Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 18, 1900, Image 8

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Wheat. . . . t 41c
liarloy , Sflc
Oati.i , 95c
Corn , . , ! c
Kjo.7 350
DnltCr aoc
KRRB i c
Potatoes , . . . . , . ; ' > c
Onions „ 1.110
Clilctvno . . .a.WMo'
Hog * 1.1U
Cow * 3.26
8lOOt , , . . , -J.OO
TnrkojB < Be
Straw lOc cm
6W | itr tou
G. A. Grillltl ) hi\H trapped four
oayotea during thu wiutur.
Before 1 forgot it I will announce
a woman's suffrage mooting at Ous
ter January 27th , at 2 p. in.
If this line wonlber continued
Squire Dean will likely BOO nnakou
again. 11 u hat ) informed us that ho
saw unakoa in January two yearn
Jimmy Isaac haH turned up again ;
ho it ) herding at Smith'H runoti.
What Jimmy don't know about
caring for cattle is iiardly worth
Died , near College HpringH , Iowa ,
on January 11th , 1900 , Mr. L A 13.
Griffith , formoily of llyno , of par-
alysio , aged 78 yearn. Man gees to
hie long homo and the mourners go
about tno streets
M P. Empliold linn bought the
southwest quarter of ucution 1'2 10-
21 , of Uhark'H A. Oleok ; conaidora-
tion $1,000. This in a valuable
addition , aH it given him water
privileges on Ouster Orock.
Weather since last writing has
boon warm , pleasant and bright ;
BUOW all gone ; Buggcbte October
rather than January ; it knocks the
stuffing out of fJioka , nn ho bar
predicted storms and bli//.arde
thrown in merely for diversion dur
ing the month.
Woman's suffrage meeting at
Ryno WUH quite a uo ehB ; an or
ganization was affeutui with seven
momberB ; Mrs. George Polkoy was
olooted president. ' Wonder if they
have over taken into consideration
if they have the riyht to vote that
they may bo called on to dou the
blue and shoulder the Mausor , and
go to the Philippines , and Perhaps
to the Transvaal.
T. A. BottH wont to Broken Bow
Wo are having line weather iu
11 iii > h Edmunds wont to
Broken Bow Saturday , where she
oxpcotB to attend Hohool.
Isaac Remington and family wore
tbo guests of Mr. Abboti Sunday.
Mr. Ross am ! family wore visit
ing at Mr Coohrau'a Tuesday.
Anson Mason and bis motber
were in Broken Bow Tuesday.
Mr. Pig in an bad a pbotograpb of
bis school taken Friday.
Mr. Abbott and family were vis
iting at Mr. Mason's Friday. v
Mrs. ROBS and MrH. Pii man wont
to Broken Bow Thursday.
Sunday school Hongs are prac
ticed at Mra. Pigman's every Tues
day evening.
Miss Hoffman of Hamilton Co.
who spent some two1 weeks visiting
at O. II. Miller's returned to her
homo hHfc Tnomln , . She m dn a
bent of frit nds while huro. She id
' a noble ohristatu youug women
and one of the sweet singers of
Isreal. She was a great help to our
meetings in tbe King school bouse.
She received a hearty vote of thanks
from Ibe whole Congregation.
A.S. MoLain , the Linsott town-
site promoter , has been adjudged
insane and waa sent to tbo asylum
thin morning.
Ed Penn in-in the county jail on
tbe charge of stoalinu a team of
b"r ps It in reported ha hired a
team at Callaway aud sold tbora at
As I am closing out
my business I respectfully -
fully request , and ask
all parties who are
indebted to me either
by note or book ac
count , to call at once
and settle the same.
Also anyone having
any claim or demand
against me will'please
present the same at
once for settlement.
I will sell at my place on Sec. 27 , Town 18 , Range 24 ,
nine miles northeast of Arnold , on
Monday , February 12
at 9 o'clock A. M. , the following described property :
14 head of Work Horses ,
( Including some good Brood Marcs. )
2 Cows.
1 yearling Heifer.
65 head of Hogs ,
3 Road Wagons.
5 Sets Harness.
1 Header , with Boxes.
2 McCormick Binders.
1 gang Plow. *
1 Sulkey Plow.
TERMS OF SALE On all sums of Ten Dollars and
over ten months time will be given , on approved security ,
with interest at ten per cent. If Monday is stormy so the
sale can not be held , it will be held on the following Satur
day , February 17th.
December should mark radical
changes In our diet , It now being the
mission of our food to "keep out the
cold" as well as to nourish the body.
Good soups and good meats are now
of flrst Importance Indeed , are synon
ymous with good sense , begging the
pardon of our vegetarian friends.
Purees ( of meat foundation ) and all
the strong , rich soups to be avoided
at other seasons are strictly la mid
winter order. In winter meat becomes
the pivotal point of our diet. The ftar
of yellow fever among the people has
almost entirely obscured the danger
from diphtheria , tuberculosis and ty
phoid fever and other infectious dis
eases which confront us at all tlm \
and during oil seasons. The danger
from a case of diphtheria In Now York
at any season of the year Is far grnater
than the danger from a case of yellow-
fever In the same place ; still , persons
who would shun a street whore a cnso
of yellow fever existed would delib
erately enter the apartment of u per
son suffering from diphtheria. A se
rious outbreak of typhoid fever cre
ates but little consternation , and the
presence In our midst of innumerable
coses of tuberculosis , a disease which
is responsible for an Incredible num
ber of deaths , is looked upon with in
difference by the public , says the
North American Review. The mis
conception in regard to the danger
from this class of diseases often ren
ders the efforts of health ofllouls In
effectual. The Italians consider a large >
nose desirable and beautiful. Recently
there have been two competitions la
which noses have played the leading
part. One at Padua was held by th&
students , and prized of pocket handker
chiefs and snuff-boxes were awarded
for "noses the most pronounced and
respectable. " At Milan a more Im
portant competition was held , the
competitors numbering thirty-six. The
flrst prize , a gold medal , was won by
a Venetian , whoso nose was found to
bo "of formidable proportions , long ,
well pronounced , aggressive , trench
ant like ft knife blade. " The second
prize , an enameled medal , went to the
man who owned a nose "domineering ,
assuming , with nostrils wide and cav
ernous. " The third medal went to a
man whoso nose was "refined and sym
metrical , " while the last two medals
to were awarded for n nose "without
pretension , ingenuous , but solid and
well-planted , " and another "consider
able , regular and worthy of respect. "
HhouK MlulfU . Do TIncp < tr
The January number of the Bible So
ciety Reporter tellun amusing story
Illustrating the difficulty of printing
translations of the Bible. In a dis
tant land copies of the New Testament
had for the flrst time been placed In
the hands of the natives. One day the
missionary In his private reading rando
the awful discovery that the passage ,
"It Is required of gninlaUra that they
bo found faithful , " had been rendered
In the vernacular , "It is required of
ministers that they be faithfully
hanged. " An "o" for an "a" In thi
rendering of th local word for "found"
had made ail the dlffertace. The er
ror was happily corrected before any
effort had been made to reduce the pro-
oeptu to practice.
1 walking Plow.
1 riding Cultivator.
1 walking Cultivator.
1 Mower.
1 disk harrow with seeder
1 four-section Harrow.
1 corn sheller.
1 corn planter.
1 hay rack :
Ttio E r h' Now Neighbor.
Doctor Witt , the discoverer last summer -
mor ot a new asteroid , which imme
diately bacame famous because It was
found o approach the earth at times
nearer than any other heavenly body
except the moon , has chosen for his
celestial foundling the name Eros.
Recent examination of star photo
graphs at the Harvard Observatory
ahowa that the new asteroid was pho
tographed , without being recognized
among the stare , as early as 1893. It
also appears o plates made in 184
and 1SS6.
Boottand' *
A Royal sturgeon has been caught la
tliv Ouao , near Goolet , Scotland. It *
capture has raised an interesting ques
tion. As th law now stands all large
flah such as whales , sturgeon and for
merly porpoises if captured within
the three miles limit oi the coast are
royal fish and are claimed by the
coastguard or the customs on behalf
of the crown. In the event of Uui
sturgeon being a particularly fln
specimen , It U forwarded to the queen.
The law In Scotland in regard to
Whales is the same as in England , and
In a contested case in the Scottish
ourts the law was laid down by Lord
Erskine that "whales when largo be
long to the sovereign , when small to
the captor. "
A * She ExpresHt'd It.
"Yes , " said the lady from Boston ,
speaking of her favorite lecturer , "he
I is one whom the lady would designate
p as a biscuit John. " "Beg pardon ? "
said the member of the laity. "Ohto
bo explicit , a crackerjack. " Indlanap
ells Journal.
Grape culture bos become a power In
Russia during the last decade. Cri
mea , where viticulture was formerly
confined almost wholly , has come to
see the industry extend north and cast
into the provinces of Kherson , Podolla
and Bessarabia. Some of the planta
tions are very large , notably that ol
Prince Troubetskol , which covers 500
The acting British consul at Odessa
is authority for the statement that in
BessArabla especially Is the growth el
the vineyards particularly noticeable
and the quality of the wine excellent
In 1893 108,000 acres in this locality
alone were given up to the grapes
irhlle four years Inter 175,000 acres
were In use. The wines are snld to be
much cheaper than the same kind In
It was only last year that tbo flrst
shipment of Russian wines reached
England , but the Russians confidently
zpeot to make grape culture ono of
their leading products. Odessa has
two champagne factories , opened to
compete with French products.
A Traveled Oat.
A cat has Just died at Sen Pranslsco
who had traveled nearly a million
miles. He belonged to the chief en
gineer ot the Royal Mall stcamor Ala-
< louia , and for thirteen years was his
companion on board ship in all his
voyages between Sidney and San Fran
cisco. With the passengers this re
markable cat was a great favorite , and
on completing 700,000 miles he yrui
presented with a silver collar ,
Btaittand anil 'WifoVho llelteved Ea h
Other Dead for It ) Yean , Reunited.
A Now York dressmaker and a skip-
par , who for ton years has been sailing
between New York and Liverpool , are
tbo central figures In a strange ro
mance that ended this week at Char
lotte , N. C. , which was their original
homo. In 1880 Frank Andrews. of
Charlotte , decided to remove to Texas ,
as hla physician bad recommended u
obtuse of climate. His friend , Wil
liam Gross , decided to go with him
la search of fortune. Cross * wife was
in delicate health and could not ac
company him. Cross spent several
years In T xas , keeping la constant
correspondence with hla wifo. Fin
ally be decided to try hla luck on the
Pacific coast. Ho went to San Fran
cisco and adopted a seafaring life. He
joined the crew of a tramp schooner ,
carrying freight to various ports in
tbo Pacific ocean. When he left Sun
Francisco news cane from his wife
Lhat she was so ill that he could hard
ly hope to reach her beside before she
died. When his vessel , passed out "f
tbo Golden Gate ho thought ho would
ever see his wife again , and the last
tte that hound him to his North Car
olina homo was broken. The ship
W B bovmd on a voyage half way
around the world. In the China Sea
the vessel was caught In a typhoon and
wrecked. Only n few of the crew
were saved. Fcr two days they float
ed in a little c i ii hunt , until a Rus
Ian steamer , L/.amd for a Siberian
port , rescued them. The Russian ship
put in at Vladivostock and the ship
wrecked sailors were left there. Fin
ally Cross came to Now York and re-
cured employment In the transatlan
tic service. Ho bad not written to his
North Carolina friends , nor had ho
heard from them slnco ho left San
Francisco twelve years before. A few
weeks ago Cross was seized with
longing to visit his old home. An
drews , his companion In Texas , hail
returned to Charlotte , and Cross wrote
to him , and learned to his astonish
ment that his wife was still alive , but
could not ascertain where she was
then living. Cross went to Charlotte
at once and tried to find trace of her
The local newepapeis contained ac
counts of Cross' visit theie. Mrs
Gross had recovered from the illness
that brought her to death's door. She
read an account of the loss of the ship
on which her husband sailed "with allen
on board , " and had mourned him as
dead. In 1892 she secured a position
as dressmaker in this city , and has
been living hero ever since , little
dreaming that her husband was sail
ing into port at frequent intervals. Tbo
Charlotte papers were frequently sent
to her by n friend , and in one of them
she read of Cross' return. A little
telegraphing soon settled any doubts
of Identity , and the overjoyed husban.l
and wife arranged for a leunlon at
Charlotte , where they had parted nine
teen years before. They were cordial
ly welcomed by many old friends , and
will begin life anew in the town where
they grew up as children.
The bones of an average male skele
ton weigh twesty pounds , while those
ot a fomaU are about six pounds
Harry Day & Co. are closing out
their large stock of Dry Qoods
and Clothing. If you want
"bargains in the Clothing line
here is your chance. They
have in stock a large supply
j of Ladies Wraps which they
are disposing of regardless of
- jost. Boots and Shoes they
are selling at prices that defy V 1
competition. They still have
a large stock of Dress Q-oods ,
Men's and Boys' Clothing ,
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear-
Do not faihto see these goods
and get our&prices.
Southwest Corner Sauare.
Peale Jk John
| Always American Always Republican
Every Column is Bright , Clean and Packed with News
The Literature of Its columns is
equal to that of the best maga
zines. It Is Interesting to the
children as well as the parents.
1 brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its
readers the best and ablest dlscussloni of all questions of the day , it is in
full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses
literature and politics from the Western standpoint , jt t j
N- s -
Price of Dally by null $4.00perycar
- Price of Sunday by malt
1 S200pcr\tur e WV
- Dally and Sunday ty mall 5600perycar See
oe eee o * * * oe o oc ot > *