Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 01, 1909, Image 1

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    Uitl Ljiuiniinia
Senior Week at Trinity College. Hartford. '
Connecticut. ;
1. I.anders Uccciml Tour Class Day
Honors Graduating Class Strongly
i Republican in Politics.
, Tno late for last week )
Last Friday morning at G-10
o'clock George and I started on
our trip 'o ' Hartford , Conn. The
weather was cool and pleasant
and all nature looked refreshed
afur its midnight bath. We
ihntouglily enjoyed looking al
ttc ! counlry , with its extensive
trnclsol Woodland , its fields of
waving grain , its neat and
thrifty looking farm houses and
in.mense bank barns , its small ,
Jjzi'y ' flowing streams and turbii-
knt river ? ; the beautiful exten
sive grounds surrounding Ihc
homes or suburban residences of
the rich , through villages , towns
and ciliep , a lo "Ihe city of
brotherly love. " Philadelphia ,
where we had sufficient time to
change cars for New York. We
were obliged to walk so far from
train to train , I said let us lake
ibis coach , next to the last , so 1
Ud the way and was just ready
do sit down \ \ lcia gentleman
/'in IW seal just back of me said ,
"beg pardon madame , but this
j ? the smoker , " I exclaimed , oh ,
and without even a thank you ,
nibbed into the forward coach ,
when George said he thought
the other one was a smoker.
Why it was so prettily uphol
stered , in green r.ti'd looked so
nice and" coiilfoitable , Tt' was
Ifard for me to believe it was for
"i-e oclusivc use of smokers.
Trains run every hour between
ihtsc two cities , yet our train almost uncomfortably
i rowdcd. 1 cannot say I was
now , or ever have been much im-
jrcst > ed with Ihc comili' } ' here ,
ind I am Gure it is owing lo so
many , lo me uns'glitly , bill
bn.-mls that have a way of coin
ing into view every few miu-
uUf , until I am neatly distracl-
td by the continued sight of
lluin. We arrived in Jersey
rity on time and look the 23itl
St. Ferry to New York , a 23rd
Si. car to 4th Ave. ; a transfer
norlh to the Grand Central sta
tion , where after a little looking
around we found Irene , who
had been patiently awaiting our
ariival since nine o'clock , or for
* three hours. We had our luu-
' ) t hcon the very first thing , then
a shoe shine all around. I felt
quite as important as an ) ' man ,
perched on that 'high chair ,
while the boy in charge applied
a mixture of some kind and rub
bed and polished and afler a
third application different from
the rest , a final rub and polish
with a brush until they shone
like twin mirrors. We then left
Cjeorge in charge of our suit
cases while we , Irene and I , look
a car for Wannamakcr's where
we made a few necessary pur
chases , including a dainty little
sti.miicr gown for Irene , for
three dollars less than the same
thing brings here.
At four o'clock we left for
ttiis city , the fourteen coaches
drawn by two electric engines
vcrc filled with passengers.
New Haven is the terminal of
UH : third rail , so a steam engine
k the place of the electric en
gines and we noticed the differ-
'euce ' in the dust and smoke of
"the latter.
At 6:30 : , as our train rolled
"into the station here we saw
Luucks glancingup and down
the train trying- gel a glimpse
of us andhe was about to give
the search up in despair , when
we appeared on the scene
We walked three blocks to
this large , beautiful h-me , now
a privnie boarding house , where
we have rooms on the second
floor front , bedroom and silling
room , called the "rose" rooms
rom Hie paper that adorns the
walls. The boys remained for
linner and part of the evening.
We did not go to the fourlh
senior assembly , as Ivoucks had
njurcd his knee at the last ball
game and was una'blc to dance.
Saturday we spent sight see-
ng and doing the stores. In
the evening at 8:30 : we went out
to Trimly college to hear Mv-
thania , a musical comedy in two
acts , given by the senior class in
Alumni hall , Book Lyrics and
Uubic by Trinity student.
Sccncb---Acl I , The college cam
pus , Jtint 1 , 1919 ; Act 2 , Deck
of the air ship , "Skylark , "
twenty-four hours later. The
irst act hinged on the financial
condition of some of the the sin-
lents lhat ha-l reached z ro.
One of the seniors , in a burst of
confidence , assured me it was too
realistic to be funny and 1 have
since learned lhat 110 less than
eighty dollars stands between
liim and his degree , which I sin
cerely trust he will be able to
cancel in some way. A women's
rights wnman , a shrewd multi
millionaire * , his daughter who
craves a litlc , and son who is a
senior and a French Count , fig
ure in- the play. 'I he second
scene , the deck of an airship
owned by the millionaire , was
decidedly novel. A long- cigar
shaped.thing , bound will ! cords
that supported the deck was sur
rounded by sea and sky and
floating the stars and stripes in
a slid brcczo and with the en
tire cast on board. We also
heard tha approach of another
ship and the conversation that
ensued ; saw a rope thrown out
aiid caught by a imri who was
swung to the other ship. This
scene was intensely interesting
and exceedingly funny. There
were eight musical numbers one
called , "If I CouldbeaBillikcn , "
Billiken is the other name of that
booby priae I won. "That's
Hartford , " received rounds of
applause as did all the numbers.
Over and over again they were
obliged to respond to encores.
I he local hits were so well
chosen that the audience fairly
went wild over them. Colt's ,
orchestra furnished the music.
The musical numbers were
sung with much vim and enthu
siasm. 1 he make-up 0f the men
who look the part of the daugh
ter and suffragist were fine ,
only the deep base voices gave
the parts away. The French
Count was also exceptionally
well taken. Immediately fol-
owing the closing number ,
"Back to Earth , " sung by the
entire cast , the hall was cleared
and dancing began and lasted
until almost midnight. Many
of the ladies and gentlemen were
in evening dress. The men
with but few exceptions held
their partners at arms length ,
two-step alternated with wait/ - -
and all danced to such quick
time it made me almost duxy to
watcn them skipping about in a
mad rush to get through. Then ,
as soon aa the music ceaeed ,
such a clapping of bauds until
the band began to play and they
tried it all over again , It was
after midnight when we reached
our hotel.
Dr , Luther , president of the
college , delivered the baccalau
reate sermon Sunday evening iu
( Continued to page eight. )
All I.ail , tiiou grand and gient ancestrjcs of thy glorious brood . of hair a
hundred hallowed states ;
Uxtendinu thy expansive form across o continent's
wide fields ;
One wing deep dipping In Atlantic's brine , the other
oYr Pacific's bosom r.piro d ;
Low traifliHi thy tall-feathers In the frozen ocean of
the i crth
And heaving thy ptilsr.ting forcdmt above the torrid wa
ters of fair Mexico's brood Qiilf ;
Within thy talons bearing , for the friend , the olive-
branch of peace
And weapons of destruction for the foe that would as
sail the smallest of thy progeny !
Well Holdest thou thy haughty head aloft within the
otarry oky -
For though but young , thou art a grown , of consclotio might , acknowl
edging few peers.
May'st thou forever tranquil dwell , In harmony with all thlro own ,
And unmolested by the powers of cartti rcspcclcd by the strong and
honored by the weak :
And may'st thou never know defeat , nor learn to bow thy head In shame.
Celebrate Twcnly-I'iftli Anniversary of
Institution of liroKcn Io\v ! Lodge.
Broken Iow lodge number 119 ,
I. 0. 0. F. celebrated its silver
anniversary with a program and
banquet Monday evening.
Grand Master R. II. Miller was
present and made an address at
the close of the program in the
lodge room and gave a toast at
the banquet. The following1 is
the program given in the lodge
room :
IMano Solo luV-aCmlwcll
lystory uroktMi isow Loilge. . . . W * U. 1'urccll
Trombone so.o ; . . * , . . . , , . . " , C. It. IA\CI (
. aUfojftooQ.&ataarlthn" : * . . . ! " . , . Violet Harson
Vocal solo : . . ' . . . . " . " . . 'T\frs , P. K. Tayli r
"What I know of OJil J'VllowHhip" '
M. Iv. n.iKU'lnrn
Violin Solo Mis CroiL'i KUS DILI
Aildrcss lit.iud Master K. II. Mlllci
After the program in the Odd
Fellows hall about one hundred
seventy-five Odd Fellows , We-
bckahs and their friends gather
ed in the Temple theater for the
banquet. The banquet was
served by the Rcbckaba. The
following 13 the menu for the
banquet :
Cold Ham Heel Tonirne
Boston Baked Beans Deviled
Bread and Butter
Pickles Olives Jelly
Ice Cream
Nut Cake Angel Kood
l.'rown Stone Kraut
t'offeo Tea
Follow ing the banquet II. J.
Shi n n acted as toast master and
the following men responded to
toasts :
U. J. SiilNN , ToaBtniABtor.
'Friendship , hove and Truth
C.Y. . Deal
"Twenty-one Years in Ihe Harness" . . ,
10. IJ.Purcell
1 Hominiscenc'f > s" Uov. Aubrey
'Sixty-one Years an Odd Fellow"
W.T. Bhorr
Jtelatioii of Odd Fellowship to the
Church" Jos. Piirmnn
"The Order in Nebraska"
Grand Master U U. Millet
\ < . O. Nelson had a thrilling1
experience last nighl while re-
Itirning from a duve lo Ansley.
He fell asleep a short time after
he left Ansley and awoke near
the Miller place to find his team
standing on the track and a train
approaching. lie turned the
team sharply lo the side and got
them oil track when the train
was within a few feet of the
buggy. lie broke down one of
the wheels iu turning the team ,
but no other damage was done ,
lie says be didn't loss hia nerve
until it was all pver and he roil-
iacd what a close call he had.
HlYoiigli Getting Wrong ' llotlle for
'Mrs. J. A. CiKlwelr , of the
Rencau Hotel , had a very close
call Wednesday evening. She
look a lamp and went in to take
some medicine. A number of
bottles were setting together and
she got one containing carbolic
adid instead of the one she want
ed. The medicine she had been
taking' w.ts very distasteful and
she took it with as lilllc ccrc
itony as posr-iblc and realii'.id
wLen it was too' late lhat- she
h"uVlaV4't'ciiritDlic : 'acid. She
called her husband and told him
lo gel her borne r.wcel cream and
lurcl. She insifUcd lhat it was
not necessary lo call a doctor and
no medical assistance was called
for about Ihrcc quarters of an
hour. WliL'ii Dr. I'cmiiugtoti
arrived she was in a very bjd
condilion. 'J he acid "had pcne-
trated her system and could not
be pumped from her stomach.
He was able , however to counter
act the effects of the poison and
she is gettling along very well
Arrangements for Banner Celebration
People Prom nil Over Slate
Rest llooms and Simile for Visitors arc
Prepared by the Committee , hcry-
thiiijj to AlaliC Tlicni Comfort
The I'ourlh ' rf July committee
has been working overtime this
week to complete the arrange
ments for Ihe grand celebration
to be given Monday. Arrange
ments have been made to provide
a free rest room for the ladies in
one of the business rooms on the
wesl side of Ihe square and a
large tent iu being erected on
Ihe corner south of the postoffice.
Everything1 possible is being
done lo make the people comfort
able and make them enjoy them
selves while here.
The marshalls of Ihe day will
be instructed to see that the
automobiles arc kept oil of the
main street and roads leading
into the city in order to elimin
ate the possibility of accidents
caused by the teams scaring at
the autos. The automobile
committee is completing its
work iu preparing for the benti-
tiful parade.
The committee ou eomis pa *
rade requests that all men or
hoys who want to enter the
comic parade meet at Osbornc's
carpenter shop at U a , m. , Mon
day morning. This includes
those who expect to ride horse
back. K.ich man who enlcrs the
parade will be supplied with an
out lit and he may keep this out
fit after the parade is over.
Ten dollars will be given lo
any couple that will be married
by Rev. Chas. W. Savidgc after
his address in the aUcrnoon.
The committee on sports is
figuring on the course to be
used in the races and gelling
everything in icadincsa.
No town in western Nebraska
has ever gollcn up such a large
and expensive free program aa is
arranged for the celebration
Monday and the committee is
preparing lo entertain fifteen
thousand people. A banner
celebration is prepared for a
banner crowd. People from all
over western Nebraska have
signified their intention , of
Adah Dell Bowcu , of Broken
Bow , WAS one of the 50 pupils of
the New Kngland Conservatory
of music , Boston , to receive di
plomas of graduation at the
commencement exercises , which
were held in Jordan Hall of the
conservatory building June 22.
Her diploma was for clVuicnt
work iu the conservatory's piano
forte department which prepares
young men and young women
for a career either as concert per
formers or as teachers of the in
strument. Miss Bo we u took
part in the various exercises of
commencement week which in-
eluded a concert by members ol
the'graduating class on June 18 ,
a reception by seniors on the fol
lowing day , class day exercises
and the ckiss dinner on June 21
and Ihc commencement exercises
and alumni reunion on Tuesday
The Knights of Pylhhs and
Ihc Pythian Sisters had a pleas
ant lawn party on Ihc lawn of
Mr. and Mrs James Leonard last
Friday evening. The lawn was
decorated with jack-o-lanterns
hanging in the trees. Baskets
prepared by Ihc ladies were sold
lo the highest bidder. The
receipts of the evening were
SI'-15. The money will be used
for the benefit of the Pythian
Sislcr ledge of this city.
NO Mi'.n
ItM'illil1 OKTIIK CONDITION . > ! ' Till.
Custcr National Ban
; \t llrnkrii Itnu In Die St.Hi ol NelnaxlM
.it tin- lostul iiiisincss .liitic' ' ! , | 'i it
Ul.sol UCKS
Loans anil iliv onni'i itlTjTIUM
I' ' s. llnndH to on urr i in-ill.itiiin tr.Uioim
P. S IJumN nil ti.linl J.COOOi )
Hnliils. Seruillies' etc . . . 5rj4.1
Due Irnin stutv .mil prlvnlr liauks
and bunkuih , truxt
anil saving banks 0n17 !
Due Iroin apnrovcil reserve agents oi,3iiS.i3
C'lifiLh anil other cash It cum . . . 1702:1
Notes of othrr National ll.uihs. . . . 3 13J.UO
I' paper cjrrency , nU k-
e.h , and cents 31'- ) ! (
I.att ful money reserve In bank , viz :
HI > CI Ic K,7u ! > Uj
I.pgal tender notes 1.5QAU )
lUferantlon fund with U. H. treas
urer (5 ( per cent of circulation ) l.-'
Total $ .75,893.08
Capital titorfc paid In $
Surplus fund jB.Ouu.iO
Uml Uled profits , less expenses
anil taxis puld
National Daub NOIPH outstanding
Due toother National Hanks. . . . 7.11x1) ) w
Due to State and private banks
and bunkers J77IWU7
Individual ue | > o lts subject to
chub IUIH3U
Dunaml lertliiraics of ihposits I5,7.U3
Tltne cerliUcaU'H ol Ucncblts. . . . ) , JV3.i > ! i
Stale of Nebraska , County of Punter , us :
1,11. ho in ux , cakliier of the above-named
bank , du Holenmly swear thut the above
hiatcinuit In true to the bft > i of my Unuw
ledge and belief.
II. LOUAX , Cashier.
Correct -Altent :
FIIANK Ji. VOI'NU , Director
ALPHA MOUC.AN , Director
I..YI.B YUDNU , Director
Subscribed and sworn to belore me Ibis
day of June , HW. Q. u , UOMIUMO.
Notary I'uultc.
Fire Started In Uascnicnt of Kycrson
Hros. ' Store.
Loss Covered By Insurance
Damage to Stock of ( iootls by I'irc and
SinoKc estimated at S5000 , and
Iliiililinjr Damaged About $150.
Fire started Monday in the
basement of the Rycrson Bros ,
store in the Dierks Block on the
south side of the. square. 1 he
origin of Ihc fire is unknown.
One of the clerks discovered it
burning a banna crate about 4
p. m. The lire alarm was put
in and the tire department was
on hand and throwing water into
the basement of the building
before the lire got a good start.
It was extinguished in the base
ment in a short time and it was
found to be burning in the shirt
department near the desk iu Ihe
middle of the room up stairs.
This had nol gained much head
way and was put out in short
The damage to the building
through the lloor is estimated at
$150. Some of the shirts and
misccllanous paper in the
cabinet of the cashiers desk were
iiurncd. Fortunately all of the
valuable papers and money were
taken out and the gasoline lank
removed after the fire started.
The damage lo the stock of
goods was due mostly to the
dense smoke which filled the
room. The store has boon closed
since the lirrt for invoicing in
order to settle the damage with
Ihe 'insurance adjuster's which
arc ex peeled this week. The
damage to the stock is estimated
'o ' be about $5000.00.
The small amount of damage
done to the building is due very
largely to the fact that the lire
made slow progress in Ihe damp
cellar and was discovered before
it had been burning long.
Mr. and Mrs. lid. McComas
and Mr. and Mr . George Willing
gave a dancing parly at the
Temple theatre Wednesday
evening in honor of Misses
Berenice McComas , Helen Lcel
and ICrma Willing. About
twenty couples of invited guests
wore present Miss Helen Mc
Comas presided at the punch
bowl in one corner of Ihe theatre.
Scott Cooper had his lelt arm
badly lorn by catching il on Iwo
batbs of some wire wrapped
around a post Monday. He was
leading a colt through a gate
and il pulled back and his arm
caught on the barbs. The ilesh
was badly torn and he is car
rying his arm in a bling.
A. II. Sanders who purchased
Hd. ) McComab' drug store recent
ly is in the cily this week and
the invoice of the stock of goods
is almost completed. Mr. and
Mrs. Sanders are moving into
the Bean property in the south
eastern parl of Ihe city.
Three men filed lolay as can
didates at Ihe coming primary.
II. F. Kennedy filed as a candi-
dale for county sheriff , W. 11.
Osborn filed for county clerk ,
and George Porter filed for reg-
islcr of deeds. The indications
arc that none of these men will
have opposition at the primary.
The announcement of W. 13.
Poor as a candidate for treas
urer appears in this issue. Mr.
Poor has served eighl years as a
deputy iu the treasurer's office
and has made one of the best
deputies the county has ever had.
He docs his work carefully , ac
curately and speedily.