v stftto Hist LlbrtulMi Eooicly VOL XX" , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUN1Y , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 5 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES , NO , 25 And nothing is uioor , tuoro enduring or appropri ate than a piece of JEWELRY of pure gold or silver the two precious metals. This year wo offer au unusually , neat and com. plete He lection of very 1 , i h grade at prioi'H which will is not wiae to defer your Holiday buying. Our stock ia nowcoinpioto-aloro lees crowd ed your selection enieer your satisfaction fur more certain - tain than in the last hours of hurry and worry. To help you choose early , wo put your BO- lection aside for future delivery Graduate ot Chlcaeo Outlialmlo College. msimxssms School Books , Tablets -AND Schoel Supplies , AT J. G. Haeberle's : Market Uoport fur Today. Wheat S ilarloy Oats . . Corn 45 0 Hy butter 1'olatoei , per bnsliol . Oulon * . per fcushol. . . , Qblckone , per pound , ; ' . ' i tOW . . , . t. \ > . . . .SS.OO V9 .DU jJu.'eiB.f. > A $3. & ) ® 'i.oo r Tnrk6r i p r pound , C6 Straw , per cwt. .10 Day , Now , per ton. 4.tO ! MugarBper cwt . . . 6. SI Hlray notice. Taken up at our plaoo ono raila northeast of Broken Bow one red and white steer about two years old. Owner will call prove property , pay charges and take him away. Tak en up about November , 18. ED. WIIITK. Taken up. At my place , three miles south west of Broken Bow , a two year old heifer , light rrd with white face. R. T. BIKKII. Clerical I'ernills 1002. Applications for clergymen's half-rate permits for 1902 should bo filed at the earliest possible date with the local agent of the B. & M. R. R. R. J. FKANOIS , General Passenger Agent. No ono can renBonablyhopa for oed health unletH hia bowels move once each day. When this IB not attended to , disorders of the wtomacli ariao , bflioiis- IH < RP. ucadu'jho , dyspepsia nud piles aoon follow. If you wish to avoid these ail- luenta ki ep your bowels regular by tak ing Ghamberitun'u Stomach and J ver 'J'aiileta wl en nqulieil They are see e . v to take nnd mild and pcntle in efft-c' . For snlo by J. G. Hneberle. OUR CLUBBING RATES. I ciiub'loan and Kansas City Journal . $ i 35 fpubllcan end inter Ccran < ; c | cpuhllcan anci Twentieth Century . . ' 65 rpublican and Qlobe-Democrat , HcmUw , B < I epublican and Stat Journal 8 < I cpuclioan und Nebraikn Farmer 8 < Irpublicaii and Life of McKmley . . . 51 Local Mention , Toys at A. W. Drakes. Genuine homo made apple jellly at The Cash Grocery. Wilson Hewitt of Hyannis was a city visitor yesterday , i Books to sell , rent read , burn or oat at Rydrson & Watts. George Shoapo called Monday and had his name enrolled for the Republican. D. C. Caltrane of Sargent was a witness in court Monday in the caao of Whipplo VH. Gatliff. Thoa. Nightengale , of Loup City attended court this week as attorney for the Columbia National Bank. Money loaned on improved farms. JAMES LEDWIOH , 18 tf Broken Bow , Nebr. Chas L. Wolalebon , of Somorford made this offijo a friendly call Mon day and had his subscription advanced vanced/ ' Please don't look at our Christ mas presents or you might HOC some thing you would want to buy. RYKKSON & WATTB. Patronize the Fish Pond at the Guild Fair to be hold in Northwest uorner of Realty block December llth and 12th. Buy Xrnas Dolls at the Guild Fair on Dec. llth nnd 12th. Chil- dron's Aprons at reasonable prices on the Apron Table. 11-28-td. Baked beans , brown bread , pump kin pie at New England supper December 12tli Guild Fair in northwest - west corner Realty block. Remember thn date of. the Guild Fair la the llth and 12lh of Do- comber. Aprons for young and old Are being made , also there will be on sale useful and fancy articles for Xmas present. Praise the bridge that carries you over either a Good or oorff > h , BALLARD'S IIOREHOUNE SYRUP has brought so many over throat and lung troubles , such as coughs , colds , bronohits , etc. , that its praises are sung everywhere. Price , 25 and 50 centa Ed. Mo- Comas , Broken Bow and Merna. B. L. Nicholas , n well-known and prominent farmer and stock raiser of Elk Creek lost nine head of o.attlo last week from a disease sup- pontd to have been cnuaed by the cattle bnintj turned into corn Htnlks to fopd It is quite a Severn \ofs \ to Mr. KioholaB , and ono that his many friends will be sorry to of. Mason City Transcript. HOLIDAY TIRADE. CHRISTMAS G-REETING Wo have a Great Vonety of Goods for the Holiday Trade. NEW AND NOBBY , Come in and inspect them and got the first choice Special attention given to sd : ff WEDDING GOODS s' a ' of every description. Q2 ? Second door north f peat oilioo. B ; E. PREDMORE , F * Hate at your price at Mrs , Games for Home amuiement at . \V , Drakes. Don't forgot that Mrs. Thomson * closing out at coat. Toy ? , Trunks , Rubber Balls & u endless variety of other Holiday goods. A. W. Drake. Get good Chicken Pie Supper t the Guild Fair on Dee , llth and 2th. Musical Program at 7:30 aoh evening. ll-28td. W. H. Penn & Co hayo just ro- eived a largo stock of olothing ust from the factory which he is oiling below all competition. Be aure to patronize the Fifth 'and at the Guild Pair on Doc. 1th. and 12th. . Bait for Fish end nd lOots. 11 28-td. Go to the Guild Fair held on Northwest corner of Realty block and get a good Chicken pie Supper , rom 5 to 7 p , m. December llth. Books , musical instruments , al- ) nms , fine stationary , toys , dolls , games , gas lamps and everything else at Ryerson & Watts P. O. Store. Store.W. W. H. Penn & Go has just re- eived an ellegont line of clothing which they are selling less than wholesale price. Go and examine or yourself. Broken Bow Equality club will moot at the home o Mrs. Clara foung's , Friday Evening Dooem- ) or Oth 1001. All are requested to 3ome. JULIA WIW.IB , Soo'y For family use In numberless ways BALLARD'S SNOW LINI MENT is a useful and handy rem- dy. Price , 25 and 50 centa. Ed. tloComas , Broken Bow and Morna , A game of foot ball was played n the oity Thanksgiving day be- ween the boys of the Business College and eleven of the town ) oys. The score was 11 to 1 in aver of the College , This office acknowledges afnend- y call Tuesday from Rev. Shetlor , he now Presbyterian minister who arrived here last Saturday night rom Pennsylvinia. He was ac companied by Mr. Jan. "Whitehead. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT has been thoroughly eated for many years , and is a positive cure for this moat distress- ng and embarrassing of troubels. 'riao , 50 oentu in bottles. Tubes , 5 cents. W. E. Sillivan has sold hia farm ast of town to Chas. Nioolia , who > ought it for a York man. Mr. Sillivan expects to leave in about _ a mouth for eastern Washington , where he will locate * Sargent "eader. Major R. H. Hendorahot and son give an entertainment Doc. .3th , at the opera house. Maj. lenderson ia the only man in the world that baa recommendations as > eing the best drummer and fifer rom Abraham Lincoln and others See bills later. 11.21-td. Fred Shultss , ot the Basin south f town , on Wednesday of this week marketed twelve head of hogs bat weighed 4,750 pounds. This would make the hoqs average near- y 39G Ibs. each. It wan certainly i bunch of hogs that are hard to beat. Mason City Transcript. W. P. Uiggins , of Comstook was ploasent caller at thi * office Sat urday , He has just sold his farm to Chan. N. Squires , of Aurora , who will take possession next spring. [ t consists of 5LO acres of deeded and 320 acres of school land , The consideration was (5,400. Mr. ins is undecided as to his future movements. Sargent Lea der. der.S. S. II. Reed ol Morua called Tues day evening and bad his subscrip tion advanced another year. Ho reports that one of the surfacing gang on the B. & M. R. R. fell from a hand car Sunday evening. The oar with nine men ran over him and inflicted severe injuries. The unfortunate man was taken to /Rarena Monday morning for medi cal treatment. The Sargent Leader says that Burt Orvu of West Union was shot last Sunday night through the fleshy part of the leg and lodged in the saddle , while on his way home from the residence of Gee , Garrison , Ho was shotat twiee , but one shot took effect. The horse Orvis was riding threw him off and wont home , where it was fouud next morning.lt was so dark he could not toll who his cowardly assailant was , Water Seta , Latest patterns at A. W. Dtakei. If you want bargains go to Mrs. Thomson's Millinery atoro. Fine range , hay and water for 00 head of horses. ' Wu.us CADWKU , IVou SALIC Set of Chambers encyclopedia cheap. At Mrs , 'homson'a. Salads , Glass Sets , pick holders Vases , Crokonolo & Checker boards t A. W.Drake's , Fritz Uhlrnan of Round Valley was in the city Saturday and had lis Subscription advanced a year. For sale or Trade on a House and jota 4 year old team , harness and urrcy , J. H. COBNKB. 11-28U J. C , Porter of Analoy was in the oity the first of the week looking after legal matters in the district court. Col. V. C. Talbot and wife came down from lialaey Tuesday morn- ng. The Colomol had broken his collar bone by falling from a wagon. If you want olothing of the latest mterns just from the factory and ess than wholesale prices call on W. H , Penu & Co in Realty block * Mra. Everett Moore , of Alliance las been visiting in the oity the mat week , She is on a return visit o Seward where her parents live , The boat talent in the oity will assist oaph evening in the Musical Program at the Guild Fair held en Northwest corner of Realty block ) ooomber llth and 12th , Fine Rockers , Iron & Wood jods , EaselssoreouB , Hat & Coat raoksWalt Pockets , Frames and Tramod Pictures , Metal Photo and ) abinet Frames , at A , W , Drake's , Chas. Wright called Saturday and subscribed for tbo Republican or his father of Millwood Kansas. Charley isono of those who does not forget hia parents in their do. oKning days. J. N P ale left Thursday morn- ng for San Diego , California wlioro la expects to reside in the future , lia family proceeded him as far as Colorado Springs , from which point boy will travel together. Prof. C. W. Roush , probiotor of he Business College informs us hat the daily attendance of the ahool ia over 35. Thia is regarded s a remarkable good showing for ho school which is now only three month old. The Analoy Citizen says , Willie , ho eleven yaar old son of Henry loharper , six miles west of Mason ttempted suicide Tuesday of last week by taking poison. Hia excuse was ho did not want to milk the ows. Dr. Robertson was called and sayod the boys life. Worms take refuge in the sm ° ll ntestine , where they can easily multiply. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE will destroy those mrasitos. The verdict ot the peo- > Io tolls plainly how well it has uuoeedod. Price , 25 cents. Ed. MoComas , Broken Bow and Morna. Chris Koup of Klump made this office a friendly call Saturday and lad his account predited a year ihead. He and hia wife made a rip with team accross the country north east to the Indian reservation , io says most of the country is hills and sand and that it was a real ) leaiuro to get back to Custer county again. E. M , Butler of Triumph was arrested and brought in and jailed Thursday on the oharga of incest , with his daughter. He waived jrelmiuary examination and wat bound over to the district court , lie ia a man 50 or GO years old and lias been a resident of the county a number of years and ia said to be in good circumstances financially. A woman who repreaentd that she had a cancer in her breast worked the sympathetic racket very Huocessfully la t week among the women , Her scheme was to go from houBo to house with some small article to sell. Mho would then relate her pitiful story am would secure from $1.00 to $2,00 from thouo kindly disposed Marshal Towsley being suspicious that the oaucor plea was a joke or rested her and Wok her to the health offioerDr. Mulling and had her examined , There being n-o trace of cancer , eho wan taken to the depot and ordoied to depart on the first tram. It ia claimed tha aho worked her lady friends fo about $00.00 while in the city bu a few days , \ HEADQUARTlsR&FOR " " SANTA CLAUS Mw -T- . McCOMAS' 1 M r < DRUG STORE. We hnvo the largest line of Holiday Goods over In Broken How , which consists of - Cups , Saucers , Glnaa U'nro , Ohlim Ware , Work JJaekets , Ebony GOOOB. Hiuikorctiiof Boxes , Albums of the Finest Make. | | All Slzoa and Quality to Suit. V $ . - J | ? "T \ OLL/"A I No Finer Line of Dollx nor u Greater \SI-r-Ofl . I 10LLV. 1 Variety can bo Found Anywhere to I \ gV. . V H I J01Ii \ | Select From. WDolls Hint Sleep , I lott 1 I o * JL/OLL\y/.i Dolls Awake , Dolls with Curies , etu. JL/OLL J , { jj * I TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS ! | ! jj | I have not all the Toys MI town but I some of them. at1 George Kyer of Round Valley was in the city Saturday making inal proof on hia land. Thin oflloo oknowledgOH a friendly call. Miss Vorda Thorpe oamo up roni Georgetown Wednesday from lor bohool to spend Thanksgiving t homo. She returned Sunday. Mies Flo Thorpe , who ! H toaoh- ng in the Fisher district in HayoH ownship spent ThankUjgiving at homo , She returned Saturday night. la the notice last week of the on- ortainment to be given , at the opera louee the'18tb , bv Maj. llondershot and HOD we had the uiuno Hender sonfor which we owe the Major an appology.as we should have caught the error in proof reading. Charitable Conmilttoo. A permanent committee for work among the poor has been arranged 'or , consisting of representative * ! rotn all the churches. The dis tribution of the Thanksgiving offer- ng of groceries , vegetables and money ( $12.60) ) was placed in the lands of thin committee. All oasof * of need should bo reported to it for nvestigatiou and aeaiutanou. The imposition practiced upon the town last week by a woumu claiming to be suffering with cancer , would bo impossible if all charitable work could be centralized. MRS L. McCxuuLKKH , Gh'm , MBS. JOUN BKNJAMIISee. . Black Hoards , Archnrenn Boards , TOM . * 4 Hlouk ( fames , * All Kinds of Quintis , p Sowing OuriRos , ftlV : 4 * Bood Work f all Kinds , Klndoriinrdon Drawing Tcnuiiem , Combined Stencil for Children , Drumn , DrcH3erB , IlornH , Toy Gunn , Automobiles , Piauoa , Doll Hninmooke , Stenm KnglnrH thut will run , etc. * o tw Cti o tti o BOOKS ! o o o BOOKSIi ! w ta a ? > r ta 9f H SS I have a fine line ot Fancy Gitt Ueolc of thn lat flt All the now anil copywright books. Luatbor Bnnu 1'neuia. Jilblcs of nil aizea. Quality of binding tbe boat , Do n tt full aoo them before you buy. Forfuisteei , PeriHme Automizers , Mirrors , Fancy | ; = Stationery , Toilet Cases , Nectie Boxes , Etc. ffl ' . fi Come Early and Avoid the Eu&h. Corner South of roaiOilloe | g ( ? * CHUtlrcufi' trunkH lor tlie KlrlN. ' IP Tool Chests for the Boys. CUurcU Morvlcuii. IIAI'TIST OHintOII. lMiig service both morning niwl evening by Rev. Richards , at , 11 a. in. and 7:30 : p. in , The pub- it ) IK cordially invited. I'UESllYTUniAN UUH01I. v Services in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday morning at 11 ; a , in. Subject ; 'Thing8 that Sweolou Lifu. " Evening 7:30 : p , m Mb jeot "The Truly Heroic in * Life. " lluv. D. AugtiHliiH Shelter will preach both morning and evening. All are welcome' u.u. cutmeu. The Sabbath which day shall wo keep ? At the U. B. uhunih next Sunday morning. The pict ures in the evening. ' 'Our Elder Brother , " the subject. All invited. M.B.OUUKCII. The Sunday morning Horvico at thh M. E. church will bo devoted to the children ; Subjoat , The Five Kings : Josh. 10 : 22 ; Parents BOO that the children are encouraged to tay for this service. The evening inibjoot ; The Value > f a Soul. You can save money by ordering your reading matter through the RKPUIU.ICAN. Wo can furnish you nearly all the papers and innguzins ( or IORH thnn publishers prices. iEEiC im 7nTfKnvrtrnirn ft M uri rnFilr ; \ nrrmirSrrirnrSrnTTTt VSR j.n.osnouiiN. H. K , MYKKH. fl$5& The Cash Grocery Co. i ! i ! Headquarter * For All Kinds of STAPLE - AND - FANCY . GROCERIES. OUR MOTTCV-Strlctly Honest Doming , Cash Solos , Quick Returns II turns , and Small Profits. You pay YOUR bills only. All mistaken cheerfully rectified. U "A iluo line of SyrupH , Sorghutnfl , Breakfast Foods , Dried and Canned Fruits , just received. Fry uu , and lot ua convince you that we can licallr OSBOUEN & mYERS { Jloci. . ,