Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 29, 1900, Image 2

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D. M. AJI8HKUIIT , Vubllilmr.
John D. Kockofolior has given $10-
000 to the building fund of the Collegu
of Physicians and Surgeons In Glevo-
Itirttl , O.
General Chaffee cables the war de
partment the following from Tnkno :
"Sixth regiment United Stales civalry
1. K. L and M. GEORGE. "
Orders have been received at North :
Platte that all tra'nmen on the He.
braska division must bo vaccinated on
account of the nrovtVcnca of smallpox
at North Plattp.
It has -been a prosperous- four ycara
for Hawaii ; too. The eemnifinburenu'
announces that the islnntla now havo'
154,001 people .compared . with 109,020
in 1SUG an Increase of 412 portent ,
A baby' ' dopant weighing 400 pounds
was born nt llingllng Uros. ' winter
quarters at llaraboo , Win. This Is an
event wTilch1 seldom occ'urB ' In raptlvlty
und IjaSjjiever beforq occurred In Wls- .
War on gamblers and gambling de
vices liafliibc ? ! ! Instituted by , tho. city
iiuthorltlps of FlandrQi\u \ , S. , . , - All
places whore gambling wes bellevc > l
to have been carried on have been
Big profits arc reported. In , exporting
cattle direct In first hands , t\nd jnprq
feeders and country shippers arc ex
porting their cattle thcmHolycs .than
over hefb'rc , kno\vn _ in the history of
the trade.
Dr. Scharlaph 'and ' Jxml Dquglns , ac
cording ) ito tlo ( Doutschq Colonial Zolt-
nng , hayo sold their 10,00 ? tiharqs of
ecrlp in tUo recently organized South
Cameroons company for 2,000,000
marluj eacl'i ,
The rclchstag bill , providing for a
third Buppleiflcntal ! credit on acpouut
of the phlna. expedition , fixes the sal
ary of Flolif MnrshalJ Qount von \Val-
dersqotat IGP.OOO iri'arks ' ( about ? 3GOOU ) ,
und \ylth largo extras' .
Thomas Plllcm , aged 12 , of Fremont ,
Neb. , jdioppn.d dead of heart failure
in the } a.\v oljlco of Sullivan , & Grlflm
at Sioux , qj $ . .Oftl wna , visiting his
daughter and had gone to tlio faw oiIli/6 /
to have a pension paper executed.
The , Minnesota , , experiment station
husjuflj. dljicovprf d that flax g.r.qwn Jyr
Reed i"i ( Minnesota is identical with
llussjnn tynx aiul a , ? gqod. aft that fttf-
ported from lifurope at a high price.
The resources of our eotfntVy art un--
The gold deposits at the Seattle as-
tmy ofljqe.from . ] ; ily.l to..Npvombcr 10
this yW amounted' to ? 10',827,000 ; 'For1
the entire fiscal year ended Juno 30
last the deposits at that offlco wore
J13G30,32G und till ? provlousiflacal yeiif
? GGQ4Q05. , r , i , . . i
In rlho Third Kansas district 'tho
Democratic candidate seems to have
a plurality ot ICO , but the district baa
2CO soldiers in the Philippines who
have n right to vote , and until the re
turns come from the front the result 19
in doubt.
fcaglardl , nh Italian anarchist , re
cently arrested In Swoddn and trans
ported to the Italian frontier , whore
ho was delivered to the Italian police1 ,
turned out to have been nt one tlmo
intimate with Brpscl , the assassin of
King Humbert.
November 21 being n day of public
penitence In Prussia , all public build
ings , the realising and the theaters
wore closed. No evening papers worn
publishd and the police president of
Berlin forbade the royal opera chorus
to slug the seven parts of Wagner's
"Parsifal" anil Handel's "The Mes
United States Vice Consul General
Knight nt Capo Town has informed the
state department that the plague is
declared officially to exist in the Inter-
lor of the colony. The Information was
communicated at once to the marliio
hospital service.
A. seat on the New York Stock Ex
change was sold for $4GGOO which is
the record price for a stock exchange
The official vote for secretary of state
of Ohio Is as follows : O. Ijnylln , repub
lican , 543,389 : McFaddon , democrat ,
474,080 ; Laylln's plurality , C0.309.
Emperor William , In tlio name of the
German empire , will 'present to Paris
Germany's imperial building nt Uio
The Russian government , according
to the Odessa correspondent of the
London Times , has ordered all except
throe cruisers of the volunteer fleet
to resume commorlcall functions.
The population of Minnesota Is 1 ,
751,394 , against 1,302,826 In 1890 , an
Increase of 44ooG8 or 34H per cent.
At Solomon , Kas , , the extensive ,
Bhecp feeding yards , whore from 10,000
to 20,000 sheep have been fattened each
winter , will remain empty this year ,
owing to the high price of corn.
The population of Florida is C28.547 ,
ngAlnst 391.422 in 1890 , an increase of
33 per cent.
Colonel Thys , manager of the Congo
railways , is now returning to Belgium
from New York , where he re-purchased
for a group of financiers a concession
for n part of the future Hankow-Can
ton railroad.
Four years ago the average price
paid for a bale of cotton was ? 25. l > ast
year the prlco paid was $36 , and now
it is ? 50.
| The council of state of Chile has au
thorized nn appropriation of $500.000
for the exhibition nt the Pan-American
.exposition in Buffalo , N. Y.
Congressman Boutello of Maine has
sufficiently recovered to warrant the
belief that ho will bo able to attend
coming session of congress.
Governor Dole ot Hawaii reports
that -the native population of the Is
lands is holding ita own , und that the
total valuat- } of real and personal
property is $97,491,684.
Ministers in Pokin Finally Agrco Upon
Terms of Treaty ,
I'rlticljml Artlrlfn Bttich tlio Sumo
Given In the Frnnuli Notn Tim Amer
ican CiiTHlry Dlnporftrii llnndlt llnnd In
H VllliiKO Hoar IN.Iiliu < - '
PICKIN , Monday , Nov. 26. The dip
lomatic body held a final meeting this
morning and agreed upon the terms
of the preliminary treaty. Nothing
new remains except , > to , secure the ap
proval lot the ii'Hpnctlva governments
bofdro definite ncgothttlons with tlio
Chluc , e peace commissioners arc bo-
gun.Tho precise terms of the settlement
liuvo not yol. been mudo public hero ,
but It Is bollnvodi outside the diplo
matic corps , that the main points arc
In a substantial agrcamont with these
contained In the French note to the
powers .namely : punlsihmcnt for tlio
guilty , Indemnity to governments and
individuals , retention of strong lega
tion guards find tlio occupation of c < > r-
tnin places between Pekln and Taku.
A party of Amcilcan cavalry went
today to disperse a band of bandits In
n village rixtecn mllotf from Pokin.
The village was found strongly forti
fied , but the Americans attacked and
captured It , killing seven Chinese.
A secret edict from Slan Fu to the
provincial viceroys and governors or
ders them Id cease the manufacture
of modern aims and revert to the old
typo of weapons , because modern arms
"havo proved utterly useless against
the foreigners. "
WASHINGTON , Nov. 26. Such In
formation as has come to the Stnp
department in the last few days Is said
to Indicate a more favorable condition
of affairs respecting the chances for a
satisfactory understanding among the
ministers of the powers than during
the early part of last week , when a
deadlock seemed imminent. Just what
Is tlio nature of this Information Is not
stated , but probably It came ns the
result of Sccrptary Hay's latest note
to tho'powers setting out afresh the
object of the United States government
na to Chln.i. This note contained the
instructions that have1 boon sent to
Minister .Conger and aio believed to beef
of such a nature as to constitute an
appeal from the extreme course sug
gested by fome of tlio powers ns to
the treatment of the Chlnerio govern
ment-on some of the matters upon
which the ministers have been unable
to agree. Nothing has como from Min
ister .Congarr during the- i last forty-
elpht hours.
, LON,1)ON , ov. 26. MTho foreign envoys -
voys have agreed to demand , " says a
Hi\ecal. \ | < lls nt li froimiPoUlif. ' "an extension -
tension of the legation area , so as to
embrace everything from the Ha-Tu-
Men gate ot the Talon-Men gate , be .
tween the walls of the Imperial and ! i
clUfSna"stripufiuilc"long anil
a. third a inilawidmi. M. DcGlers ( Rus
sian minister ) has declined to yield on
the Indemnity question , and some kind
of n verbal compromise lias been ar
ranged. "
The Morning Post publishes the fol
lowing from Its Pekln correspondent ,
date Saturday :
"Wang Wen Chno , now a cabinet
minister , has written to Sir Robert
Hart from Sinn Fu that Emperor
Kwang Su wquld bo glad to return
to Pekln , but that his majesty would
'lose his face' If foreign troops were
there. "
The Tien Tain correspondent of the
Standard assorts that "tho Russian
volte face dates from the czar's ill
ness. "
Ilus Little to Suy Il cnrdln | ; 1'ropoir.l
nl Action.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 26.-Speaker
Henderson arrived in Washington this
morning from his Iowa homo prepara
tory to the opening of congress In De
cember. He was delayed on the trip
by a wreck.
"I don't know that I have anything
in particular to say about the ap
preaching session of congress , " ho said
In a hurried Interview with a reporter.
"Wo republicans are people who work ,
not talk. Both of the houses have
fixed sittings. The house has the ole
omargarine bill as a special order for
the third day of the session and the
senate Is to consider the Nlcaragimn
canal bill , I hollove , In December. But
at any rate there will bo no Idling. "
AVInconiln'n Vet <
MILWAUKEE , Wls. , Nov. 2G. A
special to the Sontlnol from Madison ,
Wls. , says the official canvass ot the
vobo ot the state of Wisconsin In the
election shows the count to bo as fol
lows : For president , Bryan , 159,291 ;
Woolley , 10,080 ; McKinley , 265,292 ;
Debs , 7,084 ; for governor , Bolunrlch
. ( tloni ) , 1COG'74 ; Smith ( pro. ) , 9,712 ;
a Folletto ( rep. ) , 264,420 ; Tuttle ( s.
il. ) , 6,527 ; Wllke ( s. 1. ) , 504.
Hunt Mnrm for Home.
ST. AUGUSTINE. Fin. , Nov. 26.
fl he steamer Kanawka , with Secretary
ot Wnr Root and General Wood of
Culm , lay off this port all day , expect-
ng to cross the bar this evening , but
had to give up and sail for Jackson-
lllo , whence Secretary Root will go
by rail to Washington. Governor
General Wood will join Mrs. Wood and
the children hero and leave for Ha
vana with thorn tomorrow.
Grvut Con I Drposltn ,
TACOMA , Wash , , Nov. 26. Coal
outcrops have boon traced seventeen
miles along Chlgnlk bay , 325 miles
this sldo of Unlmak Pass , Alaska.
Claims covering the best part of these
vast deposits have been filed by minors
employed by Thomas Mngon. The
manager of the Apollo gold mines at
Unga says the veins uncovered to date
nre four and a half , five and nine feet
thick , containing excellent llgnlto and
bituminous coal. In the spring diamond
mend drills will bo employed to de
termine the depths and continuity of
the deposits.
llrnnilcnlyeri ; IU' | > ortn tlmt Men of All
Cliinflrn Iniionn Upon It.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 26. 13 . C
Brnndonbcrg , In charge of bankruptcy
matters , baa made a report to the at-
tdYnoy gonarnl on the operation of ( life
bankruptcy act of July 1 , 1898. The
report says , with reference to volun
tary cnf" " < , that nilvantngn In 'lining
taken of the law by men of all classes
and In all wnlka of life and In every
section of the country.
The states showing the greatest
number of petitions filed during the
year arc Illinois , with 3,008 ; Now
York , 3.007 ; Iowa. 992 ; Ohio , 857 ;
Minnesota , 845 and Pennsylvania , 809.
The smallest number of voluntary
petitions were filed In the following
states : Nevada , G ; Delaware and Wy
oming , I'l each ; Idaho , 30 ; Hotith Car
ollna , 37 ; Oklahoma , 39 ; Florida , G7 ,
and Rhode Island , 69.
The grand total of petitions filed In
the United States for the period endIng -
Ing September 30 , 1900 , Is 20,128 , ex
clusive of those for the western dis
trict of Louisiana , the district of Alas
ka and for half of the year for tin-
southern district of Georgia , New .Tor-
soy , the eastern district of Nortli
Carolina , the western district of Ten-
neJsco and the eastern district of Vir
ginia , from which semi-annual reports
that of the voluntary petitions all wore
were not received.
From the clerk's reports It appear1)
adjudicated bankrupt except 237 , In
which the petitions were dismissed ,
and that discharges were refused In
soventy-ono cases. Compositions were
confirmed In 20tl cases.
The liabilities in 19,501 voluntary
cases reported by the referees amount
ed to $204,979,152 , while the total
amount of assets scheduled in those
cases $33,098,771.
was , , x
The nummary also discloses the fact
that of the petitions filed in eighty-
six cases the liabilities were less than
$100 ; In 1,879 cases , between $100 and
$500 ; in 2,250 cases , between $50i >
and $1,000 ; In 7.SG1 cases , between
$1,000 and $5,000 ; in 2,941 cases , be
tween $5,000 and $10,000 ; In 1,872
cases , between $10,000 and $20,000. and
In 2,191 cases , more than $20,000.
These reports also show that in 11,107
cases assets were scheduled , while 7-
917 petitioners had no assets.
Users of I'rlmatltoVeiipin Asnlntod In
Ilccont litttle.
MANILA , Nov. 26. Partlclars have
just been received from Hello of the
battle of October 30 nt Bugnson , Is
land of Panay , when 200 bolomen and
fifty riflemen attacked the Americans.
wholost three killed Lieutenant H.
M. Koontz , Sergeant Kitchen and Cor
poral Burns , all of Company F , Forty-
fourth Infantry.
It appears that Corporal Burns was
boloed while rcconnoltorlng and Lieu
tenant Koontz and Sergeant Kitchen
were pierced by speaars while going to
iclievo an outpost.
When the garrison force attacked
the rebels forty-nine ot the latter were
.killed. None ot the other parties of
attacking natives made much of a
stand , and the Insurgents lost 103 kill
ed , all told.
First Lieutenant Albert K. McCabe
of the Thirtieth Volunteer infantry
has been aprolntcd Inspector in the
Dentil of Czur Uoportod.
BRUSSELS , Nov. 26. A private tel
egram from Paris makes the assertion
that the Czar Is dcai * . There is no
confirmation from any other source.
LONDON , Nov. 23. The rumor of
the czar's death appears to bo un
founded. Nothing to confirm It htis
been received at the Russian embas
sies In Berlin and Paris and the em
bassy hero has received nothing since
the bulletin yesterday ( Thursday. )
CluitTco'H CiiHimlty I.Int.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 26. The
following casualty report from General
Chaffeo has been received at the war
department :
"TAKU , Nov. 17. Adjutant General ,
Washington : The following casual
ties have occurred since last report :
November 3 at Tien Tain , Clifford R.
Bedford , company E , Fourteenth In
fantry , typhoid fever ; November 14 , at
Pokin , Edward J. Jennings , civilian
totamater , chronic ! leprosy.
Muy Hate I.unff Trouble.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 26. It was
mored hero this afternoon that' Em
peror Nicholas Is threatened with lung
complications which , If they exist ,
would materially diminish his chances
of recovery. Inflammation of the
lungs Is a common complication of ty
phoid fever In Russia. Thus far there
Is no official confirmation of "the ru
Flcuro Kttltnr Drnd.
PARIS , Nov. 26. M. Valfrey. the
foreign editor of tlio Figaro , died last
evening of pneumonia. Ho was G2
years of age. M. Vnlfroy rose to the
rank of minister plenipotentiary in
the diplomatic service ami his having
been well acquainted with "behind
the scenes" In the diplomatic world
gave much authority to his articles ,
which were generally signed "Whist. "
An Antl-Triut Mill.
LAPORTE , Intl. , Nov. 26. Senator
Nathan L. Agnew Is drafting an anti
trust bill for presentation at the forth
coming session of the state legislature.
It will bo a drastic measure. Senator
Agnew is n friend of Governor Mount
and the statement is made that the
bill will reflect the governor's views.
HoliitUn In Luck ,
BUTTD , Mont. . Nov. 26. Several
weeks ago John Sullivan , an old bach
elor , died ut Seattle , leaving an estate
valued at $300,000 , of which $150,000
was In cash. Since then attorneys for
the estate have searched all over the
country for relatives , finally discover
ing a nephew and nleco of the dead
man , living In B.utto. They are Dennis
Sullivan , a minor , and his sister , Mrs.
Charles Cramer. These are the only
relatives living. The family came from
Borhaven , Ireland , from which place
the Seattle man departed from thirty-
live years ago.
A m m ON-
American Sta'o Department Again Ad-
diesEps ( Itself top thq Powers , ,
] ! mt MCIIMK tit HeciirliiB Object * Common
to All I'olntoil ( lilt Arninccinutit of
New Untie * to Urldt ; " Ovrr Imjmmlble
Sltimtlon at I'uldn.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. The sec
retary of state has addressed an Iden
tical note to the powers In regard to
dho Chinese oltuatton , setting out
tersely nntl freely the attitude of the
United States government as to China ,
and pointing out how such objects as
are common to the powers can beat be
secured. The note marks the Initia
tion of fresh negotiations on our part
on the arrangement of new bases to
tldo over the Impossible situation
rroated at the last meeting of the min
isters in Pekln , Some responses al
ready are at hand , and ft" is stated
that generally our advances have boon
well received and the state department
expresses satisfaction with the prog
ress so far achieved.
H Is believed that the note Is an ap
peal from the extreme course sttg-
gostod by some of the powers ns to
the treatment of China , especially In
the matter of punishments and Indem
nities to which the ministers nt Pekin
seem Inclined. The Intent is to push
the negotiations on u more rational
and business-like basis.
LONDON , Nov. 2 . The Times this
morning comments edltoilally in a
snmewhat Incredulous tone upon Sec
retary Hay's fresh note to the powers ,
saying that it cannot Imagine Secre
tary Hay as objecting to the execu
tion of the guilty officials after , as was
understood , assenting > to tne French
proposals. It admits that , so far as
outsiders can form an opinion , "tho
United States appear to bo the leading
obstacle to the working of the concert
of powers In China. "
With reference to Mr. Wu Ting
Fang's speech In Cincinnati , promising
tie ) United States better commercial
chances when peace Is restored , the
Times says : "Wo would not advise
Chinese ministers In Europe to enter
upon such a line of argument , as there
are countries where so gross a pro
posal would be resented as an Injury. "
The Daily News , evidently despond
ent as to the outcome of the negotia
tions In Pekln , says : "The concert
mush either dissolve or compromise.
We hope Mr. Hay may be able to sug
gest a compromise1 which all the pow
ers will agree to adopt firmly and in
union "
The Daily Chronicle remarks : > ' 'Even
if the powers are won over to the
views of the United States wo do not
see how matters would be advanced ,
unless the Chinese court can be In
duced to return to Pekin. "
llchcl Forced Hold Ittillrond f.lno and
Threaten to Attack- .
KINGSTON , Jamaica , Nov. 24. The
British steamer Barbarian , which has
just , nrelved hero from Colon , reports
that severe fighting occurred Monday
and Tuesday .it Culebra. The govern
ment forces attacked the rebels , who
occupied a good position , with 'tho
result that the losses of the former
were heavy. The fighting was pro
ceeding when the steamer left Tuesday
The stores and restaurants at Colon
were closed and the rebels Held a portion
tion of the railroad line. ,
Another rebel force was reported
to bo engaging the government troops
near Panama. Business Is entirely
suspended at the latter place and
both Panama and Colon are in a state
of terror.
The rebels nre attacking In a deter
mined manner and it is feared the
slaughter will bo great before decisive
results are reached. The liberals , it is
asserted by the passengers of the Bar
barian , still hold Bucna Ventura ,
though the Colombian government is
making a great effort to regain posses
sion of it.
Jerernl Ilundred Indian * In a 1'ltlful
SAN DIEGO. Cal. , Nov. 24. Sev
eral hundred Indians In this cbilnty
are threatened with starvation. They
iavo made no provision for the win
ter and are now suffering for want
of food.
Mrs. Mary Watklns , the teicher of
Meta Grande reservation , where there
are 306 people , of whom 27 are seeM
oM that they are helpless , writes
of having visited seven of the res
ervations and found the Indians In a
dreadful condition of want In all of
them. Children and women are al
most naked and there Is not enough
food in many of the lodges to keep
the inhabitants thereof alive through
the winter.
The Manznnllla berries wcro a fail
ure ami the acorns dropped from the
onk trees in Juno because of the Jack
of moisture.
Cork Not Upun to Kruger.
CORK , Nov. 24 As a protest against
the refusal of the lord mayor of'Cork ,
to entertain a motion to confer the
freedom of the city upon Mr. Kruger ,
the corporation adjourned today , the
adjournment resolution being adopted
by a largo majority , after an exciting
HoHtoii Ten Tax nn
BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 24. Tea mer
chants In this city have begun a move
ment looking to a removal of the war
tax imposed on imported tea since the
Spanish war. A petition Is In circula
tion asking the chairman of the ways
and" means committee nt Washington
to consider the petition of the tea
dealers before deciding not to take off
the tax. The petition says that the
j tax of ten cents on a pound has re
sulted In a sale of the lower grades
and that the tax helps coffee , which
is free.
Judge * Urcldo Arjalnut Stitto Trniupor-
tntlon llonrd ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 26. Chief Jus-
tlco Norvnl has held that the bo.ird
of transportation'la null .and volrt and
the other two judges of the Nebraska
supreme court concur. iTJio ilaw IB de
clared unconstitutional because It was
not properly passed by the two houses
of the legislature. This decision wipes
from the statutes n law that has been
in force since 1887 and leaves prac
tically no railroad regulation in forcf.
The old maximum rate law Is dormant
or inoperative , and upon the next leg
islature will devolve the duty of en
acting a new' law or of submitting to
the people a constitutional amendment
providing for the election of railroad
commissioners by the pooplc. These
or other remedies may bo proposed.
Following is the syllabus of the
opinion :
The provlslbns ot section 11 , article
3 of the constitution , relative to the
mode of enacting laws are mandatory.
The title to a legislative act is a
part thereof and must clearly express
the subject of legislation.
An enrolled bjll in the office of the
ee6r'ctnry of state is only prliua facie
evidence of its passage :
Whore the legislative journals un'e-
qulvocally contradict the evidence fur
nished by the enrolled bill the f6r-
mcr will control. Webster vs. City of
Hastings , 81 N. W. 510.
A statute Is invalid which the legis
lative Journals show was never passed
in the mode prescribed by the consti
A statute is invalid which Is not
read in each house of the legislature
on three different days.
Chapter GO , 1887 , is void us the act
ns enrolled was not passed by the leg
islature in the mode prescribed by sec
tion 11 , article 3 of the constitution.
Judge Holcomb occurred In the opin
ion and added the following :
"Although not entirely agreeing with
the course of reasoning pursued by the
chief justice In the foregoing opinion.
I concur In all the propositions stated
In the syllabus and regard as irresistIble -
Iblo the conclusion that the act under
consideration failed to pass both
branches of the legislature , In com
pliance with the commands of the con
stitution. "
The principal fault In the passage
of the bill was the change in the title.
The same title did not pass both
houses and the house journal .does not
show that the title was amended m
that body.
TotalH nil Stiito
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 26. In the
preliminary canvass of the vote for
state officers the'following tpals { were
obtained :
For Secretary of State George W.
Marsh , republican , 115,540 ; C. V. Svo-
bodn , funionist , 110,775 ; D. L. Whitney ,
prohibitionist , 4,077 ; W. 0. Starkey ,
mid-road populist , ? ,408 ; Frank New
man , socialist , G61.
For State Auditor Charles Weston ,
republican , 115,250 ; Theodore Griess ,
fuslonlst , 110,852 ; Wilson Brodle , pro
hibitionist , 3,931 ; James Taylor , mid-
road populist , 1,543 ; C. V. Aul , 831.
For State Treasurer William Stuef-
er , republican , 115,974 ; Samuel B.
Howard , funionist , 111,838C. ; . C. Cro-
will , prohibitionist , 3,988 ; 'G. Llpton ,
mid-road populist , 1,373 ; T. S..Tones ,
socialist , 879.
Appointments by the Governor.
LINCOLN , Nov. 2G. Governor-elect
Dietrich gave It out that he had ap
pointed II , C. Lindsay of Pawnee City
private secretary and Mr. Lindsay
called upon the governor and notlfl J
him of his acceptance. O. G. Smith of
Kearney has been appointed assistant
superintendent ot the State Industrial
school nt Kearney. Mr. Dietrich ap
pointed five Lincoln women on the ad
visory board for the Home of the
Friendless nt Lincoln and the Indus
trial home at Milfoia. The members
appointed for this board are Mrs. W.
.T. Bryan , Mrs. A. J. Sawyer Mrs. G.
M , Lambertson , Mrs. D. B. Thompson
and Mrs. C. H. Gere.
Earni Hoi Vacation In the Field.
FREMONT , Neb. , Nov. 26. Among
the 700 students at the Fremont Nor
mal school is a young woman about
seventeen summers who seems determ
ined to overcome all obstacles in the
way of getting an education. She is
of American descent and has no rela
tives living who are able to help her.
Last fall farm hands were'scarce in
the county of Nebraska in which she
lives and she applied to a neighbor for
a job in the fields husking corn. Ho
agreed to pay her the usual rate per
bushel and she took her team and went
Into the field with the men and kept
up with them.
Cnnilng County Notei.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Nov. 26. The
record of mortgage Indebtedness of
this county is still satisfactory. Mort
gages filed in the clerk's office for the
past week are $3,000 , as against $7,100
A peculiar disease Is attacking cattle
In this vicinity. They become sick ant
die after being in the cornstalks for i
short tlmo. Numbers of farmers have
lost valuable stook in this manner.
Clmi-ped With I.nrccny.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Nov. 24.
Charles Sheppard , colored , was tried li
district court for stealing $50 from his
employer , John Schlnppicasse , a frul
dealer. Sheppard was a janitor nm
the evidence- Indicated that ho stole
a sack containing the money.
Stutn Cnpltnl Noll's.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 26. The sup
orlntendent of tno Hospital for the
Insane at Norfolk has filed with the
auditor his estimate of the expense
of that Institution for the next two
years. It calls for nn appropriation
ot $96,400. Only one more state instl
tutlon remains to bo heard from , th
Institute for Feeble Minded Youth n
Beatrice. The total ot the estimate
is nearly < s,000.000.
Governor Poyntor has granted a rcq
ulsltion from the governor of Kansa
for the return of James H. Worloj
An Jrvlnc Stnrjr.
CIS Henry" Irving tellstaTgood story
against himself. On lils return from
America , a banquet was given in his
honor , nt which Lord Russell presided.
During the dinner Lord Russell said
to Sir Henry , "It would bo so much
better If Comyns Carr proposed your
health ; I can't make speeches. " To
which Sir Henry replied gently , "I
hoard you mnko a rather good Bpooch
before "tho Parnell commission. " "On ,
yes , " said the lord chief justice , "but
then I had something to talk about. "
Speaks In Highest Terms of Pcrnna
as a Catarrh Cure.
Mrs. M. A. Theatre , member Ro-
beccn Lodge , Tola Lodge ; also member
of Woman's Relief Corps , writes the
following letter from 1838 ' Jackson
fitrcet , Minneapolis , Minn. :
Mrs. M. A. Theatre , Minneapolis , Minn.
Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O.
Gentlemen "As a remedy for ca
tarrh I can cheerfully recommend Pe
runa. I have been troubled with
: hronlc catarrh for over six years. I
iad tried several remedies without re-
lef. A lodge friend advised mo to try
Penma , and I began to use it falth-
lully before each meal. Since then I
have always kept It in the house. I
am now in better health than I have
been in over twenty years , and I feel
sure my catarrh is permanently
cured. "
Peruna cures catarrh wherever lo
cated. As soon as Peruna removes
Eystemlc catarrh the digestion becomes
? oed , nerves strong , and trouble van
ishes. Peruna strengthens weak
nerves , not by temporarily stimu
lating them , but by removing the
: ause of weak nerves systemic ca
tarrh. This is the only cure that
lasts. Remove the cause ; nature will
J.o the rest Peruna removes the cause.
Address The Peruna Medicine Com
pany , Columbus , Ohio , for a book
treating of Catarrh In Its Different
phases and stages , also a book en
titled "Health and Beautyf" written
especially for women.
An industrious man and a cabbage
manage to get a-hcad.
Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
of any kind arc caused by disordered
Kidneys. Look out also for backache ,
scalding urine , dizziness and brick-
dust or other sediment in urine which
has been allowed to stand. Heed these
warnings before it is too late.
reward will be paid for a case
of backache , nervousness , fllecp-
S50 Irssnece , weakness , lost of > I-
S50MOHUOW'S kidney , bladder
and urinary disorders , tuat can
not be cured by
the creot scientific dlspovery for eliattereJ
oene > and Ililn Imporerkilied blood.
people curnl by Kld-no-olds. In writing ;
tliuut iilcrtHO enclose Htnmped addressed
Mm. Lilly Pratt. 1010 U St. . Lincoln , Neb.
Mrs. Itolit. Henderson , W. Market St. , Dcntrlcc ,
Mr. li. U Small , 1S10 Olilo St. , Omaha. Neb.
\VllIlnni XlmmerniMi , 2315 White Ht. , Uubuque.
Krauk Itatul , 2nd St. , Kast Dubuque.
Mm. Ktuma Hancock , 32G 15th St. , Dubuquc.
N . I ) . Nagle , 8)5 Iowa St. , Dubuquc.
Morrow's KId-ne-olds are not pills ,
but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty
cents a box at drug stores.
IOHN MORROW & CO. , CHEMISTS , Springfield , 0.
it Injures nervous system to do so. 6ACO-
CUPO is the ouly cure that REALLY CURES
and no titles you when to stop , bold with u
Ruaranteo that three boxes \viil euro nny oa'o
eKCtnule and harmless. Itlia *
cured thousands , It will euro you.
At all druggists or by mall prepaid. 81 a bos :
3boxps | > . &a nooklit f rrc. Write
Hcnd lUflcrlrtloni
. S. " -l l > Htn-et , WASH INOTON. 1) . C.
Branch oflicn. Clilcoeo , Cleveland and Detroit.
raici. Hook of tcttlmonlcls nd 10 HAYS' treatment
rUEK. IU. II. H. CllKtVS SONS , Iln r , Illicit , 111.
\V. N. U. OMAHA. No. 48-1900
Best Cmi U B jrup. ; Tmatea Good. Ueol
In thu B. Bold by