Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 13, 1901, Image 1

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    Ubrurluu Society
For which I will give In exchange
brand new maluopriiiK. to re pi re the nne
i that hioku In your wttch yefetertlay.
And 1 will nut Into Tour watch , aud let
the watch ifoliig avalii , anil guarantee
the maltif prlt'U to lent a year , all without
i extra charge.
: i fS w , :
Oradnate of tMcairo Optbalmlc College ,
School Books ,
Tablets \
School Supplies ,
. G. Haeberle's :
Dead Letter lint.
Tbo following is tbe dead letter
list , for tbe week ending May
28 , 1001 :
Jobn Gibson , Albert Calm , Mies
'Ella Niokolson.
Parties calling for- the above ,
please any advertised.
PURE teas at J. C. Bowen'n.
W. H. Penu < & .Co. have just re
ceived a IIPW line of Hliirts for
summer wear " 6-0-21
First and Best Fair of the Season.
All Attractions of High Order.
Concert Music a Special Feature.
Grand 4thof.July _ _ Celebration
Genuine Mexican Bull Fights.
Everyone Invited.
ReducedRates _ Erom All Points.
Don't Fail to Come.
JULY 2 TO 1,3.
John & Knerr
Headquarters For
Dry Goods ,
Groceries ,
Boots and
Our Royal Worcester Corsets r
Have No Superiors For Ease ,
and Comfort.
Huso H row ti , of Cuturo , was a
oily visitor Tuesday.
Isaac Deardorf , of Maiou City
was a city visitor Tuesday.
J. 13. Klump , of the west table ,
wan a oity viwitor ou Tuesday.
J. VV. Aloltuu aud wife of Weis-
aert , were oity viHitoin Tuesday.
F. 1 . VanAntwerp , of Lodi , was
a friendly oaller at this oflioo Mou-
F. VV. Uolduu , of Merna , kindly
remembered tins oflioo while in the
oity Tuesday.
Swain Fiuoh aud C.M. Blowerfi ,
of Arnold , wore in the oity the
tim of the week *
\ .
A. Moore and family have mov
ed to Sargent , where Mr. Moon.
will engage in the practice of law.
Jas. Chitlick , of Etna , was a oity
visitor Tuesday. While horu ho
kindly remembered the RKHUULI-
13. O. llutton and wife are the
proud parents of a boy who was
born the 7th inat. It IB their first
and Ben is the proudeat man in
The heavy rains Tuesday after.
noon and night doubtleaa destroyed
more ohiuoh bugs than all the virus
brought into Ouster county ban by
Merua and Analey are arranging
to oelobrate the Fourth in the satno
old-fashioned stylo.- Both places
will'bo liberally attended by the
citizens of Broken Bow.
II. F. Groibort , who lives six
miles east of Broken Bow reports
the hail quite severe in his locality
last wook. Mho corn that was out
to the ground is coming out nicely
John Pernis , Supt. of the County
Poor Farm , was a friendly oaller
Monday. He reports the orops on
the farm an looking hno. He Rays
that he has 100 acres of wheat that
is excellent.
The unuriual amount of building
and repairing going on in the oity
at this time proves a tine harvest
for thofe who want work. If there
is an } one out nf work in Broken
How , it is his own fault ,
Dr. R. B. Mullens has sold out
at yeriui and baa moved back to
Broken Bow where ho ozpectn to
remain permanently. The Ki'ptib.
Hi an e.xti'ndH a welcome to the
doctor and family , and wish them
happimt-s and procperity in the
best town oi its niz-i in Nebraska.
Don Hunyan , of Oconto , was in
the city Tuesday. He reports that
llio chinch bugs have done uonuidor-
nblu damage in IMS locality to the
spring wheat and oats , but says ,
the rains the grain is im
proving. 'Ho has in 100 acres of
corn that is looking tine.
O. G Smith , of Morna , was a
friendly caller Tuesday. Ho re
ports the chinch bugs ho put in
with the d ° ad bu s wo sent out
last week were as lively as over on
the fourth doy. Ho is not dipcour
aged but has gathered other bugs
and give them another trial.
Mra. Katie Puraell , wife of Wil
liam Pursell , near Mason City ,
died May 31 , after a short illness
of four days with appendicitis.
Mrs. PurHell was 30 years old and
had been married since May 1887.
She was the daughter of F. X.
Elatitz , one of the pioneers of
Maton ,
David Moses , formerly of the
vicinity of Turner valley , who ban
boon located in Missouri for several
years , was a friendly caller Tuesday.
He expects to try his luck in get-
line a farm of Uncle Sam in the
Indian reservation when the strip
is thrown open to home Btoadors
If he fails ho will come back to
Custer county.
Both oarpentera and masons have
been busy this week in improving
the buildings on Fourth avenue ,
Taylor Flick's buildings between
Haebeile'a drug store and Wilson
& Drake's building has several men
employed , while the carpenters and
plasterer have beei > working on the
Custer blook. The south room in
the Custer blook is being remodeled
and fitted up for the Republican
office Dr. Talbot is having the
rooms on the second floor of the
other building plastered and put in
in shape for ocoupanoy , lor which
be has secured tenants.
Arnold will orlobrato the Fourth
of July.
J. H. Ullom , of Milburn , WPS , a
friendly callet at this oflioo Mon
S. W. Loop , of Milburn , was
friendly caller at ibis office Satur
Marshal Towsley is doing aomo
very excellent work on the streets
of lato.
Money loaned on improved farms.
52341 Broken How , Nobr.
Five prisoners escaped from the
Columbus , Nebraska , jail Sunday
Fred Slackens opened his roe-
taurant tir t door woHt of Wood's
furniture store.
Roscoe Baldwin is at home from
Lincoln where ho has boon attend
ing the State University the past
The county board of supervisors
convened Tuesday morning as a
board of equalization and are still
in session.
W. G. Purcell and family loft
Thursday night lor Buffalo , Now
York , to visit the Pan American
LOST A gray overcoat , between
Milburn and Brokmi Bow. The
finder will confer a favor by leav
ing it at Republican oflioo or with
S. W. Loop , of Milburn.
A. R Humphrey , F. II. Young ,
Alpha Morgan and Jud Kay attend
ed the meeting of the Grand Lodge
of Macons at Omaha last week ,
They returned homo Saturday
A. P. Vannice , who has boon at
tending college at York , the past
year , favored tint office with a
friendly call Monday. He IB one
of tbo instructors in tbo Summer
Commander Wilcox , of the
Grand Army , Department of Ne
braska , ban appointad G. N. Raw-
son , of Broken Bow , one of his
aides. No hotter appointment
oould have been made.
T. II. Bayorhoffor , of Cuater
township was a friendly culler at
this office Saturday. Ho reports a
destructive hnil Hlorm in his local *
ity a few days previous , wlrioh cut
the corn to the ground.
P. F Campbell , of Georgetown ,
was in the oity Saturday. Uo
brought with him sonm fine samples
of blue L'r.ifs and alfalfa grown on
his farm this toaHon They moan-
lire four foot in height.
The city council sit as a board of
equalization three days last week
to hear the complaints of parties
who felt aggrieved over their as
seNHinents ; only a change in valua
tion of $35.00 was made.
S. D. Butcher allowed UP a letter
rrom his Denver house last Friday
in which they state , that owing to
an accident in the press room.
which was unavoidable , caused a
few daya delay , or they would
have forwarded the first copies be
fore. The balance will bo ready
for shipment very shortly.
Ed MoComaR has bought the news
department of Al 13ookhacker.
All magazines and nowapapors
handled by Mr. Bookhackor will
be supplied by Mr. 'MoComas.
We understand that Mr. Bockhaok-
or baa traded half interest in hia
store for the patent right on the
Sinclair Superior Washer for the
state of Montana. The stock in
the store is being closed out at cost.
Julon Haumont and A. F. Leek ,
of Elton , wore friendly callers at
thia office Monday. They report
considerable damage by chinch
bugs in aomo of the wheat fields in
their vicinity. Mr. Leek has been
trying to inocoulato some of hia
bugs , but he says that last Sunday
evening when ho put in some fresh
wheat blades the bugs which ho
had in with the infected bugs
seemed livlier than when put in
three days previous.
Dr. T , W. Bass aold his dental
beairieaa the latter part of the week
to Dra. Patterson & Finch , of
Grand Island. Dr. Patterson will
have ohargo of the business hero.
Dr. Bass left for Grand Island ,
Tuesday , where he will visit a few
daya with hia parents and will
then leave for San Diago , Califor
nia , with the view of locating.
Dr. BafiB had built up a good bus
iness hero and made a boat of
frienda who regret he has decided
to leave us. The best wishes of
his many friends go with him ,
PosTi'oNKD "Passion Play" lec
ture until Friday evening , Juno 14.
Go to Mike Soanlon's for fresh
candies. First door east of Sw n'n
grocery. It
Goo. Willing and family who
have been visiting in tbo east for
the past month returned homo
Saturday. They took in the Pan-
American exposition among the
places of interest while gone.
They stopped ever three daya at
Bixon , Illinois , with G. O. Wen-
die and family , former citizens of
this place. Ho reports that Mr.
Wondle has a fine homo and a good
Clinrcli Hervtccn.
Preaching services next Sunday
morning at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. , by
pastor , llov. S. W. Richards. San-
day Hohool at 10 a. m. ; Junior B.
V. P. U at 2:30 : p. in. Senior B.
Y. P. U. at 7:00.
Children's Day exercises in the
Baptist churh next Sunday at 8
p. m. A good program will be
rendered. Everybody cordially
invited to attend.
I cv. S. W. Richards will
preach in the Baptist church at
Merna next Sunday at 8 p. m.
Sunday , Juno Oth.
Preaching 11 a. in.
Endeavor 7 p. m.
Evening sermon , "Complete
Life. "
The Fusion Committee Hooting.
At the meeting1 of the fustox
central conmiitte last Saturday
week , it was decided to nominate
their candidates for county offic
ers on the initiative and refer
endum plan , and a committee ,
consisting- J. D. Ream , John
"W. Couley and J. J. Tooley was
anthori'/ed to draft the plan of
toroceedure. . .
' The Chief says E. M. 'Webb
and Jas. Stockham , of the mid-
road committee , were present
and took part in the deliberations
and as a result the two wings of
the pop party will fuse this fall.
E. Taylor , chairman , and E.
R. Purcell , secretary , of the fus
ion committee resigned their re
spective offices and J. R. Dean
was elected chairman and Dr.
Hakes , secretary of the central
committee. "
The date of the convention
was left to the committee , which
is to be called some time in Au
A motion prevailed to require
been engaged in the Hail
business for the past seven
teen years. Within that
time it has paid for losses g
by Hail over three-fourths 0
of a million dollars. This |
large sum of money has been
jj paid to the satisfaction of '
S the claimants.
| ] The Hail policy issued 'is
j the fjiirest and mostcquii.t -
i ] able evqr issued by any hi- $
0 surance company. It carefully - (
| fully protects the interest of I
d the insured and provides a j
| j just method for arriving at j
1 the amount of the l&ss in
case the crop should tbe in
jured by Hail.
This is the only Stock
Fire Insurance Company in
the United States engraved
in the Hail busitiese. 'It has
I ample assets to cover all liabilities -
" ' bilities , and it pays its losses
promptly and honestly.
Don't be humbugged by
g irresponsible companies and
1 solocit your business -
ness for 19O1.
At Farmers BatLk ,
Broken Bow , - Nebras&a.
a sas&ZilSSSSSSS ofi
each candidate for office to pay a
eg-ister fee to the committee be-
bre his name can be considered
Hid submiltd to the primaries ,
County Court *
Judge Armour's court was en-
gago.d Tuesday and Wednesday
n a case of the State vs. L. J.
Simmons , of Grand Island ,
charging1 him with having liq-
ors and selling same without a
) crmit.
The accused is agent for a
wholesale and retail liqtios and
cigar house of Grand Island.
For some time Simmons has
ieen in Broken Bow soliciting
orders for his firm. The evi
dence disclosed the fact that a
large number of the citixens of
Broken Mow and vicinity have
been securing intoxicants
through him , some-of whom had
paid Simmons in advance , while
others had their jugs or bottles
shipped C. O. D.
Attorneys Kirlqmtriclc and C.
II. Ilolcomh appeared for UK
State and Jas. Lcdwich and A
Humphrey for the defendcnt.
The case Tuesday was con
tinued to "Wednesday in order
to give the Judge time to hear ;
case of Chas Gremin against Leo
nard Johnson. The case was
one in which Grcmm sued Joh n-
son , a former tenant of his place
for $60.00 damages for selling
certain fence and for leaving a
dead horse 'on the premises.
This case occupied most of the
afternoon. The attorneys in the-
case were Jas. vLedwich ami A.
R. Humphrey , for the plaintiff ,
and C. II. Holcomb for the de
fendant. The court's verdict
was three dollars and liteen cents
Cor Grcmm.
Tbo SiminoiiH ease will bo argu
ed again UUH afternoon.
Tli6ifouiily Sunday School Convent ion.
Tho'oounty Sunday' School Con-
Teaitic-n bold at Oallaway , tbo latter
part of Atny and first of Juno , is
to bavo bcod a very HIIC
affair. Tbo attendance wan
goo if and tbo fionsionH wore inter
outing ; throughout. In Hpoakuig of
the convention tbo Nebraska , Sun
day fck-liool Record HHJ-H of it :
The lioinoH of the Callnway people -
plo wcro moat honpiiahly thrown
opnn to tboir viflitoru nd delogatoH
were given Hiich a welcome as the
people of Callaway only know how
to give. This convention proved to
bo one of the best tvrr held in the
county. The slumbering spark of
enthusiasm was fanned into a ilamo
> y the presence of Kiold Secretary
'ollook a'ul Mr. Kimltorly of Lin
coln , and they avc to thu convoii-
ion nnny now ideas on how to con-
luot the great work of the , Sunday
school moro Hucoupsfully in the coun
ty. The otllcers-doot an < II. Lo-
max , prcHidcnt ; Sadie Whitehead
vice president ; W. J. Pittaway sec
retary ; D. W. Thompson trcasuror.
Twonty-niiio Sunday schools were
ropri'Hcmuui ana each gave a pledge
for the county and fltalo work ,
m all amounting to ever § 50,00.
Died ,
Imnn Ornblii , nlliU linmu In llilt cltv ,
HdiTiioon , .Iinio 10 of In-art fallure , ngcd 80
Y < 'i < rs , 3 muntlin nuil D Onye.
The deceased was born in
Ohio , and moved with hss par
ents when eight years old to Mc
Lean county , Illinois , where he
married after he reached his ma
jority. In 1854 he moved to Io
wa atld located in Boonc county ,
5-1 miles northeast of DCS Monies.
lu 1800 lie went to Pike's
I'eak where he became interested
largely in .mining property and
sold his interest to southerners.
Owing to the Civil war he was
unable to collect from Ins purchasers
chasers and lost some ten" thous
and dollarsby the deal. He
then went to Missouri , where he
enlisted in the state militia' ser
ved his time , receiving ati hon
orable discharge from the % gov
In the spring of 18W he local-
ed where York now stands , in
Nc-brasku , being the first settler
there and boarded the surveyors
who located the town. In the
spring of 1884 he located in Bro
ken Bow , where he has since re
He leaves but two children ,
Jack and Frank , whose mother
has been dead twenty-seven
years. He was a man who en
joyed the high esteem of all who
knew him. He was strictly hon
est and a most excellent citi'/.en.
His church relations had been
with the M. E. church and his
funeral was conducted in the M.
E. cluirc building yesterday afternoon
ternoon , by fhe pastor "after
which his remains were laid to
rest in the Broken Bow cemetery.
During his last illness he had
the care of his granddaughter ,
Mrs. Win. Davis , and her hus
band , who spared no pains to
make his last days as comfortable
as possible. His sons were in
Wyoming and reached here
Tuesday night to attqnd their
father's funeral.
The Republican extends tc the
relatives , the sympathy of the
community , in their sad bereave
r - ftye - j- - ] * - ? ? - 7yf , - - ? - -c - } r - , 'c - vc i't iff
With tbo AdjuHtablo and Self-
> !
Kitting WHEELER WINDOW " \i > i
\i ii
iy ,
SoreeiiH for Whole or Half y \i
Window. ir
i 'IV
Tbo Ik'Ht Screen Sold NUT . i'Vv
1 COAL ALSO. i'-1
in tbo City By ' 'MM I'In'1H ' ' VJI * 'iv
Llumuui uuij
RUluE , Manager.
f j i
For a First Class Smoke Try the
Martial and' i
j Grande'i
I Corona Grande'