Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 03, 1900, Image 1

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Tier. ) Is it dlvlduallty nbont eyeglasses
tbo painc RB dropo. Not everyone can bo
I fitted with tlio Bttu o rlli ) and spring , lie-
eldes , eye glares should be built to fit tliu
face becomingly , ana a small tcntnrcil
pomon noedn a different sized lens olc.
than tbe man with a broad fncu. I make J
cyci'laepo to f.t each individual , nnd
cturgo no more than yea par far ready
made Block.
! Graduate of Culcatro Optualmlc College.
< flP |
8 $ This is the season of the l'i"- !
S.- * -V
jlijS year , farmers should bo : ay
thinking of protecting their & ?
crops against hail storms. y
The way to do this is to ? ? ;
take out a policy of inaur- & ! j
anee in the old and reliable ? }
St. Paul Fire & Marino In $
suranco Co. of St. Paul , % ifi
Minn. Their company has
jSJj been writing Hail Insur- ? ? , .
3jV ° * * - /
jjIsH anco for sixteen years and y
| jj | | is thoroughly reliable and ji'jjf
- ' ?
W. D. Blackwell , Agent
AtJFarmer's Bank.
The Latest
C *
- : - .Paper
. G. Haeberle s.
cxa 58
0) )
hH 01B
hfo ( B
fo 0
Business Pointers.
See our new whips and prict
them , R. G. CAUU ,
West Union.
Fresl * homemade broad for salt
at Farmer's Restaurant , third dooi
north of post otlioe , Broken Bow
EBTBAYBU Span black mules ,
medium size , one a mare and one o
horse mule ; estrayud from my place
{ en miles north of Milburn. Findei
please notify r&e at Brewstor.
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , Broknn
Freeh Sassafrass at.
Boy' * and children's suits ot the
latcfll patterns at VV.ll. Pcnn & Co'e
Patent Medlones at thu
PABTUUKU Tliroo inilcB
southwest of town , during spring
and summer. 4t pd.
Pepuin Gum , two packages lur u
Glnss Ware and 'lui Ware cheaper
thati over at the RACKKT STORK
Remember that another invoice
of t rgaiiH will bo iu thia week , in
oak cases. See them before buy
ing. A.W. DKAKF.
Wo carry everything usually kept
in a general store. 12 good turn ,
biers for 24 cents.
It. 'T..CAUR , West Union.
YUM ! Wo got something now
every day at low prices. Wo will
sell good * higher next tail.
li. G. CAKII , West Union.
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever -
ever ; " so are those chefoniorres at
A. W. Drake's.
,1 ust received , a nice line of spring
hats at W. H. Penn & Go's.
Spring is here ! Drink Ssssafrass
Pen for your blood.
Ladies Dress Skirts $1.72 to
$2.50 at the RACKET STORK.
You can save money by buying-
joods of R. G. Carr , at the West
iJnion mills.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. when in need of an ab
stract of title. E. Royso abstractor.
stamps , 33 for 25c ; at U.L. Fiazier'd
Htudio , yotit side square.
CitfTiVoV * ( ill/ coal at Dierks
[ jiiinbor vo. )
Write llayden Bros. , Omaha ,
Wholesale Supply House for prises
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
New frames and mouldings for
spnng trade ; some of the finest ever
shown hero ; all at low prices and
some atill lower. At A. W. Drake's.
WALL PAPER All now and
artistic designs. All 1000 paterns
Tapestry and Chenille Stand
Covers at 75 and 85 cents , worth
$1.50 at fhe RACKET STORK.
WANTKD Twenty-five betting
hens. .Address combination box
74 , Broken Bow , Neb.
The rain has come ; so have A.
W. Drake's folding beds. Call and
see them.
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. E. Royso abstractor.
Geo. Ilout/ can show some of the
best work of papering done iu the
city this spring. If you want a
line ! > nd economical job of papering
or painting call on Gco. Hontz.
Residence west of Catholic church.
shoes , Ladies shoes , children's
shoes , in fact shoes for everybody.
Plow bhoes , vici kid shoes , Ladies
fine dress shoe , Ladies Oxfords
of all styles , Bicycle shoes , Tennis
shoes. 'J he Larg-es variety. The
Largest stock and the Largest
Bargains in shoes , in Custer
County at the RACKKT STORK ,
South East corner , Broken Bow ,
Good trunks of sixes and prices
to suit at W. II. Penn & Co's. Call
and see them.
Yob ! We still have Harness at
very low prices. Well , , what oddfi
does it make to you how we get
our goods. It. G. CAIHI ,
Those dandy snap locks , polec
and curtains are just in. All bizet
and lengths at A. W. Drake's.
Tablets , Pencils , Writing Papei
and Envelopes , cheaper than ovei
W. 1J. Penn & Co. have just re
ceived a new line of clothing for
the spring trade ,
for Hale.
The William E. Weokcrly farm ,
northeast quarter , section twenty *
three , township thirteen , north of
range nineteen , west 0 principal
meridian , 0 room frame house , small
granary , sod Btablo , windmill and
good well. Forty acres in pasture ,
ninoty-nvo acres in cultivation , bal
ance unbroken.
3 8 Broken Bow Nebr.
FAUM FOB SALK : At Upton ,
100 acres of peed farm land , 80
acres in cultivation rnd the rent
fenced in pasture , with three wires.
Good four room , sod house ; corn
crib and grainory , each 12x10 feel ,
connected ; stable and chicken
hoiiBo etc. For particulars call on
J. J Snyder , Broken Bow , or
Stopho" lv > lcox , on premises.85-3m
Do you want a fine table ? Look
at the Wisconsin , ball bearing slides ,
massive carved bracket legs , a child
can open and clone it , A.W. Drake.
for a few horses in my pasture , 4J
miles northeast of town. Plenty
of grass and water.M.
STRAYED Saturday , April 28th ,
one small bay mare four years old ,
one white hind foot and some white
in face ; weight about 800.
Local Mention.
Campbell Bros. ' big show was at
Callaway Tuesday.
S. S. McConnell of Georgetown
is in the oily to day.
Anyone.wishing parasols repaired
leave them at A. W. Drake's.
Bishop Graves , of the Episcopal
church , spent Sunday in the city.
S. Powell , of Weiasert , wae
among our welcome callers yester
Leroy E. St. John has recently
become the editor and proprietor of
the Grant County Tribune.
J. A. Amsberry , of Mason City ,
attended the sale of registered Poll
AngUB cattle at Omaha Tuesday.
Theo. A. Miller of the Merna Sun
was among the number , from Mcrna
in attendance at the May party last
W. II. Osborne Jr. has sold his
bakery to A Wallace. The latter
took possession of his now purchase
The May party given last even *
ing by the Harmony Orchestra was
well attended , and a splendid time
is reported.
Edaon Palmer has accepted a po
sition with the B. & M. company
in the engine department in the
Lincoln yards.
The horao races that were to have
taken place last Saturday at the
fair ground have boon postponed
until May H4th.
Wo acknowledge a pleasant call
from H. M. llanaford , the genial
advance agent of the Louise Bro.
hany Co. , last Monday.
Araa Amsborry olosed her eight
months term of school at Dunning
last Friday , with an exhibition iu
the evening. She returned home
Monday morning.
11. W. Hammond , living aouth
west of town , was a pleasant caller
Monday. Mr. Hammond is a late
arrival from Missouri , having moved
here this spring.
The late dampness played havoc
with the bridges and grading along
the creek , and street oommisaiouer
Towsley has been kept busy re
pairing the damage.
extTudt-d a cordial invitation to at.
tend the preaching sorvioeu at the
Baptist Church next Sutday morn
ing at 11 o'clock and evening at
7:30 o'clock.
While at Lincoln this week the
writer mot Harry DeMorrilt , a for
mer Broken Bow boy , who is now
located iu Rock county. He says
his parents are in Boyd county , bu
contemplate moving south soon.
The Cnstor county Sunday sohoo
convention will be held iu Broken
Bow in the Presbyterian uhurcl
June 4th , Cth and Oth. The com
mittee is aiming to get the bes
Sunday school talent of the state to
give addresses. The peop.'e o
Custer county are requested to
unite to make this convention a
success. The speakers will be an
nounced later.
The change came onshcdulo time
with the B & M on the 20 ult and
now wo got the State Journal on
the day of its publication at 7a nv
It arrives hero at 4.14 and is in the
hands of its patrons in Broken Bow
as soon as it is at Lincoln.
The goods of Rov. S. W. Richards -
ards , now ppstor of the Baptist
church , arrived yesterday. Ho is
expected to arrive today with his
family and to occupy the pulpit in
thu Baptist uhuroh Sunday morn
ing and evening.
The meeting of the Federation of
the republican editors of the state
at the Lindell hotel Tuesday night
was largely attended , and some im
portant changes were made in the
by-laws , which is to the material
interest of all the republican edi
tors of the state.
1 ho subject of the sermon at the
Molhodist church next Sunday
morning will be : "Intentions. "
Evening theme , "Asleep on the
Track. " Good music will bo ren
dered at all these services. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all to
come to these services.
E.A. KNIGHT , Pastor.
Complaint ban boon made at this
oflico that parties are too carole s
in shooting firearms in the city
limits. Several instances were
cited'wherein pnrties have had nar
row escapes Irom being hit with
stray bullets. There was an ordi-
uanco adopted several years ago
against shooting in the city limits ,
and if the guilty ones are appro-
icudod they will discover that that
ordinance is still in force.
Among those who were in at-
ondauco at the state convention at
Lincoln this week from Custer Co.
were Mayor Royso. Chas. Peun ,
John Reese , Simon Cameron , fl. H.
Young , L. H. Jowott , Dr. W. E.
lalbot , H. F. Kennedy and D. M.
Amsberry of Broken Bow , Louis
laumont of Elton , D. M. Savillo of
Westerville , T. J. Wood , R. K.
Miller , P. U. Marlay and J. A.
Arnsberry of Mason City , H , W.
3eorge of Georgetown , Col. E. P.
Javago of Sargent , J , O. Taylor of
[ Jerwyn , and J , U. Chapman of Cal-
away. A number of the above
wore not delegates , but were inter
ested workers in the lobby.
When Ed Penn was arrested hero
a few months ago on the charge of
'orgory , by the sheriff ot Sootts
31uff county and taken to Goring ,
le made the remark that ho would
'bo back in a short time , " but near-
y everyone thought that this time
10 was destined to go to the pen
itentiary. In the district court
tiold at Goring last week his case
was called and on motion of do.
fendent was dismissed , there being
a flaw of some kind in the informa
tion. Ed hasn't yet shown up in
Broken Bow , but he writes his
friends that ho will bo back soon.
A tire at the hour of two o'clock
last Saturday morning destroyed
the barn at the rear of the property
occupied by Prof. Adamson , and
damaged the barna of Glen Johnson
and.Dr. Mullins. Only the prompt
work of the tire company saved
these structures , and probably sev
eral residences in the vicinity from
burning. The origin of the lire IP
wrapped m mystery ; it was raining
at the time , and had been for sev
eral days. Some thought at the
time that burglars had started the
Gie so as to operate unmolested in
another part of town , but if BO they
failed to operate. Doubtless a
tramp or two had sought refuge
from the rain , and in lighting a
pipe or something of the sort aoci.
dently set the fire. Prof. Adam *
son lost a uraall amount of telephone
material that ho had stored in the
Mustering hi Co. M.
On the occasion of the reorganiz
ing of Company 11. last Saturday
night the patriotism of the citizens
was again manifested by a large
attendance , the opera house being
well filled. The exercises were
opened with a song by a mixed
quartette , consisting of Messrs.
Jetts , Gadd and Mesdames Adamson -
son and Taylor. Mayor Royso
made a speech of welcome to the
distinguished guests , Gov. Poynter
and Adj , Gen. Barry. This was
followed with an introduction of
Gun. Barry , who after lining up
the members of tno company , ad
ministered to them the oath , The
company then proceeded to elect
their onrnmipsioned officers. V. 0.
Talbot was chosen for captain , W.
H , Oshorne , Jr. , 1st lieutenant and
II. F. Kennedy 2d lieutenant. They
were then commissioned by the
Made from most highly refined and
healthful ingredients.
Assures light , sweet , pure and
wholesome food.
Housekeepers must exercise care In buying bak
ing powders , to avoid alum. Alum powders are
sold cheap to catch the unwary , but alum is a poi
son , and its use in food seriously injures health.
adjutant general. Gcu. Barry
made them a short speech , con
gratulating thu company ii ( on Us
selection lor its superior oilicurs
Viho hud distinguished themselves
in active service in Luzon. Ho
also delivered a short speech to the
audience. Judge Sullivan was in
troduced and made one of his char ,
aotoribtio speeches , which was both
criticised and praised by mem
bers of his audience. A fine violin
solo was then rendered by G. B.
Root , who made his Grst appoar-
anoo before a Broken Bow audience
and was encored. A. R. Humph
rey was introduced and in his usual
happy manner entertained his audi
ence in his usual happy way , A
song was then rendered by MOH-
damoB Guttersou and Stuckoy ,
which met the hearty approval of
the large audience , and they were
encored , as each of the other mu
sicians had been. J. R. Doan , who
was introduced , made a happy
speech that met the hearty approval
of the entire audiouce. Governor
Poyntor , who was the last speaker
of the evening , was introduced and
in a short and patriotic speech won
the hearty applause of his hearers
and loft a good impression with all
who heard him. At the conclusion
of the program the governor was
tendered an informal reception , but
owing to the lateness of the hour a
largo majority of the audience re-
tmd. Among one of the most in.
terosting loatures of the oocabion
wae the spoooh of Mrs. C. Pickott ,
who responded to the "Soldier's
Mother. " Mrs. Pickott was a sol
dier's sister of the UO's and a sol
dier's mother of one of the boys in
the late Spanish-American war , and
was fully competent to speak upon
the subject from experience. Her
aderess was well received. The
program of the evening from he-
ginning to end was n success , and
all who were in attendance felt
well paid.
Change in tliu Broken How State Hank.
The latter pait of lawt week H.
G. Rogers , who for many years has
boon connected with the banking
interests of Broken Bow , closed out
bis interests in that line oi business
to Chas. E. Ford , a capitalist of
Omaha , and Victor B. Caldwell ,
cashier of the U. S. National Bank
of Lincoln. The now proprietors
now own $17,600 of the bank stock ,
which but a few months ago waf
reorganized with a capital stock of
$20,000. Mr. Ford has boon loin-
ing money in this county for sever
al months , and now has invested in
the county about $75,000 iu cattle
The uvp gentlemen
are suiil to represent a half million
dollars. They will cuuliuuc to
make a specialty of accommodating
parties who desire to invest in cat
tle. Mr. Buruham will retire as
president of the bank and will bo
succeeded by Mr. Ford. No other
changes in the management of the
bank is coutemp.atud , as butti
Messrs. Kimberlmg and Hoyl are
expected to continue in their res
pective places by the new owners.
Mr. Rogers has consented to con
tinue with the bank uatil thu iirsi
of June. As the Broken Bow
State Bank and us predecessor , the
b'irst National Bunk of Broken
13ow , have been regarded secure ,
there will bo no grounds to ques
tion its solidity under the new
management. There is an abund
ance of capital backing u. The RK
I'UUUOAN extends to thu new man
agement welcome to the business
interests of Broken Bow and hope
their new investment may prove of
mutual benefit to them and the vi
Meeting of Cemetery Truuiuus.
Broken Bow , April 80 , 1UOO.
The trustees ot the Cemetery As
sociation met pursuant to appoint- at thu otlice of city mayor to
elect otliceru for the ensuing year.
E. J. Pitluway W H elected chair
man of the meeting and the follow
ing otliccrs were elected : VV. H.
Otiborn , president ; Mrs. IneCrublo ,
vioe-president ; E. J. Pitlawuy , sec
retary ; Mrs. b. P. Richardsontreas-
urer. VV. 11. Osboru was appointed
sexton for the cemetery at $50 per
year ; he is to have the entire charge
of the wind mill and water , to sell
lots and keep the w.tlks cleaned ,
and collect all money now duo on
lots or that may beuome due here
after. Those who are now in ur-
roars will please call on W. H. Ou-
born or E. Royse , at the otlico of
the mayor. Boys and girls , old
and young , will please take notice
that if anyone is caught breaking
or destroying any property or dam
aging trees or flowers , will bo pros
ecuted very vigorously. VV. H.
Osborn will lake care of lots tor
anyone wishing his services , The
meeting adjourned until May 21st ,
at the ollioe of the mayor.
Convention Dates.
Republican Niillouul Convention ut 1'hllaJel-
phluJuuo IU.
Fubtou Nntlouul Convention at Stoat Falls
Junu U.
Pop HUto Convention UrmiJ Island Juuu 31 ,
1'up National Contention Cluclnuattl Jane 9 ,
Fusion Htato Convention Lincoln July 0.
Uemocruu National Contention Kanew City
July i.