Hns n full line of Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on corner of Fifth avonun and Main Btruot , Broken Bow , Neb S. It. UURNIIAII , President , Lincoln , Nob. 1I < a , HOOEns , Oathler , Ilrokon Uow. O. P. PERLEY , V-Prci. , Urokon Uow. J. M K1MUH11L1NQ , Ass't Caehler First National Bank , OF BKOKUN UOW. General Banking BtiHincHS TraiiHactcd. DimtCTons : S. n. Unrnham J. M. Klmborllng. 11. C. Talbot. o. P. I'urloy. II. 0 , Itoccrs. CounKproNur.NTS : Jnlted States Nattontl Uank , Omaha. Chase Nation it Ilanlc , Now York. American Bxohnngo Bank , Lincoln. First National 11 ink. Grand Island , First National Uank , North Platte , Neb. I Once Was Lost , "but How I Have * 4 lif 4i i Pound it. ? .f Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the .ffr world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam- fr nMh stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever * hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep ing pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that , tt is not pickle dishes you want now , it is ( Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. ] 'mstmas committees are invited to call and get iny prices. j , /nember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First JN > 1onal Bank. W. S. SWAE - - Proprietor , A Nebraska's History Returnin Heroes ' ' with tin- issue of Augnst Utn , will bo published a merles of the bcH pictures of tiiu gnllant I'in-t Nebranna " JtojMment It will be a worthy souvenir of the celebration "of the of their return. In order to obtain this pictorial history complete , subscribe nt once for 11 Gallant The Omaha' Illustrated Bee it w n First Tne Faiewells at Leaving Home , Life at Lincoln Camp , Nebraska Life iu Camp at San Francisco , . The -Trip Across the Pacific , P. Regiment Nebraska Boys in tbo Philippines , On the Field aud iu Camp , from Fighting the Insurgents , The Return to San Francisco , Nebraska's Reception to Her Sons , Photographs Portraits of Nebraska's Heroes , Pictures of the Companies. WI I'H THE SUNDAY BEE , WITH THE WEEKLY BEE , 'Y MAIL , BOTH FOR BOTH FOR $2,00 A YEAR. fcl.GO A YEAR , Address THE BEE PUBLISHING CO. , Omaha , Neb The "Republican , " Weekly Bee , and Illustrated Bee , for $2.2 . We carry a We receive stock of good ; from 10,000 to valued at 25,000 letters $1,600,000 00 e\cry day We own and occupy the tnllest mer nntlle building in tlie world. Wr have v over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly ) engaged filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE it , the book of the people it quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody , has over 1,000 pages , iOooo illustrations , and t 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It cosli 72 c-nts to print nnd mail each copy. We want you to have O-P. SEND FI1 TLEN CUNTS to show I your good faith , nnd we'll send you n copy FREE , with all charges prepaid. Michigan Avc. nnd Madison Street MONTGOMERY WARD & 00 , CHICAGO A BEAUTIFUL ATTACHMENT u DRTAHKQ STRINGED INSTRUMENTS has been added to th well known IIospo * * > TTClSi 925 CASH , $20 MONTHLY. . , / , With Stool end Scarf. HADE m OAK , WAinUTaod MAHOGANY Write For Particulars. EVERYTHING IN MUSIO U. S. Land Office , JAMES WniTKHKAD , - Resistor V. II. YOUNG , - - - - .Receiver U. 8 Land Offlca at Hrokon Uow , Neb , , I Sept. 85 , 18W. f Notice Is hereby Riven that Kudolph Klatt han fllcd notlco of Intention to mixko ttnnl proof bo- ( ore register anil iccclvor.nt their oflloo In Ilrokon llow , Nob. , on Mondny.tho 13th day of Ntncmbor , 1899 , on timber culture appltOAtlon Ho. 1148S , for tlio oH BWM. lot * 3 mid 4 , of nectlnn No. 18 , In township No , SU north , range No 21 west. Ho nntnoa a * witnesses : Andy Ftihrmnn , Store Under , Alrln I ) lley , of MHuurn , Nebr. ; Carl Hackbarth. of Aiuolmo. Nob. 828-Ot JAMKB WUiTKHKAD , Hcglstor. land Otnco at Urokon llow , Neb , , I Sept. 85 , 1809. f Notice Is hereby glron that the 'followlng-nnm- ed Bottler hns nicit notice of bin Intention to make flnal proof In support of hit claim , and Hint * ald proof will bo roado before Uccletor and Kocolvur Hrokcn IJow Nob. , on Nor. 13,1899 , Tin Ciirl Ilitckbnrtli , Anselnio , Nebr. , U.K. No. 221 , for the nVJ nwM , eec. 13 , att flWM. S. IS , T. SO , It. ! . Ho names the folio wing witnesses toproTohla contlnnouB roeldonco n | > on and cultivation of said land , viz : Andy Kuhrman , Tom Gllllgnn , btovo Dadorand Alvlu Dalloy.aHof MllbnrnNob. 828 Ot JAMhS WIUTKIIEAD , Iterator. Land Ofllce at Urokon How , Neb , , I Sept C6tb , 1890. f Notice Is hereby glYcu that the following-nam ed pettier 1ms died notice of her lutuntlon to make flnnl proof in support of her clnltn , and that said proof will bo mudo before Itcctstor and Hccolvor , at llrokeu Uow , Nub. , on Nov. llth , IbTO. viz I niarjr I. Umlcrlilll , Widow of Ufcor K. Underbill , deceased , of Uro ken How , Nebraska , II. R. No. 680 , for the noH Sec. SO , T. 17 N , U. ca W. Shu immrs the following wltncesce to provo her continuous rculdencu upon and cultivation of said laud , viz : Wesley TuoniBR , John Tjnon , George Shoup , 1'ort Worth , nil of llmkou Uow , Nebraska. 828-01 JAMES WHITEUEAl ) , Register. Laud 0111co at Lincoln , Nob. , I Aug. 28 , 1899. f Notlco Is hereby clvcn that the following- unmed cottier has tiled notice of hla Intention to make final proof In support of his claim , aud ttmt aald proof will be made before JudBon 0 1'ortvr at Ancle ; , Nobr , on Oct. 14th 16 9 , viz : jtHHe I > . AniHburry , II. E. No. 1&I32 , for the wtf mvk , Sec. 33-16-18-w 0 P. M He natiioB the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence niion andcultl- vatloii of , said laud , viz : O. 11 , J lhon ( of Analuy , Nebraska. J. N. Greuuleu , J. U. llramf , W. D. Amsberry , all of Mason City Nth. aui ; . 31-Ot J. W. JOUNiON , UcgiBter. U. 8. Land Ofllce , Uroken Row , Neb , I Aug. 28th , IBOO. f Notlco Is hereby nivon that the followlng-nam ed settler lias filed notice of his Intention to inako flnnl proof In support of his claim , and that said prool will bo inaiie before Register and Mtocolvor at Broken Uow , Neb. , on October 7th , 1699 , vlx : Frintlc Peery , of Aneelmo Nobr. . U. K. Xo. 330 nw Sec. SOT. 80 N. It. as.W. llonamoa the following wit- ncg e * to provo his oontlnnoua residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Thornns J. Gllllgan , of Mtlburn , Nebr. Uarak Livingston , Wllllmn Ualrd , liuth Bcovcll , all of Ansolmo. a81-flt JAMES WIUTEIIEAD , Register. 0. S. Land Office , Uroken Uow , Nobr. , I faopt. 23,1890. f A eufllcliut contest affidavit having been fllcd In this olllco by Nelly E. Taylor , contestant , against timber culture entry No. 12687 , mode December 14th , 1888 , for the northeast quarter of section iff , township 19 north , raLgo 21 west Oth P. M. , by Aultimm C. Looker , contosteo , In which it Is al leged that ald Anltmau ( J. Looker has failed to plant tree seeds , cuttings or tress , and cultivate the sanio since the year 1893. Affiant Baye that at no time has the said Looker planted or caniod to be planted on said tract , more than 3 { acres to trees , tree ecods or cuttings , and said throe and one-half acrca were planted prior to 1893 , and said Looker has wholly failed to olant any trees , trco seeds or cuttings , or to cause the eamo to bo done daring the years 1893 , 1801 , 1895,1890 , 1807,1898 and 1800 , to present date , aud has failed to cultivate , or cause to bo cultivated , said 3M acres since 1803 to present date , Bald par- tics are hereby notified to appear , respond and offer evidence touching sum allegation , at 10 o'clock a. m. , on November 29th , 1899 , before the remitter and receiver , U. S. land oOlco , at Urokon Uow , Nob. The said contestant having.ln a proper affidavit , fllcd Sept. 12 , 1899 , sot forth facts which show that after duo diligence , personal service of this notice can not bo made , it is hereby ordered and directed that Buch notice bo given by duo and proper publication. aopt 8 Ct FHANK B. YOUNU , Receiver. U. S. Laud OOlce , Uroken Uow , Nebr. , I Sept. 23,1899. \ A BUfllclent contest affidavit having been filed In this ofllce by Erie O. Hatcher , contestant , against II. E. No. 3C3 , made Dec. 21th , 1892 , ( or sw ) noV , and nw ecMsection SO , township 10 , range 20 , by George . ( -quires , con tee tee , In which it is alleged that eaid George. W. Bqulros has wholly abandoned eald tract , ana changed hla residence therefrom for more than Biz months since making said entry , and prior to tbo date herein ; that said tract Is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law ; aud that said claimant died Intestate on or about July 1 , IS'JD : that said nlllaut knowe of no heirs or benoflclaries of said George W. Squires ; that said land has been va cant and wholly abandoned since the death of the said George VV. Squires , Bald parties are hereby notified to appear , respond and offer evidence touching said allegation , at 10 o'clock a. m , , on Nov. 10 , Ib99 , before the register and receiver , at tbo United States land olllco. In Uroken Uow , Ne braska. The said contestant havlngin a proper aflldavlt , filed Sept. llth. 1899 , set forth facts whloh show that after duo diligence , personal service of this notice can not bo made. It la hereby ordered and directed that snch notice be given by due and proper publication. eetiU-'S-Ot FRANK II. YOUNU , Receiver. United States L'ind Office , Urokon UowNob. , I Sept. 28 , 11JU9. f A sufficient contest aflldavlt having been fllcd In this ofllce by John liruobakcr , contestant , againet timber culture entry No 0703 , made Octo ber 22 , 1880 , for fltf nw } , section 23 , township 20 N. , range 17 W , byMlliain 0. H. Uowman , coutcatco , In which it Is alleged that William 0. II. llowmau has failed to plow , plant , and culti vate to trees , seeds or cuttings tire acres of paid tract of land for tiw years 1887 , 1888 , 1889 , 181(1 , IBUI , isiw. iss > 3 , isui , isia. isjd , isiff , isya or isw , but has allowed etild tract of land of land to grow up to weeds and praseand has totally abandoned eald tract of land and hai neglected the tumu , said parties are hereby notified to appear , respond and offer evidence touching said allegation , at 10 o'clrck a. in. , on Friday , November 21th , 1890. before the register and receiver of the Unltod States Land Olllco , In Uroken Uow , Nebr The tuld contestant having , In u proper effldn- vlt , fllcd Sept. 21 , 1699sot forth facts which show that after duo diligence , personal service of this notice can not bo made , ft la hereby ordered and directed tlut uch notice be given by due and proper publication. o5-flt FRANK II. YOUNQ , Receiver. Unltod States Land Otllco , Uroken Uow. Neb. , I Sept. 28,1890. ( A sufficient conteei aflldavlt having been filed In tMs otllco by Minnie. Hake , contestant , against timber culture entry No. VJ&il , made April 20th. 1899 , for BWH section 23 , township 19 , rang 23 , by Robert J. Krembyon , contestant. In which It is alleged that Itobert J. Krembyon has failed to plow , plant aud cultivate to trees , teedj or cut tings , ton acres of bald tract or any portion there , of ; that ho failed to plant to trnet , seeds or cut' tings , five acres of paid tract in tbo years 1889 , IbOO , 1891 , 18112. 181W , 1804 , 18U5 , 1898 , Ifa97. 1898 and 1899 , and that ho ban totally abandoned tatd tiact. und allowed the same to grow up up to weeds und urns * . Said parties lire hereby noti * fled to appear , respond and oiler evidence touch- Ini ; Bald allegation at 10o'clock a. ru. , on Nov. s.8 , Ib09 , before the register aid receiver , at theU. 8. laud ofllce , in Uroken Uow , Nubr. Thu buld con- tepunt bavlLg , lu a proper ollldavlt , fllcd Ang. 24. 1H90 , fcct iurtb facts which show that after duo diligence , ptrioiml mrvlce of tuls notice can not be made. It u hereby ordered and directed that euch notice begivuu by due and proper publica tion. eMS FltANK II. YOUNO ; Receiver DR. U Jl , MoOROSSON , THE STATE OP Cunler County , In County Conrt , before J. A. Armonr , judge , In tbo matter ot Ilia c Uo of Dtvldl'i Cole , do- cconcd. To the creditor * nnd heir * , nnd to ll lit > are IntoroBted In tbo catnto of Dnrld P. L'ole dccoBfcd ! Tnko notice Hint Lucy Cole , d'nlnl - trstor of the nf era ld p t t . hit * flloil a report of bin doing M iuch , and anki tlmt the amo bo p- 1'roTcd , and that ho bo dlscbnreoil from further obllgntlon therein , and that the county Judge tnako itich oMor (10 to the dlrtrllmtlon of tbo na- pt beloiiBlnpto ld o tate an may ROomjnRtand cqnllnblo , and to assign tbo dower of the widow bnrpln , dcdgnato the uolr entitled to n sliaro In aid o tntr , anil to grant nuch nthor rollef a * may l > o ( loomed noccfnury In the fliml nottlomcnt of fakl eetnto , Said matter lm < litcn r > t torbfnrinc on the 30tb dny of October , 18P8 , at 10 o'clock n in , , nl the county court room , In Urnkon llow , Xobrnnka , at nhtch time and place all parties Intoroitod may nppcnr and be board concnrnlnc the Bfttno. And It U ordered that kn UIIIVIW4 IU1IV notlco of mid ncnrlim bo pnbllibcd for four consecutive weeks In the CCRTKII COCNTT UEPUOLIOAM. Dated thli lh day of September , lew. ( Trno Copy. ) J. A. AUMOUH , [ SEAT. . ] o5 > 4t Connty Judge. In the district conrt of Gnstnr comity , Nebr. llcnry A. Clifford , Plaintiff , T . Henry Webb , Amanda Webb , Sarah L. Illnkley , John lllnkloy , tlie Globe Inreitmont Com- imny.IlonryA Wyniftti.ltocelvorof the Globe Inveitracnt Comimny , Dcfondinta. To llonry Webb , Arnntida Webb , The Globe Investment Company and llonry A. Wvmnn , Ho- colrcrot tbo Globe Investment Company , non resident defendants : You and each of you will hereby take notice that on the 30th uy of Kop- timbor. 18W , the platntlll , Henry A. CllfTord , fllod hU petition lu the district court of Custur county , Nibraskn , ngnlnat snld defendants and others , the object nud prayer of u hlcli are to foreclose two certain mortgages executed by tbo defendants ; Hcnrv Webb and AmandtVobb , to tbo Globu InrcBtmout Company , which ald mortgagor wcro assigned to this plaintiff , upon the northnesl quarter of section eleven (11) ) , township sixteen UG ) north , of range nlnoteeii (18) ( ) , ono of which was to secure the payment of a curtain promis sory note for two hundred and twcntyflvo dollars lars ( 25) , dated December SUt , 18S3 , and dao on the flrnt day of January , IBM1 , and ono of which tnortgagCB was to sccuro the payment of a certain promissory note for elx hundred dollars (8000) ( , dated December 20th , 1892 , and duo January let , 1803 , with live coupons attached of twenty. ono ( lolLirn each , and duo January 1st , 1890 ; July lit , 1800 ; January 1st. 1897 ; July let. ll07j nndjumwr , 1st , 1698. That there Is now duo the sum oftuo hundred nnd twonty-flro dollai a ( $225) , with In terest thereon at ten pur cent per annum , from January 1st , 1804 , and the said sum of olx hundred dollitrg ( SOOO ) , with Intercut at seven par cent per annum , from July 1st , 1805 , to January 1st , 161)3 ) , and ton per cent from January lRtlSDt5 , for whloh snm plaintiff prays for u decree tbat defendants boruiulrcd to pay the same , or that said prem ises bo sold to satlify the amount found duo thcreun. You are required to answer Bald petition on or before the Oth day of November. 1890. Dated at Broken lo\V , Nebraska , this 30th day of Sop- tomlicr , 1809. Alpha Morgan. o3-lt Atty. forTH'ff. ttest : James Stockham , Clerk. By J. G. 1'alntor , Deputy. CtiHtcr Center. Leo MuCraokoii is on the eiok liet. School was dismissed Wednesday for the fair. BOEN To Mr. and Mrs. Sands ou Oct. lat a boy. J. R. Street is working on a well for Mr. Swope south of Broken Bow. Emma Reynor began school in Hoosier Valley last Monday. The Center was visited by a light rain storm Monday evening after which the uky became clear and a hard frost followed. Mrs. RuBBoru mot with quite a painful aooidont last Sunday after * noon. When getting out of the buqgy at the church , her foot bo- cauio tangled in some way and throw her out , she struck ou ono shoulder breaking or dislocating ouo arm A prairie ( ire sot by sparks from the went bound frieght train Sunday - day afternoon , burned over several aores of pasture and hay ground destroying a hay stack and straw stack. After about two hours hard fighting by twelve or fifteen men and the help of a corn-field the fire was extinguished. KyilO. Davis Iloadloy has bought a new buggy. Weather warm and clear during the day , cold forming ice at night. 11. G. Donnol and family , start to morrow overland to visit Wallio Griffith near Johnstown Nebr , After two yearn absence in Iowa , P , M. MoNally hay returned to visit his many friends in Ouster. C. G. Empfield is building a barn 32 feet square 14 foot studding. The loft will hold 10 tons of hay. Alford Horn proposes to get up a singing school at 'Ouster school house ; trust ho will succeed as it is needed. The organ has been received at Ouster pohool house ; it it said to bo a good one. May it be the me.inB uf advancing the Sunday school in intoroHt and members. There was a prairie fire on Ash creek but Saturday near O. H. Landroth's. Report s ys it burned off ono side of said Landroth's whiskers , for this I will not vouch. Ilenry Smith , son of G. 0. Smith , ajjod fourteen , who was porfoming ona hay pile , a la mode the trapeeze performers pt Ringling's show , fell off and broke his leg , and tbo cur tain fell. In bible times the devil entered the swine. It's changed nowho must have entered the cattle , or perhaps Us lack of pasture , as they are breaking into the corn regardless of fence. Some of the ranchmen are saying swear words. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. We have two children who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever nn attack Is coming ou my wife gives them Cliumberlnln's Cough Heraedy and It always prevents the nttnck. It is a household necessity In this county and no matter what eleo wo run out of , it would not do to be without Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medi cines combined. J. M. Nlcklo , of Nlcklo Bros. , merchant * , Nlckleville , Pa. For sale by nil drugglota. -FOR- FALL AND WINTER TRADE HARRY DAY & GO'S. We have but recently returned from Chicago , where we purchased a large stock of Dress Goods , Ladies' and Gents' Under wear , Men's and Boys' Clothing , Including a fine line of LADIES' SHOES. Our HDD of Shoea is the best to bo found in the oity. Our prioei are below com * petition. Call and BOO us. Wh th r Boys' or Men's Suits , Woman's or Men's Underwear , . Boots or Shoes , Hata , Caps , Dress Goods or Notions are wanted , wa are prepared to gir you bettor bargains and bettor goods , at bettor prices than any , other houao in Central Nebraska. Southwest Corner Sauaro. 16) © ( e > © (5) ( D © © | Racket Store Prices ! LL muslin 80 Heavy shirtings..0Jo to lOo per yd Calico 8 Jo to Oo per yd Call and see our now line of dra peries. Buy your quilt covers already ptoood only 1o per yard. Ticking 80 to 14o Heavy blue denim Oo to 14o Toweling 4c to WJo Table oil oloth lie per yd Shelf oil cloth 7o per yd Asbestos Sad Irons $1.50 Bleached muslin 60 to lOo Lonsdalo muslin lie Baby ahqea soq aad up Ladies' India Dongola ahooa. . .Tfia Ladies1 H.B. warranted , shoes , ? 1.4p Ladies' Trilby shoo f 1.69 Men's extra heavy Mule shoe. . Mod's fine horse hide shoo. . . $9.00 11 Men's seamless , oil grain , best qual ity shoe | i.9i Boyi * shoes $1.00 and up Men's BJCTRA UKATT calf skm shoe $ Men's work glove * lOo to 08 A fall line of overalls and men's work shirts always on hand/at prices away below AU , OOMPB. TITIOtf. Patent Medicines. Order your Fall and Winter Suits from us. Wo have two lines of samples , from the best houses in Chicago and St. Louis , and oan furnisk the best goods at the lowest possible pnooa. Wo have a larger and finer line of Novelty and Woolen Dress Goods than ever before , at prices lower than over. Call and ozamino. For every $15.00 worth you buy of us , we will enlarge for yovi any photo , oil finished , FREE of charge , and sell you a frame at cost. Blankets , Underwear , Comforts , Etc , We have just received our fall line of Blankets , heavy Underwear heavy lined Suits , rubber lined Coats , Comforts , Outing Flannels , En glish Flannelettes , and will sell them at prices awayibelqw all competi tion. When in need of anything in line onr , come and see ua , and wo will save you from 16 to 60 per cent. The Racket Store is the place to got bargains. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EGGS. Yours for business , THE RACKET STORE.