TIME TABLE , liUOKKN BOW , NKB. Lincoln , Denver , Umaha , Helena , Chicago , Unite , St. Joseph , Portland , Hanson City , Salt Lnko Git ; Hf Louis , anil all San Frnnclflco points east aud eoutli. and nil points vret THAIN3 LKAVE AS FOLLOWBl EAST. No. 42. Local express dally , Lincoln , Omntia , and nil points cast . . .G'SJO a.m. . No. 44. Local passenger , departs.,11:25 : u. in , No. 40. Throned freight cast tally..539 ! B. m. No. 48. Local freight cast orr. dally ia.00 p.in Departs at 1.03 p in. Bxccpt Sunday. WBST. No. 41. Loral txprce * dally , Helena , Ilntlo I'nrlliuitl , uli pillule wcct..4.10:55p. : in Mo. ) ) . Local pa rcn..criHrlveaat..4 : ! > 5 p. in. No.45. " " \upl " 10'S8ain > o. 47. " " " " SlBp. : in Departs hi 3.45 p , in Kxccpt Sunday. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( floats irco ) on through trains. Tidies Bold and bag. gage checked to any point In tin United States and Canada. No. 43 baa merchandise cate Tuesdays , Thurs days and Saturdays. Mo. 45 will carry passengers for Anselmo , Hal icy , Seneca , Wliltmnu unit Alliance. No. 4(3 ( will carry passct gers for Kavcnu * tlraud Inland , Sewa.'d and Lincoln. Information , mupe , thnu tablce and ticket call un or write to 11. L. Ormaby , agent , or J Friuich , Q. I' . A. , Oinitliu , Nebraska. , II. L. Onsipnr , Aeon ) . fr * Burlington Koute Calilornia Excursions ( .liuajj ; quick ; comfortable. Lowe Oniahii1:35 : p. m. l.ni- , doln 0:10 : p. in. and Hastings 8:50 : -talU p. m. every Thursday , in olean , BE-- , - . - modern , not crowded touriet sleep ers. No transfers ; cars ruu right through to Sun Frauuisco and Lou Angeles over the Socnio lioutc through Denver and Salt Lake City. ( Jars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratun ; Lave spring scats and hacks ami are provided with curtains , bed .injr , tow lot * , sop , etc. Uni form nl pjttus and t'xpurioncod ex cursion conductors accompany each excursion , relieving passengers ol all hother about baggage , pointing o'ut sbjeots of interest and in man ) other ways helping to make the overland trip a doljghtful exper ience. Second class tickets arc JionoreJ. Berths $5. For folder giving full informa tion , call at nearest Burlington Koulo ticket office , or write to J. Francis , general passenger agent Omaha , iN'eb. The Way to go to Califbrniw. la in u tourist sleeper , personally con * * > ducted , vl * Uo iJurllntfton Koute # You dent cbauge curs. You make fas' time. You eee the finest ecencry on tbo globe. Your csr IB tot as expensively fur- nltned as a place sleeper , but it Is juet Ra clean , juat as comfortable , juet DB 5X good to ride In and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules ; 5K PmtBch gass high back seats ; a unformed 4 Tullmau porter ; clean bedding ; spacious toilet rooms , tables and heating range. Being strongly and heavily built , It i rtdea smoothly ; It is warm In winter and cool In Bummer. In olmcgo of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies U right through to Lo Angeles. ( Jars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday , arriving San. FranclFCo following Hun- day , Loss Angeles Monday. Only three days from Missouri River to the Pacific Const , including two stop-ovrrs of 1 hours nt Denver and 2J hours at Suit Lake City , two of the moet interesting cities on the continent. For folder giving full ( information , call at any Burlington Koute ticket ollico , or write to , J. FUANCIS- Gea'l. PASS. Agt. , Omaha , Neb. WANTED Several persona for District Office Managers in this state to represent mo in their own and surrounding counties' Will ing to pay yearly 8600 , payable weekly. Desirblo employment -will ) undual opportnitica. References exchanged. Enclose self-addreseed stamped envelope. S. A , Park , 820 Caxtcn Building , Chicago. Pains In the chest when a person Imp a cold indicate a to idency toward penumonia .A pkce of flunse ! aami > u- ed with Charuberlin'B Pain Blain and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pnln and prevent tbo threatened attack of pnemoula. This eiuno treatment will cure a lme lack in a few liouw , Sold by n > l Druggists. .AsKy * „ . Eureka Harness Oil Is tliohcst preservative of new luiillior ami the licit ronoviitor of old leutlitr. It oils , softens , blticl- onsnud protects. Ufeo on your best harness , your old liar- I. . ness , nml your cnrrlnjetop , and tlicy will not only look Iwttrr but inr longor. Koldcvcrj'wliercln cans nil ttica from half pints to fl\c Callous , Uude Ij 8TIMUUU OIL 10. To the Public. Our biography books were burned , containing 1,500 biographies , which can only bo obtained in time for publication in our book , by sending us by mail to Broken How at once ! , a letter , answering the following questions : Born where ? When ? Father'd name ? Blanied , when ? Where ? To whom ? Who was born when ? Whore ? Father's name ? How many obildron ? Their names ? Game to county when ? Located where ? About how ' many copies will you want ? S. D. BUTCHER. Equality , Economy , Security. $ fi * > ho tree tot f r Life Insnranoe 10 tknj found In the Equity of th Contract , ! Wj the Kconomy ot Managemtnt , nd the Sccnilty for the Payment. $ * TMR ORIGINAL Jj'ji f | Bankers Life Association , or DOB nzolac , BiiWAno A. TBMriK , Freililent. rftt OrganlrcJ July lit , 1879. Guaranty Fond for safety. Burplun Fund for protection. , .4-jj Supervised by 3,000 depository bank * . . * / ' Sccurl los deposited with the state JjSjj Coniervatlvo methodi. ( : * Preferred llla -Low nates. Bjj-i Quarterly Payments. , ' .tl For rules and full information , call Jj-jj ; 1 J. A , HARRIS , I yzii fiff. . ' . ' \A \ Agent for Ouster Connty , Neb ttjj y'fe ' . ? j. ; Office at Farmers Bank of Cas'.er i-J.il Cocnty , Broken Bow , Neb. jW ! . | ij gr > yft.'V : ) * f..vi : % 7..vyj. . ' ! . > .VwA. 7ftVa . irV.i.1 * ; : wi fel ; W THE FIRST BABY. | Cts Coming is Looked Forward to With Botli Joy and Fear and itfl Safe Arrival is Hailed With Pride and Delight by All. The arrival of the first baby in the household is the happiest and most Im portant event of married life. The young wife who is to become a mother delights to think of the happiness in store for her when the little one shall ncstlo upon her breast and latterly Bho shall hear it lisn the sweet and holy name , "mother/ * But her happy anticipation quickly van ishes when she realizes the terrible pain and suffering through which she must pass while bringing the little one into the world. An indescribable fear of the danger attendant upon the ordeal soon dissipates her joyf ulness. Thousands of women have learned by experience that there is absolutely no necessity for the sufferings which at tend child-birth ; they know that by the use of "Mother's Friend" a scien tific liniment for n few weeks before the trying hour , expectant mothers can so prepare themselves for the final hour that the pain and Buffering of the dreaded event are entirely obviated and it is safely passed through with com paratively little discomfort. All women are interested , and es pecially expectant mothers who for the first time have to undergo this trial , in such a remedy ; for they know the pain and suffering , to say nothing of the aim- , ger , which 19 in store for them. "Mothl er's Friend" is woman's greatest bles-'s ' sing , for it takes her safely through the severest orde al of her life. Every woman should be glad to read the little book "Before Baoy is Born , " which contains information of great value to all. It will be sent free to any one who sends their address to The Brudfield Regulator later Go. , Atlanta , Go , . S. D. Butcher has selected men from every post office in the county to write , but this excludes no one from competing for the premium book. Two Pointed ( { ucstlou Answered. Wlmt is the use of making a butter I article tban your competitor if you can not got a bettor price for ItT Ana. As . there is no dlffeienco in the price the public will buy only the better , so that wblle our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater in thu aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make Is tbebcet. If both articles are brought prom inently before tbe public botb ore certain to be tried and tbo public will very quickly pass judgement on them nnd use only tbe better one. This explains tbe large sale on Chamburlln's Cough Remedy. Tbo people havobeen useinglt for years and Have found it can always bo depended upon' Fhoy may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims , but are certain to return to tbe one remedy that they Unbw to bo reliable , ana for cougUa , colds and croup ther < is noth ing equal to Chamborlln's Cougb Remedy. For sale by all Druggists Chamberlain's Colic , Cbolein and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depen ded upon and is plcasont and fnfo to 'nke. ' So'd by all A Sure Sign of Croup. llnarsness In a child that le subject to croup IB a euro indication ot the ap- prtmcti of thu dlsenso. If Cbamberlir/s Cough Remedy is given as soon ns tbo child becomes hoarao , or even after tbe urotipy cough baa appeurd ; It will prevent vent tbo attnck. Many mothers who linve ( iroiipy children always keep this remedy nt hand nnd Hnil that it eaves ( horn much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and It Is plcaeont to take. For sale by all drag - | 0. NV.HEAL. A. P. SMITH. Beal & Smith , ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW. Prompt attention given to collections and i citato. OIUcc over First National Bank. Broken Bow , . . . Nebraska. T. W. Bass , DENTIST. .All work first class. Rooms on a floor , northwest corner Realty block , Broken Bow/Nebr. HBALTH AND BEAUTY. December should mark radical ( changes In our diet , it now being the i mission of our fooil to "keep out the ' cold" < as well as to nourish the body. Good soups and good meats are now of flrst importance Indeed , arc synon ymous with good Renae , begging the pardon of our vegetarian friends. Pureen ( of moat foundation ) and all the strong , rich soups to be avoided at other seasons are strictly In mid winter order. In winter meat becomes the pivotal point of our diet. The fear of yellow fever among the pcoplo has almost entirely obscured the danger from diphtheria , tuberculosis and ty phoid fever and other Infections diet- eases which confront us at all tlmea and during all seasons. Thu danger from a case of diphtheria In Now York at any season of the year is far greater | than the danger from a case of yellow fever In the same place ; still , persons who would shun a street where a case of yellow fever existed would delib erately enter the apartment of a per son ! suffering from diphtheria. A se rious outbreak of typhoid fever cre ates but little consternation , nnd the presence In our midst of Innumerable cases of tuberculosis , a disease which is rcsponsiblo for an incredible num ber of deaths , is looked upon with In difference by the puhllc , says the North American Review. The mis conception in regard to the danger from this class of diseases often ren ders the efforts of health ofllc als In J effectual. The Italians consider a largo nose desirable and beautiful. Recently there : have been two competitions in which noses have played the leading part. Ono at Padua was hold by the students , and prizes of pocket handker chiefs nnd snuff-boxes were awarded for "noses the most pronounced and respectable. " At Milan a moro Im portant competition was held , the competitors numbering thirty-six. The flrst prize , a gold medal , was won by a Venetian , whoso nose was found to be "of formidable proportions , long , well pronounced , aggressive , trench ant llko a knife hlade. " The second prize , an enameled medal , went to the man who owned a nose "domineering , assuming , with nostrils wide nnd cav ernous. " The third medal went to a man whoso nose was "refined and symmetrical - metrical , " while the last two medals to wore awarded for a nose "without pretension , Ingenuous , hut solid and well-planted , " and another "consider able , regular and worthy of respect" AS FROM THE ORAVa" Etnnbnud nnd Wlfo Who liellevad Kaoh Otlior Unacl for 10 Youri , Ueuultcd. A New\York dressmaker and a skip- per , who for ton years has been sailing i between Now York and Liverpool , are the central figures in a strange romance - , mance that ended this week at Charlotte - lotto , N. C. , which was their original home. , In 1880 Frank Andrews , of Charlotte , decided to remove to Texas , as his physician had recommended a change of climate. His friend , Wil- Ham Cross , decided to go with him in search of fortune. Cross' wlfo was in delicate health and could not ac company him. Cross spent several years In Texas , keeping la constant correspondence his wife. Fin ally ho decided to try his luck on the Pacific coast. He wont to San FranB ' olico and adopted a seafaring life. He joined the crew of a tramp schooner , carrying freight to'various ports In the Pacific ocean. When he left San Francisco news cane from his wife that she was so 111 that he could hard ly hope to reach her bealde before she died. When hla vessel passed out "f the Golden Gate be thought he would never see his wlfo again , and the last Ua that bound him to his North Car- ollna homo was broken. The ship was bound on a voyage half way around the world. In the China Sea th vessel was caught in a typhoon and wrecked. Only a few of the crew were saved. Fcr two days they float ed in a little or n boat , until a Rus sian steamer , L-und for a Siberian port , rescued them. The Russian ship put in at Vladlvostock and the ship wrecked sailors were left there. Fin ally Cross came to Now York and se cured employment In the transatlan tic service. Ho had not written to his North Carolina friends , nor had he heard from them since he left San Francisco twelve years before. A few weeks ago Cross was seized with a longing to visit his old home. An drews , his companion In Texas , had returned to Charlotte , and Cross wrote to him , and learned to his astonish j ment that his wlfo was still alive , but could not ascertain where she wa then living. Cross went to Charlott at once and tried to find trace of her The local newspapers contained ac counts of Cross' visit there. Mr.- ) . Cross had recovered from the illness that brought her to death's door. She read an account of the loss of Hie ship on which her husband sailed "with allen on board , " and had mourned him as ; dead. In 1892 she secured a position as dressmaker in this city , and is been living here ever since , le dreaming that her husband was sailIng - Ing into port at frequent intervals. The Charlotte papers were frequently sent to her by a friend , and'in one of them she read of Cross' return. A little telegraphing soon settled any doubts ' of identity , and tbe overjoyed husband and wlfo arranged for a reunion at Charlotte , where they bad parted nineteen .eU teen years before. They were cordial ly welcomed by many old friends , and will begin life anew In the town where they grew up as children. At She -Kxpremod It. "Yes , " said tbo lady from Boston , peaking of her favorite lecturer , "ha Is one whom tbe lady would designate aa a biscuit John. " "Beg pardon i ? " aald the member of the " tn laity. "Ob , to b explicit , A orRckorJaok.Indlanap alls Journal. , LETTERS SENT TO NOTEP MEN Those curious personages , who de light In prying into unexpected nub * JcctB and classifying the results In learned form have been very busy re cently with the lettern received by prominent pcoplo. The president of the French republic1 , for Instance , is said to receive dally 700 letters , nnd these are made up an follows : Dog ging lettcns , 250 ; petitions on political affairs , 150 ; petitions from criminals , 100 ; complaints against various func tionaries , also 100 ; anonymous letters containing insults , 80 , nnd threats of assassination , 20. The dally post bng nt Mnrlbnrough house , London , ton , contains some ex * traordlnnry letters. Hy one post there arrived the following : A request for a loan of $0,000 to cnnblo student of entomology ; to start for Africa ; a poll- tlou . from a poor old lady to provide a dowry for her dnughter.who wns nbout to bo married ; a pressing letter from a French Inventor of n now diving I dress , herRlng the Prince of Wales to'T ' don It nnd dlvo Into the Setno when he next visited Paris , nnd a calm request for money to redeem a workman's tools. Of course few of these curious mis sives over reach the Prince of Wales , for his experienced secretaries sift the correspondence with care nnd knowl edge. Every day there arc scores of letters connected with the public cere monies In which the prince takes n part , for every Item Is submitted for approval. Then lliero arc tbe thou sand nnd OMO social Invitations re quiring a reply , and unnumbered ap peals for money In aid of charities. The prjynto letters for the prince nro very numerous , for bis relatives keep him in touch with nil interesting thorn. Ills sister , the Empress Frederick , la a charmlns letter writer , nnd corro enonds with the prince regularly. SOCIABLE MONKEYS AS GUESTS An Odd Honeymoon Spent Amid Weird Surroiiiiilliicn. From the Weekly Telegraph : A gentleman -who was married In Indln a short time ago had a somewhat pe culiar experience during his honeyft | moon. Ho took his newly-acquired bride away to a house situated on the Nebudda river to spend the opening month of their married life , and tbo company that met them at their first breakfast was not quite the kind a bride expects to welcome her. The meal In question was laid on a veran da overlooking the river , nnd no soon er did the servants begin to place the crockery on tbo table than a largo number of monkeys began to assem ble from all directions , and noiselessly - ly took their places on the veranda. Naturally . , when the husband called to his wife , who was dressing , that breakfast was ready , and they were all waiting for her , she was quite per turbed ; , moro especially ns she expected they were going to bo alone. Imag ine her surprise when she came down : to find all the available space around the table occupied by monkeys , who sat as grave and silent ns posslbl * . During the breakfast biscuits wore thrown to the animals , and these , of course , gave rlso to a struggle , whioh resulted in n great deal of noise. No sooner , however , was each biscuit gona than the monkeys returned to their places and oat as quiet as if nothing had happened. As soon as the couple got up from the breakfast table the monkeys , evidently recognizing that there was nothing moro to ho had , all rose , and gravely marched down the steps from the veranda. Tongues of tlioCnt Faintly. The tongues of the cat family arc. covered with recurving spines. In the' common domestic cat these are small , but sufficiently well developed to glvo the tongue a feeling of roughness. But In the lion and tiger the spines are strong enough to enable the animal to tear away the skin of a man'a hand mnrolv bv licking It. Ovnrilressod Youturrttura. It is foolishness to make the coats ot young children of heavy material. Children roust bo kept warm , hut weight does not always mean warmth , nnd a child should not feel its clothes n burden. Many a lltclo tot cornea In from what ought to have been a re freshing walk weary nnd wel' nigh ex hausted , because of the weight of the coat it has worn. A layer of wadding between the material and Its lining gives warmth without adding much to the weight of a pretty coat , and velvet , satin , poplin , cashmere , camel's hair , Bedford cord and other soft coatings nro much Improved in appearance by using It. Skeletons. The bones of an average male skele- ton weigh twenty pounds , while those of a female are about six pounds lighter. DR. R. II. McUROSSON , OnBEHON HEARING PKTITION I'OIt AD- MI WBTHATION. The State of Nebraska , I Cueter Connty , f" ' At a secalon of the county court for the county of Cn&ser , holdcn at the county court room In Broken Bow , on the S8th day of December , 1899. I'robontJ.A. Armour , County Judgii In the matter of the estate of ( Ico. B. Green wood , deceased. On application by petition of Mnrcaret F. Spencer and Alary Noonaii of Ouster couLty , rep resenting among other things that ileo. 11. Greenwood , an Inhabitant of Crater county , on the 83d day of December , A.U. 1899 , 'at ' Ansldy , Neb. , died intestate , leaving estate to bo admin istered. That the petitioners are daughters of H ld deceased , and pray that administration of said deceased bo granted to Jamrs Ixxlwlch. It U ordered that said application ba beard at thu county coart room , at the court house In the city of Broken Bow , on tbo BUth day of January. IIKX ) , at 10o'clock a. in. It Is farther ordered , tint notice thereof he given to all persons by publl cbtlon of soon nodes at least throa weeks HOC- i osslvely , previous to tbe time appointed , In the Republican , a weekly newspaper , publicised at ' I tbtt city ot Broken Bow , In eald cqunty. 'Truecopy. J A. A'tMOUIl , Ben ) , County Judge. S. Land Office , JAMES WniTBlIBAD , - IlOfilfltor l < \ II. YOUNG , . . . - Jtocolvor U. S , Land OffiYo , Broken How , Nobr.i I . * or. SO , 180U. ( A enfUclnnt content affidavit haying been filed In thlt office by Hugh Kenoyer , conteitnnt , K lnst lid entry No , 1,160 , made AUK , " > mt { "T new nof < nee. 7 , T. 17. It. CO , bv Andrew < J. doff. contcBtoe. In which It tr aliened ( tut told ( Jolt Dan /ailed to comply with the law ai to rcildenco " nnd cultivation , fold"parties nro hereby notified to appeart reipond and offer evidence lonohlnR Bilu allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Jan , D , 1000. buforo the Hocliter and Itecolver at the United Btntcs Land Office In llroken How , Neb. The i aid contestant havlnp.ln n proper affidavit , filed Nov. 20th , 1800 , not forth facts whloh fhoir that after iluo diligence , personal service ot thl" notlcO'Can not ho made. It ! hereby ordered nnd directed that snch notion ba Riven hy due and proper publication. 33-flt FIIAMK II. VQUNCI , Hccclvrr. l.anil Offlco ot Ilrokon How , Neb. , I Nov. 17 , 1M > 9.1 Notice Is hereby Riven tlmt tlio-followlng-nnm- cd settler has filed notice of his Intention to make flnnl proof In support of hi * claim , and that said proof will bo made before IlcRltter and Kccolvur llroken llovr Mob , , on Jan , 0,1000 , vlsi UljrHHCH C Htmct , Menu , Ncbr. , II.E , No. M2 , for the totf , eec , 17 , T 1TN..11 21V. . Ho names the follon Ing witnesses to { prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of tnldlaud , VK ! : John It. Street nnd Elmer K. Hongboom of Ilrnkcn llovv , Nob. , and Milton M , Whitney and Alcy A. Wlnohciitcr of Monm.Ncb. 8301 JAMBS WlllTRIlliAl ) , Heritor. In the County Court of Cutter Co , , Ncbrnslm To Albert nil whom DcrlBchltigorS It mny concern , anl ospcolnlly to | Yon are hereby notified tlmt Peter Biuuos , ' etiatdlnn of the ofctalo nf Albert Bcrlecldngcr , as llled his account In thla court of Ids doings as such HUitrdliui , and nlfo Ids petition nslilug tlmt ho bo discharged ns rucli giiimlmn of Bulil oi into. And yon nro furthnr notlilcd that llaetu- nme Anilcrsoi , bus this day filed a petition In tlili court nsliiiiL ' , that ho bo appointed gutrdliv ot the perton nnd cstntu o ( the said Albert llorlsclilnuor and thill It I * hcriiby ordered l y Iho salil court , that both raid petitions bo hcnrd In snld court In Broken Uow , In snld county , on the SUth day of January. 1000. ot 1 o'clock p. in. , after four weeks publication of this notice In the Custor County Republican ni.d personal ecrvluo of a copy on the said Albert llorlschlngor. Witness my fcnl this 18th day of Dec , , 1830 J. A. ARMOUR , County Judge. OHDRIt ON GHANTINQ AUMIN1STUATION- Tbo Btnto ot Nebraska , I , „ Ouster County. l U8 % County Court for said County. Al n session ot Iho County Court , hold at tbo County Court room , in and for said county , nt Hrokoii Uow , on the 7th day of December , A,11. 1&99. 1'rescnt. J. A , Armour. Co. Jndyo. In the matter of the estate of Uco. Vf. Krey , du ceased. Wt.creap , letters of nilmlnnlriitlon ! have this dny been granted toV. . li. Frey ns administrator nf the cstr.tu ofGco. W. Krey , Ordered , that six months be allowed for creditors to present their claims against eald estate for adjuslmont and allowance , , end one yrnr ho allowed said mlmlnls- trutor to settle up said estate , from the -1st dny of December , A.I ) . IBC9 , And It la further or dered that notice be ( 'lvon creditors of snkl catntc to appear before mo , at Iho county courtroom In sold county , on the Slst tiny of Fcbranry , 190' ' , on I bo Ulst day of April 100' , and on the illsl day of June , 10,0. at 10 o'clock n. m , uacb day , by publication In thn Itepuhllcan , a nowspupor jirlntcd In e.ihl county , four weeks successively , jirlor to thuUUt duy of 1'Vbrniiry , H'OT. for the purpoDo of nrescntlnb' their claims lorinlliistmcnl and allowance. J. A. AltMUUK , ( NKAL. ) County Jtidgo. flN NOT10U TO KON-RKS1DISNT DEFENDANTS. William Diiggclt , Itcstcr UAggott and8. Cahlll & Co. . defendants , will takd notice that on the 18th dny of November. 1B99 , Eliza A Bullla as plaintiff tiled her petition In the district court of Nebraska , In aud for Cuetcrcounty , against said defendants , luiplca'tcd with others , tbe object and prayer of which Is to forccluuo a certain inoriKRgo executed by the defendants , William Dnpgett and Hester Daggott , to the cnld Kllza A , Biillls , convoying the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and lots 3 nndI , In section 0 , In township 10. N , of range Si , also the southwest quarter of section 33 , In township 17 N. of range ! , nil wcntof thodthP. II In Nebraska , to re- euro the payment of one certain promissory note dated on tbe SBth ! day of Mny , J8U-1 , In Iho Btlin of vine hundred dollars , duo nnd payable , on the flrstday of July , I8 ( > 7 , with Interest thereon nt the rate of BOTCH per cent per annum , payable icinl-nnnunlly. There In now duo on said note and'mortgagotho said sum of 5000 on said prin cipal note , with Interest thereon from tbo flrst da of July , I BUS , at ton per cent per unnum , nnd J31.BO with interest thereon from the Drtt day of July,1805 , at the rate ot ton per cent per annum : $31 60 , with Interest ' .heroon from the lit duy of Jon. 18UO , at Ilia rate of ten per cent per annum ; $31,50 , with Interest thereon from the flr t da ; of July , 1890 , at tbe rfcto of ten per cent per an num ; and $31,50 , with Interest thereon from the 1st day ot Jtilv , 1807 , lit the rate ot ten par cent per annum , and $31,60 , with Interest thereon from the 1st day of Jan , 1897 , at the rate of 10 per cent per aununi.for which several sums with In- terestfrom this date the plaintiff prnya fora clccroa that the defendants bo required to pay tbo same , or that said premises may bo sold to satllfy tbo amount found duo. You are required to iiuswer raid petition cm or before tbe BUtb day of Janu ary , lUuU. Dated this 18thday nf December. 1699. UMZAA. HULLIH. By James Lcdwlch , her attorney. NOTICE TO NON-RKBIDKNT DEFENDANTS. W.S. Brooding , Martha II , Breeding , W. II , Meeker and Bralnard , Richardson & Carpenter , defendants , will take notice tlmt on the 18th day of Ixovtmbcr. 18U9 , W. D. MOIntyrn , plaintiff herein , died his petition lu the district court of Nebraska , In and for Custcr county , agntnut raid defendants , the object and prayer of wlilcn Is to foreclose a certain mortgage- executed hy the de fendants , W. S. Breeding and Martha B. Breed. Ing , husband and wife , to and In favor of the Nebraska Jlortgrgo & Trnst Co. , convoying the nwy , and the nw } { nejf wU * wi. | and iieji swj < of section t , township 1H N. , c f range 10 west of the Oth P. M. In Nebraska , to uccuru the pay ment otona certain first uiorlgugo bond or note , dated on the tilth day of September , 1893 , far the rum of nlnt ) hundred dollars , duo and pnynblo on the first day of January , 1899 , with Interest there on at tbo rate of seven per cent until duo , and With Interest at thu ratu of ten per cent per an num after maturity. There is now duo on said note and mortgage the said sum if 89JO , with In. terest thereon from Hie 11 fat day of January , 289'J ' , at the rate of ton per cent per annum ; also uino Interest notes , each In the sum of { 31.50 , duo on the first davit ot January anil July of each year , commencing on the 1st day ot January , 1886 , with Interest on cncli of eald notes from the maturity thcicof at the rate of ten per cent per annum. The plalntlll prays for u decree that the defendants , W. 3. Breeding uud Martha K. BrccdluK , Do required to pay tlio same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amouut duo. You , and each ot you , are required to an- Hwcr sold petition on or lieforo thu 29ih day of January , 1600. Dated tbli 18th dny of December. 1809. W. D. McINTYUB. By JaniCH Ledwlch , his attorney. " " ' - ' -T- r- L- - " " " " * " 1 fIn In tbe District Court of Cutter Couuty , Nob. George W. i leaeori , I'Mlntllt' , ) vs. } William H. Coons , ot ol , Bufendiinlti. > To William II , Coonc , Kllzitbolli Coons and Qco. B. Bell , non-roslilcnl defendants ; You and each of you will take notice that on the lUth day of August , 1899 , Uorxo \V. Glcason , the plalntlu nbovo namid , tiled hla petition In thu District Court ot Custcr county. Nebraska , sgalnst you and each of you , and other dcfuud- antD , the object mid p'nyerof which said petition are to foreclose a certain mortgage exucuiou on October lit , IfcW , hy William II. Conns and Kllzabeth Coons lo the Globe Investment idif aud afterwards sold nnd assigned to this phlntlff t-ald rooitgugo waa glvnn to secure the payment of a principal note of $000 , dutcd October I , 1B9J , And duo October 1st , IK/7 , with Interest tboreou ! at 7 iiur cuii ner annum from date until maturity and lu per cent thercnltur ; and also to eecuro any puvmentfor tttxtH upon the premises described - scribed Insald morlgagj which tno holder of tiuld mortgage might tmy. Ba'd mortgage was glv u iinoii the no.i ! of nwM and the n\v > ( ot the iieH of 11 ! , and the w4 } of the 'i of 1 , all In townfhlp 15 , range 18 , Custvr county , Nebraska. That there IH now duo upon said mortgage In debtedness Iho follow ng amounts : Upou the principal note $ GOO , w'th 10 per cent from Oct. 1st , lb'J7 ; upon coupons No 0 , 7 , 8 , 0 and 10 Jiil each , with interest thereon nt tbo rote ot 10 pot cent per annum from the dates ot maturity of said coupons respectively ; and there l § also duo for taxes paid upon said prcmUcs by the bolder tf said mortgage 183.ill. with t c per cent there- on.from the date of ald paymeut * , for which ume , with Interest thereon as aforusalil , plain- tUI-pr > ys for ft decree foreclosing nuld moitgage uud decrevlotf that Said prcmlios urn ; bo 'old tu satufy iflld aujount _ , with interest it aforesaid , 'and costs of salt. You und each of you are . .0/ quired to answer said petition on or before Won - Oay , tLo 10th day of January , 1900. QKOKUE W. QLKASOX. By C L , Ciotturicn , bis Atternvy. , In the District Court of Cuitsr eouatr. Neb. Ida U. White , 1'Ulntlff , I vs. J. ICIraor II. White , Defendant ) Btrvlca of anmraons. , Klmer II. White , defendant , will t k ootlf that on thcllitdayof December , I9W , Ida D , ' Whlt , plaintiff heicln , mod her pstlllon In Ida j district court of Ouster conntr lualnst you , tk said defendant , the laid defendant , the objtet 1 and prayer ot which are to obtain * divorce fron the bond of I matrimony from yon on the follow- Inn grounds , to-wit : Pint Tfiat said defendant < wholly , regardless of Ida i dntl s i a husbmd , loon after the data ot the nairlago of aald ' plaintiff and defendant , commenced tna xe ii- IvH mo of Intoxication ; liquors , uH for more ; than two joarslmmodlalolr preceding the dU of Iho abandonment of plaintiff by said defend- nt , to-wlt , on Sept. 28th , 1STO , snld defendant ; ' was an habitual drunkard. Second That de fendant has been gtilltr of extreme ra lqr toward plaintiff. Third That defendant , ro- ( rardlcsn of hla duties aa o husband , for more than two rears last paat has gronly , wantonly and cruelly refused and neglnoted to provldo a inltahlo tnalntonanco for plaintiff or their minor child , nlthoughlat nil tlircs sufllclently able so to. do. rialntlff also aaka to bo awardtd the can. i ctmtody and oonlroloftho child , Hirab , K. , ared , : four years , tbo Issue of eald marrlairo , on the ground that defendant Is a man ot visions and < vulgar habits and wholly unfit to have the care , , ' custody nnd control of said child. Yon arc re. ! ( ) til ml to answer said petition on or before thr j Utlidoy nf Jannnry , IDoO. Dated this 4th dar t i December , 1BD9. . ADA I ) . WHITE. , < By Cnmcron A licoso , her attorrovi. 1 In Iho District Court of Cniter county , Neb. ; P. N. Rnmiihnll. ' ; VS. J. Lincoln A. floutlnvorth , ot al. ) Noltco to non.resldent defendant , The defendants , IJucolu A , Soutbworth , Lucliu Bouthwortb and T. K , Bonnlson , will taka notice that on Iho U3th diy \ovoraber , 1899 , the plalntlll , I' . N. Uaiutiboll , filed his petition lu ibu district court of Cutter county. Nebraska , nciiliist , the tahl defendants nnd each ot tUotn , tliu object and prayer of which are to foroclom u certain , morti ; uo oxocutcd by the defendants , Uncoln . A. SouthworthandLoclna Southwottb , to the Noorasbn Mortgaco A Trust Company , and by llastlguod tu this plaintiff , upon tbo following described promises situated In Ouster county , Nobiaska , to-wlt : The northeast quar ter ot sect ! n twenty-six , In township thirteen noith of raiiRo twouty.four , lo accuio tbo pay ment o > tbelr one curtain promissory note , dated the ttM day ot July , UM , and dao and payable on the lit dny ot January , 1899 , lor fMO.OO , and tan iier cent Intoreit thereon from Ua date Default having boon made lu the payment ot said note and Interest , plaintiff prays for a decree of fora- closure of the said uoto and mortgage , and tale of sa'd promises to oatlsfy tbo nmoaut found duo thereon. You nro required to answer said peti tion on or botoro tbe 16 h dny of January , 1900. Dntodat llroken Bow , Nobraika , tbls 4tb day of December , 1899. d7 > 4 P. N. CAMPBELL. By bis attorney , Alpha Morgan. Land Onloo at North I'lotto. Neb. , I November W. ISM. f Notice Is hereby given that the followlntf- named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In support ot h r claim , and that said proof will bo made before Clerk or District Court , at Broken Bow , Neb. , on January 32nd , 1900 , vie : SAIUII K , KDUISTKN , widow of William Edmlsten , deo'd , H. B , No. 16974 , for the now sec. 27. towu IS n. rnngo 81 w. Bho names the following witnesses to prove his routlnuoni rcitdouco upon aud cultivation of said land , vie : Simon 1' . Young. John II. Brown Jaino * II. Iloblnion. David B. Jennings , all of Lorau , Neb. OKO. K. KUKNOU , Aoatitor. OHDKH ON GHANTINQ AUMINI3TIIATION. ThoHtatoof Nebraska , I. . " Ouster County , ( County Court for said County. At a Kosilou of the county court , held at tbo county court room , In and for said county , nt Broken Bow , on Uiu loth day ot December. A. D. IBM. Present J. A Armonr , Co. Judge ' In tbo mailer of Ibo estate of Elvira Voro , deceased - ; ' ceased , TWhercns , letters ot administration have this day been granted to A. U. Towle as administra tor , Ordered , that six months bo allowed tor creditors to present their claims acalnit said csttitofor adjustment and cllowance. and one year ho allowed said administrator to act Jo up said estate , from t o 91st day of December. A. 1) . 1899. And it is further ordered , that notice bo ( jlvou to tbo creditors ot said estate to appear before me at the county court room In said cnun- ty. on thoiilst day of February. 1BOO , on the .ed day of April , 1900 , and on the 21st day of June , 1900 , at S o'clock p. in. each day , by publication In tbo Republican , a newspaper printed In aald county , four weeks auccoaalroly. prior to the 21st day ot I'ebruatv , 1900 , for the pnrposa of presenting their claims for adjustment and al lowance. True copy. ( SEAL ) J. A , AltUO'JR , County Judge. GO YEAItb EXPERIENCE THADC MARKS DESIGNS COPYniGHTS &C. Anyone sondliiff a Ekctrh nnd description mnr qulouly nicortaln our opinion free wliotbor HL invention Is prohnlily pntontiibln. Coimnmilrc. ( tons strictly eonllilentml. Handbook on I'ntprits sent true. Oldest nponcy for eccurltiR luteius. 1'atonta tnkoti through ilunn ft Co. rcuclvo tptclal notice , \vltuout chnrico , la tbu Scientific A handsomely Illii'trntod wo"ilr. I.nraest elf. culntlon of any Hcluniiu < ! .1'iiiriiiil. Ternm , t.l M year ; four months , tl. Bold byull tu'W ilr'nl ( > ri < . WUNN &Co.3ClBroad New VnrV Urwicll OOJ-o. (2A ( F BL. Wnililn t M > ' J , J , SNYDER , Notary Publicf - and Justice of the Foaoo. Bpoolal ftttoutlon giv en to collections. Doposltfona taken , pcuilou voiicbora neatly executed , and all kinds of legal papers written. Ofllce weft sldo luaaro , Broken Uow. Neb. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PHYSICIAN AND SDRGKON. 2d Htairway from wo&t ondin Realty block ; rcsidoDoo , north aidu , OAMEUON & REESE , ATCOKXEYS * COUN3BLLOU3 AT LAW. Hoc U.P 8-9 Itcalty block , Broken Bow , Neb. TTTT A , THOMPSON , CONTRAOTOK AND BDILDEB. and oatlmatoa on short DO loo. Broken Bo < v , Nob. Lunch Counter , Ed. Molloy , Prop'r. All kinds of Boft drinks. Beat brand of cigars. 1st building east of Farmers' bank , Win. F. . . Hopkins , COrSTIl/WCTOU. ANU IIUII.DER. Plans and Specifications on short notice. Ma terial furnished and buildings completed cheaper than any man lu the state , Satisfaction guaranteed - toed as to plans and specifications. Chas. W. HakesM. D. .0IIOMfflOPATIIIOIAN ! , Successor to lr. M. C , Blyston * . Office over ChryaUl Drug Store. Call * prompt ly aniwired from office , day or night ,