VOL XIX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY 23 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES. ' NO. 49 , If yon have some rare stone , nng ct or gem , or eomu old relic In the line of Jewelry. I am at your BiTilce to imiKo a thing of beauty mill nacfnluesei To the rcmemhrnnco of pleatcnt nssocl- tlon add the charm of utility , I glvo you the Tery beet cert of work , the tort that IB dona right the lint time. No cheap work , but right work , moder ately priced , I need old gold In my repair department. Highest market price. GradHAtti of Chicago Opthaliulo College. School Books , Tablets AND School Supplies , AT J. G. Haeberle's : * Memorial Day Aimoucements. Memorial services at 51. E. church Sunday. May 20 , 2,30 p. m. All old soldiers , W. R. C. , Span iflh American soldiers , Civic sonic , tics and the people of Broken Bow and vicinity are cordially invited to join in this service ia memory of those who give their lives that the flag of our country might wavn over all this beautiful laud. A. W. DKAKK , Com. Post J. W. BRUCK , Adjt Memorial Day program at Merna , Nebraska , May 30 , 1901. Members of the G' A. R. , all old soldiers and soldiers of the Spanish American war , will moot at 1030 a. m. , at the hall whore they will form in line and march to tbo M. P. church. PKOOUAM : Moslo Prayer HOT. C. H. Bradley Song. . . . America Keui'irks Commander Bom' We Have Misted Yon From Our Order AddroBi..lon. James Whltohcad , Broken How MniMc Sebaatupoll. Recitation .Miss Mamie Klunip , Klninp 1Ucitation Mies Hello Foster , Autcluio boug Hccitatlou M rs Clara Tow ! , Chicago Kccltutku , . . MleaMattlo F clge SOUK Wo Meet to Honor the 11 rim' . Benediction Uev F. M. Graham llaBket Dluuer. By Order of Committee LOST A go'd ' watch , botwnon Mosley's grove and Broken Bow , small bicycle chain and sprocket wheel attached. Frank Rubluo. 5-23 John & Knerr Headquarters For Dry Goods , Groceries , Boots and Shoes. Our Royal Worcester Corsets pj Have No Superiors For Ease 4 nnd Comfort. § > Local < jj $ Mention , < d S. L Cinnon of Wostorvillo was a city visitor yesterday. Henry Kelley of Annolmo was a fiiond caller at this office Monday. Ed MoComas hns built au addi tion to his residence which mater tally improves it. Win. Brown of Comstock , was in the oitv last Friday making proof on his homostoad. J. C. Maulick of Seneca , Kansas , arrived in the city Wednesday of last week on a short visit. G. W. Dewey of Gates , was a city visitor Saturday. The Repub licau acknowledges a welcome call. Chan. McCnslin of Florence , Pennsylvania , called Saturday and had bis address changed to Green , Nebraska. J. S Lyon and S K. Redman of Ortello , were in the city Saturday as witnesses in the final proof case before the ( J. S Land Office. Willis Cadwell attended the state convention of tbo A. O. U. W. at Nebraska City last week as a dele gate from Broken Bow lodge. Mrs. C. S. Oaborno and little girl Birdie of Ravenna were visiting in the cityMonday with Mrs.Osborne's parents , Mr and Mrs G Hoagland. C. H. Chapin editor of the Litoh- field Monitor was a friendly caller at this office yesterday. Mr. Chapin bought the Monitor about a month ago. ago.W. W. T. Sherr , a larpe property bolder in this vicinity surprised bis friends on his arrival Isst Thursday evening from St Louis , where he spent the winter. W. A. George of Georgetown was a firiendly caller Tuesday. Ho reports plenty of chinch bugs in his wheat but could not aoe that they I'ero working on it yet. The Ladies Society of the Pres byterian church will hold a oake < ale on .Saturday , May 25 , 1901 , at Thompson and Rublee's store. Sale to begin at 3 p m. John Campbell of Weisaert , was a friendly caller at this office Mon day. Ho is of the opinion that the chinch bugs , while numerous in his vicinity , are not injuring the wheat. Wilson & Drake put the finishing touches on their new store building last Thursday afternoon by floating to the breeze from the front of the building a fine Hag of national colors. It's n beauty. Prof. Carlton , a state high chool instructor of more than usual ability was in the city Saturday - day and Sunday writing insurance ind filing his application with tb Ord school board for the position of superintendent of the Ord school. Ord Quiss. George and Mrs. Hersh left FrU lay night for Willowbrook , Mis souri , where they have gone to ako care of Mr. llersh's father , who s quite old and feeble. They left thi ir farm in charge of their child ren here , and will remain there as eng an the old gentleman lives. Rev. S. W. Richards received the sad intelligence Saturday mori.- iog of the doalb of hie father , who resided in Eng- and , He was eighty years old For thirty-live years of his life he had been agent for one of the richest tin and coper mining firms in that country. A. Y. Stilton , one of the oxlcn sive farmers of the county , was ever a considerable part of the county last week. Ho is of the opinion that the crop of chinch bugs are not working on the wheat nut says a great deal of tbo sraal i > rain is very weedy and cannot an' der ordinary circuiubtancoi make a very good crop. J. S. Baihb has sold bib residence property of this city to AmosNobli- oonsidoration $850 , IIo sold the Mooney building and lot to W. H. Oflborno Jr. for $500. He ex pects to leave with his family for Mad-son the latter part of this week or the first of next. His wife's lather and mother Mr. and Mrs. E. Mooney will go with them. Mr. Uaisch is one of the early business m n of Broken Bow. llo has ever hfon public spiritedgenerous and a iood neighbor. Durmtj bis long refidenoo hero ho has made many friends who will becorry to see him nnd his estimable wife leave the own. Tht bust wishes of the RR- puiiMOAN will oocompbuio them to 1m new home , Judge Armour returned from his visit to Illinois Monday. Mrs G. U. Tuttle of Giles is visit , ag in th * city with her former neighbors. Miss Liudy Kern , daughter of O J. Kern of Mont Rose Colorado is visiting in the city. This vicinity is favored with a mo rain that commenced yesterday evening and still continues. Rev. J. C. Dorria of Michigan ia visiting in this community with bis olativoa and old acquaintances. J. M. Fodgo of Ortello was a riendly caller today. Ho reports over an inch of rain at his place last night. G. T. Robinson of Fleming valley eports tbo chinch bugs working on ho wheat in spots in the fields in lis vicinity. E. Roysa , Secretary of the State banking Board , is in the city. The REPUPLIOA.N acknowledges a 'riendly call. J. N. Ridonoor proprietor of the Vlorna hotel waa a friendly oallor 'esterday. He reports business good in bis lino. Ira Glaze went to Hyatinis Sunday night to look after business n connection with the Glaze Marble iVorks of this city. Frank U. Smith , corth of town1 shipped four cars of cuttle and one of bogs to Omaha the first of tbo week , of his own feeding. W. A. Thompson and wife are the proud parents of a now boy. 3o was born Friday May 17. Mother and babe reported doing finely. Dr. W. E. Talbot has boon ap- > ointed by GOT. Savage as a dele- ; ate to the Surgeon's Military con > vention to be bold at St. Paul Minn. [ * ho convention will bo held tbo last of this month tbo first of Juno , Wilson&Drake , the proprlotora.of he large store room on Fourth Ave jreet our readers this week with a low advertisement in which they elicit an investigation of their joods and prices. They are up to ate and their goods are first class. J. D. Troyer of Triumph waa a riondly caller Monday. He ex leots to start tbo latter part of the week accompanied by bis wife with earn for Sheridan Wyoming. They xpoot to be gone until fall and may isit the National Park while gone. United Brethren church. Subject f morning permon will bo , "The jittle Stone That Became a Great fountain , " and in the evening the natures will be ° used. The subject ) oing , "The Stars as Symbols of God's Promises. " A cordial wel- omo to all. The attention of the readers of tie REPUBLICAN is cauoa to ino arge advertisement of Thomp on , tublee & Stevens on the eigth page. Dhis firm has decided to move their stock of goods to Callaway and are idvertising special bargains in or der to reduce their stock. Gon. Fitz John Porter died at m home in Morristown N. J.Tuos- lay May 21nt at the ripe old ago of 80 years. He is the father , Mrs. W. II. Doggett , wife of tho.Kpisco- > al minister of this city. Gen. Sorter was a prominent figure in the Mexican and civil wars as well as during the Kansas troubles and the Utah expedition and was casheir of the New York Post office from 1893 to 1897. Dr. T. W. BaHfl returned rocentl ) from a visit to San Diego California where he spent several days wit ! Rov. J. S. and Mrs. Lladdon. Hi reports them in good health and that Mr. Hadden is making money as contractor and builder. The Dr. is grealty pleased with the country there and expects some day to mak it bis homo. He says Miss Lena Caywood who wont there a few weeks ago from here has a gooc position with a leading law firm an stenographer. S , D. Butcher has returned from Denver where he has been for soy oral weeks superintending the pub liuation of his Pioneer History o Cunter county. He has with bin sample pages of the book , Besidei giving tbo history of the county in pioneer days it contains a numbo of views of ranches , scenery , build ings and pictures ( of individuals lie informs us that ho will have IOC of the books ready for delivery nox week and the others will bo ready few days later. Parties that have given him orders may expect him around with the book shortly. J. R. Dean waa called to Iowa week by tbo death of hie moti.or. Ansloj's Baleen License HoTokcd. The case of the state against tlio village trustees of Analoy was tried ) ofore Judge Sullivan in this city ast Friday. It wnen oa&o in which Glen John son had boon granted saloon license jy the Ausloy board , and the county attorney Eirkpatrick sought to hay.0 the license revoked on the grounds of illegal proceoduro on .ho part of tbo village trustees. The onso grow out of the fact that 31on Johnson on the 18th of April , Hod a potitiou with the clerk of the truiteos praying for a license to sell spirit and malt liquors. The notice therefor was published two weeks in the Chronicle , ending May ) . Ou the next morning , Saturday , jotwoon U and 7 o'clock , the board not and granted the liconso. County Attorney Kirkpatrick arriv ed a little latter , on the 7 o'clock jasHouger , on the scone with a view ) f filing a protest. Finding tbo iconso bad boon granted be applied , o tbo district judge to revoke tbo icenso and compel the trustees to uoot and entertain a remonstrance bat had subsequently boon filed by Vloflsrs. Foutoh , Rigby , Talbot and Copsoy of Ansloy. 'I bo judge ; ranted the writ and now it is up to ho Ansley board. If the Audloy remonstrators baa tbo courage and means to prosecute the case to tbo imit that ia now possible , Aneley H liable to remain dry for several months to come. Later The Ansloy board hoard the rcmonstrators Monday night , ind decided in favor of Johnson , from which the romoustratora took an appeal to the district court. Married. luniiiiui-TuoMMON. Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock , at tlio homo of tlio brIOo'i imrontd , William lludilartl and Mlia Mamie Thomp son , Key. HtiiUoi' , pautor of the 1'ieibjtoilui church , ofllclntlng. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Thompson of his city. She is a young" 'lady of refinement and highly respected by all who know hor. The groom is the son of Mr. and \lrs. \ Joseph Huddard , who for a eng time were the proprietors of be Inman Motel. Mr. Huddard is n the employ of the U. P. railroad ml is located at North Platte , whore they will reside. They will eave tomorrow. The REPUBLICAN joins with the many friends ol Mr. and Mrs. luddard in extending oougratu aliens. Medals Mean Merit. The highest award the best in France , the best in America , tbo > est at the World's Fair , the beet n tbo world The Sinclair , Superi or Washer. For sale by A. A. COLLOM ri MY - PATRONS The ST. PAUL Fnm AND SI MAHINK INSUKANCK Co. , has n been engaged in the Hail business for the past seven teen years. Within that time it has paid for losses by Hail over three-fourths of a million dollars. This large sum of money has been | paid to the satisfaction of the claimants. The Hail policy issued is the fairest and most equit able ever issued by any in surance company. It care fully protects the interest of 0 the insured and provides a Ei just method for arriving- jj the amount of the loss in case the crop should be in jured by Hail , This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in the United States engaged ( in the Hail business. It has I ample assets to cover all lia- I fj bilities , and it pays its losses j ' promptly and honestly. Don't be humbugged by ' irresponsible companies and agents. I solocit your busi ness for 19OI. ff.D.BlaM.AllHt , Ij At Fanners Bank , | Broken Bow , - Nebraska. City Couucll. At the mooting of the city conn , oil laat night a committee oonsict- iug of Mayor Harris , Alpha Morgan and Tom Fiulou wore appoiutml to interview tbo propotty owners on Sovetitb Ave , , with a view of hav ing a bridge put across tbo crock and the street graded. The mayor appointed Dr. C. L. Mullius hoaltb oflieor. The ap potntuiont was continued. A reso lution was panned kUBpendiug the operations of the ordinance prohib iting tbo merchants from displaying their goods on the sidewalks , pro viding they do not interfere with travel. Tbo oily clerk wai authorized to issue rouoiptH for occupation tax und turn thorn ever to the marshal for collection. Marshal Towsloy was authorized to proourti a road plow. O ) motion , the marshal was instructed to commence the iprink- ling of the streets at 7 a. m. each day and ugain at C p. m. A committee consisting of At torney Humphrey , Clerk"Holoomb and Councilman Ronoau was ap pointed to devise moans to increase the occupation tax of hucksters , whoso business comes in cotupoti * lion with the merchants of the city. School Hoard Moots , At tbo mooting of the school board last night au agreement wan reached and teachers wore employ ed for tbo oominu year as follows : Supt. , A. J. Maoy , Ass't Prin. , Miss Maude Ferris ; 2nd and 8th urados , Miss Millie Wornngtou5tb ; and Oth grades , north side ; Miss SadioWbitohoad55tb andOth grades , south side , Mine Tucker ; 3rd and 4th grades , Misswaty Boal and Miss Nan Alexander ; 1st and 2nd grades , Miss Downoy. As a resolution was adopted cut' ting the Hilary of superintendent to $ ft5 , Prof. Adamson was not a can didate Neither was Mrs , Adamson - son a candidate tor re-election. The board adopted the following resolutions : RESOLUTION NO. 1. Owing to our financial condition , and the depleted condition of tbo treasury ; Resolved , That the salary of superintendent be fixed ot < ! 50 a month , asHiatBUt'i salary at $40 , and the high schools bo consolidated and placed in one buildiug. That the Hovouth and eighth grades be consolidated and one teacher employed at a salary of $40 per month. That all intermediate salaries be fixed at $40 , except for first and second grades. That we employ one primary teacher at a salary of $35 a month , and that she teach in one building in the forenoon and the other in the afternoon , and the pupils from each side of town attend school but onohalf day. HICBOrAJTION NO. 2. Be it Rusolved , That all child , under school age bo not admitted to school until after their tifth birthday , ItRyoi.UTION NO 3. lie it Rosolvud by the the School Uonrd of tbo Independent School District No. 2fi , Broken How , Nob. , That , owing to the depleted finan. oial condition of the school treasury , that no appropriation bo made for the purpose of purchasing school text books for the ensuing school year. Furmors' Meeting in llniken lion Hat > urtlii ) , Juno 1. The Broken Bow Commercial Club , through F. M. Rublco , has socurud the promiao from GOT. Savage to have Prof , Uruuor , pro fessor of entomology and orni * thologoy of the State University , to visit Broken Bow Saturday , Juno 1 , to discuss with the farm ers the destruction of the chinch bug by inoouulation. Ho is sending out the bug virus to those requesting it , with in structions how to use it. Several in the county are experimenting with it already. It is desired that the farmers of the county who are interested in the annihilation of the okich bugs moot Prof. Brunor in Broken Bowen on the date above mentioned at 10 o'clock a. m. , that they may bo prepared to prevent the destruction of the wheat crop when the young bugs hatch. PROCLAMATION. Mayor's Office , " ) Brokdn Bow , Nobr. , > May 22d , 1901. ) Whereas , the president of the United States nnd the governor of the state of Nebraska have issued their proclamation requesting the people of America to observe , in a suitable m minor the BOth day of May us a day to set upnrt for memory of the heroes , living and iluadvh served in the Civil war ami whoso valor and lioroism saved to us a country undivided , and Whereas , it is the custom of our citi zens to observe said day with suitable rights and ceremonies , patriotic in character and of loving remembrance. Therefore , I , J. A. Harris , mayor of tbo city of Broken Bow , hereby request that all places of business on said day bo closed and that our citi zens give over the day to the honor of the patriot ooldior who risked bis life in tbo civil war to the end that a free government might not purish from tbo land. Attest : J. A. HAKKIB , C. II. HOLCOMH , Mayor. City Clerk. KEEP OUT THE FLIES 1 With the Adjustable and Self- Fitting W H 2 iLi IN- & DOW SCREEN. & Screens for Whole or Half ! * Window. CANNON # > CITY NUT The Best Soroon Sold . COAL ALSO. in the City By - _ * il T fifK'tflp ' fUMUl .1111 lllliUUUl \JUlj "WJXE . RUIrE , Manager. For a First Class Smoke Try the . JVX § Martial and I t VRC I Corona Grande' Cigars. MANUFACTURED BY E , H. DALBEY , Broken Bow , Nebraska.