Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 03, 1901, Image 1

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    SUte Met Ubrailau Society
School time alarm.
Work 'time alarm.
Medicine time alarm.
Train time alarm.
Gel-np time'alarm.
At prices that wont alarm.
A good nickel alarm clock
This week only
Gents ,
OrailnAtu of Chlcnco Opdmlrolc College.
I Moved to'Eeaity
\ Block ,
Vx School Hooks ,
Tablets I
School Supplies , [
.J. GT Habberle's : '
* U1&&s&a& i ii Kxru 'K UBxa vx3iam. ' wit
Attractions Booked
. . . .Forllie. . .
tnu ni 'lit , October ISth , tlio Which
in Who' ( loinjinnv.
Ononiclit , October JUst , Wood nnd
Ward , in their Joliy Jiuclini ; Fiuce ,
" i IK ; Mori } ' Tramps.
O.IB niL'ht , Jtmuiiry V'ord , "Maioney'e
Wc-iUlini ; Day. "
Jufct One Girl
In Getting OM , Hut
There Are Others.
1 ; wo haven't the Songs
jou wmif , we order llu'tn for
you with no additional chaigrs
P , O. SlCTC.
Suhool bonks and Mipplics at I d.
It Hit | i ; > cnu < I tn n Ilrtiji' Ktiire.
"Ono day lant wiutor : i lady csiuio tp
my drug aioru and askul for ti bmnd of
cjn li mudicinu tlmt 1 d > < ! not Imvo in
Htuck , " Biivs Mr . U. U Uiandin , ( ho
popular dm f-iet of Ontuno , N. Y.
"l-iliu wsi.'t ilixippoin't'd nnd wtintMl to
know wiint couh jiii'purntion I co'iM
rucomniciut. 1 mid t 'ln-r ihnt I could
fuU reooiniuontl Cmimboriniti's Onn h
Keihady aii'l tlmt nhn could tuku ti
bjttlo of Uiu remedy nnd utter KiVici it
it 1'rtir if Bhe diU not Hud U worth
tht money to lirin j bm-k the holtlo nni !
\vouUlictumlthcprice 1 paid. In the
cjinno 'f ' a d'iy ' or two iht lady ciiiuo
li ii'.l ; ii com.anyvki ; > a ( riund in nopd
< > ' a cull ili inedii. 1:10 : nn < t advised her to
buy n liottl. ) 01 Charaberhuu'fi Couj-h
Keincxii' f oonsiilor that a very gofu !
ttcuniiujudntinn for the roirtedy. " I
is for Bnle liy J. U. Hiielorli > .
and r < ad wha-i 1 Hay. For ton duys
to make rom for rnv' fall order o
coupho.s. I will make a reduetioi
of 25 per oont or all Karpeu Sieel
Construction couohoH.
Went Side Square.
| L
L Mention ,
All kind of Book * at Ed . Mo.
C'Oinas's ,
Idr. Potter left Monday for Ivan-
sas City.
For Kodaks enpplies am ] , Kodaks
gc lo Ed. McComas's.
II. L. York of Hound Valley was
i oily visitor Monday.
Judge Sullivan wan a west bound
oaSHougur Monday morning" .
See Ed , MeComah'ri now line of
books. The are immense. i
Wanted : Two or three more
boarders at Mrs. Lillie King's
,1. WRico of Cliff was a friend
ly caller at thin oflioo Monday.
Moved to Realty Block.
E. Kinzler of Mason City was a
welcome caller at this ollion last
J. W. Conley of Oconto , was a'
friendly caller at this oilioo Wed-
T. E. VanAntwerp , the next
county surveyor , w's ; a city visitor
last week. *
Gc'O W. Dewey of Gates was
looking after his political interests
U the fair last week.
W. D. Ila'l ' of Sargent waa a oUy
vis'uor Friday. This otlico acknowl
edges a friendly call.
The oflioors of the fair claim the
largeht attendance at the fair
Thursday over recorded.
1J. K. Atkinson of Ansel mo was
a city viHitor Monday. This ofiice
acknowledges a friendly cal'l. '
Monov loaned on improved farms.
7 18 if Broken Bow , Nebr-
J. A. Kollcnbargor and family of
Dale were among the thousands
that visited the county fair-Friday.
August Miler ( of Mason City waa
n attendance at the fair last week
This oiTioiracknowlodgeH tffnondly
\V. A. George and wife of
Georgetown , upout savoral days in
the city lask week , attending the
urity fair.
,7. II. Ling , and old time friend of
the Republican was up from LJoimd'
Grove last week attending the
oounly fair ,
P. D. Glover of WtMHiu'rt was
trammeling busunosp in the oity
L'ucsdav. This oilioo acknowledges
\ friendly call.
The great euocess attained bj the
nnnagers of the county fair oan
very largely bo atlribntod to their
liberal advertising.
December llth and 12th is the
daW ) of the Fair aud Supper to bo
ijivon by the Ladies' Guild of the
E-piacopal Church.
MidH Anrie George , daughter of
Mr. And Airs. W. A. George , left
last Saturday morning for Wonham ,
MaRsaohiineUfi , lo altend school.
John Snyder of Ojonto was a
friendly caflor at this oflico Satur
day. Mr. Snjdor reports the poli
tical piospeclti in his locality quite
The olh'oer of ihe fair say the
receipts will pay all expenses with
a fiuall surplus loft. W.hon they
started in they had to borrow S. > 9 ,
to start with.
Thc street fair Wednesday.
Thursday and Eriday nights during
the fair last week were largely at
tended and those that worn inclined
to that class of sport enjoyed ahot
L G. Gordon , formerly of Merna
writt'H that ho is now located in
Bogeman , Montana , where ho is do
ing a good business in a meat mar
ket , the Republican wiales him BUC-
ci'bs in his new home.
Coqi-huskers , sprained wrists ,
Warbed wire oulH , burns , bru'iKOH ,
si'voro lacoratioiiH and external injuries -
juries of any kind are promptly
and happily cured by applying
Prio. > , 25 and 50 cents. Ed. Mo
Conns , B rokon Bow and Mtrna.
\Ve loam from M. M. Parkhiirst
that his POM Tom , who now resides
near Independence , Oklahoma , wah
marrio I on the 18th of Sept , to Miss
Ora MpKgg. They were the're ' -
uipienta of a larce number of
prasontfl. The Republican j 5nB
their many friends in Ibis vicinity
in congratulations , and wish Mm
and hu bride many years of happi
ness and prosperity ,
Eiatman't * Kodiku at Ed. Mo-
Comas'a ,
Will Penu "and son wont to
Lincoln Monday.
For alHcinds of school books go
to Ed. McComas's.
C. W. Bcal went to Thadford
Sunday evening on13 ,
.1. J. Wilson was an cast bound
passenger dundiy nigh I.
Ed. McComaa keep all kinds of
Hohool books and supplies.
Dr. C. IMokott waa a passenger
foi Lincoln Monday morning ,
W. B. Moody of VVestorvillo was
friendly caller at this oilioo Mon
Mabel Willing wont to Otnulln
on12 Sunday night , to attend
District court convened in thu
uity Saturday with Judge Sullivan
on the bench and hold over Mon
, Joe IlarriH , Gee 1'almor and C.
Tiernoyvero west bound pj -
sengers Sunday morning returning
Sunday night.
John Jorn of Weaoott made ihis
otliio n substantial oall last- Thurs
y and had hid subscription mark
ed up several notched.
Dress making up stairs north of
topublican ollico. Satisfaction
uarantucd and your sowing
solictcd. ANNA EMKKHON.
Moved to Realty
A , E. Anderson.
* s
Nort Aniriborry and daughters of
Anrloy WOIM viMting in the city
Friday nnd D'riday night. They look
n the fair during thu day and the
street tair at night , I
Out. 1 , 1001. In order lo olcan
ip my ft-Hsk of wind millfl , I will
ror the next sixty days , frDin date ,
sell mills at cost , for cash. Come
in and take advantage' of the low
price. O.IJ. CONK AD.
John Cover , of Algernon town-
ship4 WAS mirriuii Sapt. 11 , in CC.ili-
'ornia to Mi * * Sara Warring , of1
Wadaworth , Nov. , an only child of
lor parents , Mr. Cover wan a
member of Co. M 1st Nobr ,
Married : At the residence of
the bride's parents , in Broken Bow ,
Nobr. , Sept 17 , 1901 , by Rev. S.
W. Richards , Mr. James A Slloro ,
> f Westorvillo , Nobr , and Miss
Amanda R. Conrad , of Broken Bow ,
In anaemia and most women's
ailments the digeUinn is weak , the
making of color , Hush and strength
out of food , is imperfect so that the
patient is woi > k , wan , nervous ami
yripujitio. This condition eau bo
orroctod by takin a course of
UERBINE. Prieo , 50 cents. E.I .
McComas , Broken Bow and Merna
The Baptist church of this plaoT
lias arranged with the Schubert
Symphony club and Ladies' Q > ar
tette , of Chicago , to give an entertainment -
tainmont in this city Thuifiday
night , October 17. This Company
hasboen on the road for twelve years
and IB very highly recommended
by ohurohoH , preachers , Masonio , I.
O. 0 F. , K. of P , A. O. U. W. ,
Woodmen and otlur soon-tics. Thic
Company is making a tour of the
west and it is boeajiso they will been
on their return trip that the Baptist
pnoplc are able to secure them for
this high class entertainment at this
Thuro was no exhibit at the re
cent county fair that attracted more
attention or interest than the display -
play of fruit , and our people arc
jufct awakening to the fact that r
great variety of fruit can bo grown
hero if wo will only learn how aw' '
where to grow it. There is no
question but that location ? , nrl ,
subsoil , varieties and more especial
ly proper caie and cultivation will
have much to do with om Bucn sM
All these things must bo carefully
studied and experimented with and
our farmers and those in the UJWIIH
who are interested in this line
ought to go' , touothor. and by a
comparison of ideas arid oxporjience
work out thcso problemfi. Wo
undorstanda that an effort is being
rniido to orgam/.o a county horti
cultural society and hold the iirst
mooting sometime iti December , at
which Mine it is hoped that everyone -
ono who has grown any apples will
bring in an exhibit , and all who are
interested in tree growing , either
for shade , windbreaks or fruit are
urged to bo present and take part
in the discussions.
Misuellanoous Books at Ed.
Rov. S. W. Richards will preach
at Merna next Sundry at 8 p. in.
Miss Nan Alexander , who has
been visiting frionda in the city ,
Idt Wednesday morning for Chica
go , where she goes to resume a
course in kindergarten work. Mins
Alexander I'R an artist in hc > r line of
work , and bus but few equals and
no superiors in thu state its a prim
ary iiutrnotor. Broken Bow may
well fuel proud of the work done by
her in thu schools as the influence
will remain while lifo lasts.
"Krcd" is back aiin ; , located
near his old stand. Jle went away
to find a new location , but fouml
no place like BrokcM Bow. lie
came back to stay , lias already
bottg-lit a lot in the cemetery is
prepatred to scrvu steaks and
oysters better than over , and to
make up for yon any dish yonr
palate calls for. 1'Ycd is not
cranky anymore and grows better
each day. Will be pleased to
meet all , both old friends and
new , and the stranger within onr
gates , and will treut all with like
hospitality. He Uas now the
rtncst Lunch Counter west f
Liwcoln and is improving- the
lime. Yours for business ,
The Cnllmvivy I'ostollUo HobhcH
Gcorgo Qreor was arrested yes
terday and taktMi to Ansloy for a
preliminary lioiinng before U. S.
Commissioner 1'ortrr , by PoHtolHoo
luspOolor Swift aud Duputy U. S.
Marnhal Moore , on a uhargo of
robbing the Callaway ponollico ,
Thu orimo was comiuiltud on
Angubt 25. Postmaster Doi\glas \
was standing at the front door of
the oih'oo talking to Homo parties.
ind upon his return inside he found
iho oash drawer of the H'ifo on lh
mailing table , with $20 ui bills
( nidging. lln at onou RiinpacUd
GJreer , who had lormorly boon
employed in the qllioe. Upon being
charged with the orimo Gronr
denied it , but subsequently oonlrss-
ed , and raturnod iho money. IJn
entered the oilioo by the roar door
while the postmaster was otUHidc.
t'allawuy Connor.
The Analoy Croniclo says : "Tho
tuciiHOii was brought to Broken
I5ow , where a hearing was had before -
fore Judfon C. Porter , U. S. Com
missioner. who placed him under
bondn of $700 , to appear , tt the next
term of the U. S. district court at
Omihti. The father of tbo accused
furnished the satisfactory bond and
the prisoner was released. "
A Young Italounlst.
Broken Bow can boast of having
one of the , if not the youngest ba-
ioonists in the country. UIH naino
IB Clifford Lomax , tha ten ye r old
son of U. L'mmx. It is one of the
iostmicea in which gireataoss was
thrust upon him.
Clifford Lomax was onu of the
liMndrodB last Friday evening
crowded around the baleen , bc'ing
inlliti'd with gass prior to Prof.
Ward's ascension which ho was to
make for llin managers of the Cus
lur county fair.Vhen the baleen
shot up through the treon by which
it waa surrounded , Clift'yrd was eo
cidently caught in the hoop of thu
parachute and carried up with the
abounding baloon. Prof Ward who
> ad not left vhu ground saw the
situation and called out. "hold on
kid , " and as KOOU as the rope on the
tripoc/.i lifted him from the earth
ho ma'lo his way up to the hey ; th
tapidlyashu could. By this time
the boy was two hundred feet from
> tno oarlh. Prof. Ward bad reached
him and eau ht bun t > y thu coat
collir in order to make thu boy Hale
until ho utraightonod hiniHclf com
fortably for thu rest of his eventful
They wore carried two and a half
miles southwest of the uity , where
they were safely landed. The boy
got ono hand slightly hurt in a wire
fence , by becoming tangled in the
rope after ho Mruok the ground ,
othonvi o ho was not injured. Jlis
pironts knew nothing of it until ho
returned home , and secured their
promino not to whip him if ho
would toll thorn what had happened
IIo had flomo miHgiyingH as they
had told him bnforn ho l ft homn to
keep away from the biloon. It is
an cjtporienoo ho will not noon for
got and probably will not try again
soon , if ho can help it.
I.fttcr H.lHl.
The following is the dead loiter
list for the week ending Sept. 21 ,
1001 :
J. P. Groom , Fred Hoog , Mr.
Ilarron , W. S. Mayall , Mr. M.
Plnllipa , W. II. Sagcr , Richard
Raniby. card ; Jane Seat , 2 caul ;
Augusta Wollf , card ; J. F. Hartley ,
pij Ella Willie , card ; C. R. How
ard , card ; Goo. Guthrto , card.
PnrtioB oalling for the above will
ploatio say advertised.
There are thousandH of people ,
suffering untold torture from piles
buunucu of the popular impreHsion
that they cannot bo cured' TAB-
MENT will cure them and the pa
tient will remain cured. Price , 50
cents in bottles , Tubes , 75 cunts.
Ed. MoComuH , Broken Bow and
Notice to ( lie iMilillc.
September 27. 1001.
Everj one is cautioned not to buyer
or negotiate for ono promissory
notu givun to Christ Over , tiird in
September , 1001 , payable in GO
days for 815.00 , the same being
pro urod by fraud and misrepresen
tations. E. ,1. & J. J. BOIH.IT.
10-U 'It
Fancy Box Stationery at lid Mc
That Strocl Car Convurbiitlon.
Fragmentary reports of a ruoont
coverpation to whii'h a fovv neigh
bors and myself worn parlies do mo
great injustice , tiuoming to rank mo
among flyinpathmirH with auaruhy.
Nothing could ho morn absiirud ,
No rnau alive abominates anarchy
in every form moru heartily than J ;
perhaps few have done morn with
, miiH or with pen to roprosH an
archy. 1 , myself have nothing to
keep back , but as parts of thecon- _
vernation referred to nrght bethought
thought , to compromise the other
parties I will not dotnil nt without
pcrmisfiiou. Sufioo it to say that
all nigud opposition to anarchy , I ,
as earnestly as the rent , only onr
methods differed. *
1 rcttpootfully roqiieBt yon to give
this statement iniuh publicity r. you
LTrnvorsity of Nobrasloa ,
Lincoln , Sept. 24 , Hl'Ol. '
See W. D. Blaokwoll at Farmera
Bank for Fire , Oyolono nnd Torna
do insurance. 7-11 tf
A "sliuh HI time saves nino" and
HOUND SYRUP at the begiuuirg
of a cold will sayo you ninny weary
hours aud even days of distrosaiug
and harassing cough. Price 25 and
50 cents. Ed. McComas Broken
How aud Merna.
cittircli ( icrviccH.
Preaching Horvioo both morning
and evening by Rov. Richards , at ,
11 a. in. and 7:30 : p. in , The pub-
io is cordially invite d.
u.n , cnunoii.
Rev. II. K. Myora was returned
by his conference , to aorvo thu
Broken Bow charge another year ,
IIo will preach at the regular hours ,
U a. in. and 7:45 : p. in , at the
ohurohjn town , and at S p , m. at
the Kin-g Ruhool house. Next Hun-
day thu morning thcmo will bo
" , " In the
"Shining Lights evening
the pulpit paintings will bo used.
The next two months will bo devoted -
od to ono of Iho moat popular stones
in thu English language , ' -The Lifo
of Joseph. " This story filled with
high , and seemingly impossible
droame , in youth , the romantic and
faoinatiug advonturon , and palhotio
scones of early lifo and thu realiza
tion of the highest honors of Qed
and man in advanced ngo , p.'csonta
ono of Iho purest aud staunohoat
ideals to young men over written.
"Pictured of Glory that God
P.iiuls , " will br the subjoot Sunday
night. A cordia ) welcome to all.
Special music.
Nc xt Sundav wiM be the I Mi in
thin conference year for this church.
At thiH time reports will ho made
of the year's work , and sermons
prcauhud at both hours appropriate
to the occasion. The pitBtor will
bo glad to greet nil members and
friends at the ulinroh at both ser
IlapnineRH depends very much on
( ho condition of the liver and kid-
noyH. The ills of lifo make but
little impression on these whose
digestion is goad. You can regu
late y i\r liver nnd kidnoyn with
LlEltUIME and enjoy health nnd
buoyancy of spirits. Pricn 50 cents.
Ed. McComas , Broken Bow and
- - - - - - - - - - - -1 -
c > \ -yc ycyc -r vjc 7yc
In ausumnig the management of the Glebe Jtotol ,
wo undortnko no now business to us. From our experience -
once wo fool competent to cater lo the wants of the public
and afford the best of aucomodatioiv. Wo flhal'l ' no our
bust to maintain the excellent reputation that the house haH
berne in iho past , and keep in touch with the requirements
of the times.
Raleti Btriotly1(1.00 ( per day , The patronage of the
public solicited.
\'x ' Ox NX ( \lx
"A" " c5ivctc ?
Always have the best quality of
Lumber and other building ma
terials at the Lowest Prices.
'Phone No. 70 ,
W. L. RULE , Manager.
For a First Class Smoke Try the
Martial and
1 Corona Grande11