S * TEE COUNTY EPU VOL. XXVII BROKEN BOW , OUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 2S 1909 NO 34 V Next Week Is Your Last Opportunity to Get The Republican For Fifty Cents Per Year. s > REPRESENTATIVE TAYLOR STRONG HE IS TAKING LI : UHNti PAR FIN WORK > OP HOUSE OP RBPUESENlATIVfcS. IS "NOT WORKING AT TRADE. " / Taylor Finds a "Joker" in W. J. Bryan's Bill Making Tlic University A School of Citizenship and Sends It Back to the Committee. Lincoln , Nebr. , Jau 21 ( .Spe cial to the REI-UIJUCAN. ) Custcr , \ County occupies a peculiar posi tion in this session of the legisla ture. In the person of Rep. W. J. Taylor , Custcr has one of the strong1 u en of the House. The house boasts an overwhelming- Democratic majority and on points of genuine contest Mr. Taylor is usually right and that places him frequently against his democratic colleagues because they arc usually in the wrong and that makes the situation pe culiar for Mr. Taylor. All the same Mr. Taylor is not backward in assertiag-that he is "a Demo crat" and that recalls an occas- sion in the joint session when he made that assertion and Senator Ransom , tne Omaha democratic boss of the senate , retorted , "If you are a democrat you are networking working at the trade ; " alPof which is considered by most pee pie here to be much to Mr. Tay lor's credit. Taylor punctured another little deuioratic schctrie in the House last Saturday. A bill was up for consideration de fining the departments that might be maintained in the state University. It read so much like the law already on the book that Taylor looked to find the " " " " is "joker" as a legislative "trap" usually called. The young demo crat who had introduced the bill made an explanation that didn't explain and all the time Taylor was looking and thinking. Then he found it. A single line hid in the bill gave the regents authori ty to do anything they saw fit in this matter "at their discretion. " Then Taylor "hung it on" to his Democratic brethern and suc ceeded in getting the bill recom mitted with a specific amend ment taking the "joker" out of the bill. It is shown here that W. J. Bryan has been figuring on the expansion of the University to create a "school of citizen- ship" which was no doubt to be a political department at the ex pense of the state and other methods failing this was adopt ed as the line of action. F. E. II. Standing of Contestants Guy W. Olmstead 175,000 IKE O. M. Phelps 148,000 Joy V. Reeder 107,000 Warren Cline 112,000 B. F. Lewis ,08,000 Jesse Price 07,000 Minnie Griffith 07,500 Ray S. Waterbury 70,000 Bernice Scott 04,500 Delia ISllingston 103,500 Mabel Lewis 5o,000 Guy McGowan 07,000 Lizzie Mitten 5'J.QOO Clifford Jordon 55,000 George Keltncr 55,000 Maud McLean 55.000 Dutch Supper. The Ladies Guild of the Epis copal church will serve a Dutch Supper next Thursday evening at 5:30 : o'clock at the Temple Theatre. Every-body come and bring your change with you. Don't forget the date Thursday February 4th. ANOTHER ELECTRIC LIGHT A1AN ( Manager O.J. Shaw of Aurora Here A\onday Looking 0\crThc Ciuy And Will Submit Franchise. Manager O. J. Shaw , of the Aurora Electric Light Co. , was in the city last Monday looking over the city with a view of sub mitting a proposion to the city council to secure a franchise to put in an Electric Light system he.e. Mr. Shaw conferred with Mayor George and Councilman Baisch , Ledwich andKimbcrling at the city hall Monday after noon. He was unable to be pres ent at the regular meeting of the Council Wednesday night and will submit to the council some time in the nest two weeks such a franchise as would be satisfac tion to him. Mr. Shaw stated that the busi ness men of the city had given him considerable encouragement and that he found the ma'jorily of them in favor of electric lighis. He thought it would require the expenditure of more than the av erage amount of capital required to wire a town of Broken Bow's population , on account of the fact , that the city is scattered out over considerable territory. He also found the freight rates on coal to be higher than he had anticipated , and he stated that the cost of operating an electric light system in Broken Bow would probably be considerably greater than the cost of operat ing a system in Aurora. He will submit a franchise , under which he will be willing to put in a sys tem to the city council foi their consideration and it is expected that they will take the matter up at their next regular meeting. COMPANY IS HARD'TO BEAT The Benjamin Stock Company Has Very Successful Work In Broken Bow. I hey Will Be In Merita Next Week- The Benjamin Slock Co. , of which John Benjamin is Mgr. and owner opened a weeks en gagement at the Opera House Monday Jan. 25th. The business has been something phenominal having been larger than any Repertoire show ever showing in the city. The wonderful success is not due to the fact that John Benjamin is a Broken Bow boy , but on account of his wonderful company. Manager Great as well as the patrons of the Opera House have pronounced the com pany to be by far superior to any repertoire attraction ever played in Broken Bow. The Plays are all new and up to date , and the Specialties between acts are cer tainly a feature deserving any amount of praise. Mr. Benjamin has not spared money or pains to give his home town as well as surrounding towns the benefit of seeing a > good show and we predict a very sue cessful season for him and his company. Mr. Benjamin gave the people of Broken Bow a great surprise in his ability as an actcr. He is very clever in every part he has played. In fact every mem ber of his company is just as clev er as he and altogether they make up a organisation hard to beat. beat.The The Company will open in Mcrna , Nebr. , for a Three night's engagement beginning Monday Feb. 1st. Willings Store Robbed. The Ri.mu.icA.v is late this weeu on account of the press bciiif ? broken down and before our forms are closed today ( Fridajtwe learn that Oeo. Willinu's store \\as robbed last ni ht. The thief entered through the Imck window tuok about $20 from the .safe ( fcul a revolver and box of cartridge * , frotn the show case. IS WORKING WITH THE INSURGENTS CONGRfiSSMAN KINKAID HAS BfitN riGIIUNG INFLUENCR OP CANNON WANTS HOUSE RULES REVISED Kinkaid is Not Only fulfilling His Cam paign Promise to Note Against Cannon for Re-election Dtit is righting to Lessen Tlic Speakers Power's Some time ago the Editor of the Republican wrote Congress man Kinkaid for information concerning his attitude towards Speaker Cannon in the National House of Representatives. Judge Kinkaid replied that he had as yet had no opportunity to fulfill his campaign promise to not sup port Speaker Cannon for reelection ion as Speaker of the House , because the House for the 61st Congress did not elect its Speaker until after March 4th. The Editor of the Republican wrote him again , stating that his constituents here was interested mainly in knowing- what way he was using his iniluence against the iniluence of Speaker Cannon in the House ; that the tendency was to believe that the so-called "insurgents , " who were attempt ing to secure a revision of the rules of the House taking away a part of the power now exercised by the speaker , represented the most progressive element of the Republicans in the House and that the people would like to know what'Congressman Kiukald wasv doing to aid them. To this Judge Kinkaid made the follow ing reply : Jan. 23 , 1'JO'X Herbert G. Myers , Broken Bow , Nebr. My dear Mr. Myers : I am in receipt of your es teemed favor of the IGth inst. , by which you write me further as to what I may have been doing in the way of opposition to the afficial iniluence of Mr. Cannon. In my reply to your ilrbt letter 1 stated that nothing had been lone or could be done by the prcs- jnt Congress , which is the 00th Congress , in the way of the elec tion of a speaker for the Olst Con gress to commence March 4th , and while your last letter vir tually grants this to be true , you further state in effect that my constituents regard the "insur gent" element as the most pro gressive of the Congress and that newspaper reports have failed to identify , , me with this element. You state that "the main proposi tion under consideration is , hi what way have you been using your iniluence against the in iluence of Speaker Cannon : " replying v/ill say , the only way- worthy of mention in which op position to speaker Cannon has been manifested by the "insur gent" element during the session has been by adjitating a change of the rules to the end that less power be conferred upon the speaker and more be reserved to the membership fundamentally. What have I done in this respect ? Practically I have done the same as other "insurgents" , not so much as Col. Hepburn of Iowa , Mr. ( Gardner of Mass. , or Mr. Hayes of Calif , who have been the most active and conspicious , but more than a few and certainly as much as the average. I have at tended all the meetings save one when it was impracticable , and I am pretty confident that every other member identified with the mounent.not excepting the chair- I it i.- . i v / i Ii uf HAVE INTRODUCED ONE HUNDRED BILLS EACH HOUSF : OP STAFF : U.GISLATURI CO.NSIDLKING . ABOUT 50 MW ! LAWS. TAYLOR FIVE ; OLLIS NINE , Considerable Number Deal With Amend ments ( o Road Laus , School Laws , Ke\cmic laws , Di\orce La us , And The Liquor ijucstion. Taylor Of Custcr. II. R. 69 Amending the free high schoo1 law requiring the pupil to pay the fees instead of the school district when the pupil or parents are worth over $2,000. II. R. 73 Defines duties of moderator of school district. H. R. 81 Amending road laws. II. R. 82--Providing canvass of returns on constitutional amendments be made b. ; state cauvasing board. II. R. S'S Providing payment of damages occasioned by aband onment of country roads. Ollis of Valley : S. F. 55 To license carriages , automobiles and other vehicles. S. F. 50 Providing that prop erty used for school purposes for private gain shall not be exempt Irotn taxation. S. V. 57 For a mechanics' lien upon windmills and pumps and wells. S. F. 5S To require railroad companies to furnish a caboose equipped with a toilet room for ft * . h train carrying-live stock. S. F. 70 Kequircs that con stitutional amendments shall be published in one newspaper in a a county , designated by the gov ernor , for three months. S. F. 72 Railroads to report physical valuation of property to the governor annually. S. F. 75 Puts clerk of Su preme Court on salary of 3,1)00 ) a year. The constitution gives an additional $1,500 a year aslibrar lan. The bill gives two depu ties , one at $1,500 fcnd one at 51,200. S. F. 142 To regulate the practice of professional nursing in the state of Nebraska. S. F. 133 To provide for the physical valuation of railroads and ether public service corpora tions. " Guarantee Of Hank Deposits. The legislature is expected to pass a law for the guarantee of bank deposits at this session , but the scope and character of the- law that will be enacted remains a problem. The banking law of fered in the senate by Hat field is practically the Oklahoma law and is said to have the approval of William J. Bryan , but it still icsts in the hands of the commit tee , while the banking bill of Senator Volpp , a much different measure , is talked of by a num ber of democratic senators and is apparently the most favored by them , The real test will come when the bill re-aches the voting stage and there arc predictions thatMr. Bryan will not be well pleased with the result. Valuation Of liailwajs. The "physical valuation of railways" is a democratic plat- foim promise and is represented in the bill offered in the senate by Ollis of Valley. It provides for the physical valuation of railways and all public service corporations but confines the lat ter term to express , telegraph and telephone companies. The bill places the work of valuation 1 on the state railway commission. V.OSTIMII ) ON 1 > \K I'.U.IU ARRESTED.FOR WIFE BEATING Trouble in Family at Rouml Valicy Re sults In Arrest and Children May he Taken Prom Parents- Mrs. Julia Riser of Round Val ley , filed a complaint in the Coun ty Court Monday against her husband Levi Risci charging him with cruel treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Itiscr were married about nine years ago. She claims that she left him about a year ago and that he induced her to come back and live with him. She charges that he has used knives and clubs on her , has pulled her hair and beat her up generally , and that she bears scars of his abuse. She charges that she tried to leave the house last Sunday and he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back , knocked her down and jumped on her with his knees. The children began to beg him not to kill their moth ; cr and he allowed her to get up. Mr. Riser in a conversation ad mitted "that he had not been just jis kind as he should have been , perhaps , " and says that he was provoked to do what he has done , through her refusal to properly care for the children and keep house for him. She , he alleges has put in a large part of her time reading novels and that she allowed the house to become filthy and the children were not proper ly clothed or fed. It is said that after she left Sunday he cleaned up the house taking out two scoop shovels full of dirt. Mr. Kiscr who is a blacksmith at Round Valley was arrested Tuesday by Sheriff Kennedy and he was allowed to go out on bond Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Riser are the parents of seven childr .the oldest , ul which is seven years old and the youngest are two six months old twins. County Attorney Cadd and Judge Humphrey considers that the first thing to be < aken care of is the children , and action was brought in the Juvenile court to determine what should be done with them. It is probable that the children will be placed under the guardianship of the county officers and placed in families where they can be properly cared for. They arc now being cared for by relatives at Round Valley. The trial of Mr. Riser , to detei- minc whether or not he shall be placed under .peace bond , v.ill come up in the County court Monday. JUDGE IfOLCO.MB HAS RESIGNED Kearney Man \\ill Try To Get , lude Dean's Seat. The Supreme Judgcship has been materially changed in the last week. Judge Silas A. Hoi- comb has resigned , as one of Gov. Shallenberger's rppointces and W. D. Cldham will file suit in the Supreme Court Friday , to contest the right of Judge Dean of this city , to hold his place on the bench to which Gov. Sheldon appointed him. It is expected that J. 'J. Sulli van of Columbus , will accept the appointment tendered him by Gov. Shallenberger and Judge Fawcett of Omaha , and Judge Root of Platsmouth , who were appointed by both Gov. Sheldon and Gov. Shallenberger , will ac cept both appointments. It is expected that Mr. Oldham will bring quo warranto proceedings in the Supreme Court Friday , and questain of which set of Judges are entitldd to sit on the bench , \\ill be decided by the Su preme Court. FARMERS SHOULD ORGANIZE COMPANY FARMERS CAN GET HAH. INSURANCE FOR TEN CENTS PRR'.ACRIL RATES ARC NOW PROHIBITIVE II. II. Squires Bcliocs I hat if I lie Farmer ; Form a Cooperative Company they Can Secure Hail Insurance for One-Tenth Hegular Kates. II. II. Squires of this citj ha * for some time had under consul - eration the formation of a for mers hail insurance company. Mr. Squires believes that under the existing conditions the ] ul ? insurance rates arc so high tLaft , it practically prohibits the far mers insuring their grain against hail. The rates of the coinpan * ies run from SOc to SU20 per acre. Mr. Squires believes that the farmers of Cnster County can do what the farmers of some of , the other counties have done and and through a co-operative com pany get their" grain insured for lOc per acre. During the year of 17 , the three Nebraska hail insurance companies paid out $18,000 for losses in the whole State of Ne braska. There arc in. . Custer County about 5,200 voters , 160P of whom arc in the seven largest towns in the County. That would leave 4,5'JO ' of the voters in the county in the rural or farming districts Mr. Squires believes that if one-third of thin 4500 larm voter. * would insure crops in a co-operative farmers company 'they could gat their grain insured for IQc an acre. 1 1500 farinersb * tlie County join ed in the co"/oprf rttve hail insur ance company , -oijlyui small per cent of them will be hailed out , though they all mjoy the same protection and no farmer in tlia County should h-oitatc to insure his grain agairst hail if he- cant get the insurant for lOc an acre , Xo man should be without hat L insurance if lir can get the pro tection for lOc pur acre , though , a very large per cent of the in ; now go without the protection because the rates run from SOc to ? 1,20 per acie. If the idea of the formation oJ a fanners company meets with. the approval of the pcople-of the county Mr. Squires expects to call a meeting of the fanners in Feb ruary for the purpose of uig the company. Small l'oat Wcstcrvillc. The George Evaus family of Westcrville is under quarantine for small pox. M. S. Trotter of Werterville who was at the Evans house assisting in taking : care of thu sick for the first few- days before the trouble was found to be small pox is also under quarantine. The Westerville school has been clobcd and the Revival meeting and the pool hall have also been closed up in order to prevent the spreading of the disease , Repairs Did Not Arrive. The repaiss for the RHPUSII.I- machinery did not arrive from Omaha this "week as ex pected and the Republican is in debted to the Custer County Beacon for printing- the paper- again this week. Mr. and Mrs. Homer T. Bruce- will entertain the Bzhu card clnb Friday evening , at their lovely home on the Heights. The. us ual series of games will be play ed. A late supper will be served.