r. > i . , . - LBhto Hint Librarian Soololf VOL , XVIII , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 5 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES- NO 42 V "I * . 1 "EYE DONTS- " 1s s > ' . > J Don't" fool" with jour eye * , If they bet > cr yots In any way como In and. I'll tell you what the trouble IB. Don't select your own glasses at the outset , bnt go to otm who hits rondo a Bludy of theoyohnd Us conditions. Thor ough examinations free of charge Don't "think you need Rlaeees" because eomo friend has told yon BO If yonr eyes bare gotten BO UP J that yon nro telling friends about thorn they may need tbn IM MEDIATE attention of a competent Optl- d n. J Graduate of Chicago Opthalmlo College. Clinton Day , I'HVBICIAN AND BUWOKO3S , Broken Bow , Neb. ' . Resly Office over Kyorson's grocery. denco G'.h noueo west of Baptist church. CTT A. THOft ) ? 50N. CONTKACTOH ANU BU1LDKR. X jjjf-plnnB and cellmates on abort no tice. Broken Bow , Neb. . Dr. Chas. L. Muliins , PHYSICIAN A.ND SUIIOEON. 3d stairway from wet > t endiu Realty block ; residence , 3rd west M. E. church , same side of street. OAMKUON &KEKSK , ATTORNEYS & .COUN8ELLOR9 AT LAW. KOI ms.8-9 Realty block , Urokon Uow , Neb. PENN & DOBBIS , BLACKSMITHS. All jcinda of work in our lice done promptly and In Oral-class order. Red Shop on the corner , west of the none bouse. Give us a trial. FABU FOB SALE ; At Upton , 100 acres cf good farm land , 80 aorea in cultivation cud tbe real fenced in pasture , with three wires. Good four room , sod bouse ; corn oribaud grainery , oacb 12x10 feel , connected ; stable and chicken houio etc. For particulars call on J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or Stephen Wiloox , on premises.35-3tu MARKET REPORT. * 2 45t Whtat „ 30 < . U rUj 30 0 t . . 3D Corn , 41 K7 It. UntUr 8 Bggi Potatoes. . . . . . 30 : 1' Onions H Cblcktns , 1 Obuv 44.-4B Hogi 3 A , Gown 'id Steer * „ , . Turkeys lOCtrt Hltt W B.OO pe 101 SBKDS ! SEEDS ! All kinds of seeds. Bulk seeds package seeds field seeds. Alfalfa millet and cane seed. Seedsweet atd field corn. Remember we have seeds to sow and to sell. PEALE AND JOHN The Grocers , wholesale and retail. SHOBS ! SHOBSI SHOKS ! Metis shoes , Ladies shoes , children's shoes , in fact shoes for everybody. Plow shoes , vici kid shoes , Ladies fine dress shoe , Ladies Oxfords of all styles , Bicycle shoes , Tennis shoes. ' 1 he Larges variety. The Largest stock and the Largest Bargains in shoes , in Custei County at the RACKRT STOKB , South Eastcornor , Broken Bow , Nebraska. Boy'u and children's suits oi the atest patterns at W.H. Penn & Co'i Local Mention. I Two improved farms for rent. BANK ov COMMURCK. Dr. T , W. Bass , dentist , Broken Bow. Fresh Saesafrass at. WlLKINS PUAIIMAOT. J. H. Chapman wes over from Callaway Ftiday. D' W. Thompson , headquarters for gasoline stoves. C. M. Blowers of mold , was circulating in the oity Friday. See our new whips and price them , R. G. OAHU , West Union. Chas. Davis , of Lillian , made this ofliue a friendly call yesterday. Arthur Crookaley of Weissert , made this office a friendly call Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Glaze , of Me ( Jook , are visiting with their par- Mr. and Mrs E. D. Glaze. ; Ladies Dress Skirts $1.72 to $2.50 at the RACKKT STORK. You cau save money by buying goods of K. G. Carr , at the vv est Union mills. Pruaohiug at Church of Christ ritiudu ) , April 8 , 11 u. in. { Subject "Oov\ardd. " 8 p. m , Union f obildidu. Evoiyouo invited. T. 15. Mo DONALD. \V . P. Rogers returned Tuesday night troui Ottumwa , Iowa , where he was called a short time ago on account < i the siokufcbs ot hit ) inoiuur , who died soon alter he got inure. Rev. E. A. Knight will preach Friday evening at the Epincopul church. Jliib will complete the opeunl courou ot Leuteu oennuuH by vuitiug uiiuisters. Alaigecon gioyation is hoped for. Yee ! We still have Harness at very low imuea. Well , what oddb doea it make to you how wo get our goods. R. G. CAUU , West Union. VV. 11. Penu & Co.havo just re ceived a new hue of clothing for the hpruig trade J. O. lalor inform * us that J. L. Juukhon , who a lew years agu weJit to Oklahoma , has juut mailed for Canada , and that Dee Melville , Nun Trip ett , Elmer Drake , Unas. Davidson and S. D. Gier will leave next Monday for the Britidu L. F. Hammond of Nodaway county , Missouri , who owns a seo- tiou ot Custor county land arrived in the c ty Tuesday night. Ho has two quarters of laud on the west table and half section in Union Valley , west of town. His son , H \V. , has located on the Union Val ley farm and will make bis home with us , For suits , iron and wood beds , rockers , cots , springs , tablesstands , etc. , call on A. W. Drake , west gido square. Tablets , Pencils , Writing Papei and Envelopes , cheaper than eve at the RACKET STOBE. The trial of the whiskey and gambling cases from Sargent and West Union last Thursday and b iiday in the county court resulted m the release ol Dr. Waynick and Jacob Honeycutt , of Sargent , and Dr. VVambuley and tfnmb , of Webt Union. Dr. Martin and L. A. tiuribu' , ot Sargent , were bound over to the district court. Chaplain Mailley's leoturo Mon * d y night on the Philippine islands waa both instruct.ve and interest ing I lie uio ul uhilu ' .Mr wa not , id large as u hhouki i ave been It is reported that some parties in town undertook to make U a failure bj circulating stones derogatory to the meeting in order to prejudice in many as posciblo from attending , which did not. fail in having us in fluence. Such dastardly proceed ings sliow how low some oan stoop to satisfy their prejudice. But with all the opposition the receipt ? were autlicieut to meet the expense * and loft Co. M. , for whose bonotii it was given , a nice little nurplas Good tninkfi of sizes and prioei to suit at W. H. Penn & Co's. Cal and see them. Cannon City coal at Dierk Lumber Co. Patent MmlinnpH at the RAOICUT STOUB 35 stamp photos 26 cents , at Jangs' studio. bi Drake of Samnor , made thin office a friendly call Friday. Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a niokol at WILKINB' PHABMAOY , GUss Ware and Tin Ware cheaper ban over at the RACKET STORE G. VV. MoKeo of West Union , tindly remembered this office laut Friday. Wo oarrv everything usually kept n a general store. 12 good turn. > lers for 24 cents. R. ( } . CABR , West Union. Mrs. D. M. Amsborry returned Monday night from Iowa , whore she was called three weeks ago by he serious illness of her father , who died the next day after oho ar rived there , COLT STBAYKD From my prem- ees ueveral weeks ago a lignt bay , with white hind legs below knees , coming yearling. Information of Jim will bo appreciated. G T. ROBINSON. Yesl We get something now. every day at low prices. Wo will ell goods higher next iall. R. G. CAHK , West Union. FOB SALE Two cheap second mud coru planners , one check ro ver aud wire ut old Star breeding bum , Call aud inspect our breeding stuck of live staliiouc and two jack * ; more o come. We remain yours , WANTZ & THOMPSON , Props. All members of the Broken BOM ilgh school allumni antioiiiatiou aio equet > ted tu meet at the residence of Dr. C. Pick * , it Saturday evening , April 7th , tu arrange lor the recep tion of the class of 1000. President. PIOK.KTT. X lUQIUUUl. ITIUKJ&J..L . . . . , On another page o this issue we publish the program of the Easter Concert to be given by the Harmony Band and Orchestra" on Monday April 10. 'Ihe pro ceeds of this concert are to go toward buying new instruments and music , i he boys have prepared good and a pared a program large crowd should greet them. Price o admition-is SScts. Children - ren IScts. Juut received , a nice line uf spring hats at W.H. Penu & Co's. Spring is berel Drink Skssafrass Tea for your blood. WlLKlNS PlIABMAOY. J. W. Hartley , a former resident of this county and at one time a member of the county board , who for several years has been residing at Lincoln , died at the home of hir son , A. B. Hartley , on the Middle Loup last Sunday. Ho waa up on a visit. On coming out ho con tracted a cold which , resulting in pneumonia , took him away. Mr , Hartley was a man who enjoyed the high esteem of his neighbors , and had been an energetio business man. The bereaved relatives have the sincere sympathy uf their man ; friends in thtir bereavement. Agricultural implements of all kinds two car loads. Remembei the north bide. D.W. THOMPSON. . STBAYED A bay pony with three white feel and white stripe in face ; had on a blue web halter ; weight about 850 pounds. W.D. GUANT. Now Lunch Room and Confectionary Mike Scanlou will open up his lunch room and candy store next wot-k , north side , first door south of Wileon & Drake's. Union pralHe Hervlcen Union Praise services will be held Sunday evening under the auspices of all the churches in the M. E church. All are cord ially invited. Episcopal Church. April 8th Palm Sunday morn ing service as usual. In the evening - ing the oongregatnn will unite with tliH other churches in the service of thdukHgiving at the M. E. church. When ordering bread of youi grocer call for Qjborn's bread and insist upon getting it. 2t WANTED To buy western farm , wild land ; alao a ranch. Have foi exchange eight head spotted Shet land ponies. S , M. MoLAiN , Foireston , III. Job printing at this office. Good Saddle pony for sale. ui22 tf A. T , SEYIIOLT. WALL PAPER All now and artistic designs. All 1000 patorns at J , C. BOWENB. A. W. Drake is handling now organs , Kimbal and Hospo. None better. Call and BOO tliotn. Fresh homo made bread , pica and oaka always on hand , at Osborus bakery , west side of the square Tapestry and Chenille Stand Covers at 75 and 85 cents , worth $1.50 at fhe RACKET STORK. Frosb homemade broad for Halo at Farmer's Restaurant , third door north of post office , Broken Bow , Neb. and nobbiest patterns of centre tables , at A. W. Drake's. Six differcst styles ; prices to suit everyone. Have you a good likeness of your self ? They are cheap at Bangs' studio ; cabinets , $2 per dozen. Paints ! Points ! Paints ! When in need of good paints don't forgot to call on mo. Will certainly please you. D.W. THOMPSON , North sido. The Political Equality Club will moot at the office of Dr. C. Piokott Saturday evening , April 7 , ut 7:30 o'clock. Mns. E TAYLOB , Soc'y. Egg * For Hatching. Choice bard Plymouth Rook eggs for sale at * 1 per fifteen. Tire setting * $1.75. Two miles west of oity , W. M. VANNIOE , tf Broken Bow , Nob. Cabinet Photon # z oo ier Dozen. Being confident that my work is as good as that of my compet itors , I will not go below them , but am prepared to keep place with them in "cutting prices. " Please compare our work. West side , square. H. L. FRAZIBR. Side Tracked. Two car loads of Farm Imple ments , such as cultivators , plows harrows , etc. , were delivered to D. W. Thompson ; call and see them. My place of business is on the north side. PLYMOUTH ROCK AND BROWN LKQ * HORN BOOB , Single oomb Bard Plymouth Rook and single oomb brown Leg * horn's ; fine as silk. Eggs , fifteen for 75 cents. Leave orders at Peale & John's. Standard bred ; will pro * duoe credentials ; eggs cheaper aftoi Juno. tf Quo. PAPINEAU. Baptist Aid Social. The social given last Tuesday night at the homo of Dr. Day was qintu a success. The attendance was quite large and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. An interesting part of the program was the recital of some of the members in tolling how the'y had earned their dollar to contribute to the oarpet and seat fund. Refreshments were served. The receipts amounted to over $25 , ul A Married At the home of the bride's parents near Merna , Miss Dcodie Eolloy to Mr. Frank Coover , Rev. Graham officiating. On March 28th , a large number of relatives ga'hered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kelley to wit ness the marriage of ttnir daughter Deedie , to Frank Coover of Broken Bow. The groom is one of Custer county's industiious farmers and is a young man of sterling qualities and is highly esteemed by all his aHimiatPH. The bride H a young i iy , At 1 aortliy ol thu pr.z ne lias won. ChiH. K > 'lley , brother of tbe bride was croomeman and Mis * blU UIIUU TTua til lonay Foley bridesmaid. After the partook of a ceremony toe guents splendid dinner of wbioh everything wan bountiful. On account of sick- ' an iu > nuns of the groom's parents fare dinner was given on the 90th , at their h < mo at which all enjoyed a pleasant time. The happy couple will spend tbe future year on the old Robb farm near Berwyn. Thny received many useful presents which are too numerous to mention. The writer wishes them a happy voyage through life. JWrite Hayden Bros. , Omaha. Wholesale Supply House for prtaot and samples. 2 3 lyr. . P0D E Absolutely Makes light , flaky , delicious hot biscuits , rolls , muffins and crusts. Makes hot bread wholesome. These are qualities peculiar to it alone. I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. C. GORJU , lute Chef Delmonlco's. nOYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO. , 108 WILLIAM QT. , NCW YOtlK. DIBD Mother and child , Thursday , March 2' ' ) , Mrs , Murphy and child , wife and babiu of Daniel Murphy of Seneca. 'Iho child waa born on 'ho 25 nit. and as a rotmlt ot uoufijcmont the mother grow worse and the last thirty BIZ hours before lior death was unconscious and did not know that her babe for which she BO BOOH rnuHt give up bur life bad proceeded bur in death BIZ hours. The mother died at cne o'clock p.m. at the Ago of twenty five and the babe at BPVOD a.m. Since March the 1C Mrs. Murphy had boon in the city at the homo of Mrs. J. 3. BalHoh , and her mother-in-law , Mrs , Murphy , of , Trontion Nob. , was also with her in her confinment. Her maiden narao was Laffurty ana Bhe was married to Mr. Murphy at Sheridan Wyoming , last June. Mr Murphy IB Road Master of the B. & M. R. B. between Raveua and Seneca Nob. The funeral services were conducted at the Catholic church , Saturday , March 31 , at 10 o'clock a.m. by Father Flannigan of Dale. The attendance at the tervioeR wore largo and an able dis course wan delevored. Their re mains wore laid to rest in the St. Joseph cemetery just west of the city. Mr. Murphy and relataives have the sincere sympathy of the community in their great bereave ment. There were a number present at the funeral from a distance , the fol lowing is a list : Mrs. Walsh , an aunt cf Parker , or , Wy. Mrs. Mnllins , a sister , Mr. Mullms and Jas. Lafftrty , a brother of Sheridan Wy. Mr. and Mrs. J. P Reardon J. 0. Birdsell , and Mr , Molutyro of Alliance ; Mr. and Mrs. Lambert and Q. A. Dunlap of Edg- mont , S. D. Moaners Norton and Ed Reardon of Alliance ; J. F. Flcm- miug and Mesdaraos Harris and Wyatt of Seneca. A brother of the and her mother ( ] ! uiHt'd in Chicly * ho liven in U n.ida i aid not be prehenl at thu funeral. Caret ot TliaiiUH I wish to extend my heart felt thanks to the many kind friends in Broken Bow , who lontabsistanco and sympathy during the recent sickness and death of my beloved wife and little one- D. MOBPIIY , OBITUAIIY. DIED March 31 , 1000 , at George town Nob. , Mrs. Ollie Mason , 1 month and 4 age 22 years , days' The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Williams ; she was born in Worth county Mo ; she was married February 10 1808 to James Mason , and they lived in Bullalo county until fall when they moved back to Ouster county v/heru she has always lived since she wau six years old. Sue leaves a hut- band , a little ttou , Everett 10 mouths old , father , luothtr , two brothers and throe sisters to mourn her loss ; they were all present at her bed side except one sister who lives in Hayes county. Two little girls were born to them on March aits ; ono died on the 23rd and the 30th , both are hurried in the same little coflin in the Boxolder oomo- tury. At the request of the duueatt- ed her body was taken to Ausley where services wen held in the Methodist ohuroh , Rev. Forsyth officiating , and she wau laid to real beside her brother in the Ausley oemuntery. She also requested that her babies bo taken and laid beside her. Bhu tulUotl to thorn all , Told tlioiu nil wtmt to do ; 81iu eaid silo WHH going For them ull to 1)0 true. Anil at last elie would meat thorn They would ull bo togolbor , Whuro no imttlu cau come , Whuro nothing can sorer. Shu would follow hur buUldd And be with hur hrolhur , For llieiu not to mourn Hut to lovu onu imulhur , Aud Iceop ouch to bjar Life's Borrows oad care Try to iiiaUo uach UMO happy , Thin \viib hur prayer. Curu of . We wish to express through the REPUULICAN our sincere thanks to Dr. Hannah , Mrs. Isaac Mason and all others who so kindly assisted during the recent illness of our loved ono and wo also thank Rav. Forayth nnd the people of Ansloy for their kindness and us a ot the church. JAHKB MASON , Mu. ANU Mas Guo WILLIAMS. Card or rtuiuUH. To our many frionda and noigli- bors who so kindly assisted us dur ing the illuoss of our baloved fath- thauka. I'oartfolt ur , wo oiler our ' A. B. HARTLEY , FLOHA B. HARTLEY. Worse Than War. Hundreds are killed in war. but hundreds of thousands are killed by consumption. There would be no deaths at all oaufed by this terr.blo disease. If people could be made to understand that Sluloh'a Cough and Consumption cure is a sure cure remedy if taken in the early stages. 25 oln. , 60 ots. and $1.00 a will return the bottle. Druggists money if a cure is not affected. Just received , two carloads of farm machinery. Come and see mo. D , W , THOMPSON *