Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 25, 1900, Image 1

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    Jg * r&RHJE
A loud tlctdng wntoh la not always
Iho beet timer. Ueunlly , the stronger
I tlio tick , the grantor tbu need of at
tention Th tills ft n peed wntoh In
Rood condition Is millo tnodcat' In
fact can ecnrcely bo liennl. The ronn
\ Who IK aluiiyg | > ultlii | ! nU watch to
big rnr lo lienr If It still ticks , In liolp-
IHK Ms ticker tick HH llf.i nway. Don't
vviiltfor your wnlch to stop ticking.
Have time , muney , worry , and yonr
Wntch. by | ireTcnllon. "An ouncoof I
t'reTcntlon IB wort'in pound of euro"
ijratcb euro lluvo It cleaned nnd
ollcil rfgulnrly , every year , I wnrrnnt
nil work. Sonio nrrtititsdon't"wnr-
miit Mlnoilocj ,
I Urjdualc of Cliioapo OplithnlmlcCollcKo.
WANTKO Sa/erai psraonu ( or dlstrlo
office managers In this sttito to represent
mo in their own And etirrounding coun
ties. . Willing to pay yearly $000 , pay
able 'weekly Desirable employment
with unusual opportunities. Koferon-
cjsexclianged. Eoclosu Belf-nddropfod
stnrap d ei vt-Iopc' S A : Turk , 330
Onxton Building , Chicago.
" 1130.26 .
All Kinds ol work in our line done
' promptly and In flret-olass order. Red
, Snjp on the corner , west of the hosf
bouse. Give us & trial.
t New Grand Central Livery and
" . ' - Feed Barn ,
* " * --.yJOSEPH B. SMITH , Prop.
W r B"iiid good teams. Prices roasonablu.
T f-Clinton
- Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Office over llyoraon'B Krocery. Resly
UenoaOth house west of Baptist church.
n Kichardson's Livery
f ;
at the old stand , between tbo Burling
ton andGlobe _ Hotels. Telephone con
nection' . Headquarters of Callaway
etago lino. Single and double rigs.
Kntes reasonable.
Local Miention.
Job printing at this oflloc.
Cannon City coal at Diorke
Lumber Oo.
Now is tbo time to renew your
su.bBcription to the REPUBLICAN.
W. M. Soott , of Browster , made
this oflioo a friendly call Friday ,
The oboico of thirty nice calves
for sale. J. P. Mullill , Merna ,4 31
Co mo out to the school benefit
entertainment Saturday evening.
The RHPUBUOAN and both the
Illustrated and Weekly Bee for
* 2 45.
A farmers institute will bo held
at Aualey on February 1st and 2d.
John and Mrs. Campbell , of
.VVoissert , wore city visitors Satur
Goo. and Mrs. Reynolds , of
Weiasert , were city visitors Satur
J A. Harris went to Omaha
Tuesday , returning Wednesday
night. "
Foutal-A silk mu If I er , whinh tbo
ownarcangot at this office by paying - "
ing ( or this notice.
< -
Sbocniakcr's kit , including ma
chine , good aa new , at a bargain.
The RVPUBUOAK and Inter Ocean
for $1 50. Tfco REPUBLICAN and
State Journal for $1 85.
i have two 1,400 pound mares in
foal to trade for cows or cash.
NKLS LUR , Broken Bow.
FresI' homemade bread for sale
at Farmer's Restaurant , third door
north of post office , Broken Bow ,
Newest and nobbiest patterns of
centre tables , at A. W. Drake's.
She different styles ; prices to suit
For suits , iron and wood beds ,
rockers , cots , springs , tablesstands ,
olo. , call on A. W. Drake , west
tiido square.
C. W. Busio , of Ansley , an early
betller of the vicinity ol Wester-
ville , died Tuesday of last week
after but three days sickness.
O'co of Omaha's dealers in furni
ture was sold out last week. A.W
Drike was on the ground and so-
our d a big lot of their bargains
for his trade here.
Do you wont to buy acre property
adjoining Broken Bow ? I am offer
ing choice from four different tracts
of laud. In quantities from five
acres up to 440 acres.
Is the only republican newspaper published in Broken Bow
' , nnd is up to date with news at the County Seat. It is
the oldest paper in the county , and having the largest cir
culation it , is the
published in Ouster county. Tbo subscription price is only
IDolleur o ,
As an inducement to all in arrears or new subsoribsrs who
Pa7 a Joar 1H advance , wo will furnish the
f - „ * . '
i. \
from the nrdt of January FREE. This is a farm journal
in which all farmers , gardeners and houae keepers would
bo interested.
I' ' * < v i' ( - : - SEE OUH CLTJBBIUG LISP - : -
with the Inter Oooan , Bee , Journal and other papers , Ad.
drees ,
> . . The Ctister County Republican ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
H. L. Fracior , Photographer ,
west side square , Broken Bow , Neb.
A farmers institute will bo holdt
at Memo , Tuesday and Wednesday
January 30 and 81 *
Bert Sims , who baa boon visiting
at Walnut , Iowa , for several months
returned hero Tuesday night.
Mrs. S. P. Barrett was n oily
visitor Thursday of last wook.
This office acknowledges a friendly
Remember the scientific enter
tainment at the M. E. church Sat
urday and Monday evening ] . See
Fred Rinno , grand district deputy
went to Ansley yesterday to install
the officers of the I. O 0 F. , at that
place last night ,
W. G Purooll and wife attended
the mcetiugd of the Nebraska As
sociotion at Lincoln , Tuesday and
Wednesday of thia week.
The entertainment given by Dr.
E. B Swift on Saturday and Mon
day evenings , at the M. E , church ,
will bs an interesting program.
Mrs. Sarah Edmisten , of Lomax ,
was in the city Monday making
final proof on her homestead. She
was accompanied by her son , Ma-
The county fair organization has
wo "think wisely fixed the date of
the fair earlier this season than
last , The datet are September 11 ,
1'2 , 13 and 14 of September.
FOK SALK Twenty acre farm
one mile of Broken Bow ; buildlntjp ;
good well. Enquire nt this office.
Or will trrdo for city property.
Fine Plymouth Rock oookrels
for sale. Three miles north aud
ono mile east of Walworth bridge.
4 G. GUYLH , Walwortb.
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is tbo time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizor.
Kov. Geo. G. Burns , pastor of
the Presbyterian church , and Rbv.
J. W. Megan , pastor of the Bap
tist church , exchanged pulpits last
Sunday morning. Both congrega
tions report having been favored
with able sermons.
R. D. Campbell , of Weifisert , waa
a city visitor Saturday. He came
in to close up a deal with Goo.
Reynolds tor the Reynolds farm on
the \est edge of Dry Valloy. The
farm joins John Campbell's farm ,
his father , on the north.
A. Somers , of Morna , made this
office a friendly oall Saturday. Ho
was looking after tbe interests of a
census enumerator for his precinct.
He favors C. W. Chaffin , editor of
the Sun , for appointment , which
we think is the proper thing , and
hope to see Mr. Chafflu get it.
There will be preaching in the
Baptist church Sunday , Jan. 28th ,
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m ; subject
of morning nermon , lThe Scriptur
al Act of Baptism , " and at tbe close
of the morning eermon the ordi
nance of baptism will bo adminis
tered. J. W. MKOAN , Pastor.
S. S. Hayman , state 'manager of
the M. B. A , and James Ooaner ,
deputy took applications for thirty
six new members for tbo M. B. A ,
lodge at Merna , last week and this
week proceeding. Tbo lodge gave
a banquet Wednesday night of Is
week , at which a good time is re
Col. W. F. Cody , ( Buffalo Bitt
who went through hero last week on
his way to his ranch on Big Hori
Bas'n , expects to stop hero with a
bunch of his horses and will spend a
day or two in the city with friende
He has promised to bring his Will
Weat Show hero for a date ner
The M. B. A , lodge of this plao
will give a banquet Saturday night
at which the members , their familie
and a few invited guedtB will b
present. A literary program , con
sisting of speeches , rooititationfi ant
music will be rendered. A number
of new members will bo initinatod
earlier in Iho evening. ' The guests
will be admitted about 8 o'clock.
I will be at tbe Globe Livery Barn
in Broken Bow , Tneaeay , January
30 , to buy horses and mules. I will
piy good prices for both bring
good sound horses from two to aovon
years old prefer draft horses will
buy small horses if in good condi 5a
tion. Want good mules. Remem
ber the dato. W. I. Stephens , of f
South Omaha , Nebraska.
The meetings ni the U. B.
church will continue this week ,
Jaooob C Click , Gftoon year old'
boy of Ansloy , who was arroaed laat
week for breaking into the Diork's
lumbur office at Ansloy to rob the
money drawer was sentenced Tuos-
day'.to tho4Roform Hohool , by Judge
Married , nt the home of the bride's
psronts , W W. Tooley. on Wednesday ,
January 24th. by J. W. Megan , John W.
Vurnor aud Mlsa Efflo E. Tooley. The
Republican extends congratulations to
Mr , and Mrs. Vnrner and wishes them
a long , hnppy and prosperous future to
C. C Coffman , wife and two olul
dren of Ute , Iowa , who have been
viuit'tng in tbo vicinity
of Ansley and Mason City the past
week , with relatives and old time
frieudn. They lolt yesterday morn
ing for Oregon whuro tboy haven
eon , but will stop at Pueblo Colorado
rado on their way to visit a daugh.
Jnek Wooda returned Saturday
evening from Norfolk , where ho
took McLean to the asaylum. A
brother of the unfortunate man ,
who is a banker at Friend , was up
Saturday looking after the affairs
of his brother. It is the fourth
time that McLean has had to be
sent to the aBBylum in the past few
years. Ho has ono child , a girl ,
and has been married twice.
DIKD On Jan. 17th , 1000 , at 11
p. m , Mabel , aged four months and
five days the httta ( laughtar of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Stovonaon , who re-
aide six miles northwest of West
Union. Little Mabel had been sick
only about a week , when she was
suddenly called from among UB
IJor remauiH were laid to rest in
the West Union cemetery. The
bereaved family have the sympathy
of the community.
Llttlo Mabel , them hast loft 118.
Iloro ttir lose no deeply foil ;
Out 'tis God who Imth bereft us ,
lie can all oar f arrows hcnl ,
-Y ,
Lauds for Salo.
A rough section in Dawson Co. ,
two half sections in Gospor county ,
cheap ; also section and half , eovoral
quarter sections in Custor county ,
and store building in Broken Bow.
tf A. T. SJCYBOLT , Broken Bo v.
Letter List ;
Following in tbo dead letter list
for week ending Jan. 28d , 1900 :
Jaak Houcka U A Hamilton
Kgl"rt Vaunlstyno Jolm.Vealck
Jom I'll White Olaua Murtti
Lowix Schuh lira Ncttio Urlttlan
Mra Lolo tkever Mrs Alice Carter
MlaaKmmaDavU Bert Curler 9
Parties calling for tbo above
please say advertised.
L , H. JEWKTT , P. M.
A Correction.
In the comments on the Sunday
eohool IcHHon last week two typo
graphical errors appeared , which
marred the sense of the thought m
tended by tbe author. In the second
end line of the second paragraph ,
Atnod appeared , where it should
have beuu ' ! Annis."In the fifteenth
line of tbo same paragraph , whoru
the writer said , ' * of the Pharisees
aud Sadduoeea ihero were Ibosn
who were sincere and looked and
prayed for another E'ijah ' , " sincere
was made by mistake to read "sin
ners. "
Farewell Reception.
On Weduebday evening , tbe 17th
inst. , ttie members of the Preaby
terian church of this city gave
fate well reception at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs , John Bailey , to Mr
and Mrs. Stewart Bready , who are
leaving Broke A Bow to make thei
fututo nome in Edmonton , Alberta
Western Canada During th
evening the Rev. G. G. Burns , pan-
tor , Motere. Whitehead , GlassDean
Rubleo and Mrs. R. Hunter onliv
orcd the proceedings with neat an
appropriate speeches. , A duet wi
rendered by Selina Bailey aid Mia
Myrtle Cliapin ; Miss Libbio Bren ' "
ig-r accompanied on tbe organ ; the
uu.ndolin club , consisting of the
Misaos Fannie and Nellie Drake
and Lena Moore , Messrs. Ramah
aud Peter Ryorson , alao gave two
selection ? which wore well applaud
ed. Mrs. Edwards also merits
\ raise for her rendition of the
"Blue Bells of S 'otlaud , " with var
iations on the organ. At a con '
venient hour refreshments were
served by the members of the La
dies Aid Society of tbe above named
church , when ample justice waa
done the good things provided for
tbe ocoaoion. At 11 each ono be
gan to make preparation for their
homo journey , having expressed
themselves highly gratified with
the evening's entertainment , and
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc
tncnaccrs to health of the present day.
after wishing Mr , nnd Mrs. Broady
health , wealth and prosperity ID
their now homo , they separated and
said good bye , A FKUIND.D
The Broken Dow Dairy Company.
Monday forenoon tlio subscriber *
to the fund to put a cream aopara-
tor in Broken Bow mot in tbo
Woodnun Hall in thin city to offoot
an organization. Art Gentzler ,
ngunt for tbo Beatrice Creamery
Co. , reported tbat stock to tbo
amount of $2,060 bad boon secured ,
Biillioiont to buy n site ana put up a
building , and put in tbo tuaobinory
ready for operation , A temporary
organization was pffooted by o loot
ing Willie Gadwoll obairnian and I ,
A. llcnouu secretary. Artiolea of
incorporation and by laws wore
adopted. A pornianont organiza
tion was perfected by electing C.
II. Miller president , L. MoOandloss ,
secretary , R. Ryorson treasurer.
Tbo directors elected for tbo ensuing -
ing year are J. 0. Taylor , F. H.
Arthur , F. A. Bortiaud , Jobn Slow-
art and C. L. Gutterson. Messrs.
Conrad , Miller and Ryorson were
appointed a committee to select
location t > r tbo site. Tboy purob-
aaed tbo nortboast corner lot in blook
20 of original town of Jobn Jnhn-
aon , for $50 , which probably is
tbe most convenient and centrally
located for all parlies tbat could be
secured. Work will bo com
menced mtb tbo view of
getting tbo machinery in place and
ready for operation by the 20th of
February. The agent for tbo Be
atrice Creamery Company stated
tbat if half the milk in furnisbod
from the number of cows promised ,
tbat the plant will produce an
cqpivolont to 500 pounds of butter
dally. At tbo prevailing prices for
cream tbo last year this would mean
a oath income to tbo patrons of
$500 a week , or an average of
per week to tbo forty patrons
Dr. H. F. Eooblor of Leo Park
committed suicide Sunday night by
taking poison. Ho wont to see several
oral of his neighbors Sunday and
they observed thai his actions were
unnatural , yet they did not antiot .
pate tbat bo meant self-destruction.
After doing his chores Sunday night
ho went to hi * writing desk and en
gaged in writing. His wife who hac
gene to bed saw him take down
hie peracription case aid knowing
all was not right with him she watch
ed closely , and thought bo put the
modciuoback witout taking any ol
it. It was not long after ho retired
ho began to groan and show signs
of great suffering. On inquiring
the trouble , he only answered bi
stating that ho hod loft a letter 01
tbo table which shou'd bo delivered
to Frank Ownes , a neighbor , who
lived a mile away. She awo'jro the
girls and bad them deliver the letter.
As soon as possible Mr. Ownoe , and
other neighbors wont over , but when
they reached the Koohlor-homo the
unfortunate was dead. Ho stated 1
in the loiter that ho intended suici
de and stated that family troubles
was the cause.
lie had formerly lived at Lincoln
and practiced medicine ; bo tradud
his Lincoln property for a farm
about two years ago and bad since
bought eighty acres , which ho paid
for in October. Ho leaves a wife
and two children ; was forty years
old and claimed to bo a member
of the Masonic fraternity.
Wheat 4io
Oati. llarloy . . . . . goc 5c
Corn , 2Jc
Hje 35"
Hutter 5Oc
Potatoes ( , 80o S3c
Onloni , 100
niilckcDs. , , . 35
2.00 to 2
Ilogi. . . . , 4.1Q
Cown 8.85
Stcora 400
Turkey i ) flc
Straw JOc cwt
H r / , } , tvtra
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Dpnnol a.c * 4 *
knowledge a pleasant visit from
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. MoNallyof
Etna , Nob. " '
Continued fine weather ; warm
and clear ; barely freezing at night ;
cattle subsisting on the range , dar
ing the cattlemen many dollies.
J. H. Smith informs UB that 'the
cattle under his oaro are thriving
on the range , and are in fine eon
diliou , I will not predict whom
the ending of this fine weather will
come , judging the future by jh $
past , I fear wo will have winte
in the spring.
When I look at the calendar , J.
see its the latter part of January ,
Judging from tbo weather it aeoms
like October' *
Married , on Dec. 24th , 1888 , at *
bride's parents near Etna , Neb.j
Mr. . P. M. MoNally to Miss ' '
MoCIobben , James Chlttiok , J.
officiating. Both of tbo contract
1 ing parties are well and favorably
known in their community , and
start on their voyage of married
life j with tbo beat wishes of a latg %
circle of friends.
Mr. nnd Mis. J. H. Dean , Mr ;
and Mrs. L. H. MoCall , Miss Soott ,
George Head ley , Andrew Horn and
R. V. MoCall spent last Saturday
evening at J. H , Smith's. '
Round Valloy.
Last Sunday ulght wan bold big
octal gathering nt Ole Johnsoa'e uouser
vh ro nil rolntivoo aud frienia were In- ,
vltod 10 indulge in n fine supper and
nthnr refreshments. Mr. Johnson lus
) Ullt ono of the largest fnra residence *
n the connty this fall , and a couple , o "
weeks ago movjd In the same.
Oaoar Eoglaegjord came baek lad
week from Omahu , where ho marketed
a car lo d of steers of bis own railing ,
and ho bought In Omaha a oar loact ol
lumber to build himself a bouse this
spring. It IB to bu like Mr. Johnaga1 *
bouie. except ( our feet w dor , O oa'r
made a big bargain ia Omaha and saved
on lumber nnd hardware about , $200.
All of Oscar's neighbors turned out "and
( muled his lumber home last week from
Sargentso begot It all home In 'two
days. There is business about'the ,
Knglcsgjorda ,
Tf any doubt the MoKinloy ware' ot
prosperity lot them mike a trio to
Round Valley , and then open tkolr ey
nnd mind , and they will bo oonvlncad If
they ace not of the olaaa that will howl
calamity , oven If they roach Ptiradlas.
J , O. Taylor and family , of lierwyn ,
are visiting relatives and old frlendi la
Round Vntloy.
The report cornea from Minnesota tbat
G , T. Loo's wife died Jan , 3J. They
were among the pioneers of Ouster Oo. ,
nnd moved back to Minnesota last aprng }
on account ot Mrs. Lie's poor health.
Julius Johnson ban rented N .K. Lee's
farm tor next year.
Julius Ottun ia doing big business at
Henry Ilolgeson Is tannlcg onyotfl and
dog ( kins now dayi ,
Ole Olson Is doing fine with bis flock
of sheep. Ho will surely see the Mo-
Kloley wave when he ships his wool
next pprlng ,
w , J Ottun shipped 177 pounds of
wool to St. Louis In Deoembtr , and
got Just d jubla tor U what ne git three
years ego.
Deary Helgf'oa Is new hauling hU
buy hi his now barn he has just finished.
T. T. Olson had a surprise party lait
Thrro Is to be a shooting match every
mall day at
Moat ot the young men of Round Val
ley have bought bugtiesor what pat. ,
pose they can beat tell.
Home have lost their dogs In the vaN" *
ley but others may have lost sheep. ' ' *
The case against Ed.Penn , who
wus arreot d last week , on informa
tion by R. M. DiokflDn for not ret -
t irning a livery teamwas * dismissed
Saturday in Judge Snydors court.on"
motion of county att > rney Kirkpat-
rick without trial' It appears Ed.
bad loft the t am at Anselmo as se
curity for five dollars ho had borrowed
od and aq the raatt-r hid been adjui
the case was dismissed.
The First National Bank of
Broken Bow , located at Broken
How , in the State of Nebraska , ia
closing up its affairs. All note
holdros and others , creditors of
said association , are therefore hereby
notified to present the no'.es and
other claims against the association
for payment. Dated Oat. 28,1800.
1-11. U. G. Uoouaa , Cashier.
Cattle For ale.
One thousand head of one , two
and three year old atoors ale ? eight
hundred head of stock oattlo. For
particular enquire of W , U. Greg
ory , tf ,