Governor Johnston of Alabama linn just granted a unique -pardon to John Boston , n negro , of Hushcll county. Boston was aeivlng a term for ntonlliiK tylllcketyp and the Rovornor gvnutcil him a- jmr.ilojiytyi \ \ condition . .Uijjt for \\yelvq ninths ho slujiild. o ' bti , alcal yr eat another chicken or 'any portion In Prance cdvortlslng posters must l > onr njvoiuif Ptnmiw , varying 'n ' vnluo ncccmUug , to th < ? sjze , qf Afop papert. A man who afllxcd a Ifi-centlrnc Htanip pa a poster which shoujd have had w ) > : a G-cefitlmc stamp has just been fined 125 lqincs , or $25 , for the offense. Now ln\nittlonft. The' U. S. Patent Otfl'co ' tesn'oil 57 ! ) patents to American "fnventorn the past week , and of 'this number 88'wcro able to Hell the u'holo or a part of their In ventions bcfort the pat ent was Issued. ' Q.\ \ Amongst the promi nent flrma to purchaae imtents were the following - > lowing : ' New Britain Machlnfe' Co. , Now Brit aln , Conn. i Syraousc Chilled Plow Co. , Syracuse ; N. Y ? , ' Ellwood City Gas Engine Co. , Ell- wood City , Pa. Dietrich Gear Co. , Now York , N. , \ ' . Winulow Bros. Co. , Chicago , 111. Kaatinan Kodak Co. of New York. General Electric Co. of Now York , and the Manhattan Brass Co. , N.CW York. Inventors desiring a free list of manufacturers of a certain Hue of goods may obtain the same In audrcss- , Ing Sues & Co. , Patent Lawyers and Solicitors , Bee Bldg. , Qmaha , Neb. When a miner getsi down to biiBlneos he lowers himself In 'the world. 5118 buys new upright piano. Schmol- ler & Mueller , 1313'Fnnmm St. , Omaha. _ i * * If all flesh is grass a mummy must be ! a load of hay. * : ' * * If all our wishes were gratified life would soon becomemonotonous. > oesyourhcr.dpchc ? Tnintackof yoUrcycs ? Bad tnSte in your mouth ? It's your liver I Ayers Pills arc liver pills. They cure constipation , headache , dyspepsia , and all liver complaints. 25c. All druggists- Want your mmiHtiiclio rr bc.ird a boautltul In own or ildi lilnrlc" Then in > o BUCKINGHAM'S or PH'JfifiHTf n R. P Hut A Co NABMU , N Keeps both rider and siddle per fectly dry In the hardest storms. Substitutes M III disappoint Ask for 1897 Fish Brand I'oir.mel Slicker- it Is entirely new. if notfor siloln your town , write for cataloRue to A. 1 TOW ! R 1'nston Mass $3&$3.5O SHOES Worth $4 to $ G compared wifi oilier makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES Till. I.I'M INK Into \ \ , ! „ DiiuKlai' imroe Bed yrlfe stauprJ on hoUoni. TnVo no cubftltnto cla'-ieil to lions K < I. lnrKCKtnialirH nf 6' ) nnd (3.51) phocs In the world. Your dealer nhoiild keep ttiQin If nut , e wllUcndjou npnlr on receipt of price , btnto kind or leather. g70 | otnl width , plain ur cap toe. Ciitiilo'iuo A Free. IV. i. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton. Mass. CANDY CATHARTIC Abk for It If your dealer liuHM't It ho cnn pot It easily. for fall and Inter to Gent or Lady Introducing onr reeLs In thin country. Particulars E. U. TREAT & CO. , Publishers. New York City. Gef Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Asent , I42C Ilew Vori : A > enue. WASII1NQTON , D. C. OTCWCinfJQ Simnluli niul CUllWurs. Sol- MJC aiun.3 djers , .Snllors WldowsChlldrcn , 8 t'utlrerS kind MiHhci s. N'ofcollnll'ss success ful. K. II blU > lON 10. , AllornrUkliiojtuli , 1) . C. .MOIIWIS , iiclon , 7 ; < n Successfully Prosecutes CInlms. ntePrlpolpnlBrlnninorU 8 Ponaion IlurettU. tiklnclvllnur. l&uiViudlu.itliiuruliiuuttVHhicu. ! ! YORWIANapp , , , , , , . , . * per month Hilary and Mi c\peuHH. Xiuui.KiiCo.T18 Muuon Uldu.ChlcaKU KnililltH. i'liiuiTHM and I'liutoFiippllo Catu- lluteiiiin 15.M DoiiBhu stroi't. Oinnh.i X".1. : } Thompson's Eye Wafer. W , OMAHA. No. 39 1899 UiJilLSWrltHTAaELbri. . . . . . , Ucst Couuh fy. lt. 'iis tea Good. CTeo In lime , fold hy rtniitrlstii. IllWll STATE "Mint 7 t Sept. 25. Tlrd nuprcmo cbtirt haft declared Void tha section -of the statutes providing for the-control and maintenance by county boards'of bridges constructed by Irrigation corn- " jinnies'or-ownoro. of. Irrigation systems. Tlilti dprlslnn la In thn case of State. ex rel. Dnwson county , vs. Farmers.1 and Merchant ' Irrigation company , the povfer of , the legislature to enact laws securing for certain persons Im munity from burdens which , under similar conditions , rest upon till other persons , being .danlerl. One section ot the- statutes of 1897 provides that any corporation , canal company , mill owner or any ether per son , shall make and kerp In good re pair sufficient crossings over public or private highways. Section 58 of the sbablon laws'of 1895 provides that any owner of any system of Irrigation shall construct suitable bridges across Ha ditches on public roads and that the county boards shall thereafter control and maintain them. ' Prior lo 1895 all owners of'ditches ' crossing public ( highways were charged with the duty cf keeping public bridges across the ditches In repair. The legJ Islaturo of 1SP5 , the court holds ) as- * Filmedto * exempt Irrigation companies from this burden , while leaving all other ditch ownern still subject to It. The opinion Is by Judge Sullivan and closes with the following : ' 'Section 58 of the Irrigation law ot 1895 , being an attempt to confer a special privilege on a particular class , comes under the ban of the. constitu tion and Is therefore null. The sactlon Is not so connected with the balance of the act as to be Incapable of sepa ration from it. Neither can It be said that It constituted an Inducement to the adoptlori 'of ' the measure. The bal ance of the mw Is , therefore , uimffectdd by 'this decision. " ' AH to I.u.m AHSOC LINCOLN , Neo. , Sept. ,25. A deci sion of interest , to people connected with building and loan associations is "found in ttyc rasp of the Interstate Savings and Loan associations , appej- lee , agafnsj. Hat.tle. . p , Strlne , . The contention of Ihe association in this case was that the usury law was not applicable to either foreign or domes tic conwUicjis cf th'e class towhcU _ ! it bclo7ifad. TLat fnmuin and loan ad- soclallons , incorporated under the laws of Nebraska , are not .affected by the statute against usury has peon set tled beyond controversy , the court holds , but In other cases it has been ruled that foreign corporations arc not within the provision of section 9 of the act of 1.891 , that being the clause under which th.e exemption was claimed. The syllabus in this case H that : "Foreign building and loan as sociations doing business in this state are , on their usurious contracts , sub ject to the penalties of the statute against usury. " Incendiary 1'lre at Harvard. HARVARD , Neb. , Sept. 25. Fire was discovered in the barn on the premises occupied y C. C. Kenyon In the northeast portion of the city. The structure was all ablaze inside when discovered and before the fire depart ment could reach the scene with the apparatus It was beyond saving and all the boys could do was to prevent the spread of the lire. Every indica tion points to incendiary origin. Mr. Kenyon wan In the barn at S o'clock and everything was all right when he locked the door for the night. The structure was v.'orth probably | 125 with no Insurance. Mr. Kenyon had three trunks filled with clothing and tools and some household furniture stored in. the building. Cliuncollor Ilitlgii ! < i , L1NCILN , Not ) . , Sept. 25. The regents - gents of the university met m special session to consider the leslgnatlon ot Chancellor MacLean , to look after the now building projects , and to care for other business connected with prepar ing the institution for the regular opening in September. All of mo members of the board were present. The resignation of the chancellor was read and accepted , to take effect August 1. The board spent some time in executive session after this , consid ering , u is understood , the course to bo taken in filling the executive chair. Another meeting will uo held this morning , when the subjects considered last night will probably be acted upon. Michael IlilKloj Kuunil ( Sillily. O'NEILL , Neb. , Sept. 25. The tria. of Michael Uagley , accused c-f assault ing Mis. August Yanko August 21 , was concluded last week and a verdict of guilty returned by the jury this morning. The 'trial of i-atrick Welsh , on the same charge , Is In progress. The trial of Bagley lasted three days and was ti bitter legal contest upon the part of Judge Jackson of Noligh and R. R. Dlckson of this place , who appeared "for the defense. The ctate waa represented by me county ; attor ney and J. J. Harrington. On account of the Intensity of public sentiment Judge Kinkald upon petition called a special term of court for trial of the cases. lilt lilt Dilitor AVI til a Hummer PLATTSMOUni , Neb. . Sept. 23. Frank Balrd went into A. Nitka'n sa loon to collect 10 cents from Julius Ramge. Julius did not pay and Balru In a rage struck him on the head with a hammer , felling him to the fioor and cutting a gash which required five stitches to close. Ramge went doiore County Attorney . ) . L. Root and swore out a warrant for Baird's arrest , charg ing assault and battery. I'ciuler , * Now Church Out of IKlit. PENDER , Neb. , Sept. 25. The Meth odists of Ponder dedicated their now ? 2,200 church and Dr. Chase of the First Methodist church of Omaha preached the dedicatory address. A deficit of $450 was promptly raised and the now church is entirely out of debt. I'nrnuiii'H Corner on Old Corn. FARNAM , Nob. , Sept. 25. The 200- 000 bushels of old corn that was cribbed hero is being shelled and shipped to tno market as rapidly as possible to make room for the no v crop Tlirnilinl hy n Wnmntti TIEM1NOFORD , Neb. , Sept. 23. William Wllmott , a bachelbr furntor living five miles west qf hero , received a Bound thrashing at the hands ot , Mis. Ltilr > Phillips , ( u neighbor's , wife < The rauso of the trouble ; it lo"tmlu , was that AVlllmoll'B Block word Ires-1 pusallig on the Phillip's farm and after bc.irlni ? the nihmyitutte 'for oovcral lhy Mrs PhUtlps Ifonnod u J the 'stock , Mr. Phillips being away .from home. This" aroused Mr. Wlllmott'e Ire and when ho came aft'or his stock , she claims , he commenced to' call her vile names , whoreulton she proceeded to give him a lashing with u strap which had a buckle on the end. AVlllmott madd no resistance , but when1 ho made his escape ho again abused Mrs. 1'hli- llpn. She fears further violence from Wlllmott rlid cnmti to town witn a View of having him placed under an1 rest Willmott wits examined by tha board 6f Insanity a bbuplo of years ftg > . nl DAVID CITY , Nell. , S'cpf. 23. The celebration and reception given In honor of , Company Evno a red , leltcr day for David , City. More people wore in town than ever before. The celebration' opened- promptly at 10 o'clock by the parade under .command of Captain Zellnger of Company E , and consisted of four bands , Com pany 12 , David City and Huwood flro departments and civic soqletlps , with other attractions. The parade over dinner was served by the ladles of the G. A. R < and .honorary members of old Company E , .This .meal wad n great repast and npthlng gppd to cat was missing from the table. After dinner the program of the afternoon in , the public , square was carried ouvt , , the feature of Which wag the speech of Chaplain James Mauley , who was pastor of the Methodist here the vear before lie went + , o the Philippines. " -i Tlio Iooriu Sciol ! \ Act. t LINCOLN , Sept. 23. The case of Scott against Flowers , a case Involvr Ing the constitutionality of the reform school act. "which has been1 dragging along In the cn'urts in'Lrailcastei''counJ ' ty for several years ? was argue'd a'nd submitted to the supreme 'court last week. " < A yourig * girl 'named ' Flowers was charged In the county court by her gttardjnrt With 'incorrlglbllityl After a h < Hmng tii < ? KM WRS c nlmlt-1 led to the reform school , but was afterward released on an order 'fron.1 ' the court. Friends of the girl'brought suit for damages agafti'st the guardian , Scott , and secured a judgment for her for $2,500. This case was appealed to the supreme court and the point is now raised that 'the entire reform school contrary to satute. ( 'urn I'll Aculuftt 1'olnlur. LINCOLN. Nob. , Sopt. 23. It Is probable that the caae of Auditor Cornell 'against Governor Poyntcr , testing the1 Weaver act , will be argued before the supreme court at its next sitting. When the court took up for consideration the motion of Judge Ryan , attorney for 'Auditor Cornell , asking for an advancement of the case , Attorney General Smyth ap peared and expressed his willingness to participate in the proceedings on behalf of the governor. The court granted the attorneys for the defend ant two wreks in which to file an answer to the information of Auditor Cornell and Judge Ryan. ' Ciiso Dcclilcd. LINCOLN , Sept. 23. The supreme court handed down a decision of the case of the Nebraska Telephone com pany against the State Board of Public Lands and Buildings , afiirmjng the dis missal by the lower court of the peti tion of the company for a permanent Injunction restraining the board from taking action on the complaint of John 0. Yclser , who sought to have telephone r.-'tcs reduced. It was thought the decision in the case would touch upon the constitutionality of the various ntato boards , provided for by statute and not by constitution , but this point Is not decided. Narrowly I ? ( Mics DcM rurlinn. M'COOK , Neb. . Sept. 23. The St. Charles hotel of this city narrowly escaped destruction by fire. QuIcK work of the department alone saved the largo brick building , which , with its contents , was damaged to the ex tent of several hundred dpllars oy fire and water. There are indications that the fire was of incendiary origin. The city was full strangers on account of the exhibition of Ringling'a show. Ht'Iionl Iniciuir I'ociiiiiri Tnsiiiu * . NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 23. Miss Mary N. Case , formerly of Syra cuse , nut more recently a school teacher in the western part of the fitato , became suddenly ( insane here , it is believed because of overwork. She has been tak n , lo "Lincoln acd placed in the asylum. ( ii < > ) M'iuont at r.jnns. LYONS. Neb. . Sept. 23. Rodney McCathern , who bait been for some time a clerk at the Logan house , dis appeared recently. Nothing strange Wjould have been thought of McCath- er.n's departure had not a waitress , Dolly Cranford. Idft at the same time. McCathern is a marrlejl man and has u wife at Bancroft , Neb. hy u Thresher. ELMWOOD. Neb. , Sqpt. 23. While assisting In threshing at Joseph Mul- lln's farm , west of town , Ferdinand Mlcrgergcn got his right hand , in the machinery of the stacker and the third finger run through between the cog wlieels and was badly manglcfl. K'Mi'ul at Clnrlci CLARKS. Neb. , Sept. 23. The local lodge of the Sons and Daughters of Protection gave a watermelon social on the beautiful lawn of William Harris' homo. There was nn excellent musical and laterary program. Shooting : . ASHLAND. Nob. , Sept. 23. While Roy Beers of Sargent was flourishing a rifle at Williams' place west of Ashland the trigger caught , dis charging a bullet into his abdomen , but not producing a serious wound. i. . . A vrcmnu named Annld \ \ : ninRto"n" ! WOK burled on July 21 at Northwltoh. Shoallod at the ago of 41 yearsmi J Imd hfccn the nu > thcr ofttwontiY-nv < j children , of whom It wns stated that three air living , aged JO , 38 and S yearn , so , that twenty-two 'of this num her have died. Slip wns married at a' years and hod twins throe times. , . Platform car recently completed at the Jloston Maine i\llroad shops , in Sajcm , Mass. , has. a carrying rapacity of 100,000 pounds , -iO.OOO pounds more than any other car on the road. It Is thjrty-two f et longt NEBRASKA'S GREAT CORN CRO F HIP KKIIiimUi anil It A conservative estimate of Nebras1- ku'a corn crop , wjilch Is now safe , froih frost , IB HOO'.OOO.O'OO ' bushels. It Is haril for thd hitlul to'gragp what thwi'u fig ures in etui. Counting fiO bushels of shelled onrn to the lortd , It would take five million foams to haul the crop to market , 'II crtrnvaii f hat"VduM reaiMl around th'e world. It will take -an army of 80,000 men over two montlls'to husk it -tluty hudk < iO bushels a day each. It loailoil Into cars of 30,000 capacity It would tuko COp.OOO cars to hanl the crop , u train over 1,000 miles long. At no time within , , UiO' 'pmit < ten * pears .has thcie bccii.biich a tendency on the , part of fanners to. flook , for now locations , cither to better themselves or to pro vide homes for their ehlldrpn. Many Hui'.tloiiB Jn the East ar.e ovcr.crowdcdt while thousands of acres of rich , wo 1- watorcd lands run still bo had In Ne braska and Northern com paratively low prices. T.hqusnnds . civlll visit that country this fall , as the railroads , have , announce/1 / cheap-rate harvest excursions for Oct. 3 and 17. U. S. rntunt Odlre. hi III the list of 397 patents this wo'k fl were for Iowa inventors ; K for Nr- brauka ; 11 for Minnesota ; fi for K.ui- fias ; 1C. for .Missouri . ; : $7 $ for Illinois , 50 for New York. Patents' ' have been allod oun vll- ent v but * not' yet lasrucd' as'followbs To. , Ii M. CUillander , of DCSMjlncs , for a cabinet for holding and display ing packages. A hinged glass covered front is provided with vertically > ar- Tanged compartments for .packages , as spices. , The lo 'ernq / of any column of these packages may be re moved without opening the cab'ni't. To H , Wl'l' ' ' , of DR Molnofl , for a suiuViAhle cd'cU"1 button and ncckt'r ' holder specially adapted to facilitate securing collais to Bhirts and maliir talnlng neckties In proper position relative thereto as icqulred to prevent the annoyances incident to neckties becoming loose and displaced on the wearer's neck. Consultation and advice for Invent ors , free. REUIJlMS G. ORWIG , THOMAS G. ORWIO , J. RALPH ORWIG , Registered Attorneys. DCS Molncs , Iowa , Sept. in , ' 99. The Improvements that are being made to the Baltimore and Ohio South Western railroad between Park- crsburg and East St. Loula are being pushed rapidly to completion. Sev enteen thousand tons of 85 pound steel rails have been placed In the track , and there are still 25,000 tons to come , delivery being delayed on ac count of rush of orders at the mills. The company has also put In 125 miles of gravel ballast and expects to got out 200 miles more during the season , and It is hoped by Fall that the track will rank as the best in the west. A great many grade reductions and changes in line arc also being made between Cincinnati and St. Louis. The purpose Is to make n uniform one-half of one per cclit grade between Cincin nati and St. Louis , as well as to elimi nate a largo amount of objectionable curvature. At one point , for instance , the line is to be shortened a mile and a half , o'GO degiceb of curvature elimi nated ami seven bridges abandoned. Oklnhonm. Its wonderful resources and superior advantages to hoineseokcr.s arc set forth in : i liiuulsouie illustrated pam phlet just issued by the Fribco Line I'a.ssongLT Department. Copy will be mailed free on application to Bryan Snydcr , General Passenger Agent , St. Louib , Mo. There's probably no success BO sweet as that achieved by acting contrary to the advice of our knowing friends S15.OO PER WEEK. We will pay usnlarv or Ul.'i.W ) iiorc U ana expenses for mini with iljr to ititrixlnco our 1'otiltrv Compound anil r , cICillor In the roun- trItof. . rcqulicil. Address , with stump , Acme MJb'Co. . , Kast DCH Mollies Iowa. A * woman , to say the least but , then , it Isn't a woman's nature to say the least. I believe my prompt IIKO ot Flso's Cure provontedqmeU uon < iimiptloii. Mrn. Lucy Wallace , llrtrquoUe , ICnii , JJeu. 12 , TO , The father who walks the fioor with a crying boy baby is a Bub male-car rier. Never ( ! rl | > Nor ( Jrlpe. Dnn't oi u a il ( > or\vlh | iin iix. nxc 11 U)1 Don't "I > < Mr ) < iiirl > o\U'lH with mnmirliil rill pnlxni , unit ( Iiibcurrtf ( nmly I'utlurtli : ' DriiKUlm * . lUc,2H,9tic The North American Review for Sep tember is in close toucli with the load ing interests of the day , and In the quality of its eontentu it more than fulfills the promises made by the > new tiflltor when' he-undcrtook the manage ment of the Review which indeed , hnVe been most generously redeemed by every issue that has come from this hands. The number opens with' the late Colonel Iiigcrsoll's famous rply late Colonel IngersoH's famous reply was published originally in the Review in November , 1897 , and which Is rc- publishcd now In consideration ot the keen and widespread Interest awaken ed by Colonel ItigorsoH'K death In hla views on religion and religious dogma. This paper contains what is In all prob ability the fullest , strongest and most eloquent statement of his position which the brilliant agnostic ever penned. Husband I have Just been talking with the new clergyman and find we agree. Wife Why , I didn't know that yon didn't believe in the Bible. Brooklyn Life. Through the Mg telescope of the LlnkKObKprVntory.'ll'iins been cllscdv- erod that' Poltirls , or the North star , In roitlly n system > of .thrco stun , which viivtflvo n round each other. Tltoso thrfco bodies rannol bo noon oven with the L1ek toleaeoiio. Their oxIaUmco lo dotonnliwl by obBctvatlons nindo viUi the Hinictlost'ono.M < it \ ( i i fi'il I r i v4 < E I 'A' SrtlMvan ' ( lnfl.t iuiin llaff'i'crndoll ' to'Yiny'a notfc' ' for ' $1CO. wh'lblP ' ho'ga\ ' tU 'it chftrch HOtn ycanl ng < 5 Oil Wo grounds that the paper was drawn on a Sunday , and wan , therefore , ot'tiA \1ilhc. ' > l t i , i. A tea pnrty wo.i bold nt Bncs Point , Boonc county , Ic.jn few/laypirtgo. ] vt * which the ! comblticd ages of tlfcfjirt'o , ladlcn proKont wore 410 years. GrAudM inn Gootzman , aged SO , wna the oldest ; Grandma Kltnodob , second In point of ago , lo 87 ; Grandma Zlmbelman ] % 82 , Grandma Swltzcr la 81 and Ornnd- mti Bennett 71. All mo wldov/a. They have been friends for half ti century and frequently meet at these llttlo let The now umbrella and the unloaded gun ; nrq liable " \o \ g9 off ylthout Ing. . ills of women overshadow their whojeJivcsj TUB Some women nrc'constnntly gcttinp inccHcal trcat- jnent and nre never well. "A woman best understands women's ills , ' nnd , the women who consult Mrs. PJnkham find In her counsel practical assistance , Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn , Mass. ' .jMns. JJAimi. Go6ri , Corrc'otionvillc , . . . .tcjlnjiow 'Mr' inkhai'n ' sa\cd * her life. 'the says : " I cannot thank you enough for what your medicine ims domi for me. I can rccommcn. ! it as one of the best medicines 'on cartl for nil women's ills. I suffered for two years with female weakness nnd nt last became bcdfttst. Three of onr bent doctors di'd me no good BO I concluded to try Lydin E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. After talcing a few bottles of 'your medicine , I was nble to do all my house work. I know that your medicine rained me from a bed of sielc/icss nild perlj&ps death , and , run very thojikful for what it has done for me. I hope that every suffering wbmAp , may be suaded tp try your medicine. GotMrsi Pinkhtun's-advicd soon an you begin to' bo The sick headachea dragging ; sensation Comd ' ' 'from a curable cause. Writ'o- help as soon as they , up , pear. DOI.B Campbollsburg , Ind ; , writes : " DCAUMus. . " r-J was troubled with sick headache and ' was so weak and nervous1 V I could hardly go. A VV friend called upon mo one evening and recommended Lydia B < Pinldiam'B Vdgetablo Compound , saying tl\at she ) cnew that it would cure me. I then sent for your medicine and after taking five bottles of it , I wa3 entirely curcdi cannot iir.iiso it onomrh. " The man who sells his vote proba bly gets what he wants , but not what he ought to get. llow'g This ? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars rownnl fornnv rtiHoof CiUnirh tluil cannot bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cut o. P. J. CHKN'nV .t.CO. , rropToledo. . O. We , the uriilorsliriieil , have known V , .1. Choiioy for the lust 15 yojirs nud bullovo him purfuctiy hoMorablo In itubuslncuslr.insnctlons niul llnuncliUly ultlu lo cun'y out any obliga tions m.ido by iholr linn. West & Truivx.Vholosnlo DniKiflsts. Tolo.lo , 0. ; Waldliur , Klnniui & Marvin , AVliolusulu Unifslsts. Toledo , Ohio Jluir.sCatiirrli Cum Is UiUcn Itu : rtlroctlv upon tliu hloodnud inueouHsurriiuos nf the KVHtoni. TtstlmonlitM soul froo. 1'rlco ifio pur hnttli ) . HiiM by nil ( lnmilsts. liull'H Kuiully I'lllu nro tha liusu It Is effort rather than achievement that counts with God. The stage prompter might bo appro priately termed a theatrical poster. Don't Oo IlrnhuTliun Von Hot. Send for mv Inuiluuhlo Hxstetn. Goo. U. Klelitnond * . ' ' Deuiborn . ' ' . , - > St. , C'h'cnyo. A policeman is supposed to be al ways looking for trouble. Do Your rent Arlio unit Jlnrn ? Shake into your nhoes Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Eaqy. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Feet. At nil Druggists and Shoo Stores , 23c. Sample sent FHEE. Address Allen S. Olmatcd. LcRoy , N. Y. A man's llory resolutions are apt to ! go up in umokc. AMMUNITION nt Wholesale Prices to l\erybody. Our LniRU ( un :'n e contnlnlti ! ; 96 p.iics , slo o'iiXtsJt inches , \\ill be r.cnt postage p.iid on receipt of thrco cent * D to ; iny one rcturnlnc thl.f nd nnd tncntlonlnir tlilti paper Wo can ' sntiniioiQ ilnllnrJoii Uiins. Wiilcntonce T. M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE , MINNEAPOLIS. MINM. 150-132-154 156-158-16(3 ( 162-164-166 I > Out- No. 110. Ladles' Rojal Capo I > Mncl.intoili Coat , made of high I i tics are l > r.ilo double tcxturo wool ( i .Hlilncrn in navy Iiluo or such that - - black , liiiud Ihtuii iout v\ltll t ? fancy plaid , full sweep double' we are brcnbted dctacliablo cape , \ \ ith enabled to Pine prarl buttons. Inlaid vol. \et collar , OlKa plait In back ; I i quote now Eliipo | skirt with one opt- I > Siiic packet nnd opening Inside prices that I * side scum to nllo\v access to always interest I dress pocket : buttonholes nro worked with ilk and all terest strongly sewed. The manufacturer's guarantee for econom entire satisfaction. stands back ical buyers. of every Rannunt ; this coupled with the way down price wo Our goods name should settle all doubt < as to the \aluc. A Kood Mackintosh the are tosh is a wise investment , trust- vvhcrcas a poor one Is money thrown away. Our strong worthyklnd points are practical Knowledge of quality and bujinf * in largo tthat always quantities at the lowed cash give satio- prices ; these advantage iwo extend to our customers. Una faction. of tl/cse / mackintoshes will prb- tec fjou from rain and < lomp- Our values nc snnd Kit best of satisfac are the un tion , Sizes 54 , 50 , 58 , 60 nnd < .a inches long , no larger. 1'rico approach able kind that never can be reached elsewhere. In wliicli is listed at lowest wli'olesale prices everything to g eat , wear and use , is furnished on receipt of only lOc. tea a partly pay postage or expressage , and as evidence of good faith the lOc. is allowed on first purchase amounting to SKCO or above.