city of Broken BOW , Nebraska , shall be on
the second and fourtb Tuesdays of each
month at the hour of 7-30 o'lock P. M.
Section 2. The place ot aieetlng shall be
the city hall or such place as shall be chosen
by the Mayor of said city.
Sections. That a special meeting of the
city council can bo called by the Mayor at
any time , or upon a petition signed by any
turee members of the city council setting
forth the business for which the special
meeting Is called , and no other business can
be done at said called meeting than that set
out in the petition. .
Section 4. All ordinance and parts of ordi
nances in coulllct herewith are hereby re
pealed. ,
Sections. This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after Its approval ,
passage and publication according to law.
passed and approved and ordered publish
ed May U. 1910.
U. D. Plckett ,
Clerk. D. R. ROCKWELL ,
Be It resolved that the following estimate
of expenses be made by the Mayor and city
council lor the city of Broken Bow , Nebraska
for the Uscal year of 1010.
For streets and alleys and bridges $ 3000
For lighting purpose. . . , 1500
For officers salaries 1900
For water-works expenses 15000
yo * general purposes Including ex
pense of litigation 1800
For payment on city property 800
For building purposes iSOOi )
For eletrlc lighting sooo
Untorseen expenses , rents , repairIng -
Ing and such other expense that
of necessity may be and should
be Incurred 500
For Improvements of public park * . . . . 1200
For purchase of property both per
sonal And real , 1000
Dated May 11,1910 ,
R. D. Pickett ,
Clerk. D. R. ROCKWELL.
50-2 Mayor ,
Broken Bow Nebraska.
East West
40-6:20 : a m 39-6:25 : p m
42-9:50 : am 41-11:25pm :
44-7:15pm : 43-6:55 : a in
39 and 40 local between.Seneca.
and Lincoln ,