Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 08, 1901, Image 1

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    Stnto Hist Librarian Society
j It is not generally Known ft'
thai the eminent Ben Franklin -
' - lin was the inventor of the J
' donhle or bi-focal spectacle y
| louse , which is now coming @
& into snch general use yfor $
> those who have passed the <
' meridian of life. I lit the 9
} hi-focal in all the many different - $
ferent styles. 1 have one.I
special Jn'-local arrangement *
! that has never hcen excelled X
for glass case , and the presIj
I ervation of eye sight. It fl
I comes nearer being the natural - &
ural eye than anything in ?
! the way of a glass. M
OraJunte of cliliauo Upllmimlc C'olluu'c
School Hooks ,
School Supplies ,
. G. Haeberle's :
A fine line of calico for live cents
at Siiyd > r Bros. -8-1 if
PURE Pickling vinegars at ,1. C.
For Sale : Ono yearling Red
Poll and ono two yenr old Durham
bull , thirteen milns north of .Broken
' Bow. 8-1 21 W. P. Rogers.
PIT III ? exlruuls at . ) . C. Bowrn's.
ALL KINDS of Nut and Fruit
Candies al Walton Candy Kit oh-
en , i ? doors north of pontoflioq.
0-20 tf. v
August 2-1 to 2i ( ; only $27 82 ,
to Louisville , Ky , and return , for
Triennial Conclave , Knights Tem
plar. Rules open to the public.
Special train for the aocomoduti-
ou of Knights Templar , their
familes and friords will leave Burl
ington Station , Omaha at f > CO p. in.
StttuHay , Augiittt , 21 ; arriving at
Louisville , 0 ! ! 0 p. m , August 2."i.
of bor.ths
Rtiiebt8 | for recLTValion
on this train nhould bo mad early.
Write for Kniphts Templar fold
er just issued by the Turlington.
Detailed information about rates
routH , tickets ot cetera , on applica
tion to nearest flgont , Burlington
Rout1 , or by addressing ,1 Fianels ,
General PasRengor Agent , Burling
ton Route , Omaha , Nob. 8-b at
School Books And Sf
Are things the school child
ren need.
We have the most complete -
plete line of school supplies j ?
in Western NebnibUa. We j
sell them at IJbttom Prices. |
* Come and let us figure on I
your school supplies.
Come in and Kxaniiue
Ed McComas ,
Broken Bow and Merna.
I Montion.
.lolin Well-It of Wfbtorvillo was a
friendly uallernt thisollioo Tuesday.
Rv. lloru.-ulay an.I wife were
visiting in the oily the first of tlu >
S-p VV. D. Bluekwott nt Rirmoia
Hanlc for Fire , ( ' ) olunu and Tornado -
do iiiMiranuu. V-l 1 if
iMonov loaned * on improved farms.
7 IS If Broken , Dow , Nubr.
"Tlio M-in With the IIoo" ami
Hhor got 6 fioin the poctH , nt the
opera linuso Saturday night. Don't
them. It
. HpntH has another girl at
lis , presented by his wife
. IHI H.iturday , weight eight and one
lialf poundH.
The stool gang on thu B. it fil.
II. 11. is now located in the oity ,
I'li'ey are laying the now steel rails
weal of the oity.
Lillie , our youngest daughter
went to Mason City yiHtorddy
morning topend a eouplo of weeks
visiting rtlauvo.H.
If you attord the lecture you
rt-ill loam moro about trusts and
monopolies man you over did be-
'oro At the opera house , ovcniug
of August 10. It
Th'o pastor , K-JV. S. W. Kioh.
mis , will preach in the Bnptisl
ihuruli next Sunday , Augurt 11 , at
1 I o'clock a. in. Everybody cord
ally invited to attend.
Tin" ) Broken Bow ball nine will
jro s bats with the Ausloy team , on
Wednesday , August 14. The game
will bfl played at Ansley , and
mumscfl to bo very interesting.
N. I , . Roynolda drove over to
West Union Saturday afternoon ,
returning Sunday ovontng. His
wife and children who had been
viaitni" them for .1 oouplo pf weeks
returned with Uim.
Key. rf. W. Rioh-ards will proaoh
in the Baptist church at Alorna ,
ni'Xt Suudny , Angunt 11 , at S
o'clock p. in. A cordial invitation
a extended to everybody to rttond
this Horvifu.
Alpha Morgan , family , ai.d Mine
iMahol Hiatt returned from Dome
Lake , Wyoming , Saturday morning
wl-ero they spent a oouplo of weeks
isliinf ; and inhaling the mountain
lir. They report having enjoyed a
> lonsanl time.
Books , Rlationary , school sup-
diuH , barbers fwpphe.s , Hporting
Broils and initRio. Musical inetru-
nentH flolJ and repaired. Any.
thing in the line of IIHWH delivered
U your homo in any pirl of tbo oity.
BVKKBON & WAITS , P.O. Etoro. 8 8tf
The delegates to the republican
convention arc especially iavitcd to
come out and take it ) the lootnre
ind entertainment given by Kdiloi
Winoly at the opera house , evening
of August 10. If you don't think
vou have hid your money's worth ,
it will bo refunded. It
Wo arc authorized to announce
Dr. 11. E Poltor as candidate for
coroner , subject to the action of
the republican county convention ,
Dr. Potter in a gradntuato of the
university of Ivantias Oity clans of
1SD8 Ho is . county physician of
Outiter county and the junior mem
b"r of the firm of Ptmniiiglon &
Pottt-r. Ho ia a uood oiti/-'ii and
well qualified to Jill.the position to
which ho aspiios.
Rev. llornaday , ( he moat widely
known minister of thiH part of the
state , who is spending a two weeks
vacation in this county , has been
prevailed upon to preach at West.
i-rville next Sunday. In order to
nocnmmodato iholargo crowd expect
ed , the mei-iing will be heln ii
ohn Welch's grove , beginning at
0 o'clock a. m. , with an old fash
oned love toast. The meeting
will continue all day and evening.
Bring your dinner bankotu well
A number of localities have boon
favored with rain the past week in
Una county , but in this immediate
yii-iniiy thoio has boon no moro
than a sprinkle. The corn is still
holding out remarkably well. Tke
early "orn whom , properly cultiva
ted \vill m'ako a fair oropbut a rain
noon would greatly improve it.
The lain corn will not make much
unleps it gets rain soon. The
growth of tiio fitalk is lartfor than
last noason and will provide an
1 abuudauoo of roughucaa if taken
Mcaro of.
Cul Talbolvas down yeKlorday
after n-piroH for his snowor , whioh
has boun giving him a lot of iron
\Vn underHtanoJhat Con Gibpon
of Aiihloy , wi'l ' bo a oandidato lor
county trensurd subjuct to the rep-
tiblii'im coiiveiitioii.
Ifid. Daijget has a position sn Ed
McComas's d-ug Htorc. ICd irf an
ind'irttrioiis yonii ! mm and wotfill
bo pleased to see him stioeooil.
The old settlers meeting of the
souiho O.IBI ijuarter of the county is
announced tobo he'd ' in ll.ill'rt grove
at Mason Oity , Thursday Sept. fi.
G.V. . Apple has built ( juito an
addition lo his house , which very
much improves it in appenranco as
well as itroroabCH the room and con
Dr. E. M. Hoaga.ii , the don test
a < Id lua business to Dr.Farnsworthof
Grand Inland Mr. llongin loft
Saturday morning f r his former
liomo in Iowa
W. S. Amdjorry , thn older son
of ye scribe , has recently been promoted
meted to Iho position of cashier for
SlH-ridan Wyoming and Billings
Montana for the B. & M. U. R.
Mrs. Daisy Coon , of Manly is a * .
the Broken Bow hospital for treat
" ment. We understand that aHurgical
"operation wnu preformed Monday
by Dr. Mulliu and that prospects
arc favorable for her .recovery .
Will Cross and Miss Standltm ,
daughter of W. F. Standloa woiu
mariiod Monday afternoon at the
ollit'o of the county judge , .Judge
Armour cilioiuting. The RUPUIILI-
CA extends congratulations t-o Mr.
Cross and his bride and wish thorn
happiness and prosperity. , :
In electing delegates to the
county convention Monday in this
oity , Dr. Bass , Rev. Knight , I. A.
Reueau and L. Jhvrsoh were a tie.
AH but three of the lour were IIOJOH-
narv to make the nuinbor to which
Broken Bow was entitled they cast
UHM to determine which of the
number should bo left oil' the dele
gation. Mr. Knight held the blank
number ,
Fred Manhole's moat market was
cult rod Sunday night , by tlio back
window , and relieved of 2.1.00
: asli. Suspicion rested oii Roy
liual and Hi Palmer , two boys who
liad been soon together late Sunday
ui ht by the night watch. Maishal
I'owsley jiiit the boja , Monila }
ifternoon , through the sweat
IO.Y , when young Palmer
eonlessed and turned over t : > the
marshal * 2i ( 'JO , slating that was all
10 got. Palmer insisted the Boal boy
md nothing to do with it and ho was
released. Palmer gave bond for
lis appearance today when the
aano will bo hoard bofori Judge
Armour. As I'aimer wan not
acquainted with the intirior of thu
shoptho refrigator where thu money
WIIH left , it is thour > ht thai he was
not the instigator of the theft ,
which the trial miy dovclopn. The
same building was entered two
works previous but the party or
parties failed to find the money.
Last Saturday evening "about f >
o'clock Mr. Bivens , who resides a
few mih'H north went of Wenlorvillc ,
met with a pocular accident the loal
catiHo in ono knows. He was re
pairing a fence when Homothini ;
Htr ick him in the face , knocking
him down and him
rendering un--
coiihoious. No one was ' near at
the time and ho lay in that condi
tion until 8 o'c'ock ' when a member
of the household found him. The
left side of head was black and blood
oozing from hifl eye A storm was
in progress at tlio time and it is sur
mised that he was struck by light
ning. Ansloy Chronicle.
The Burlington bull team return
ed homo WodnwHday morning. The
game at Havoloek la t Saturday
which resulted in a defeat of our
boys by a score of 17 tot ) was a very
poor game FO the boys report and
among the many th'iigs n visiting
team ban to contend with Havelook
had abmit Um poorest excuse of ini
umpire the boys had over run up
against. They sloped at Broken
Bow Monday and Tuesday winning
the lirm 2ain' by a score of 'J to1 but
lost Iho-second game by a score of
13 to ! ! . The First game at Broken
liow was tliH prettiest and quickeju
game played by the team this your
lasting ono hour and ton minuutsoM < i
wa ' an errorless ( . ; r mo. The boyn re
port a warm tinnand the hoHpitality
of the Bow people with such that
the Allianeo bojs will over have a
warm spot in their hearts for the
citizens of that enterprising ci'y
A dance both nights givou in their
honor and the many other courtesis
extended to them wore very j-lias
ing and the boys can't say anything
too good lor Broken Bow ami her
people. Return games will bo
filayed n Alliance in the t.oar fut
ure when our boys will show them
how they play ball at hamo. Al-
hanco Grip.
Wo ate author / to announce
.lolin Benjamin as a candidate for
Bounty ulerU. Ho IH a son of ex-
Judge Benjamin and was a member
of cjuipauy M. of the First Neb , ,
and made a good record as a soldier.
Should ho bo the utioicu of the con
vention and thu people ho would
doubtless make a good comity clerk
Ono of the amusing things .in
politics is to BUO the inconsistency
ol eomo people. Mon wfio never
ooutiibulud IT pony to the support
of thuir homo paper , but support
an opposition naper , very suddenly
diangc front when their is something -
thing in the party they want. The
editor is just tlio follow they seek
to HI euro help from. They hoem to
think that ho publislus his paper
solely lor glory. They do not
si'om to realize that it is through
the 'oyalty of the newspaper of
Ins parly thU its principles
! havn been maintained and made it
pousiblo for the position ho covets
to be obtained. Politically thai
oln H of people ought to be bUck-
hstcd by every loyal partisan
From a religious stand point they
should bo treated etht nvise. When
they demand our cloak wo are
taught to give t'hom our coat also ,
and that i the proper ppirit. But
from a iiimccial , poluical and prac
tical standpoint how long could a
newspaper or ft political party bn
maintained should ono always re
ward his enemies and ignore his
obligations to his patrons and
friends. In this campaign Ilia Re >
publican has made political an-
nouncpnunls for moro limn ono
who are not bubscribers , ami Home
who htvo never contributed to its
support in word or deed but are
subscribers to papers that are not
republican. Wuareof the opinion
that smili poisone sliould'pick where
they scratch. " If tin * Republican is
not worthy their notice when there
is nl ) ollico in Hghl they hhould not
have oth'ooH that have boun made
possible by the tireless and loyal
work of Iho republican papers of
Iho county. The name principle
should prevail with the newspapers
of all polilioal parties. Those who
do not contribute lo thn support of
t'leir local political organ are not
entitled to positions ot honor and
Aug. 1' ) , is sot tor all day drill and
as encampment will uHSumblo with
us a few weeks , it is nocessery for
all to attend.
Every Saturday night the comp
any meota at armory and all who
can should attend those weekly
All must attend the day drill.
Wo can enlist a few good men under
ni.w orbora.
_ Capt.
ONI : I'Aiu : i'iust2.00 van
HOUND TIM1' . ( iOOl ) KOIl HK -
TUUN UNTir , OCT. 31 , 1001.
llth to aist , 1901 , to
Hot .Soring ? , S. U. Ht. Paul , Minn.
Di-Uilnoml B. 1) . .MlMiii'nHK ( | , Minn.
l.eiu ! City. S. 1) . IJulutli , Minn.
Doiivur. Cnlo. Kuantii , .Minn.
I'olnrmln Spni g8 , Cole Manliutn , .Minn.
I'uulilo , Cole Hiipurlnr. Win.
Uluimndil Sprlngii.C'olo. Wi'ft Siipetliir Wla.
Ogileii , Utah , B.'iH l.nUo , Utah.
HOUND THiinoon von HK-
TUKN 'Jl DAVS I'ltOJI Till :
On Aug. 20Sept. 3 , and 17 , 1901 ,
to all points in
Indian Territory , California ,
Oklahoma , Texas ,
and to many points in
Arkansas , British Columbia ,
Aiizona , Idaho ,
Louisiana , Montana ,
Now Mexico , Oregon ,
Washington. 8-8 2t
llirdscll I'roiiidti'il.
The Alliance Grip stales that J.
C Birdsoll has been appointed as
sistant superintendent ol the Burl-
inton ( lines north of Edgemont
with hcadquarloij at Doidwood and
B. S. Marvin , tiainmaster an Deadwood -
wood , will relievii Mr. Birdsoll an
irn'mmoKtor at Allmnco The
change took plaeg August 1. On
account of the recent purchase ol
| the Black Hills & Ft. Pirre road by
the Burlington it has been found
noccsHary to establish the oillco of
Commencing August 1) ) , 1001 , at
10 Cert Per ount
Dry Goods ,
Boots and Shoes ,
Gents Furnishing Goods ,
Hats and Caps ,
Queensware , and
Stone Ware.
Now wo rreod money and wo have a" larger stock than wo want
to carry over , and wo have decided to take the next thirty days to
reduce onr stool : . 2-"So take advanlago of the
and buy while Goods are Cheap. Bring m your Kuttur , Eggs'
Potatoes and all othnr Country Prodnoo and get the Top PriooB for
it , and the Bottom Prices on Goods.
Whcro is this
Big Store , Eaat End Realty Block , lirokou Bow , Nebraska
an UHsiBtant superintendent in the
Black Hills. Mr. Birdsoll loft
Alliance the firbt of this week to
take charge of his now position , at
which time Mr. Marvin came
to Alliance.
"Wlwl Is Truth. "
Co inn and hoar about thn eternal
lostiny of man at the park Salur-
lay evening , AuguiU 10 , at 7
o'clock. L. E. KOON.
\ Murlcut iceport lorTocluy ,
Wlioat . 8 .1 ?
Uiirlcy . . . ao
( nits . , ai )
Corn . , . 50
Ityn . . < . 40
nutter . 10
KKKH . m
I'ntutouH , PIT lniRlicl . 1 25
Onloiin. jiur linaliul . I1. GO
HIIIIP , Jinr iionnil . . . ,00
SirlmClilcltcnK. | ; | > r dozen . . . 3.tX )
Cow * . y.75 ffi 3.00
SduiB . S'j.'J ( tf > 1.00
'I'lirl.c.jH , jxir n iinil. . . , C5
Slrnvv , pur cwt..x . .1U
llay , Nuw , | ier ton . 6.00
Opens Monday , September 2 , IOOl.
Prepare t be with us. Our departments arc complete. We
can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand
Department incomplete and up-to-date. " ( Pitman System. ) " If you
desire to teach , attend onr Normal Department.
Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught.
Write , or call and sec us.
us.G. . W. ROUSH , Pres. '
Always have the bent quality of
torials at the Lowest Puces.
'Phono No. 79.
W. L. RULE , Manager.
Jsvv * For u First Class Smoke Try the
| r *
Martial and