VOL , XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES , NO , 17. Mnn was here on mrth f r tiio- ueamlf of yarn lioforo ho eVer combed hia hair rr iv < iu > a tint or mm upoku u Dunlin vuul to uouiun , lint tlio grt'cn fields eventually gave liim feeling nnd lightened 1 Ins Eava o face with the first hu man smile. Ho became civilized , Hot a house to hvo in , a chair to' alt on , a bed to sleep in , a table to cat from , nnd knives nnd forks aud ppoons to cat with. It's the latter commodity of tlio 1v genteel which we supply. Of course you can get nloug without thorn our ancestors did , but you onn't afford to do it at the v prices wo are offering them to * day. -t f J Oradnate of Clilcaco Opthalmlo College. School fiooks , Tablets -AND School Supplies , T AT J. G. Haeberle's ; Attractions Booked . . . .For the. . . OPJGRA iiousi ; . Ono nipht , October 18th , the Which ia Who * Company. Ono night , October lUst , Wood nnd Ward , in their Jolly Jingling Farce , " The Merry Tramps. " Ono night , January 23rd , "Mnlonoy's Wedding Dny. " School books and supplies at Ed. McComas's. Mncoii , Uu. It is with a good deal of pleasure that wo commend the Schubert- Symphony Club and Lady Quartette as their concert , given for our benefit - fit to-night was greatly enjoyed by those proaont. Yours truly , Ciua , Q , OAUNEB , Oapt. Maoon Volunteers. SAM B. IIUNTEH , Second Lieutenant. Omaha Paimless Dentist at Globe Heel - el , October 25 and 26. For up-to-date Dental Work at Omaha Prices See Him. Set of Teeth $5.00. Who ? Those Kids in the P. O. Store. They are actually selling COu sheet music both vocal and in strumental for lOo. We wish them a pleasant trip to Norfolk. Fancy Bet Stationery at Ed Mo- Comas's. and read what 1 say. For ton days to make room for my fall order of couches. I will make a reduction of 25 per cent on all Karpen Steel Construction coaches. ' A. W. DRAKE , West Side Square. For bargains that j are bargains < 40 to Munk's. See Ed. MoComas's new line of > ooks. The arc immoiiHO. Wright Rankin of Blainc county vtiH viniting iu thu city Satuiday. Moved to Realty Block. A. E. ANDERSON. Ed. Royso secretary of the Slate Banking Board was a oity visitor Saturday. Dr. C , L. MullinH reports a very pleasant and pi of liable trip dining ii's visit oast. C. H. Holoumb has been appoint ed receiver of the Farmers Bauk by Judge Sullivan. Mr. ana Mrs. D. . M. Amsbery are attending the Baptist State conven tion at Blair this wook. Money loaned ou improved farms , JAMKS LBDWIGII , 7 18 if Broken Bow , Nobr- Miss Gates of Mauon City , was visiting with Miss Warrington and othar friends of the city last week. John Wolford and son left Sat urday night for Greenville Oregon whuro they expect to icsido in the future. P. F.Campbell and family of Georgetown moved lo iho oity to take advantage of our splendid schools. The Republican was unavoidably ate last week on account of the ex tra work required in getting out the delinquent tax list. A. J. Johnson is a recent arival in this city. He has secured a pos ition as drugqiat and okrk in Ed. McComas * drug store. You will enjoy Mr. Louis Mac- Piko'H entertainment , Mr. Julius Brander aud his violin and the Schubert lady quartet Oct. 17. Mrs. B. W. Raymond of Lincoln bpent a few days last week visitiog with her son Ruben , north of town. She loturnod to Lincoln Saturday night. II. G. Rogers arrived in-the oity Sunday morning on a short visit with old acquaintances , while look ing after hia business , interests in Ihe oounly. The Republican desires to public- y extend thanks to the Chief for courtisies extended us last week in the use of its type in the board prooeodinga. The Schubert Symphony Club Thursday evening , October , 17 , at opera house. Tickets on sale at Haoboilo's and Bowen'a. Reserved scats 50u , children 25o * The fireman on 48 Sunday fell off the tender , while the tram was running full speed eaat of Hampton 4 or 5 miles , and was badly injured , baving several bones-in his body broken. The St. Paul Pioneer Press says : "The Schubert Symphony Club is as versatile as it is talented , and the program rendered at the Peoples Church last evening was as enjoy able as it was varied. " Harry Croaoh of Knoxville Iowa , is visiting in the county in the vicinity of Mason City with relati ves , llo will bo iu Broken Bow the latter part of next week on a return trip from Saneca whore "ho went Saturday uight. Corn-huakors , sprained wrists , barbed wire outs , burns , bruises , severe lacerations and external in juries of any kind are promptly and happily cured by applying BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. Price , 25 and 50 cents. Ed. Mo- Comas , Broken Bow and Merna. Dr. Mullms , assisted by Drs. Hanna and Hake , this afternoon amputated E. McCargor's limb , which was badly fractured two weeks ago yesterday , by the explo sion of an engine boiler. The phy sicians did all in their power to save the limb , but found it impossible. Ausley Chronicle. The St. Paul Globe of October 5th says : "A program worth hear ing is that given by the Schubert Symphony Club. Unlike the Con ventional Musical Organization , the Schubert Co. possesses vocal and dramatic as well as instrumental re sources , and their versatile talent furnished a very entertaining pro * gram at the Peoples Church , " At the Broken Bow opera house October 17 th. > P THU CONDITION -OK THK BANK OE MEENA , Charter No. ( t 10 , at Morim , In tlio State of Nebraska , at tlic Close of llnsluess October 1st , 1001. Loans nnJ Discounts . > . $10,000.35 Overdrafts , secured mid urfn'Cim'il . .75 llnlikliiK home furniture and ilxturoi. . . lf.OO 05 Curiont expenses ami tnxc jmltl . 3MUM ( Jhecks ami otlmr cadi Hems . 30 , 25 Duo from National , Btftto anil 1'rlvate llaiiks "and Hankers . 520,238. IS Currency . 1,805,00 Specie . 849.M Totnl cash on hand . J.80l.Cd Total . 74,43l.ut ; I.UIIILITIES ! Capital etock paid lu . $ IOHIO.OO UnillTldcd 1'rnflt . 3,380.08 Individual depodts subject to clicck . * I3.KUJ.09 Dcmnnd certlilcateg ot deposit - posit . 8,1311 07 Time certificate * of tlopoilt . 10,077.a5 CJ.047.ai Total . 7M33.W Htats ofNsbraeba , I County ot Cuetor , f " ' I , B. K. WA.IUIICK , cashier ot the tibovo named bank , do solemnly swear that the above Btatomeutla true , to thu best of my knowledge nud boiler. 3. 1C. WAUIUOK. . j 8. 1C. WAnuloK , Director. i J ( M uiMBKKUNu , Director. Subscribed and sworn to before mo tbla I Oth ilny of October , 1V01 . CIIAB . L. Gurruiif ON , t K4I.1 Notnry PuDllC. 1500 pairs of shoos to qo cheap at Munk's. Sou. Palmer wont to Omaha Sun day evening. Chas. Peun bpont a few days in out oily this week. The seats for oho. Schubert con cert are soiling fast. j For Kodaks anpplioB and Kodaks gc to Ed. McCoraas's. II. J. Edingtou of East Ouster was a oity visitor Saturday. L. 11. Jowott was a passenger to Dunning Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. 6. Browc , of Ausloy , were visiting in the oity thin week. C. L. Drake , a brother of A. W , Drake , come in on 43 Saturdayjmd Sundayod in our oity. Rev. Miller of Beaver City will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning and evening. Win , Blair has boon reinstated as janitor ot the courthouse , ho assum ed his duties the first of the montli. A. E , Anderson has his room in the Realty block nicely . fitted up and well filled with a now stock of j welnry. DIED Ida MoKinley Wjlburn daughter of Mr. and Mrt" " . R. W. Willmrn , east of this oity , aged four mid one half months. The remains were laid to rest Wednesday. The Schubert Symphony Club played hero on February 5th , and made so pronounced a hit that I en gaged them to return last uight when the receipts ran up to $450. UAHRY E. MAUOII. A , R. Humphrey Sr. and wife ar rived in Broken Bow from Bloomfield - field Iowa laat Wednesday evening and will spend the winter in Ouster C6 nty with their eon's Gus and Charley. Mr. Humphrey is 85 years old and is halo and hearty. They wore aocompaincd from their Iowa homo by their son A. II. who iu vis iting Ctistor County after a 15 years absence. He notes many cimuges in the appearance of the county and city. He will remain two weeks and return to Iowa. WANTED. A few Choice Fire Insurance risks , school orders , and collections. W. D. BLAOKWBLL , Broken Bow , Neb , The attention of our readers is call * ed to our special offer of the life of William McKinley , by Murat Ualsted , and other prominent men , and tun RUPUULIOAN for $1.50. Wo furnish both for the retail price of the book. Send in your order it once. At regular meeting of Broken Bow Lodge No. 101 , A. 0. U. W. Fred Rinne was elected Financier and Recorder. Members will ploaao take notice. A , R. IlrjiipimBY , Maastor Workmen. "Mir. McPike is an entertainer of more than ordinary versatility , and wins his auditors more through an easy , quiet method , than tl'o violent rantings assumed by so many. " Pittsburg Dispatch , II. U. A , WSTIUOT MEETINO. A number of delegates f the sev eral M. B. A , lodges of the county attended the District Convention of KKl'OKT OF THE CONDITION - Ot1 THK - Bank of Commerce Charter No. CO , nt Urokcu How , In the Stntoof Nebraska , at the Close of HuHlness September UOth , 11)01. ) Loans ami Discounts . $12,101 Mr UrvrdraCti , eocured ml muccurcd . 5 3) Stocks , tccurltlee , judgments , claims , . . Pic . . . . . . . . . . . I 41B.85 Uventoak amlgralu . . . . . . . MO. US llankhiR honto turnlturo and fixtures . . . 4 ,600.00 Other real estate . 6a.5,00 Current expenses ami taxes paid . 3 , Kit. OH Duo from National. State and PrtTsteDanknaml Hankers. . . lTOy. 4.1 Tolalcashon hand . S.Sll. d.S-'O.BO Total . $33,1113 & 3 LUnumvs : Capital stock paid In S15.000.00 Undivided profits -1,817.til ludlr'dual ' depotlts subject to clicck S9.1VI.-18 Demand certificates of deposit. KIS. 110 Time certlUciUes of tk-ponlt. . . . 1 ,1)00.00 ) Duo to Sttttu nud 1'rlrato Uanks and llankera 603.75 13,200.10 IIIMs 1'nynblo 1,600.00 Total 833"u " .M State of Ncbnska , ) J-BS. County of Custor. ) 1 , V. Jt. Itnblee. presi dent of the above immctt batik , do solemnly swear that the nbovo slatcinent la true to the best of my know'cdge and belief. F. H. RUIILEIC , I'reg. ( S. B. THOMJ'SON , Director. Attest- : ( V. SI , HtuiLKE , Director. Subocilbodandiworn to before mo , tills Olh day of October , 1801. JAMKS Lumvicu , Notnry I'utilU. that order at Lexington test Wed nesday. From Broken Bow lodge wore , C. H. Jeffords , , TU. . Ronm , J. 11. CoHiior and wife , L. A. Wulls aud wife and D. M. Ainaborry and wife. From Atfaolmo W. A. Richard- sou , Ilonry Kelley , O. C. Murphy and Mr. Wilson. From Morna S. Luce and Samp- FOU Givona. From Ansley W. S. Delano aud Rev. Fouoh. From Etna Jas. Chittiok and wife. There wore five delegates elected from the Sixth Congressional Dh- triot to the Supreme Convention to be hold at Sioux City , Iowa Out. 22 , aud Custor County secured two of them , they are Henry Kelley of An- selnio and D. M Amsborry of Bro ken Bow. J. II. Costier of Broken Bow and F. C. Wilson of Ansolmo were appointed alternates. E. II. Burrows haa returned from Denver , Colo. Mrs. Howard Kerr is recovering from a sick spell. W. T. B. Lawson and wife are visiting relatives at Camden Illinois. O. II. Foster , of Donophon , this state , is visiting his brother in Ansley. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hagin arrived home from there visit in Iowa Fri day night. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernoet Tay lor , Sunday last , a son. All parties doing well. T. G. Puringtun has recovered from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Joel Lanutn has moved his house from North Ansley to his lots ad joining the Moore property. Alex. Wright has built a now barn , to shelter the family cow and make a snug place for the chickens to rooat. Miss May llinkloy has gone to St. Paul , this state , to visit for a few weeks with uncles and aunts at that place , Itov. Foulch , the Methodist.pas- tor hero , has been transferred from the Kearney District to the Beatrice - rice District. Mary Wright went to Lincoln Monday morning , Wo understand she went for the purpose of learning dressmaking. A son of J. R. Rhodes is now re ported to have dipthoria. This makes the second one in the same family to have this dreaded malady. The injured limb of Elmer Mc- Corger WHS amputated last Friday afternoon by Dr. Mulltnn of Broken Bow. The unfortunate man IB still alive and may recover. The raerry f o round has left town to the joy and satiefaotion of par ents , who found it nn impossibility to keep their boys mid girls at homo nights while it was hero. The six year old son of Mr , Mont gomery , who lives north of Ansloy a few miles , had the misfortuuatoto break his left log in two plnoon , above the kuoo , last Saturday , by his brother falling upon him , A suction hand by the naino of Hoffman was arrested last wcok while in the act of sollicg thu stoles brass from the McCargcr ongino. lie admitud hia guilt and was given thu choice of leaving town immedi ately or bo taken to the county jail , lie choose the former and by day braak ho had disappeared. Good riddance to bad rubbish , Ortcllo News. E , D. Day spent Sunday in Or- tollo V For Homo reason the "Republican , did not reach us last Saturday. Claude Kollonbarger went to Broken Bow the first of the month , to attend thu Business College. Mra. Budd has not boon well the last week. Her mother , Mr . Ed wards has so far recovered that she wont out riding last week. Rov. Stcioklor made his regular trip to this valley last Sunday even ing but owing to the rain did not till hia appointment , Dr , Downing accompanied him. The telephone line is at laat com pleted , and everyone is trying to do more talking than any one else. At least it appears BO there being about twenty different "rinps. " A party ooniistihg of F. L , and Mrs. Heals , Mrs. Hunt , Mrs. llowitt , Mm. Ashbaugu and the Misses ffridgeraud Aahbaaugh , made a trip to the ranch region last Satur day. Mr. Hills celebrated the com pleting of their housfl , last Fciday , by inviting a few of our friends to supper. Those present wore Messra and Mosdanos Baker , Blankonsip and Ingraham. Quito a number of young people took dinner with Mr. Fodgo laat Sunday. Tlioy were Misses Scott , Bill , Ashbaugh , Johnson , Hunt and Aohsah Hunt , and Messrs Wadding- ton , Hauoy , llompstoad , Kollonbar- gor , Hughes and Baker. Say John , have yon soon that uudurwaro at Munk's Bargain Store , It beats anything in town. Miscellaneous Books at fid. MoComas's. Washington 0. II. Oblo. The concert by the Sohubotts la our church on Friday evening last was a very pleasant ono throgh'otit. Our peoolo were well pleased. Yours , FllANK MoELttUKBH , v Pastor M. E. Chursh , For all kinds of school books go to Ed. MoComas's. Wo very cordially invite you to buy a ticket for the Schubert Sym phony club entertainment , for wo believe you will receive a treat not ofjten given in our oity. D. M. AiiSuEimY , WILLIS CADWKLL , Committee , Baptist Church. KaatruauV Kodaks "at Ed. Mo. Comna'fl. CiiitrcU Hcrvlce * . " DAPTIIT CHURCH. N Preaching service both morning aud evening by Rov. Richards , at , 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. The pub ic is cordially uivitod. Happiness depends very much on the condition of the liver and kid * noys. The ills of lirfo make but little impression on those whose digestion is good. You can regu late your kiver and kidneys with .I1ELIBINE nnd enjoy health and bunyanoy > .of spirits. Price 50 aonts. Ed. MoComas , Broken Bow and Met\na. \ iteport Wbont 9 .CO llarloy .30 Oats .32 Coru Kyo Uuttur .15 I'otatoci , | icr buatiol 1 00 Onlortis per Imabol 1.00 GliloUonfl , per pound .04 UORB 6.89 ( Taws M.M i . KtcOlB J3.00 :2.W : Turhoyg , porpomnd . . . . . . . ' Htr w , per cwt. . . , , , .10 11 ay , Now , per ton - 4.go [ C7J- JAMES 0. ROBINSON , Prop. In assuming the management of the Qlobo Hotel , wo undertake no now business to us. From our experi ence wo fool competent to cater to the wants of the publio and afford the boat of accomodations. Wo shall do our best to maintain the excellent reputation that the house has berne in the past , and keep in touch with the requirements of the timoH. Rates strictly $1.06 pordfy , The patronage of the publio is solicited. * $4NM ! ! FOSTER & SMITH LUMBER CO. , Always have the best quality of Lumber and other building ma terials at the Lowest P/ioeH. 'Phono No. 70. W. L. RULE , Manager. For a First Glass Smoke Try the Martial and Corona Grande' MANUFACTURED BY E , H. DALBEY , BrokeuBcm , - - - Nebraska , ft