CUSTES COUNTY REfflBLICAN D. Bt ABISDltUUY.Vubllilior. BBOKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. TIIE NEWS IN BRIEF. Perry ( J. Kcnnard of Illinois 1ms been appointed assistant paymaster in the uavy. V The Havana cabinet has decided to establish one High school In each prov ince In Cuba. At Barcelona , Spain , an epidemic ol grip has seized the town nmf the mor tality Is Increased. Roland Heed , who IH a patient In St. Lukes' hospital , New York city , con tinues to improve. Prominent republicans of Iowa nro Insisting that ex-Governor Shaw bo nominated for vlco president. The Chicago Union Traction com pany will In the near future Inaugurate u buffet service on street cart ) . Thp 1,800 employes of the Lchlgh Valley Coal company are notified of tin Increase of 2 per cent In their wages. This year's fnmlno In India covers an area of 350,000 square miles , on which la a population of 30,000,000 souls. Northwestern broom manufacturers , nftcr a conference , have decided to advance - vance prices from 23 to 50 cents per dozen. The hoard of regents of the Nevada state university has declared vacant the chair of physics , occupied by J. W. Philips. Governor Scoflcld of Wisconsin has ordered closed the dena of vice in the village of Hurley , where the local of ficers refused to act. James A. Gates of inwood , Tn. , has boon appointed a teacher at the Ya- klmn , vv"nsh. , Indian school ; John S. Stamps of Seymour , la. , at Lemhl , Idaho. Orders have been Issued formally detaching Captain Slgsbco from the command of the Texas and assigning him to the head of naval Intelligence bureau. Miss Helen Gould has contributed $50,000 to aid the building of a now homo for the naval branch of the Young Men's Christian association in Brooklyn. President and Mrs. McKlnley enter tained the members of the dpilomatlc corps at u Btato dinner at the White house. Covers were laid for seventy- eight persons. Contracts have been closed at Pueblo ' 01 the opening of undeveloped iron and coal lands , which promise an enormous output. Forty million tons of ore arc said to bo In sight. Aloyslua Frauenheln , president of the Plttsburg Brewing company and president of the Beobachtcr Publish ing company , died at Plttsburg , after a lingering illness. Mrs. M. J. Patterson , the only child of President Andrew Johnson , Is crit ically ill at her homo in Greenville , Tcnn. , and is not expected to live. She Is over 80 years old. Woman labor will be abolished In all factories where building material Is produced In Chicago , if a resolution passed by the Building Material Trades council can bo made effective. At Louisville , Ky. , a delegation lined' up nt the depot to moot W. J. Bryan. They expected to find him In the sleep ing car , but to their amazement he emerged from the cab of the locomo tive. tive.A A dispatch from Cambridge , Mass. , says : The international track meet ing between Yale , Harvard , Oxford and Cambridge universities In this country next spring now seems an absurd fact. The Burmese rlco crop has broken the record. Over 2,020,000 tons will bo available for export to foreign coun tries. Burmah la also able to supply a practically .unlimited quantity to the Indian famine district. Construction of the Nlcaraguan cn- nnl is to bo Insisted upon in both houses of congress without regard to the commission recently appointed by the president to consider the feasibil ity of the various routes. The retiring board summoned to Chicago cage to hear the case of Major Ham- * nier , recently ordered to Manila for duty asked to bo relieved from the ser vice , refused the major's request and ordered him baci > . to his post. The London Times had the follow ing from Odessa : "Tho army corps which has been quartered in the Kka- tprlnoslay district has been ordered to the Caucasus to replace thu Rus sian troops sent to the Afghan fron tier. " Senator Gear of Iowa was warmly congratulated by lowans upon his unanimous rcnomlnatlon for the sen ate. The congratulations were aQcom- panled by a large basket of American Beauty roses , which was placed on Mr. Gear's desk In the senate. Charles E. Marcrum , fromer United States consul nt Pretoria , who left Louronzo Marquesas January C. bound for Now York , landed at Naples. It is paid ho bears a letter from President Kruger to President McKlnley asking the latter to mediate between the Trcnavnal and Great Britain. the items of Western interest in the urgent deficiency bill nro the fol lowing : For support of the United States penitentiary at Fort Leaven- : worth , $9,000 ; townslto commissioners , Indian Territory , to pay all expenses incident to the survey , platting and appraisement ol townsltes in Choctaw , Chlckasaw , Creek and Cherokee na tions , $33GOO. Colonel Skinner , at Marseilles , re ports to the state department that the olive crop In Italy , Franco and Spain IP practically a failure. A settlement of the dlspuo between the Buffalo Express and the Buffalo Typographical union , which has lasted over two years , has been arrived at. Congressman Sherman of New York introduced a bill enlarging and de fining the powers heretofore conferred upon the Choctaw , Oklahoma & Gulf Mrs. Hannah J. Stetson , an actress known as Hannah Ingham , leading lady of the Murray Hill Theater stock com pany , died suddenly at New York , of apoplexy , aged 33 , At Daybronk Sunday Morning the Boors Renew Battle with Vigor. BRITISH DRIVE TIIE ENEMY BACK They iiro Credited AVItli Having Tnlci'ii 'Jhrco Hour PoHllliini During lli < > Ouy Army Illvouao ( in ( Iroiind Ciiuturcd Hour * HulTer Ilcuyy IOHM , SPEARMAN'S GAMP , Jan. 22. Aft er ten hours of continuous and terrible ble- fire yesterday , GcncrnlH Hart and Clcry advanced 1,000 yards. The Bourn maintained nn Irregular Hie during the night , hut the British outposts did not leply. This morning at daybreak the Boors Vliencd a stiff fire. The British stood to the guns where they had ulcpt and 4ho engagement was renewed vigorous ly. The field artillery poured shrap nel Into the enemy's trenches. A rumor that Ladysmith had been relieved enlivened the British , who sent up a ringing cheer. This was tak en for an advance. The llrat kopje was carried nt the point of the bayo net and the Boers retreated to the next kopje , which , like most others , was strewn with immense bouldera , mil-mounted by mounds on the sum mit. mit.Tho The British advanced steadily and the Uocrs relaxed slightly. The lat ter did not show such tenacity as pre viously. Their Nordenfoldt fired at long Intervals and their cannon ilred luvt Heldom. Apparently the Boers wore short of ammunition. All day the roar of musketry flro continued. The British teak thren Boor positions on the mountain and found shelter behind the liouldero. LONDON , Jan. 22. The Dally Tele graph has the following dispatch dat ed Saturday , from Spearman's camp : "General Warren's forces have fought a deliberately planned and iuc- ccssful battle. This important engage ment occurred to the west of Splon- kop , and practically resulted In our securing the rough tableland which constitutes the key to the Boer sit uation. "A fierce cannonade had been di rected against the enemy's lines for corno time , the British troops assem bled near nn eminence known na Three Tree hill , which forma the center of a semicircle of crests , crowned with the enemies' works and some nix miles long. Steadily and with great dash the British Infantry went forward In the face of a heavy fusillade from Mau ser rlllcs. Our trooos were disposed ns follows : "Major General Woodgate's brigade on the right , Major General Hart's brigade In the center and Major Gen eral Hlldyard's brigade on the loft. "Soon after midday the battle on the hill became furious and from 3 In the afternoon until C the flro from notn cannon and rifles was extremely heavy. Point after point of the one- my'u positions were seized by the Brit ish troops , and eventually the Boer right broke and was forced back to ward Splonkop. "Our force bivouacked upon the ground it captured so gallantly. Dur ing the action today the enemy brought into piny now guns , ono of which was a qulclc-flrcr. Tomorrow ought to settle the matter. In today's fighting our losses were trilling , but the Boers suffered heavily. "While General Warren was fighting his engagement an effectual demon stration was proceeding at Pdjgletcrs- drlft , the enemy's positions near there being vigorously shelled by the Brit ish batteries. DUELOW SPOKE KAISER'S WISH. ICinpcror in Accord WIlli Grout Jlrltnln'H IMittnodh. BERLIN , Jan. 22. There Is the best authority for the statement that those parts of Count von Buelow's speech in the Reichstag last Friday , when re plying to Herr Mooller's interpclla- tlom , which contained severe btrlc- tures upon the British policy and a veiled warning < to England , were duo to Emperor William's expressed wish. His majesty Is said to he "thorough ly iu accord with the nation In con demning Great Britain's manner of German vessels. " No AsiuriinccN of Canal. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22. It was stated tonight by officials authorized to speak that there is absolutely no basis for reports that the state department has received assurances from Costa Rica and Nicaragua of a willingness to lease territory to the United States for 'a hundred years or more for the construction of the Nlcaraguan canal Nicaragua , it la learned , has practical ly admitted , in principle , at least , that the doctrine of arbitration aa the means of settlement of any trouble between It and the Maritime Canal company growing out of the hitter's project for the construction for nn Isthmian canal. Wounded Killed by KiiKlUlt. BRUSSELS , Jan. 22. Dr. Lcyds in nn Interview hero declared that ho knew positively that wounded Boers 1-avo been killed by English soldiers. He says a friend of his own was thus killed by an English Lancer. Dr. Lcyds also complains bitterly that English authorities keep most of his letters and newspapers , but admits that ho receives letters by nn Indirect route. A. J. Valliimlljjlium . ST. LOUIS , Jan. 22. A. J. Valand- inghnm , commissioner of $ the St. Louis traffic bureau , died at his resl- idenco on Washington boulvevnrd nt 8:30 : o'clock tonight , of pneumonia. Ho had been In bad health for two weeks , over since his return from a trip to Washington , where ho caught n seVcro cold.Mr. Valandlngham had been commissioner of the St. Louis traffic bureau for several years , coming here from Kansas City , where ho held a similar position. Ho was well Icuown to railroad men all over the country. ROBERTS MUST GO , ANYHOW. Only it C'liolrn of llxrtiitlonerft In the 1'oljKiimoitn ConRrpHntnan' * CUM : . WASIHI.GTON , Jan. . Consider ation of the case of Brghnm H. Rob erts , Mormon representative-elect from I'tnli , wll bo the feature In the house ( his weak. Though both the majority and minority of the committee which In ventilated the CIIHO agree that Rob erts should not sit sis a member of the house on account of polygamous prac tices , there will bo a royal ntrugglo over tno question of procedure , upon which the committee has split. The case will bo called up on Tuca- day , and two , possibly three , days will be devoted to it. The majority of the committee hold that Roberts shoull be excluded while the minority con tend that ho be seated and then be ex pelled , baaing their argument for thlu course upon the ground that RoberU possesses all the constitutional qualifi cations for membership and that any attempt to exclude him upon the theory that congress has the power to aid to those qualifications , would on- tabllsh a dangerous precedent that might return it plague congress in the future. Llttloflold of Maine and Do Armond of Missouri , who presented the presented the minority report , Avlll make a strong fight and say they be- Hove they can convince a majority of the house that the course they advo cate Is the only proper ono to pursue. The mnjorty of the committee are con fident that they will bo backed by a mnjorlty of the house. Roberts ia expected to make a plea In his own defense. Should he be seat ed In accordance with the contention of the minority n resolution to expel him will bo immediately offered , and this doubtless will carry by an almost unanimous vote , although the majority In their report have insisted that , once seated , a member cannot bo expelled for ncta committed before ho was a member of the house. Tomorrow will bo devoted to District of Columbia matters , and Friday to eulogies upon the life and public ser vices of tlio late Vice President Ho- Imrt. Imrt.Tho The senate again this week will de vote Itself exclusively to specchmak- Ing. A variety of subjects will bo cov en cd. The fluiincinl bill will remain the unfinished business , but this senate will not be hold strictly to Its consider ation. Several act speeches probably will bo made upon It , among those who arc expected to apeak being Senators Cockroll , Daniel and Allen. No an nouncement has yet been made of speeches on the affirmative side of tno measure , but now that n day has been agreed upon for a vote It may bo ex pected that Bomo of the friends of the bill will speak In its defense. The first speech of the week will bo made immediately after the close oi. the routine business Monday morning by Senator Prltchard on his resolution declaring the proposed amendments to the constitution of North Carolina to be In contravention of the federal con stitution. IIo will be followed by Sen ator Turner In a prepared speech on the Philippine question. Tuesday Ross will ruldresB the senate on the applica tion of the constitution of the United States to Puerto Rico and the Philip pines archipelago. He will be followed on the same date by McEnory with n speech on the North Carolina constitu tional question. AFFAIRS AT MANIA. A 'Train of Fifty Cnimilrncentti to llo pltiil. MANILA , Jan. 22. The escort of fifty men of Company C , Thirtieth in fantry , Lieutenant Ralston commandIng - Ing , which was ambushed near Lipa , as already cabled , consisted of fifty convalescents from the hospital who were going to rejoin the regiment. The Insurgents hid In the bushes along the road and opened flro upon the pack train from three sides. The Americans , In addition to their casualties , were compelled to abandon the train , which consisted of twenty- two horses. The latter , with their packs , all fell Into the hands of the insurgents , who pursued the retreating escort for three miles along the road , until the Americans were reinforced. Mall advlcea from Negros brings particulars of the uprising last month In the southern part of the island , In which Lieutenant A. C. Ledyard of the Sixth Infantry was killed. In stead of being nn unimportant revolt of native police , ns was at first re ported , It appears to have been an at tempt to overthrow American author ity. The movement was started by the chief oillciala of the autonomous government , the men who were select ed and Inaugurated with PO much cer emony last November. SCENES AT THE WAR OFFICE. Anxious Crowd IlHiipiolntOl nt lrolty of Neus , LONDON , Jan. 22. 12 n. m. Yes terday was quite a record day at the war olllce. As If anticipating import ant news , the authorities announced on Saturday that the lobbies of the war office would bo open throughout Sunday and the knowledge a great crucial battle was proceeding brought n continuous stream of In quirers of all classes. Some gloomy forebodings were caused by the bulletin announcing that nearly three hunderd had been wound ed , but in general a cheery confidence was expressed In the success of Gen eral Buller's movement. On it being announced that further official dls- patchea were Improbable tonight , the crowd dispersed , expressing disap pointment that the news was no better. Uhlll II pen in I lit ; Ainliltlous. SAN PAUANCISCO. 'Jan. 22. S. Mortn Vicuna , the Chilian minister" to the United States and Japan , arrived from Toklo on the steamer Doric , cn- route to Washington. Minister Vicuna , while in Toklo , is said to have taken up with the Japanese foreign colon ists in Chili and to establish a steamer line between Yokohama and Valpa raiso. The minister admitted that ho had been conducting some Important negotiations at Toklo , but refused to divulge their character. Mr. Vicuna says that the Japanese are making rapId - Id strides in railway building and in dustrial development. English in Great lorco Advancing on the Boors , WARREN TROOPS MOVE AT DAWN Improvised 1'lclil IMocoi I'our I.ciuleu Hull Into llocr 1'osllloui Kiiemy Ma ho No llcapoiiRo lloinlmrdiiioiit ulth KcitiltH Uiilciiotvii. SPEARMAN'S CAMP , Jan. 20. ( New York World Cablegram. ) Ycrs torday evening Lyttleton'a brigade , af ter a heavy bombardment Blnco dawn by naval guns and howitzers , advanced In extended order toward the Boor po sitions facing Potglotorsdrlft , but , fallIng - Ing to draw the enemy's lire , returned. A balloon has also been searching the positions. Warren's mounted troops have also engaged the enemy , ns officially an nounced. Warren Is again advancing this morning early. Naval guns arc also bombarding. CHURCHILL. "There is every indication that a big fight for the western roads will take place today , though It may have com menced yesterday. All the artillery of Warren and Hllyard war not across the drifts yesterday morning and thu ammunition train and most of the heavier guns were probably then still south of the Tugela. These Indica tions , as well as Warren's longer march , point to the serious effort being - ing made today. ' ' The Post export says : "Probably the whole British force was yesterday on the move and per haps lighting. Fighting when it comes will bo heavy and the losses severe. " LONDON , Jan. 20. ( New York World Cablegram. ) The Daily Nowr dispatch from Potgietorsdrift , dated January 10 , says : "Warren's force is moving round to the west on a line taken up by Dun- donald. Warren is now close to Acton Homes. " Telegraph of same date says Dun- donald and Warren nave command of an easy road into Ladysmlth and have cut off the Boer communication with the Free State. LONDON , Jan. 20 4:30 : n. m. Every hour that General Buller delays his combined attack makes his posi tion stronger. Transports continue to arrive at Durban and fresh troops are being sent up the line to reinforce those In front of Colonso. It appears that General Bullcr's troops north of the Tugela number at least 22,000 and possibly 25,000 , with fifty guns. Hs total forces , forming a great outer curve south and west of Ladysmith probably number 40,000. While General Buller's forward op erations , which began January 10 , de velop rather leisurely , the Boers ap pear to be fully aware that they must meet a strenuous assault. Balloon ob servers have roughly estimated that 10,000 Boers arc using spade and pick In artificially strengthening positions which nature has rendered easy of de fense. Military critics in touch with the war office think that general fighting has or may begin soon. It is not thought that one day's fighting will settle the fate of Ladysmith , but rath er that there will bo two or three clays of continuous fighting. A Durban special duted Thursday night says : "It is reported here that Lord Dun- donald has smashed a Boor convoy. General Bullor is said to bo within twelve miles of Ladysmith and General Warren to bo about six miles to the rear. " The Time's has the following dis patch dated Thursday from Plotorma- ritzburg : "General Buller's wagon train is nineteen miles In length , and embraces 400 wagons and 5,00u animals. As some of the drifts arc narrow and muddy , only one wagon Is able to cross at a time. The ofllccrs arc betting 2 to 1 that Ladysimm will bo relieved tomorrow ( Friday. ) GLAD TO SEE THEIR SISTER. Goulds Know Nothing of Ilcportcd Losses of Count do CiiHtiilliinui NEW YORK , Jan. 20. Edwin Gould , Interviewed as to the reported losses of his brother-in-law , Count Bonl do Castcllano , in stock speculation , said : "Wo have heard nothing about any financial embarrassment of Count Cas- tellano and , not knowing whether the French paper , La Matin , is responsi ble or not , wo cannot tell how much truth there Is in the story that my sister's husband lost heavily in specu lation. Wo expect them Saturday or Sunday on La Bretagne and It is need less to say that wo shall be more than delighted to see our sister again. I don't know whether the children are with them or not. In the cable mes sage my sister did not say anything about the babies. Their coming to Now York at this time Is something of a surprise to us , but none the less delightful for all that. " CONGRESS WILL FAVOR. llody of Paul Jonus May llo llrought to Thin Cmmtr.v. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. The prop osition to remove the bones of Com modore John Paul Jones from Paris and bury them in Arlington ceme tery will probably receive the sanction of congress , if all doubt can bo re moved as to the complete identifica tion of the grave of the naval hero , which has been so long neglected that It has been renlly forgotten. Today the secretary of the navy will ecnd to congress the latest information in the possession of the offices of naval Intelligence. The naval attache nt Parin is still prosecuting his in vestigations and expresses conllilcnco that ho will bo completely successful in the end. linn Vroin I'rnlt. BERLIN , Jan .20. The Bundesrath today , abrogating the previous regu lations , granted permission for the im portation of dried American fruits and also fresh fruits , on condition of their examination at the Basle customs llOUEO. HALE STIRS TIIE SENATE. Miilnci .Hcimlor Milken n Notable on Hnnlli Afrlcun War. WASHINGTON , Jnn. 20. At the Conclusion of morning business In the senate the resolution of Alien calling on the secretary of state for Informa tion as to whether any representative of the Transvaal hncl applied to the United States government for rerogni- tlonaml If such application had been made If It had been accepted , and If not why not , was laid before the sen ate. Spooner moved that the resolution be directed to the president and he be requested to furnish the Informa tion If not Incompatible with public Interests. He repudiated , he said , the doctrine advanced repeatedly by sen ators that the people were entitled to Information from day to day regarding the conduct of our foreign business. A debate ensued between Senators Allen , Spooner , Teller and Hale. The resolution was finally amended so aa to call on the president , "If not In compatible with public interests , " to supply the Information. Spooner maintained that the presi dent ought to have discretionary pow er about giving out information. Allen thought the matter with which his resolution dealt could not affect any diplomatic negotiations and that there was no Impropriety about it. Mr. Spooner regarded it as a piece of gross impudence to call on the secre tary of state for confidential informa tion for which the president alone was responsible. Alien replied at length to Spooner , in the course of which ho said It had been reported throughout the country in the dally and wcekjy press that the populist party had gene to pieces. "I say to you , Mr. President , " said Allen , "that these statements arc cir culated with a political purpose. There are more populists in the country to day than ever before. Wo can caat 2,500,000 votes and not all of those voters are fools , either. The organiza tion , far from having gene to pieces , is stronger today than at any previ ous time. " In a brief speech in opposition to the amendment Teller said ho would not say a word that would bo offens ive to the government of Great Brit ain , yet he felt his sympathy go out to the Transvaal republic in its great contest at arms with England. A speech sensational in its interest and international importance was de livered by Hale of Maine. The occa sion of the utterance wad the simple question whether a resolution intro duced by Allen , calling for informa tion as to the recognition by this coun try of the diplomatic representation of the Transvaal republic , should be di rected to the president or to the sec retary of state. Halo made the question the text of an impassioned speech , in which he declared that nine-tenths of the Amer ican people sympathized with the Boers in their gallant struggle for lib erty against one of the greatest pow ers in the world. Ho declared that the war which Great Britain Is wag ing is the most fell blow at human liberty that has been struck in the century. Ho denied that the Ameri can people "were in sympathy with Great Britain in the South African war , to stamp out the liberty of a people , " and when Br. Balfour in the House of Commons made such a state ment "he should be met with some disclaimer from this side of the At lantic. " Ho declared that the English people ple themselves are not in favor of the war , which "had been brought on by a sharp cabinet minister engaged with gold speculators. " Halo spoke with unusual force , do cisivcness and earnestness , oven for him , and his Impassioned eloquence claimed the closest attention of auditor. START WORK ON THE CENSUS. Agricultural Statistic * Already llelug Collect1 * ! by the Itureau. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. In every case in which data for the twelfth ccnnus of agriculture , can profitably be gathered prior to the general enumera tion in June it will be done. The spe cial schedulca for cranberry culture and irrigation now in circulation will bo followed immediately by an special nursery schedule which has just been received from the printer. The list of nurseries so far obtained includes about 4,000 separate estballshmenta , but each known nurseryman will re- celvo a list of those doing business in his vicinity and will bo asked to add or otherwise correct It and return it P.B soon ns possible. If this is promptly and thoroughly done the list will be complete and satisfactory. The inquiries are to be simple and If the returns are made promptly the pub lication of a bulletin devoted to nurs- crlca at an early day may bo antici pated. ORDERS FOR EIGHTH DIVISION. To lo aioblll/oU nt Oucu Itpporta from Marshal Itoliorts. LONDON , Jan. 20. Formal orders have been issued to mooillzo the Eighth division of the brltifau army at once. The war office has made public dis patches from Filed Marshal Lord llo- berta , dated today , recording the scouting movements In Capo Colony , including the nmbuslilng of the Austra lians , when two of i. o latter wore kuled and fourteen roportoa missing. Ho adds : "A Boer deserter states that the enemy suffered severely in attacking French's" advanced post January 16. Seventy Boers are still unaccounted for. " Cujxi NOMKI l'o\or Unnlmtrtl. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. Vlco Con sul Morrison at Dawson City reports to the State department that the ex citement caused by reports of the phe nomenal richness of the Capo Nome gold fields has not by any means abated. Many miners will attempt to make the trip out of the Klondike this winter down the river , which , the consul says , seems a foolhardy undertaking. While Dawson has lost in popu larity during the last summer it has gained in wealth and much money has been spent in making it a thriving town , euqlpped with a flre department , atntiltncy'H Hncl Approiiclilnjr. The end of the famous Hungarian painter , Munkaczzy , seoma to bo ap proaching. He haa long .been insane , and ho has recently been attacked with paralysis , while blindness 13 threat ened. Scinl-Montlily 1'ay 1'uys. The employes of the Boston & Maine railroad are to receive their pay every two weeks , Instead of monthly , as has been the custom for several years. The change ia to bo made with the New Year. "Take Time by The Forelock" cDon't miiY until sickness overtakes you. Wlicn that tired feeling , the first rheu matic pain , the first tuainings of impure blood are manifest , take flood's Sarsaparilla - rilla and you 'will rescue you' health and probably save a serious sickness. Bc sure to get Hood's , because : „ In Santiago in the better class of houses the bedsteads are surrounded with a close kind of netting beginning at the floor and gathered at the top. This Is Intended as a protection against tarantulas. Grnport of the f-nttlli. It has long beun evident that the rapidly increasing movement of grain and merchandise towards the south ern seaboard would demand an In crease of shipping facilities on the Mexican Gulf. The most promising seaport city is La Porte , nt the head of. Galvcston Bay. Peculiar natural ad vantages surround LnPorte , notably Its being the fartherest inland seaport on the Gulf , having high dry land with perfect drainage and the purest arte sian water , a climate unsurpassed < in the south and an attractive city site. The American Land Co. , 1SS Madison street , Chicago , Is interested at La- Porte and announces the first general sale of property will be held Fcby. 14-17 , 1900. Very few husbands are half as good as their wives imagine they are. Important ln\uiitloux. , Patents have been allowed upon ap plications prepared and prosecuted by us for interesting subjects as follows : To C. W. Cross , of Grinncll , for an auxiliary air heater adapted to be con nected with a stove in such a manner that it will receive and direct the pro ducts of combustion and aid in wann ing and circulating air in a room , as required to maintain a inlform tem perature , by admitting cool air at its botom , heating it and discharging it at us top. An undivided half Is assigned to W. S. More of same place. To J. Morgan , of Atlantic for a plant planting machine adapted to be ad vanced across a field by horses to set out cabbage and tobacco plants in rows at regular distances apart. A boy on the machine hands plants in succession to automatic plant holders on a wheel and as the wheel revolves it places the plants In a furrow in ad vance of the wheel by a furrow opener and furrow closers immediately cover the roots and rollers pack the ground around the roots. An undivided half has been assigned to E. Whitney , of Chicago. Printed consultation and advlco free. THOMAS G. ORWG & co. , Registered Patent Attorneys. DCS Molnes , Iowa , Dec. 27 , 1899. Many a good man has worried him self crazy over a pointless joke. Go to yoiu * grocer to-day and get a 150. package of Tt takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health- * ful. Insist that yonr grocer gives you OUAIK-O. Accept no Imitation. CENTS We wish to eiln thl y car 200,010 now onstomi r , and hence ofrer I Pkt ( , . Oltr Uardtn lleet , ICe C LaOrosioMnrLctLettuco,16o is Btrawbrrry Melon , 15o * * if Liay Knuisn , Kirly Rlpo Cnbbaco. lee Itarlr Dinner Onion , lee I Hrllflant Flower Seed. , IV ? , Worth SI.OO , for 14centi. ijfto , AboTOloPfcea. worth ei.CO , weflll I inall you free , top ether with oar I ercatOtttalofr.tellinc all about SAIHBSMIIIIOH DDllAR POTATO upon receipt of thl notion Aide , tampa. JVo lnvlto yourtrndo , and ' ! , know\rhcn yon oncotrj.Sulzcr'a ' fHi'tiilN you will never do wlthnnt ( S31MI PrUoion Balier'a Ilioo-rar- I eotoarHestToronto OUut on earth. nn. . JOII1 A. BILZEll BKEI1 tfl. , l.t UtOSOK , WI8. Send your name and addresi on a ; postal , and \\e will send you our 156- i page illustrated catalogue free WINCHESTER REPEATING MMS CO. , ! 174 Winchester Avenue , He * Haven , Conn. <