Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 28, 1899, Image 3

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    4 Lately , a bronze stntuo or njornst-
jerno DjortiBon and one of Isben ,
which stand before the national the-
aier In Chrlstlanla , have aroused a deal
of dlscuoslon. On Bjornson's return
to the theater , after an absence of
thirty years , to direct the rehearsals
of his play , "Uebcr die Kraft , " he
wrote demanding the removal of his
ntatue , as he deems It a "permanent
Blander. " Tlispn , In miniver to an In
quiry as to his view , said that he had
never seen the statue of himself. It
Is now proposed to remove both the
figures and recast them In some less
objectionable form.
Cured A rtcr Hi-pent < ! 1'iillurcx With Otlirra
I will Inform addicted to Morphine , I.nnilnnuni ,
Opium , Cocaine , of nc\cr-fnllliig , Imrmlcfc , home-
cure. .Mr . M. H. Hahlwln , llox UI2 , Chicago , 111.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Ho who praises everybody praises
nobody. Johnson. ,
( Not the ordinary kind )
A handsome year-book filed
with beautiful illustrations , and a
complete calendar. It is sold on
til news-stands for 5 cents , and
it's worth five times that amount.
It is a reliable chronology of
the progress of the igth century
and a prophecy of what may be
expected in the aoth.
Here nra n few of the great men \vho have
written for U :
Secretary Wilson , on Agriculture
Sen. Chauncey M. Depew , on Politics
Russell Sage , on Finance
Thomas Edison , " Electricity
Gen. Merritt , , v " Land Warfare
Adml. Hichborn , " " Naval Warfare
"Al" Smith , " Sports
You will enjoy reading it now ,
and it will be a book of reference
for you through the years to
X come. Sixty-four pages , printed
on ivory finish paper.
If your news-dealer cannot sup
ply you with it , cut out this ad.
and send it with three one-cent
stamps and receive this elegant
book free. Address
J. C. Aycr Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Js fond for thought.
HHKES cmtu AW cjr out FOUND ( if ms SIMM
riHsr OOUCIIT NEW _ _ vn mir cf ANY OTHER.
° "
of the AGE ,
No Boiling :
No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
Bt Whitens the Goods
Bt Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh aad
crisp ns when lirst bought now.
You'll lilto It II you try it.
You'll buy U If you try It.
You'll use It If you try It.
Try It.
Sold by nil Giocers.
Send your name and addrs : > on
postal , and we will send you our 156j j
page illustrated catalogue free.
$ 174 Winchester Avenue , Now llavon , Conn '
Illgheit Onih Price Paid for
Poultry , Game , Butter , Eggs ,
Ccnd for Up * and prlcei. Itabert Piirvl ,
BitallUUed HID , Omalia. Ktb.
The D. & 0. 11. n. will Imvo C2 new
compound consolldnterl frclRht locn-
inotlvcR by tlio last of Jnnuary. Fifty
were ordered In September from the
Ilnldwln Locomotive Worl < H nnd the
order lins Just been miKnicnted by 12
more. These locomotlres. when com
pleted , will represent the highest typo
of heavy freight power.
The czar has nn income of $1,000 an
hour , the miltun $850 , the emperor of
Austria $500 , the kaiser $150 , the king
of Italy $300 , Queen Victoria the same ,
the French president $ 50 , the king of
the liclglans $85 and the president of
the United States $7.50.
IM Portr , Texna.
The progress of the construction
work at La Porto , Texas , the future
great deep-water shipping point nt the
head of navigation on Galvcston Day
on the Gulf of Mexico , Is progressing
favorably. The wharves and switch
ing tracks are ncnrlng completion and
the work on the streets and on the
sewerage nnd water systems Is now
under way. Mr. I. U. Holmes , the gen
eral manager of the La Porto Improve
ment Company nnd the La Porto
Wharf and Channel Company , Is per
sonally superintending the Improve
ments. Mr. Holmes makes his head
quarters at the Sylvan Hotel and vis
itors to La Porte during the next six
weeks and before the time of the first
general La Porte sale , which will be
held In February , 1900 , should Intro
duce themselves to Mr. Holmes and al
low him to extend to them facilities
for getting a thorough understanding
of the conditions surrounding the La
Porto enterprises.
In the years 1832 to 1891 England lost
14,000,000 of Its population by emigra
tion , Germany lost 5,000.000 between
1832 and 1891.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch In the world.
The Nile is the longest river In thn
world , 4,300 miles. The Niger Is 2,500
miles and the Zambesi 1,600 miles.
The Health nnd Flcasaro Kcnortu
Of Texas , Mexico , Arizona and Call-
fornla are quickly and comfortably
reached via the Southern Pacific Com
pany's Sunset Route. Dally through
service from Now Orleans to San
Francisco via Houston , San Antonio ,
El Paso and Los Argelos. Special
semi-weekly service , Sunset Limited
from New Orloana Mondays and
Thursdays , composed of Buffet SmokIng -
Ing Car , containing Bath Room and
Barber Shop , Drawing Room Compart
ment Cur , regular Pullman Sleepers ,
and Dining Car ( meals u la carte ) , all
of the latest design and most luxuri
ously appointed. Direct connections
made at New Orleans from all points
North and East. Detailed Informa
tion cheerfully furnished by W. G.
Nelmyer , G. W. A. , So. Pac. Co. , 238
Clark St. , Chicago ; W. H. Connor ,
Com'l Agt , Chamber Commerce Bldg. ,
Cincinnati , 0. , W , J. Perg , Tray. Pass.
Agt. , 220 Ellicott Square , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
Icebergs in the Atlantic sometimes
last for 200 years.
Ability What is always with the
Dcofnoia Cannot Ho Cured
by locul applications , as they cunnot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There Is only ono
way to eure. deafness , and that is by consti
tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by rtn
Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the
Ktistaelilnn Tube. When this tube Is Inllamed
\ou have n rumbling sound or imperfect hear- _
inR , and when it is cntli olv closed deafness is
the result , and unless the inflammation can be
tuUen out and this tube restored to its normal
condition , hc.ulng will bo destroyed forever ;
nlno cases out of ten nro caused by catarrh [ t
which is nothing but an inllumcd condition of
the mucus surfaces.
Wo w 111 R ! vo One Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cunnot
bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure , Send for
Mronlars , f reo.
Sold by DrtiKKists. Too.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Reformer Not necessarily ho who
does , but he who takes -t out in talk.
Wo will forfeit 81,000 if nuy of our pub
lished testimonials nro proven to bo riot
genuine. TUB 1'iso Co. , Warren , 1'a.
Talk If words were deeds how busy
we would be.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try It now. You will then use no other.
Politeness The oil that greases the
bgarings of life.
FITSrcrmanrntl ) Cured. Kofltnorncrvousnei'iafter
flru day'B iim of Dr. Kline's ( lipat Nertn KeHtorer.
Sviiil tnr rUlCi ; W .OO tllal bottle nnd tirnlfoe.
! m. It. II. KLIN * , ltd.'JJl Arch lit. , 1 hllaikliiUlu , To.
Sin has many tools , but a He is the
handle that fits the mall. Holmes.
Your clothes will not crack if you
HM > Magnetic Starch.
The mind that la cheerful at present
will have no solicitude for the future ,
and will meet the bitter bccurrcnces of
life with a smile. Horace.
Use Magnetic Starch ft has no equal.
Truth as lived To him that hath
not shall at least not be given.
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 150. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at the cost.
Made from pure grains it-
is nourishing and health *
Tnslel that jour irroc rglfes you OR AIN-O.
Accept no unltalion. - -
All Druggists , Sflc. *
How fiucccufnl K r men Opcruto This
Dopnrtiiiont of llio 1'nrin A Few
Hint * rts to the Cure of Llto Stock
nil Poultry.
Slicep for llrocilliiR.
At the request of Secretary Coburn
of the Kansas board of agriculture ,
John A. Craig , professor of animal
husbandry of the Iowa Agricultural
College , delivered an address before
the board's recent annual meeting on
"Sheep : Good and Bad. " Among
other interesting things contained
therein ho outlines the polnta that
should bo found In animals which ar.p
to bo used especially for breeding pur
poses , and also the condition they
should bo In. As Prof. Craig Is a rec
ognized authority on1 all matters per
taining to sheep , the following may bo
profitably read and considered by all
Idontllled with this Industry :
The ram should show masculinity In
many features. In those breeds that
have horns , the latter should spring
strong from the head and turn clear
from the face. In all rams the face
should bo broad between the oycs ,
somewhat short , and with a Roman
nose. The crest , or scrag , should bo
thick and rising , and the neck full. A
point deserving emphasis Is the depth
of the chest. The body should sink
deep between the forelegs , and the ribs
back of the shoulder should bo deep
and round , making the girth largo and
the brisket prominent and wldo two
features that are Indicative of n strong
constitution. A live fleece , that Is , one
that Is springy and not dead to the
touch , and especially n dense , thick
covering of belly wool , is also Indica
tive of vigor or constitution. For the
same reason , In those breeds that are
wooled about the head , the moro com
plete and dense this covering is the
better It is liked. The legs of the ram
should bo straight and strong , and
short. In movement , the ram should
bo bold and active. This Is often In
fluenced by the condition. A ram should
never bo so heavy In flesh as to bo use
less for service , as is too often the case
In the show ring. The flesh should be
even and flrm , and not gathered In
masses or rolls at any part of the body.
It is very apt to gather at the fore
flank , leaving the back bare or raw.
Excessive condition Is likely to make
the ram unwieldy In action , or result In
broken down pasterns , which usually
render a ram useless for breeding pur
The ewe should bo rather long In the
face , with flno features. The neck
should bo slender and without any of
the thickness noticeable In the ram.
The body should bo deep , round-ribbed ,
and specially long , so as to provide
room for the growing lamb. The type
of the good milking owe verges strong
ly toward that which is typical of the
good dairy cow. The ewe that'milks
well , aud consequently rcais early- ma
turing lambs , tends toward the wedge
shape , deep In the chest-Jarge bodied ,
and wide across the loins , nnd hips.
The condition of the owe should not bo
such as to Impair her breeding quali
ties. Excessive fatness , as a rule , Is
fn this way iniiirinua . The flesh should
be evenly distributed and not gathered
uo 13VCUIJ U1DL1 1UULUU tlliu * * * 4,11. * * -
In bunches aboilt the tall-head , and It
should be flrm and not flabby.
As a result of our consideration of
the good and bad qualities of sheep ,
there arises the more important prob
lem of breeding to reproduce the form
er and to remove the latter. I have
failed to find , up to this day , where
success has been obtained by in-and-in
breeding , cross-breeding , or any other
form , but that there was a man behind
the system who knew well the merits
and demerits of the animals ho was
breeding. And further , knowing
these , ho made his selection to get the
best blend. This Is the basis of a
method of breeding that arises from
what has gone before. For want of a
better term , I have named It "balanced
breeding , " and I believe that this
method has the means of developing
and adding to the good qualities and
at the same time lessening and remov
ing the demerits of our domestic ani
To follow balanced breeding In sheep
would mean the selection of rams with
the leading thought of removing the
weakness of the flock. When one real
izes the force of balanced breeding and
acts on It In the selection of sires , It
Is wonderful what strides may be made
toward perfection in a few years. With
this sire wo correct a deficiency of the
fleece , and yet retain the good qualities
of form ; with another , we add a little
more bone ; another deepens the flesh
on the valuable parts , and so on , each
marking a new advance ; while closer
discrimination and riper judgment
keep disclosing new features to be at
tained In each additional effort.
Dairy Notci.
Winter Is the time when wo hear
most about difficulties with the cream
to be churned. Sometimes It take two
hours to come and sometimes it will
not como at all. The cause Is general
ly one of two things : either the cream
has not reached the proper state of
acidity or the temperature Is not
right. Cream should bo properly
ripened before being churned. The
putting in of fresh cream just before
beginning to churn means loss to the
dairyman and probably trouble in get
ting the butter to como. The tempera
ture Is a great thing. A thermometer
should be In use In every household
where churning IB done and the cream
raised to say 58 degrees before churnIng -
Ing is begun. In ripening the cream
the temperature should bo kept at
about 65 degrees or hlgaer , to allow
the ferments to work.
The New Zealand , .farmers are be-
ginning 16 experiment with round
sllog , which they denominate the
" Yankco round slloa. " Ono of thorn
built ono last year , intending to fill It
with Indian corn , but had to bo satis
fied with filling It with oats and tares.
It made sour silage , but ho reports
that the cows ate It greedily. It Is
expected that many moro of these
B ! will bo constructed. The stave
u'al ' la , wu bcliove , bound to supplant
all other kinds. It Is especially
adapted to localities where the farm
ers are In straitened clrnumstancea but
are ] inclined to experiment with the
allo. The great cost of constructing
some ( of Iho square silos makes It dim-
cult to Introduce them Into new locali
ties. The round silo will prove to be
tiai pioneer In muiiy parts of the world
as well ns in ft few sections of our
own country.
Wo have before rcfcrredi the at
tempt to be made by buttcrmakers to
get a tax of 10 cents per pound put on
oleomargarine colored to represent but
ter. This seems u Junt thing to do , as
It leaves under the two cent rate all
oleomargarine not colored to Imltato
butter. U Is the fact of imitation that
must bo fought and not the fact of the
making and selling of a substitute for
butter. Rye and barley are used as
substitutes for wheat , and wo would
not think of making a law to prevent
their use ns a substitute. It IB the de
ception that Is harmful and not the
thing , provided the thing la healthful.
But now there Is a movement on foot
among certain dairymen to change the
issue. At ono or two national meet
ings of associations that represent
more or less the dairy Interest , the
words "colored to Imitate butter" were
stricken out , and resolutions passed
asking congress to pass a law Cutting
a tax of 10 cents per pound on all oleo
margarine. To us this 'seems ' a very
unwise thing to do. People have a
right to purchase oleomargarine If they
want It. Some may want to use U for
wagon grease. If the National Dalry
Union Insists in lighting along thlf }
line , It is about certain Itvlll fall
In obtaining the legislation dcmandpd.
Not only will the city people bo against ,
them almost solidly , but a very largo
proportion of the country people have
so much regard for justice that they
will not Indorse the fight. Bpsldcs , the
National Dairy Union has raised money
for carrying , on the fight against col
ored oleomargarine. Have they a
right to divert the money to lighting
uncolorcd oleomargarine ?
A discussion has boon started by a
hotel paper on the use of cheese as a
diet. It lays the blame on the cheese-
makers because the latter do not make
cheese that Is fit to cat and that Is
put on the market In a green state. A
dairy paper replies that the grocers
are as much to blame as the makers ,
that they do not show enterprise
enough to build a curing room and
buy up good green cheese and euro It
for sale. It appears to us that It Is
entirely out of the question for the
grocers to do this. The writer In the
dairy paper quoted knows that the
matter of curing rooms Is a largo ono ,
that it requires a good deal of knowl
edge i along dairy lines for a man to
fully 1 appreciate the value of the little
things I entering into the curing of
cheese. ( If ourtohcosmakors find It dif
ficult 1 to make proper curing arrange
ments 1i 1i i , what are we to expect of the
city i grocer ? Besides , if the grocer
should construct curing rooms he
would bo never sure that he could got
cheese that would euro Into first-class
salable f cheese , for ho would bo pow
fI fI erless I to control the details of mak
ing. I This question of selling green
cheese I Is discussed at about every
cheesemakors ( * convention wo attend.
The makers justify their soiling of
cheese uncured by saying that the gro
cers demand It , for they know that
they can sell that kind 'of cheese with
out loss. Most of the cheese that Is
ripened and put on the market Is so
sharp that the public will not buy It ,
and a well-ripened cheese is in the
minds of most people a sharp chccao.
Our makers do not Bcem to have
learned yet the secret of putting on the
market a well-ripened mild cheese. Of
course some of our cheesemukersi do
make such cheese , but we refer to the
general mass of checsemakers. Cer
tainly the sale of cheese Is greatly cur
tailed by the fact that most of the
cheese on the market cannot bo eaten
except at a risk of disarranging the
whole digestive system of the eaters
How the difficulty Is to be overcome IB
a problem for the cheesemakers1 con
ventions to solve.
There Is a report In circulation of a
movement on foot to Introduce hog
raising on a largo scale Into Siberia.
There Is no doubt that the industry is
already established there , but It seems
hardly belleveablo that It can over as
sume such proportions that it yvill
mtinaco the position 'n the foreign
market of our own pork products. Ac
cording to the rumors mentioned , a
great European syndicate is being or-
"anlzcd with a capital of $50000,000.
rho Intention Js not only to raise u'ogs
In Siberia but to , prpvldo transporta
tion for them to the Gorman and Eng
lish markets , from which they are sup
posed to drive out the Amcricdn pork
products. It will probribly bo , found
on investigation that the alleged syn
dicate is u long way from controlling
$50,000,000 , of capital or any pther
Scientific Farming. Scientific farm
ing Is farming in accordance with na
ture's Immutable laws. That is what
f rmcra have been trying to do elnco
the very first beginnings of the In
dustry. These laws men Imvo meas
urably learned by experience. Should
each depend on his own experience for
the knowledge needed to guide him In
his Industry , he would not learn in his
lifetime the alphabet of farming. Ho
has unconsciously benefited from the
accumulated experience of ages. Could
he not benefit more , now that BO much
has been learned , by frequent farmers'
meetings , discussions of methods and
exchange of experiences ? Ex.
Since liiriiifiUfiunUloTl TT8 pT < J8Ifl6nt.
Mr. McKlnley has never seen a play.
Knch of the Washington theaters has
placed a box at his disposal , The
mistress of the White House , how
ever , IB rather fond of the play , and
frequently visits the theater with
In Switzerland they elect a now
president o\ery your uimnlmoiiHly , The
now one just chosen la Walker Haus-
er , and the ruin which hna been fol
lowed In the tranquil republic for
years IB that the vice president of one
year becomes the president the next.
T.ilto I.axntlvn llmmo Qululnn Tablets. AH
driiKKlsti refund tlio money If It fnllB to euro.
S6c. K.V. . Grove's Hlgnaluru on each box.
_ ,
* - * * - -
I | j
Sllpnco When Impelled by recog
nized Ignorance , Is wisdom.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
"PIglcy la very contrary , I under
stand."Contrary ? Why , that fellow
has to fast to get fat. " Judge.
A rafllp-fora White Honae crnzj-
qullt has just taken place at DO cent1 }
a "throw. " The plercs In the jjullt
are from the tnppstry and other fur
nishings of the mansion , dating bn < k
to the time of Mrs. Cleveland and np-
rcBcntlng four ndmlnlstrallonH. The
quilt Is exquisitely airanged , anil the
valtio Is put down at $150.
Milton Stewart Is building an nrk
on the top of West Hock , near New
Haven , Conn. , In the belief that tlio
world is to be visited by another de
luge. Mr. Stewart makes no.defjnjlo
prediction as to the date of ltn coining.
C'ln-ii | > Trxim Land" ,
The San Antonio and Arkansas Pass
Railway covers central and south
Texas. Good lantlp , reasonable prices ,
mild and healthful climate. Addicsa
13. J. MAHT1N , Gen'l , Pass Agt. ,
San Antonio , Texas.
There Is 110 pnBslon rhlcli ntwils
Into the heart more , imporcoptlbly find
covers Itself under more dlsgulso ; ( ban
pride. Addition.
r\ \
Mr. * . Grldlcn , mother of Captain Ctrldlcu , who wan in command of
flan ship , at tlicidcutructlon of the Spanish fleet at Manila , y
of our remedy , J-'cruna ;
"At the solicitation of a friend I used Pcrnna , and ran truthfully
sa\i Ulna arand tonic and in a womuri'tt friend , and tiltoutd ho used In
everhonscliold. . After unlay it for a 'short period 1 feel like a ticiv
person. " Ann E. Oridlcy.
Nearly all our ills are due to catarrh. We arc liable to have cdtarrh of the
head , catarrh of the throat , catarrh of the lungs , htonmoh , Iddneys , bhuldor
nnd pelvic organs. I'crutia cures catarrh wherever located. Address Ur.
llartman , Columbus , Ohio , for free book.
"Star" tin UIRH ( Hhowiug nmnll iitara printed on uutlor tide
of "JlorsoSlioo " " T. " "aoodLuok " " GroH Eow "
tag ) , , "J. , , ,
aud "Drutnmoiid" Natural Loaf Tin Tuga are of equal viiluo in
Hoouriug prcflonts mentioned below , and niiiy bo nnuurtad.
Every man , woman and child can find something on the list
that they would like to have , and can have
TP TB = S. IF2 IES 2
TAfl * .
I Match Box
8 Kn'fe , mm blncln. good htpol "
II H < l or § , 4W tnelirsi M
4 CiiiM'H Kiit , Knife , Fork find Hpuon 3 >
C Halt nml lnpperH ton oaiiliqunil >
niiilojiloto on wlilto inetnl. . . t > 0
1'rcncli Urlnr Wood > 'lp SB
7 Itnznr , hcillutr KroiliiJ , flun KiifjlUli
IttBOl . , , W
6 llntlnr Knife , trlpln pluta , best
qimlltv , q
9 HiiRitr Hlidll , triple platn , bust qual , .
10 Hlnmp IJnx , Htdrllntf ntlvnr ' 0
11 Knlfo , "Keou Kitttur , " two bliuls . . 78
13 Diitrliitr Unlfo , "Keon Kuttvr , " 8 In
blii'lu ' 7ft
13 hlit-nrn , "ICroii Kilttir , " B-liiuli. . . 76
14 hut SfltfC'inukor Qiidt ) 1'JcJS , Bllvftr
] .lit xt M
15 lU-o Hull , "AHur.ilntlon , " best cjiml.KKI
10 Alarm Clock , nlchol K.o
17 Hlr Ooniilnt llofiori' Tmwpoona.lmif
t Into 11'oixt * i H > D
ID Wnlnli , iilckul , Hlcru wind and nt > t . 00
19 Carvarx , oed Mutd , Imukhoni
Immllos ; >
50 Bli Oomiind llourrs * Tublu BI > OIIIIH ,
I'Mt plated good * SCO
51 Rlx each , Knlvusnnil I'orku , buck *
horn hanillM. . . 230
iS HI i encli , Onnulnn HooerV Knlvn.i
ud l''orl bent . 500
> s , platml KOOilH. .
Qnnntol Mntinn I Vlnln "Hhir"Tln TaijHfthat 1 , Slur tin to s with no unpll
OfUulul | liUUL/u . stam liiliito.l on under MdH of tun ) , urn m > ( fnor/or ; > rrtriiji.
_ lint will bo ) > nld for In OAHII on tlio basis of lvrtUlyceiilnp ! r
hundred , If roonlvnil by nmin nr lxifur Murnli l t. 13 .
lt IN .11 1. M ) Hint n illma'ii Morili ill'
rrlll liint Intiacr mid iillorit m ire pli'aiuro t'in'i it tllmc'i wurlk or any
aihrv in mill. [ VI A KE T H E TEST I
Send lags to UO.VrJ.VKNTAl. TOIS&CCO CO. , SI. Leah , Mo ,
_ ,
will bo made byotcry bujerof La Porto
property. Klrit general Milo In I'obru-
nry IWH. L Porte , Texas , Is destined
to bo the future Kroatcal seaport of the
Oulf of Moxlco Ktery former , merchant
unil inauufuuturor of thu Untied States
won of the MlKtUMppI lllvor U directly
Interested In I.a Peru ; . A mnnll Invest
ment will return Imndsome profits. Write
lor FREE Folder , Mapi and Art Book to
108 ModlBOO St. , CHICAGO.
To tell the producti of
Bwlne plague or bog cholera iuccmfully treated
by Inwi-ulutlon. Wo cure t > S per rent of tli'k hugi
and rumlcr well lioci Immune * by our nroccii.
For turluer particular ! call CD ur nddrcn
Tli9 Swine Vaccine Co. , Wymore , Neb ,
31 Clook , 8-dajr , Calendar , Thnnnoin-
tttnr , Hiroinotor . ? > ( ' > )
SI ( Inn mm , Hvtthor , nu hottnr nmdo. too
U Kovolvor , itntiimatlo , double union ,
BlurUHcallbor , , . . COO
2(1 ( 'Jcuil Het , not p1njrtliliis | ; , but irnl
tooH , . 650
27 Tollnt Hot ( li'oornti'd porcelain ,
vnry handwinio . .8(10 (
m Ilttmlnuton Itlllu No. 4 , Si or : u < nl. tW
\Vutch.Mtorllnil nUyiir.ljlll jt'wuiod 1UCJ
30 Dri'Hs Hnlt OIIBO , Iritmtr , liuiuHonm
nnddnrnblH . 1004
31 finwIriK Mnulilno , Drxt i lam , with
HllttttnchinonlN UOO
3J Hnvohur , CollX itt-callbttr , blu d
sled ilBOQ
31 Hill" , OoltX Irt-tliot , ! ! 2-i.nli ; > r. . .UOJ
3 ( OnlUr ( Wanhburn ) , ninnvooil , In
laid 2000
Si Mandolin. > ory ImmlNJinn 2000
36 Wm litMtor Hcptullng Hluit titin ,
13K "KO 2000
37 Ilomlnuton , iluiiblu-birr l , hum *
inorfihot dun , lour 1J KIUID ; ; . .2UOO
31) lllryfllo , nlnndaid nmkn , JiuUm or
Ri-ntn 2MO
39 illiot ( Inn. Itpmltijjtim , double bur-
rol , IminnierletH 8(40 (
40 Kfglna Mnslo Dux , 16V Inch Dbo .60JO
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. Of ! 1HOO
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of ncrCM of chokt hi I-
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