Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 04, 1899, Image 2

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    rut Ntw Lflws orNtBK
A Digest of Bills Put Through at the Recent
Session of the Legislature.
Election , School , Judicial and Other Enactments With Which
; All May Become Familiar by Giving Due Attention
to What Appears in These Columns.
Senate lllo lis : , by Ildlhroolt of Dodge ,
to ainiMid section f > S , chapter II. coin-
piled statutes of 1MI7. xo us ' .o IIIHCU
country churches nnd cunti-nta , country
liiir ioniiKiB nnd cunlciitx nnd conniry
Huhool hntiHuM ad contemn In thu list
of properly Hint limy IIP liiKiirod by mu
tual llru hiHiirnncu eommiili' | ! .
.JU.0UP.V..roU..effi/.J/.V.tu.nIV. / ) ( aHliiiH m uui.
Btnlo who uro owners of IIOKH < > l not IOH.H
limn J10.0UOO In X'ulno pay imsocliitti
thi'inselVPH toKcthi-r for the pnrpo.iu or
mutual liiHtirnnco nualnst leas of IIOBH Dy
death from dlHCUf-c.
Sec. 2. All POTHOIIH who tnlto Insur
ance In nncli company fdinll ( dun nn nn-
pllratlnn obllKiitlni ; lliviimolvus to pay till
assessments miiilo for expanses or for
losses sustained by a member tliiiri-of
" " - Ul
Sec. 3. A reserve fund of 10 per cent
on thu amount collected , at the tlmo of
Issuing every policy , snail bu sot aside ,
to be used as follows :
Whenever the casli in hands of thin
company , not Including tno reserve fund ,
shall bo found Insulllck. . . .o pay all tlio
claims that may accrue before the next
assessment , ( hen such ilollcluncy may ha
taken from the reserve fund. Such dim
inution of the reserve fund uliall ho pro
vided for by the next assessment. Pro
vided , That the reserve fund shall not
exceed Jl per $1,000 of the amount of in-
uranco nt risk.
Sections 4. 5 , G , 7 nnd 8 provldo for
annual meetings , the election of a hoard
of ulna dlreclors , nnd the elections of
ofllcers , the engagement of agents and
the formation of by-laws.
Section U provides that members maybe
bo sued on falling to pn > HMsesoments.
Sec. 10. Such company may Issue poli
cies to Indemnify Its members against
loss cauaud by death from disease In hogs
for nny period of tlmo not exceeding flvo
yciu .
Sec. 11. Losses shall become duo nnd
payable In sixty days after their ad
justment. Bald adjustment shall bo
made within ninety days after loss has
Sec. 12 relates to asM-ssments.
Soc. 13. In the event of a dispute be
tween the company and a momlmr there
of respecting nn adjustment of n loss
the matter may bo at tlio request of the
company or the member submitted to
arbitrators , ono of whom Is to be select-
oil by the company , and ono by the mem
ber. In cnso such arbitrators are tin-
nblc to agree they shall select n disin
terested party to net with them , nnd the
decision of the majority shall bo Until
und binding on all parties.
Sections 14 , 15 , 1C and 17 provide .or
cancellations of iiollcl.n ; that the com
pany Is n corporate bony ; for nn annual
statement ; for an examination when
doomed necessary. In section 14 , thor
Is a provision that If by the withdrawn !
of members the number shall bo reduced
below 100 nnd the amount of Insurance
In force below $10,000 , such company shall
.discontinue business.
See. 18. The foes for examining the
articles of Incornorntlon nnd the by-laws
of such company by tliu auditor shall bo
$10. Kor examination of annual report
nnd IssuliiR curtlflcato to company $1 ,
and for Insulntr nicnts' certificates CO
ISmorsency clause. Approved April 1.
Senate fllo 41 , by Ourrlo or Custer : To
provldu free attendancQ at nubile high
schools of noii'rosldunt pupils , 'and to
amend section , 3 of subdlvttdon G , scutlons
2 und 7 of subdivision 14 , and 2 of subdi
vision 17 , chapter 29 , compiled statutes
of 1807. - '
Section 1. That all regularly orRnnlzed
public bleb schools shall hereafter bo
open to nttundanco by any person of
school uie residing outsldo of the dis
trict , resident nf the state , whosu edu
I cation cannot profitably bo curried fur
> ther In the public school of thu district
of his residence ; provided , such punl !
must have a certltlcate , signed by tlio
county .superintendent , mat said pupil
has completed the common school course
prescribed by the state superintendent
for work below thu high school ; pro
vided , further , such non-resldiuit pupils
shall bo subject In all respects to thu
same rules and restrictions us ihosu
which Kovurn resident pupils attending
Htich hlKh school , nnd attend the nearest
high school of approved grade , or any
hlKh school ofapproved grade In the
county of their residence ; provided , fur
ther , whim any high school shall bo un-
ablu to furnish accommodations to non
residents without constructing or runt-
Ing additions buildings , thu board of ed
ucation may refuse admission to such
Section 2. Thu state superintendent ot
publlu Instruction shall dcturmlnu an
nually what high schools In this state
1 meet the requirements of the proceed
ing section.
Section 3. The school board of each
1H nchool dlslilul of this state whoso high
school is attended by pupils under thu
provisions of this nut shall , at the close
of each school year , report to the county
H board of each county in which such pn-
plls are resident , the number ot pupllH
attending such high school from said
county and thu length of tlmu of attund-
nnco of each pupil In weeks as horeln-
uttcr upccltlod , mid tmld county board
shall , at the llrst regular meotlnir utter
the filing of uuch report , allow said dis
trict the sum of 75 cents tor ench pupil
reported for each week during any part
of which said pupil shall huvo been In
attendance.- , and order a warrant drawn
on thu general fund of said county In
favor of said school board for such num.
Section 4. , The expenses contemplated
by provision of this act shrill bo paid
from the gunorul fund In each county
and the county bimrd of any county
may annually Include In ihelr estimates
n sufllclcnt tax to meet the purposus of
this act , not to exceed one mill on the
dollar of assessed valuation ot suld
county for the preceding year , to be luv-
led and collected In thu manner provided
by law for the levy and collection of
other taxes.
Sections C , G , 7 , and 8 of the bill amend
sections 3 of subdivision G of chapter
70 , statutes of 1897 , and section 2 of sub
division 14 , chapter 79 , nnd ncctton 7 of
subdivision 14 of chapter 79 , to conform
to this act.
Kmergency clause. Approved April 1.
8. K. 1G1. by Fowler of l'"llmore ! : To
transfer ul , funds collected under the
provisions of chapter GO of thu luws of
1S95 , to the free high school fund of the
county In which auch funds wore col
Suction 1. That all funds collected un-
jlcr the provisions of chapter GO of the
laws of 1S93 , which may now bo In. or
which may hereafter come Into the
treasury of any county , shall be trans *
ferrcd by the county board to the fres
high school fund of such county.
House roll ISO , by Hellers.
Section 1. That section 11 of subdlvl
slon 2 , chapter 79 of the compiled stat
utes of Nebraska for 1S97 bo and the
name la hereby amended to read as fol
lows : . .
The legal voters at any annual meet
lnir shall determine by vote the num
ber of mills on the dollar of the as
sessed vauatlon which snail be levied
for all purposes except for the payment
of bonded Indebtedness which number
ahnll not exceed twenty-five mills In nny
year ; provided , that In districts having
four children of school ago , or less , the
levy shall not exceed the sum of four
hundred dollars ( $100) In any one year ;
and the districts having more than four
children of school age , the levy shall netS
exceed the Hum of llfty dollars ( $ iO ) per
child In Hddltlon to tno utj'.w. ' 1 h lax
HO voted xliall be reported by the ill-
trlct board tn tin- county cleric and ahull
bo levied by the county boatd and collect
ed UN other tnxon. lOmei-neney clause.
Approved March 31.
S. P. 131. by Van luinen of Douglas : Jo
amend xccllnn I. MibdlvHlon 2. clinpu-r iJ.
tnd HOt'tloiiH 7t S mid III of ' iibdlvlston II
visto'ii" : , ' chapter TM. relatln'iT to ( iimlllj-
uatloiiH nf school i-lectorw. to read an fol-
lown : 1C very person ? , inalior female ,
who has resided In the district forty days
and In twenty-out ? years old anil who
owns real properly or imrHonal property
that was iieH r < ed In the district In his
or her nnmo at thu last annual assess
ment , or who 1ms children of school UBO >
rcHldltiK In the dlitrlcl. shall lit ) entitled
u , , ui > . at any district meeting of school
election hold In nny district , vllliiKO or
city , rrovldt'd , That all electors nt
school elections held In cities whom reg
istration of voters Is required shall com
ply with the provisions of Bnch reKlHtrn-
tlon law before they Hhall bu entitled to
Soc. Amends section 7 , subdivision 14 ,
chapter 70 , as follows : That the board
of education shall have power to select
their own olllcera , make their own standIng -
Ing rules for the government of the
board nnd canno the same to be pub
lished on n card or In pamphlet form ;
to elect an attorney for the board for a
term not to exceed one year at a Hillary
of not moro than $300 per annum. Pro
vided , That no member of the board
shall receive or nrci'pt any compensation
for services performed In discharging the
duties of Ids olllco.
Section n. That si-etlon S sub-division 4
of chapter 7 ! ) bo aniond'Ml so ns to tnnHo
the term of members-elect begin with the
llrst Monday In May and the board shall
elect olllcors and may elect n secretary
either from their own number or out-
sltlo , and bis salary shall not exceed $720
per annum. They may oli-ct at a regu
lar meeting n suporln-i'mlent of public
Instruction and they may enter Into con
tract with him for n term not to exceed
thrco ynars. The election of olllcers , stlp-
rrlntondnnt nnd teachers , shall bu by bal
lot , a majority of all members of the
board belnir necessary.
Sec.I. . That section 13 of sub-division
14 chapter 79. bo amended. The city treas
urer shnl bo px-ofllclo treasurer of the
district. Ho shall glvp a bond payable to
the county. In such sum fixed bv the
board of education , which bond shall bo
signed by ono or more surety compan
ies. nd the cost of such bond shall bo
paid by the school district.
Senate lllo R. by Fnrrel of Morrlck : It
fhall bo the duty of school district hoards
to provldo on every school house stto.
and konn In good repair and In clean and
healthful condition , nt least two separ
ate wntor closets or privies , located on
those portions of the slto farthest from
th s main entrance to the school house ,
aruT ns far from ench other as the sur-
routdlngs will permit ; Provided. That
wh-jro ndeqimte nnd separate Interior
closntn are provided and maintained In
good repair and healthful conditions , the
forpuolng condition of this act shall not
Senate file 1 9 , by Reynolds of Dawes :
To provldo for the registration , leasing ,
soiling , anil general management of the
educational lands of Nebraska ; to pro
vldo for the collection of rental , Interest
and principal payments thereon , and for
the distribution of the funds arising
therefrom ; and to repeal chapters 89 ,
compiled salutes of 1S97.
The law , as It stands today , Is re
pealed nud this bill Is to take Its placo.
This act contains the general features
of the present law , omits the extraneous
and dead matter therein , and provides
for leasing the unloaded lands ( about
800,00 acres ) nt what they are worth to
the lessee ; permits reappraising the lands
now under lease on which the appraisal
Is excessive ; provides that owner sot
sale contracts may pay all or part of
theIr principal and at the same tlmo net
tle the Interest account on a basis fair
allko to themselves nnd the state ; pro
vides a manner for listing for taxation ,
In tlio various counties , all of the edu
cational lands which have been deeded
and which may hereafter bo deeded ,
which will doubtless result In adding
much land to the tax lists , which now
escapes on account of state deeds not
being recorder ; makes more certain the
duties of the commissioner of public
lands and buildings In regard to collect
ing payments of Interest and rental witn-
In a reasonable tlmo and simplifies the
disposition of Improvements on forfeited
land , which will aid In more readily re
leasing such land nnd will discourage the
practice of allowing rental to become do.
Holders of lejiso contracts who had ex
pected Homo time to buy the land but
dltl not do so before the same was with
drawn from sala are given the opportun
ity at thu expiration of Bald leases to
renew the same without competition ,
thus protecting them In whatever Im
provements have been or may br > intido
and keeping the patrimony uf the school
children Invested In the best possible
manner In the land Itsulf , which ylolda
moro according to the Investment and Is
us safe as any bond ,
The privilege of renewing old leases In
section 10 of the bill under consideration
obviates the desirability for lurthor
Section 15 provides that the commis
sioner of public lands and buildings
shall , at least once a year , hold public
auctions , at the county gents , at which
ho shall offer the vacant school land
for lease at an annual rental of 0 per
cent of the appraised value. If , after
using duo diligence , ho Is unable to
leuso the land at that rate , he may otter
It at a lower valuation and lease the
name to a person who will take the con
tract at an annual rental of 6 per cent
upon the highest offered valuation.
Committee substltuto tor house roll
303 , by Myers , repeals the subdivision It ,
chapter 79 , compiled statutes , as before
Section 1. It shall bo unlawful for any
parent or guardian , to neglect or refuse
to cause any person , who are under their
control as children or wards , to attend
and comply with the rules of some ono or
moro public , private or parochial school
or schools , for a term of twelve weeks or
moro , during each successive year from
the time said children or wards are eight
years old , until they are fourteen veara
old , unless they may bo prevented by ill
ness , poverty. Inability or by reason ot
already being prollclont from attending
such public , private or parochial school
or schools ; and provided , that In such
case they shall bo excused by the sup
erintendent of public , prlvnto or parochial
chial school , or by the board of educa
tion of the school district In which said
children or wards may llvo at the tlmo
of such failure to attend such public ,
private or parochial school or schools.
Sec. 2. It shall bo the duty of the secretary -
rotary of the board of education , or the
d rector of each school district , to fur
nish to the superintendents of all public ,
private or parochial scliols In cities , or
the teacher In other districts nt the be
ginning of the llrst term of school each
a year , a list containing the names of nil
children residing within the district , who
are. between eight and fourteen years of
age , nnd to require a report from the
superintendent of all public , private or
parochial schools In clues or the teacher
In other districts at least fourteen weokn
before the close of the last term of scnooi
for tha year , which report shall contain
the names of all ehldrcn between eight
and fourteen yoara of ago who have ut-
tended said school and how long they
uelpl of this report , ilu > n.eieinry of tna
bimrd of oducHtlon or the director nhnll
Klvo written notlc to Ihn p.ii'fiit , KUi rd-
Ian or euittodlun of Mirli child or olilldrf > ii
that the Httoiiduncti of uta-h child or chll-
buvo Htlfiulcd mild Riihoul and how lullK
they have Httundnl. linniiMlmtHy upon
tltu ri'ci-lpt of thin report , the n-ort'tary
of the board of iHlucntlun or the dlree-
Mluill give written notice to the pur-
out , guardian or cimtuillnn of nuch child
or children that the ntt 'tuhinc of .inch
rhlld Is required nt HOIIIC public , privateer
or parochial i < cliool and If wltllu llvv
days such part-lit. Ktiurdliui or cuKtodlmi
of such child does not comply with the
provisions of thin act , thru the secretary
of thu board of education Hhull nii ku
complaint against Much parent , guardian
or cMiMtodlan of nuch child or children
before any Justice of the pi-nco or other
nniBlstrato having competent Jurisdic
tion , for violation of the provisions of j
this act. I'rovdcd. that In cities or In- !
corpornted towiin or villages the bo.iitl .if
education may appoint one or moio tru- j
tint olllcers , whofc duty it shall ue to en-
for the provision * ! this act , In the
mminer provided above. i
Hec. 3. Any person or persons vlolat- >
Ing the provlniiini * f this act shall bo
subject to n tine of not less than 410
or more than $50 for each and every of- '
feiise. fcnld ? line shall bo ImpoHOil by any i
court of Justice having JurUdlcltlon on
on sulllclenl testimony nf the same being |
furnished , nnd all lines * o collected shall j
be placed In the general school funds the ;
name as other lines and p-uultles. >
lloiiBo roll 1R ! by Detweller. Amends
nectlon 21. subdivision 17 , chapter 7D ,
complied statutes. '
Section 21. That the board of educa
tion shall , annually , during the month of
January , estimate the amount of sources
lines. ifconseH and other sources ; they
shall report during the month of Janu
ary to the city council the number of
mills tax on the dollar deemed necessary
to bo levied upon all taxable property of
the district , .during the llscal year next
ensuing , for the support of the schools ,
for the purchase of school sites , for thu
erection and furnishing of school build
ings , for the payment of Interest upon
nil bonds Issued for school purposes
nnd for the creation of a sinking
fund for the payment of such Indebted
ness ; nnd the city council Is hereby au
thorized , directed and required to levy
and collect the number of mills tax so
reported and demanded by the board of
education In thu same manner as other
taxes are levied and collected ; provided ,
however , that In casu the purchase of
school sites and thu erection of buildings
shall require an expenditure exceeding
$25,0" ) for tiny ono calendar year , ino
question shall be submitted to n vote of
Ibo electors of the said district.
House roll CO , by Lemar , Amends .sec
tion 8 , subdivision II , chapter 79 , com
piled salutes. Changes the tlmo when
members of boards nf education take
their seats from July to the llrst Monday
In May succeeding their election.
Emergency clause. Approved April 1.
Ilouso roll 171 , by Clark.
To tunund section S.224 , the same being
statutes of Nebraska , 1&)7 ) ( s ate. uni
versity ) and to repeal said original sec
tion ; and to repal sect.on 5,225 , being
section 20 of chapter S > 7 of thu compiled
statutes aforesaid ; also to repeal sec
tions 5,231 , 5,231n , 5.2311 * . G.231C , 5.231d.
G,2ile : , 5,231f , C.231g , u.Kllh , the same being
sections 20 , 2Ga , 20b , 2Cc. 25d , 200. 20f.
20g , and 20d , of chapter S7 of the com
piled statutes of Nebraska 1S97.
Thu several funds for the support of
thu university shall bu constituted and
designated ns follows : I'lrst , the perma
nent eiidcxvmoiit fund ; second , the tem
porary university fund ; third , the uni
versity cash fund ; fourth , the United
States "Morrlll Kund" ; llfth. the United
States experiment station fund.
The permanent endowment fund shall
bo kept In two acounta ; In the llrst ac-
from the sale of hums donated to the
county all moneys derived as principal
from the sale of lands donated to the
state by the United States to establish
and endow a university anil In the second
account , all moneys derived as principal
from the sale of lands donated to the
state by the United States to provldo
colleges for the benefit of agriculture
nnd the mechanic arts , by an act of con
gress approved July 2 , 1&G2.
Provision Is made for the university
to acquire land by donation and to sell
the same so acquired.
The temporary university fund shall
consist of the proceeds of Investments
of the permanent fund ; of the rentals
of the university agricultural college
lands leased , and the Interest upon do-
ferrcd payments on sales of the lands
aforesaid ; of the rentals or Income of
lands or other property donated , without
particular object or uses being specllled :
nnd a tax of ono mill upon the dollar
of valuation of thn grand assessment
roll of the state , which tax shall bo ev-
led In the year 1S99 and annually there
after. All moneys accruing to this fund
are hereby appropriated for the mnln-
, tonance of tie ! university Including build-
i Ings nnd permanent Improvements anil
the same may bo applied by the board of
regents to nny and all university needs ,
except the Income from donations made
for particular purposes. Emergency
clause. Approved February 15.
Sennto fllo No. 127 , by Talbot of Lan
caster , to amend subdivision 0 , of section
07 ; sections 09 , 70 , 71 , 78 , 50 nnd 74 , of
nrtlclo 1 , chapter 13n , compiled statutes
of 18t 7 , "Cities of the First Class , " known
as the Lincoln charter.
Subdivision 0 , section 07 , chapter 13a , of
the statutes of Ib97 , Is amended so as to
permit thu city council to contract for
sidewalk building ns occasion requires , In-
htoad of by thu year.
Section 09 Is amended so ns to permit
the owners of a plurality of abutting feet
to determine on paving material. The
same section Is amended so ns to author
ize the city council to Issue bonds to
pay the cost of paving Intersections.
Authority to have grading and paving
done by days' work Is stricken from
section 70 , leaving It to be done by con
tract. The same change Is made In sec
tion 71 , relating to thu paving or ropav-
Ing of Intersections.
Section 71 , relating to special assess
ments. , authorizes the mayor nnd council
to make n-u-MeMsment if any special
assessment bo declared void or Its valid
ity Is doubted , duo credit to bo given for
any sums that may have been paid on
the original assessment.
Section 7S Is amended HO as to require
street railway compmilfM to lay center
bearing or T rails Instead of strap or
Hut rails.
Senate llle No. 273 , by Talbot of Lan
caster , to amend sections 110 and 111 uf
chapter 13 , statutes of 1S97.
Section 110. H shall bo unlawful for any
street railway to carry nny city olllcer ,
olectlvoorappolntlvu. except the chief nnd
members of the llro department and po
licemen , upon Its cars free or for a small
er charge than It charges other patrons.
Section 111. It shall bo unlawful for
nny olllcers of any city , except the chief
and members of the llro department and
pollcemun to accent or use any free pass
Irom a street railway company.
Senate llle No. 120 , y Spohu of Nuckolls ,
to authorize and empower cities of the
second class and cities having not moro
than 25,000 Inhabitants , to purchase , tnko
by donation or appropriation and control
land for parks and public rounds , and
to borrow money on tliu bonds of aucli
cities , for the purchase and Improvement
of such parks and public grounds , nnd
to call elections and submit propositions
to tlio electors of such cities for the
Issuance of such bonds , nnd to repeal
sections ll"a and M'.th. of chapter 14 ,
article 1 , of tlio compiled statutes of Ne
braska of 1S97 , and all acts und parts of
acts In contllct with this act.
Section 1. Any city of the second class
or any city not having mure than 25 , < HX )
Inhabitant * Is hereby authorized to take
land In fee within Its corporation limits
or within ono mile thereof by donation ,
purchase or appropriation and to Improve
and control such land for parks. The
Jurisdiction of the mayor , city council
and police power thcrof Hhall extend over
the same by vlrtuu of this uct.
Section 2. Thu mayor nnd council shall
hove power to borrow money and pledge
the property and credit of tno city upon
Us negotiable bonds or otherwise to an
amount not exceeding In the aggregate
$10.WO for the purpose of purchasing and
Improving land for parks and public
grounds as In this uct contemplated , au
thority therefor having llrst been ob
tained by a majority vote of the quulitled
electors of the city voting on such ques
tion at any general city election of such
city or nt any election called for that
purpose upon a proposition or propositions
submitted In the manner provided by law
for the submission of propositions to aid
in the construction of railroads and other
works of Internal Imurovemunt anU to
borrow money and pledge the property
io S4. M. lillollirook of
pmpowerlnic the cor-
* for nil net
| , ml. HUthi.rltlM of cliles of the ac-cond
{ limn vllliuiPM nnd count leu to take up
oiitHtandlng bonds , by
off valid
ml ny
" "
"n"i the Icwuo anil
i sue nnd Rule , or by tlicrefur , of bunds bearlnir an
, . . | iii.i or lower rule of imtTPHt. mid pro-
ncrll'lni' the procedure In that be ha f and
lep. ullntt neotloiiM Ilia to Mill , both In-
cliiKlvo. of iirtlclw 1. chapter 18 , of com
piled Hlatutex of Nebraska IMii. and sec-
tlon * 11. 12 nnd 13 , of chapter 15. of said
statute ! ! . . .
Section 1. The mayor and council .if
anv city of the xtvond da * * , the chairman
unil bimrd of trustee * of any village , and
the county board of any county , which
IUIH valid Interest-bearing bonds , may
take up the iim * and pay off nuch bond *
by the IHHUO ami nnle , or the IKHUO nnd
( xrhniifto therefor , of the bond * of such
city , village or county , which bond * so to
be luod shall not exceed the amount
lawfully owing upon the bonds sought to
be taken up. and tdinll bear Interest not
greater In into than that of the bonds
so sought to be taken up. and Mild Inter
est shall In no event exceed 0 per cent
per annum.
Section 8. Whenever It Is desired to
Isxue bonds undiM this act the authorities
described In secllon 1 shall give- notice
by publication fur a period of two weeks ,
nnd llx a tiny for the tiling of objections
l.y cltlxonsi. If no oblections are Jlled
against the validity of such bonds the
authorities may Issue or exchange , if
oblectlons are Illed such objections , to
gether with a full statement of the facts
i hall bo presented to the district court
at Its llrst session following the tiling
of such objections. An appeal may betaken
taken to tne supreme court from the
( leclslon of the district court , a bond to
, 't'UI in ittnrli n ciiali Mtt [ itlA'utlulllKa
uiii.l such appeal Is decided.
Section 3. The bonds iHsueil under this
net shall bo negotiable and shall run not
to exceed twenty years , and shall -bo
leglstered as provided by law for the
registration of municipal bonds , nnd shall
neither bu sold nor exchanged below par.
The sinking fund accumulated for the
payment of such outstanding bonds shall
bo used to reduce the amount of such
Section I. H Is made the duty of the
corporate authorities , when a net sub
stantial Having cun bo made , to take up
nnd pay oil' such outstanding bonds und r
the provisions of this act. A county
board may tfilio up precinct bonds un ler
this uct.
Emergency clause. Approved March 14.
Senate lllo No. 203 , by Newell of Cass ,
to amend section 11 , of article 2 , of chap
ter 14 , compiled statutes of 1897. relating
to cities of the second class , by placing
the olllces of city marshal and city attor
ney In the list of elective ofllccs.
Emergency clause. Approved March iM.
Sennto lllo No. 133 , by Arends of Otoo ,
that sections 4112 and GO , chapter 14 ,
article 1 , statutes of 1&97 , bo amcn.led
as follows :
Section 41. The corporate powers nnd
duties of every village shall be Vested
In the board of trustees , to consist of rtvo
members , two of whom shall be elected
to serve two years , said election to take
place at the llrst , annual election after
the passage of this act , and at each alter
nate election thereafter , two shall be
elected to serve two years and thrjo
shall be elected to serve two years.
Section 42. Any person may be a trun-
teu who shall have attained the ago of
twenty-one years , and shall bo a male
citizen of the United States , or decUro
his Intention to become such , who shall
have been an Inhabitant nnd taxpayer
of the village at the tlmo of his election ,
nnd resided therein for theo months next
preceding , and every trustee so clecd
shall hold his olllco for the term of two
years and until a successor Is elected
and quallflcd.
Section r > 0. On the llrst Tuesday of
April of each year nn election shall oe
held In each city and village , governed
by this chapter , for otllcers ns In this
chapter provided , all of which ofllcjrs
except councllmen and trustees shall lo
elected and qunllllcd , at which election
the qualified voters of each city may cu"jt
their ballots between the hours of 7
o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m.
Embergency chaise. Approved April .
House roll No. 252 , by Nesblt , to am nd
sections 14 , 15 nnd 10 , chapter 45 , com
piled statutes , relating : to Internal Im
provements. Permits cities of the second
class to Issue bonds for Improvemenl of
Emergency clauno. Approved April 4.
House roll No. 021 , by Detweller , amfliidi
section 70 , chapter 7S , compiled statutns ,
relative to disposition of road taxes anO
road fund. Provides that the half of
the county road fund which under the
former law in metropolitan cities and
cities of the llrst class ft-as at the dis
posal of the city council for roud pur
poses shall go "to the council of jnlil
cities to be used under the direction and
control of the board of park comntls-
Moncr * of such cities In the construction
and Improvement of roadways In the sys
tem of parks , parkways and bouievarjs
of such cities. ' '
Emergency clause. Approved April 2.
House roll No. 202 , by Weaver. Amends
section 1 , article 2 , chapter 2 , compiled
statutes , and permanently locates tl-.s
state fair at Lincoln. The board of pub
lic lands nnd buildings Is authorized to
select a slto for the fair within n radius
of thrco miles from the" state canltr.l
building nnd to purchase a slto provldo-i
that the same shall not cost to exceed
$1 for u clear nnd sulllclont title.
Emergency clause. Approved March " ( .
House roll No. 297 , by Pollard. Amends
section 10 , chapter 2 , compiled statute : ! ,
and repeals section previously existing.
The sum of two thousand llvo hundrcil
dollars shall bo paid out of the
fund annually for the use und benellt of
the state horticultural society , ono thou
sand dollars of said amount to be usj < !
In the payment of premiums awarded
by such board In the various tfrumMics
of horticulture nnd the remaining nffoeu
hundred dollars to bo used in the aid
and support of such horticultural society
In such manner und for such purposes
as the society may direct.
House roll No. 81 , by El wood. Repeals
sections 10 und 11 , chapter 2 , nrtlclo 4.
compiled statutes , relating to payment by
county of a bounty on the cultivation of
timber and making It the duty of asses
sors to report the condition of tlmt.ev
planted to receive the bounty. Emer
gency clause. Approved March 22.
Ilotifo roll No. 153. by Jansen. To re
peal chapter 33 of the compiled statutes
of 1R)7 ! , routing to the destruction of
House roll No. 121 , by Jnnson.
There Is created a food commission.
The governor Is made the food commis
sioner nnd ho shall have the power to
appoint a deputy food commissioner at a
salary of fifteen hundred dollars ( $1WO >
per annum , together with his expenses
ncluully and necessarily Incurred. H )
Hhnll bo a person of recognized standing ,
experience , ability and knowledge In and
concerning dairy and other food prod
ucts. Ho shall put up u $3,000 bond and
he may employ a clerk nt a salary ot
not over $75 per month.
The food commission shall be charged
with the enforcement of all acts con
cerning butter , cheese , "Immltiitlon nir-
tor , " "Imitation cheese. " milk and crouw.
vinegar , elder , and all laws concerning
dairy products , elder or vinegar or nny
Imitation or adulteration thereof. The
food commissioner shall have control over
the subject of testing milk and cream on
the farm. In the factory , skimming s'n-
tlon. milk or cream depot , milk or ere-in
wagon , or any other plijce where nn.k
or cream Is bought or sold , and mi ?
mnko such regulations concerning the
subject of testing milk and cream as he
may deem reasonable and just , nnd shall
have power to establish a mlnlnvn
standard of In milk nnd cream ,
The law provides for reports from man
ufacturers and at length donncs wno nrn
wholesalers und who nre retailors. Per
mits to do business In certain lines arc
necessary for which the following fee <
nro allowed and made mandatory , Includ
ing services of Inspection.
From each manufacturer of "Imltat'on
butter" or "Imitation cheese , " $100 ; from
each wholesaler In "Imitation butter" or
"Imitation cheese. " $25 ; from each man
ufacturer or wholesale dealer In so-cnled !
' grain" vinegar , "wine" vinegar or
"fruit" vinegar , $50 ; from each manu
facturer or wholesale dealer In elder , $15 ;
from ench manufacturer or whole il.
dealer In elder vinegar , $15 ; frcm ench
creamery. $10 ; from each cheese fnctui , - ,
$10 ; from each skimming cation. $1 ; fr un
each manufacturer of "ladle" butter. SIS ,
and from each wholesale dealer In butter
or chocso. $10.
The amount paid out rall In no cnso
exceed the amount received ns provldi-4
In the act , $5,000 per nntvm being appro
House roll No. 155 , by 'Vllcox. Amends
sections 19 and 21 , cli-ipvir 93a. article 3 ,
vlHlon I * Inserted tluit bum
wurinnts > " >
nun district
coupon * ;
Irrigation district taxes. 1 o
pun , tmrd In addition to powers under the
prouoiit lavIs empowered to levy an rs
iusHinont for the euro and iimintoimiuo
of Irrigation works already eontrue > . : d
salaries of uii'- '
nd for tin ; jmymonut or
eers and goneiul expenses which ass ss-
monl shall bo culit-tl the general lund.
Section 2 provides tluxt thu com and
cxpuiiHo of pureniislng and acquiring
property nnd constructing worka may ,
besides being paid out or tliu construe-
tlon fund , bu paid by district bonds pro
vided Tor In suction olio or the b.ll.
Emergency clause. Approved March 31.
HOUHO roll 131 , by llurthorn. Amends
section a , article i3 , chapter M , coin-
piled statutes. Provides in audition to
provisions iioturo In thu law tnai "tlio
olllcers of the bank seeking to quality
as a depository ior tuio UindHj Milan
bo Ineligible to sign Hie. bond proviucu
Jor under this secuon. " 'J be into of. in
terest required rroin the state deposi
tories on mate money Is cnnnged tram
3 per cent to 2 per cent and the lorm
or tlio bond set out Is altered according-
Emergency clause. Approved April 4.
House roll 05 , by Prince. Amends sec
tion 10. chapter 41 , compiled statutes and
repeals sections so amended. Reduces
the. rate or Interest on state warrants
from 0 to 4 per cent and provides : "No
bonds hereinafter Issued by any county ,
city , township , preelnet or school dls-
trlet , shall draw Interest at a rate ox-
dueos tn'p rateat Hiw.-ittir'lU' ill'l'-Wrfc '
from 7 per cent.
Senate lllo 50. by Allen of Furnns ; That
nil monies remaining In the hands of the
state treasurer , at the date of the passage -
ago of this act beloglng to the following
funds : Penitentiary fund , normal bulld-
\nii \ fund , stuu bond fund , capltol building
fund , reform school building fund , llvo
stock Indemnity fund , state rellof fund ,
conscience fund , Interest charged county
treasurer's fund , shall bo transferred to
the general fund , and all monies coming
Into these funds hereafter , from baclc
taxes , shall bo credited direct to the gen
eral rund. Provided , If there should bo
any warrants , which have been overlook
ed nnd not presented for payment and
shal be presented hereafter they shall bo
paid and charged direct to the general
Emergency clause. Approved Febru
ary 17.
House roll 585 , by Easterllng.
Section 1 , That section 2 , of chapter
75 , of the compiled statutes of 1S9J , bo
and the same Is hereby amended to read
as follows : The governor snail appoint
a superintendent , who shall , before en
tering upon the discharge or his olllco ,
give g * > end to the state of Nebraska
In the sum of ten thousand dollars with
sureties satisfactory to tne governor , con
ditional for the faithful discharge of his
duties. The governor shall .on the nom
ination of the superintendent , appoint an
assistant superintendent who may be re
moved by the superintendent or the gov
ernor. All teachers and other employes
shall be appointed by the superintendent
with ndvlcet and consent of the
governor , nnd may be removed by either
the superintendent or the governor. The
superintendent shall conduct such Insti
tution under rules and regulations pre
scribed by the board of public lands and
buildings and said board shall have power
to flx all salaries for all teachers anO
employes when not prescribed by stat
Section 2. That section 2 of chapter
75 , of the compiled statutes of 1895 , bo
and the same Is hereby repealed.
Emergency clause. Approved April L
Committee substitute to housu roll 251
by Taylor. Amends section 3 , chapter 28.
compiled statutes relating to clerks 01
thu district court , and repeals section as
before existing. Adds to the section aa
before existing us lollows :
"If the fees of said clerk shall exceed
$1,600 per annum In counties having less
than 25,000 inhabitants or In the fees
shall exceed $3.030 ner annum In counties
having moru than 25,000 Inhabitants am
less than 50,000 Inhabitants or If the fees
shall exceed $3,0X1 per annum in counties
having more than 100,000 Inhabitants , sale
district clerk , shall pay such excess Into
the treasury of the county In which ho
holds otllce. Provided also that the clerk
of the district court of each county shal
on the llrst Tuesday of January , April
July , and October of each year inalco a
report to the board of county commls
sloners under oath showing the dlfferen
Items of fees received , from whom , a
what tlmo and for what service and the
total amount of fees received by sucl
ofllco since the last report , and also the
amount received for the current year
Provided further , that If the county bean
of commissioners think necessary , sale
clerk may bo allowed one deputy at a
compensation not to exceed one-half tha
allowed his principal ; and such otho
assistants at such a compensation am
for such a time as aforesaid board maj
allow , and that none of said clerks , dep
utles or assistants shall receive any othe
compensation than that accruing to their
S. F. 132. by Van Dusen of Douglas : To
amend section 10 , chapter 23 , statutes of
1S97 , relating to fees of county surveyors ,
by adding : That In counties having a
population of moro than 100,000 , such sur
veyor shall receive a salary of $2,000 a
year , and In counties having more than
50,000 nnd less than 100,000 Inhabitants
such surveyor shall receive $1,500 a year ,
and that all fees received by said sur
veyor shall be turned over to the county
treasurer monthly.
S. F. 237 , by Holbrook , of Douglas : To
amend section SS , chapter 78 , statutes
of 1S97 , as follows :
For the purpose of building or keepIng -
Ing In repair such bridge or bridges , It
shall be lawful for the county boards of
such adjoining counties to enter Into
Joint contract ; and such contracts may
be enforced by law or equity , against
them jointly , the same as If entered Into
by Individuals , and they may bo pro
ceeded against Jointly by parties Inter
ested In such bridge or bridges , for any
neglect of duty In reference to such
bridge or bridges , or for any damages
growing out of such neglect ; provided ,
That If either of such counties shall re
fuse to enter Into contracts to carry out
the provision of this sec-lion , for the re
pair of any such bridge It shall be law
ful for the other of said counties to en
ter Into such contract fnr nil needful repairs
pairs , nnd recover by suit from the coun
ty so In default such proportion of thft
cost of making such repairs as It ought
to pay , not exceeding one-naif of the full
amount so expended.
House roll 517 , by Myers. Defines the
boundary of Sarpy county. Repeals sec
tion CS , chanter 17. article 1 , compiled
statutes , ns before existing.
House roll 210 , by Burnam. Repeals sec
tions 113 to 14S , chapter 16 , compiled stat
utes , as before existing and re-enacts the
building and loan association law.
The law brings In Its scone all corpor
ations raising money to be loaned among
Its members ; prevents ono member from
holding more than $5,000 stock ; prevents
one member from voting more than $5-
000 In proxies ; provides for a re-servo
fund , for a bid premium or otlu-rwlso
at the option of the association : limits
I the amount that may be loaned on real
estate and extends the tlmo uss * cUitlons
| may carry real estate from three to live
years ; provides for the liquidation .iiid reorganization -
organization of associations not In good
' condition , avoiding the necessity of re
ceiverships ; providing for at least an
nual dividends ; providing a systematic
keeping of the records ; giving the stato-
banklng board wider powers In connec
tion with such associations.
Two Men Itiirnrd to Death.
Broken How dispatch : A prnlrlo lire
which started In the sand hills has
been raRlng northwest and west of
town today. With the heavy wind It
traveled very rapidly , consuming
everything In Its path.
Tom Morrisey of Eureka \ alley waa
caught while trying to remove his
horses from the stable and consumed
with therm
John Koch , who lives sixteen mllea
.vest of here , started to return to his
nouso from some haystacks which ho
had been trying to save and waa
burned to death.
His liouse'in
Your human tenement
should be given even more
careful attention than the
house you live in. Set it in
order by thoroughly purifying
your blood by taking Hood's
Erysipelas- llltlo Rlrl Is now fat
nnd healthy on account of Hood's Sarsnpa-
rllla curing her of erysipelas and eczema. "
Mns. H. O. WIIF.ATLF.Y , 1'ort Chester , N. Y.
jfotidA SaMafxrtlffq
M mm0
Itnnd'i l'lll cure liver llh the non Irritating nnd
only 'cBtTiartie to take with llood'c Sur np tlfl > .
The COHKO river has nt ono plnco
thirty-two waterfalls within a distance
of 154 inllcn.
US. I'utrnt Olllci !
It Is officially announced that In ter
ritory subject to military government
" * " , * * . , " " ' ? " * ? rntrnor < nt nat-
cnts shall receive the protection ac
corded them In the United States , pro
vided certified copies of the oatents
are filed In the office of the covernor
general of such territory. This relates
specially to Cuba , Porto Rico and the
Philippines ,
We have succeeded In getting a pat
ent allowed to C. W. Cross , of Grln-
nell upon his application flled by Wed-
derburn In March , 1897 , for a clothes
pounder In which there Is a cylinder
and piston for forcing air and water
through the meshes of clothing upon
which It Is operated.
Upon appeal to the hoard of exam
iners In chief , we secured the allow
ance of a patent to Mrs. B. J. Dunn ,
of Humeston for a velocipede In the
form of a horse that when ridden will
simulate the motions of a horse with
pleasing effect to the rider and the
looker on. A company has been or
ganized and a factory started to sup
ply young America with the Invention.
Valuable information In printed matter -
tor and consultation and advice free.
Solicitors of Patents.
Dos Molnes , Iowa , April 22 , 1899.
The dentine of the teeth is perme
ated by tiny canals l-12,000th of an
In in diameter.
A. Hoimrliolit N
Every liouic ehoulil Unvu handy fur use a llttlu
box of Cascurets Candy Cathartic , ns u perfect
guardian of tha family health. All druggist * . lOc.
iSc.JOc ,
Italy's Income from foreign visitors
is estimated at $40,000,000 a year. In
Rome there are three times as many
hotels and boarding houses for tour
ists as there were twenty years ago.
FITS Permanently Cured. No fits or nerrousneBu after
first day'd ue of Ilr. KIlne'H Great Nerve Ilestorer.
Bond for FKICK 12.OO trial bottle and trratlse.
Do. U. II. KLINE , Ltd. , 31 Arch St. , 1'hlladelphla , I'a.
The Detroit arrived at Groytown
for an inquiry into the state of affairs
there before proceeding to Bluefields.
United States Minister Merry has al
ready started for the latter place from
Managua , and it Is believed here that
he will soon adjust satisfactorily , In
the presence of the Detroit , the issue
between the authorities under General
Torress and the American merchants.
Before the war Cuba contributed
about one-twelfth of all the tobacco
used In the world.
Try Grain = 0 !
TryQrain = 0 ! O
Ask you Grocer to-day to show you
a , package of GllAIN-O , the now food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
v Tlio children may drink H without
injury as well as the adult. All who
try it , like it. GRAIN-O has that
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java ,
hut it is inado from pure grains , and
the mostdelicato stomach receives it
without distress. the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
Insist that your grocer gives yon QRAIK-0
Accept no Imitation.
\ Don't be fooleJ with a mackintosh
| or rubber coat , If you wantacoat
J that will keep you dry In the hard-
Jest storm buy the Fish Brand
1 Slicker. If not for sale In your
] town , write for cttalocue to
1 A. J. TOWER. Dostun , Mass.
$5 to $25--Noiic Higher.
Bicycles SentC.O.D.
With privilege of examination.
TYPEWRITERS , all malies.
JJ. J. "KKK1HT AtCO. ,
1110 I-nrimm St. , Omaha. Neb.
I Vee Dig [ or unnatural
dlflcunrgi. ' ! , IntlaiiiuiHtlons ,
. I Irritations or ulcurutlona
- - of mucous iiieoibranm.
! l - - - - - - ramies * , and not antrlii.
WTHEEVANSCHtMICAlCO , Sent or poisonous.
\OIHCINN > TI,0 , ( _ I Soltl by I > rueilkl ,
nr nt In pl ln wrnjiper.
by eiprpm , pr pnlil , fJr
. , | , j.75.
Circular tent ou request
. . . ? yR" tyHlriE AIL tlS rAILS.
I Host Cough Bjrup. TutosOood , Use I
In time. Sold bydruirgUti ! .