TAMING WILD BEASTS ANIMAL TRAINER RECOUNTS SOME OF HIS EXPERIENCES. Head In Linn' * Mouth The Hnga Kings of the ForoAtH Arc Hunt to Truln and Are Never to Do Depended Upon. "Extra hazardous" might well qual ify the "risk" that would be placed with the name of a Hon-tamer should ho have the hardihood to apply for an accident policy ; hut the Intrepid In dividual who puts his hend In the lion's mouth and chases Irate heasts up and down narrow cages docs not apparent ly think so much about these things as the man of sedentary occupation , says the New York Telegraph. This was the opinion of , a famous trainer , who has been following the perilous profession for twenty-five years and who discussed the pros and cons of his business with cheerful candor. The trainer , who has only been out of the hospital a few days , exhibited with nonchalencc a bandaged leg where a ; lioness had nipped through a few Inches above the ankle. The same animal had bitten him In the same place a few years before In Manches ter , England. It was evidently a favor ite bite with her. "I've been lucky for a year now , " bald the tamer. "The last trouble I had of any Importance was last sum mer. A friend of mine asked mo to break three young lions for perform ing. The result was that after a few lessons I hoved down for repairs , and had thirty stitches taken In my back. The lions remained as frisky as ever some lions , you know , absolutely re fuse to bo educated. The tooth of alien lion exemplify the finest condition of development of the carnivorous type. The great , sharp , canine teeth placed wide apart at the angles of the mouth can hold on better than any pincers I have ever seen. The jaws are short and strong , and are moved by power ful muscles. " "Is there any peculiarity about lion- tamers , national or otherwise ? " queried the reporter. "I can't say there Is , " responded the trainer. "I happen to be a Scotchman. Six lion-tamers , If you choose to call us such , caraio from the same place I did. You might not believe It , but the excitable French are adept , although I believe the Germans are more success ful In the handling of animals. Dur ing my residence In this country the last three years I have met a number of Americans who gave every evidence of handling animals as fearlessly as any men I have ever met ; they are not so patient , perhaps , as the Germans , In trying to teach them tricks , but they are very alert and daring. " "How do you go about the business of training lions ? " "Well , the first thing Is to get them to know you from work In front of the cage ; go Into the den every morning and read the papers my wife used to take her sewing and work an hour or so. This is the early stage before you use a whip. You can't train lions to do much ; you can urge them to run about the cage , jump the hurdle and leap through a hoop. Of course , put ting your head in the lion's mouth Is always a risk and should not be at tempted unless the animal is quiet. You stroke the beast's back as you would that of a cat. This sort of soothes him and you may take advan tage of this fact to quietly pry open his jaws and press your head so closely to the teeth as your courage permits. Of course , if the animal is disposed to close down on you at this time trepan ning would be necessary if you over got out alive. Personally , I am more afraid of a lion's paws than I am of his jaws. Talk about 'upper cuts , ' left hooks' and that sort of prize-fighting fancy shots ! A lion is wonderfully clever and ho does it without gloves. A lion's claws take hold like a fish hook. A tiger or leopard gives with the paws a side slash that cuts like a knife. "Lions are fed after they perform ; that Is part of their reward for the work ; so that the idea that they are 'dopy' and overfed when wo go into the cage is a mistake. I would rather work with lions any time than ele phants. They are such treacherous and powerful beasts. I have had their tusks each side of me thrust through three inches of board and I have had 'em goring the ground as I lay between the Ivories thinking each moment would be my last. "Oh , yes , lions are cantankerous and have their bad days. Some of them Beem chronically bad. "The lioness that I am working now Is not a good animal. The fact is she has killed and maimed five keepers , not to mention the horses she has kill ed when she has been on the rampage. You may remember , she got out In Now York four years ago and was gene two days. I finally caught her In a stable , where she had been dining a la carte off the poor horses. A year igo in Kansas City she killed her last keeper. I have not worked with her for three years until recently. I showed you the result of our first scrimmage after my return , " and the man pointed significantly to 'his ban daged leg. " lilt lielow the Holt. "You and young Chubblelgh don't speak to each other any more , Ethel. What Is the matter ? " "Nothing , only he told mo one day when we were at the park that I ha'i a swanllke neck , and I told him ho ha > : a Bwanllke walk. " Food In Uuiala. In some parts of Russia the only food for the people consists at present oi A acorns , leaves and the soft bark ol trees. ODD MARRIAGE. 1 Wcddlnc I1'0 of Only Two Cent * Fol- lourcul I/ Olio of WOO. A pastor of one of the prominent1 churches in Brooklyn , whoso son has n charge in this county , had a strange experience about five years ago , which was never spoken of until recently , when unlocked for developments made It consistent to relate the Incident The elderly clergyman was at homo one evening , and about 9 o'clock ho heard a quiet knock at the door. Ho went to the porch and admitted a refined ap pearing young man and a girl. The latter suggested modesty , while the companion showed the result of * e- bauchery , but ho nevertheless gave evidence of Intelligence. The young fellow defined the purpose of tltolr visit , which was to bo married. Who couple were refused emphatically by the clergyman at first , but finally they submitted to all the Interrogations of the minister , and there was no appar ent reneon why they should not bo wed. After the ceremony the pastor was handed nn envelope by the groom after which they departed on their honeymoon. The minister entered the study and taking the gift from his pocket , opened It. The contents con sisted of two copper pennies. The son , who was In college at the time pre paring for the ministry , happened to be home spending a vacation , and was n witness to all that occurred subse quent to the wedding. He enjoyed Immensely the joke on his parent , and between shouts of laughter ho Informed his father of the trou ble which was sure to fol low such an absurd Indiscre tion. It was at once presumed to bean an elopement , nnd doubts wore brought as to the accuracy of the girl's age. The father felt somewhat annoyed , but ho was confident that he had held strictly to all the laws regarding the perform- arice of the ceremony. For five years nothing was heard of the couple , and but a few weeks ago the minister found that ho had not got Into any dif ficulty. About the same time In the evening ho heard a knock at the door , and he recognized It at once. A strange feature of the occurrence was that the son was at home again visiting for a few days. The senior clergyman hur-i rled to the door nnd his ear was not deceived ; the caller was the man ho had married five years before. The young fellow , In an unasaumlng man ner , remarked that he always felt that the minister deserved an explanation , and he announced the purpose of his second visit. He said that he was walking along the streets of Brooklyn when he met the girl he married about a half hour before he visited the par sonage. He continued , stating that he figured that she would not be worth more than two cents to him , and that the feeling regulated his fee to the minister. Concluding , ho declared that she had proved to be of Inestimable value to him , and he quietly arose and handed the clergyman another envel ope , which contained a check for ? 50 , payable at the Chemical bank. Troy Press. AN EMPEROR'S ROMANCE. In the study of Kaiser Franz Josef of Austria , who , by the way , entered his 70th year recently , hangs a framed but withered bunch of flowers , to which a romantic little story Is attached. A few weeks before the announcement of his engagement Kaiser Franz Josef and his fiancee were walking between Ischl and Lauffen , when she saw a meadow bright with gayly colored wild flowers. "Wait , I will pick you a posy , " she exclaimed , and a few min utes afterward handed her betrothed a little bouquet. The future Empress Elizabeth took the black velvet riband which bound her magnificent hair and tied it round the flowers , offering them with a play ful courtesy to the kaiser , who kissed them before placing them In the outer pocket of his military tunic. Sudden-1 ly as they neared Ischl , the kaiser dis covered that the precious posy was gone. Some days after , when the incident had been forgotten , the valet was as tonished to find that the lost posy had been hidden deep down In the tu nic pocket all the while , and was , as a natural consequence , so withered that he did not llko to show It to the kai ser. As It was equally Impossible to throw away flowers picked by the fu ture kalserln , he hit upon the happy Idea of pressing them , with a view to presenting them to his Imperial master on the latter's wedding day. But In the whirl attendant on such an Important event he forgot his plan and It was not until the Kaiser Franz Josef and his consort celebrated their silver wedding in 1879 that the old va let reminded his master of that long- forgotten day , as he produced the with ered bunch of flowers. The kaiser and kalserln were much touched and a command was given that the relic should be placed under glass and fram ed , so that It might be hung where the kaiser could always see It. Housekeeping. "You advertised for a girl for light housekeeping and " "Well , this Is the lightest house in the vicinity. It may be bigger than some of the others , but It's a frame house , while they're all stone or brick. " of London Hill 1'oatorn. London billposters struck for $8.25 per week , fifty-three hours to consti tute a week's work. It Is not necessary to hang up a cede of home laws In the house where levis is dwelling. Excitement WHS caused in a church In London during the morning service last week by a loud volco from the gallery forbidding the banns of a couple - plo desirous of getting married , be cause the woman had a canonical hus band living. The voice was that of the famous Father Black , who takes every opportunity to protest publicly against the marriage of divorced per sons. Curiously enough , Father Black Is well known and popular In English society and Is much sought after ns u guest In country houses. There Is more Cutnrrh in this section of the country thnn nil other illicnses put together , nnd until the lust few ycurs was supposed to bo Incurnblo. For n ( treat ninny yours dootors pro nounced It n locnl dlveiiso , nnd prescribed locnl remedies , und by eonsttuntly fiillltirt to euro with local treatment , pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitu tional disease , nnd thorotoro requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man ufactured by F. .1. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , Is the only constitutional euro on the market. It IB taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to n teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood nnd mucous nurfiices of the system. They offer sno hundred dollars for any ciisult falls to euro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address P. J. CHUNKY & CO. , Toledo , Ohio. Sold by DrupKlsts , Tfxj. Hall's Family Pills nro the best. It takes more religion to hold a man level In a horse trade than It does to make him shout at a campmeetlng. Oklahoma. Its wonderful resources nnd superior advantages to homeseekcrs nro not forth in n handsome illustrated pam phlet just issued by the Frisco Line Passenger Department. Copy will bo mailed free on application to Bryan Bnyder , General VnKscnger Agent , St. Louis , Mo. Everbody wants to got in on the ground floor. That's why there Is al ways plenty of room at the top. woman suffering from any female trouble call bo EVERY by Mrs. Plnkham. This statement is based on sound reasoning and an unrivalled record. Multitudes of America's women to-day blesa Mrs. Pinkham for competent and common-sense advice , c Write to her if you are ill. Her address is Lynn , Mass. Absolutely no charge Is made for advice. "I suffered seven years and would surely have died but for your help , " writes MRS. GKO. BAINDRIDOE , Morea , Pa. , to Mrs. Pinkham. " It is with pleasure I now write to inform you that I am now a healthy woman , thanks to your kind advice and wonderful medi cine. I can never praise it enough. I was a constant sufferer from womb trouble , and leucorrhcea , had a continual pain in abdomen. Sometimes I could not walk across the floor for three or four weeks at a time. Since using your medicine , I now have no more bear ing-down pains , or tired feelings , and am well and hearty. I shall recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to nil my suffering friends as the greatest remedy for all female weakness. " MRS. SUSIE J. WEAVER , 1821 Callowhill St. , Phil- ' delphia , Pa. , writes : DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I had inflammation of the womb and painful men struation , and by your advice I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. Have taken four bottles and used one package of Sanative Wash and feel like a new woman. I thank you so much for what your medicine - * cine has done for me. " MRS. M. BAUMANN , 771 W. 2istSt. , Chicago , 111. , writes : "After two months' trial of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I can not say enough in praise for it. I wws a very sick woman with womb trouble when I began its use , but now I am well. " A well preserved Roman camp han joon discovered on the right bank of ho Narcnta , in Herzegovina. A sec- Ion 310 feet long by 270 feet wide has boon traced. Part of the walls , gates and towers nro still standing , and nnny utensils nnd weapons have been lug up. It is believed that the camp was erected in the time of Nero. Perhaps you may have observed that a lawyer charges a larger fee for ch aining a divorce than a clergyman doeq for performing the marriage cere mony. Fred Pelton , colored , was sentenced at Llttlo llock , Ark. , to 115 ycara In ho penitentiary for attempting to outage - ago seven women In this city In Au gust. The grand Jury returned Indlct- nonts against him at noon , and ho was arraigned within a few hours. Ho icknowlcdgcd his guilt and his atlor- icy asked the mercy of the court. If assessed , the maximum punishment In nil seven cases would have been 147 years. It IB said there is no fool llko an old fool but there are some young ones that run a close second. TIIK oitir cum : THAT 1101:9 CURK. Laxative llromo Qulnluo Table In removes iho cause that produces I a Grippe. K. W. Q rove's HlRtmturo Is on each box. lr ? > o. Conail Doyle's pet amusement IB cricket. Kvon the milet waiter Is frequently called to order. I FOR THE FAMILY. " I tnkq pleu uro In p Tour valuable remedy CABCAKETu ; I and ray vrliolo faintly recelred relief from the first small box wo tried. 1 certainly recommend CASCAUETS for the cures they make and trunt they will nnd a place In every homo. Your * foraneeom. " pKTKinVnDD.Jr. , falm Uroro Avo. , McK.ee port , Pa FOR CHILDREN. uwaya delighted when I sire them a portion of n tablet , anil ci f ( or mura. They are the most pleasant medicine 1 bare ever tried. They bare found a permanent plaoo In my homo. " MHI.JOHH FLAOEL , Box MO. Michigan City , Ind. FOR PILES. 111 ufTered the tortnre * of the damned with protruding pile * brought on by conitlpatlon with which I was afflicted for twenty year * . Iran across your CASCAIIKTS In the town of Newell , Ia. , and never found anything- equal thorn. To- Jar I am entirely free from cllee and feel like a new man. " O.ll.KEin , llll Jonei Bt.BloaxGlty , Ia FOR HEADACHE. bare been uilng OA80AUETt and they are the best medicine we hare ever had In the houia. Last week my wire wa * frantic with headache for two dayii ibe tried * omo of your OABOARbTS and they relieved the pain In her bead almoit Immediately. VTe both recommend CascaroU. " PltUburgU Data & Vop'oslt Co. , Flftiburgh , Fa. FOR BAD BREATH. "I have been utlno CASOA- ItETH and a * a milduiiddftoctlvo laxatlTo they are limply wonderful. Mjr daughter and 1 were bothered with lick itomach and our breath wa < Tery bad. After taUinif a few dole * of Caaearet * we have Improved won- derfutly. They are a great help In the family. " WlturtaiMA NAOItt. 1137 Itlttenhouie St. , ClQclunatl , Ohio , FOR PIMPLES. My wlfohad pimple * on her JJacr , but eho hai been taking CAS- CAiiKlB and they have all dliap- reared. 1 had beeu troubled with conitlpatlon for noroe time , but after taking the rtnt Cacaret I bare hod no trouble with thl * ailment. We cannot ( peak too highly of Oatca- feu. " rnui WAUTM&M . . . 17010.rmantown Are. , M4 Philadelphia , Pa. The annual report of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy rnllrond shown : Gross cnrnlnes for the your wcro ? 13i89,424 ; , ns coinpnrod with $12,800- 1C2 last year ; oporntlng oxiionsoa worn f28,253D09 , nn Increase1 of J325.B79 over 1898 ! $5,238,370 wcro pnhl In dividends , leaving n surplus for the your of I1.J89.929. The report gives the total mllengo of the system ns 7,2-19 , nn In- crcnso of ninety-nine miles over Inst year. Some women nro considered wlso because they are considerate enough to keep their opinions to themselves. Two bottles of PIso'K Cnro for Connump- tton curwl mo of a Iwtl lunp ; trouble. Mrs. J. Nicholi , 1'rlucotoii , I ml , , Mnr. ! ! 0,1S05. Ho who rules with n rod of Iron should select a mnllcnblo ono. Don't On Ilrokn NVIinn You llrt. Send for my Invnlimblo Msu-m. Ooo. U , Ulclimond , ' X > Dent burn St. , CUIcuuo. Clover persons often bore stupid onus more than stupid ones bore them. $15.OO PER WEEK. AVe Trill pay Jlfi.00 per week nnd expends for rniiu with rlt ; to Introdui'o our Poultry Mixture nnd Insect Destroyer In the country. Addtcss , with .stump , K.xoEi.stoit MKO. Co.l'nrsonsKi\n. MlulHtor Russell , at Cnrncas , 1ms in formed the state department that the Venezuelan government 1ms ordered i.mt , for n perloil of sixty days , corn and beans shall bo admitted free of duty , and that for the same period rice shall pay only 2 cents per kilo. Some people nre HO mean that they won't even speak the truth unless It la for the purpose of hurting some one's feelings. When ono woman praises another the praise Is usually tinged with sar casm. VS < < YTHCO < ( ! JOHN MAMMOTKT | : 'MAILORDER HOUSE : . | i TWO-PIECE SUIT AUTUMN STYLE _ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A * w- . 130. This fnshlonnblo Autumn Style jLmlloa * Two-nloco Suit , consisting of : jnckotnml skirt , tanmtlo of line quality Jf plain niivy blue or blnclr nultliiK cloth. We Measure Val The jnoliot ia mmlo Ik-lit-nttlng with ues by the rule of velvet collnr , clonblo-stHchod Bniuns , fly front , llnod with hliili colored Bill * norm ) highest possible nuii faced with black silk BCTKOJ the nklrt la niiido in the now tuid popular qualities.for . the tunic ofToct. with two rows of molmlr lowest possible braid , which ia applied in Korpontlnn clloct , ns shown in the Illustration : lined prices. Our with ( Ino mmllty porcallno nnd bound with velveteen , The fabric is of milll- goods are fresh , clont vrniulit to mlmltbolnu worn nil sea original solid eons , nnd boliiH thoroughly shrunk before - , , fore making , will hang nlcoly cr.il ( It ns sensible and serviceable smoothly after months of wear as the day purclmsod. The chain of perfoctlon viceable styles ; ha no mtesltiK links ; from thotlmotho qualities in cloth is placed in the hands of the cutter every It pantos through none but the hands of Instance dependable nrtisnna until completed and ready for wear. If you arc not already ono of our able and values customers let this salt bo your initial unquestionably order there's value in It you'll appre ciate. Biros , jacket 32 to 42 inches bast | right. iklrt22to30nchc8walat | An | % | > $5.90 'n which is listed at lowest wholesale pric s evorythlnfi to oat wear and use.isfurmsb ed on receipt of only 109 to partly pay postage or expressage and as evidence of goocl faith the 109 is allowed on first. purchase amounting to 199 or above. fll oun MONTHLY-onocEHY PRICE , uar R JOHN W.TOOIIIUK. IJB. WBw a J WlmliliiKtoii , I ) . < ; . ffSupcensfully Prosecutes Clnlms. , fl I.nto I'rlncfDitl ljtilmlnnr U , H. fnueioa Ilurnnu. J3vr lnclTllwiir. 15inluiirratliiislilnm.uttVBliir ! . A HAY < JIIF1F WewyS4nd ywtanr. H Ufll OUnC for a man with rip lo Introduce our goods In the country. Send stnmq for terms. KANSAS FOOD CO. , 613Y. . Stli St. . KANSAS CITY. MO. for full nnd winter to Oont or thin county. particular * Vltl'.K. K. II. THH CO. . rulillMiurit , Now York City. 'fn ' I aHlao Letter and particulars regarding 10 LuUieS "i > rnctlcn1I > u lce"nolnuyiiiuulil be without. Confidential. lucuno ! utainp. I.nily BKinti wanted. Kurckn Appliance Co. , Equitable Ilulldlng , Ilalttmoro , Mil. HEALTH ANDBEAUTY. REGULATE l W HMMUM i lOt 25i50i THE Over 3,000,000 Boxes of Caseareh Sold Last Year ! Unerring is the judgment of the people , and the people like Cascarets. The sale this year will be 5,000,000 boxes. Nothing succeeds like success and Cascarets are successful , because , First , They are BO good that they outsell all other laxatives. Their tremendous sale proves their merit , and their merit explains their tremendous sale ; Second , Cascarots are the pioneer peopled price preparation ten cents a box , and moro health in a ten cent box of Cascurots than any 25e bottle of pills in the world. Third , Cascarets bring results healthy , natural action of liver and bowels-never fail. The manufacturers guarantee a cure or refund purchase money. Fourth , Cascarets are successful because they deserve it. If your druggist don't sell Cascarets , he's behind the ago. In that case order direct from us by mail post free. Address STKUUNO RUMEDY COMPANY , Chicago or New York. lPif * flfcv- , , Tlioy If a man should wear his pantaloons so long that whenever ho appeared on the street he would he obliged to reach around behind ana grab hold of the basement and hold them up , wouldn't the ladlcc laugh ? Lowvlllo ( N. Y. ) Journal. * Sometimes when a man tolls you ho is discouraged he Is merely preparing to spend the rest of his days in idle ness. Love , llko honesty , Is moro talked about than understood. Look at your tongue I If It's coated , your stomach is bad , your liver out of order. Aycr's Pills will clean your tongue , cure your dyspepsia , make your liver right. Easy to take , easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. \\unt your tmmalHCho or benrd n , beautiful lirown or rich blank 1 Tlmn use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ft&.a . h ctn. or pmrnnim , n * n. P H ii * Co. NUMIH , N. Get Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK iVrlte.CAPT.O'PAURfiLL. . Pension Agent , u i cNew yorl : Avenue. WA8IIINOTON , U.C. IfBIPNQfflHQ 'AimrilHli anil Civil Withi. Sol- ipeiiaiUnia dlorH.SullorsVilowhf'hll4rcn ( , " li'utiiorsunilMothDiK. No fee unless success ful , K. M. ( IKIJiTIIN 0. , Allurnrji , Uuhfnfcfnn , lit C. IP H.H A EVIwnnt"l" > trnv < ! 1an < l In BWt * * B > | ) ( | | , , ' , 00 per ninnth xnlary iitul HI ! r pi- } Thompson's Eye Wafer. Nl NEY-WlAKINQ SECRETS IV. . LUCKY , flO llrimdwiiy , Now V orlcClty. FOR CONSTIPATION. "I nave gene 14 days at a tima without movement , of the botvela. Chronla conttlpatlon for aovcn yean placed mo In thli tirrlbla condition ! 1 did everything I hoard of but novcr found any relief until I began uslnRCABUAUhTS. Inowhavo from ono 10 three pamage. a day , and If I wai rich 1 would tllvo ( I90.t for each tnoveincnti It li tuch n relief. " AYLHEH | > HUNT , 1MV Ruucliat. . Detroit , Mich. FOR BILIOUSNESS. feet. Couldn't do without them. I have Died them foraomo time for In. dlicettlon and blllouinesa and am now completely ourrd. Uecommend thorn , to every ono. Once tried , you will never b wlthont them In the family. " Kow , A. U ABZ , Albany , M. Y. FOR WORMS. "A ( ape worm eighteen feet lonKatleaitcameon the icons alter my taking two OABOAUETfl. Thla 1 am turo hai cauied my bad health for FOR DYSPEPSIA. . . "For air year * I wax. orle- lira of dyapepalalnlt. worttform. I could cut nothing but milk toait , and at times my > toinach would no. retain and dlgcit even that. Latt March I bcpan tak'.ng OASOAlUCTa and ilnco then I have ateadlly 1m. proved , until 1 am aa well a. lever waa In my life. " DAVID II. tlCBroT , Newark , O. FOR LAZY LIVER. "I have been troubled a iirent , deal with a torpid liver , which pro * , s ducTB conitlpatlon. I found OAbOA- ! ItKTb to be all you claim for them. and recured auch relief th * Unt trial that 1 purchased another tupply and waa completely cured. I .ball only botooKlad to recommend Caacareta whenever tba opportunity la pra- aented. " J.A.Bairn , ' SttOSutquehanna Are. , I'hlladolpnla , Ft FOR BAD DLOOD. , for them and BIO a truly wonderful medicine. Ihateoftenulnhad fpr medicine iiloasunt to take , and at latt have found It In OABOAUKTH. blnca taklnir thorn iny blood nu been purlflrd and mr complexion Eaa Im- in ovod wonderfully , an1' - txitter In every WBy.1 _ Uaa. BiLUi E. BEuau , Luttrell , Term. 4 This is the tablet , always stamped "CCC" ? When dealers try to substitute , they want > to 1 Don't take a substitute ! Got what you ask for ! make moro money out of you. Don't let them I