Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 17, 1899, Image 4

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    ( fie , iUjwMicau
I'nhllfthod every Tliuriifoy ftt the County Host.
. M. AMMmiKRV , 1WIU
* -onice in C'nM r lllock , Fourth Ate- * *
Entered at the i tf tofllco nt llrokcn How , Noli. ,
tiio U , H. mallei.
Ono Your , In ndviiiito
THURSDAY , Alia 17 , 1BIW.
. Tlio rntintillrnn rlc ( turn of llio Sixth i .
tonal ( Unmet of Nrbncka arn re'inci-li il t'1 " ' " 'I '
( U'lcniilciifrom llicilr "Hpt'cllviKoiinllM lo im'f'l '
In Ixixlniilon , linwMin ronnty , NoliniBl.ii , on
Tin-FiUy , AliAwt | SO , W'O ' , t. | o'clock p. m , for
tli tintinnaol | pliicliiK In nomlnrtllon n cHinlliinlo
forlheoillro of conitroi-Miinn ml l imnjnit
uncli other liiiiliiuiia UN inny ) ire | 'rly come before
Tlio' ' iiiiortomiientof ! dcli'L-ntoi Is bm-cil upon
tliu void rnst for lion. M. Ullnywnrd for cover-
tier In IH'8 ' , RlvliiK lo t'Mliioiinly 0110 ilolcKnle ftt
Inruo ninl on for coch ono hiimlrcil vole * or
mftjor frncllono thorcof , unil Iho novornl conn ) len
re Intllloil loroprcfcnlnllon i\s follo , to.wlt :
llnnntr aillownril
IlUIno a { " , , 1
llox Unite B I\i-yn 1 nlm
Klmlmll U
Drown . R Lincoln I' ' '
lliilT lo . IK
Uhvrry . 7 Ionp I
Cliovcnno . f > Mcl'liorion 1
Citdlcr . id Hock I
ln en . 7 Mentis IlluIT ! l
. 1.1.t Hhurldnn Ci
.t '
.Hlotix. . . . i f >
( lr nt S TliomiiH 1
GreolHT. .4 j VnlloV °
Holt | Wheeler _ . _ , . _ _ . &
Jlookor 1 | Tolnl 107
Kearney , Nch. , AIIKUHI'J. 1RM.
M. I' Chulrmnn.
I . M. AMPiinnnr , Hcc'y | iru loin ,
Hepulillciui .luillulul Contention.
The ronuhllciinn of Iho Twelfth .JtnlUlM < ll -
ttlct of Ncbrnnkn nro rcqucHttil lo HCIII ! ilclognteii
from their rccjtrrllvii rtnnllcii to meet In conven
tion In LcxtiiKl'in , low ) on enmity , Nnbnukn , on
Tuiily AiiKUHl i.MJ , IH'JH , nt elchl o'clock p. m. ,
for the imrpoao of plucliiK In nomliutloii n cnn-
dlilnlo liir HID olllco of illBtrlct JuilKO of Hnld dls-
Ulrt and to trnnfiact encli otlinr IIIIHIIIUHB n uny
iiroporly conm huforo tliu coiiTOiitlon ,
Tim nioliitinctit | ) | of iloli'KKtci to nalil convon-
tlon IB Imscd npnii llio volecnut for lion. M. li
lluywarcl for governor In Ih'J'.l , gltlnK to each
county ono doloRittu M Inrgo and ono for I' lliu
tolcri r t for major farcllonii llieroof , unil lliu
OTurnl countiOK nro vnlltlnd to ropreaontntlou nt
follows , to-wlt ;
llullalo . IH DAWHOII . la
Mutter . 10 Hlii'rman . l >
Tolal . 62
Kearney , Well , Anguit 2. 1BUU.
N. I' . MCDONALD , Clialrnmn.
W. A. HTKWAIIT , Bcc'y pro tout.
i County Convention.
ItnoititN llow , Kobr. , July Bill , IH90.
In complliinco with nn net Inn of th counly
central committee , n delegate cotiTontlon of the
republicans of Cuetor county , Nuhrimkii. IB here
by culled to convcnn nt tlio North Side oponi
honto. llrokcn llow , Neli. , nt 10 o'clock 11. m .
Haiurday , Aucnnt llilh , IK'.K ) , for llio inirpono of
iilaclnic In nomltintlon candidates for llio follow
liiK county oiilccs :
Ono county Jadgo ,
Dnu rliurill ,
Ono clerk of thn dlelrlct court ,
Ono county clerk ,
Ono trcaiuror ,
One Biipcr1nti < ndunt of public Instruction ,
Onu coroner ,
One mirvoyor ,
Aldo to elect 10 delCKati-B to Iho etnto convontlon ,
to bo hold at Onmlmnl I o'clock p. in. , HuptInt ,
IhW , alee duli'KutCR to the eongrcMtonnl mid jn-
illrlnl coiiTCiitlonB , llino nnd pliico not jot fixed
or rcproionlnlloii , ono iieicgaiu ni inrgo
from cncli township , nnd ono f ( > r oueli ton voios
or niHjor frnotlon llion'of , coal for lion. V. M.
O.M.I. finir priintor III IKK. Tlio mircriil
townslilim nro ontlllod to representation na tol-
It IH rt'CommrnUod tluit no proxies bo admltlud ,
unit that the dolegfttm prcccnt nt the coiiTcnllon
cant the full vole of their rcttpoctlvn townships.
Ills ulpo rcrommoudod that the lowiiHhip prlnin-
ricn bo hold Haturilay UKiiKtZli \ \ , Ib'.m , iitii p.m.
1C UOYHB , C'halrniBii.
B , G'BcuwiNU , Bocri'lnry.
District Convention , Dis
trict No i ! .
Tim rcpubllciin supervlHor cnnvenllon of tlln-
trlctno. tf , CuBter counly Nclirnska IH livroby
called to meet In Uoiind Valley school IIOIIHO
tiepl. Wth at 1 o'clock p. m. to pfnco In nonilnn-
tlon a candidate f r BtipurrUor for Bald dlntnlrt
and for the IraliBacllon of such other bnidntiHH a
may como poforo the convention. Tlio liuxlH of
representation IB tbu name a for the county cou-
Taullon. J. 0. TAII.OII , Chn'n.
The fruudlont ballot rooount per
petrated by tbo fuBionUtH in bigli
rank two years ago , is novnr inon-
tionod by thedomo.pop papers.
Not a single delegate elected to
the ropublioan county convention
should fail to bo there next Saturday.
The HUOOOBS of the tiokot this fall
demands your presence.
Attorney Gouoral Smyth has
finally discovered that the Bartely
bondsmen have put away their
property to make thomselvs execution -
ocution proof , Wonder what tlio
attorney general supposed the
bondsmen were doing pending all
this dilatory litigation ? Beo.
Not much in said
being nowadays -
days about "tho down-trodden unit
oppressed tiller of the soil. " Thu
average farmer has wheat in the
Htaok , moro oattlo than ho can count ,
BO much old oorn on hand that ho
doesn't know whore to put the now
orop , aud the banker owa him
money that ho doesn't know what
to do with. Ord Qui/ .
When Bartloy , Moore and Hilton
"wont wrong" every republican
paper in the Htato denounced them
and demanded that they promptly
bo brought to justice. But how
different with tbo popooratio papers
in regard to the ballot frauds per
petrated at Lincoln ; not one of
thorn denounced the men who
sought by high , handed and dis
honest aotB to thwart the will of
the people expressed at the ballot
box. North PJatto Tribune ,
'J'liu IIOWH llinl ronuliotl lioro Wed
nesday morning that Hunator Hay
ImH hi'un stricken with npo-
wns received with ( loop anx
iety by IIJH inntiy fiiondH of thin
place. It itppnnrH from later n < l-
vicuH that liiH nlTliotion wan not
apoplexy yet very inticli ruHumblud
it. It WAN an hour and a half before -
fore ho regained coiiHoioiihiii'HH , lie
wan at Hrownvillo at t'ictinio where
ho wnH billed to ripuak at a Modern
Woodmen piuniu. Wliilu liiH con
dition IH rugnnlcd oirtical , hopon arc1
entertained that ho will recover.
The Chief's UXOHHO lor not pub *
the vote on Col. Webb's
motion to HiibHtitulo thu Oinalia
platform for the St. Louis platiorm
in thu pop convention in that the
motion wan lout. AH nil motioiiH
for thu nomination of candidates
that were loHt did not fail to receive
Hpooittl notice by the Uhiof the ox-
otiHO appears rather IliniHy. AH the
Omaha platform W.IH the production
of a populist convention , the Chief
had no desire to publiHh to the
world that it wnn rejected , by a HO-
oiUlod populist convention , for tlio
fiiHiou platform adopted at St.
The action of the democratic
county convention yoHtorday in
nominating a Htraight ticket WIH :
the only eonsistant oourHo loft. It
evident to any unbiased person
that the populist party IB on itH last
logB. It uow only baa a looal ox-
istanoo and as Boon UH it looses the
county oflicoH it will cease to exist.
ItH members then mtiflt either go to
the democratic or republican parties.
Hy tlio demooratB having an organ
isation they can confidently expect
to got a largo porcunt of thorn , and
they will Bland a lighting chnnco for
success. But aB long as tboy con
tinue to fiiHO with the populists
tboy help keep thorn in power and
prolong their oxistanco which is an
great a detriment to tlio democratic
as it IB to the republican party.
AH yet there are no candidates
that have boon brought out for the
Bovoral oflicoH of the county , for the
republican ticket , with the excep
tion of sheriff , olork and superin
tendent that are inclined to accept
a nomination if tendered. As none
but the very boat men should bo
placed on the ticket the delegates
from each township should canvass
their respective communities for
suitable men to recommend to the
convention for consideration. There
is a good showing at the present
tirao for the republicans to win in
this campaign. If only men who
are strong at homo and are capable ,
are nominated for the several
oiliees the whole tiokot can bo
olcotcd , There are plenty of such
men in the county and if they will
not volunteer tboy should by drafted
into service for the good of tlio
The Chief OXUUBOB the county
board's action in ordering the col
lection of the personal tax by dis
tress , at thin time , by insinuating
that had it not boon for the louion-
oy of the pop board that the Ricruii-
MOAN and a number of other county
papers would have long aiuco boon
Bold out for taxes. For the other
papers wo can not apeak , but wo
venture the assertion that the Re-
ruHUOAN ban paid more taxes since
the populists have been in power
than any two of the populists papers
Whotbor other papers are delin
quent wo do not know , but if they
are , they doubtless have been more
lenient with some members of the
boardon their subscription than the
board proposes to bo with thorn oil
their taxes. But it is not a ques
tion of leniency with the news pa
pers , but of the unjust demand of
the county board to collect by dis
tress at this season ot the year , be
fore farmers or other business men
can realize upon their crops or
Loading members of the bar
throughout Nebraska have received
the suggestion of lion. E. C.
Calkins for supreme judge with the
utmost satisfaction. Members of the
bar who stand aB high as the high
est in Omaha and Lincoln , as well
as in the smaller cities , who have
known Mr. Calkins for many yours
as ono of the ablest And most emi
nent practitioners and counsellors
in the state , have freely given tlu-ir
aHHont to every good thing that bus
boon said for him personally and to
the tofllimonialH regarding bin eminent
nont qualifications AH a lawyer. He is
indeed , recognized an nlawyer of the
highest typo and a gentleman who
embodies the requisites which ( ion-
Hlilutc llio old time ideal of .1
judge upon the bonoh of last resort ,
I'o ' has til wii ) H been loth and even
roliiH l to permit the use of his
iiaino as ( i candidate , but the con.
stunt pioHHiiro upon him and the
mere than Haltering rcnponio at the
present time has changed bin mind
to the extent thai ho is willing to
accept n nomination , although not
disposed to make a canvass for it ,
II in location is favorable and ho
would make tremendous inroads in
the populist vote in this section of
the Btato. Kearney Daily Hub.
The populist papers of the county
which are the Chief and Beacon of
Broken Bow , the Callaway Indep
endent , Ansley Advocate and Sar
gent Era , are becoming alarmed for
fear they will IOOHO the patronage
of llio Hhoriir. They are already
Hooking to prejudice the voters
against the republican candidates ,
whoever they may bo for judge and
nhoriil. ThoHO pap HUokpM , who
have forsaken the principles of tlio
populist party and become domo-
pop fnsionists for a few sheriff sale
notices manifest , a determination to
sacrifice the remainder of their
tiokot for the success of Armstrong
and CummngH. Some of them have
already begun to east insinuations
against t'joir candidates for treasurer ,
district olork and county superin
tendent on the flimsy excuse that
the republican papo/sbuvo said some
complomantary things about thorn.
The facts are that these mongrels
who assume to bo tlio burden bearers
of the populist party have forsaken
its prinoipls and Bold themselves
out body and soul to the fusion ,
pass grabbing crowd fora mesB of
potago. If the sacrifice of the rust
of their ticket is necessary they wil
not hesitate to trade every 'man of
them for sheriff and judge , li
order to more fully deceive the "hay
seeds , " as they term the country
voter , they are already claiming
that the republicans will trade
everything for sheriff and judge
This is only anothot exemplification
of the old adage , that the "fox IB
the finder , " etc.
freedom , a paper published at
Manila , pays tha following desorvec
tribute to the First Nebraska
"Tins regiment has had nothing but
constant warfare over since the out
break. Always at the front , always
the first lo charge : the Nebraska regiment
gimont has won fame and glory tba
will shine for all time in the annal
of Nebraska. Nine hundred am
eighty nine men of Nebraska lauded
od bore last July and proved to tlio
world thai a volunteer can face
steel and lire as heroically as the
moat seasoned veteran. No eulog ;
can be too iiutloriug ; no oconiums
can bo too odtbusiastic ; no ono wil
over know tlio entire Htory of the
First Nebraska. Well do the people
of Manila remember the terrible
night of February , when thous
ands of expectant Filipinos surged
od against the slender lines of our
outposts. Could our men .bold ou
against such a terrific onslaught'
And Santa Mesa ! It was the
strategic point. It was the key to
the city. And only the Fatbo
above knows the Imtory of tha
night , The men of Nebraska were
ou guard at Santa Muu.i , and they
stood aa firm as the foundations o
time aud hold back that horde o
maddened Fillipiuons hour afto
hour. "
The corn crop of Nebraska tbi
year will bo the largest in the his
tory of the state and will bo oquallei
by but ono state in the union , am
that state is Kansas. According to
the government report Nobrask
has 8,240,000 acres planted to con
this year aud the prospective yiolc
is 282,000,000 bushels , valued a
$00,000,000 , Kansas loads Nebraska
braska with 0,132,000 acres , and a
prospective yield of 300,000,000
There has boon a greater raiufal
during tbo mouth of July , in Nebraska
braska , than during any proviou
July on record , The prospective
yield in Nebraska and Kansas is
u-nrlv equal to the combined yield
of the tlirno great corn yielding
statOH of Illinois , Iowa and Mis-
ouri , and ( ho yield in Nobrmka
ilono in nearly 100,000,000 bunl t-ln
groatnr than that of Indiana , Ohio
ud : TOX.IM combined , and one-half
IH great as the yield in all the rp-
naining MtalnH in the. union. The
irospoclivo increase of yield in Ne-
rasl < a over I8 < )8 ) IH 158,000,000
Hishuln. Ex.
Lincoln , Donvcr ,
Omnlia , llulinn ,
Chicago , Ilulto ,
81. .lofupli , rorllund ,
KiumaM City , S H I.nko City
8tJoulB , nnd nil San Kranulsco
points onpt mill Boutli. and nil points \ve t
No. 42 , Local express didly , Lincoln , Omaha ,
nnd all points cai < t ( V20 n.ui. .
No. ! ) . Local iiaoscnger , deparlH.,11:23 : a. m.
No. 40. Thronjjli froliiht o t lally..bUi : ) a. m.
No. 48. Locnl freight caal arr. dally I'J.IKJ p.m.
Dopartn at 1.05 p.m.
Kxccpt Sunday.
No. II. Local express ilally , llclonn , llutlo
rortlnnd , uli polnln went IUt > T p. m
No. t. ) . Local pni-ecntJor.nrrlveB nt..4:55 : p. in.
No. 45. " " weet " KI'DH a. m
No. 47. " " " " 2:15 p. m
DepiirtH at 2,45 p , in
Kxccpt Hundny ,
Hlcoplnc , dhiliiK anil reclining chair earn ( Benin
rcc ) on through tralnx. TIcld'H Bold nnd Imj-
rajo ( checked to any point In Ihi United Stilton
and Canada ,
No. 48 ling merchandise cars Tuesdays , Tliuri-
InyH nnd Saturday * .
No. 45 will rarry paHHOnyers for Aneolmo , 11 ill
icy , aciu'cn , Wnltuinn nnd Allmnco.
No. 40 will carry passcrgiTH for Knvonns
Urnnd Iclnnd , Howard and Lincoln ,
Information , mapg , time tnblcB and ticket
call on or wrlto to II. L. Ormaby , agcul , or J
Kraucli , Q. P. A. , Oinuhu , Nebraflka.
II. L , OiiMBiir , Acont.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Olllco over liyoreon's grocery. Heal } '
clonco ( I'.b houeo weal of Baptist church.
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
1'lniu ami Specification * * ou filiort notice. Mn-
lorlal furnleliod and buildings completed cheaper
than any man In tin ) stale. Satisfaction guaran
teed aa to plans and apoclflcallons.
Rag Carpet
Sold cheap , In any length plecen desired. Car
pel weaving solicited. Prices reasonable.
Mrs. Louise Raymond.
West of llowcn'B Storu.
School and Church
For School Furniture , School Supplies
or Chut eh Furniture , I offer the beat
tcrma the ranrkot affords.
ikokoit Uow , Neb.
Richardson's Livery
nt the old stniul , between thu Itarllng-
ton nnd Globe Hotels. Telephone con
nection. Iloiulquurters of Calluwny
Btngu line. SitiKlo and double rigs.
Kates reasonable.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public ,
and JiiBtlcc-Df the Praco. Siicolal ntloullon
en to collcctloiiK. UepofUions taken , pvnsloi
vouchers neatly ezccnted , and nil kinds of
papers written. Olllco weft IJo luuaro , llrokci
Bo , Neb.
jv'.u ' ; fouiul In the Kqulty of the Contract , jj5y
i.v the Kconomy of Maim 'incnt , anil the Jjfil
jli'S Secutlly for Iho rnymenl. 'if.- !
ifl $
, , &
jjjifl THU ORIGINAL 4'f ; '
7iH' : P
312 Hankers Life Association , ? # ;
Sli ftlt'
m -or- * wi.
w m
. . ; . _ Do * IvXiiluc * ! Iowa.
i'iJt' Eowiuu A. TBMFLB , President. jlj :
l v * v
M-V Orgunlzea July let , 1879. / : !
fj-.i JMf
r-li'ij Ouirnnty Kunil for nfoty. ' fj
iV 'i SarplOB Kunil for protection. jjjs
i''u Suiwrvlscil by 3,000 tlepocltory lmnk . vy
S.ij ; ; BecnrMiM tloiuwltvil wltn Iho Hlnlo
% tlcparlmout.
' ' . Cousorvallve niothode. :
* . " : ?
J'ig ' I'roferroil IlULow H tC8.
ytS Uuarterly I'nymcuts. J' , ' . *
. * . [ ; ( Kor rates mil full Information , call & ' <
* * J on or cUlross
I J , A , HARRIS , |
? ? . - . Agent for Ouster Counly , Nob. J\ !
Onico nl Farmers Hank ot Cuuler * ; '
County , liroken Uow , Neb. 5 > 'itj
In those days wo have all kinds of shams the
politician as a sham reformer , the merchant who works
cff on the unsiiflpioioiiB customer Ins SHAM GOODS.
But my friends , there is no Bitch thing as sham lumber ,
and if you wish to purchase
As well as QUANTITY , you will always find the same
at our yard , in Broken How , Nebraska. Wo keep the
HEST FOR THE MONEY. White and Yellow Pine ,
Dimension and
Don't forget that our COAL Ib THE BEST , and
OTKAN TOO ! Wo are the tireless toilers for your
' .ratio.
Poster & Smith Lumber Co.
Telephone No. 79. WILL L. RULE , M'gr.
iiuuimuiumiiumuutimuiuu tt'iiimwmujwiumuiij
S' 1f'IJiltNIV\iII'roMlc"tl ! ! l-llico'n. ' Neb. II. Q. UOfJKHS. Oashtor , IJrokcn How.
. .
O. P. PBKLKY , V-l'rea. , Ilrokon llow. J. M KIJIHIilU.ING , Ass't Cashier ,
First National Bank ,
General Banking Business Transacted.
H. II. llnrnlmm J M. Klmbcrllng. II. C. Tiilbot. ( > . I' . 1'orloy. II. O ,
counKxroN HUNTS :
United States Nation * ! Hunk. Omaha. Ctmso National Hank , New York. American
North"pfatteaiN'l'J'"COln' ' Flr8t Nntlnnl1 llll"kOrln'1 ' I9lnul First National Hank ,
Peale & John ,
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
Queenswarc , Glassware ,
Highest Price paid for Poultry , old & young.
A Nebraska's
Returning Heroes
h Ihe II-HIIO of AiiL-nst ( III ) , will bo publUUeil
u Buries of UIB host plclures of the uallunt Klrflt NubrHi ka
KoKlmpiit It will bo n worthy souv.mlr of the celebration
of the of llielr return. In order to obtain this pictorial hl tory
couinlelc , subscribe at oncu for
Gallant The Omaha
Illustrated Bee it win
The FarowollB at Leaving Home ,
Camp Life at Lincoln ,
Nebraska Life in ( Jamp at San Francisco ,
The Trip Across the Pacific ,
Regiment NobraBka Boys in tbo Philippines ,
On the Field and in Camp ,
from Fighting the Insurgents ,
Tbo Return to San Francisco ,
Nebraska's Reception to Her Sons ,
Photographs Portraits of Nebraska's Heroes ,
Pictures of the Companies.
* 2,00 A YEAR , tii.50 A YEAR.
Address THE BEE PUBLISHING CO. , Omaha , Neb
The "Republican , " Weekly Bee , and Illustrated Bee , for