Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 18, 1900, Image 7

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Now Year's Commencement a Oonveniont
Time for Taking Stock ,
Under What Tarty the Great Hulk of Oar
I'oBiennloiifl Coino 1'nctn on Which
Antl-KximnnlnnlslH Holy for Vltnllcii-
tlon The Spanish AcquUloiis Discussed
The first day of the yera Is a con
venient time to "take stock. " It would
be Impossible for this nation to make
an Inventory of all Its wealth , rent and
personal , for the latest data of that
kind arc now nine yenra old. The gnln
since 1890 is known to bo immense ,
despite the crash of 1893 nnd the weary
years that ensued. Wo cannot oven
set down the approximate value of the
real estate in the United States and
their outlying possessions ; and per
haps It will never be practicable to get
within mnny millions of the stupend
ous totnl. But wo cnn nscertnln how
mnny square miles have been added
to the comparatively small area ot the
original thirteen stntes since expnn-
slon began about a century ngo. With
out taking the trouble to verify the
figures by examination of official docu
ments , The Post reproduces from the
Chicago Times-Herald the following
table showing the various additions
that have been made to the orlglnnl
area of 809,378 square miles In the
thirteen colonies :
S < i. miles.
In 1708 , Mississippi tract U'J.OOO
In 1803 , Louisiana tract 1,233,450
In 1821 , Florida tract 58,080
In 1845 , Texns tract 265,780
In 1848 , Callforla , Utah , Nevada.
Arizona and New Mexico tracts. 5S9.C30
In 1553 , Gadsden purchase 45,535
Jn 18 7 , Alaska tiact C31.410
In 1899 , Hawaii Territory 6,740
In 1&99 , Porto Hlco 3.COO
111 1899 , Philippines HS.OCT.
In 18911 , Sulus und Guam 50
Totnl expansion 2,977,87' .
The Philadelphia Record , an anti-
silver democratic paper , copies those
interesting data in a recent issue , and
comments thereon in this way :
"Of this accretion to our territory 2-
25)3,975 ) square miles were added by Demo
cratic administrations , In spite of the
active protests of oposltlon parties. The
remaining 673,900 square miles were ac
quired without the active dissent of the
Democratic party , though under Kepub-
llcan auspices. It Is rather late In the
day for the Democracy , under the lead
of Bryan , to run counter to a policy es
tablished by Jefferson and so acted upon
by his democratic successors as to have
trebled the original area of the republic
before the purchase of Alaska In 1867. "
The Record ignores the great fnct
on which nntl-expanslonlsts rely for
vindication. They contend that Is a
new departure to go beyond seas and
hoist our flag over provinces In the old
world. They declare , as all Americans
did a few years ngo , that our republic
has no business with lands inhabited
by peoples who are not capable ot self-
X government ; that we cannot consis
tently exercise sovereignty over prov
inces that cannot ultimately be erect
ed Into states of our Union.
If that argument were addressed to a
future contingency , It would hnve seri
ous weight. Brought to benr ngnlnst
the accomplishment of n font nlrendy
accomplished , against the doing of a
thing already done , It is utterly fu
Whether for good or evil , for better
or worse , this nation Is as Indlssolubly
bound to each nnd nil of the posses
sions transferred by Spain to our sov
ereignty ns it is to nny other part o'
the expansion recorded in the above
table. Whether wo are glad or sorry ,
exultant or despondent , over the ac
quisition of the Philippines , the Stilus ,
and Guam , they are ours , and all tnlk
of anti-expansion is as idle as the
chatter of magpies. Sovereignty is not
a thing that can bo taken on and laid
off like hat , coat , or trousers. It in
volves responsibilities and duties. All
the plans submitted by the opponents
of expansion by the men who are
lighting against the doing of that
which was Irrevocably done by the
adoption of the Pnrls treaty only
to illustrate the pitiful weakness of
their cause. Had Mr. Bryan stood with
Senators Hoar and Halo in opposition
to the treaty , and advised his friends
In the senate to vote against it , he
might have been defeated , but he
would not now be fighting his own
work a position In which , so far as
AVO can 'remember the story of Jef
ferson's llfo and times , the ideal of
Mr. Bryan never found himself.
Washington Post ( Ind. )
Share In Chinese Trade.
One of the most Important factors In
the coming era of prosperity will bo
the guarantee of the open door in
China , made possible through the ef
forts of the United Stntes. It Is ex
pected thnt n specinl message from
the president to congress will convey
full information of the effect of the
agreement which the administration
will secure with the powers to main
tain commercial freedom In China. The
supporters In congress of the admin
istration's Philippine policy point to
this case as an argument for retain
ing control of the archipelago. It was
urged ai the outset of the negotia
tions for the Philippines that their
supreme commercial vnlue to the Unit
ed Stntes would be ns n bnso In the far
cast for the expansion of American
commerce in nil the orient. Farseolng
statesmen foretold the coming division
of Chinese commerce among the pow
ers of the earth , and were Insistent
that the United States should have Its
Down the Crown. "
As a Now \ ear's present the woolen
mills of New England granted their
40,000 hands an Increase of 10 per cent
In wages. The yard mills took similar
Alexnnder Cr-negle gave his em
ployes a raise of 7.14 per cent on Jan-
ury 1st. It affected 10,000 men , nnd
made a total .of 25 per cent Increase
since the advent of republican pros
perity. And still Mr. Carnegie Is able
to give nwny Immense sums for the
building of libraries. Business "expan
sion" under republican rule has boon
n great thing for him as well as for the
country at large.
A Tien for rntrlotUm.
Patriotism ns usually estimated la
ono of the cardinal virtuosi Some of
the most stirring strains of poetry
have been written In exemplification of
It. The most unselfish heart beats that
over animated mankind liavc been
caused by the appreciation of Its dis
interested character. If there Is any
thing that the young people of Amer
ica should be taught , It Is the culti
vation of this Imperial virtue. And
yet the length to which devotion to
party politics will drag people has been
demonstrated several times In the his
tory of our nation by fierce attacks up
on the constituted authorities , by un
just criticism , and far fetched surmises
as to dlro results to happen In the
future , simply for the purpose of se
curing party advantage.
At the tlmo of the Civil war , this
was partly excusable for the reason
that the lifelong habits and education
of the people , founded upon what they
called their property rights , were
strongly antagonistic , but It Is a mar
vel that In this day when the admin
istration has been forced Into a war
by the clamor of the same Individuals
who have since been severely criticis
ing It , In this day when there arc no
diverse Interests among the people to
bo considered except the question as
to who shall hold the offices , In this
day when the administration has been
so wise and so prudent In Its actions
and not even In a skirmish ImVo we
boon defeated In the war with Spain ,
it is surprising that men for the salto
of party advantage shall array them
selves against all the plain Interests
ot the government , with really at the
bottom no excuse except that thejt
wish to create a sentiment against tlio
party In power for the purpose of eu-
deavorolug to build up the success of
their own party. Some , it may be ,
who are encrusted with the old fogy-
Ism of the past , cannot realize that
the United States In making its grand
growth and material prosperity , and
In the development of Intelligence of
its citizens has responsibilities to as
sume , but are so fixed In their rever
ence for the ages that are past that
they deliberately turn their backs upon
progress and all that it means , but to
the ordlnnry Americnn citizen there
should be nothing but rejoicing thnt
the sphere of the United States has
been so Immeasurably enlarged. He
should be glad tnnt the flag lloats ev
erywhere and is received with respect ;
shouid bo proud that the inventive
genius of America is. sending forth
products vhich control the commerce
of the world ; should be glad tnat' ' a
divinely appointed opportunity came to
our land to place Itself In the position
of wielding more Influence in the
world's affairs , the position to which
it is entitled by the development of
its ideas.
God forgive the little Americans.
God bless the patriots and inspire larg
er patriotism In America.
They Toll the Story.
A great truth was spoken when the
Kansas City Journal exclaimed : "Ne
braska is us prosperous as Iowa , but
her people arc too much blinded by
Bryanlsm to admit the fact at the
polls. " The records of mortgages filed
and released each year In Nebraska
during the past seven years ought to be
sufficient in itself to demonstrate to
the people of that state that It Is tin
der republicanism that they prosper.
The record Is as follows :
Filed. Released.
1S92 $ : W,847,633 $ : ! 1,912,27
1S9J 34,601,318 26,178,743
1S94 31,690,0r > 4 2ti,4.'IS,0'JO
1&93 25.753,364 22,648.917
189fi 16,474,606 18,213,382
1897 15,630.721 22,215,769
1S > 9S 21,303,853 27 , 8,070
The Nebraska business man , farmer
or professional man who could look
upon such a record and then vote for
Bryan Is Indeed blind. The figures
speak for themselves , and it Is vevy
plain that the return of prosperity has
struck the people of Nebraska. It has
enabled them to materially reduce
their Indebtedness during the past few
years , and It Is putting them on their
feet again for a fresh start. Before
189G the record shows that the aggre
gate amount of the mortgages illed
each year was much greater than the
aggregate releases , clearly demonstrat
ing that in those days of hard times
the people of Nebraska were slipping
deeper and deeper Into the svvimp of
debt , while beginning with McRlnley's
election the tide turned. With the
coming of McKinley the people of Ne
braska began to not only make a good
living for themselves , but they com
menced to lay something by and soon
they began paying off their debts.
America Supplies Australia.
The United Stntes is fast encroaching
on European trade so far as Australia
is concerned , and the increase In busi
ness Is more rapid since the occupation
of the Philippines. The figures show
ing where New South \Wales gets her
boots and shoes arc interesting :
Country. 1897. 1898.
United Kingdom JS56.4T5 $ S26.'S
United States 219,220 316.273
Germany 107,630 & 2.36U
France 9,168 S.K.S2
Austria 6,471 12,565
These figures show the energetic
manner In which American manufac
turers are pushing their goods in the
Australian market. The American 81'p-
plies of machinery show a slight In
crease , chlelly In agricultural Imple
ments. In printing paper , the Imports
from America are Increasing and those
from Great Brltln arc decreasing , the
figures being :
Country. 1S97. 1858.
United Kingdom $385,4.10 J316,41.1
United State * 290,427 377,931
Germany 46.179 20,61 : )
With the retention of the Philippines
and the early building of the Nicaragua
canal , who can foresee the vast oppor
tunities for American commerce in
eastern waters ?
Demand un Explanation.
The school apportionment of Ne
braska , which under 25 years of re
publican control , even counting the
disastrous years of the Bartley-Hol-
comb regime , averaged $1.01 per pupil.
The fuslonlsts luva allowed the amount
to drop down to 75 cents. The people
should demand an Immediate explana
tion from the great "money savers. "
When the state statistician at Jeffer
son City completed his compilation of
the surplus products of Missouri re
cently ho discovered that the greatest
gain of the year was In poultry , nays
St. Louis Globe-Democrat. His returnn
of shipments showed that the Missouri
hen had cause to cackle loudly. Ono
hears a great deal those days about
Missouri's booming zinc and lead In
dustries. All that IB claimed for these
wealth-producing factors is well
founded. But what tribute is due the
hen when it is realized that the poultry
shipped by rail In Missouri last year
exceeded in value the zinc ore , while
the eggs went the lend ore ? 25,000 bet
ter ? Furthermore , In the case of the
poultry and eggs , these shipments wore
the surplus after the homo consump
tion had been satisfied. And It is
claimed that fully half Iho chickens
and eggs produced In the state do not
find the way to market by rail.
The figures arc amazing. The poul
try product shipped and sold last year
amounted to over 70,000,000 pounds. It
realized the producers at first price
54,900,000. The eggs shipped were 33-
935,000 dozens , and they brought to the
people who gathered them from the
nests 13.393,000. Poultry and eggs to
gether yielded to the farmers of Mis
souri , after their own tables had been
supplied , 58,298,000. Why ! The two
great Items of agricultural gain for
Missouri last year , cattle and hogs ,
realized , respectively , 534,000,000 and
536,000,000 each , only about four times
what the poultry did. And they con
sumed the corn crop , of 190,000,000
bushels , and kept a considerable pro
portion of the farmers of the state
doing chores from daylight to dark all
winter. Where Is the farmer who can
figure the cost of his flock of chickens ?
The poultry product Is the "velvet" ot
the farm.
The poultry product of Missouri
gained 20,000,000 pounds last year ,
which meant 51.500,000. And the prod
uct this year win score a notable ad
vance , the buyers and shippers say.
A Street Homo Farnile.
It Is sincerely to be hoped that In
connection with the National Horse
Show which will In all probability be
hold In conjunction with the grqat
show of breeding and fat cattle , sheep
and swlno at Chicago In 1900 a street
horse parade will be made a leading
feature of the event.
People open their eyes In wonder
when they behold the great draft
breeding horses and mares at the horse
shows and seem to view them In the
light of curiosities rather than from
the standpoint of utility. What breed
ers want and need in addition to as
tonishing the public by the appear
ance of their show-fitted stallions and
mares is to show the utilitarian , rtrac-
tical side of-thelr horse-breeding oper
ations , and for this a street parade ot
working draft horses is absolutely
The idea is by no means new , as It
has long been established in practice
abroad and to a small degree here.
It contemplates a show of draft , geld
ings and mares of the different breeds
and grades by , city merchants and
others. It would bring out the prac
tical results and Improvement attained
by the use of pedigreed draft sires
among the mares of the country. It
would show the geldings and mares In
harness and a draft horse , of any
breed or grade never looks quite so
well as he does in harness and at work
hitched single , double , three-abrcast
or four-in-hand. It would also create
a wholesome rivalry among the great
"consumers" of draft horses to own
and show the best horses in the best
condition and harnesses to the most
attractive wagons and trucks.
If such a show should bo arranged
there would bo little difficulty In pro
viding the premium money , and it
could be confidently expected that the
various horse-breeding associations In
terested would arrange to provide spe
cial premiums or medals for winning
horses of their respective breeds.
Wo hope that breeders will see to it
that this idea is not lost sight of , and
that a great street horse parade will
bo the result.
Milk 1'reflorvatlTei.
The Vermont Experiment Station
sends out the following warning : Look
out for the man with the patent milk
preservative. There are various agents
now abroad In the land selling
"Freezene , " "No-lco-nccdcd Pre
servative , " "Liquid Milk Sweet , " nnd
several such nostrums intended Inci
dentally to keep milk from sourlilg ,
and primarily to gather In the farm
er's loose change. In nil those several
cases which have been reported to the
Vermont Experiment Station , the
chemical basis of the preservative is
the same. It is formaldehyde. form
alin a powerful disinfectant and
germicide , but not a desirable article of
diet for the human species. It is not
strictly and seriously poisonous , but
it Is held by all the best authorities
to bo harmful to the digestive system.
It is the eamo material now largely
in use in the creameries for preserving
samples of milk for testing. It will
certainly kcop milk from souring ; and
it thus enables the slovenly dairyman
to cover up many of his worat uegll-
gencles. It leaves him free to enjoy
the filth of an unclean stable , to save
himself the trouble of cleaning his
cans , to bo as loose and lazy and
wicked as he pleases. This is not to
say that the man who uses Preserva
tive , Freezeno and the like is neces
sarily that eort of a fellow ; but these
chemicals do protect him from the re
sults of negligence and ignorance , and
seem , to the unprejudiced observer , to
offer the careless milkman an unde
served salvation from his sins.
It Is reported that many range horses
are being shipped onto the great horse
markets of the country and some are
even going to Europe.
It Is understood \hat the German
government will at once take steps to
make the Islands ceded to It under the
Snmoan agreement a strong naval nnd
Btrntegtcnl base. Special otftdcra have
already been nominated to go out to
organize n system ot defense works ,
to prepare plans for an arsenal and a
coaling and ship repairing depot ; and
it la believed that 51 ( > 0.00i will bo ex
pended in the coins , of the coming
Exercise and study krop the muscles
and brain from stiffening , love keeps ,
the heart from hardening.
Ilnlf Kitten South via Onmhn nnd St
Ioulu and AVubiiHli Untile * .
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each
month the above lines will sell home-
ccekcrs tickets to southern points for
ono faro ( plus 52.00) ) round trip.
on sale to Hot Springs , Ark. , and all
Iho winter resorts nt greatly RE
Remember the O. & St. i. . . nud Wn-
bash , the shortest and quickest route
to St. Louis.
Remember the O. & St , L. nnd 0. .
K. C. & 13. Is the shortest route xo
Qulncy. Unexcelled service to Kansas
City nnd the south.
For rates , sleeping car accommoda
tion and all information caa at the
nam St. ( Paxton Hotel block ) or writ * )
Hurry E. Moores , City Passenger and
Ticket Agent. Omaha , Nob.
The Chicago. Tribune says that
James A. Allen of Palmyra , Wls. , who
Is now finishing his fifteenth consecu
tive year as Justice of the peace In
that city , is entitled to wrar the bolt
as the champion officeholder. - Until
the Grant administration Mr. Allen was
a consistent republican. Slnco that
time he has voted the democratic tick
et , but the chaugc in ins politics made
no difference in his success at the polls.
In fact , he Is so popular that for vears
he has been unanimously nominated
by both parties.
For starching fine linen use "Magnetic
A striking use of the X rays la to
be madq In the case of tWo sisters
who are joined together In the same
manner as the celebrated Slumcso
twins. These , girls were recently dis
covered in Brazil and have reached
the ago of 10 years. The examina
tion with the X rays is to bo made
with a view of determining whether
the bond joining the two bodies can
be severed by n surgical operation.
Kcvr Invention * .
In order to Increase the life of the
type In typewriters a Philadelphia in
ventor covers the snmo
JJs with n flexible sheathing.
Hjf To expedltlously turn
the logs as they arc being
sawn Into boards a Min
nesota Inventor has ar
ranged a pivoted serrat
ed sector which is steam
operated and hold adjustable adjacent
to the log so that the log may bo rais
ed , lowered or turned so that any
thickness of board may bo quickly
sawn off.
To prevent waste of water in flush
ing tanks a Massachusetts inventor
provides an ordinary cock with a drip
return pipe so that the water not ac
tually used to operate the float Is re
turned to the tank.
To prevent the explosion of gasoline
in ordinary oil cans a PIttsburg In
ventor has provided the came with a
safety attachment so that ho now plac
es upon the market a non-explosive
oil can.
In order to facilitate the transmis
sion of coins and valuables through the
malls a Massachusetts Inventor pro
vides an ordinary envelope with a de
tachable pocket which Is removably
secured within the envelope and cov
ered by the gummed flap thereof.
Parties desiring free information as
to the best method of procuring pat
ents or introducing now Inventions
should address Sues & Co. , Patent Law
yers , Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of structural iron say
that within a short-tlmo all the moro
costly private houses , at least in the
cities , will abandon wood , except for
the most trivial use , and will make
use of structural Iron for the frame
work and the beams that support the
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch In the world.
Grant Allen's whimsically clever ad
vice , "Don't take to literature If you
have capital enough to buy a good
broom and energy enough to annex
a vacant street crossing , " does not
Bcem to have carried much weight
with his own son , Grant Alien , Jr. ,
who is now connected with a London
publishing hotiBu.
Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
Hiram Maxim first turned his atten
tion to gun making in a very small
way so lute as U < s4 , yet today his firm
employs more than 14,000 men.
The Health and I'lcuiaro Itenorts
Of Texas , .Mexico , Arizona and Cali
fornia arc quickly and comfortably
reached via the Southern Pacific Com
pany's Sunset Route. Dally through
service from Now Orleans to San
Francisco via Houston , San Antonio ,
El Paso and Los Angelea. Special
semi-weekly service , Sunset Limited
from Now Orleans Mondays and
Thursdays , composed of Buffet Smok
ing Car , containing Bath Ilooin and
Barber Shop , Drawing Room Compart
ment Car , regular Pullman Sleepers ,
and Dining Car ( meals a la carte ) , all
of the latest design and most luxuri
ously appointed. Direct connections
made at New Orleans from all points
North aiul East. Detailed Informa
tion cheerfully furnished by W. G.
Nelmyer , G. W. A. , So. Pac. Co. , 238
Clark St. , Chicago ; W. H. Connor ,
Com'l Agt. , Chamber Commerce Bldg. ,
Cincinnati , O. , W , J. Berg , Trav. Pass.
Agt. , 220 Elllcott Square , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try It new. You will then use no other.
It is Htrungo that we hnvo such a
horror of death , nnd yet find sweet
ness in sleep which suspends life ,
A correspondent ot llio London
Times , who clnlniH exceptional oppor
tunities for knowing ? leaves nothing
whatever of vli'ttib or Intelligence to
the Doors. Ho says : . , "I know the
TJbora , root And branch , stock , lock
nnd barrel . . and with nil this"
knowledge of them my estimation Is
t'nt ( hey nro the craftiest , most hypocritical -
critical , moat dishonest , most untruth
ful , cruelc-st , moat ignorr.nt , most over
bearing , most Immoral nnd stupidest
nice of white people In the world. "
Every woman who Is In love , unless
alio IB enough that way , becomes an
amateur detective.
'Hall Cnlno has taken a magnificent
flat In Homo and Intends passing the
winter there. There have been Indi
cations for some time past that ho In
making a clone study of the condition
of Roman life , with a view to repro
ducing It In a novel.
Tttero li n Ola * * of People
Who are Injured by the UBO ot coffee.
Recently there has been placed In all
the- grocery stores a now preparation
called GRA1N-0 , made of pure grains ,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives It without
distress , and but few can tell It from
coffee. It docs not cost over one-fourth
aa much. Children may drink It with
great benefit. 1C cents and 5 ccnta
per package. Try It. Ask for. Q11A1N-0.
He Is deaf Indeed to whom the grave
has not spoken words unforgottcn.
Hfiliahlo Help AVnntuil
Wither tti. ) The llumunltarliiu lliinio anil Sanitar
ium fur Invalid , mid llcnlth Srrk r , Incorporntfil.
Komi lf In BtiMtip * for full InrormHtlmi ,
Toltlcbumn.TrciiiMirer , Knut Lai VpKan , N. M.
There arc at leant as many men
in u man as there nro agon In Ills life.
Mm. AVInslow'H Noothlntr Syrup.
For children teething , notlen the Kiinn , rmluccB In *
Dominationallayipaineuros wluUcollc. 25oabottlo.
Non-roslstanco to injustice Is noth
ing short of complicity.
The LnrccBt In tlm World.
Walter linker ft Co. Mil , , Durcheitor , Mats. , ire
the lament Mf H. of Cocoa and Chucolale In the world.
A policeman travels his beat and the
hobo bents his travel.
Laxntlvo llremo Qulnlnn TublotH removes
the causa Hint produces Iu ( .Irlppo. E.7 ,
Grove's slgunturo In on each box , 25a
Blasted hones often result from ex
ploded theories.
Important Invention * .
Patents have been allowed upon ap
plications prepared and prosecuted by
us for Interesting subjects ns follows :
To C.V. . Gross , of Grlnnoll , for an
auxiliary air heater adapted to be con
nected with a stove in such a manner
that It will receive and direct the pro
ducts of combustion and aid In warmIng -
Ing and circulating air in a room , as
required to maintain a 'inlform tem
perature , by admitting cool air at Us
botom , heating It nnd discharging it nt
ij.s top. An undivided half Is assigned
toV. . S. More of name place.
To J. Morgan , of Atlantic for a plant
planting machine ndnptnd to bo ad
vanced across a field by horses to setout
out cabbage and tobacco plants In
rovfB at regular distances apart. A
boy on the machine 'hands ' plants' in
succession to automatic plant holders
on a wheel and as the wheel revolves
It places the plants In a furrow In nd-
vance of the wheel by n furrow ojiener
nnd furrow closoru immediately cover
the roots nnd rollers pack the ground
around the roots. An undivided half
has been assigned to E. Whitney ot
Printed consultation nnd ndvlco free.
Registered Patent Attorneys.
DCS Molnes , Iowa , Dec. 27 , 1899.
Use Magnetic Starcli 1C has no equal.
Grief nnd unto nt their height are
Breeding and Feeding in
Human Intestines.
A New Powerful Germ Destroyer Discov
ered How Microbes Arc Killed
While You Sleep.
Millions of microbes , Imctcrlu , nto-
tnulncH , dlBense-Kerrrw of every klnil live
and biccd and feed In the atonuteh and
For Uiolr propagation It IH only neces
sary for thu liver mid IntestlricH to bc-
cotno lazy and operuto Irregularly.
Modern science hus been ut work to find
a niciuiH of killing microbes , and the moat
successful Berm destroyer of all IH Cns-
ciirotti Cundy Cuthiutlu. They slaughter
bacteria whurcvnr they find them , are nn-
tlHoptle , Htoii Hour Htomach , rnnko the
liver lively , the blood pure , the bowels
regular , everything UH It should be.
Go buy ana try Cuseurets to-day. It's
what they do , not whut wo say they'll xlo ,
that proven their murlt. All druggists
lOc , 25c. or r > 0e , or mailed for price. Send
for booklet nnd freu sample. Address , Tlio
StorlinB Upmcdy Co. , Chicago ; Montreal.
Can , : or Now York.
Thin IH the CABCJAIIET tnb-
let. ISvery tablet of the only
gpnulno Cascurets bears the
magic letters "C C C. " Look
at the tablet before you buy ,
and bcvvaro of frauds ) , Imita
tions und substitutes.
Situated on Qal-
veston Hay , Is
destined to bo tlio
HOST I'KOSPUKOUS CITY on the Gulf of Mexico
It poshosi-os unexcelled NATURAL advantages
which roiipled with the HACKING of wealthy und
Inllucntlul men azures 11 lirllllunt fiituto. Tlio
u. K , Government Is now spending a larjjo
umount of money In Hnrbor ImprovutnontK.
J.ii Porto Is the nuturnl M. > uport for the pro
ducts of tlio entire Middle , Northern iind West
ern States and for Houston , thu great rullroud
center of Texas.
Excursions ut reduced rates will bo run twlcnn
month. Wrlto for I'KIJU HAPS , DUSCRIPTIVU
UTERATURB nnd full particulars to
188 Modlion St. , - - CHICAGO
of acres of choice njjrl-
uulturul LANDS now
opened for settlement
In Western Canada.
lloro Is Krown tlio col-
cbnited NO. I JIAUD
W II 1C AT , which urines the highest prim In the
markets of the world ; thousands of cattle ure
fattened fer trmrUct without being ( ed crnln ,
and without a Uuy'x shelter. Send for Informa
tion nnd iconic u free homo in Western Cuunda.
Write the .Superintendent of Immigration , Ot
tawa , ornddit' h the undcndttned , who will mall
you utlascs , pamphlets , etc. , free of cost. W. V.
nennutt Kit N. V. Llfo llulldlnc , Omaha , Neb.
Eye Water.
The I.nnd of llronil and lint tor.
ID the title of ft now illustrated pamph
let just Issued by the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul Railway , relating
moro especially to the , land along the
now llnd it IB now bulldlnR through
Don lloinmo and Chnrloa Mix counties
In South Dakota. It will bo found very
Interesting reading , A copy will bo
mailed free on receipt ot 2-cont stamp
for postage , Address Gco. II. Hcnfford ,
General Passenger Agent , Chicago , 111.
Wo kill ourselves with cither worker
or Idloimss by our vices and pleasure ;
gorged or starved , our end Is nearly
always simple suicide.
/ am
Past 80
and Not
a Gray Hair
"I fi vc used Aycr's Hair
Vigor for a great many years ,
and although I cm past eighty
years of age , yet I have not a gray
hair in my hcid. " Gco. Ycl-
lott.Towson , Md. , Aug. 3,1890 .
Lost It ?
"We mean all that rich , dark )
color your hair used to have.\ \
But there is no need of mourn
ing over it , for you can find it
Aycr's Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair. We
know exactly what -we arc say
ing when we use that word
" always. "
It makes the hair grow heavy
and long , too ; takes out cvcrv
bit of dandruff , and stops fall
ing of the hair. Keep it on
your dressing table and use it
every day. $ a bottle. AII
Write the Doctor
If you do not obtain nil thohoncfltfi you
( Ichiro from the nao of the Vlijor , write
the Doctor uliout It. Ho will toll you June
the rlfjlit thing to do. and will ncnd you
hla hook on the Ilnlr and Hcalp if you
request It. Address ,
Dr. J. C. AYKU , Lowell , Mass.
MAGNETIC of the AGE , '
QTflRRil No Boiling
UlnllUll No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
flt Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh add
crisp us when first bought uew.
You'll llko it If you try It. .
You'll buy It If you try It. ' "I
You'll use It if you try It. ;
Try H.
Sold by nil Qrocero.
Most talkulof poUitomimrtli ! Our
CbtaloR U-llD-KO iilnu about BaN '
rcr'B Karllest Biz Wvclca' 1'otato.
Lurgeat farm and vegetable eoed
crowcrsln U.H. Potatoes , | l.20unU
up n lilil. Heml tills iioilceandCc.
unp for Blj ratalof. Hnu
Has the endorsement of tbo
II. S. Government nnd all
thu LcudliiK Kullroads.
Get Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'PARRnUL. l > en lon Anent ,
M33 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D. C.
fr Succepsfully Prosecutes Clnl ms.
I Mite Principal ISxftmtner U.H. Ponaion llu rcau.
1 3 rr lu civil war , 11 a < Uuiilr < itliig claliui , atty niuce.
qulclc relief and curoiwont
CH e . llopk of teitlinonUlu and 10 IUYV treatment
KIIIK. UIU IU U. im V HUMS , lloi K , MI U. Ut.
Boat .Couch Bjrup. Twits Qood. CEO
tntlma. Bold hjdruyglitn.