Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 29, 1899, Image 1

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    State Hist
Specifications- :
Adjustable handle bars , two piece crank shaft , coil spring
saddle , good single tube tires , enameled rims , ball retainers
throughout , and guaranteed for one year.
Bicycles , Edwin P. Myers
Sundries and . ,
Repairing. Opposite Farmers Bank ,
The Best Eyes
Arc those given ' .he bent earo
throughout all pertodn of onn'ri life.
"I iiHcd to have llio boHl oyon , " IH a
common expression. These people
very likely liavo bad eyes now , br-
caiiHu neglectful of the PA UK neces
sary to KKicr thorn good. Let mo
n KM' kopp YOUUS good. If you
haven't good ones , lot mo aHHiPt in
making thorn good. Right glass
aid that's what I offer.
Uruilnutc nf the Chicago Oiithiilinlc Tollogo.
Farmers , ask my competitors if they can carry $1,000.00 gj
of Insurance against Fire , Lightning , Tornadoes , Cyclones w
v and Wind Storms for eight years for $15. That's what I can
N * "
| j do , and in a company that has over $27,000,000 of insurance ] * ! i
w in force in this state. 1C. C. HOUSE.
3X&KXKi"Cr8Sa :
Don't give you so mueli WIND , but here
are a few FACTS. They sell BETTER
can get elsewhere. They
Guarantee Everything as Represented ,
Gilt Edge Shoo Blacking 20c LL Muslin 3o
Boston Shoo Blacking 20o
The Best Slock of Einhroidoyr and LUCCH at priouH away BELOW
ALL COMPETITION ; 2c to : tOo per yard.
Handled Tea Chips and Sauoorp , per Men's ShooH 98o lo $2.00
8 ° t 40c Childron'H Shoes 18o to * l.f > 0
Dinner Plates , per set 35c , , .
Mj1 } „ n „ ,
PIC Plates , per net 30c . , } '
llawhido Buggy Whips 4Bo at lnucH lower than ovor-
Ladies' Fine Uongola ShooH , fen'n SuitCH , at * ti 85 and up.
70o to sf'2.25 Calico , jor yard 3o to Oo
Wo have just received the Largest and Finest Stock of Plaids ,
Stripes and all colorn , in all Silk Ribbon in the city , at a price lowur
than can bo bought olncwhoro.
Ladiuu' all Silk MitlH. . . . l.r > c lo ncc
Men's SummerUndurwoar Suit. .SOc
Lotler FiU'H 2.50
Nolo Paper 30 aheelH for fie
EnvolopoH 50 for 5o
TahlotH , all kinds , lo , 3olo , , 5o , lOc
BeatH All LonU Ponuils , each . . . . lo
Fabor'rt Bank PenoilH , each 5o
Men'n Unlmed Work Glovon ,
tJOo to OOo
7 inch Rubber CombH , 5o ; 0 for i5o ?
Lftdion' Gau/o VeHlH 5o to 22o
Hunter Flour Sifter lOc
Engraved Walni GlawsuH pur Hel , 20o
Heavy Black Saloen UnderHkirts,90o
F'uicy Siand CoverH 15o
Ladies' Gauntlet Glovus -17o
Ladies' Cotton Gauntlol Glovoa , 20o
Knivi'H and Forks , per nol 34o
Slraw Hals ,5o to 25o
A fine line of Ladies' and Children's
Oxfords and Toe Slippers , at Rock Bottom
A nice lot of Fancy Lampn ,
85o to fcl.70
Overalls , heavy 49o
A fine lol of MOII'H and Boys' Shirts ,
25c to ! )8c )
Puff Bosom Shirts OOo
Mirrors 15o to45o
Lamps , complolo 20o , 25c , 30o
All Coppur Tea Keltles. . 7flo
All Coppur , Nickel Platua Tea
Kettles 89o
Granite Colleo Pots 25o to 45o
Tin Cups 3 for Co
Best tJ cord Spool Cottonjer do/,35u
< ' Best Tflblo Oil Cloth , per yd . . . 14o
Ladies' Shirt-waints iiOo to 40o
Boys' Summer Suits OOc to 80e
Sun Bonnets 22o
Muslin , per yard
Table Linun , per yard. . .20c to 80 <
Celluloid Collars 4 o
Lmon Collars 8c
LadioH * HOBO , per pair 5p
Rookford Socks , per pair 5
Coffee Mills 15c
Wash Boards 15o to 23o
Glass Wash Boards 'I4o
Bridle Bits 5c to I7c
I lamp Staples , per pair 5o
Tug Clips , pur pair 5o
Wttsh Boilers 7'Jo and ii |
Pookut Knives , all kinds , at 25 po
cent lower than elsewhere.
Wo can save you 50 per cent on
Tailor Made Suits , the best in the City ,
If yon do not call and mo the Goods at the RACKET STORI
before buying , you will miss some GREAT BARGAINS ,
Tooa.l M.eiiUpti. : I
Job printing at this ollice.
Cannon City ooal at Diorks
Lumber Co.
A haavy rain visited this vicinity
Sunday t voning.
The county boaid adjourned last
Friday evening.
F. II. Young was an Omaha visitor -
itor the first of the week.
Will Molntosh and wife of Elton
wore oity visitors Monday.
Curtain poloc , now and nobby ,
go at 2f > o. A.W. DHAICK
N J. Oltun , of Round Valley ,
was a't friudly caller yesterday.
If you want to try a uhainluss
wheel , Kd win My IT'S can rent you
FOR SAM : Pony , oart and har
0 22 'It.
Edwin Myers has now high i rade
whcols , both ladies' and gents' , to
T. C. II. BayhofYor , of Custer
township wara friendly caller
while in the city Tuesday.
City and larm property insured
against lire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. Ki.Miiimi.iNG.
Foit SAI.IC. A thourough bred
Jersey bull recorded and all right.
Jn. 29 2t. JAMKH Bonus
J. B. Osborno of Elk oroek was
in thu city Saturday attending the
pop county central oommitteo
CATTI.K Foil SAI.K : At all times
on inv ranch nix milcH HouthwoHt of
Hrokon Bow. JitoSK GANDY.
J. N. Ottnn , of Round Valley ,
called Monday , lie reports a good
rain in his vicinity , but no hail Sun-
ay evening.
FOR SAMC Two houses ; ono two
docks east of square , and ono west
f Globe hotel. Enquire at Bangs'
Do not fail to consult Dr. W. 1
Seymour at the Grand Central
Hotel July 5th if you are having
ny trouble with yoi r eyes.
The populist county central
committee , in session in the city
Saturday , fixed the date of their
ointy convention lor July 17ill.
Broken Bow People will have
nether opportunity of consulting
) r. W 1. Seymour , the noted eye
pecialist , at the Grand Central
lotol , July 5th.
Farms for salu and lands for runt
iov , ' is the limu to gut a farm cheap ,
IH the cheap farms are all going and
iriccs are commencing to advance
apidly. J.G Bronizor.
dime's fence gang came down
from the upper ranch on the Cal
amus List Saturday. The boys
lavu bnnn gone for eight weokn ,
ind during that time liavo built
over forty miles of fence. Snrgont
Gov. Holcomb came up from
[ jincoln Thursday night and spent
Friday and Saturday in the city ,
returning homo Sunday morning.
We understand that ho has decided
not lo move back to the Bow this
Mandolins , three only left ; no
room for them ; they go at ono
fourth price. Pastel and oil pic
tures go for less than cost of frame
Iron beds * l.fiO to $75. I buy all
kinds of goodf , and advance money
on any article of value.
The heavy rains the past week
will do much towards improving
the small grain. Much of it is re
ported too thin on the ground to
make much at the best in some
localities , but where there is grain ,
the rains will greatly increase the
yield. Corn where it has been kept
clean is doing as well as possible.
Hall accompanied thu rain in the
Holcomb settlement Sunday after
noon , doing considerable damage to
both small i > ram and corn , the width
of the hailed strip being about two
miles wide. It extended southeast
through Rose Valley. J. H.
Stowarl's truck patch northeast of
town was damage to the amount of
* 400.
Judge Armour and Mayor Royso
attended the meeting of the republi
can state central committee at
Omaha Friday. Judge Armour MM
appointed one of the committee of
five to draft now rules governing
the state central committeu , to bo
submitted for the consideration of
the state convention. The next
state convention was called to moot
Int Omaha September 21fct.
C. .1. Vose , of Gates , was a oily i
visitor yeHterdny. I
A good buggy for sale ohuapl ,
Inquire at Presbyterian parsonage. *
Mrs. J. II. Kerr , of Ansloy , spent
Monday and Tuomlay in the city
vltdlinj. ' with trioiuK |
A number went to Ansloy Snn-1
da ) to attend the ICpworth conI I
vention. We understand they
had a good meeting- .
The attention ot the readers ol the
RitfutiMOAN is called to the new
advertisement of A. E. Anderson
the optician and jewolor.
F. M. Kopp , of Green , kindly
remembered this office Tuesday ,
lie reports hail quite severe in
his vicinity Sunday evening- .
Bed room suits lower than over ;
line couches ; to appreciate quality
and price cotno and see them.
.las. Dare of Gates kindly remem
bered us yesterday , llo thinks the
late rains will grontly benefit the
small grain crop in his vicinity.
Wanted , a girl to do general
house work Good wages , to the
person ,
tf Mus. JAMKH Licmvion.
Dr. Graham's new method of
extracting teeth in absolutely pain
less. No sore mouth , as in the use
of other local ante tholics. a25
Leave your name at Grand
Central Hotel if you wish to bo
sure of seeing Dr. Seymour , as he
will bo bore for ono day only , July
W. P. True , of Go irgotown ,
undo this olli.'o a friendly visit
Tuesday. Ho n ports two inohos
of rain at his plain. ' Sunday evening
but no hail.
A heavy hail storm is reported
in the vicinity of llnxley last
Sunday. It extended as far as
Jla/.xardin Sherman county , do
ing1 great damage.
J. C. Predmore , of Walworth ,
informs us that live inches of rain
felfat his place north of the Mid
dle Loup last Friday nig'ht. The
hail was quite severe on the gar
dens ,
W. II. Comstock , of Wesoott ,
and II. W. AlburtH , of Woicsort ,
made this ollice a social call yester
day. They report lots of rain in
their rospeclivu localities but no
hail. i
A. II. Copsoy of Weslervillu was
among our friendly callers Tuesday.
Ho reports a heavy rain in his lo
cality Sunday evening and that
some of the bridges on clear creek
were removed by the high water.
E.E Snyder of Belgrade Neb.and
C.F.Snyder of Hastings are visiting
in the city with their parents , Mr
and Mrs.J.J.Snydor. They came to
attend the wedding of their sister
Wo notice from fcho Eureka
Times thab E. P.Campbollformerly
of this oity was elected last week
oily attorney of Eureka , by a ma-
jorit.v of f)70rut , > ning laigoly ahead
of his ticket.
Before having any hail insurance
written on your crops HOC W. I ) .
Black well the agent of the old
and reliable St Paul Fire and
Marine insurance Co. and got his
rates and teims.
Dr. W. I. Seymour of Omaha
will visit Broken Bow again July
5th , and will bo pleased to meet
any of his old patients -ind all these
who wish to consult him about
their eyes. At the Grand Central
C. L. Gutterson and C. H. Hol-
comb loft Saturday night for an
in the Black Hills countrv.
Their objective point is a ranch in
Wyoming west of Dead wood , S.
I ) . They expected to bo gone ahout
two weeks.
This ollico acknowledges the re
ceipt of a copy of "Col. Fred Funston
March , " published , by E. W. Berry ,
of Kansas City , Mo. Parties wish
ing a copy of it can got it by setid-
mg25otothe publisher at iheaboved
address ,
Mr. Swengol , of Milhurn Nobr
has opened upu now stock of cloth
ing in his store out there , consisting
of about 150 men's , boys' anil chil
dren's suits , that ho proposes to
sell at prices that will draw a large
trade that way.
Sunday school missionary J. M.
Caress organi/.ed two Sunday
schools the past week. Ho organ
ized ono on Deer CreuK Wodnes lay
night , of last week , und one in the
Nowbockor district , north of Sar
gent , Sunday afternoon.
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc the grratrst
mcmccrstoYiCAllhof Ilic present day.
Tlio wnHliout on the railraod In
the viuinity of Litohliold Sunday
evening proved a iniioh inoro se
rious matter than was at first Hiip-
pOHed. Its extent was too great to
carry tlio mail around and tliiu
looility was out off from miiil from
the cast from Sunday night to Wud
noBday morning , when tltii train
came rolling in about live o'olook.
KcpiihUcau Count ) Cenl nil Committee.
A meeting of the Republican
County Central Committee will
be hold in Broken Bow Saturday
July Stli at 2 o'clock p. m. at the
office of 1C. Royse. All members
of the committee are urged to be
1C. Ci'ScmviND , 1C. KOYSK ,
Secy. Ch'n.
Omaha is making arrange
ments to furnish free transpor
tation for the First Nebraska
Regiment from San Francisco.
They'will be required to stay one
day in Omaha. Relatives of the
soldiers are also to be transported
'rce to Omaha on the dale of
their arrival. Judges Sullivan
ind Reese are on committees from
liroken Bow.
Tlio Building and Loan
uiation cloned out all of itH equities
laHt Saturday at auotioii. Tl-iswill
unable thu association to oloso up
tlio biiHinoHB. Several ng.iitiHi
whom equities were iiold bid in
their property , paying cash. In
.his class \ ' Horibo was included ,
and wu won- thankful for tlio op *
) ortunity of ridding oursolf of n
> ad , morn serious than Bryans
whitu man's bunion. "
I'll1 Flrnl Nebraska Himieuanl llomiil.
The news rocuivud hero Wcdnos-
lay morning that the First No-
jraska rcgiinunt had hoarded thu
transport Houoook Monday to return -
turn lioino was hailud v ith joy by
ill our puoplo. In honor of the
event "Old Glory" whowo stars und
stripes have been HO loyally defended -
ed by our hoys in the Pliillipines
wan hoisted to the topof the liberty
polo that occupies the center of the
[ Mirk.
Lost Olio 11) e.
Wo learn that Mrs. Mary Ams-
burry ot Mason City had ouo eye
put out ono evening laHl week by a
board Htriking her. Report
in tl'at it waH during a wind
Htorin and she wan taking the board
through the upper story window
from Homu ono below , wlion the
wind caught the board and Hlruck
with Hiioh force junt below the eye
an to put it out. It in Haul that
Mrs. AniHhorry suffered fiom it
iatuiiHuly for euvoral days , hut that
it IH giving her less pain now ,
Thu Ith at Home.
The members of the G. A , R.
pOHt and Relief corps of tliiri place
liavo dooidod to oule.brato the 4th of
July in thin city. They will liavo
a program , ooiiHiHting of reading
the declaration of Independence ,
rooitatioiiHsongsand addresses. The
exercises will bo held in thn park.
A banket dinuur will be a feature
of the exorcises. The puhlio JH in
vited and all who do ire are requested
quested to join in making the oe-
u.'iHion ono long to bo rumembur 'd
with plnasurc. The objct ! iH to
have aquiotand pleasant day at
Letter l.iht.
Following is the dead letter list
for week ending Juno 20th , I SOU.
Mrs. Patrick Logan , Mrs. Mary
Long , Miss Lina Johnson , Guy W.
Clark , Goo. O Fielder , ( card ) .
Parties calling for any ol the
ahovo will please Hay ' "advertised. "
L. II. JKWBTT , I * . M.
II ) men's Yoke.
Wednesday morning , Juno 28th ,
at the IIOUHO of Mr. and MrH. J. J.
Snydcr , Hrokon Bow Neb , wcro un
ited their daughter Minn Una May ,
nndMr MorvinJ.JohnHonof Million ,
Nob. To thoHtraiiiHof their wedding
march ( Sousa's Selections } played
by MIH. llornaday , the bridal pair
entered the parlor at the appointed
hour , HUVOII o'clock and paHHod tin *
dor the bridal arohway where the
oeriMuony , which launched thorn on
HIM matrimonial sea , WHS purlormud
by Uev. llornaday. From the arch ,
way wluuli w. s done in green foliage -
liago and while roses hung a dainty
white yoke , 'in emblum of the oc
casion ; from thin yoke waH suspon-
dud thu traditional floral wudding
boll. Underneath the arch Htood n
divan draped in while , for the oc
oupancy of the bride and groom
during the reception which fol
lowed. On either Hide of thin
beautiful palmi were arranged.
Cut roHUH formed the artistic de-
HigiiH oi the parlor , while the dining
room was beautified with petted
phuitH. The center piocu of the
dining table was decorated with cut
roses , and n vase of the Haino Htood
at either end. Bountiful and iru-
proHhivo wan the ceremony , when
thin happy couple plighted their
faith , the ono to the other , with
thu double ring norviuo. The rings
UHud in thu Hurvico were carried on
a Hilvor tray to tlio marriage altar ,
by thu maid of honor , MIHH Sarah F.
Snyder , niHtor ot the brido. After
the curmouy , the bridal party re
paired to the dining room , where
a dolioioiiH wedding broakfaat wan
eervod. From ! ) : IIO until 11 o'olook
the recaption giiuntn called at dif.
ferent ponodH. After they wore
rooievcd by Mr. and MrH. Johnson ,
they wore ushered into the dining
room , where dainty rcfroHhmontH
were server. , and the toaHtH wnro
onjoyud. "Tho bride , " " Thogroom , "
Hhip"oaoh received their full Hharo
of morriinont. as well an seriousness.
On a Hide table in wlulu the bride's
caUii was placed , and Irom huro waa
He"rVcdno the unents by the brido.
'f ho maid of honor wan amuHtod in
receiving by MIHH X. Bnydor , Histor
of the bride , and llio piiHtor'n wife.
Boaiitiful WIH : ( he bride , in her
olugant wedding droHH of pearl
white brocaded natin , which was
prettily trimmed in chiffon and satin
ribbon. Her toiloi waH completed
with white kid glovon , white kid
Hlipporn , ombroidnrud in pearl boadK ,
and a fan of carved ivory. Bho
carried the usual bridal bouquofc of
* hilo llowern , wearing the half
blown roHOH in her hair.
The bride IIHH grown to womanhood
in our oily , and IH ono of our tnoHt
accompliHhud young ladies. After
finiHhing the Broken Bow High
School , nho attended I ho Nobranka
WeHloyan Academy , from which
she graduated in thoHpring of 1807.
Shu han been an rffoctivu Sunday
School worker , and from thin her
many friondn will greatly IIUHH her ,
especially aH Hcorotary of the Sun
day School , which ollioo HIO has
filled for the paHt live yoarH.
J no groom wore tno conven
tional Huif , of black broad-cloth.
Ho is a young man of .sterling qual
ities , exemplary habits and mtol-
h-ctuul attainments of n high order.
His friends are legion. Ho occu
pies the position of B. & M. agent
at Mullen , Nobr. Wo knotf of no
young couple bettor equipped for
the lifo that is before them under
circ/uiiiHtancoB so auspicious and
encouraging. The book , "Our
Wedding Ring , " Hurved to rroord
the names of the guest * on their de
parture. Many valuable and elegant
presents were received from tboir
hostu of idmiring friends , while
congratulations by telegram were
also received during the day.
After spending a few days quiet
ly at the bride's homo hero , Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson will leave for the
East on a short bridal tour. On
their return , they will visit a day or
two with the bride's family , before
gosng to their homo at MullonNeb.
The farm I offered last week
for $ KOO is sold. This week I
make a special offer on IdO acres
only 2 miles west of Broken Bow
small frame house , good well only
30 feet deep , 40 acres pasture 110
acres cultivated land. We hold
this land at $2000.00. But if
yon want it at * U > 00 00 half cash
come and get it. CATMVKU , .
Fourth .lid } Kates
B. & M. U. R. R. usual ro-
< hnud rates ono fnro for the round
trip between stations not more than
200 miles apart , will bo in effect July
1 , 2 , 3 and 4. Return limit July 6 ,