Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 17, 1900, Image 8

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The annual mooting of the Asso
ciation of Economic Entomologists was
ield nt Columbus , Ohio , Aug. 15-19.
Dr. L. O. Howard of the United States
department of agriculture , under the
title , "A Ilemeily for Qad-PHea , " read
u paper showing that Dr. I. PorchlnsUI ,
an expert entomologist connected with
the Russian government , has discov
ered Unit gad-IllcB , \vlilcli are such an
intolerable Huourga to animals living
oil the Husiilun steppes , are to a certain
oxtetit depondunt on 'he ' existence of
occasional pools of water which they
frequently visit , and from which they
drink. 15y careful experimentation Dr.
Porchlnskl has shown Mint by covering
the surface of such pools with a thin
film of ksrcsene the gad-nies are killed
In enormous numbers , and that large
stretches of country mny be relieved
of the presence of th se tormenting
flies by this means. Dr. Howard
called attention to the fact that ho
had anticipated Porehlnukl's discovery
in the course of his own Initial ex
perlments of the imo of kerosene on
stagnant pools In which mosiiultoes
breed , In 1892 , and also called attention
to a published account In which ho had
shown In that year that the commonest
gad-fly of the locality In which the ex
periments weio made was captuied by
the kerosene film. In many regions of
the United States live stock suffer
Bovorely from these gad-flies or horse-
flloa or deer-flics , as they are Indllfcr-
ontly termed , and the Russian experi
ments are significant and Important
aa Indicating the possible measure ! ,
which may bo adopted In many coun
tries , and which will result In a great
reduction of the numbers of these In
Grain nnd drain for Working Hornet.
I have always believed that w
farmora food too much hay to our
horses. Certainly we fed fully twlco as
much as our friends In the city , and
only ubout half as much grain ai
horao owners In the city feed ,
aays J. A. Macdouald , in Coun
try Gentleman. Since Juno 1 , 1
have ben feeding my horses by
a novel method , which I find emi
nently satisfactory. At the end of May ,
this year , I found myself without hay
for my horses , and a largo amount of
work to do. I could procure hay from
some of my neighbors , but of very poor
quality. This kind of hay I did not
Up to this tlmo the grass pasture was
very poor , but along toward Juno It
began to be fair. I therefore decided
to get along without hay , and depend
entirely on pasture and grain. On the
evening of Juno 1 , I turned my work
horses to pasture. In the morning I
took tnorn up and gave thorn n feed oJt
oats and bran , about flvo quarts per
homo. That is all they got for break
fast , la addition to what grass they
had eaten. At noon they wcro fed no
hay , only a feed of oats and bran-
six quarts per animal , and nothing
else. At 4 o'clock , as usual with us ,
wo took them up for tea , watered them ,
and fed them another feed of oats. At
i sundown , when wo knock off work , the
I horses were turned out to pasture.
This has been and Is still the "bill of
fare" for my liorsos grass during the
night and grain ( about a half-bushel 01
oats In three feeds ) during the day
As a result , my horses are doing splen
didly and gaining all the tlmo.
I am greatly pleased with this
method of feeding horses hay or pas
ture during the night and grain during
the day.
A ( load Flockumster.
It IB not difficult for a farmer to
train hlmseU' to bo a good shepherd ,
though there are important details that
must be observed in breeding and feed
ing sheep , says Epltomlst. A ilock ol
sheep will not take care ot Itself , at
least not profitably. There is an axiom
that the "eye of the master fattens
the sheep. " The meaning of that la
that the flockmastcr has every animal
constantly under his eye ; he knows at
once tutu , something is wrong , if any
thing la wrong , and immediately pro
ceeds to correct It. If a single animal
I * off Its feed or shows symptoms ol
disease , the shepherd detects It. To
the inexperienced it would seem im
possible for a man to become ac
quainted with each individual inembci
of the tlock , bur each animal ban Ita
charactetlstlcs and they are BufUclently
marled to give It a distinct character
in the eye of the llockmastcr. The
very first thing that must bo assured
'lii the management of a flock Is nulot-
ness of surroundings. The sheep is a
timid animal and Is u bundle of nerves.
An hour of excitement will do mora
harm to the flock than ean well ba
imagined The work of sheep-killing
dogs Is not nearly so damaging In the
slaughter that they do , as It Is In the
excitement that they cause In the
flock. In feeding sheep a variety
ehould be provided , but whatever la
fad must be clean and palatable.
Angoras In Demand. The Shen-
: > erd's Bulletin says demand for An
gora goats IB Increasing rapidly. In-
tulries are mostly from the southern
and western parts of the United States.
The demand In the I'aclSo Northwest
IB brisk , especially on the western
elope. Angoras are best adapted to
rough land. Their favorite food la
leaves and bark , and iney rill leav *
the best grass for broiuu. Aiuora *
are therefore more valuable than Biiecp
in very rough sections , and will- grow
fjt where sh'teu will hardly oxlst.
' - > .
pecial Sale
of Ladies
High Grade
Silk Shirt Waists ,
07) O
0) c
r *
01O 13
01E. * oo
E.c . o
This cut fully represents
the style of an elegant Line of
Ladies Silk Shirt Waists
which we have just received
from a leading New York
Manufacturer. These gar
ments are made up in the
very latest style , with the
new Scolloped Front , front ,
back and sleeves beautifully
corded and hem-stitched ,
Elegant assortment of colors ,
Cerese , Heliotrope , Sage green
Red , Pearl Greys , Tuiquois ,
Those goodb have never before
been hhown at retail nt 'OHH ' that
pG.oO and are oed valtu-H . t
that , but by a Hpooinl deal wo arr
enabled to place thin lot on tnlo at
llui very low price of fy'-l OWe
Wo are also allowing India Silk
WaiHtH made up in Hame Htylo a
the very low prioe , of $3.OO
We also include in thin mi'o ' a lint
of very line plain and glace uilk
under skirtH to clone out. forme
prices $5-75 and $ O.9O
cloding pricco $3.50and $4.5O
JuHt received , another line o
ladicH trimmed hatn , Hoiit to us on
consignment at end of scamn
prices. You got the benefit.
Come to the big Htoro for good
ImragitiH in tins year's inerehandiHe.
Una Uoillfitteil to the Virgin Mary In
Mcnuloli'H Dominion ) .
Dr. Koettlltz , who accompanied Mr.
Weld-Blumdell and Lord Lovat In
their recent expedition to Negus Men-
elek's country , made a Journey to Zu-
quala , the famous sacred mountain ,
which , he believes , was never before
vlslsted by an Englishman. His de
scription of the trip Is reprinted from
the London Times. "Mount Zuquala.
the mysterious sacred mountain of
Abysslnlans , Is forty miles from the
capital. It Is 10,000 feet high , and In
the form of a truncated cone. At Its
summit and In the crater Is u remark
able lake 3-1 of a mile long , which 1
a veritable Abyssinian Lourdcs or Pool
of Slloam. It Is the belief of the na
tives that bathing In Its waters will
cure all diseases. Close by are some
iprlngs dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
According to the popular Idea , barren
women need only drink of these foun
tains to lose their sterility. The wa
ters are regarded with the greatest
worship and must on no account bo
employed for cooking or any other
useful purpose. I saw quite a number
of dlseiibud creatmcs round the lake
bhoro crawling about or being carried
on litters. The whole mountain
both sides and the crater Is densely
wooded. The place Is studded every
where with hermits' huts , each ot
which Is Inhabited by holy men , who
live separate lives of extreme auster
ity. Also , hidden away In the for
ests , arp a largo number of churches
I got Into the good graces of the
hermits by somewhat curious means
I was being shown over ono of tha
churches , which are plentifully adorn
ed with cheap colored Illbllcal pic
tures , made In Germany , when a pries
with great awe , diew my attention tea
a gaudy representation of St. Qeorgo
and the dragon. I endeavored to ex
plain that St. George was the British
as well as the Abyssinian patron saint
but the good men were very dubloui
until I hit upon the idea of produclnj
a sovereign. This at once convince !
him of the truth of my statement , and
proved to their complete satisfaction
that I was a Christian of a very high
order. The whole mountain Is curl
ous In the extreme. I was shown entree
tree with three trunks , united at th
case , which is regarded as an emblem
ot the Trinity and is hung wuh human
hair and all sorts of trinkets. Thor
are , too , curious crannies between th
perpendicular rocks , through which it
Is an act of devotion to squeeze one-
Belf. The sides of these apertures are
highly polished and covered with
grease by reason of the lellgloua ac
tivity of diseased pilgrims. " '
* J >
LcllerLIst ,
Following in the dead letter liht
'or week ending IV'ay ' , 1/3 / ,1001 :
MliBMInnlu llarton J W HourlckR
( ioorgrt A llonnckcr S I. Urlllltli
Dr. I ) Jonus
ParlioH calling for the above
ilenhu Hiiy advorlitted.
Taken Up.
By the under turned ( ivo milcH
ortb of WpHtervillu on May Uth ,
000 , one Irown rnaro mule , one
ray mare mule , ago about 18 years
old , no brandH or maikp.
JOHN SCOTT , Weatervillo.
Memorial Sabbath and Memorial
Day Exoroleon.
It IH not onty a custom but a duty em
olni'il upon members of the G. A. U.
> y epcolftl Order , thnt they shall an-
aijtublu for Dlvlno worship on the Sab
bat U prfecedlug Memorial Day. The
ncmbrrs of C. 0 , YVasbburn Post will
therefore assemble in their hall at 1:80
i. m. on Sunday May 27th and proceed
o the Presbyterian Church whore the
Memorial Sermon will be delivered by
Kev. Ueo. G. Burns at 2:30 : p m with
pastors of other churches prceent and
We Invlto all soldiers , especially
ot the SpnnisU American war , Co.
M. and citizens In general to meet with
us and assist In keeping alive tbo fires
of patriotism.
On Wednesday May HOth Memorial
Day will bo observed by suitable services
n the North tilde Opera House. All
old soldiers , those of the Spanish Amer
lean War. Co. M , the \V. R 0. ana clti
Kens of our town and the surrounding
country are asked to join nhd assist us.
Our Comrndn and l'ot Department
Comnmnder , Hon. 11. C. Russel of
ydnijk'r , Nob. will bo the orator of tbo
The hour of moot ing and n program
will bu announced later.
A. WALLAOI : AUju'unt. '
Burlington A ; Missouri River Hall-
road In Nttbnibkn , L'Acsenger Depart
mcnt. Omalri. Neb. , May 10th , 1000
Thirteen Cnsh Prizes. $115.00 For
Nebraska Letters. General Passenger
Agent Francis of the Burlington Route
olTets 511500 in pn/.es for letters about
Nebraska , ltd resources , possibilities
and oppoitunitles. The letters will be
met ! to encourage immigration to this
utnte. This contest Is open to all. The
letters should contain between 200 nnd
1 000 words , and must reach Air. Franc -
c s at Omabn , by Julj 1,1900. A circu
lar giving all thu conditions ot the con *
teat will bo mulled on application.
G. P. A.
Weather very wim ; u light rain
aul evening ; corn planting well ad-
vaned and early planted IH coming
G. H. Carroll and R. A Braut
ptarti'd over laud in HulioonerB Mon
day to North Platte ,
II. G. Donnnll has procured a bar
rel of gas tai to kill prairie dops.
John Mo'Deimott it aluo killing
them but I have not learned how
MrH. LII Mo'Call and two of A.
11 Ainold't ) children had an attack
of diphtheria ; the children are well
und MrH Mo'Call is convalescent
MIHH 11 lj Ueadhy is on tie sick list
with inflamatory iheuiuatism
Rattle suaki'H are numerous ;
largo uumber have beeu killed thia
Small grain ia promsitig and we
can already see the biscuit in pros
John Mair was rushing around
thia morning to get sumo portion to
repair the approach to the Lyle
Our valley in looking tiuo in its
dreta of groan
Potato bugs are getting numerous
m some putchcB through hero
Our Sunday school is still alive
but was nearly dtowned outby hav
ing ruin every Sunday sinoo Easter
Lon Ciookor and Richard Giles
paused through hire last Tuesday
with about 700 head of oattlo to sum
mer on Geese oroek.
Mr. Jas Abernathy made his an
nual v.sit in thia uoigborhood last
weik , assessing. Mrs. T-W Heady
has been bfferiug with a hard attack
of heart trouble lately.
Grand-pa Allen hap just returned
from his visit near StJosoph Mo.
EggH.8 cents , butter 12 , hidoso at
Agord blacksmith shop is badly
needtd at Milburn.
EW Raukin in homo from Mexi
co Ho brought up 400 head of j car-
ling BtfiTH ot his owr raisii gat the
Diming ratio jo.
The Ri'i'UiiuoAN and InturOicn
.for $1.60 , TLo Riti'DHLU AN . u > ?
( Slate Journal for 11.85.
A Good Thing *
Our GroaUGrendruothor' garrets
containing the sarno herbs of all
healing found in Karl'ri Clover root
tea. They gave our ancestor
strength , kept the blood pure , otid
will do the same for you If you say
no ; Price 25 cts , and 50 cts. Sold
by II. G. llaeburlo.
uiiuuiinttlHiii Cured.
My wife has used Cliamburlnln'e Pain
Balm for rheumatism with great relief ,
nnd I can recommend It ns a splendid
liniment for rheumatism and otbor
household use for which we liavo found
It valuable. VV.J. Cuylor , Red Creek ,
Mr. Cuylor la ono of the loading mer
chnnta of this village and one of the most
promlnnnt men in this vicinity. W. O.
Phlppin , Editor Hod Creek Herald. For
eale by all Druggists.
laThla Plain Enongh *
If you have a nagging cough
and are loosing flesh , go to a drug
Htoro. end get a bottle of Shiloh's
Consumption Cure. Take two-
thirds of it , and then , if you are
not benefited , return the bottle to
the druggist , and wo will return
your money. Isn't that fair ? No
one could ask more. 25 cts. 50 cts.
and $1.00 a bottle.
Masonic Election.
At a regular mooting of the A *
F. and A. M. led o of this city
Saturday night the following
ollioors werocleoud for the oneuing
year. W. ul , A. R. Iluruphoty ;
W. S. M. 1C. llagadorn ; Treasures
J. G. llareberle ; Sec'y L. 11. Jo watt.
The following parties from this
vicinity attended the state onoamp-
ment of the G. A. R. a. . d W. R. C.
at Beatrice at Lincoln last week :
Judge Reese , .Jas. Whitehead , Joe
Skolton , 11. W. George and MOB
dames , T. E. Wheeler , II. K. Haga-
doin , I. N. Marquis.
The Lousio Brclmny.
The richest treat that Broken
Bow has had for years is iu store
for our people next Tuesday night
in the appearance of the Lousio
Brelian ? concert and opera couip
any. The company consists r.f six
of thu finest artists on the American
stage. The guarantee of tickets to
secure this attraction has been made
good and this company will surely
appear. Reserved Heals are 75 cts. ,
gennral admition 50 els. Seats
now on sa'e. '
General Itccso given u JticcpUon
Johu Ruese , the newly elected
department command r of the G.
A. R * of the state of Nebraska , was
given u reception Monday night at
the opera house , under the auspices
of the G. A. R. ladies ol the W. R.
C. and citizens. The Harmony
bard rendered poices of
music prior to the commencement of
the exercises which was very much
appreciated by all. The attendance
was quite large , the opera ohairo
beiug uencrally occupied as well as
a number ol seats in the rear of the
hall. A very ploasent nnd protita-
ble time was enjoyed and many
wore the personal congratulations
extended to the Judge on his pro
motion to thu rank of Major Gen
eral by the unaumions vote of the
The following is the program
ac rendered :
Prayer by Rev. Knight , song by
Mrs C G Mayer and son Eddie ;
address of Woloonie , Mayor Royse ;
address The Giand army of tbo
Republic and its Department com
mander , Hou Jas. Whitehead ;
address , The W. R. C. an auxiliary
to the G. A. R. by Mrs. T , E.
Wheeler , addresu , The citizen sold
ier in the War with Spain by Simon
Cameron , address , The Army Chap
lain , by Rev , W. II. Dog get ; ad
dress The army doctor by Capt. C.
L. Mullius , rlho Relation of the
Presss to the Soldier , by Hon. C.
W Beal , E II Puree , D M Ams-
berry ; address , Our Guest , by Gen.
John Reese , Department Com
maudor. At the conclusion . < *
reception was tendered General
Reetie and all improved the oppor
tunity to extend to him congratula
tions. The reception committee
were the officers of the W. R. C.
Lll Jowett , A R Humphrey , II. M.
Sullivan , J E Adamson , Chas. Qutt-
orson , E R Purcell , Mesdamcs ,
Stuoky , Humphrey , Gutterson ,
Mayer , Richardson and Blackwel ) .
Drs. R O , W. E and Capt , V. 0
Talbot , and Judge Sullivan started
500 head of oattlo to their ranoho at
Hulsoy this morning Capt Talbot
have charge of them
The commencement exercises oi
the city school will bo luld tomor
row night An admicHion leo is 25
cents for adul r and 15 for children
Mrs R T Baker of Custor Center
iri quit' ) nick with luuunonia
J W Brueo aud family k-ft hero
for Spokane KalU List Saturday ,
with intention of locating there.
llifi son W. H. Bruce and family
accompanied him. j
I wish to hny to ray Friondn and Patrons that I am now
looatod in the Now Brick Building , on weat aide of Square ,
whore I will bo bolter prepared to Borvo them than ever be-
fcro. F. W. I1AYKS ,
Jeweler and Optician ,
o O
F. 0. WOIWAI.L , President. J. A. lURlilS , Ciuhlor.
A. J. ItOllKHTEON , Vlcc-I'rci. W. D. DLACKWKLL , Asa't Caehlor
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims aud
Warrants Bought.
135353 !
raj I ; ; * ;
i ;
We have over 100 sets of good first-class Farm Harneps
that we will sell at the old price of last year. Our rea
son for thin is that wo have carried them over from last
year and the leather in them was bought cheap. This
gives us a ohauco f : undersell all competitors by ten
i per cent.
feI I For Cash Only.
' - * > Ho Fall Time on these Goods.
At low price quoted. On Saddles wo are always right.
Don't forgot our line of Hardware , Barb Hog Fence ,
I A\
Buggies and Wagons , Cook Stoves and llangeH , the
best on earth for the price.
rf'i FmaEr51Cit'iliTi'15ilCf3CflPi(5)A 1i i 1I I 1
' E
FmaEr51Cit'iliTi'15ilCf3CflPi(5) ; [ ( ) '
Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best
Workmanship. C. B. BETTS , Painter Decorator
Always American Always Republican o
_ 0
Every Column is Bright , Clean and Packed with News
The Literature of its columns is
equal to that of the best maga
zines. It is interesting to the
children as well as the parents.
I brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its
readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day , it Is in
full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses
literature and politics from the Western standpoint , tjfjt tjiji
oo fao
Price ot Dally by mall . . . SfOOperjcar e
5 Price ot unilny by mr.ll 12 00 per > car o
° Uallj unJ Suit Jaj by muil . , . fo OJpcr jcar o
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome