Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 30, 1899, Image 4

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    I Oio * iUjwWicau
I'nblltlicil onry Thursday nt the Comity Boat.
I . HI. AMBHISttRV , - IJclllor
fcfl-Offlco In Onelor lllock , Fontth Ate.-6
Entered nt the p09tonico ftt llrokeu How , Neb. ,
second-class matter for transinl Ion through
the U. 8. Malls.
One Venr , In ndvnnco . 8' '
T11UKSDAY , NOV HO , 1800.
The Lnrayctic Coin.
From the commitoo ! on llio Lnf-
ayotto monument , we learn that
within the next few dayH there will
bo struck at the United States Mint
in Philudolihin | the moat unique and
significant coin issued in modern
times It is tlio Infoyotto Dollar
authorized by Congress in aid of the
Lafayette Monument.
Thia ooio , which is a legal teudor
dollar , bears upon Hd face in bas-
relief a double medallion of the
heads of Washington and Lafayette
mid upon its rovono a miniature
reproduuliuu of the cquoftrian stat
ue of Lafayette used for the menu
ment. The inscription on the del
lar explains its purpose ( struck in
commemoration of Monument erect
ed by school youth of United States
to General Lif lyotto , Paris , Franco
1000) ) .
The Lafayette Dol'er thus serves
not only to aid the Memorial work
but forms n new and beautiful tic
between the two great republics of
Europe and America , and therefore
the coin must be regarded as an in
ternational emblem. It constitute B
a most desirable souvenir and mom.
onto of the Children's Monument to
the "Knight Liberty , " the Universi
Exposition of LOOO at Paris , and the
oponining of the twentieth con-
tury. The limited number issued
will make these coins extremely
rare and in very great domind.
For each IfiOO of our population
there is a ratio of but ono Lafayette
The first coin to bo struck of the
CO.OOO will be presented by the
t. President oi the United States to
the President ] of the French Rep
ublio. Popular subscription0 for
i coins will now be entered , < and lion-
ored in the order received. The
price fixed on them by the Commis
sion in two dollars.
All orders for coins to bo consid
ered must bo accompanied by pay
ment in full and bo in the hands of
the Commission on or before DEO-
EMBEll 15 ' Oft , on which dote the
popular subscription closes , Drafts ,
currency or Money Orders will be
accepted in payment. Drafts and
Money Ordirs'muat bo made payab
le to Edwin Potter , Treasurer of
the Commission.
The CommiEsiou reserves the
right to limit the number of coins
allotted to oachisubscriber.
Students of schools and Colleges
should combine their ordes in ono
( subscription and send if possible
through a looal bauk.
The exploitation of thoLauti-trust
feeling will not bo premitod to
the distruotion of Protaotivc dutiea
which are IhoJshiolds'oMhoJAmori-
oan working jnan rganist , not
merely cheaper European labor
now such less feared than of old
but aganist the practice of foreign
manufactures of unloading vast
amounts of their products on the
American markets at prices far
lower than they ask at homo , simply
with a view of smashing American
competition. St. Paul "Pioneer-
Prtss. "
The Boers still hold the edge on
the English and from present in
dications are in position to hold
their advantages for some time yot.
But if John Bull has the staying
qualities of his American cousins
U > this Bide of the water , the final
irosuli will favor the English. But
after thoffihal settlement is reached
it is very doughtful whether
either will have gained more than
they could have gained by arbira-
The president oi Aguualdo'a
congress has been captured and
our men are close after Aguunaldo ,
.with a view of turning him over to
tbe government for Christmas
1'lmt 'I'linnksglvliif , ' Procla
In the Newborry library , Chicago ,
there ! H a copy of the first Thanks-
chiving proclamation in the United
States. There wore earlier feasts
as well as fastn , in fact , a harvest
festival was held the year after the
landing of the LPilgrims at Ply
mouth , but this was tbo first ap
pointed day named as a Thanks ,
giving day and act aside aa such
by oivil authority. The procla
mation in attested by the secretary
of the council and bears the seal of
the colony.
Thanksgiving was in honor of
the v'otorics of the colonies in the
King Philip war. During the
struggle with the Indiana , fasts had
been ordered , but when the tide of
war turned , and it approached a
fiueceesful end , a dny of thanksgiv
ing appeared to bj mon appro
priate. The governor and magia-
tratoa suggested the day of thanks
giving and won over the oppo
sition of the preachers , who wanted
another fast. Petitions were sent
in by Increase Mather and others ,
praying for a fast day , but the
council on Juno 20 appointed June
20 , 1070. aa a day of thanksgiving
The proclamation ia aa follows :
At a Council Hold at Charles-
twn , Juno the 20tu , 1070.
The holy God having by a long
and Continued Series of his AfhV-
otivo dispensations in and by the
present Warr with the Heathen
Natives of this Land , written and
brorght to pas-9 bitter things
against his own Covenant people in
thin wilderness , yet so that we evi
dently discern that in the midst of
Ins judgements ho hath remembered
mercy , having romomborodthia Foot
Stool in the day of his sore die.
pleasure against us for our ains with
many eingu'ar Intimations of his
Fatherly Compassion , and regard
reserving many of our Towns from
Desolation Threatened , and at
tempted by the Enemy , and giving
ua ospcoially'.of late with our Con
federates many'signal Advantages
aganist them , without suoh Disad
vantages to oursolvea as 'forrnely ,
wo htiVd boon sensible of , if it bo of
the Lord * mercies that wo are not
consumed , it certainly bespeaks our
positive thankfullness , when our
Enemies are iu many measures dis
appointed or destroyed : and fearing
the Lord should take notice under
ao many Intimations of his return
ing mercy , wo should be found an
Inaonsiblo people , aa not standing
before himlwithiThankegiving , as
well aa lading him with our Comp
laints iu the time of pressing Afllio-
lions :
B The COUNCIL havethought ; meet
to appoint andset apart the 20tb
day of thia Ins'ant iuno , aa a day
of Solemn Thanksgiving and praiae
to Godjor such his goodness and
Favour , many Partioulara of which
mercy might be Instanced , but we
doubt , not thosojwho are ] < aeuaible
of Gods Afflictions , have baou as
dilligent'to espy him returning to
us : and that the Lord may behold
usjis'a people offering praise'tand
thereby glorifying him ; The
Council duth commend it to > the
Respective Minister , Eldurr , 'iiul
people of thia.Juriadiotion ; Solemn
ly and seriously to keep the same.
Beaocohingjthat boing'ovorshadow-
ed by the mercies of God.wo may
all , even this whole people offer Jus
our Bodies and Soula as a living
and Acceptive Service kunto God
by JOSUB Christ *
By the Council , Edward Uawson ,
The demoorats have deoiod that
the ohiot plank in tlioir platform
next year shall be anti-imperialism
and the declarations aganiat trust ?
ia to bo Rooondary and the question
of money ia tobn ( forced to the back
ground , especially the 10 to 1 the
ory. *
WANTED Soveralj.poraons for
District Office Managers in this
state to represent mo in their own
and surrounding counties * Will
ing to pay yearly $000 , payable
weekly. Dosirblo employment > with
undual opportuitioB. References
exchanged. Enclose aolf.addresoed
atatrped onvolopo. S. A , Park ,
320 Caxtcn Building , Chicago.
The World Herald Uoncccds Me-
Klnlcy'H Election.
The following a double loaded
editorial from the Blad Mountain
S , D. News appeared on tbo editor
ial page of the World Herald ,
Nov , 21st without comment , which
ooncooda the oortuinty of Wm.
MoKinloy'a re-election and endorses
J. L. Webster of Omaha for vice
"While it is a foregone conclusion
that William MoKinley will suc
ceed himself in 1000 as president
of the United States , hie mnjonty
might be increased with the elec
toral vote Jof [ Nebraska ) t the na
tional republican convention wil
rooognizj the fact that the party
produces in the atato just as able ,
brilliant men aa can bo found on
the American continent , men who
have made for themselves an en
viable reputation , national in
character , without appealing to the
pioji'dices of the people. There
fore , lot the national convention
show the world that there is suffici
ent brain , brawn and intelligence
in Nebraska from which to ohooso
a candidate for vice" presidency on
the republican ticket. lion John
L. IWebiter of Omaha would fill
the bill , and would carry Nebraska
against Colonel Bryan , who is
going to be the democratic nominee
for president. "
Prohibits the Use of Arsenic or Alum iu
all Articles of Diet
The law enacted by the Missouri
legislature , a copy of which was
recently published iu our columns ,
and prohibls tuo manufactures or
sale of any article intended for
food or to bo used in the prepara
tion of lood , which contains alum ,
arsenic , emmonia , etc. , places tbtt
state in the load in the matter of
sanitary legislation.
Laws restricting the use ] of alum
in bread have been in force in
England , Germany and Franco for
many years. In this country , in
Minnesota , Wiaoouson , Michigan ,
Ohio , Kentucky and several otlior
statea , direct legislation in rotoronoe
to the aalo of alum biking powders
bus also been effected. In several
of these states their sale prohibited
unless they are pbanded to show
that they contain alum , and in the
District of Columbia , under the
laws of Congress , the sale of bread
containing alum has been made
following are the names of some
of the brands of biking powder sold
in the vicinity which are shown by
recent analysis to contain * alum.
Housekeepers and grocers should
cut this out and keep it for re
ference :
Unking Powdeii Containing .Alum :
K , C Contains Alum.
Manf. by Jaques Co. , Chicago.
Manhattan Contains Alum.
Manf. by Hewaon Chemical
Co. , Kanaas City.
C. P Contains Alum.
Manf , by Allen Bros. Ooiaha.
Gorman Contains Alum.
Manf. by Consolidated Coffee
Co , Omaha.
Calumet Contains Alum.
Manf. by Calumet Baking
Powder Co. , Chicago.
Bon Bon )
Hotel ) Contains Alum
Manf. by Grant Chemical Co. ,
Climax Contains Alum
Manf. by Climax Baking
Powder Co. , Indianapolis.
Kenton Contains Alum
Monf. by Polter-Parlin Co. ,
Jack Frost Contains Alum.
Manf. by Bain & Chapman
Mfg. Co , St. Louis.
Rocket Contains Alum.
Manf. by Sherman Bros. & Co. ,
Three Meals. . . . . .Contains Alum.
Manf. by Ridonour Baker
Grocery Co. , Kansas City.
In addition to those many Groc
ers sell what they call their own
private or special brand. These
powderd are put up to the grocore ,
and his name put on the lable ,
especially as he can make an abnor
mat profit on it. Many grocers ,
doubtless , dj not know that the
powders they are pushing are alum
powders the sale of which would bo
a misdemeanor under the law re
ferred to.
It IB quite impossible to give the
names of all the alum baking
powders. They are constantly
appearing in all sorts of disguises
under dfferont names and all kindf
of prices , oven as low as hvo ant
ten cents a pound. They can be
avoided , however , by the' hous-
k' oper who will bear in mind that
all baking powders sold at twenty
five cents or less per pound are
liable to contain alum , as pure
cream of tartar powders cannot bo
produceo , at anything like this
Prosperity Is Here.
Prosperity is bore. Try to hire
a carpenter to do n little jag of
work and see how long it takes to
find a man.
Try to got a farm hand and sec
how independent ho is aboat his
Try to buy a steer and hoar the
man laugh if you offer him Grover
Cleveland's prioep.
Try to sell a hog and see what a
market you have.
Try to build a house and see how
much more the. labor bill foots up
and how long you have to wait for
men and lumber ,
Every ono ia busy. Every mill
wheel is spinmg. Every mine is
filled with labor. Every wagon is
loaded. Every store is crowded.
Every hofol is full.
Facts are facts. It doesn't take
statistics to prove these things. Use
your oyoe , uao your ears , use com
mon sense , and see the differences
Commercial street to-day and three
years ago. See the difference in
the farms and farm houaoa of Lyon
County compared with conditions
in ' 05.
Prosperity is hero.-Emporia
( Kan. ) "Gazette. "
Some of the Traits Shown by lllm In
His Family.
"Gen. Grant as a Father" la the title
of an Interesting sketch in the Youth's
Companion. It Is by the general's
ton , Frederick D. , and is well worth
reading. Here is a part of it : I novcr
heard my father say an unjust , cruel
word , even to those who sought to in
jure him. What was most impressed
upon my mind during my youth , and
afterward , was my father's qualities of
truthfulness , loyalty and honor , his un
selfishness and his charitableness to
ward all. If an unkind word had been
uttered or an uncharitable thought ex
pressed in our homo circle , our great
est care was to keep the fact from the
knowledge of our father , because we
realized that such expressions from one
of his family would cause him deepest
sorrow. From our earliest years we
could not bear to have him think us
unworthy. His children never feared
him , as ho was far from being sterner
or severe with us , but we respected
him , loved him with deep affection ,
and wo dreaded to disappoint him.
Gen. Grant was considered by his
countrymen a great commander , firmly
pushing through overwhelming obsta
cles on to his goal ; he was known to
his children to be a tender-hearted , In
dulgent and most considerate parent ,
over willing to sacrifice his pleasure
for the happiness of those about him ,
oven to the smallest and most unim
portant member of the household. A
( stressed or troubled expression In the
ace of ono near to him was sure to bo
noticed , and called forth his sympa-
hy. His was the character of a sim
ple , unaffected Christian gentleman ,
and his descendants may well try to
mltate him. In Gen. Grant's home wo
cncw the gentle and just and chival
rous nature which the public recog
nized when ho gave orders at Vlcks-
> urg and Appomattox that his own
victorious soldiers should make no
lomonstratlon of triumph over the do-
eat of the opposing army. We , his
amily , knew best of all that spirit of
warm good will which caused him to
say to Gen. Lee : "Lot your soldiers
retain their horses and mules ; they
will need themto cultivate their
farms. "
Lot us Giro Thanks.
The issue of this numbei of the
RICPUBLICAH occurs on the rooura oe
of Thankgivmg day , which has become -
come national in its absorvance.
[ t ia an occasion which every ono
can , if so constituted participate. No
matter how poor in earthly goody ,
or health , they ( have reason to be
thankful that their conditions are
no worse. But moat people can re
call , -takinga ] | retrospective view
of their lives the past twelve months
many aubatanial blessings of which
they have boon recipients , for
whichthey ] should bo thankful to
the Great Giver of all good , There
are the present blessings of life ,
health , friends , lovod-oncs , together
with the bounties with which our
stores , or graineries , or houses ae
filled as well aa the great blessing
enjoyed from a largo and inoroao
ing buiness. In fact the year just
past b < ts boon ono exceptionally
bright for the people of the united
states. The God of the universe
has boon with our army and navy
in a most special way. The nation
has boon blessed with plenty.
Crops were generally good , prices
remunerative , employment for
every body , and prosperity abroad
in the land. Lot God bo praised
by every body.
West Union.
Thia locality haa been favored by
a fine rain the last few days.
Angle Marsh who has boon attrn.
ding school at Bnrwell , ia very sick.
Mr. Willhoit is building a house
at Sargont , Nellie Cody ia teach
ing school near Dunning.
Win. Potoraon , our blacksmith
haa juat completed a nicoshop.
Mias. Ora opoonor'a school aoutb
of the river closes this wccok ,
Geo. Douglas has been working
at carpenter work inJSargent the
last few weeks. Noble Groyor ie ,
expected to return from N. Y. soon.
There IB now some talk in demo
cratic circles of making Grover
Cleveland their partio's nominee for
president , in ease the eastern demo
oraoy decline to accept Bryan.
Four Suns nt Once.
The crew of a British steamer have
recently witnessed u remarkable sight
wher steaming in the South Atlantic.
The rare phenomena the sun dog
which may not be seen once in a
century , appeared in the sky one even
ing at sunset. It was first seen by
the captain , who noticed the sun set
ting In the cast instead of the west ,
and was confirmed by the steersman ,
who reported another sun to port and
two more in different directions. This
marvelous sight of four suns in the
sky gave the sailors a tremendous
shock , as the sky was perfectly cloud
less and the vision unexpected.
Golden -Penny.
Gloomy Outlook.
First Prohibitionist Are you aware
that there are 35,467 drug stores In the
United States ? Second Prohibitionist-
Is that all ? Surely , the cause has
progressed better than that. Indian
apolis Journal.
The uurhnKton railroad is talking of
conducting n special chicken tctin
once u m nth. Tney should 1'ave ' a
ooaeblu thu renr and an oiiRin to
puilet. CBlberston. Neb. , Bra ,
* Letter List.
Following is the dead letter lis'
for week ending Nov. 14 , 1809 :
Mr. Wm. Helnrlch (4) ( J. K. Bnreguss
Mien Lulu Henderson Mrs , Lizzie Hadley
M. K. Cowan Jus. Ford ( card )
Mre.B. Hurluurt L. P. Lllloy
A. IA Innson J. Lncas
T. A. Moss Miss Kthol J. Mitchell
Mrx. Kd Miller Mre.Llzzlo Miller
K. P. Merrill ( card ) II. E. Norton
MOSOB roaco.-k L. L. Sonthmsyde
B. Oscar Shcda G.V. . Thompson
S&m'l Warring.
Elder A. Wilson , Fred lucram. ( card )
Mrs. Ella Uarrovre , cFrann Uurgar , Eiq.
Parties calling for the abovt-
pleabo say advertised.
A Sure Sign of Croup.
iloarsness In % child that is subject to
croup is a sure indication ot tbe approach
preach of tbo disease. If CharaberliuV
Cough Remedy is given as soon na the
child becomes hoarao , or even after the
croupy ooueu haa nppeurd ; It will prevent
vent the attack. Many mothers who
have oroupy children always keep this
remedy nt hand and Had that it saves
them much trouble and worry. It can
alwayd be depended upon And It ie
pleaeent to tako. For sale by all drug
Keep Up Ita Gait.
Prosperity keeps up its gait in
this country , and like the great rac
ing yachts fulfills the expectations
of its builder , tbo republican party.
The croakers still deory it , try to
put pin holes into it , cumber it with
curses andhainporit fcwithj ( howls ,
but on it goes , Says "Bradalreet's
commercial report for last week :
"With'comparatively little stocker
or other speculative activity , and
with few strongly new features
presenting themselves , the general
business of the country goes for
ward at a good pace and in unpre
cedented volume for this period of
the year.-Ludington ( Mich ) "Roc-
ord , "
The Thanksgiving number of the
Omaha Illustrated Bee which reaoh-
ed ; our Monday'morning , is
ona ot tho'finest holiday editions
that wo have seen , The illus-
tratiou8a'arojall'of-a hiph order and
the reading matter is made up large
ly of biographies of individuals o !
prominenceJamong'whom is"Spea
ker Henderson's Hobby" , Reminis
conocB of late Governor Saundera" .
BoerPrperasion f or .South' African
war" , besides many o'ther articles ol
gcneraljnterest. Upon the whole
it ia a highly reditablo number and
worth severaHimea the ubsoription
price for awholekyear.
The first mis take was with those
donated the money to buy
Admiral Dewey a homo in
Washington. The second mistake
was made by Dewey in disposing
of the gift after ho had accepted
ted it. Ho showed n look of ap
procatiou and gratitude to say the
Clinton Day ,
Urokcn Bow , Nob.
OITlco over llyoreon's'fgroccry. ' Rcaly
denco OU ) houeo west of IJnptiflt church.
' _ _
t - - - - -
Lunch Counter ,
Ed. Wlolloy , Prop'r.
All kinds of softdrinks. . Beat
brand of cigar ? . 1st building cast
of Farmers' bank.
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
1'lani and Specifications on short notice. IIiv
lorlal furnished and buildings completed cheaper
than any man In thu state , Satisfaction guiran
tcod aa to plans and u pcclflcstlons.
and estimates on ehort no
ico. Broken Bow , Neb *
All Kinds of work in our line done
promptly and In flret-olnas order. Red
Shop on the corner , west of the hone
house. Glvousn trlM.
Richardson's Livery
at the old stand , between the Jiurling-
ton nad Globe Hotels. Telephone con
nection. Headquarters of Callaway
stage line. Single and double rigs.
Rates reasonable.
Chas.W. HakesM. D.
Successor to Dr. M. C. Blyatone.
Office over Chryslal Drui ; Store. Calls prompt
ly answered from office , day or night.
L.U'WIB & WMITI3. l rop'H.
All kinds of cemetery work. Workmanship and
prices guaranteed , shops nt
New Grand Central Livery and
Feed Barn ,
New rigs and good teams. Prices reasonable.
Hf i n B 8-9 KcnUy block. Urokcn How , Neb.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public , -
and Justice of the 1'caco. Special intention n'v- '
cn to collectlonn. Depositions taken , pension
vouchers neatly executed , and all kinds of legal
papers written. OOlco we side miuaro , JJrokon
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from ondin
woht , Realty i
block ; residence , north side. [
0. \ \ . DEAL. A. P. SMITH. ,
Beal & Smith ,
Prompt attention Riven to collodions and'
estate. Olllco OTcr Klret National Hunk.
Urokon Uow , . . . Ncbraakn.
T. W. Bass ,
All work first class. Rooms on 3d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Broken Bow , Nobr.
To the Public.
Our biography books were burned ,
containing 1,500 biographies , which
can only bo obtained in time for
publication iu our book , by sending
us by mail to Broken Bow at once ;
a letter , answering the followin
questions : Born where ? When
Father's name ? Manied
when ? Where ? To whom ? ,
Who was born when ?
Where ? Father's name ?
How many children ? Their ]
? Came when ? . /
names to county * - - ,
Located whore ? Abotu f
how many copies will you want ?