StfUo HUt Librarian Society VOL XYII1 , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 12 1899.--EIGHT PAGES , NO 17 , Clinton Day. I FMVHICIAN AJSn SUUGRON , Broken Bow , Neb , Ofllceovor HyorBon's grocery. Uonco ( Uu IIOUBO west of Itnptist diurcb. Lunch Counter , Ed. Wlnlloy , Prop'r. All kinds of soft drinks. Bent brand of cigars. 1st building east of Farmers' banK. 0.V. . DEAL. A. P. SMITH Beal & Smith , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Prompt attention given to collections anil real state. Offlco OTOF First National Dank. Uroliun How , . . . Nebraska. T. W. Bass , DENTIST. All work first class. Rooms on 2d floor , northwest corner Realty block , Broken Bow , Nebr. R. B. Mullins , Physician and - Surgeon , Hcfidenco flret house v/ott of Mediums' drug itoro. Olllco In the Myers bulldiim as goon na completed. Bow , - Nebraska. EAGLE WHEELS WON EVERYTHING ! At the Bicycle Races , during the Cubter County Fair , only one other make of wheels sold in Ouster county got a place , and that ono took third prize in the boys' race. Doesn't a record like this show that the EAGLE IS THE BEST AND EASIEST RUNNING WHEEL ? I have some first class second hand wheels , from $10.00 up. ( BICYCLES , 1 ( REPAIRING.Edwin F. Myers. 3& Sm Paints m IB if J. 0 * . * HifcS SSKiHKIS- § ! ® 81 Afternoon and evening for $ the three days , commencing on 9 ! $ Afternoon of October 17 , $ ? and continuing for three days , s October 17 , 18 and 19. g S TIII : 8 Ever hold in ( JiiBter county. All kinds ; ; of HANGING and STAND LAMPS , fci , . . . that you have heart ! about. Como - * .t one , come all , and Bee the grandest sight in Lump goods ever 'ftij i' . * opened up iu the wfHt. ? ' fi' ' ' lr-v CIUOCIC SA1.I3 AI.VAY OIKN I P.i ' | | | Broken Bow , v. J C g- > Nebraska.g - " PENN & DORRIS , ULAOK8MITU3. All ilmls of work In our line done promptly and In first-class order. Red Shop on the corner , west of the hoao BOUBO. Qlye ua a trial. "Hrlghtcst pun from ont the fllty HrniK the wrinkles round your cyn. " Vnry often pcreons gniTcring from cyo strain only notlco n dcslro to close the oyus when In n Intent light , nnd that frowning IB frequently nn unconscious ollort to BCO well. The special smiso of vHlon If dhnuKt an ilear to n ns It Co , yet ho\\ frequently is the wonderful cyo nbtiscd by neglect o * lucompctency , ro- cimileps of thu delicacy ot its structure Much of the prfent dny eye trouble \ duo to this cause 1 Ot all the most dilllcult and complicated eye defects by the latest and mott approved methods. Examina tion free. Graduate ot ChlCAgo Onlitlmlmlc College. Richardson's Livery AND FEED STAHLB , nt the old stand , between tha hurling- ton and Globe Hotels. Telephone con nection. Headquarters of Cnllawny stage Hue , Stable nnd double rigs. Rates ruaaonable. Local Mention. Job printing at this ofiloe. Roy Tbompson IB reported sick , Cannon City coal ot Diorks Lumber Co. Go to Foster & Smith's for your summer coal. John Scott , of Westorvillo , was a city visitor Monday. WANTKD Second-band Oak heater in good repair. Call at this oflioo. Apples and poaches in quantity at low prices , at Pealo & John's , Col. E. P. Suvago , of Sargent , was a oity visitor Monday. FoHtor& Smith'j is the place to pur. chase your material for your porch , or repairs on your house. For Sale-Thirty yards of rag oar- pet. For particulars inquire of the Ladies Baptist Aid Society. Boar in mind our celebrated dinner party vegetables. PKALK & JOHN. Buggiesl Buggies ! Buggies C. S , Martin will trade you a now buggy for an old one , City and tar in property insured against fire , lightning and torna does. J. M. KIMBKRLINQ. Wo want your grocery orders and wo will treat you right. J. C. Bo WEN. CATTLE FOB SALE : At all times on my ranch six miles southwest ol Broken Bow. JESSE GANDY. Rov. J. R. Teagarden occupied the M. E. pulpit Sunday morning and evening , Rev. Hornaday no being able. Dr. W. I. Seymour , Omaha's eminent eye' specialist , will visit hero Nov. 1st. Do not miss the chance of seeing him. The Clark spring wagons are recognized by buggy experts as being the best spring wagon made for sale by C. S , Martin. Gash paid for chickens at my elevator * I also want a pair oi 'extra "good 'spring colta. Bring them in. tf. H. H. WIIIT. S , D. Butcher hns selected men from every post office in the county to write , but this excludes no one from competing for the premium book. Our citizens will have one moro opportunity ot consulting the eminent eye specialist , Dr. W. I. Seymour , at the Grand Centra Nov. 1st. Hoar a funny man of the Nash ville > Student company sing ' 'Miss Virginey" , and come and hear the beautiful now negro Lullaby ( , JtiHt little Nisgor. " Rov. W. II. Hornaday , who has been confined ( ] to his house by eiokness for ,1 couple of weeks re ports that he will be able to occupy his pulpit Sunday week. Farms for sale and lands for rent Now is the time to got a farm cheap as the cheap farms are all going urn prices are commencing to advance rapidly. * J.G.Brenizor. Dr. Seymour , here Nov. 1st fo one day only. Our citizens wil have an opportunity of consulting the eminent eye specialist , Dr W.I. Soymourat the Grand Centra Nov. 1st. Mrs.Grace Miller , who has been at the city hospital the past two weeks , with typhoid favor is raport- oil very much better this morning and is thought now to bo in a fair way to recover. When you visit the county fair boHiire and vibit C. S. Martins buggy repository and he will show you the finest lot of buggies over shown in Cuoter county in I. O. 0 , K. building. C. S. Onborn , editor of tbo Sargent Loader is in the oity si k with typhoid fever , He oamo over I rota Sargent Tuesday of last week and was taken sick and has been coutined to his bed since. Jacob Barcus and family , former ly of Green , who have been visiting in ludianna for the past year re turned a few days ago and have located in the city , in the Parkhurit house in the cart part of town. A. W. Drake the second hand man is now located on the west eide of public square , and having bought out another stock of goods , consisting of queensware , glassware , cutlery and furniture , ho will soil at unheard of prices for thirty days. Call and see him and get prices before you buy. G. Quylo.of Walworth , was a oity visitor yesterday. Qnoons.waro at cost and loss , at 'onlo & John's , Call on O. P. Porloy , agent for 'astour Black Log Vaccine , Try n package of Magic Carpet Jleancr at W. J. Woods' Htoro. Try some of our Diamond coffees PICALK & JOIIN. Jake , the youngest BOH of J. S. Joieoh is quite sick with typhoid fovor. Mr. and Mrs. James Whitehead returned last night from a mouth's visit in Michigan. C , S. Martin can show you over 30 different styles in "buggies spring wagons nnd surrios. See Will L. Rule , at Foster & Smith's yard , and have him give estimates on your billo. J.'F. ' Broohbuhl , the republican candidate for supervisor , of Ausol- rae was a city visitor yesterday. If you want something in the buggy line that is O. K. and up to date style , call on C. S. Martin. Jas. C. Osborno , contractor and builder. All work first class ; for particulars , call on or address him at Broken Bow. James Dwoloy and wife expect to start uoxt week on an overland trip to Oklahoma , on a few weeks visit. If you wish to bo sure of an appointment with Dr Seymour address a note to Grand Central Hotel. J. G. Haebrlc has a fine display in his store windowsof articles that members ot Co. M. brought homo from Manila. William Bass has been appointed night police temporarily , to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of Farrer. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Allyn , enter tainers , are guests at the home of Dr. Witt. Mrs. Allyn and Mrs. Wirt are related. Do not fail to oo me and hoar the shouting tenor of the Nashville Students tell you how "Joshua Fought The Buttle of Jericho- " Farmers Restaurant moved to third door north of post-office Broken Bow. ol2.0m MBS. J. C. WALLACE , Prop'r. M. E. Shultz , of Beatrice , grand master A. O. U. W. of Beatrice arrrivod Thursday night of last week and returned homo Saturday morning. The Magic Carpet Cleaner will clean that soiled carpet without any hard work , and while on the floor , and restore the color. For sale at W. J. Woods' furniture store. 3t Mr. W. Montgomery returned last night from Chicago , where ho shipped seven oars of fat cattle , off his ranch , for which ho received $0. 15 per hundred. Ho will ship another ether lot in a few days. Elijah Crawford and wife , who have been visiting in this vicinity with their daughter Mrs. G. T. Robinson and family , returned to their homo , near Corydon Wayne county Iowa last Monday. The city authorites had J. W. Lewis arrested a few days ago on the charge of boot legging. His trial was had before Police Judge Snyder Monday , who found him guilty ab charged. City Attorney Ledwioh prosecuted the case. The case of the county against Foster & Smith , for delinquent taxes assessed against Bedwell , was tried recently before a jury in Judge Armour's court. The jury hold that Foster & Smith were notliablo for the taxes ot another. J. B. Smith was attorney lor the defend ants , and L. E. Kirkpatriok for the oounty. Among the many persons who have agreed to have articles written for Butcher's book in sixty dayn , are the following : Mrs. A. H. Stuokoy , a poem ; Judge Wall , of Loup City ; Prof. F. M. Currio , C. D. Polhara , F. Farley , H. J. Shinu , H. Lomax , Wm. Engles , Jas. Fodge , S Gates , G , liRussomWalt George , E. P. Savage and many others , ou the early history of Cuater oounty , J. Speuce , of Salt Lake made thin oflioo a pleasont call Monday. Ho is hero on a week's visit with old acquaintances. Ho catno through with a train load of cattle of Dr Mathews of Callaway. Mr. Spence is looking henrtly and re ports all of 'BrokenaBow people in Salt Lake enjoying good health and doing well. He says wages there are uot vrey high. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking pmvdm arc the { jrcAtest tncnaccra to health of the prtsont thy. nOYAt OAPUNO POWDER CO. , NEW YC.t i * The famous Nashville StucloiitB inalo quartette will appear with the Nashville Students uoxl Saturday at the opera IIOUBO , and sing all thair favorite selections , including the "calliope" and their "yodol" snnga. They also have a now ohinoso song this year , and tbolr now conooit "ooino where the band in playing" , imitating band instru ments , makes a troinondous hit every night. J. A. Farrell in a viotum that haste to suffer from the effects of a re publican administration. Since he bus boon a resident of this city he has oooupied 0. L. Guttorson's house in the north part of town , The house has boon sold to Mr. Maupin of West table and Mr , Farrell was compelled to move to rooms in the Reality block , lie thinks if Bryan had been elected ho would not have had to move. Judge Armour in ono of those conscientious men who behoves thai a public oflioo is a public trust , and ho denies fchimsolf the opportunity to go out in the campaign and re new his acquaintance with bib con- stHuentB. His action in this par ticular is very unsatisfactory to hie opponent , who seeks to tempt him to lower himself by entering into c personal-squabble by joining witl him in a joint debate. Mr. Onm- mingB , to say the least , manifests plenty of gall , if nothing else. The Alenm Poslofllco ttobberj. William Miller , who was caught in the act of robbing the Murua Pnstoffioo last week is atill in jai hero having bis wounds doctored which were inflicted by Staudtords shot gun as ho attomped to escape. While the sheriff says that ho was badly shot , that none of the wounds are serious and that ho will noon bo able to be taken to Omaha where ho will bo turned over to the fedora authorities. The man claims to be Irom South Dakota and is twenty live years old. The Merna Sun in speaking of the affair says : An attempt to crack the safe o the Merna poHtoflioo was in ado at ; in early hour this morning. About 1:30 : Brad. Berlin , whose residence is only thirty feet from the postoilice , hoard a strange noise but was oaring for a sick child tha could not be left for some time As soon as ho could ho wont ou and located the noise in the post office , and ou approaching could see the burglar's light ou the coiling Berlin soon secured the presence o J. J. Stanford and Nine MoGomus armed with shotgun and revolver lie then wont for further holphopin thufl to secure th6 bird withou shooting , but before no returned the burglar evidently became apprised of his danger , jumped from the west window in the rear of the building and ran to the south west corner , when Stanford leveled his gun and called for him to throw up bis hands , refusing , he lied to north , when , after a second call to halt , Standford tired , the charge of bird shot taking effect in the legs , llo only ran a few paces , when he fell. Nine MoComas was guarding the rear of the building. The wounded man was attended by Dr Downing , and being carried to the depot on a streoher , was taken to Broken Bow , by Nine MoComas and Edgar Francis , the sheiff being notified by ttlegraph- The un known man had boon hanging about town for several days. Ills con- vernation indicates that he Js an old offendorbut not an expert , having no tools Have a large hammer taken fron Leo'n ehop , and a few pieces gathered from the fuuituro room in the building. When frightened he had the combination knob and dial removed from the safe. Entrance was effected from the roar by cat ting panel in middle door. The Castor oounty fair lait week proved quito a auooosa , every thing being considered. The reception to Company M. and Ringling Bros , showjhaving attracted large crowds to the oity rn two previous occas ions bat recently was calculated to detract to some extent from the fair. Notwithstanding that the attendance was quito largo and the exhibits wore good. The display n the floral hall and argioultural all wore full up to the average aa vas also the ether dopartmonts. Vo learn from the president L. H. owott that the receipts were auffi- icat to meet all obligations which ought to bo quito satisfactory. AH wo were absent from the uity ho latter part of the wook' wo did tot witnds the races and are not able to report on thorn , but undor- tand they were good. rilferors Moot with Hard Fate. Monday about 11 o'olook two men and a boy as they passed Lambert Warriuga1 olcvon miles north of town entered the eave and carried away with thorn several jara of canned fruit and some fresh pork. Mrs Warring saw them leaving tha iromupa nnd on investigation found , hat her canned fruit and pork wore ; one. When Warring oamo home iho informed him of what had lapponed , when ho and some of bin neighbors started in porsuit of the thieves. They came on to the oity and got a sorob warrant for his missing good. As the parties oarao into town they wore halted and while sheriff Leisure kept watch Marshal Towsley wont through their wagon and roooverod the stolen properity. The two men were taken before Judge Snyder , where they plead guilty and were lined five dollars and cost , amount ing to $16 85. Aa they only had $12.00 with thorn , the judge remitt ed the $8,35 , on condition that they leave town within an hour. They gladly accepted tha terms and got out. They had with them an old team and aovorod wagon a good supply of lire arms and amunit- ion. Evidently they had boon west on a hunting trip. They gave their name * . a . ltraQif ; Hjato ajaa. JOUB * , Burgmen and said thby belouged in the Plotte country. The Baptist State Contention. The Baptist State Convention , hold at Omaha last week was largely attended , and wan both interesting and profitable throughout. Able addroBBos were delivered by such men of distinction as Dr. Green , president of William Jowoll College , of Missouri ; Dr. Morohouse , field and corresponding secretary of the Homo Mission Society ; Dr. Law * renee , of Chicago ; and Mr. Chap , man , president of the national B. Y. P , U. of Chicago. There wore three applicants for the convention next year , viz : Blair , Fiemont and Broken Bow. Broken Bow secured it. The following officers were eluoted for the ensuing year : Pres. , J. F. Carpanter ; vice prosidentRev. H. N. Spear ; second vice president , 3. T. Davies , secretary , Rev. C. . Tingley ; board of directors , Rev. H. O. RowlandD.D.jRev. Thomas Anderson , G. C. Uaskins , A. B.Cor nish , D. M. Amsberry , Rev. U. L. House , Rev. ' E. F. Jordan , Rev. George Van Winkle , Rev. C. B. Alien , D. D. , Rev. A. W. Clark , Rov. W. D. Bancroft , H. E. Bush , George Sutherland , D. D. , Rev. E. A , RusHoll , Rov. L. Johnson , Rov. C. E. Bentley , Rev. A. Sjolander , Levi Kimball , J. II. Elmoro , J. W. Rye , E. L. Perkins , Rev. E. E. Fer ris , O. A. Chappol , H. A. Rhoades , W.O. Vandervoort , A , G. Rolfe , Mrs. Watson B. Smith , E. E. Bon. nett , J. W. Good and Rov. J H. Wood. MARKIED. Jas. R. Wallace and Miss Katie Davis of Mason oity , wore married in this oity Sunday night at 10 o'olook. at the borne of Mr. Teagarden , Rov. J. R. Teagarden officiating. DIED. lUiistiALU-Munilijr night , William the fevea > teou year old HOD ol Mr. and Mre , J. D. Mar- ( hall of tbls city of appendicitis. The young man was firat taken sick Tuesday of last week. Dreading to have him undergo a surgical oper ation his parents would not submit to an operation until Monday when it was evident that death was certain , unless reloif could bo ob tained. But it was too late. The surgical operation did uot help him as he died a few hours after. The funeral services were held in the Baptist church Wednesday morning at 10 o'olook , Rov. J. W. Megan officiating. The REprjuu- OAN extends syrapnthy to the beroarod family ,