Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 26, 1899, Image 8

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    Another Wny the Tops Have of Fooling
Their Own People1
The following little dialogue in
substance was had between a couple
of tbo members of the head push of
the pop deception committee. Over <
the telephone on the afternoon of
Thursday Oct. U5lho day Gen.
GroHvernor spoke hero. "Hollo
central ; give mo 81. Hollo-Hollo !
lo that you LcntcrYea. Why , aay
Lester : well ; 1 was just thinking ;
you know that matter of Judge
Armour's ? yea ; Oh ! is that you Km-
crsonV yes , all right ; what is it now
You know about that matter of Ar
mour'a ? yes ; do'nt you think it
would bo a good idea to just run
along with that in the Chief this
week , that.Judgo llamor is out cam
paigning all the tinio and also Judge
M B.Reeao ? Oh , I don't kuow , Em-
oraou about Judge Keeso. Oh , 1
think it will go all right ; well all
all right iiro awy Emerson I guess
our lellowH out in the canyons
won't know any different ; llu , ha !
All right ; Good bye ; good bye. The
telephone hues were evidently crossed
od and the party who was using the
phone became interested in the uon-
vcro&tion , having no idea who the
parties were but they called each
ether Lester and Emerson.
To the I'ublic.
Our biography books were burned ,
containing 1,600 biographies , which
can only bo obtained in time for
publication in our book , by sending
UB by mail to Broken Bow at once ,
a letter , answering the following
questions : Born whore ? When ?
Father's name ? Married ,
when- Where ? To whom ?
Who was born when ?
Where ? Father's name ?
How many ohildrnn ? Their
namea ? . Came lo county when ?
i . .Located whore ? About
how many copies will you want ?
S. D. BuTOiiicii.
Will hold a convention in Broken
Bow on the 3rd and 4th dayn of
November , 1800 , Able speakers
will be present and an entertaining
and iubtruotivo prouramm will 'be
provided. Call for convention and
programm will appear later.
By order of Committee' .
Old fashion In dreaa may be received ,
but no old-faeioned uicdiclno can re
place Chamberlain's Cello , Cholorti and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all
Burlington Koute California Excuriloni
Cheap ; quick ; comfortable.
Leave Omahu 4:35 : p. m. Liu-
doln 0:10 p. m. and Hastings 8:50 :
p. m. every Thursday , in clean ,
modern , not crowded tourist sleep-
era. No transfers ; cars run right
through to Son Francisco and Los
Angeles over the Saonio Uouto
through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Cars are carpeted ; upholstered in
rattan ; have spring seats and backs
and are provided with curtains ,
bedding , towlos , soap , oto. Uni
formed porters and experienced ex
cursion conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of
all bother about baggage , pointing
out abjeots of interest and in many
ether ways helping to make the
overland trip a delightful oxpor.
ionoo. Second class tickets are
honored. Berths $5.
For folder giving full informa
tion , oall at nearest Burlington
Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , general passenger lagont
Omaha , Neb.
From Dcujamln Krunklln.
When you arc nick , what you like
beat in to bo cboaon ( or u medicine in the
lirat place ; what experience tolls you is
boat , to be chosen In the eeeond place ;
what (1.0. ( , Theory ) oiiys is beat to bo
chosen in the last place. But if you
can got Dr. Inclination , Dr. Expert-
ence and Dr. Reason to bold n consulta
tion togetber , they will glvo you the
best advise that can bo taken. "
When you have a bad cold Dr. Inullnu-
tion would recommend Guamberlaiu'H
(3ou/h Remedy because It ia pleasant
and Bale to take. Dr.Experience would
rr commend It bcoaueo it never falls to
effect a epaedy and permanent euro.
Dr. Reason would recommend It be-
OMIBO it is prepared on scientific princi
ples , and acts on nature's plan In re
lieving tbo lungs , opcnliK the Bccre-
tlona and restoring the system to
natural and healthy condition. For
Bale by all druggists.
Scotland's Fifth
A Royal sturgeon has been caught In
the Ouso , near Goolat , Scotland. Ita
capture bns raised nn intcrontlng qucs
lion. As the law now stands all Inrgo
flab such OB whales , sturgeon and for
merly porpoises If cantered within
the three milea limit of the coast are
royal fish and are claimed by the
coastguard or the customs on behalf
of the 'crown. In the event of the
turgeon being : a particularly fine
epeclmen , It Is forwarded to the quean.
The law la Scotland in regard to
Whales IB the same as In England , nn <
IB a contested case In the Scottish
ourti the law was laid down by Lord
Erslclne that "whalea when large be
long to the sovereign , when small to
fie ; captor. "
' ' ' ' " "
Through Toutlit Sleeperto the Northwest.
The Burlington Ktmte has calab
I lishod a twioo a week touriHt car
line from IvaiinaH City to Butte , Spo
kiino , Taoonm and Sunttlo1 Darn
leave KatiHitB City , Lincoln and
Grand Island every Tuocday and
Thursday , ariving tit Seattle follow-
I ing Friday and Sunday. They arc
upholstered in rattan. Thu bud
linen and furnishings nro clean and
of good quality. Tlio hoatingvcn
lilating and toilet arrangomoniH are
all that can bo dcsirm ! and each uar
is in charge of a uniformed Pullman
porter , whoHo sole duty is ID attend
to the wantH of puHoengerH. Cars
run through without uhango of any
kind and the berth rate fromLincola
to Taooma or Seattle is only $5.00.
To intermediate pointH , it is proportionately
tionatoly low.
Montana and thp Puget Sound
country are now enjoying a period
of unexampled prosperity. As a
coiiHequeuco , travel to the North
west is rapidly attaining largo pro-
portionH. This now touriHt car line
hat ) been oHtnbllHhed with a view of
oaring for the Burlington's share ot
it in the bent possible manner.
Berths , tickets and full information
can bo had on application to any
Burlington Route ticket agent or by
addressing J. Frano'iH , G.P.A ,
Omaha Nob. Juno 20th.
We hnve two children who nro subjojt
t o uttnolcB of croup. Whenever an
nttuok is coming on my wlfo gives thorn
Cbutnberlaln'B COURU Ktinedy nncl It
always provonto the nttnck. It is n
boiiBohold noooBBlty In tins county and
no matter what else we run out ot , it
would not do to be without Chamber-
Iain's Cough Remedy. More ot it Is
sold bore thnn of nil other cough medi
cines combined. J. M. Nicklo , of
Nlcklo Bros. , merchants , Nlcklovillo ,
1'a. For sale by nil druggists.
U. B. Land Olllco , Ltncol" . Nobr. , I
Oct. 82,1890. f
Notice IB hereby given that the following-
named Bottler lias filed notice of hla Intoiitlon to
mnkn llnal proof In tmpport of his claim , and that
snlil proof will bo muuo before the County Judge ,
at llrokon How , N0br. , Saturday , Doc. 3 , 181K ) ,
vlr. : lrncHt V Alllxdt ,
U K No. 10,443 , for the nwM 800. iW , Tp. 14. HR.
ID. lie rmmce thu following wltncHsoB to prove
bio continuous residence upon and cultivation of
nald Innd , viz : TbomsH Kennedy , Win. Kdniunds ,
William Willlnmit. Frank Lotiarilo , all of Uuuiro ,
Nebr. ol-U 81 JV JOHNSON , Itcglstor.
New Grand Central Livery and
Peed Barn ,
New rigs and good tciiraa. Prices reasonable.
Builfipn TIME TABLE.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chicago. Butte ,
St. Joseph , 1'ortland ,
.Kansas City , Salt I.nko City
Sf Loals , and all San Frnnolsoo
points cast oud sonta. and all points vroit
No. 43. Local oxprcaa dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
nml all points cast _ .6:30 a.m. .
No. 44. Local pasgcnKor , depart * . . 11:25 a. m.
No. 40 , TliroiiL'li freight caut lally..5S9n. : m.
No. 48. Local freight cast arr. dally 13.00 p.m.
Departs nt 1,05 p.m.
Kicupt Sunday.
No. 41. Local express dally , Helen A , Ilutto
1'ortland , all points west 10:55 : p. m
No. 43. Local i > aiBenKOrBrrlvcBat..46 : p. in.
No. 45. " west " 1068a. ; m
No. 47. " " " " 2:16 p. m
Dcparta at 8.45 p , m
Except Bunday ,
Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( scats
Irco ) on through trains. Tlckes sold and baggage -
gage chocked to any point In thi United States
and Canada.
No. 48 has merchandise care Tuesdays , Thurs
days and Saturdays.
No. 45 will carry passengers for Anselmo , Hal
* uy , Seneca , Whitman and Alliance.
No. 40 will carry passer.gors ( or Ravouni
Or and Island , Howard and Lincoln.
Information , maps , time tablet and ticket
all on or write to II. L , Ormsby , agout , or J
rancH , Q. P. A. , Omaha , Nebraska.
n. L. OUMSDT , Aeont.
to Doctors
We have the highest regard for the
nodical profession. Our preparations
ire not sold ( or the purpose of antagon-
zing them , but rather as an aid. We
ay it down as an established truth that
nternal remedies are positively Injuri
ous to expectant/nothers. The distress
and discomforts experienced during the
months preceding childbirth cab be al
leviated only by oxternal'treatment by
applying a liniment that softens and re
laxes the over-strained muscles. We
make and sell such a liniment , com
bining the ingredients ia a manner
hitherto unknown , and call it
Mothers Friend
Wo know that in thousands of cases
it bos proved more than a blessing to
expectant mothers. It overcomes morn
ing sickness. It relieves the sense of
tightness. Headaches cease , and dan *
Kor from Swollen , Hard and Rising
Breasts is avoided. Labor itself u
shortened and shorn of most of the pain.
We know that many doctors recom
mend it , and we know that multitudes
of women go to the drug stores and bay
it because they are sure their physicians
have no objections. Wo ask a trial-
Just a fair test There is no possible
thance of injury being the result , be
cause Mother's is
Friend scientific
ally compounded. It is sold at $ i a bet
tle , and should bo used during most of
the period of gestation , although great
relief , ia experienced if used only a short
time before childbirth. Send for our U-
htstrated book about Mother's Frie&d.
You Fays Your Mousy
and Tabs Your Choice.
Wo are daily receiving fresh from the factory the
moat complete line of Ladio's , Misses and Children's
JacketsCapesand ! ! Tailor Made Suits
Fresh , Rollablo'Goods at prices that'Will , Bankrupt No One
Ladie's cloth capes , very nobby at$1.95 , Worth $1.95
Ladio's cloth capes . " 2.75 " 2,75
Ladio's cloth capes " 4.90 " 4.90-
Ladie's Crush Plush capes " 6.90 " 6.90
Golf Caves at Dry Goods Store Prices
Ladio's Beaver , Boucle , Covert and Vicuna cloth
3 Jackets at $3.90 , 4.40 , 5.00. 5.50 , 6 90. 7 50 , 9.65 , 10.00 ,
2 12.50 and up. Each and everyone A Special "VaU
nc for the 3L"riee.
Some people think above goods are "worth" 40 per
cent more , but with us the value is real and not immag-
Wo have just received a lot of Peerless Carpet
Warp in white and colors , which we will sell as long
as it lasts at 14 c. for white and 16 c. for colors. This
is a very Nice Warp , but we do not consider it the best.
Come to ns for Bargains in all departments
Mennen's Borated Talcum Toilet Powder 15 c. ; good
Standard Prints at 3 and three-fourth cts. , Perfumed
Talcum Powder 5 c. One case , 42doz. . Misses and
Boy's heavy Ribbed cotton Hose fleece lined in sizes 6
to 9 at 15 c. per pair , Vaseline Camphor Ice at 7 c. ,
Misses fine Rib cotton Hose , 25 c. quality , as long as
they last at' 18 c. Pure Vaseline 4 c. per bottle. Finest
perfumes at 25 anb 40 c. per ounce , Cuticura Soap , 20 c.
Protect Your Own Interests by trading
where your money goes back freely if you are not satis-
North Side.
S. II. 11UUNUAM , President , Lincoln , Neb. II. O , nOOHRS. Oftghlor , nrokcn Bow.
O. I1. PKHLUY , V-l'roi. , Broken Uovr. J. M. KIMBKULINQ , Ass't Cashier
First National Bank ,
General Banking Business Transacted.
DiUBOrona :
8. II. Uurnlmm J. M.Klmbcrllug. 11. C. Tolbot. o. P. Porloy. H. Q. Ilogors.
Jnlted States Natlonii Bank. Omaha. Chase National Bank. New York. American
Exchange Dank , Lincoln. First National Bank. Grand Island , First National Bank ,
North Platte , Neb.
Equality , Economy , Security
'rno trno tcit for Llfe Inanranoo IB
found In the Equity of the Contract ,
the Economy of Management , and the
Secarlty for the Payment.
m Bankers Life Association , gjg
? ! ? . $ :
Don Molaoo , Iowa.
EDWAIID A. TBHI-LB , President.
Organized July 1st , 1870.
Guaranty Fond for eafcty.
BnrnlUB Fund for protection.
Supervised by 3,060 depository banks ,
Socurl lea deposited with the eUto
I department.
Conservative inothode.
1 Preferred HlsisLow Hates.
Quarterly Pnymonte.
1m For rttcs and fall Information , call
on or address
m J , A. HARRIS ,
Agent for Ouster County , Neb.
Ofllco at Farmers Hank of Cutter
County , liroken How , Neb.
KOI ins 8-9 Realty block , Broken Dow , Neb.
Chas.W. HakesM. D.
Successor to Ur.-M. C. Blystone.
Office over Chrystat Drue Store. Calls prompt
ly answtred from office , day or night.
Can be had of J. J. Murphy , of
Sargent , who is traveling salesman
for Ouster county. It cures all
manner of blood diseases , such as
rheumatism , kidney and liver dis
eases , fever , nervous headache , fe
male complaints , catarrh , constipa
tion , indigestion , neuralgia and
dyspepsia. Sample free at this
office. septl-t-lra
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
Flans and Specifications on short notice. Mi\-
torlal furnished and buildings completed cheaper
than any man In the atnto. Satisfaction giuran
teed as to plans and Bpoclflcatlons.
and estimates on short no
tice. Broken Bow , Neb.
& IM11D
I have a largo list of farms foi
sale in all parts of the aouuty. Low
prices and easy tormw of payment.
Write for prices ,
Don't wait until the cook
reminds you that the coal bin
empty , and that the last
coal was a miserable lot of
stuff , hut let
Poster & Smith Lumber Co.
Know yoi.r need of Coal , and they will send you
The Most and Best for the Money.
And NUT ,
B2 ? Remeinbor the place.
W. L , RULE , Mgr.
Telephone No. 79.
I l t ggginriJiqtuSFJt agia N l l gSlHgga 5 ]
Peale & John
which they are selling low. Their
See them for Bargains in
All New , and of the Latest Pattern ,
W , H , PENN & GO'S ,
Wo have the finest line o
Gents' Furnishing Goods , Trunks ,
Yalises , Etc.
Wo bought these goods direct from the factories , and are
abln to sell thorn as cheap as any house in the county. The
advantage we have over our competitors is that our stock is all
now , and wo have no shelf won * sr second band stock. All
these goods are up to date in style , and quality second to none.
We are located in the Realty block , south side square. Oall
and see us. Wo are prepared to lead our competitors , in
quality and prices.
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
a Specialty.
Jeweler and Optician.