Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 04, 1900, Image 2

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D. M. AMSniCIlttY , .Vuulliher ,
William B. Gale , a well known crim
inal lawyer of Boston , IB dead.
The torpc'do boat Stockton was suc
cessfully launched at Richmond , Va.
The Poepeke-Lolcht lumber company ,
Chicago , lost ? 175,000 In burned build-
London papers Ray they see n
slightly better financial condition
Joseph Rhodes Buchanan , a well
known writer upon medical and occult
nelonccs , is dead , aged 85.
ftcymond G. Wolfe , of Humboldt , In. ,
has been1 appointed a teacher at Chll-
eco Indian school , Oklahoma.
Seneca 13. Truesdell , 'for ' many years
conncctpd with the St. Paul Pioneer
Press , has died at La Cronso , Wls.
The bank of Montreal ( Canada ) has
subscribed ? 17,000 to the relief for the
the British soldiers In South Africa.
At Lenapah , I. T. , Jacob Staats , city
marshal ) was cut In the throat by Tolly
Moore , 22 years of ago. Ho may die.
Seven Indiana , Includhuj ; two women ,
were drowned near Ashcroft , B. C. ,
by the'upsetting of their canoe In the
Thompson river.
The Earls' of Warwick , Dudley nnd
Lonsdale and VlBcoiint Gulway , dcsldo
the Duke of Marlborough , have volun
teered for service in South Africa.
Goyenior' Mount In behalf of the
state of Indlatid , will bring suit against
the Standard Oil company , in order to
test the , legality of the state anti-trust
The cigar leaf tobacco board of trade
will ask cbngress to 'provide that the
duty on Imported tobacco ho not due
until withdrawn from the bonded ware
The Missouri , vhlloy fruit growers
will ask the state to locate an experi
mental station near St. Joseph. A call
has 1 > ccn issued for a meting at St.
Mrs. Johnson , mother of J. 0. John
son , of the democratic national com
mittee , was burnpd to dqath nt her
home , Peorla , 111. , by her dress catchIng -
Ing flre.
"Buffalo' Jones will suggest to congress -
gross that provision should be made to
prcservp the bison oi N.orth America.
, Ho claims tp have In western Texas the
only herd.
At Germantowi a suburb of Phila
delphia , the mill of Joseph Fling's
Sons ; manufacturers of coton and me
rino , was destroyed by flre. Loss , ? GO-
000 ; fuly | Insured.
General Shatter telegraphs that he.
has discharged Koppltz , arrested' for !
circulating the story that'Major John.
A. Logan was killed by his own men ,
and says ho will report by inalli
General Superintendent T. E. Clarl < 5
of the Minneapolis & St. Louis railway !
Is about to end his seventeen years *
service with that road to become gen
eral manager of the Iowa Central.
At Ilazloton , Pa. , the 1,800 men em
ployed by the Lehlgh & Wllkesbarro ,
Coal company nnd the Silver-Brook1
Coal company was notified of an in
crease of 2 'per ' cent In their wages.
Senator Pottigrow , of South Dakota ,
said : "If I wore a Filipino I would
fight until I was gray If I was not
killed sooner , " Ho declared that Pres- .
idcnt McKlnloy was elected and owned
by trusts.
An appeal to the world to provide a
fund of 53,000,000 for the continuation1
of the work begun nnd for twentyi
years parried on by Dwlght L. Moody
was made by the trustees of the North-
Held seminary . t
To a Georgia inquiry about the workings - '
ings of pronibltlon In Kansas , ex-Sen-
ntor Ingalls replied : "Tho temperance
people have all the law and the drink
ers have all the whisky ; so both ought
to bo satisfied. "
Secretary Gugo Is credited with be
ing offered the presidency of a New
York city bank when he rets through
with the cabinet. The plun is to or
ganize the largest bank .n the United
States and phtco Mr. Gage in charge.
An application for1 pardon of Joseph
Wllklns and Howard Butler , now serv
ing terms in the Moyamonslng prison ,
Philadelphia , for violating the oleo
margarine laws , has been made to Pres
ident McKlnley , and the attorney gen
eral now has it under consideration.
The department of the Interior has
decided that the Dawcs commission
is required to transmit with tholr rolls
the applications and papers of appli
cants applying In person before them
for enrollment as members of the flvo
civilized tribes , and applicants reject
ed arc to bo so advised. Heretofore
the papers have not been filed , only
oral statements being taken.
Word has been received lioro re
cently that the Mexican government
has abolished the export tax on cof
fee. This is expected to have a con
siderable effect In the United States
by increasing the receipts of Mexican
coffee. At present most of the Central
American coffee growing countries
raise a part of tholr government reve
nues by taxing coffee exports.
The defalcation of Assistant Cash
ier Louis E. Goldsmith , of the Port
Jarvls ( Now York ) National bank
which first announced the amount as
$25,000 , Is now declared by the bank
examiner to uo ? 101,987 , The money
was taken through draft account and
manipulation of the general ledger.
The Washington authorities recom
mend an assessment of the stock to
make good the deficiency and to resume
the business of the bank.
Admiral Schcly's flagship Chicago
has arrived at Buenos Ayres and will
remain until further orders.
State Superintendents of Children's
Homo Societies from all parts of the
United States met In Chicago and dis
cussed subjects of interest to them in
child saving.
The Panama Canal company , of
America , with an authorized capital of
530,000,000 , was Incorporated at Tren
ton , N. J.
The Cincinnati cigar manufacturers
arc much concerned over the announce
ment that the American Tobacco com
pany , the trust , is going Into the cigar-
making business.
Bradstreet Reviews the Record that IE
Now Loft Boh'nd ,
Volume of Domcfttlo nnit I'nrolRii Trail n
tliu I.nrKi'flt IJvcr Recorded A Orncral
. \ < lvinc In Wane * Alto Shown 1'rlcen
fur 1'roiliictn < if Luhor Am Illcliur
Tlinu for UlRJit Vc r .
NEW YORK , Dec. 30. Bradsti cot's
review of "The Year in Bublncns" to
morrow will say :
Rarely have sanguine commercial
and financial hopes or predictions
lound such adequate realization an
they did during 18'JO. Certainly thu
widespread and general upward move
ment of values , alike of staples and
of. securities such an occurred this
year could not have been foreseen.
Linked with an immense business and
record breaking production in nearly
fill lines of business and Industry ex
cept , perhaps , In some products of the
agricultural interest .there was with ,
it an advance of staple values , either
of which alone would have made the
year notable , and combined they have
served to establish the year as a re
cord breaker and set up now stand
The volume of domestic and of for
eign trade alike was the largest ever
recorded and the bank clearings , re
flecting immense business expansion ,
active speculation in stocks and im
mense now industrial fioatlngs far sur
passed all previous records. Prices ,
lui a result primarily of the stimula
tlon proceeding from supply and de
mand conditions , scored probably the
greatest advance In any single year
and brought the general level of staple
values to the highest point reached
for more than eight years past. Fail
ure statistics point to the smallest
number reported for seventeen years
Those results have come to pass In
the face of a considerable lessened
production of wheat and an Immense
falling off in the yield of cotton. With
the exception of marked speculative
activity In the latter during the car
Her part of the season , speculation on
the leading exchanges has been more
largely confined to stocks and securi
In industrial affairs the year has
eon one of enormous expansion. Cor-
alnly nothing like the general ad-
ancc in wages of industrial employes
HIS been witnessed for many years
ml this has been accomplished with
i minimum of friction entitling the
ear to special mention on this , If on
10 other account. The close of the
-car finds order books filled to from
hreo to six months ahead In nearly
ill lines. Distributive trade was nat-
irally of Immense volume throughout
ho year , though mild weather at the
close tended to modify the satisfaction
with which retail trade in winter
nbrlcs was regarded. This was , how
ever , partly compensated for by ji
lollday business surpassing all m-evl
ous records.
Notwithstanding smaller exports of
agricultural products during the calon-
lar year breadstuff shipments being
Ifi1 per cent smaller , cattle and hog ox-
[ lorts 12 per cent less and cotton ship
inonts , on account of the short crop ,
at least 15 per cent less , there was such
an expansion In our manufactured exerts -
> orts that the entire export trade of
.ho your will considerably exceed that
) f the last calendar year , which was
the heaviest recorded , nnd make the
year no less notable In the line of for
eign than In domestic trade , with a
: otal of exports little loss than $1,280 , '
000,000 , nn aggregate , which If reach
ed , will mark a gain of : i per cent over
the record total of 1898.
Imports have naturally shown a
marked revival and if the gain for the
eleven mouths is maintained for the
month of December a total little below
$800,000,000 would bo expected , which
would guarantee a foreign trade well
In excess of $2,000,000,000 , an amount ,
It might bo remarked , never before
Nulirnskii Senator to Itrspond to Tount
"Our Foreign I'olloy. "
NEW YORK , .Dec. 3ff. Arrange
ments have been practically completed
for the annual dinner of uio Now
York Boiird of Trade and Transpor
tation , which is to bo held nt the
Waldorf-Astoria , January 31 Between
300 and -100 members of the board and
their friends w'ill bo present and the
dinner will bo hold In the largo now
banquet hall.
Several United States senators will
bo at the dinner and some of them
will speak to toastsr Among those
who have accepted Invitations arc
Senators LIndsley of Kentucky , Thurs-
ton of Nebraska , Hannnn of Ohio nnd
A. J. Beverldgo of Indiana.
Senator Thurston , who Is the most
prominent exponent in the senate of
the expansion policy , and Is regarded
aa the , chief representative in that
body of the administration on the
subject , will speak to the toab : , "Our
Foreign Policy. "
Former Senator Perkins of Califor
nia will speak on "California a.nd the
Commerce of the United States , " and
it is expected that in the course of I\B \ !
remarks ho will refer to our merchant
marine nnd the proposed subsidizing
thereof. The president has promised
to attend it it is possible to leave
Another Itouil to JVolllr Count.
CHICAGO , , Dec. 30. The Record tomorrow - ,
morrow will say : Another railroad to
the Pacific coast is a strong probabil
ity. Several eastern capitalists and
promoters have been In the city fqr
several days and it la said they arc
considering such n lino.
Among them is Warner Miller and
ho has admitted that his business in
Chicago at this ttmo is in connection
with trafilq matters and a now western
lino. A line from Salt Lake to Los
Angeles is in mind aud the building of
it has been practically decided upon ,
Pour Itf.lfil or Captured l > y I'lHplnon
KiiHt of Tiirlnc.
MANILA , Dec. 30. Six men of the
signal corpn wore attacked yesterday
at Tolvcrn , cast of Tarlac , by a force
of 200 Insurgents aud four of them
weio ullhui' killed or captured.
A dlBpatch stating that the Filipinos
were harassing the entire Llngnyen
coast from Vlgan to San Jaclnto in
small 'bands and that Lieutenant J. C
Ollmoro ( nnd the members of the cruU-
or Yorktown'n crew , who ( > rc prisoners
of the rebels had been separated and
were with Insurgent bands In ibe
northern mountains , was censored by
General Otln on the ground that ho
had contrary information.
The ntreiigth of the Iiuiurgcnts nt
Malabon canoed surprise to the Amer
Merchants here are anxious to have
the campaign In Cavite province be
gun , so that It may be the sooner fin
ished Vind the ports \)3 \ opened to
General Otis' recent dccicc authoriz
ing civil marriage makes no provision
for divorce. Only the Catholic rea
sons for separation arc recognized in
the order.
Girls 12 yearn old and boys of 14
are permitted to marry with the con
sent of their parents , but otherwise
they must ho 21 years old.
In order to remove any doubt of the
status of Protestant marriages per
formed during the last year by army
chaplains , where one of the concen
trating parties was a Catholic , Gen
eral Otis' order was made retroactive.
Native women who have married sol-
dlerH without Catholic rites have been
ostracised by their relatives.
Justice Arellano requested the omis
sion of a divorce clause from the de
cree because o fthc belief of Filipinos
that a marriage tie cannot be broken.
A delegation of representative Filipinos
pines from towns where General Lawton -
ton established civil governments ,
Paranaque , Bacoor , Iimis , etc. , called
on the general's widow yesterday and
delivered an address of sympathy.
They expressed deep sense at the loss
of their best friend , who was a strong
and just administrator.
n KpiM-uli nt San Antonio to n Very
I.argo Andlriicp.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Dec. 30. To
the largest audience that ever faced a
public speaker In a hall in this city.
Colonel W. J. Bryan tonight made n
speech on finance , trusts and expan
sion. He stated that the democratic
phttform for Uho coming campaign
would be the Chicago platform of 1890.
with tlio addition of such planks as
recent industrial combinations and the
late war necessitated. Ho spoke at
length on the money question , but
made no mention of the ratio , his re
marks dealing principally with the
subject of bimetallism In general.
Speaking of expansion , Colonel Bry
an said that It was clearly the duty
of this country to establish a stable
government In the Philippines and
then turn the government over to the
Inhabitants of the Island. Mr. Bryan
leaves tomorrow for the north , where
he will fill a number of engagements ,
and then return to Austin 10 spend the
remainder of tlio winter in Texas.
.ImlRo AluiiRcr AiljiulRi'H tlio Imposition
OMAHA , Dec. 30. .Tuilgo Mungoi
yesterday passed upon the application
of about 100 employes of the Greater
America exposition to declare that
concern bankrupt.
Opposing this petition , it has been
asserted , the exposition was not "cn-
gnged principally In mercantile pur
suits , " and that therefore It was not
entitled to the benefits of the bankrupt
act. The court found that the expo
sition company , while In the exposi
tion business had also been engage
In mercantile business to such extent
as to brine It within the provisions of
the law. Consequently ho granted thu
petition to declare it banKrupt.
This will have mo effect of making
the employes , petitioners and nil , pre
ferred creditors. It also will knock
out actions during the latter days of
the exposition designed to make some
other parties preferred creditors.
ProHlclmit of tlio ( Hobo Hank
( Joos Hack for Trial.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , Dec. 30. The
warrant for the arrest of Charles H
Cole , formerly president of the Globe
bank of Beaten , on n charge of embezzlement
bezzlomont of ? 900,000 , arrived today
The United States marshal also re
celved a telegram from the attorney
general of the United States , directing
him to conduct Cole to Boston , under
guard. Cole waived a preliminary o > :
nmlnntlon he-o and the start for Bos
ton will bo made tomorrow. The charge
contains four counts. The first charge
Cole with receiving fcaoO.UOO on Au
gust 7 last and embezzling It , and the
second accuses him of embezzling
$300.000 on August 17. The other two
counts simply refer to those previous
T.llit for CriiHiiN Taker * .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 30. The con
ails bureau has announced the follow
Ing places and dates where supervls
ors in various sections will assembl
far Instructions in taking the censu
of 1900 :
Charlotte , N. C. , January 4 ; Atlanta
January 5 ; Now Orleans , January S
Houston , Tex. , January 5 ; Memphis
January 11 , and Cincinnati , Januar
Americans to Keep Open House.
PARIS , Dec. 30. The American col
ony in Paris will recognize Now Year'
in American fashion. Lnltcd States
Ambassador Porter and Mrs. Porter
will receive on Monday nnd any
American in Paris , with or without
invitation will bo heartily welcomed.
United States Consul General Cow-
dry will receive on Tuesday in order
not to conflict with Minister Porter.
It is announced that M. Cambon ,
French ambassador to the United
States , will leave for Washington ear
ly next week.
Rank aud Tile of the Army Have Faith
in Roberts and Eitchinor ,
Brother of President of tlui 1'rco State
Head * ti 1'notlon Opposed to AVur Ask
to Return to tlio I'urin Menacing
Iorcc Closely Watching Knch Other.
LONDON , Dec. 30. Dispatches from
all parts of South Africa emphasize
the great enthusiasm among the troops
nnd public occasioned by the appoint
ment of Generals Roberts and Kitch
ener. The announcement that the for
mer will have supreme command and
that the latter will bo chief of staff
has largely dispelled the depression In
Capo Colony caused by the recent rc-
verecs while the soldiers anticipate
everything from the presence of
"Doha" from success in battle to caper
Advices from Capetown dated Da-
cember 21 say nn Investigation shows
that the reported disaffection among
the Dutch In the Victoria West IM-
trlct has been overdrawn. The farm
ers , It Is pointed oiu , are mostly land
owners and will not risk the loss of
their farms by rising.
A dispatch from Lourenzo Marquez ,
dated December 23 , says n curious
story is current , emanating from Doer
sources , that Matt Steyn , brotncr oi
the president of the Orange Free
State and 800 Free Staters have defi
nitely refused to continue the war.
Matt Styen , acting as spokesman of
the party , Is reported to have told the
president that ho was only authorized
to intervene in the interest of peace
and that the burghers did not feel that
they wore bound by his "unwar
rantable conduct , " especially as they
ran the risk of confiscation of tneir
property , and they simply desired to
be permitted to farm in peace and pro
posed to immediately return to tnch
Sir Charles Howard Vincent , me > .
ber of Parliament for the central di
vision of Sheffield and colonel of the
Queen's Westminister volunteers , has
been appointed to command the infan
try division of the City of London Im
perial regiment.
The text of Colonel Baden-Powell's
proclamation to the burghers besieging
Mafeking the gist of which has already
been cabled comes from Lourenzo Mar
quez today. After asserting that tne
republics cannot hope for foreign in
tervention , and pretending to relate
the exact attitude of nil the European
powers , including Emperor William ,
who , the colonel said , "fully sympa
thizes with England , " Baden-Powell
makes the extraordinary statement
that "the American government has
warned others of its Intention to side
with England should any of them in
terfere. "
Ministry Which Disposed of Colonlrc.
Could Not I.l\o for u Dny.
NEW YORK , Dec. 30. Luis A. M. P.
A. Taveira , Portuguese consul general ,
said that ho had no knowledge of any
agreement regarding the sale of Dcla-
goa bay , "but , " added Senor Taveira ,
"this docs not mean that such an
agreement may not have been made.
I would not bo likely to hear of it before
fore the general public. It would not
be surprising if a treaty had been
made or is going to be made. '
The Portuguese charge d'affalrs in
the United States , Ignaclo do Costa
Duarte , Is at present in thin city. He
declared In nn interview that , In his
opinion , it would bo well for Portugal
to dispose of Delagoa bay and the East
Africa possessions. Tney had always
been a source of-trouble and wore like
ly to remain so. But it is not credi
ble , " said Senor Duarte , "that any
treaty has boon made by which Portu
gal has parted with all its colonial
possessions. Any ministry that agreed
to such a treaty would not remain in
power a minute. If u treaty such as
described in the German newspapers
had been consummated , there would
have been some hints of it published
in Portugal to prepare the public
mind. "
Dliiuovcrml by lirltlali Vice
Through Amenta In Wi
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 28. The Brit
ish vice consul bore , Mr. Burrough ,
nado the statement today that agents
cf the Boors are at work in Kansas
City getting recruits for the South Af
rican war under promise of iree trans
portation , free lands and lunorablo
citizenship after the war Is ovo-\
The plan , ho states , Is to forward 1
such recruits to Philadelphia , which
ho snys is the rendezvous of the Urlt-
Ifh recruits. It is his belief , however ,
that not very many men have been
sent from hare to Philadelphia.
The British consul secured the
names of the Boers' recruiting agents
here by having someone writs to the
Boer agents In Washington asklug fur
authority to recruit a force Ir. this
city , with the result that the appli
cant was put in communication \ith
the Boer agents here.
Consul Burrough states that BPCITS
jf men have applied at his ofllcs for
cn'ji-iment In the British army.
Defense for French Const.
PARIS , Doe. 30. The government
will submit to the chamber of depu
ties at the beginning of January a bill
providing for the defense of tha
French coasts and colonies and to in
crease the strength of the licet. This
docs not fnvolve an Increase In the
expenditure. The cost of the defense
of the coasts and colonies is estimated
at 120,000,000 francs , spread over two
nnd a half years. This sum will bo
provided for by 50,000,000 francs an
nually set aside to pay off certain
bonds nnd which become free this year
by final repayment. .
Itnil Accident on tlio Choycnno Line of
tlio Union I'urlflc.
DENVER , Colo. , Dec. 30. The Chey
enne flyer on the Union Pacific rail
road crashed Into the Boulder Valley
train at Brighton , Colo. , nt 0 o'clock
this morning. One man was killed
nnd fourteen persons were injured ua
far at ) known , as follows :
Killed :
messenger , Denver , body hurned ' .o a
Passengers injured :
H. S. Hooker , Olln , I. , head badly
Mrs. Margaret Young , Manallold ,
Mo. , forehead cut.
S. 'O. Hurst , banker , Brighton , badly
cut and bruised.
E. V. Davis , traveling salesman ,
Danvcr , head badly cut , back injured ,
ribs broken.
W. Q. Tompklns , traveling salesman
for Bradley , Alderson & Co. , Kansas
City , head badly cut , back injured.
C. II. Payne , Laramle , Wyo. , head
badly cut , right hand smashed.
Mrs. McCanna , Laramie , bruised.
Trainmen and sectlpn men Injured :
Fred Laws , brakeman , Denver , right
leg cut off.
Michael Regan , section foreman ,
Denver , head badly cut.
Thomas McGoovcrn , section fore
man , Denver , head badly cut.
John Kennedy , Denver , badly cut
and bruised.
John Carrlngton , Denver , head cut.
Frank Sloan , Denver , cut and
Jerry Flannery , Denver , back hurt.
Conductor McAllister of the Bould
er Valley train was crazed by the ac
cident. He attempted to jump into
the burning wreckage and had to bo
forcibly restrained.
The Boulder. Valley train left Den
ver a little late this morning , and , as
usual , stopped at Brighton , which is
the junction for the Boulder Valley
line from the main line to Cheyenne.
It was hero that Banker Hurst of
Brighton got on the train , just before
the collision. The Cheyenne flyer ,
U.nlon Pacific train No. 3 , also left
Denver late and in coming .Into Brigh
ton in the early morning dusk ran into
the rear end .of the Boulder train , toi-
cscoping two or three cars and derail
ing the passenger locomotive. The
section gangs from the Denver yards
and a half dozen passengers occupied
the Boulder train. Two cars on the
flyer were burned.
Mrs. Young was in the chair car
with six children. None of the chil
dren were hurt.
Superintendent Deuel went out on ,
special train from Denver with Drs.
Lemon and Taylor. They also took a
lot of stretchers and other supplies.
They found all the wounded at the
Brighton hotel , being cared for by the
citizens. The Brighton hose com
pany was pouring water on the blaz
ing baggage caf and had discovered
the remains of the dead baggageman.
Superintendent Deuel says he can
not understand why the Boulder train
was not on the sidetrack. It had
twenty minutes to clear the Cheyenne
flyer. The Boulder train consisted of
fou-teen loaded freight cars and a
heavy caboose. Engine No. 815 , the
big machine hauling the flyer , lies out
on the prairie , a total wreck , as evi
dence how hard the crash was.
The wounded were brought to Den
ver about noon and taken to hospitals.
Honolulu Authorities Tnko Prompt
Action Not Seriously Alarmed.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 30. Mall
advices from Honolula to the Assocl
ated Press regarding the bubonic
plague situation say : President Dole ,
while realizing the seriousness of the
situation , does not believe there is
much cause for alarm. The president
thinks there is no danger to those
whoso houses , persons and food are
cleanly. Ho has unbounded confidence
In the. ability of the board of health to
quickly stamp out the disease.
Some physicians say that the disease
IP not black plague. Public opinion is
divided also. Many believe that If the
plague were present in Honolulu the
Inhabitants of Chinatown would bo
carried off by the hundreds on ac
count of the filthy condition of the dis
trict. Another interesting phase of
the case Is the fact that no Japanese
have been attacked. They live in
largo numbers in the quarantined dls
The council of state mot In extra'
ordinary session on December 12 and
appropriated $25,000 for immediate
use of the board of health In combating
the plague.
All of the district outside of Honolulu
lulu are in a clean condition and there
Is little danger that the plague will
gain a foothold in tlio other islands.
Rolnnd RiMid Xot Kxpeutod to T.lvp.
NEW YORK , Dec. 30. Roland Reed ,
the actor , who was operated on Tues
day last at St. Luke's hospital , was
reported to be resting quietly last
night with little change in his condi
tion for better or woivso.
There is some doubt as to whether
or not ho was operated upon for can
cer , as reported. His trouble was orig
inally announced as appendicitis and
later as cancer of the stomach and It
was said that half of his stomach was
His daughter has arrived and is con
stantly at his bedside with her mother.
Many flowers and messages of sym
pathy arrive dally , but all but a few
of the flowers are kept away from the
sick room. It Is feared that if the mes
sages were road to him they might
alarm him. While ho is not expectetl
to live everything possible is being
done for him.
Trlul of the Torpedo Itoiit.
PORTLAND , Ore. , Dec. 30. The torpedo -
pedo boat destroyer Goldsborough
which the Wolff & Zwicker Iron works
of this city have completed , was
given her first contractors' trial to
day on the Columbia river. Her per
formance today was considered remarkable
markablo by the naval officers on
board. She steamed sixty miles al
half speed without the slightest accl
dent to her machinery. Tbo Goltlsbor-
ough , on her official trial , will bo re
quired to make thirty knots per hou
An extraordinary phenomenon has
been noticed with regard to chestnut
trees In a street in Brussels , since the
installation of the electric tram cars.
The foliage begins to turn brown and
drop early in August , to bud and even
blossom again in October. The trees
on the opposite side of the tram
way behave llko ordinary trees , for
they lose their foliage In the late au
tumn and do not put forth fresh blos
soms until the spring.
The nakedness of the indigent world
might be clothed from the trimmings
of the vain.
"An Empty Sack
Cannot Stand Upright. "
can poor , weak , thin blood
nourish und sustain the physical system.
For strength of nerves And muscles there
must be 'pure , rich , vigorous blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is established as the
standard preparation for the blood by its
many remarkable cures.
'i he Docembbr Atlantic might Irfsame
senses almost be called a" Chicago num
ber , for three of the most striking and
salient articles are by Chicago authors.
Harriet Moriro'e's "The Grarid Canon of
the Colorado" is a brilliant muT- effec
tive sketch "of .nature and 'natural
Bcenery ; Mrs. EHa W. Peattlo's lively
"Tho Artistic Side oT'Chicago" pic
tures the aesthetic , artistic ; educa
tional , and literary features of the
great city , while tlio short story "Tho
Detectivesby Will 'Payne , is a capital
example of1 the power of Chicago writ
ers In romantic fiction. Chicago has
reason to bo proud of'her'contributions
to this number of the representative
magazines of America. * '
IJV I'orto ; Texas. 11
The progress of' the construction
work at 'La Porte , Texas , the future
great deep-water shipping point at the
head of navigation on Galveston Bay
on the Gulf of Mexico , is progressing
favorably. The wharves and switch
ing tracks are ncarlng completion and
the work on the streets and on the
sewerage and water systems is now
under way. Mr. I. R. Holmes , the gen
eral manager of the La Porto Improve
ment Company and the La Porto
Wharf and Channel Company , Is per
sonally superintending the Improve
ments. Mr. Holmes makes his head
quarters at the Sylvan Hotel and vis
itors to La Porte during the next six
weeks and before the time of toe first
general La Porte sale , which will beheld
held in February , 1900 , should Intro
duce themselves to Mr. Holmes and al
low him to extend to them facilities
for getting a thorough understanding
of the conditions surrounding the La
Porto enterprises.
Seeming calamities may be real bles
Laxative llromo Qutulno Tablets removes
the cause that produces Ln Grippe. K. W.
Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.
That virtue which requires to bo
ever guarded is scarcely worth the
Mrg. Wlnslow'o Soothing Syrup.
For children teetblnc , eoftens the Rums , redueei'ln-
flaminatlon , allays pain , cures wind colic. 2ic a bottle.
What the conversation wanted In
wit was made up in laughter.
Koliahlo Help Wanted
( Either sex. ) Tlie Ilumnnltnrl.m Home and Sanitar
ium for Invalids nnd Health Seekers , Incorporated.
Send 12c In stamps for full information. Address J. H.
Tcltlcbaum , Treasurer , East I.a Vesas , N. M.
Premature consolation is but the re
membrance of sorrow.
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
I felt a secret pleasure in doing my
duty without reward.
linker's Uronlcfiist Cocoa
In delicious. Costs lem than one cent u cup. Made
only by Walter linker & Co. Ltd. , Dorchester. Mats.
Ho had not resolution enough to
give any man pain by a denial.
Liberty will not descend to a people ,
a people must raise themselves to lib
erty. It is a blessing that must bo
earned before it can be enjoyed. Col-
t ; ; , vj\ \ a > - wt r / = = f 1
( AiifcRNiA | Tc SYRVPS (
' * "