Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 29, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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. .
, .
. Jrf " - .
* * *
has actually been changed *
and cultivated by Uneeda
No longer are people
satisfied with crackers
taken from the grocer's
box or barrel exposed to
dust , moisture , handling.
They have learned that
the only crackers that are
crisp , tender , always fresh
and really g&od are those
protected by a moisture
proof package. These
are the kind they get , -
as if just from the oven
when they ask-for
FOR SAI.E 480 acres of land.
Two miles above Georgetown ,
Nebr , , 200 acres in cultivation ;
baled hay and pasture.
For terms write ,
Green River , Utah.
FOR SAI.E My residence prop
erty in south east part of city ,
call or address JAS. L. KING ,
alS-tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
A gold fraternity pin diamond
setting E. Shinn on back $25
reward for return to Herman &
Kern's clothing store
FOUND A fountain pen
Owner may have same by prov
ing property and paying for this
Business Personals
Dr. Bass , Dentist. OverMcCouias
P"I - !
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMUS LKUWICH.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates , ar-ll-tf JAMKS
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasited fresh every day. 24tf.
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24-tf.
Land for Sale.
161) acres of land located ten
milefi north of the city for sale
on reasonable terms. Inquire of
W. D. Grant. M27-tf
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasited fresh every clay. 24-tf
Says the collar to the shirt ,
"you carried me well , " let us
meet again at the Broken Bow
Steam Laundry , Broken Bow ,
In the rounly'court of Ouster County , Neb
In thu matter of this estate of Jens M. Chris ,
tenst'ii , deceased ,
Thu State of Nebtaska. to emitters of
H.iUl e.istate :
Take notice , that I will sit lu the County
court room , In Broken uow , In snlU county ,
on tlieSJnil day of July , IWKi , and tlic 20th
day of Dec. 1WJ at 10 o'clock a. in. , to re
ceive and examine all claims tiled and i > rc-
Hented against said estate , with a view to
their adjustment and allowance , and that
on the date aliu\ named tlic petition of
the \\ldo\\ \\111 he heard for homestead ,
exemptions and allowance , and other statu
tory rights.
The time limit for the presentation of
cl.ilms against said estate Is six months
from the SJiul day of JinnWJ. . and the
time limited for the pa ) ment of debts is one
year from said date.
Dated June ! U , 11)01) ) ) . A. It. lIUMlMlliisr ,
J 21 , to.l 1541 County Judge.
Pitting of glasses.
Olllce In Ulerks iilk. I'hone 2CO
Real Lstatc Transfers.
E B Needham to K E
Brega , Its 13 and 14 in
blk S Its 3 and 2-1 b 33
It 3 b 38 It 7 b 39 Us 14
15 and 19 to 22 in l > 53
Its I'l and 12 in > b 59
and Us ? 8 9 12 to 19
inclusive and 23 and
24 in blk 45 in Calla-
way $100 00
E B Needham to R E
Brega , Its 7 and 8 in
blk 3 Ncedhaui's add to
Callaway 25 00
C E Carlos to K G Moore ,
parcel in blk SAW
Gaudy's add B Bow. . . 30000
Lincojn Land co to J R _
Wadsworth , It 11 in blk
53rd add to Comstock. 60 00
Peter Troutman to Jo
seph II May , 160 acres
in 8 15 23 480000
R C Chumbley to John
Mat2 , parcel in 31 14
21 830000
A L Powell to Kathleen
Erskine , 160 acres in 12
1321 120000
W T Davis to E A Wood ,
all 640 acres in 20 20
24 4150 00
D J Urowil to S A Robin-
si n , 16j ( acres in 5 14
20 2600 00
Ed M Scott to J T Crock
er , 160 acres in 7 19 22 2000 00
E M Scott to Maggie
Crocker , 160 acres in 18
19 22 2000 00
Elizabeth J Cady to Jas
and Tlios Moore , 160
acres in 12 14 18 8800 00
Lavina L Allen to Myr
tle M Allen , Its 11 and
12 in blk 2 RE Allen's
add to Arnold 120 00
G Smith to A J Backcs ,
It 1 in blk 13 R E Al
len's add to Arnold. . . . 800 00
W C Pierce to K C
Chumbley , Its 13 and
14 in blk 38 in Oconto.1200 00
S P Great to P J Simon-
son , Its 1 2 and 3 in blk
10S Groat's add B Bow 30000
I M Bernstein to Dora
Koewler , 160 acres in
6 15 24 . 2000 00
Cora E Root , widow , teD
D S Bolvcr , Its 3 and 4
in in blk 5 R E Allen's
add to Arnold 40 OQ
Union Land co to Jaa E
Mav , Us 12 13 and 14
in blk 17 rr add to Cal
laway 152 00
Laura Draper and hus
band to II C Chase ,
240 acres in sec 1 and 2
15 17 640000
B E Robinson to A Tubbs ,
It 6 in blk 1 B E Rob
inson's add Arnold. . , T 100 00
C Mackey to A II Pester ,
Its 14 15 16 17 and 18
in blk 16 in Ansley. . . .2500 00
Bradford Kennedy co to
W L Phillips , Us 14 15
16 17 and 18'in blk 16
in Ansley 49000
W L Phillips to C Mack
ey , Us 14 15 16 17 and
18 in blk 16 Ansley 500 00
Another fine rain fell Satur
day evening- . Crops of all kinds
are looking fine ,
Harvest is almost over. Soon
we will hear the hum of threshers ;
Mr. and Mrs , Paul Haumout
made a business trip to Broken
Bow Monday.
Miss Leona Goodner spent
Sunday visiting her brother ,
Willis' .
Charles McCasline is having a
new house erected on his farm.
Mr. Mosley is visiting rela
tives in the northern part of
Miss Bessie McCasline was
hired to teach the Pirnie school.
Mrs. Arthur Ccoksley is enjoy
ing a visit from her brother , Mr.
Miller , of Peoria , 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Montayne and
their daughter , from the eastern
part of the state , are visiting
their sou , L. A. Montayne.
Prairie Hilt.
Grace Bcal spent a few days in
town last week.
Mr. Poor went last week to
visit his daughter in Chicago.
He will visit in Indiana and Mis
souri before returning home.
He will be gone all summer.
Jean and Arthur Gibbs return
ed last week Jrotn Colorado.
Mattie Price is visiting near
Charley Bay spent Saturday
night and Sunday at George
Huffman's near Callaway.
Mr. Lucas , of Merna , preached
to a large crowd last Sunday.
'Mr. Elwood Thomas , * of Dunn
ing is working for Mr. Chas.
Mr. Wesley Thomas and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wees
ner visited Sunday at Will Mor
ris' near Anselmo.
Henry Beal is visiting at home.
Mr. Juel has sold his threshing
machine to Kieel Bros. They
will commence threshing for Mr.
Juel this week.
Carl Leek was visiting Fred
and Claud Govier Sunday.
E. Pirnie took his brother and
wife to Berwyn Sunday , where
they expect to take the train for
Milt Peterson sold Charley
Govier seven head of two-year-
old steers and five calves Friday.
Mrs. John Campbell , of Broken
Bow , was visiting her son , Reu
R. D. Campbell shipped hogs
to Omaha Tuesday.
Carl Leek is out picking plums.
We think he is rushing the sea
Ed Faust was marketing hogs
at Ansley Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes
were called to Streeter , Illinois ,
Thursday on account of the
death of the latter's father , Mr.
Thomas Osborn.
A flue rain fell Saturday even
Mr. Ames Noble took their
son and daughter , Mr. and Mrs.
Con Cannon to Ansley to take
the train to Broken Bow Satur
Mr. Henry Holmes was haul
ing wheat for Will Forward Sat
We don't think there will be
much show for Wcsterville boys
when Melchor Steinmau gets his
Lea Scott was visiting Mr.
Mell Steinmau Sunday
Dry Valley.
A fine rain visited these parts
last night , the 24th inst.
Arthur Ferguson marketed
hogs last Friday at 4-7.20 per
The second crop of alfalfa is
being cut. It is not as heavy as
the first crop.
Mrs. Henry B. Lang and
daughters , of Chicago , arrived
Wednesday to be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ferguson.
Harvesting is in full blast.
Wheat is good ; the late crop
however , is better.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Glover , a son of regulation size
and weight.
Things politically have taken
a little more spirit and enthusi
asm and it is now getting inter
esting. Some candidates are
driving around in automobiles ,
seeing the voters and asking
them for support.
Some places the wheat has
been threshed and yielded well.
Stop it ! And why not ? Fall
ing hair ia a disease , a.regular
disease ; and Ayer's Hair Vigor ,
as made from our new im
proved formula , quickly and
completely destroys that dis
ease. The hair stops falling
out , grows more rapidly , and
all dandruff disappears.
Dow not dianfc the color of lite tialr.
rormuln wlth nach bottle
9 Show it to your
< loct r
.Auk 111 til ubont It ,
then > lo mi he aya
The little book in each package gives
the formula of our new Hai > - Vigor , tells
why each ingredient is used , and ex
plain" many other interesting things.
Afte' readme you willknow why this new
hair ' /reparation does its work so well.
.ilHiloby theJ C. Ay r Co. , Lowell. Moaa ,
& Rexall Orderlies are exceedingly picas-
ant to take , and are ideal for adult or child.
They act directly on the nerves and muscles
of the bowels. They do not purge or cause
any annoyance whatever. We will refund
the money paid us for them if they do not
thoroughly relieve chronic or habitual con
stipation. Two sizes , IDC. ane 250. *
For Sale By A. II. SOUDCRS
For Recreation
"Why not plan to take 8 or 9 days'
rest from the regular routine of work
this summer ?
The Chautnuqua provides whole
some entertainment , the highest' '
grade of music , -and the best iu lee- ,
turo talent the country affords.
Get a season ticket , enjoy the big
gest feast you have ever had for
such small expenditure.
Miss Pauline Kirksmith .
ir' '
I * VtrriM1'
* '
* " . ' > * vVXvSi/
* & & . rnjs&T-Wf
A member of the KlrksmlUi Sisters
company and u player of remarkable
skill. Miss Kirksmith wl.ll render ,
saxaphone solos In the Kirksmith1
Company concerts.
Ernest Harold Baynes
Tie | best living authority in the
United States on the American Ulson.
Ernest Harold Daynes is a successful
lecturer as well as a writer an un
usual combination.
Hear Baynes at the Chautauqua in
his Interesting illustrated lecture am
"Wild Animals of North America. " . j
There must be no doubt ,
no uncertainty in the
mind of the patient as to
the rightness of the pre
scription. Perfect confi
dence in our prescription \
fiillingby both phys r
ician and patient
begets a faith
which alone j
won't cure sickness - I
ness but certainly helps.
Successor to Ed McComas.