Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 18, 1900, Image 4

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    ( Jo , Republican
Published every Tlmrwlny nt thu County Soul. ,
n. ni. xuntor
tcvumco in Ouelot Block , fourth ATC.-C-
Kntercd nt thopoatomcoat llroketi Uow , Neb. ,
as eccon J-cn ! n natter for transmitilou through
theU. S.aUlla.
One Yonr , In advnnco J1.00
THURSDAY , .IAN. 18 , 1000.
Thus far th6 Boors have shown
the br tier generalship , while Great
Britain bus boon humiliated in sev
eral engagements ,
Before the English engage in an
other vrar they would do well to
advise with Win. AlcKinlcy when
to commence and how to conduct a
successful campaign.
IIad the anti.expansion view pre
vailed today , wo would have been a
colony of thirteen states , while
Great Britain , Spain and Franco
would have control of the rest of
North America.
Ouster county has collected $20 ,
000 taxes for the state the past
year. It looks like prosperity has
at least a small foothold in Ouster
county , the calamity cry of the pops
f to the contrary notwithstanding.
; ; Since it has been established be
yond a reasonable doubt that Sen
ator Hoar's speech in the senate
was the cause of7 the Filipino in
surrection , Inn resignation from his
exalted position should be demand
ed by his coiiHtituontH.
The railroad uonimisaionorH con
tinue to draw their salary and ride
on railroad pasties , but the demand
ot Nebraska shippers to interfere in
their behalf against exhorbitant
freight rates does not seam to in
terest them in the least. Such is
reform by pop oflilain. .
Two of the publishers of the
Denver Post were shot ana one
seriously if not fatally wounded , by
Lawyer Audorson'a few days ago.
The lawyer oalle'd at the Post's
oflioo to demand a retraction of an
objectionable article that had ap-
poare'd in the Post. His demand
was mot by both publishers at *
tempting lo put him out , when he
shot them both.
During the four years of demo-
pop administration the citizens of
Ouster county wore compelled to
let their taxes go unpaid , But un.
dor a republican administration a
largo per cent of them have been
enabled to pay not only their delinquent -
linquont personal tax for from four
to seven yeara bolc , but the inter
est accumulated , of which the state's
share alone is $20,000.
The necessity for adopting Bry
an's free silver 10 to 1 policy grows
less popular with the business
masses as they BOO the circulating
medium gradually increase under a
republican administration with a
gold standard. No one wants to
resort to fiat mouoy bisis when
thoyoan have all thomonoy they have
n commodities to purchase worth one
i * hundred cents on the dollar.
Farmers will
not objoot to ex
pansion when they observe that our
exports of wheat ( lour to Cuba
alone increased from $571,000 in
the first cloven months of 1807 to
$1,874,000 in the corresponding
eleven months of 1800 , lard from
$000,000 in those months of 1807
to 81,055,000 in 1800 , bacon from
§ 582,000 in 1897 to $842,000 in
1809 , hams from $310,000 in 1897
to 008,000 in 1890 , corn from $207.
000 in 1807 to $134,000 in 1809 ,
and butter and uheeso from $27 ,
000 in the liist eleven months of
1807 to $154,000 in the correspond
ing period of 1800.
An evidence of the increased
trade which expansion is 'likely to
' bring to the United States is found
in the fact that the exports of this
country to Cuba , Porto Rico , Haw
aii and the Philippines for the first
eleven months of 1800 were $88-
000,000 against $10,000,000 in the
corresponding mouths of 1808 , and
$1COCO,000 in the oorrobpondiug
months of 1897 , while the fact that
we will boble lo buy more and
'moro of our tropioal products in
f ;
tlioao islands instead of sending the
money to other parts of the world
in shown by the fact that our im
ports from them were , in the first
cloven months of 1899 , $5El,000,000
againat $39,000,000 in the corresponding
pending months of 1898 and $37-
000,000 In the corresponding
monthfl of 1807. ,
A special to the State Journal
from Aneloy Monday aaya : "Laat
Saturday evening about 10 o'clock
as E. Cleveland , manager of DiorkV
lumbar company , WM coming from
the depot , in passing the office he
discovered a man inside trying to
open the money drawer. An Clove-
laud unlocked the ofllco door the
man became alarmed and escaped
through a roar window by which
ho had gained entrance , and took
refuge in the piles of lumber , A
crowd soon gathered and the intruder
trudor was captured. Ho proved to
bo Jack Klick , a youth of seven
teen , lie had his preliminary hearing -
ing and was released nndor $800
bonds , There is evidence of a
well formed organization of boys
between twelve and eighteen years
of ago , who have boon committing
numerous depredations. A number
of stores have b/on broken into
and in ono instance they secured
about $100 , but sufficient evidence
could not be secured to convict
thorn ,
The South African war from
present indications is as far from a
conclusion as it was tour monthp
ago. The English have boon great
ly disappointed in their ability as
well as in the strength of the Boora
Had the British taken the precau
tion before entering into the con
ilict , as did President MoEinley
before engaging in the Spanish-Am
erican war , they would doubtles
have avoided the loss of' ' life and
reverses that they have had. In
the first place wo believe the war
could have been averted had diplo
rnaoy been resorted to instead o
arrogance , The English govern *
mont had a just right to object to
the treatment their iubjeots re
ceived by the Tranivaal govern
ment , and would have been juoti
fiod in resorting to force of arms
as a last resort. Upon the other
hand , the Boora who foil that the
British designed to deprive thorn ol
their acquired independent govern
ment , were constrained from patri
otic motives to resent any move
which they felt was calculated to
uaurp their right ? as a government
Being the weaker power , they could
not afford to take any risks , anc
were too proud and jealous to aak
the friendly offices of any other
nation to arbitrate their difioranoes
Tbo English government , the
greatest power on earth , could with
out humiliation requested our gov
ernment to arbitrate their differ
ences instead of issuing its ultimat
um. Hence neither government
can claim their cause is wholly just
and no unbiased person can wholly
justify one power and excuse the
other. As long as the Boers in
sisted upon taxing Englishmen with *
out giving thorn the right of fran-
ohide they wore dealing unjuatly
with their subjects , and besides
putting up a baragainst progressive
civilization. In this they were as
much in the wrong as were the En
glish who attempted to control the
American colonies in the same way.
But as they are fighting to main
tain their independence as they believe
liove , in that particular every Am.
orioan's sympathy goes out with
them ; yet wo can not censure the
British for demanding equal rights
for the English who have become
identified with the material and
moral gro vth of the country.
Washington Letter.
Washington , D.C. , Jon. 13.
Ono of the vital questions before
the present congress is the attitude
of the southern states toward the
negro vote. Ono proposition has
boon offered in connection with the
census enumeration which wil
hereafter base the representation iu
congress on the number of vote
recorded in each state , instead eon
on population. If this goes through
it will either oompol the states to
allow the colored oituena to vote
or it will cut out the representation
cf these states to about ono-hal
what they now aro. The debate on
his question , a small part having
already been made , will bo red hot ,
as the southern democrats are united -
od in tbo idea that negro suffrage
ought not to bo allowed.
That a men is a silvorito does
not always mean that ho is "agin
ho government , right or wrong. "
This was shown a tow days ago in
ho senate when one of the Aguin-
aldo members was yowling about
bo "unauthorized war , " Senator
Stewart said in reply : "Tho legis-
ation increasing the regular army
o 05,000 and authorising a vOlun-
eer foroo of 10,000 men and three
eaiments to bo organized in the
Philippines war for the express
) urposo of prosecuting the war and
of suppressing the insurrection in
ho islands , The war , under the
authority of congress , has boon
carried on for about eleven months ,
until it is too late to inquire how
he United States booamo involved
n it. If the inquiry had boon
made in February last it might
iavo been pertinent , but now , after
my country has been engaged in
war under authority of the legisla
tive and executive departments of
this government , and after thous
ands of precious lives have been
sacrificed and millions expended
under authority of the war making
power , it is my country's war , and
ino origin or motive ot ttio war can
not now be questioned. The lives
lost and the money expended in a
war authorized by congress shoult
prooiudo any effort on the part of
patriotic citizens to provo that the
war was wieked in Us origin. "
Compare this patriotic stand with
the sentiments rooently oxprcssec
by Bryan. The question is , how
are the f unionists all going to stamen
on a Tagal platform in the coming
campaign ?
From a perusal of the old books
and documents hero in the nationa
library one learns that the groa
Thomas Jefferson was a little mixec
in his views on finance , and was
quite liable to change his mind
Ho was also unsound for a time on
commerce. Ono hundred and twen
ty years ago ho wrotoand published
the idea that it would be hotter for
tbo United States to abandon the
BOB entirely , allow all foreign goods
to bo brought to us and domestic
shipments to bo oarriod in foreign
ships. Thus , he said , in case o
foreign war , we would have no
property on the high seas to be
damaged. In the meantime ho
thought it would be best for the
American people to all engage in
agricultural pursuits , allowing the
manufacturing to bo done else
where. A few years later Jeffer
son was a rampant expansionist
As the saying now is , ho became
"land hungry , " and could not wait
for congress to act before ho com
menced adding to the territory of
the United States. It is well
known now that his latter idea of
increasing the domain was a good
one , while his theory of the country
crawling into a hole in the matter
of oommeroo and trade was the ver
iest bosh. No doubt ho came to
that conclusion himself before ho
loft the president's chair.
Supervisor's 1'rocoodiiigs.
January 11,1900.
Pursuant to adjournment the board
mot at 9 r. . m. and was called to order
by Gbnirmau Curr.
Tbo roll call allowed nil the mem
bers present.
Minutes ot the previous session were
read and approved.
The committee on official bonds ret
ported to recommend approval of bond
ot B. B. Quinn us township treasurer o (
Loup township ,
Moved and carried to accept the re
port of committee and to adopt It as
Upon motion the board adjourned to
meet at 1:30 : p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Hell call abowed all members proa i
It was moved by Gooney seconded , by
Arthur that the chairman of the poor
farm committee be Instructed to attend
to leasing nud collecting routs on all
town property belonging to Ouster coun
ty , Webr. , and turn over all sums EO obi
talned to the county treasurer of eald
The question being put by the clerk ,
the vote was unanimously In favor ot the
motion and It was declared carried.
Moved by Breobbubl seconded , by
Ooooey that the board reconsider the
olulin ot CluirlcB Gestwlto In the matter
of tholl. Harrottrond. The motion win
The road and road claims committee
reported na follows :
We recommend tlmt Clmi. Ges twite be granted
the lirlrllege to conitruot and maintain at Ma
oirn exp nso c ttle chute ncroitthe highway at
s point north nml cast from hla house : and that
laid Oeitvrlte bi awarded f 116.UU damage In tb
natter of the Hi Bnrrett road , laid amount to b
charged to road dlitrlct no 4. UtrWyn towoiblp.
It was moved and carried that the re
port of the committee bo accepted and
adopted as recommended
Moved and carried to adjoura until 9
a. m. tomorrow morning.
Friday , Jan. 12 , 1900.
The board met at 9. a. m. pursuant
to adjournment , tbe roll call showing
all the members present.
The mlnutea of tbe previous session
were read and approved.
It waa moved by Nicholas and secon
ded by Llud that the following resolution
relative to tbe Longwood bridge , etc. . bo
msaed by the board.
Bolt resolved , That whereas , the
commissioner appointed to view the
Priiim Vleok ro d and bridge with reference
enco to tbo vacation ot said road nud
bridge has filed a corrected and nmem
dod report , and whereas , said ruports
are indeflnitu and conflicting , and It ap
pears from the supplemental report that
Bald commissioner was ignorant ot ccrr
tain facts at tbo timu of making snid
first report deemed by him to be impor
tant , in making a complete report upon
said matter , and wherens , it iippuura tlmt
Bald commissioner acted In making snid
report under a mlttnke of facts. There
fore bo it resolved. That , we receive the
supplemental report of Enid commiBBlon-
er and consider his former report upon
Bald matter , and that mild report consldt
ered as a whole bo set aside and vacated
as indefinite , conflicting and Bald rc >
ports , both the origulal report nod flup.
plemental report , und each of thorn bo
and hereby are Bet aside , vacated and
held for Tmueht.
13o it further reBOlvcd , That the
County clerk bo nnd hereby Is ordered
and directed to appoint some suitable
and disinterested oleotor of the county a
uommibsioner to examine the expediency
of the vacation of said bridge and roads
described In the Frank Viselc petition.
Upon this question , Brechbubl , Curr ,
Conley , Und and Nlcliolua voted Aye ,
Cooney and Arthur nay.
The chairman declared the reuolutlon
carried ,
The following objections were filed by
Ally's Scott and Gndd , in the matter of
vacation of Longwood Bridge :
Cornea now reuionstrators and appearing
especially otute :
1. The commUsIonor hereunto appolutjd by
the clerk baa reported unfavorably to the vaca
tion and no farther action can be bad upon bis
petition ,
2. Tbat the supplemental report iu not allow
ed by la f. The board ba * no Jurisdiction there
of or over this petition. J. M. Scott and N. T.
Qadd Atty'e lor Kemonitratora.
It was moved by Nicholas seconded
by Llnd that the objection to tbe juris
diction of the board filed by Attya. Scott
and Qadd bo overruled. /
On this motion Breohbnbl , Cnrr , Con-
ley , Llnd and Nicholas , voted , Aye.
Cconoy and Arthur , nay.
The chair declared the question car
ried and tbe objection overruled.
The following exceptions to the ml.
ing of the board was filed by Attys. Scott
and Gndd :
Coma now the remonstrntors and except to
the ruling of the board upon tbe special appear
ance of tne romonetratora heretofore filed , nnd
alk forty days to settle bill of exceptions and
nlo the same , and hereby flln this exception and
reqiust J. II. Scott , M. T. Qadd , Attys , for
The board considered tbe delinquent
tax claim of Henry M. Kidder and It
was moved by Brechbubl and seconded
by Nicholas thai the proposition of
Henry M. Klddor be accepted and the
judgment hold by him against Ouster
county in the District court thereof for
121.00 rendered April 7th 189 / amount !
Ing now to 828.79 be credited upon tbe
delinquent tax due from said Kidder to
eald county , upon said Kidder receipt
ing for said judgment upon the records
ot the Clerk ot the District court. The
motion was carried. Upon motion the
board adjourned to meet again at 1:80 :
The board reassembled at 1:30 : p. m.
with all members present.
The committee appointed by the chair
to check up the ofliuo of Ex-County
Clerk Geo. E. Richtuiyer made a report
as follows.
Wo your committee anpolnted to
check up the ofllce of Geo. E. Rtcbtmyer
EX'Conuty Clerk , beg leave to report
that we have chocked up his annual re
port for the year 1899 nnd have found
the same to be correct , and have com
pared all receipts of the otllco and check
ed up nil foes and received all exceed
In claims and cost to the amount of
It was moved nnd carried that the re
port of the committee be accepted and
adopted. Carried.
Upon motion the board then adjourn *
ed until 9 a. m. tomorrow ( Saturday )
Union Soldiers.
I will purchase rdditional rights
of all who homcHteadod IOBR than
100 acres prior to June , 1874 , even
if they abandoned their claims ,
Will buy fractional ! ) if ever ao
email. Great induoementa offered
agents- 11. K. KKLLEY ,
Kansas City , Mo.
Jess Gandy has at all tunes on
his ranch , six miles southwest of
Broken Bow stock cattle for sale.
Terms made on application. tf
For Rent
A well improved farm near town
Come early. JAMBS LBDWIOU.
V. '
F. C. WOUNAMj. President. J. A. II\11HI3 , Ciwhlcr. I \
A. J. HOmCKTBON. Vlco-I'res. W. D. ULACKWBLL , Ass't Cashier.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Bonking Business. County Claims and
Warraato Bought.
Hasja full line of
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery ; Toilet Articles , etc. Store on
corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb.
3. II. BUUNIIAM , President , Lincoln , Nob. It. O , IIOOKRS , Oixshler , Broken Dow.
J. It. KIMBEnUNQ , Vlco-Prcs. , llrokon How. S. II. HOVT , Aes't Cashier
DlBHCTOllg :
S. II. DarnbamI J. M.Klmberllug. 8. D. lloyt. II. 0 , Kogors.
Jnltcd ! Btnten NntlonM Bank , Omaha. Phontx National Bank , New York. First National
Ilank , Lincoln , Nobru-kn. /
- - - -
1 , r--T--
H Our Coals Are the BEST.
Just Read the List.
Cambria Splint. I
Sheridan. H
Canon City Lump and Nut. |
D Also Eastern Hard , kII
1 }
You pay your money and you take your choice. |
Call up Phone No. 79 , and wo will take care of your
order. Yours for comfort in cold weather ,
Poster & Smith Lumber Co.
rJlpHTrilmvlCinli/iniL/ipjInnHnplIn BITOITO ! < TOI IonlCif31CTtiDllSnll Cu3C t I Cir3Crr3CiplgplCiSlCi § J
Jr = = n = 3lr5 l m
I Once Was Lost , tut Uow I Have
Found it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle- Grocery , a mammoth -
moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep
ing pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that , tt is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
i Tistmas committees are invited to call and get iny prices.
, jm ember the place , on the big corner , , jnst east of First
] N"slional Bank.
W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.
I wish to bay tc my Frioudn and Patn ins that I am now
located in the New Brick Building , on west ( ride of Square ,
where I will bo better prepared to serve th > em than ever be
fore , p. W. HAYES ,
Jewuler and Optician.
We carry a
stock of goods
valued at
Wo own and occupy the tallest mercantile bulldlnc Jn the world : . Wo Iiavo
over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly
engaged filling out-of-town orders.
CATALOGUE Is the book of the people- quotes
Wholesale Frees to Everybody , has over 1,000 pages , 16,000 illustrations , and
60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 73 cents to print nnd mail
each copy. We want you to have one. SEND PIFTEEK CENTS to show
your good faith , mnd we'll lend you a copy FREE , with alt charges prepaid.