Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 25, 1901, Image 1

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IlUl Ub ntlun Society
' V
A Uoml Watch ForUouil HOJH.
Your boy 111 bo bettor for liiuluu
Tliero will bo Toner tartly markn uiul
filler broken upiioiutincntu
I/O will IcMirn thu riiluu of time , Hint
etnir from wlilcli llfo la uiiiilu.
A little ucuriiB uiiiko Kr nt oaks , HO
momenta of tlnn- put to good use , make
lira u succor.
Teiicli linn to lie on time mret tlio car
on time HU to Dolioul on tluu * to cliurcli
on time to 110 Himua a moans of eliort-
fiilni ; the car us of lire
I liavn all uorlH of wfilcliof to atitt all
8kuD iui < l conditions of boja
nrnduntu of Clilcnvo Optluilmlo Collei-e.
School Books ,
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's ;
John & Knerrt
Headquarters ForJf ,
< $ < SHOES ,
and all kinds of
Field and Garden
Headquarters For
k. Butter , and
Fresh Fruits.
K'P . " > - = V
* & Mv °
* 'l" S5 * i
M. K. A. Meeting
Tlio regular mpotifi of the B1
B. A. loiigo , No 200 , will be hek
Sntiirdd ) nif-ht , April 27 , instead o
the -JOth , H thu hall will be in no
on that night , Secretary.
& Local
I Mention ,
F. 0. Wilson of Aneohuo , was in
tlio city a Hliort time 'luondoy oven-
Ennl G'Stihwinri will leave to
morrow on a IniainesH trip to
LI. II. Andrews of Uvlla\vi } .
inndo tine ulliuu u friendly u.tll
A. II. Kurd \Ynlworlh , iniulo
ilio llunibliuan | olliuo a we lee mo
rail TtieHclay.
G. W. Keller of Now llulona ,
kindly rememboiod thin olliuu
while in tlio uity Tuenday.
Judge Hainer of ICornoy , wan n
city vieitor yesterday. Thia olliuu
.luknowlegeH a friendly otill.
i\l. W. MoCandleus of Itest ,
luvnrud thin olliuu with a HubHtan-
tial call while in tlio city him
I. K. Cavanoe and wife or
Georgetown , attended the A. 0. U.
VV . banquet held in this oily
Tuesday night.
BOUN Saturday , April 20 , to
Uapt. V. C. Talbol ajd wife a boy.
Mother and babe reported as gett
ing along nicely.
II VV. Albert of Weisserc , and
John Govier of Elton. wore in
attendance at the A O. U. W.
banquet Tuesday night.
B. W. Sillivpu in quite sick at
Mrs. Martin's , with neuralgia of
the stouiaoh. Uis futhei came over
from Sargent Tuesday to see him.
Judge Sullivan and Dr. W. K
Talbot went to Dunning Monday
evening to assist in moving their
oattle to their ranch near Halney.
Arbor day was observed as holi
day Monday by the uity schools
and several treas were planted.
The citizens generally planted trees
or shrubery.
Mike Soanlon movtd yesterday
tin restaurant to J .8. Baisoh'e place
on the north side of the square
which has buen renovated and fixed
up for the reception of the new
G. A. Harris of Berwyn , has dis
posed of his interests there and
bought a farm near Almeria on the
North Loup. lie called Tuesda >
and ordered his paper changed to
his now address.
N ell 10 Cline and her sister won *
down from Dunning Tuesday
'hoy returned home on the live
'clock train. Miss Nellie may
onclude to spend the summer in
iroken Bow. For the past year
ho has been attending school at
J. ,1. Standford of Moma , was a
uy visitor yesterday. Ho reports
large acerage of small grain being
owed in the vicinity of Morna.
Ur. Slaudford has : > ot sold his
tock of goods yet but has two or
hree customers and expect ) ; to
lone a deal soon.
Bill , Or. W. E. Talbot's Filipino
) oy about twelve years old , look
ho Doctors hounds last Saturday
nurning and went out for a wolf
nit alone. To tlio suppriso of every
Jody , iti a few hours Bill oamo in
with a wolf ho and the dogs cnptur-
rd north of town. To tay ho was
ho proudest boy in town but
ainlly expressed it.
Walter Hardy , a ranchman ot
Seneca , had his right hand badly
nashed Tuesday while adjusting
ho nging of a new wind mill he
lad just put up. The mill wan
hfferent from the others he had in
operation which he accounts for the
accident , lie uamo in on tlio mid
light train Tuesday night and had
jis hand dressed. Lie thinks ho
will bo able to nave all the fingers
except the third which had to bo
O. P. Parley , one of Broken
How's pioneers , loft Sunday morn
ing for Rowley , Mass , where ho
expects to engage in business for a
while at leant. Mr. Perley has
been a very valuable citizen to Bro
ken Bow and vicinity , ind duriiij
his sixteen years residence here
made a host of friends who regre
to see him leave. It is to bo hopot
his absence will only be temporary
From a financial point of view th
county will greatly miss Mensrs
Per'ey and Rogers , who usely vrer
assocuti d together in business re
lations. As they both have larg
interests here , it will afford them
good excuse to return should thity
I find the east too alow for them
Walt George of Georgetown , was
a city visitor Thursday.
George Greouwalt of Green , was
a business visitor in the city Sat
John Swenson of Georgetown ,
was a friendly caller nt this otliue
John Myors of Upton , was trans
acting biiNiness in the city last
'I hursday.
The past week has boon very line
weather and farmers generally have
improved it.
Uurt WoiiniT of Mason Uity , was
visitor in the city Tuesday , rv-
urning Wednesday morning.
Thin olh'iio acknowledges : i
'riendly call from Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. McGinn of Ansolmo , Tuesday.
Walter Stack loft Tuesday morn
ng for California , where he will
isit with bin wife for a few weeks.
Wesley Thomas of Praino Center
was in Tuesday. Ho completed
bowing 11C acres of small grain on
hut day.
Carl Schmidt of Rest , called
'ucsday and favored this office by
eaving a kind remembrance of the
ays that are past.
II W. Buokner , one ol the
launch republic inn of Borwyn
ownahip , was n friendly oallor at
his office Saturday.
A number of the members of the
M. B. A lodge of Broken Bow cx-
> eot to attend a banquet of the
Ansolmo lodge Saturday night.
J. N. Perslull has leased his
arm and ranch to H. B. Sands ,
with the view of going to the stale
of Washiuglot ) to spend two or
throe years.
Rev. S W. Richards has b'ion
chosen by the graduling class of
Broken Bow schools to deliver the
clans sermon. The services are to
> o held in the opera house , Sunday
afternoon , May 20.
J. S. Baish left yesterday morn
ng for Madison , where he will en
gage in business with ibrother. .
Jo expects to be able to bo home
al least once a month.
Tlio school entertainment given re-
oently nifed over $40. Tlie money
vas used in replenishing tlio-lali-
alory and papering some of the
oliool rooms in need of repair.
The Broken 13 > w Equality club
will give an evening with the No-
> raska p ets , with a May pole
lance in connection , on the even
ng of May lf 'h. Look for pro-
; ium later.
It. S. Stretch , who recently arriv-
d here Irom New Jersey , has
cnted Ham Rogers place one
nile southeast of town. Mr.
iogors has moved to his ranch
hroo miles southeast.
Joe Warner fell from ono of
ohn Henry's dray wagons Mon.
lay and sustained quite biwero 111-
uries about the head. Ho Was
lolding a lull refrigerator in the
Iray when he losl his hold and
ell ,
S. D. Butcher is in Omaha thin
week looking after the publication
of his Pioneer History of Custor
County. It now looks as Butcher' *
'loneur History is to be published.
f ho cannot got the work done at
Omaha at once ho ban an offer from
Joiwr that ho will accept. Mr.
iutchor deserves great credit for
ns perseverance in the matter.
More than ten jearn ugo ho O.IIIVIHH :
ed the county for material and
views which he photographed Inr
lis book which anticipated pub-
ishing at an early day Owing to
jrop failures the work was delayed 5
riien his ho'iso burned down and
destroy tul much of the valuable
mailer ho had collected , and main
of the negatives of views ho had
taken. For the past year ho has
been working the onlerprino again '
He has secured i4ie matter and the
financial backing to complete the
book. He will have it ready for
delivery just an BOOH as it can b *
printed. It , no doubt , will be ai
interasting as well as valuable IUH >
lory , worth several times iis cont.
Parties that want to get ono of the
first editions should get in their
order at once as the supply will be
limited. It you fail lo see Mr
Bnloher , you can leave your ordi-
with any of the newspapers in iht
county , as they aie authorized K
take subscriptions
Nellie Cooper of Mont Rode
Colorado , of whom the * RBPUIIUCA.N
made mention last week of Ijoi
hurt regained oonscioimnesH .aftt-
ten days and IB otherwise improved
She had not regained her memory
the tirsl of the week ,
The Pan-Ainonoan exposition
will open a\ Buffalo , Now York ,
Wednesday , May I.
The concert given Friday night
IILdor the auspices of the Episcopal
uhurch in the north side opera hou e
was well atlcndui ami thu receipts
quite satisfactory. The enUTUin-
muni was u'rtU class and all enjoyed
it very much
Leslie Clay of Ai sley , was in the
city Saturday taking uxnmiuuiio-
In'fur1) tlio uoun y supoimundont
f r a lifHt grade curlitioalo , ho hav
ing taught the required time lo t > n-
illo him lo a first grade , provided
a satisfactory examination m made
n the higher branches.
Bob Moore , a fireman on the Ji
& M. railroad , who made Broken
Jew his slopping place for some-
inie , was caught in a wruck ihc
alter part of lasl week al Pacific
[ unction Ho was so sorevely
mingled that in the process of
imputation of his log lasl Saturday
10 died , and was burned at Lin-
oln Monday.
Franco Moore recently sold his
tallion for $060 , and has bought
ho blue burn air ! block of land in
connection with it for $500. He
would sell his old barn should any-
HID want lo buy. Thu deal enables
Mr. Moore to clear up his indebted
ness and it puts him in good shape
o meet life's battles. The Ruruu-
LICAN congratulates Mr. and Mrs.
Moore over their prosperity.
Dr. L. D. Stilson of York , has
joun in tlio city several days , under
ho direction of the Nebraska Ex-
> er > mental Station , with the view
of ascertaining the cause of the
torn stalk disease that killed so
nany oaitlo the past winter. Yes
terday ho gathered weeds and corn
n John Tyson's' field where John
? uggitt lost 33 in ouo day , and fed
t to two different animals without
'Uitl result . Ho will try the stalks
u a day or two.
dipt. V. C Tulbot Won.
Thu vote yesterday at Lincoln
n the office of Adj. Gen. Killiau ,
roHiillud in a victory for Cupt Tul-
) ot of this cityfor Lieut. Colonel.
Capl Talbot received twenty voles
uid Muj. Moore of Nolcon , Hi-ven-
een. A monlh ago when an elec-
ion wan held Ihe vote was a tie. In
ho list of officers appointed by thu
resident for the National Guards
wore the named of both Dr W. E.
ind Capt. V.C.Talbot appointed to
he offices of captain. Now that
Japt. V C. has been so soon pio-
uoted to Lieut. Colonel u would
ndiclo that not only are the Talhots
Iriclly in it , but Broken Bow aa
M'ell The RUHUUI.KOAN extends
ongratulations to tliobojs.
been engaged in the Hail | 3
business for the past seventeen - M
? teen years. Within that [ *
5 time it has paid for losses
I by Hail over three-fourths |
aof a million dollars. This
a large sum of money has been |
paid to the satisfaction of
a the claimants.
n The Hail policy issued is
il the fairest and most equit
able ever issued by and in
surance company. It care
fully protects the interest of
the insured and provides , a
51 just method lor arriving at
the amount of the loss in
i the should be injured
i' case crop
i'I I i jured by Hail.
5 ? This is the only Stock
'IS S'I Fire Insurance Company in
1 S the United States engaged
in the Hail business. It has
ample assets to cover all lia
bilities , and it pays its losses
! j promptly and honestly.
jj Don't be humbugged by
| l irresponsible companies and
1 solocit your busi
ness for I9OI.
At Farmers Bank ,
Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
No other article used in the domestic
economy of the household has so many
enthusiastic friends among the house
keepers of America.
No other article of food has received
uch emphatic commendation for purity
, nd wholesomeness from the most em
inent authorities.
the great popularity and general
use of the Royal Baking Powder
attest its superiority.
. MAoynt Baker and Puttrr Avoid tilt ; Imltntlnn po\Mkts Tlicy
ok " containing over 800 nioct we noltl clicup bet.iu&u lh < i > atu
eroctlcal ant ) valuable cooking . re > iiiQilr lioin alum. Uut nliim U u
tJp < free to B t > d food
t every patron. ( x > l ! > oii ilanuorouu to use in
pwul cmid wtth your full
For a First Class Smoke Try the
Martial and r
Corona Grande .
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
ii SEEDSSEEDS ! ! 38i !
? $ Field Seeds , Grass SeedSi Garden Seeds , g ?
Our BiiHiiu'HH IH to GLUKI
FY oursulYes and our ciiH'
tomors by furnishing BUILD
.LOWER Prioo than oiiir
Competitors will do.
If you intend to build A
HOUSE , or Htable , or porch ,
or need a NEW FRONT DOOR , or VIEW WINDOW , remem
ber that
Foster & Smith Lumber Go.
SPECIALISTS itn.ruKC . nlv -i .1 > rhr will oou vinoa
you that they are right. Vouru For BusinofiH ,
W.L , RULE , Manager.