Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 20, 1901, Image 1

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etfafteax > 31 *
J rft _ _ V\
Nothing innro eutlefylng. i
To know you xro just on the mlnuto.
Ho euro when you start for a train that T
you won't mlpp It §
To keep jour Hjipolntiucnt to tlio eco- 5
That's tin ) portol time eatlc.nctlon you
L'Ct from u watch left \vlth mo lo be put
in order.
( Undnate of Chttnuo Oinlmlmlc
School Books
it ,
> K
/l\ Tablets
ll /
School Supplies ,
J , G. Haeberle's.
First and Best Fair of the Season.
All Attractions o f
Concert Music : > pedal Feature.
Grand 4tliof _ J . Celebration.
Genuine Mexicjui Bull Fights.
Everyone Invited.
Reduced Rates Erom All Points.
Don't Fail to Come.
JULY 2 TO 13.
rnii'tli of July
All kinds of 4th of July goods nt
Mowon's. Flngs , Torpodoa , Rock-
eta , 1'istols , Crnckora , ( Snnkos ) In
fdct ovorythlng at J. C. "owon's.
A four-year-old red and white
spotted , dehorned cow , from my
pasture , southwest of town.
Brawled on right hip , i
! , '
John & Knerr I
y Headquarters For
I Dry Goods , .
' '
| Groceries ,
Boots and
Shoes. \
1 +
'j '
Our Royal Worcester Corsets
Have No Superiors For feaso
and Comfort.
II. Wndokini * , of Triumphwas in
the nty Mond.iv *
Gioryu .lojiier of Orlollo , was a
oily visitor Monday.
. .1S. . Francis , of Merna , was
welcome caller at this oULo M m
Joe Mahoney , a prosperous young
farmer , of Triumph , .was a city vie-
itor Tuesday ,
J. E Myers , of Upton , was
among the business oallors at this
office Tuesday.
City Marshal , Towsley , repaired
the sewerage in front of the Globe
hotel this week.
W. T. Woody , of Lomax , made
final proof on his homestead Tues
day , before Judge Anuour.
Mrs. Anna , A.lbers , of Triumph ,
was adjudged insane aud taken to
the itsylum at Norfolk , on Monday
Mrs. F. D. Gallup , son and
daughter , of llyaunis , are in the
oily looking for a suitable residence
W. W. Bprton , one of Morna'n
successful farmers made this office
a pleasant call while in the city
Tuesday ,
E. P. MoCandloss of Rest , was
transacting business in the oil }
Wednesday. This oflice acknow
ledges a i > leasanl call.
W. F. lliokoubottom of Weator-
torvillo , called last week while in
the city and ordered the Republi
can soi t to his address.
Harvey J. Crow and Miss Mamie
G Collin" of Thedford , were united I
in marriage Tuesday , June 17 ,
Judge Armour pelfdrming the cer
Win. Barrett returned Sunday
nij'ht from St. Paul , Minn. , where
IIH attended the Woodmen Conven
lion as a delegate from the Bro
ken Bow lodge.
The Liioios of the Presbyterian
rhuruh will have on sale home
inadu cike , bread and cookies on
Suurday , June 21) , 1001 , at David-
NUU'S Musiu Store.
( Maude Kom , of Mont Hone ,
Colorado , daughter < f .ox-oongrefs-
m in Ki'iu , arrived in this city last
iy inoiniiiL1 , for a visit with
and lulativi'H.
The Library Ladies wish to
inform the public that they have
iibt added two invoices of new
) ookti to their Kbrary and solicit
in increase of patronage.
The case of ihe stale against L
. Simmons of Grand Island , who
was charged with selling whiskey
contrary to law , was decided Fri
day in favor of the defendant.
riio only damage done by the
strong wind Friday evening , so fat
is reported , was tlio blowing down
> l one of the chimneys at the Globe
lotol and the boudijg of the ilay
) ole in the park
C E Ford , president of the
> ioln'ii Bow State Bank has
: > ought the Moina bank. It is reported -
ported ho paid $00,000 for it.
The bank will be continued at Mer
na under the supervision of tin
Broken Bow Stale Hank.
The old settlers' of the north
west part of the county will hold :
their meeting- this year , Wednes
day July 10 , in Lindley's grove ,
near Anselmo. This grove is an
ideal place for a meeting- that
character and if the weather is
favorable the attendance no
doubt will be large.
I C.1 McConnell , and wife , o
Callaway , were in I ho city Iron
L'hurnday night till Sunday morn
ing , thu guests of Jas. Whiteheat
and family. They wore on thoi
way to Sargent to visit friends bu
were duaineo by the rains and ba <
roads Mr McConnell ordered th
Republican sent to ins address.
The Broken Bow Business colleg
will open Sept. 2 , 1001. This is
splendid opportunity for yotin
nitn and women to acquire a busi
newt ! education. 0. W. Rou&l
the preside1) ) ! of the school , ha
letted the Burlington 'Hotel build
iog for five j ears and it is now n
the hands of workmen with th
vie " of pulling it in shape for th
auui mnmdatidii ot the nchool. I
will hi * ono ofthe best business co
lei > o buildings in central Nebiask
when iTinplete , For particular
address CV Roush , Broken Bow ,
Nebraska. 1
Have you heard about Evange
line ?
J. J. Dougli > 8sof Callaway was A
friendly caller last Friday ,
The B & M bridge gang are do
ing some work in this section this
Opera house , Saturday evening-
June 29 , seventy people in Evan-
R. E. Brogn , of Callaway , was
transao'ing business in the oily last
O. C. Murphy , of Callaway , was
friendly caller at these headquar-
ers Tuesday
Major C. S. Ellison , of Anslcy ,
vas a friendly caller at this
flice Friday.
Goo. Qrecr , of Callaway , was
ogisiored at the Commercial
aturday1 and Sunday.
The Broken Bow. Equality Club
ill moot with Mrs. 'Caroline Salin-
ury Friday riven ing , Juno 21
Don't miss seeing- the butterfly
jallet in Evang-eline Opera
louse Saturday evening- , June 29.
LOST -A gray overcoat , between
Milburn nnil Broken Bow. The
ndor will confer a favor by loav-
ng it at Republican ollico or with
S. W. Loop , of Milburn.
J. E. Adamson has his tele-
) hone line completed to Ord ,
vhere we held communication
vith him Monday , as easily as
ve could , had he been in Broken
Mrs. C. W. Dry , and two child
ren of Beulah , Kansas , nrrivecl in
he city this morning- , the guest
if Rev. S. W. Richards and fam-
ly. Mrs. Dry is a niece of Rev.
John Cavonoo of Georgetown ,
accompanied by his brother-in-law
Walter Smith , of Guthrie , Iowa ,
nade'thiB ollioo a friendly call last
Thursday. Mr. Smith aud family
Irove through with a team and
visited at Omaha with relatives ,
t IR their first visit to this part of
he state.
Grand island Will Celebrate.
You nnver went to Grand Island
hatyoudid not enjoy it. The oom-
ng Fourth of July will prove no
xuoption. Grand Island will oul-
lo herself on that occasion toontor-
ain you and show you a good time ,
n fact there will bo a hot time in
ho old tpnn that night , Tim
jypsios will be there in theu moat ft.-
tiistut coslumes. Two elegant hands
lave been engaged to discourse
nusic throughout the day. The
afternoon will be given up to prizu
aces of all kinds including hose-cart
aoofi , a base ball game , and a
mlloon ascension , etc. The Gentry
Dog and Pony Show will also be a
eaturo. There will bo reduced r
rates and special trains and auooin-
modations for all.
Rev. S. W. Richards , Mr. and 1
Mrs. D. M. Ahisberry attended
the State Sunday School con
vention , at Hastings , this week.
Jtain Fall Last Week.
The rain fall last week for thin
locality was as follows :
fencday.Juue 9 10 Inches.
Tai'sclay , Jiitm II 74 Inches ,
Wednesday. Juno lit , 61 Indies
Thnrcrtay , Juno 13 1 ( it ! Inchon
I'rIUay. Jiinu 14 l.f.0 Inched ,
Saturday , Juno 15
Total , 5.61 Inchon
These are busy days on the
north side , especially around the
Opera house block , there being-
scene painters , decorators , plas
terers and carpenters , all busily
engaged , renovating- repairing
ing- the opera house and fitting
the stage with new scenery for
the opening on June 29. The
house is to be replastered and
decorated in a manner that will
reflect credit upon Broken Bow ,
aud on the opening date the
public should show its appreci
ation of the efforts of the man
agement by turning out the larg
est house of many seasons. A
superb-production of Evangeline
will be the bill and about seventy
of the best local talent will im
personate the characters and re
produce the scenes so glowingly
el/escribed by Longfellow in this
gem of American literature.
The entire cast appears in the
picturesque costume of the Acadians -
adians and as a special feature
a butterfly ballet will be given
by sixteen of the prettiest young
ladies in town. Seats are now
on sale at Haeberle's Drug store
Bowen's grocery , and should
be reserved early.
Seventy costumed people in
Cliuccli Hurvlcen.
The Children's Day program
announced for last Sunday evening
\as postponed until next Sunday
evening at C o'clock , at the Baptist
The other Hervious will bo hold as
usual. Sunday School at 10 a. in.
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. in.
Junior B. Y. P. U. at 2:30 : p. in. ,
aud Senior B. Y. P. U. at T:30. :
The public is cordially invited to
all these services.
Sunday morning the pastor
will use the subject , "Brotherly
Love. " In the evening a beauti
ful Children's Day Service entit
led , "Through the Gates"will be
rendered. A cordial welcome is
extended to all.
U.K. 6lliniGll.
The subject of the sermon Sun
day morning will be , "When the
Oil Flows. " Evening subject ,
"The Apostle's Gratitude for a
Classical Education. " Epworth
League at 7 p. in. subjuct , "How
Temperance would help trans
form the Earth"MissFloTkorpe
Mninl Alullcr on * Hiimtnor'a liny.
Came Into tovvu , to neo n l > l y.
Of nil ( lioiloyn dlic'd over HO n
The beat ilio autd , wns
The Judge f-umo too , \tltti Mttudlo int ,
In ccdtucy both voted tint
Whllo KunduU'n lilBTH ro always flue ,
The hf t , hjr far , la EvHui-cllne.
You can see Evangeline at the
Opera house , Saturday evening ,
June 29. Seventy people in it.
llrukeu How a Wet Town.
As a result of the heavy rains of
Friday afternoon aud night , the
creek became a surging river.
The tiling on Fourth and Fifth
avenues , where the streets cross
l lie creek , failed to carry away the
water , mid the walks and streets at
these points suffered , severely from
the effects of the flood.
The water raised so high that
the walk on Fifth avenue was par
tially covered Jaud the struct for
several rods completely submerged.
A force of men with picks aud
shovels , tore up the walks on
both streets iind dug ditohos for
the water to pans over the tiling ,
after which it quickly washed away
tlio dirt , lonving the tiling exposed.
F. E Taylor's cellar was flooded ,
as also was the cellar und yard at
the Midwny laundry.
Many took advantage of the op
portunity and indulged m boating.
James Pennington , son of Dr.
Pcnnington , almost mot his death
PURE extracts at J. 0. Bowen's.
been engaged in the Hail
business for the past seven
teen years. Within that
time it has paid for losses
by Hail over three-fourths
of a million dollars. This
large sum of money has been j
paid to the satisfaction of
the claimants.
The Hail policy issued is
the fairest and most equit-
? able ever issued by any in
surance company. It caref [ f
fully protects the interest of
the insured and provides a _
. _ . . _
" " ' - - - - -
just method for - - - - at Rl j
M the amount of the loss in I
| case the crop should be injured -
jured by Hail.
This is the only Stock
Fire Insurance Company in
H the United States eng-ag-ed
| in the Hail business. It has
I ample assets to cover all liabilities -
| | bilities , and it pays its losses
promptly and honestly.
Don't be humbugged by I
irresponsible companies and |
1 solocit your busi-
nSssfor I9OI.
I ,
At Farmers Bank ,
g Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
Br. Price's Baking Powder supplies
a pure , wholesome leavenitij. ! ; a ent ,
which makes the biscuit and cake of
highest healthfulness at medium cost
and protects the food from alum , which
is the greatest dietary danger of the day.
The fonemost baking powde * in all
the world.
HOTK. Alum baVlnjr powdars arc IOTT
prlccil. us alum co U but twncituts
PBIVB BAKING rOWBHR SB. ' pounil ; but alum la u coriciHlva
, polioii anil it rentiers tliu Imkinc
powder ilungcrous to uc in food.
b $ falling into the raging waters ,
and but for the timely aKHiatanoo of
friends , would have boon dragged
down into the tiling. Another ac
cident happened to a hotting crow.
In panning over a wire fence , in a
canvass boat , a holn was torn in the
boat , leaving its occupants in a very
uncomfortable position , and but
for the presence of mind and
horoio ( ? ) movement of Kit Qandy ,
Miss Baird might have at least re
ceived a dreadful fright and wet
ting. \
Many rumors' | concerning tko
style of repairing the damage to
the street are prov.ilunt. '
The tiling used has given tin *
satisfactory results , and thin dis-
antrouH stroke of uond fortune lias
evidently satisliod the people that
three lines of tiling are noi sutllci-
ont to carry oil the great amount of
water , brought down by the little
Muddy , after heavy dews Huoh as
was experienced Friday nightt
The coat of stone or brick aroluia
at those roHHUiK , would >
not be as great IIH thb annual ro-
pairn , under ihu proHont conditionp.
Opens Monday , September 2 , IOOI.
Prepare to be with us. Our departments arc complete. We
can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand
Department iscomplete and . " . "
up-to-date. ( Pitman System. ) Jf you
desire to teach , attend our Normal Department.
Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taug-ht.
Write , or call and see us.
C. W. ROUSH , Pres.
KEEP OUT THE. FLIES 1& * \v \ ? >
With the Adjustable and Self-
Screens for Whole or Half
The Best Soroen Sold
in the City By
C , . RUI E , ivranager.
iilY. A' iii. I\A - > k. IVJijfn ii. { i. ' i < . ic . Me . jk. . Vx . i'i ' ik. Me ti. ijt iic ifc it > Ac . ' ' $ < $ . ' - . . >
> i > A''i > iriv.i'TvfS.f'iv .Viv i ? A IV * 'iv iv A A I- j iv A'i A-'I A/I A I '
For a First Class Smoke Try the S
I Corona Grande'
1 Cigars.
Broken Bow , - * * -I INebraska. .