i > # 'of ? ' &W PATKNT MKIHCINKS WAU , PAITK. $ i gft BATH CAIUNKTS. CUTI.KIIY. -'ii ' ) { j ; > : | 'f. vi. . * w.v ! . * . .v. * ; ? : ' . * V " * , V " ' * , ! " * ; y ' / : Vi > " ' , l ; l . ( : ' ' ; : , ' ; ! i . to te afeto ( Sublet Published orery Thnredny at tlio County Sent. . M , AMHHKKItV , - BUlltcir tS-Ofllco In Caetcr Illock , Fonrth Atc.-oy Enterednt tlio poetonico at Ilroken tioNeb. . , BB 6ccond-claotmaUcr [ for trnneinlrelon through tbo U.S. Malls. SUHSCHII'TION PIUOK : One Voar , In advance St.00 THURSDAY , MAY 17 , 1000. ItGI'UIILLUAN TICKET. For I'reutdcntUI Electors. JOHN S NE5B1T , Hurt. A B WINDHAM , CasH. ED ROY'SU , OtiHler. .J I , JACOHSON , Douglas. , ) L KENNEDY , Douglap. F V LANGER , S.ilino. . I. W FLAGUE , Buffilo. . S P DAVIDSON , JoIioHon. For Governor. OIJAS H DIETRICH , Adams. For Lliiit Govern.r , E P SAVAGE , Culler. For Secretary ofBtnte. G W MARSH , Richardson. For Auditor. ClJAci WESTON , Shcriilnu. Eor Treasurer. WM STEUFFER , Curaing. For Attorney General. FRANK N PROUT , GAGE. For Com Pub Lands and Qldgs , GD FOLLRIER , Thayor. ForSupt Pub Instruction. W K FOWLER , WaBhiiigion. Dnrlicr ami Donnelly. ' The middle of the road populistc held their National convention. Wednesday and Thui'jdiy of las1 wcok in Cincinnnati Ohio and nom inated Wharton Baker of Pennsyl vania for president and Ignatius- Donnelly of Minnesota. The convention was composed of 780 delegates. They adopted the following platform : The I'lat form. The platform was then adopted BB read by chairman Felton , with the additional plank presented b ) Parker. The esolutions follows ; "Tho people's party of the United State ? , Resembled in national convention vontion this tenth day ot May 1900 , affirming our unshaken belief in i 1 the cardinal tenets of the peopleV party , as sot fourth in the Omaha platform ; and pledging ourselves anew to continued advocacy of those grand principles of human liberty , until right shall triumph over might and love over greed , do adopt and proclaim this declaration of faith : ' FIBST Wo demand the initia tive and referendum and the imperative tivo mandate , such changes of existing isting 0 fundamental and statute law as will enable the people in their capacity to propose and compel the enactment of such laws ns they desire , to reject , such as they deem injurious to their inter ests , and to recall unfaithful public servants. " ' Second Wo demand the public ownership and operation of these means of oommunntion , transpora- tion and products uhich the people may elect , such ad railrords , tele graph and telephone lines , coal mines , ole , f * "Third The land , including a'l ' natural sources of wealth , is a herit. ngejof the people and should not bt monopolized for speculative purposes , and alien ownership of land frhonld be prohibited. All hud now held by railroads and other corporation * ? in excess of their a clual needs and all lands now o.vntd by aliens shou'd ' bo reclaim ed by the goven.mont and hold for actual KGltlcrn only. "Fourth A Hoicntih'j and abso lute paper monny , baised upon the entire wealth and population of the nation , not redeemable in any fipouifij commodity , but made in full legal tender for nil debts and receivable for nil taxes and public dues , and tEKiird by the goveintnenl onlj * , without the intervention of bankH , and in Hiilliuient quantities to meet the demands of commerce , is the bosl utirrency that can bo do * vised ; but until such a financial system is bccured , which wo" press for adopiion , wo favor the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold , at the legal ratio of 10 to 1. "FifthVo demand the levy and collection of graduated ii > < : om''B .nd inheritances and a coi- situlioi al amcndmnnt to Hucuru the name if necessary. "Sixth Wo demand the election of president , vice president , federal judges and United States senators by direct vote of the people. "Seventh We are appoaed to trustaand declare the contention bo. tween * the old parties on the mono poly question is a bliani battle | and ' that no solution of this mighty pro blem is possible without the adop tion of the ptinciplo of public ownership of public utilities. The settlement of the -'trust , ' question is not a political one , but it call for the concerted action ind the best judgement of all legis lators. Whatever the "trust" tends to impair the rights and privileges of citizens , it aims neither at Re publican ? , Democrats nor Populiste , nut at all alike. Therefor * , the ro proHoiUativcs of all the puople should join hands for tbo protec tion of all. Tl o export tnido balance in favor of the United States during the first three years of President iMoKinloy's Administration amount ed to § 1,483,000,000. Moio than one-half of that Bum represents what was paid for labor in manufac turing these exports , for which the rest of the world paid. In other words the republican policy has obliged the world , in tie last three years , to pay at lt < a&t § 740,000,000 to American labor , which wouH employ 740,000 men for ono year at a salary of § 1,000 per year. This is ono reason why work is plenty , wages good , and the home consumption of American prodt ott 1.3H largely increased. The now pension bill that was agreed upon by the G , A. R. at its last cncimpmont , and which passed the Senate on January 8 , is now being disousso'i by the houfla of Representatives , It proves that all persons who nerved ninety days or more in the militaiy or naval I Borfteo of the United States during the oivil war , who wore homrably discharged , and who are now or who may hereafter bo suffering from any mental or nphytncal ( liability or disabilities of a permanent chare- tor , not the riiHtill of their own vicious hiibilH. which incapacitates them from the manual labor HO as to earn support , thall upon making proof of the f.iyt. bo placed i pen the list of invalid pensioners of the United Statcp , aud entitled to receive a pension not exceeding per month and not loss than & 0 per month , protortioiifcd to the degree of inability to earn a support. The Treasury Department's latent circulation statement shows the total anount of money in circula tion in the United States to have been $2,000,525,408. A year ago on March 1 , 1809 , it was only § ! , _ 0-18,807.892 , having inooased more than § 120,00',000 within a year. When Mr. Bryan was nominated in 1890 , it was $1,528,029,403 , and has increason 35 pur cent fiinco that time. The American Protective Tariff I League's hheep census shows a gain of 39.84 per cent in the number of sheep in Oregon , einoo the free- tradeinwool time of 1890 , and an increase of 131 per cent in the average value of each sheep ir that State. This is going to bo the banner year in our export trado. During ninu inon < liB of the current h't'cal period , up to March 31 , our export exceeded $ Sl,054,800)OOC , an in- urensu of more than 6100,000,000 . over the corresponding period in' ' the | revious (1-oal ( year , and § 430 , ' 000,000 moie than in 1895 undir the Willson tariff. which was claimed to bo especially conducive to foreign trade. The value of colonial possesss- ioiiB to commerce if ? well indicated by some ligiirc-H of the Hritinh Board of Trade. In Jon years Eng'aud's ' trade with her ooloii'ct * was 389,000,000 greater than the United States , . 924,000,000 greater than with Germany , and . 1,100 - 000,000 greater than with France. The balance of trade ia favor of the United States during ; the present sent Admimstiation has reached tbo incredible man of $1,483,000- 000 , an amount that passes the power of comprehension. The bal ance of trade in favor of the United States , during all the Administra tions that preceded that of MoKin- loy , from Washington to Cleveland 'inclusive , was $383,000,000. To put the matter in another way , the throe years of the MeKiuley Ad ministration have seen a trade bal ance $1,100,000,000 greater than was accumulated during the cen tury preceding his inauguration. The advance agent of prosperity has made good his promises , has done ton times more than ho pro * miaed , and the people who know a good thiui when they see it will be slow to change auoh a certainty for doubtful promises. The pnnngu of tlio Nicaragua canal bill , in the llonso of Repre sentatives , by thf < overwhelming vote ol 225 to 3S ; is regarded as a complete victory for the policy of expansion. Its importance to American commerce and its value to an American navy ronclor its construction an absolute necessity to instiro our supremacy as a world power. The or capita circulation of the country was $20.58 on May 1st. It was only $21.10 when Bryan was nominated in 1890 The failure of free silver haa certainly not chocked the circulation. Hurrah for Savage ! At tht Ne braska Republican State Conven tion , on the 2d , lion. Ezra P. Sav age of Cuslor county , wan nomiua * ed for Liontonant Governor by no- clamation. lie has been in the Senate there before and will bo at homo an its president. All wo over wanted to live it ] Nebraska lor won to vote for Savage. At any rate , bore's congratulations. Clinton [ Iowa ] Mirror. Congressman Neville , who represented the Sixth district flinco the 4th of last December , ifi going to have more trouble than ho dreamed of in his effort to succeed himself alter the expiration of his brief tenure * . It in not alone that ho haw a Htalo-wido reputation as a perennial oflico Hooker , but those who wore iieroo to gratify his am bition have discovered that ho ban an itching palm. Up to date of bin taling : tbo oath of oflico , $3,600 had acoruod to the credit of the member ot congress frjom the Sixth district. W. L , Greene passed from earth the previous March. Up to the time his suc cessor was elected and qualified the salary , if duo to nny ono , should have boon paid to the Avifo and chil- Iron of the dead statesman. Ne-r villo nailed it all , yet ho had rendered - | dored to thn government no cquiv- lent whatever. It hasn't been liown that he tendered the widow nd orphans of his dead prodo- OBSor so tnutib as a , dollar of this at rake-off. So far as ho was con- orned it was just like "finding it-0 | \nd ho ia not the sort of a states- . nan to refuse gratuities of that But the uicrct has leaked.d ut aud some of bis constituents are urious. btuto Journal. ) Friends of Col. Exra P. Savage of Justor oountj , ! Ncb. , a former val- icd resident ot Lyons , will regard- OSH of politico , bo pleased to know hat at the Nebraska Republican Htatu convention the colonel was nominated for lieutenant governor by acclamation. The nominee for governor waa Charles Dietrich , a > anker of Hastings. Col. Savage ias certainly done himself and the old town o . Lyons "proud. " Clinton - ton [ Domoorat ] Age. The writer heard many wordu for Hon. F. Mi Ourrio while at Lincoln last week. Ho was of ten mentioned as good srnatoiial timber and wo believe that if the re publicans get the . legislature the woslorh part of the state will be readily conceded ono nenator. If so Senator Gurrio would surely bo the man. In 1895 wo exported 27,001,137 bushels of corn. That "was a Do" mooiatio year. In 1899 we o'xport- ed 174,099,094 bushels. That wasg a republican year. Chicago reports that nine trunk line railroads will contract , thip year , to spend more than $00,000- 000 for extensions , terminal im provements and rolling stock. That great republican warr.or , General Prosperity , is still fighting for more work for the wage-earner. Porto Rioo has been importing $2,000,000 worth of cotton good every year , but only $275,000 Avorth from the Uuitod States. The now conditions will now give us this trade and so > benefit our corton growers and inanafaolurors , and incidentally our whole npopulatiou. Republican Candidate Fur Lieut. Uor : Ezra P. Savage , the republican candidate for Lieut. Gov. is a na tive of Indinu , having beeu born in Cornorsvillo Fay alt Co , that state April 3rd 1842 in the same year his parontH moved to Iowa. When but seveu years old his father died leaving bis mother with live child ren to support , ho being the oldest boy. When ten jears oldthoy wore living in Iho city of Davenport , and in order to lessen bin mother's bur den with caring for so many on meager moans , ho got her consent to seek work on n farm where ho could support himuulf. lie necurod a place in a farm homo Hovural miloH in the country where ho re- | IDained for three years for his board and olotliH. Ho then secured n job through harvest in wh'uh ' he earned $54. lie feeding the need ol an education bought au ax and buck saw went to sawing wood and Jcopt liiiUHelf in Hchool until graduating from u city high hohooi , and .iffcor- wards attended college at Iowa City and Gnniioll. August 10,1801 boon- listed in Co. 13. 2nd Iowa cavalry. Having sustained a rupture ho was discharged lor disability and roturu. t'd homo. Ho acted aa drill master un til Oct. 1802 , when ho again onliiU- . ed i'i Co. t 20 Iowa loft , but rtis re jected bv the examing phjaoian , Boi.ig . determined not tj be h f t out ontirly ho went with hU Co. nouth , and was given the position of as sist nil provo marshal under Provo nrrihfil Bakor. And when Gon. Grant was sent to Vioksburg , ho was detailed thore-on speenal duty. It wan ho and Noble Pornn that looked out the route for Gon. Grant on .hat memorable siege * of 1803. lie was then Hunt north on provo duly with headquarters at Olnoy Ills , wlioro he served until 1805 , After the cloae of the war ho loca ted at Lyons losva where he started a wholesale feed and implement store. Bo remained there until 1873 , when ho moved to Crawford fJmintv Iowa and started a stock m ranoho. The rapid settlement of that county so greatly enhiuoed the land of thiit vicinity thai lie dis posed of his land , at § 55 an acre and | came to Nebraska in 1879 and located 1 on thn middle Louptin Cm- tor ( cotintv wlure Sargent now stands. In 1883 ho was a member of the state legislature , having been elected roproaoutativo from Custer and Sherman counties. His wife died in 1883 at Sargent. Feeling L the necessity of providing bettor school ndvantJ gei tor bis children Dh ho moved to Lincoln where i'or year ho was Superintendent of the college farm. As the stock yards of Omaha were then established re- &igued bis position and wont into the stock commission business at Omaha whore ho remained until 1894 , when bo returned to Sargent. Since then ho has been engaged in farm iuf ; ai d stock rsHsiug , He helped or. , 'jiKa South Omaha aod was president/of / the first village board , mid was elected its first mayor at'cer S nth Omaha wasreorganised as n city , by a majority of over 100. This was at .a lime when there were 400 democratic votes to 110 republi can votcp. While in business in a Iowa ho read law as opportunity pro. aentcd and twenty-five years ago he paesed eximintioo and was ad mitted to the practice of law. lie ban been admitted to practice in both the state and fcdral courts in Nobraaka but lias never ougai od in the profession of law as a tjusineb Aa will bo seen from the foregoing he is a self made man in the ful eel nenao of the term. While ho is not termed rich he has largo property iutcroHts and is well to do in thi world's * goods. His attainments and succous > duo wholy to bib own efforts and marks him as ; man of more than ordinary ability Ho IP a man of largg executive ab ility , well posted on tbo ISBUPH of the day and is an able , logical and forcible public speaker and if elect ed will make an elliuienl president of the senate. The power of woman in politics was shown at the Sioux Falls convention vontion in the influence exerted over that hody by the woman dele gates from thu western atatep. Mrs.Bigolow , of Lincoln was the first to present Iho names of Bryan and Towno conjointly to the con vention. It was while waiting ou the resolution committee that she improved the opportunity to press her self on the question of nominating a vice president. The male delegate * hud not b < : en able to agree upon that .question. Doing impatient with fcbo wangle s gained the floor and stated that "if you men eau not take hold of this question for heavens ako turn it over to us women and go home and organiza your women and wo will show Vou how we will elect Brynu , Wo of Nebiaska have go : it into our heads that there is nothing in Min nesota but one grand magnificent Towno. , , . Thcsontmiinont met the hearty apparo of the convention. It was Annie Diggft of Kansas who kill- ( * d the boom of Adlai Stevenson for vice president. Col. Mat Fitizgcald of West Virginia was there to soouro the nomination of Stevenson for second place on the ticket ; when ho remarked that Stovonson'H nomination wolud bring 1,000,000 to the democratic campaign fund the populist felt very muoh inclined to him. But when the tempting moraol reached the oars of Annie .she sallied forth in her red fihirt wfliflt and shontod "Nixiol Nixie ! , hat'e the voioo of Gorman and the ntid of oiunorn democrats , no SteveiiHon in ours. " The effect was electrical and Fitzgerald loft for iomo on the first train. Bryan did not succeed in gotting. tlio SouU FaHs convention to leave the place of the vice-presi dent vacant on thu ticket , but bis henohmon got Towno , the nominee to agree to withdraw from the tick et after the 4th of July in case ho was not endorsed'by the democrats , The RKPUPJ.IOAN predicts that Towne will have to withdraw which will leave the pcpulistn without a candidate aa Bryan's waa nominated us a democrat and will not accept the nomination unll the democrats nominate him. I'reu Complexion lIcauttKlur We want every lady. leader of the ci'imucAN to try Dwi lit's Com plexion beaut.fitr , the most exqui site toilet preparation. It is pure and humloeamakcB ! ( ho face smooth as velvet and fur aa alabaster. To induce a fair trial of it we will for a shoit time only send FKKK a full sixw , Fifty cent box to every lady who will pond us her post oflioe ad dress silver dime to pay for packing and postage. Only ono PKBR box to each address but ladies may order for their friends. Each box mailed M'parately. Snid this notice and your order at ONCK to D , W. CUSTEK itCo. , Huntmgton W. Va. 1 WHS reacliuif mi advertisement of la-n'o - Colic , Cholera and Diarr hoea U' medy In 'he Worcester Enter prise iceentlvh ) cii lends mo to write this. I CPU truthfully Miy 1 never used Hiiy renrd.y tqjal to It HT colic -and dl- ut'iho a , J titiVt1 novf-r liad to use more ilmn mott two doses to cuie the worst cnsa wah myeoll or children.V \ A. S rotul P. pomoko City , Md. For enle by all Druggleta. ( Mil At up1 Xomo. If you want information about the CAPO Nome country , how to got there nud whst it costs , write toj. Francis Gun- era ! Passenger Agent. I ! & M It R 1C in Nebraska. Oma'ia ' 1U > 'othiiif , ' Like It. Vou should remenibei that no other medicine \ like Shiloh's Con * suption Cure in any respect. If other remedies have failed to relieve A Jw your cough or cold , that is all the' > * t more reason why you frhoJd try ' , Shiloh's. Always sold under a { positive guarantee. If it does not help you , the druggist must give back your money. 25ct0. , 50ots and $1.00 a bottle. s ot Money. I Thrown away by women annually { in the purchase of cosmeticc , lotione I and powders , none of which ovei ( accomplis its objout. Beauty de pends ou healthy blood and good digestion , such as Karl's Clovci Root Tea guarantees you for'25cce. and 50otB. per package. Take it and we guarantee your complexion. "A woid to the wise In euiDciont" and n word from the wise should bo EUllhi- ent , hut you abk. who are the wiseT Those who know. The oft repented ex- poilenoe ot trustworthy persons may be tuken for knowledge. Air.V . M Teny sajs ChRtnburlam'a Ooti h Remedy gives butter satisfaction than nry other in the market. He has boon lu the drug bnal- nees uiElkton , icy. , lor twelve years hos'BOld hundreds of bottles of this rem edy iud nciily nil other coufllimeuicinea mnmifaetured. whlcu shows conclusive ly tl'fit CimmburJuiti'd ie the most satlrf- factory to thi- people , mid is the be.-jg Per saie by all Drnc i-ts " COLT STUAYKU From my prom- H several weeks a o a lignt bay , with white fund legs below knoee , coming yearling. . Information of him will be appreciated. G T. Worse Than War. llundicdM are killed in war. hut hnndieds of thousands are killed by I consumption. There would bo no I deaths at nil oaufecl by this terrible dineate. Ii people could be made to understand that Shiloh's Cough and Consumption cure is a sure euro remedy if taken in the early stages. 25 els. , 50 ots. and $1.00 a bottle. Druggists will return the money if a cure is not affected. jTurlingfon Itoiito Through Sleeping Cars to San Francisco. No ohaugeB-uo dolaye-ivo chance of missing connections if you go to California via the Burlington Route. The Burlington runs through sloeq. ing cars Omaha , Lincoln" aud Has tings , to Salt Lake City and San Francisco , daily. Dining cars all the wuy. Library cars west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the world. See nearest Burlington tiokil agentor write J. Francis , G. P. & Omaha , Nebraska. )